Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ Mirrors of Reflection ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: *intense scenes of yaoi and blood. Please, do not read if it bothers you.* First half is a delving into kumo history as Joucihi reveals and finally shares some of his greatest pain and beginning of his personal fall. Back and forth as battles flow as Kameron, Chanak, Asuna, and Jouichi all face and delve out punishment. A son realizes a truth as he has to come to reality. Bilae, Ayille, and Sanra all muck up and cause pain and confusion. Thank you all for reading and as always, I love to hear from you. Some resolutions are nearing as the battles in the past will meet up with the future tying all eras and some major facts will be dropped. THANK YOU!

Mirrors of Reflection

Asuna ported back to her base and she flung herself at Kameron. He held onto her and she was checking him to make certain that he was okay. He tried to stop her from fussing and he knew she was panicked about Chanak. His queen was snarling and hissing at his few injuries and she was angry. She was thoroughly angry at Jouichi and the kumo man did look guilty.

“Are you certain you are okay?” She asked.

“Yes mistress! I swear. It was my idea my lady. I dragged Jouichi along.” He said trying to smooth things over.

“Do not lie to me!” Asuna snarled.

“Mitsukai! I am sorry. I allowed my anguish the better of me.” Jouichi explained in shame.

“Jouichi! You knew I would not want you going after her! Damn it! She is not weak! She damn near killed you when the twins were born. Why can you not wait?” His mate raged.

“Because she stole my girl child from my life and it is unforgivable! You have given me two more but Sakina was still my child. How can I ever forgive or forget her?” Jouichi asked in anguish.

She lifted her fist and it shook in her anger and her own pain. She could not entirely be angry at him but she also could not entirely be un-mad at him. Asuna was furious and she snarled at him as she suddenly stormed away.

“Mitsukai please?” He called after her.

“Give me space for now Jouichi! You erred.” Asuna screamed back at him.

He sighed as she stormed away and he knew she was right. He looked over at Kameron and his friend put his hand on his shoulder.

“She will calm my friend. Chanak is dear to her as well.” Kameron stated gently.

“Then let me retrieve him! I am sorry.” He sighed feeling idiotic.

“She would be angrier and more incensed if something happened to you as well Jouichi.” The frère stated in complete honesty.

“This cannot stand.” The beautiful man uttered and he stormed off after his treasured lover.

Kameron knew there was fixing to be a huge blow up. The frère looked at Kenta and the wolf spider nodded. He slipped away and the ookami kumo were stealthy and lone hunters. Kenta was a hell of a fighter and an insanely good tracker. Her turned also knew of a better tracker and he thought long and hard. They had problems dealing with theses taijiyas and he felt perhaps it would be best to bring one of the best here. He made up his mind and he went searching for Fionn.
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“Mitsukai, I would speak!” He called after her.

“I do not like you right now!” She snarled back at him.

“You do not have to feel tender but listen to me!” Jouichi demanded as he came up behind her.

“Do not dare try to sweet talk me with eloquent words Lord Gaku Jouichi! You fucked up! You are one of my most powerful mates yet you let your emotions lead you!” She seethed.

“As if you do not angel?” He retorted.

“That is not fair Jouichi!” Asuna said getting in his face.

“Really? You gave me Sakina. You bore me our child from your body against Sendai and gave me my daughter. You gave me purpose again. You gave me a life and you expect me to shun her memory and cower as a fool? My mother would never have asked that of me!” He said smoothly.

“I am not your mother Jouichi!” She growled loudly.

“No, you are not but your soul was. She would not have allowed me to cower and because you have become inu you expect and demand that I abide. I cannot! I am her son Mitsukai! I am her son and I always will be her son. I am the son of Ayana the Great and I will act my nature.” The beautiful man said standing up to her.

“Hell no! NO! I will not survive! I will die! You fool! If you live on than I am ok but if you die than I will as well!” She cried out as she stared at him.

“I will not die my heart, my soul, my reason for being.” He said coming to her and gathering her in his arms.

