Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Moving to California ❯ Friends can be a pain in the ass, ne? ( Chapter 48 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:Do not own beyblade,dont sue.Only owns her Ocs.Does not own the lyrics of the following songs either: Dont Fear the Reaper or Shinning Collection .Satisfied?You should be-clears her throat-

Nicholas:on with the chappie!!!

47-Friends can be a pain in the ass,ne?

After detention that day Destiney went over to Jade. They had agreed on doing band practice today as they had no opportunity yesterday. Destiney had a suggestion that they could perform on Rei`s birthday. The others agreed,and she told them which songs she had been thinking of.

She was dead happy when friday came. Friday meant weekend, she thought with a little grin. She would never understand what went on in the mind of her rival. For some reason he had been acting all possessive today,which she found incredibly strange. She didn`t like that he acted as if she was a part of his property. Annoyed she had turned to face him to tell him to fuck off. But as she opened her mouth and locked eyes with him she couldn`t say a word.

What was it about his eyes that intense? She frowned, her eyes narrowing for a second before both her brows rose to the hairline, her eyes wide like saucers. Those eyes...Hallowen! She turned her head away, her head in her hands.She refused to believe this...It had been Kai for Pete`s sake! Unwillingly she remembered how happy she had been that his company.

« Are you alright?» asked Kai, a hint of concern in his voice. She nodded frantically. Fate seemed to enjoy fooling around with her...She wondered if Kai knew. Sighing she shook her head and tried to concentrate about what the teacher said.

« Shit, I`m nervous!» Jade exclaimed and laughed a shaky laugh. Destiney smiled weakly. She was pretty nervous herself.It was Saturday evening,and the gang was located at Rei`s in the dojo. Every member of the raven haired boys`s family and dojo were there, sitting by the tables chatting with each other. Rei himself sat with Kai and Tala in the middle of the room.

Destiney, Nate and the girls did the last checkup on their instruments before they took a deep breath and hit the spotlight.Destiney grabbed the mic and cleared her throat to get everyone`s attention.

« Hello everyone! It is an honor to be here tonight, and Rei! Happy birthday to you from us in Dazzling Butterflies! We would like to play a couple of songs for you guys..So just lean back and enjoy the music» She glanced at the others,and Malisia gave the thumbs up to say that they were ready to start. She turned towards the audience again.

« The first song we`ll be playing tonight is called Don`t fear the Reaper, and is dedicated to you Rei».

She closed her eyes and waited for the signal from Jade`s keyboard to start singing.

All our times have comeHere but now they're goneSeasons don't fear the reaperNor do the wind, the sun or the rain..we can be like they areCome on baby...don't fear the reaperBaby take my hand...don't fear the reaperWe'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaperBaby I'm your man...Valentine is doneHere but now they're goneRomeo and JulietAre together in eternity...Romeo and Juliet40,000 men and women everyday...Like Romeo and Juliet40,000 men and women everyday...Redefine happinessAnother 40,000 coming everyday...We can be like they areCome on baby...don't fear the reaperBaby take my hand...don't fear the reaperWe'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaperBaby I'm your man...Love of two is oneHere but now they're goneCame the last night of sadnessAnd it was clear she couldn't go onThen the door was open and the wind appearedThe candles blew then disappearedThe curtains flew then he appeared...saying don't be afraidCome on baby...and she had no fearAnd she ran to him...then they started to flyThey looked backward and said goodby...she had become like they areShe had taken his hand...she had become like they areCome on baby...don't fear the reaper
Everyone were listening to Destiney and Malisia singing. The two of them made up the perfect duo, as Malisia`s voice was a bit deeper and darker than Destiney`s.People were spellbound by the beauty of the song they performed. The music faded and everything became dead silent for a moment before the audience started frantically applauding. The girls smiled. Destiney threw a look in her brother`s direction, he was smiling brightly aswell. Then she raised the microphone and motioned for people to be quiet again. They obeyed her without hesitating.

« We`re gonna play another song for you...» Now she was looking straight at Kai, a smirk playing on her lips

» And this song is dedicated to a certain enemy of mine. Thanks a lot for making me angry enough to write the lyrics».

Kai was jawdropped, to say the last. Had she really written a song because of him? He could feel Tala and Rei`s eyes on him. A little smile slipped across his face as he watched Destiney. She closed her eyes and waited for her signal. This song was hers alone. The signal came, and she opened her mouth to sing out.

