Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Silwery Eyes ❯ chap five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thank you lovlies, for the cute rewiews you left me!

I felt like I was being a bad person for not updating for THIS long, forgive me!


Chapter five

Night fell like a blanket and left them in the dark. Kai felt sleepy, his eyes were closing by themselves now. Akira was sitting in a chair by his bed reading in the dim light from the candle.

"Akira..come to bed?" he begged quietly.The silver haired boy didn't even raise his head.

"Go to sleep", he ordered. Kai couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.

It was still dark outside when he woke up again. He blinked sleepily a couple of times.The faint sound of crying reached his ears. He sat up and looked at Akira and was immensely surprised to find that the other boy was crying in his sleep.

"Akira...",he whispered softly, lightly shaking his shoulder.

"Wake up..",he said,still not getting any response from the sleeping boy.

Kai moved closer to him and rested his head on his shoulder before draping his arm across his chest. Akira stopped stirring and lay quietly.

"Sleep tight Akira",he smiled and closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes,staring straight into a mop of blue hair. Still sleepy he sat halfways up and found that Kai had been lying very close to him. He smiled and ran his fingers throught the boy's hair. It felt so soft against his pale skin. He chuckled. Today he felt a lot better. He had slept very well tonight.

Kai watched Akira carefully as he waited for the attack. They were circling around each other, both observing every move the other made. He had never seen anyone as fast as the silver haired boy. His speed and strenght were incredible and not even Kai whom had trained material arts since he was five could defeat him.

Kai had tried to predict his moves but he always did something weird and unexpected. He had been taken aback with surprise when Akira had switched swordhand from right to left.There was a loud cling as they crashed together, fighting for dear life.

But soon Kai found that the other boy had knocked the sword out of his hand again. He groaned in frustration.

"Come on,Kai. Let us go back inside",Akira said and pulled him to his feet. They settled in the kitchen.

Kai was craving something sweet and sugary to eat. Voltair had never allowed him to eat much candy or food that contained sugar-said it was bad for his health. Ice cream however he was allowed to eat every once in a while. Satisfied with himself he went to fetch ice cream for the two of them.

Kai noticed that Akira was in a much better mood today. The older teen would smile at him and speak softly to him with that seductive voice of his. Kai couldn`t help but go weak at the knees as Akira smiled at him. He had such a pretty smile that it made Kai hurt inside.

He remembered how Akira had taken him, first against his will. Kai was glad that he had been persuaded. It had been a painful,but pleasurable experience. They sat in the kitchen eating their ice cream and Kai kept watching Akira's every move-how he held the spoon, how he licked of the sweet substance.

He was spellbound.

Akira smirked as he saw how Kai was staring at him.

"Silly...",he muttered with affection in his voice.

Kai blushed a light crimson and lowered his head in embarrassement.

"No need to feel ashamed, pet...I think you are cute",he said.

The blue haired boy blinked and raised his head and looked at the older boy with a puzzled expression on his face. Akira smirked again.

" are being cute right now....I can't wait for tonight".

He said the last words with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Kai gulped and nervously started fumbling with a button on his shirt. Was Akira going to do that to him again? In one way he wished for it to happen, but in another way he didn't.It had been so painful, yet so desirable.

"Finish your ice cream, we better head for your German lessons now"

Kai nodded.

Kai felt his heart pound rapidly in his chest as Akira unbuttoned his shirt with eager fingers. His chest was rising and falling quickly and his breathing was fast. He was scared shitless yet excited.

The shirt was thrown onto the floor and Akiraquickly moved on to his pants,almost tearing them off. Soon they were rid of all clothing, nothing between them. Kai stayed passive as Akira let his hands travel across his body as they pleased, his lips planting hungry kisses on his neck. It was just as painful as it had been last time.

It still hurt just as much. Kai cried out in pain and grabbed hold of Akira's hand in desperation, needing something to keep his mind focused at as the silver haired boy gently rocked his hips, pushing into him with might.

He wanted to cry,and let the tears fall freely as they moved together. Akira growled and pushed deeper, making Kai release another cry in pain. He felt it as if he was being torn apart right now, like Akira was trying to destroy his body. But he didn't struggle, knowing that the pain would pass eventually-it had to.

Akira sucked at his skin, gnawing carefully at his collar bone.Then he bit a little harder and sank his teeth into the pale and vulnerable skin. Kai sobbed quietly as the other did whatever he pleased. Akira kept biting Kai, leaving red marks all across his shoulder and neck. He grabbed tighter hold of the younger boy's hand,pressing his nails into his palm hard enough to make him bleed.

It felt like an eternity had passed them by when Kai finally got his release. He arched his hips upwards and cried out again-but not in pain this time. Akira smirked and pushed forward again, the adrenaline flowing through his veins at tremendous speed. Feeiling the strength leave their bodies they lay quietly, panting hard. Akira pulled out and lay by his side. Kai gasped for air for a moment before he turned his head to look at him with those innocent and loving eyes.

"Akira...Kiss me...?" he begged silently.

Akira moved closer and pressed his lips onto Kai's. He pushed his tongue past those parted lips, claiming Kai's mouth with his own tongue. Kai completely submitted and kissed him back eagerly. They pushed against each other, their bodies pressed together between the sheets. Kai was on top with his arms around Akira's neck as the kiss deepened.

When the need to breathe drove them apart Kai collapsed onto the older boy and just lay there.

"Akira...I love you...", he whispered with tears in his eyes.

He made no attempt to blink them away this time and they fell onto the other boy's chest. Akira wrapped an arm around him and stroke his fingers along the bite marks he had made on the younger one's neck.

"Love you too, pet",he replied.

Kai sniffled and buried his head in his chest, sobs wrecking his body. He still hurt, he felt torn and ripped. But it didn't matter how much it hurt-all that mattered was that Akira was by his side.

I hope that wasn't -that- bad. You even got some lemony stuff there-lol-