“You are trying to sweet talk, charm, and overwhelm me Gaku Jouichi! It is not fair or right. If something happened to you or Kameron…I could not think or function. I could not…you bastard!” She moaned as his mouth was pressed against her juncture.

-Please Mitsukai. Please, do not be angry with me. I need you. Always in need of my sweet. Please? - Jouichi thought.

“You did this to those onna when you were young! You befuddled their senses until they dropped their kimono for you! You are a cad! You are a beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, god like cad Jouichi!” She groaned as he did not let up.

-I have not a good soul? - He inquired in mind as he licked up her throat.

Asuna’s breath hitched and she trembled for him. He knew she was severely angry and he hated fighting with her. He avoided it always and he remembered his fights with his mother. They never ended up inappropriate. He always lost his head and slammed her against a wall, the floor, or her bed. His mother’s eyes would widen and she would stare at him as his chest heaved with emotion.

“How dare you Jouichi!” Ayana snarled at her still young son.

“How dare I? I want to know where you go!” Jouichi snarled in his mother’s face.

“I am your mother! I want to know why you seem to need to fuck worthless whores under my roof!” She snarled back.

“Because you do!” He retorted.

“You are my son!” She hissed.

“You are my mother.” Jouichi said in anger.

“We used to fight often Mitsukai. I had such insane need for you. I needed you. I used to come to your bed even as a young man to hold you. I know how maddened it made what I thought was my father. We were so close but we fought so much. We hated most of each other’s lovers.” Jouichi admitted as his peppered her chin and jaw with soft kisses.

“Should never have been born to me.” She whined as he only traced his lips on her skin.

“Well of course we know this now. Do you know how much I loved Ayana?” He asked hoarsely.

“I know. She loved you too.” Asuna admitted with more emotion.

“Close your eyes my Mitsukai.” He said softly.

“Why?” She asked softly in return.

“I will show you something I have never shown you.” He said threading fingers into her hair.

“What?” Asuna asked with trembling in her voice.

“You always trust me. Trust me now.” He pleaded.

Asuna nodded and she shut her eyes. She lowered her mental barriers and she was filled with his utterly powerful and sensual mind and memories. Her breath caught and she moaned as she just felt his inner being. Jouichi was just so magnificent that it made her warm in so many places. Asuna felt and she began to see.
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He stood by and Lord Gaku Jouichi had presented his newborn son; Prince Hisashi to his people. His mate and consort Lady Fusae looked ravishing in a pale gold kimono and his eyes held deep passion. His mate was a beautiful onna. It was true she could be cold sometimes. Fusae did have it in her to be cruel as well. He hoped that the longer they were mated that they would develop a deeper bond. She would not nurse their son and that hurt him but some noble onna would not do so. His mother had nursed all of her children. Ayana had been different. Ayana had been a goddess almost.

“Jouichi, I tire.” Fusae complained.

“As you wish. I will see Hisashi to his rooms.” His said gently eyeing his handsome son who favored his lovely mate.

“Do you intend to have him in his cradle by your futon?” She asked in a nasty tone.

“Why would I not?” He asked confused.

“Ugh. Funnels.” She rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Your Haha is still grumpy after birth. She will come around. My own Haha got grumpy too. Shall we go and visit her now?” Joucihi asked his babe and the boy gurgled softly.

Jouichi walked with his son and he appeared before his mother’s shrine and the unknown man named Nagaharu. He went to his knee and held up his son as he bowed his head.

“Mother? This is Hisashi. He was only born three days ago. I had hoped for a girl that I might name her after you but a son pleases me, I must admit. I find Lord Bihua here often. I know he loved you but I hated him. Chikara and I are talking again. I wronged him Mother. I am so sorry. I understand now why you did what you did. I understand my actions made you very unsettled. I miss you so much and I find myself so very alone yet I have my siblings. I have my mate but when I look at her I only hope that one day she may look at me the way you did. I hope she may love me; Jouichi, not the Lord of the Combined Kumo.” He said to the kanji.