The motion of imprisonment in a bed of glass
that is first broken by the fumbling of a lady
a loose collection of feathers with a tail of soliday
that almost screams the innocence desired at night
dancing through freedom and lies in the mood of depression
fragile puzzle pieces that break away from this course

Kiss shining, we're kissing in my eyes
Melting away even the flower petals in our way
Make me shining, changing into the most exciting colors
That first shone in a vision

The field of view excels the dimension of panorama
a perfect mimesis that can only tremble
a cheap touch whose reaction is to look for secrets
you want to see them even if they are coldly obscene
a sea of gushing pleasure that alters the colors of the rainbow
that strikes into this world adding shadows to the fringed game

Kiss shining, imitating loneliness
Cutting into space with entwined regret
Make me shining, fragments of my scattered heart
A radiance that surpasses hope

Red soaked fingertips dye the atmosphere with fluttering butterfly tears
And all is turned to sand... Shining, make you cry

Kiss shining, we're kissing in my eyes
Melting away even the flower petals in our way
Kill me shining, changing into the most exciting colors
That first shone in a vision

Please don't cryin', imitating loneliness
Cutting into space with entwined regret
Make me shining, fragments of my scattered heart
A radiance that surpasses hope

The whole sequence had been pretty intense to say. Kai could literally feel the air stir, jolts of electricity going through his body as Destiney sang. She loved to sing..And that she had made that song because of him? He didn`t know what to say or feel. So he settled with applauding for the performance.

The girls and Nate bowed deeply and bid their thanks to the crowd before they sat down by the boys.

« Bloody hell! That was one heck of a performance!» Tala stated, punching his fist at the air in eagerness. Malisia grinned and blew him a kiss. Those who had the responsibility for the kitchen today brought a HUGE chocolate cake with lit candles on top, the cake shaped as a katana. Mariah dumped onto her boyfriend`s lap. He smiled widely and blew out the candles in one breath. The cake was split and shared at every and each of the guests. Mariah managed to drag Tala, Malisia and Jade away from the others, talking to them in a low voice to avoid anyone eavesdropping on them.

«Ok..let`s put operation-get-Dizy-&-Kai-together-Nr.1 into life,shall we?» Mariah giggled. They had managed to get Tala in on this. Aya knew about it,but her job was to keep watch and cover up for them so the others wouldn`t be suspicious.

« Yo Dizzy! You wanna come help me with a cake?» Jade called.Destiney noticed the mischievous grin on her face, and looked at her suspiciously for a moment before she tagged along. The others didn`t even notice her leaving.

The cake Jade had mentioned was in a cottage, on top of the deep freezer, very well wrapped up. Actually so well wrapped up that there was no way in hell that they could get it open without a scissor.

« Damn! Wait here while I go get a scissor,ne?»

Destiney nodded and sat down on top of the deep freezer while waiting for her friend to return. The lights were flickering, almost about to die out now. And as she had predicted, it went pitch black in the net moment. It was cold too. Ok, it was rather silly to be scared of the dark when you were seventeen years old..but hey, she couldn`t help it! She fumbled her way through the dark to the door, and had half-ways opened it when someone came tumbling inside. She screamed in surprise and fell backwards with the newcomer on top, all sprawled on the floor.

« I am bloody gonna kill Tala...»muttered a familiar male voice.

She could swear that her heart stopped beating right then and there.

«Kai...?» she asked carefully.

« Yeah? Is that you,brat?» came the reply.

«Yup, it`s me..but what are you doing in here?»

He growled low in his throat and moved away from her.

« Tala tricked me into this...But I will kick his sorry ass when I get out of here!»

She could barely see his silhouette in the dark as he stood up and walked over to the door.

« Damn it!It`s locked!!!»

Her heart was beating madly within her chest as she added two + two in her head.

« Shit! They tricked us!!!» she exclaimed. He started banging on the door,cursing loudly for Tala to let him out. She felt her anger surface. What the fuck did they mean by doing this? Was this some kind of sick joke from their side? Kai kept banging angrily on the door for a little longer before he sighed in annoyance and sat down with his back against the deep freezer.

« I assume we are stuck in her until someone decides to let us out» he muttered and put his arms around his knees. She watched him from the corner of her eye. Her eyes had gotten used to the dark by now, and she could see a bit better than before. She felt the need to break the uncomfortable silence between them...and a song came to her mind, a song she had heard so long ago.

Kai looked at her puzzled when she started singing lowly. He recognized the lyrics, it was a song he had liked a lot when he was younger. Even now he would sometimes listen to it.

"During the twenty eighth hour, the night will end,it begins when the window is closed....."

She almost stopped singing in shock when Kai sang along with her. Only once a long time ago had she heard him sing, and his voice was even prettier than she could remember.
A smile slipped across her face as they silenced.

«I never knew you liked that song...»,she mumbled. He snorted.

« There is a lot you don`t know about me,brat» he stated and became quiet once again. She was shaking from cold now, her lips starting to turn blue. He noticed her shivering. His lips curled into a smug smirk.

« You cold, brat?» he asked teasingly.

« No!» came the quick reply.

So she refused to admit that she was freezing her ass off in here. With a swift move he pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. She yelped and started struggling hard to get free.

« Let fucking go of me, Hiwatari!» she hissed through gritted teeth and tried to push him away.

« No..I know you`re cold, I am too. So stop being stupid now».

She stopped fighting him and settled in his arms.

«So..what can we do to make time pass then? It can get very boring to just sit here without talking..Who knows? We might be stuck in here for hours still».

Kai didn`t reply. She sighed and leaned her head back, resting against his shoulder.

« Aydan should have been here...» she muttered. Destiney felt Kai tense up at the mentioning of her boyfriend. She frowned in wondering.

« Is something wrong, Hiwatari?» she asked in a teasing voice.

