Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do I Care? ❯ matters that matter ( Chapter 3 )

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Chapter 3
“Can I be excused please?”
Kia was in school; it was the lesson before lunch.
“Of course Kia, but why?” the teacher asked.
“I'm not feeling my best”
Kia was standing in the front of the class having this conversation. So nobody apart from the teacher knew what she was saying.
“Then go to reception: if you're leaving make sure I'm informed”
So about twenty-five minutes later Kia was in her mother's car on her way home.
“It's because you don't eat properly” her mother was saying “All that junk food between meals….”
Kia listened quietly; she had heard this speech many times. Thankfully they arrived home pretty quickly. As her mother still had to go back to work, Kia entered the house on her own.
She made herself a sandwich and watched some TV. Then getting tired, she went up to her room and fell asleep.
Kai, Calica and Ryushi were standing in the parking lot.
“Where is she? I didn't see her at lunch or any of the lessons after that.” Kai said.
Now you tell us! After fifteen minutes. Did it ever occur to you that Kia could have gone home?” Calica said, sighing loudly.
Kai didn't answer, just got into the car, waited for the other two to get in and drove out of the parking lot.
“Kia, Kia wake up”
She woke up to see her mother lightly shaking her.
“Here I got you some coffee.” Her mother said, handing it to her. “How do you feel?”
“Fine. I think I'll be perfectly fine to go to school tomorrow” Kia answered.
“Well if you need anything, dad and I are downstairs.” Her mother said moving towards the door.
“Where's Ryushi”
“Oh he's at Horizon” came the answer.
Kia looked down at the cup she was holding. Well you would expect that from him. He didn't actually worry too much. His popularity and reputation mattered more than his sister.
All her friends were like that. They were all popular, known for their looks and talents. The most popular people at school.
She had no talents, at least no talents that would make her popular. Her looks were average, not too bad but not too good either. She was slightly nerdy too, she liked to get good grades, but trying to get good grades isn't popular
Kia was invisible. Nobody noticed her. She was taken for granted. How many times had her friends persuaded her into letting them copy her notes from school?
How many times had she been ignored by them, when they were in front of a crowd where there popularity and reputation mattered?
Kia didn't know. Too many times…………..
The only actual reason she was still friends with them was because they had been friends together in primary school. But then high school happened……………
She sighed. It didn't matter. She would still keep living like this. Forever.
Kia shook her head, spilling a little bit of the untouched coffee on her sheets. OF COURSE IT MATTERED!
She got up carefully, put her cup down on the bedside table, grabbed some loose sheets of paper and tried to soak the spilt drink.
It was her life. They didn't matter, she did. They had no right to use her like this; be it her friends or her own twin brother.
But what was she to do?