His hand drifted to the writing and his fingers slowly slid down the marble. Tears fell slowly from the corners of his eyes and he let them. Jouichi heard a soft sigh behind him and he looked over at his sister Erena. She had lost so much too but she never said anything. She only suffered in silence.

“Do you wish me to take your son back to his nurse Brother?” Erena asked.

“Would you?” He asked surprised.

“Hai. I miss her too Jouichi. We all do. The rest of us knew you were her favorite but she loved us as well. We all love and miss our mother. I do not see Ayana Agelina but I see the onna who birthed me and raised me.” She said simply.

“Oh Erena. You know she would have loved that.” Jouichi said emotionally.

“I know. Hello little prince. You look hungry. Come little boy. Let us find your nurse so that you may eat.” She whispered and began a haunting tune.

It hurt him to hear her sadness as she was closest of his siblings to him in age and she always sang a sad song. Lord Jouichi hoped and prayed. He wanted to love again. He wanted to hope again. He wanted what was missing in his life. He wanted his passion back.
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Jouichi walked along his the outer halls of his Korean palace and he had been informed that Chikara was here. A smile played upon his lips and he was anxious to see him. Jouichi entered his state room and Chikara was seated and his brown hair was pulled up in a knot and he wore a long haori in tan silk. He looked regal and mature now. He bowed his head to his oldest friend and Jouichi did the same. He prayed and hoped that they could be as they were when they were younger. He missed Kara as he called him.

“Hello Lord Jouichi.” Chikara said properly.

“Can we lose propriety and you just call me Chi and I call you Kara?” He asked hopeful.

“As long as we stay away from foreign whores and stick to our own sake houses.” The Earth tiger lord said softly but he lifted his brown eyes.

“Kara!” Joucihi cried softly and he actually hugged his best friend.

“We were children. We made mistakes. Forgive me my silence Chi.” Chikara stated as he was hugged tightly.

He knew Gaku Jouichi was in a lion’s den. The combined kumo were treacherous and cold at times. Jouichi was a good man and a good soul. The current lord was just as intelligent and as much a mighty warrior as Ayana the Great had been but he only seemed half alive. The death of his mother had left him lack luster. Jouichi craved close companionship. Many had thought the relationship between mother and son totally wrong and odd but Chikara knew that nothing terrible had ever occurred. They had never been inappropriate; they had just been intense. Jouichi needed; no demanded affection. Chikara could not help but still love his best friend. Jouichi called on sake and the nurse brought around Hisashi for him to show Chikara. The tarantula did not have any children yet himself but he was betrothed to an agreeable partner named Orika. She was a good and noble onna and his mother had said that she would produce good stock. Chikara had agreed and had not thought on it. He rarely sought flesh after the disaster that had caused his father’s death and he knew it was because he felt it was his fault. Instead of seeking pleasure; Chikara sought peace and prosperity for his kind. He sought stability as Ayana had commanded. The funnel web would not stop talking and some things would never change. Jouichi is seemed was trying to talk himself into being happy but the Earth tiger lord could see that he was sad and terribly melancholy. Ayana’s death still affected him badly and it was said that Lady Fusae was rather cold. Chikara could only feel badly and he decided that he would be the best of friend and advisor to his lord and friend. Jouichi would have someone to count on in this jungle that was the Tsuchigumo Empire.
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Jou ichi was in his futon and he was sleeping. Hisashi slept in a cradle beside his futon and Fusae refused to come to him. It angered him and he sighed. She was showing less and less interest in their child and he was feeling more and more despondent. Hisashi woke up and began mewling and Jouichi made a soft snort. He dragged himself up and called on a servant to call on his maid servant who nursed his son. The brown funnel web onna came in quickly and she bowed before the beautiful lord as she neared him.

“I know it is late Hitome. Forgive me.” Jouichi sighed softly.

“Oh my lord! Please never ask forgiveness from me! I am honored to do this for the son of Ayana.” Hitome stated softly as she gathered the infant prince up.

“Odd I know. His mother should be nursing him.” He said almost coldly.

“Ookami kumo women are less apt to do so and are more apt to be warriors my lord. She is a beautiful woman and worthy of my lord.” The beautiful nursemaid said.