« No» he answered, but his voice held a sharp edge. She decided to have some fun with him.

« Don`t you like Aydan?»

She took his silence for an yes.

« You jealous of I right?»

He was litherally shaking from surpressed anger now.

« No, is there any reason for me to be jealous....if I may ask?» he hissed through gritted teeth.

« I don`t know...I think you ought to ask yourself that question....Right Hiwatari?»

The way he reacted to her teasing was...puzzling her a lot. Could it be that he actually was jealous of the brown haired boy? It almost seemed reasonable.

Kai felt her words cut deep and painfully. It hurt him that she was playing around with his feelings. Ok, he WAS jealous of Aydan, but he would never admit that to the white haired girl, even if he could admit it to himself!

« Shut UP ,Brat!» he snapped harshly. She silenced and decided to leave him alone.

« Hey..I was just kidding...I`m going to sleep»

She yawned and snuggles closer to him, her head resting on his arm now. It didn`t take her long to fall asleep. A single teardrop fell from his eye and made it`s way down his cheek. He didn`t bother wiping it away.

« Have you finally realized it? That there is no use fighting it anymore...?»asked the voice in his head softly.

« Yes...» he said bitterly and closed his eyes.

« Then all that is left is for her to do the same...» it whispered before fading. Kai pulled Destiney closer, pressing her carefully towards himself. She muttered something in her sleep and stirred a bit.

« Do you think they`re ok in there? It`s so quiet» Jade said worriedly, twirling a strand of hair absently around her finger.

« I don`t know...should we unlock the door?» Mariah asked. Malisia shrugged. The three girls sat with their ears glued to the door, listening for any sound at all. It had been quiet for a while now.

« I bet they`we killed each other» Mariah said,half jokingly, half meaning it.

« I wouldn`t be surprised....» Malisia muttered and rolled her eyes.

« Why are we doing this really? We all knowthat they will kill us when they get out...» Jade stated, wawing her arms frantically in the air.

« To get them together! They have to realize soon that they are perfect for each other...We are just giving them a little push ya know»,Mariah explained with a huge grin.

« Rei! Wait up!» they heard Aya call. The three girls hurriedly stood up trying to look innocent as Rei rounded the corner, closely followed by Aya. He suspiciously raised an eyebrow at them...he simply knew they had been doing something wrong by the fake innocent looks and the tip toing.

« What are you doing?»

Aya grimacedand wawed her arms behind his back.» Um..Nothing..?»

Rei rolled his eyes and tried to make his way past them to the door.» You can`t go in there!!!» Jade exclaimed and stood in his way. He pushed her away and tried the handle, unlocking the door. The four girls looked at each other nervously.

«Why are the lights out?And what the...? Dizzy?Kai?»

He popped his head back out with a smile.» You girl`s just have to see this! And where is Nate? We need his camera for sure...»

The looked inside, and they could barely keep their laughter in by the sight that met their eyes. Destiney was sitting close to Kai, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist,h er head resting against his chest. He had his arms around her aswell, his head on top of hers. Both were sound asleep.

« I`ll go find Nate» Malisia stated and ran off. Rei fumbled around and found a stool and a new light bulb,and without waking up the two rivals he turned on the light again. Mariah and Jade couldn`t keep the grins of their faces. Aya was back in the next moment,closely followed by Tala, Malisia and Nate with his camera.

« So..where are the lovebirds?»

They pointed towards the tweo sleeping teenagers. Nate looked like he was about to burst into fits of laughter right then and there when he saw them.Unfortunately for them...Kai was woken up by the blitz in his face. He blinked in confusion, not quite understanding where he was at the moment. Then he noticed their grins and looked down at th sleeping figure in his arms. His face went deep red when he realized what they were grinning at. Nate raised the camera and took another picture. Kai blinked in surprise and growled loudly.

« Give me that fucking camera!»

« Uh-oh!» Nate chuckled.

Kai was suddenly at his feet, raging mad, and they decided that it was for the better to run for dear life now. Screaming they all got scattered across the house, running in different directions.

Destiney woke up when her head hit the floor painfully hard. She sat up and rubbed her temple with a slight frown. What had happened here? She remembered that she had been sitting here with Kai,that she had fallen asleep after a little while. But where was he? The lights were on, the door was open...Confused she left the room.No matter how hard she tried, she couldn`t find any of the others either..they were all gone.

« He won`t find us here...» Jade mumbled.

« Don`t be so certain, Jadey. Kai has always been good at hide and seek, just think of when we were little».

She gulped. Tala was right. Kai had always been the best at that game. The two teenagers were currently located pressed tightly together in a locker. It was dark in there, and they could barely see anything at all.

« Not to sound complaining or anything...but your ass is sitting on top of my foot..and it hurts».

« Oh, I`m sorry!»she apologized and moved so he could get his foot loose, and in the end she winded up on his lap. Tala was damn glad that it was dark in here, because he was blushing like never before. Jade leaned into him, feeling how his heart was beating in his chest. She smiled. Then the thought of Rydan came to her mind. She would have to break up with him..but it hurt so badly.

-end chapter-

Yours sincerly, Kanilla & Nicholas