Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do I Care? ❯ martial arts ( Chapter 2 )

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Chapter 2
The next day Kia's mood wasn't any better, though she didn't show it on the outside. They weren't late for school this time and most of her morning went fine. It was at lunch that anything did happen.
Kia was walking back from one of her classes with Max, Kai and Miriam. For once Kia and Kai weren't arguing, both were just lost in their own thoughts. Max and Miriam chattered away filling the silence.
“I need to stop at my locker; you guys go ahead without me.” Kia said
Max and Miriam just nodded and walked on.
“I'll wait for you” Kai muttered.
Kia stared at him.
“You'll wait for me” she stated in disbelief.
“Yes. Can't I wait for anybody? Max and Miriam were annoying me anyway”
“Fine, don't bite my head off.”
“Well then hurry up.”
“Ever heard of something called patience?” Kia asked him, shutting her locker.
Kai just glared at her.
“You both never stop do you?” Calica was walking up to them and then flinched when the death glares were pointed at her.
After things had calmed down they started walking towards the field where the Oak was. A sound made them turn.
“Hey babes” a boy winked at the girls from across the field.
They just ignored him, but by the way Kai took a threatening step towards him you could see that he was very protective of his sister and, even though she didn't know it, Kia.
“Where's Ryushi?” Kai asked, still looking at the boy from the corner of his eye.
“He needed to stop at his locker, Ray's with him too” Calica answered.
They reached the Oak and found only Max, Tyson and Miriam there.
“Hi” they said together.
“Hi” Calica replied, Kia nodded and Kai didn't bother with any greeting. Well you couldn't expect more from him.
Kia settled herself at the crook of the tree and got a book out of her bag.
“You're not going to read are you?” Tyson asked.
“What does it look like?” Kia answered not looking up from her book.
“Kia you always read” Miriam said.
“At least it's better than the laughing” Kai said a smirk on his face.
Kia smiled. Anyone or Anything could make her laugh. She laughed very easily. It was her strength and her weakness.
“Leave me alone, I want to read”
But the truth was she couldn't read. The thing Jade had said kept bothering her. And apart from that she had thousand other things on her mind.
“Kia, KIA!”
She looked up startled, the others had arrived; they were all looking at her.
“You've just been staring at nothing for most of lunch. You're not actually reading, are you? Kai asked her
She didn't answer; instead she closed her unread book and put it in her bag.
“How much time till the bell?” she asked.
“10 minutes” Kai answered, still looking at her.
Kia got up and swung her bag over her shoulder.
“Where are you going?”
“I need to get some stuff out of my locker.”
Then without another word she started walking to the school.
She entered the building and walked towards her locker. In front of it stood Jade.
“What do you want slut?” she asked her eyes flashing.
“Your answer. Are you going to leave my Kai alone or what?
“Listen I don't know what you're talking about. I don't like Kai, not that way.”
“Don't deny it Tilwaree, you're jealous.”
Few people had stopped to see what was happening, but right now Kia surprisingly, didn't care.
“Jealous of what? You?”
“Of course, you know all the boys like me and not you”
“I don't care if boys like you and not me” Kia lied, the biggest problem with Kia was she always cared about what people thought about her. “As for jealousy, get over yourself Jade”
“Of course you don't care. You're just waiting for your true love, aren't you? Well here's a piece of information, he's never going to come.”
The entire colour from Kia's face drained. That remark had hit square. The only reasons Kia didn't pay attention to boys was that she always wanted the right one and because she cared too much.
Satisfied with herself, Jade smiled and walked off.
Kia unconsciously took her books out and started walking to the next lesson. Students were whispering. `Great, one more thing to worry about. Why did she care?'
School was over and Kia and the others were on their way home. Kia didn't know if her friends had heard about the `conversation' she'd had with Jade. If they had they weren't showing any sign. Ryushi and Calica were just talking while Kai was listening and driving. They didn't seem to notice there was anything wrong with her.
“Are you going for martial arts today Kai?” Ryushi asked
“Yes. Why?
“Could you give Kia a lift then?” Ryushi said not looking at his twin.
Kai glanced at her from the rear-view-she didn't seem to be listening, frowned and then nodded. When they reached home, Kia just got out and like she did yesterday, walked out without a word.
Kia ran down the stairs dressed in black, baggy trousers and a tight black shirt. She went into the kitchen. Ryushi was sitting there.
“Tell mom and dad I'll be home late, we're having an extra hour of martial arts.” She said to him.
“But how're you going to get there?” Ryushi asked, realizing he hadn't told her.