“Beautiful indeed.” The black eyes of the lord said watching Hisashi suckle.

“May I ask an overly impertinent question my lord?” Hitome asked timidly.

“You may ask me anything onna. You give my son his sustenance. I think you may even call me Jouichi.” He smiled warmly.

“Does she visit your bed my lord?” She asked with downcast eyes.

“Lady Fusae is away at her harpy mother’s castle. I have not seen her in about two weeks. The price I pay for having mated another royal.” He sighed.

Hitome stayed silent for some time and she nursed Hisashi till he fell into sweet, deep slumber. She lay the beautiful boy back down into his cradle and swaddled him in his silk blankets. The beautiful brown funnel bowed so low that her forehead touched the floor. Jouichi wanted to just demand she act normal but Ayana had given him and their family a fearsome reputation.

“I beg something Jouichi.” She said in a husky tone.

A shiver went down his spine and his eyes widened. Hitome lifted her head and she met his eyes.

“Allow me to give some measure of joy to my lord, only touch and none in return. Allow me to show him what an honor he does me by allowing me to even be near his son.” Hitome begged.

Jouichi’s throat was dry and he was no whoremonger anymore but he was truly desperate it seemed these days to feel. His eyes only widened and he barely nodded. She crawled forward and her dark brown eyes took in his sculpted white chest. Her mouth immediately went to a flat nipple and he stifled a groan as she pressed him back. Hitome hated the ookami kumo whore that was his mate and she was desperate to see the young lord happy again as he was before their great queen had died. Joucihi was moaning softly as she sucked on his pulse point hard. She knew he would rut no other as he was mated but she would release his tension. Hitome snaked a hand down his flat belly and he hissed as her warm hand wrapped around his shaft. She dragged fangs and sucked pulse hard as she pumped his cock. He was so sinfully beautiful and so utterly male. Hitome and the other noble funnel females used to whisper that the jorogumo had gotten tired of weakling males and made a male funnel so beautiful so that he could control and make the female subject to him. Gaku Jouichi was just so powerful and so beautiful to behold. His cries were soft so he would no wake up his son and Jouichi’s eyes were straining red. Forbidden thoughts entered his shielded mind and he was sucking in his breath. The beautiful young lord had to bite his lip hard to keep from screaming out the name of the only onna he truly wanted in his life. He kept himself from screaming out his lewd fantasy and Hitome watched him jerk and whine as his scorching white essence shot from his slit in thick ropes. His ebony hair was damp from sweat and he had not had the touch of another for some time. His royal seed had been wasted in her opinion when it should have filled the belly of his mate. She hated the fucking ookami kumo and she hated her lord had to be satisfied this way.

“Thank you Jouichi. I love to serve my lord in any way.” She said kissing his brow.

“Thank you Hitome for keeping my honor.” Jouichi breathed slowly.

She nodded and he lay there catching his breath as she silently rose and left his presence. Jouichi surprisingly did not feel dirty. He hated to use an onna but if she wanted and had no objection; he could see himself surviving his isolation by allowing a little familiarity. His eyes shut and he smiled a little as he replayed the fantasy of the brown haired funnel and his goddess giving him his happiness.
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Jouichi and Fusae sat next to each other at the low banquet table. Hisashi was over a year old now and he knew…he knew that his mate did not love him. She tolerated him and she appeared at his side for state functions and enough to give him enough support but otherwise she was gone. Jouichi was drinking heavily which he did not normally do but there were trade negotiations going on with a group known as the white widows. They were very unusual but he was fascinated by their variations in color and manners. It was obvious that like all widow species that the females ruled the roost and the female leader of this group was eyeing him. Fusae actually scooted closer and he was surprised. He ignored her actions and continued to be charming and himself.

“I hear so much of your mother, Lady Ayana. I hear she was so very beautiful Lord Jouichi but I think you are very much a beautiful creature.” Queen Janhanna stated.

“Thank you your majesty. My late mother was an incredible onna. I miss her every day.” Jouichi said bowing his head.

