Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Of Traitors and Thieves ❯ Stars ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thank you to reviewers, you are the best people ever and I love you all! *mwah* Um, disclaimer, yeah. I don't own any of beyblade and I don't own the song that Kai sings to Rei, which is called 'Stars' by Tatu….and yes, I know there are rap bits in between, but *points to her passport* I'm English, don't know Russian, therefore, the raps will have to be left out. *Pokes tongue* Oh…yes…I have changed this…..there was originally a different song, but ack, the style mucked up, sooooo, new song…….

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Of Traitors and Thieves

Chapter 5- Stars

Kai glanced back to see that Tyson, Max and Kenny were talking quietly amongst themselves, occasionally glancing up towards Kai and Rei who had their arms wrapped around each other. Kai turned back and smiled. Rei was his and he didn't care what anyone thought. They were in love and that's the way it would stay forever.

"Kai?" Kai looked down surprised to see Rei's amber eyes smiling looking up at him, full of fear. Kai frowned.

"What's wrong?" he asked and pulled Rei up so that he was sitting right in front of him.

"Y…y…you were scowling and-" Rei paused. "-It doesn't matter." Kai pulled Rei closer to him.

"And what?" He asked, his voice was deep and held a hidden warning. It wasn't intended, it came naturally. Tears sprung to Rei's eyes and he held out his arm. Blood poured from five smallish cuts, Kai recognised them as fingernail marks and looked down and his hand. Sure enough, there was blood on it.

Kai started to breathe quickly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry!" He took Rei in his arms and started crying

Rei rubbed his hand around in circles on Kai's back and glanced at the teammates they had forgotten were there. They all looked shocked that Kai was crying - no, not shocked, that was the wrong word. Frightened, yes that was it! They were frightened. Kai didn't cry, he couldn't, he was strong.

//And he's crying because he hurt me.\\ thought Rei bitterly.

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Later that night, the earlier incident forgotten, Kai watched Rei sleeping. He looked so peaceful, so safe, so loved. Kai gave one last smile at his koneko and lay down properly beside him and fell asleep.

>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_> _>_>

Kai woke up to a screaming beside him; arms were thrashing wildly and caught Kai on the side of the head. He moaned and then shot up, taking a hold on Rei's shoulders and shaking him.

"Rei!" He said, "Rei! Wake up. Come on love, wake up." Kai winced as Rei screamed and started kicking out more furiously; he was becoming hard to control. Tears flew down Rei's face in torrents and Kai tried hard to choke back his. He hated seeing Rei cry and he looked so helpless-so lost.

With one final agonised shout Rei sat up violently and clung to Kai.

"He…him…it burnt me…Kai! Help…don't let him…KAI!" Rei yelled at Kai and clung even tighter. His sobs wracked his body as well as Kai's and the older boy could no longer contain his own tears. He cried as well, fuelled by love for Rei and hatred for his grandfather.

When the crying had subsided, Kai lay down on his back and pulled Rei on top of him. They lay like that for an hour before Rei -still hiccuping from his crying- spoke softly.

"Sing me a song." He requested, his words slurred because his face was buried in Kai's T-shirt. Kai gently pushed Rei off him and lay him down properly, and then he lay on his side next to Rei and draped his arm around him protectively.

"Ok." He gently kissed Rei on the forehead and cleared his throat.

"How did we ever go this far?
You touch my hand and start the car
And for the first time in my life
I'm crying.
Are we in space? Do we belong
Someplace where no one calls it wrong
And like the stars we burn away
The miles.

How did we ever get this far?
It shouldn't have to be this hard.
Now for the first time in my life
I'm flying.
Are we in love? Do we deserve
To bear the shame of this whole world?
And like the night we camouflage

How did we ever go this far?
You touch my hand and start the car
And for the first time in my life
I'm crying

Are we in love? Do we deserve
To bear the shame of this whole world
And like the night we camouflage

"Rei, I love you, ok? I would never willingly hurt you. I don't know what happened earlier, but, I didn't mean to, I never meant-" Kai was cut off when Rei's lips gently pressed against his own.

"I never doubted you for a second." He kissed Kai again, more passionately and that night when the darkness of his nightmares consumed him, he did not stir, because there was no darkness…only a lover's sky filled with stars.

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Okay! What did we think? Was it good? I think it was quite short. Aaaaaaand I'm no good at romance. *grins* Now I sound like Blue. Who is good everybody! Go read her fics. 'Blue Winged Angel' her name is. *shooing motion* go read.