“Weren't you the one who decided I'll be going with Hiwatri” she said, scowling slightly.
“Oh ya, I forgot”
Kia just snorted and walked out of the front door, slamming it behind her. She walked towards the Hiwatri's house. Kai was outside getting in the car, he was dressed similarly to her. He looked up and saw her. He drove the car towards her and waited for her to get in. Kia didn't usually sit in the front seat but that wasn't necessarily the reason she was feeling slightly uncomfortable
“You remember we have an extra hour today?” she said quietly
Kai just nodded. After a few minutes he stopped in front of a huge dojo. They got out of the car, entered the dojo and made their way towards one of the inner rooms.
“There you two are!” a voice called.
An old man dressed in white martial arts clothes was walking towards them; Ray was behind him. Their master might be old but he was the best fighter Kia had ever seen. She and Kai bowed.
“I want you to go to the main hall. I've got an announcement to make” Hochi, their master said.
Kia and Kai exchanged glances and then looked enquiringly at Ray, who just shrugged. The three of them walked towards the centre of the dojo, where ten or so pupils were already assembled.
“Now I have called you all here to make an announcement.” Hochi said from the raised platform he was standing on, “There will be a tournament. All martial arts schools will be participating. There will be a demonstration given by all schools, in different groups according to your degree. There will be many contests, the most important one will be fought in pairs, one boy and girl will fight together against other schools. The pair, who wins, wins the tournament for their school.”
By this time, all students listening were whispering excitedly.
“You all know what I am about to say next, so get into your boy-girl pairs and start practicing so that I can determine who will represent our school in the grand contest” and with that he stepped off the platform and was out of the room.
Kia and Kai looked at each other and grinned. (Well Kia grinned not Kai!) How much ever thy fought they made a great martial arts team. Ray though, was looking quite unhappy. As if he had heard their thoughts, Hochi came in again.
“Ray I've got a partner for you” he said while motioning a girl inside.
Kia stared. She had never seen so much pink in her life, pink hair, pink ribbon, she was even allowed to wear pink clothes.
Wonder what her favorite colour is?
“Guys this is Mariah” Ray said, introducing her. “Mariah, you know Kai and this is Kia”
Kia smiled and nodded. Kai just nodded, which was something! They moved to a corner and got into the ready stance.
“How does Ray know Mariah?” Kia asked, blocking Kai's kick.
“Didn't you know? He use to go out with her.”
Kia snorted. “I would know if someone told me.”
They fell silent, concentrating on the fight.
Two hours later everyone in the hall was sweating. Hochi came in to relieve them.
“Everyone can stop now it's time to leave. Kia I want a word.” He said.
Kia exchanged a worried look with Kai and walked towards Hochi. Kai waited near the door.
“Off you go Kai, wait for her outside.” Hochi said, smiling.
`Um, you wanted to talk to me Hochi?” Kia asked
Hochi waited for everyone to leave before answering.
“Yes, I wanted you to conduct staff (that's a long wooden stick used for fighting) lessons for the juniors and prepare them for their demonstration.”
“Why me?”
“Because you're very good at it. And anyway I think the children will like you! Do you want to do it?”
“Of course sensei, it's an honour!”
“You'll have to come on Thursday as well.” Hochi said.
“That will be no problem” Kia answered, smiling.
“Off you go then”
“Goodnight Hochi” Kia said bowing.
Kia walked out of the dojo. Kai was waiting in the car for her.
He didn't ask what Hochi had wanted and Kia didn't tell him. Kai never put his nose in other people's business, even the slightest thing. Never.
They passed the journey in silence. Kai stopped in front of Kia's house.
“We don't really need to practice, do we?” Kai asked, referring to the tournament.
“No we'll be fine. See you tomorrow.” Kia answered, getting out of the car.
She waited until he passed through the gates of his house and then went inside.
“I'm home!” she yelled.
“We're in the kitchen” came her brother's voice.
Her parents and Ryushi were sitting on the table eating food. Her mother was about to get up to give her something to eat when Kia stopped her.
“I'm not hungry, I think I'll just to bed.”
“Are you sure? You didn't eat anything yesterday either.” Her father said.
“And you're looking very pale too.” Her mother looked worried.
“Honestly I'm fine, just tired” she said and then when her parents nodded she said goodnight and rushed to her room.
She flung herself on the bed, fighting the sudden urge to cry.
`Why don't I cry?' she thought `it's not like anyone will know. Why do I always have to be strong and bear everything? Why can't I just be like other girls, go out and just hang around with my friends?'
She sat up in her bed and looked into the mirror.
`Why do I have to be so different?
Hope you liked it!