“So interesting that you subjugate your males like you do.” Fusae piped up.

“You say subjugate Lady Fusae; I say do as our nature intends. Our men are not slaves. My bed has three or four of my kind in it every night. I give them my attention as they give me their seed. I have many children as your own mother did Lord Gaku Jouichi.” Janhanna stated staring directly at him.

Her eyes were light red. It was odd and her hair was a blonde-beige. She was beautiful to be sure and he felt his body wishing for something. He downed his sake and he gave her a charming smile.

“I prefer to think that we are equals here your Majesty. Lady Fusae is my consort and has given me my son. Her mother is a lesser ruler within my kingdom and I am proud that she is my mate.” Jouichi stated and he lifted his mate’s hand and kissed her knuckles.

It was all show and it was all fake but Jouichi would not dishonor Fusae in front of a foreign kumo. His mother had taught him that. The dinner waned and he wanted to see his son and he nursed his sake as he walked to the balcony of his Korean palace.

“She is not worthy of such a perfect man.” Janhanna said behind him and softly.

“Pardon me?” Jouichi asked as he turned.

“I have rarely seen a male spider of such strength and beauty. I knew of your mother. I feared her name Lord Jouichi but that woman is not worth you.” She said softly and vehemently in his ear.

“I am sorry you think so Queen Janhanna. My son is in need of attention and I need to say good evening. It pleases me to have knowledge and to know you truly my lady. It is an honor.” He said bowing to her and he walked away.

Janhanna watched and she grieved for the sultry and beautiful creature. The one known as Fusae was pure ice and she feared for the young funnel web lord.
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Jo uic hi was softly walking Hisashi as he just communed with his son. He was stunned to see Fusae standing in his doorway and she watched him as he walked their child.

“Put the boy in his own room Jouichi. He is too dependent upon you.” She sneered.

“Fusae, I will raise my son as I see fit. You bore him but I tend him.” Jouichi snapped in anger.

“Put him away Jouichi. Your mate has come to your bed.” Fusae said softly.

There was a naked look of desire in her features and he was caught off guard.

“What brought this about Fusae?” He asked confused.

“That onna. She looked at you. She desired you.” She whispered as she neared him.

“You are jealous? I have touched no other onna Fusae.” Jouichi stated honestly.

“Take me mate?” Fusae asked huskily.

Jouichi trembled and his ookami kumo mate was asking for him. He walked into the adjoining bedroom to his and he lay Hisashi in the web that he had spun himself. He patted his son’s head and back and kissed his brow.

“My beautiful boy.” He whispered and his baby boy sucked his thumb as he slept.

He walked back into his bed chamber and Fusae was naked on his bed. Her breasts were slightly large and tipped with caramel nipples. She opened her long slender thighs. Her russet colored curls shrouded her sex and she was dripping.

“Fusae.” He groaned as he fell to his knees and crawled towards her.

His mate said nothing but he lowered his mouth to her center and inhaled deeply. Fusae moaned deeply and groaned as the current lord began to lash his tongue deep within her channel and she enjoyed this. Jouichi was so very good at bringing about orgasm with his mouth. She did not let him in except rarely. She said she did not want a large brood like Ayana had. The look of pain on his face had made her sneer. Fusae kept her mind shut tightly but he was rapt to just partake of his mate.

Jouichi nibbled her clit and he was maddened in her female’s smells. He let his claw pinch her nub barely and she cried out as his funnel venom made her throb. She loved to be taken anally as well and he repeated his actions. He knew she did not want anymore younglings and it truly did hurt him. He wanted more but he resigned himself. Jouichi had her center and second entrance quivering violently as he slipped two fingers within her. She arched her body and moaned for him crazily as she would never scream his name. He refused to let it hurt him and he would enjoy her body. His mouth covered her ample tit and she rasped out harshly. He knew by her responses that she was nearing her end. Fusae arched her bottom up as he thrust harder.

“Oh fucking hai! Hai! Hai!” Fusae snarled as she came hard and soaked his fingers.

It did make him feel good to have her scream out something and he enjoyed seeing her quiver because of his attentions. She lifted her head and she got a beautiful if not sly smile on her face.

“Now Jouichi, it is your turn my lord.” Fusae purred.

“Oh?” Jouichi asked surprised.

“Hai.” She said grinning.

Jouichi was disarmed by her manner and she lay him back. Fusae began to quickly undress him and she was busy with making him mad in need. He gasped as she barely ran claws along his thighs and she licked up his belly.

“Fusae! Kamis my love! Oh please.” He moaned softly for her.

“Really Jouichi?” Fusae asked.

“Hai!” The funnel web said gasping.

Fusae licked up his cock and his soft cry was needy and he gasped in funnel his feelings. He spoke such lewdly beautiful words as his mate quickly sat astride him. She slammed down and he groaned as she fucked him. Jouichi knew it was not love but his mind needed to think it. She rode him and he was so gasping and sighing as his beautiful consort did what she did best. His consort was absolutely amazing in her skills as a lover. She suddenly got off of him and he whined softly.

“Do you want my venom?” She demanded.

“Hai!” He said with passion laden eyes.

“Fine.” Fusae said as her smile became cold.

Jouichi did not register fast enough but she grabbed his cock and stabbed in the juncture of his thigh and groin. The funnel web screamed out. It was not a small bit of venom but she flooded him in it like she would a prey animal. He saw her face and he saw hate. He rolled to his side and his groin felt like it was falling to pieces.

“I am not your whore. You do not subjugate me you fucking funnel web bastard! I have waited and waited. I hate you. I hate that brat. When you die and you will…I will rule this kingdom.” Fusae laughed coldly.

Jouichi could not believe what had happened and he was crying out. Fusae had not counted on Hisashi’s nursemaid and Hitome was horrified. She was silent and she spirited the small prince away and she went to the only person Jouichi trusted. Within half an hour the Lord’s private chambers were busted into and Lady Fusae was dragged screaming and kicking by the soldiers of the kingdom. Jouichi was withering in agony as the venom tried to slowly work its way and slowly kill him. His heart began to stutter and the healers were brought immediately. Nobuya, who had delivered Jouichi into the world, was the one to save him. Jouichi barely clung to life for weeks and the nobles in the kingdom were horrified. Erena herself had beat Fusae nearly to death and the son of Ayana the Great was thought to be dead soon. When it became clear Jouichi would live the cheers in the kingdom went up all over. No one knew the damage that she had truly wrought. Hate had replaced love and once a heart that had been full and joyful was shriveled and dead. No one knew the horror that Jouichi felt and faced every day. The loneliness and anguish threatened his mind and soul. He only retreated into himself and things seemed to fall by the wayside. It became clear that all hated Lady Fusae and he kept her alive and as his consort. The ookami kumo became hated and distrusted as it became clear that Jouichi kept the whore alive to make her pay. No one knew it was because he still loved her and someday hoped she could love him too.
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Bloody tears fell down her face and she was soon sobbing. Jouichi had never shown her the details of what had happened when Fusae had tried to kill him.

“My mind became lost in loneliness and pain Mitsukai. Chikara was there but we know what a poor father I became later on. Hisashi was innocent but I saw her when I looked at him. I had nothing to hold onto my sanity at all. I would do such treacherous and hateful things to her in return. I humiliated her any chance I got. I dishonored her in front of anyone and I did treat her like a slave. I remembered what it was like when I was young and my great mother would hold me to her and tell me everything would be okay. I remember I could smell her when she was to bear my siblings and I used to love to lay my head to her belly. I remember and I am certain that is when Gaku began to hate her. She always allowed me more freedoms than he, her consort had. My memories are where I chose to dwell as I ruled and it was always her face that I saw until one day I saw an inu in my tree.” Jouichi smiled softly.

“I understand.” Asuna wept softly.

“My sweet Mitsukai! I do not mean to make you weep! I only know that the pain I feel for Sakina fills me and makes me rage the same as when I was mated to Fusae. I feel madness overcome me and I act. I sincerely apologize as I become difficult at best and horrid at worst.” The beautiful man expressed.

“What did you think when you saw that inu in your tree?” She asked wiping away her tears.

“I was so amused but very besotted. Her beauty snared and it has not let me go for over a thousand years. When I spied an evocative act; my soul wept and I wanted again. I wanted but I was anchored by my sordid past. When she showed up in the forest and gave me her sweet uppyr kiss. I learned to love again.” He said softly kissing her mouth.

Asuna reached up and held his cheek with her warm palm and it started soft and gentle. His manner was always passionate. Jouichi needed her forgiveness and he lifted her up as their tongues slowly slipped back and forth. His hunger for her made his brain haze red and the funnel web man was suddenly ripping his lips from hers. His kisses began to become blazing as it burned up her throat.

“Oooh Jouichi.” She groaned hard.

“Music. Sweet notes spilling from your mouth.” Jouichi growled harshly.

He was aggressive as he ripped open her hanfu and let her breasts spill open to his gaze. He could smell her condition and Jouichi palmed her breasts as his lips sucked at hers. He rolled a pink nipple between his thumb and forefinger and she gasped in deeply. Jouichi mouthed her juncture hard and she felt a tightening in her chest.

“Jouichi!” She cried softly.

“Hai! Hai! So luscious. Love this.” Her kumo lord stated in a daze.

Asuna felt that sweltering and sinful mouth wrap around her tit aggressively as he suckled her. She mewled and whimpered for him as he did so. It was this scene that Kameron came upon and he stepped back to give privacy. Jouichi lifted his hand and beckoned the frère without looking and he slowly slinked forward. He had come to tell his queen that he would be gone but a very short time. Kameron saw Jouichi suckling her hard and his own body and cock was tight and hard.

“Mistress?” Kameron whispered.

“Huh? Hai?” Asuna managed to whimper.

“I was here to say, that is I was going to retrieve but I am…fuck!” He said crashing his mouth against hers.

Jouichi had not planned it this way but she was groaning and screaming wildly into Kameron’s mouth as his hand drifted down and the kumo slipped two fingers between her nether lips. Her juices flowed as he rubbed her sex as he tasted and swirled his tongue. Jouichi slowly pulled his mouth back and let her tip pop. She moaned as his lips glistened and he could only focus on the onna he loved; had always loved really.

“Mmmm Mitsukai…your sweet honey drips. I am going to kneel and lave it up like a parched traveler.” He groaned kneeling in front of her.

Kameron let her mouth go and he stared down at the kumo man. Jouichi’s words made him lose his mind as well. His queen was shaking badly as the kumo held her lips apart and he just licked up and down her slit. Kameron had to hold her up as Jouichi just enjoyed her flavor and the contours of her female flesh. Kameron was shocked to see burning red eyes and Jouichi was barely holding it together. Jouichi’s black cascade was down and blew softly in the wind as he drank of her.

“Lord Jouichi?” The frère asked trembling bad himself.

“Hai Kameron? Oh this? Oh hai! I am losing my mind to my beast. I am linked to my Mitsukai. Oh Angel.” He growled harshly as his thumb claw nicked her nub.

Asuna’s eyes rolled back and Kameron was sucking in air. Jouichi slipped fingers into her soaked channel and his growling became worse.

“Need to take her. Need to join her. Kameron. I am losing mind. Help me.” Jouichi growled out wildly.

“How?” He said trembling.

Asuna was still held up by Kameron and Jouichi jerked her down. The kumo man had her on her back within a moment with her thighs wide open and Jouichi pressed Asuna’s legs to her chest. She was almost folded in half and his growling was mindless. She could only whimper as his mind was so deep in her.

“Kameron?” Jouichi snarled.

“Yes?” Kameron asked softly.

“Behind me. Help me.” The kumo man begged in his beastly voice.

“How Jouichi?” Her frère asked.

“Do not know. I feel out of control. I need help.” He said throwing back his head growling out.

Jouichi jerked his tunic up over his head and threw it and he fumbled with his leggings. Kameron moved and aided him and he was grateful. Soon Jouichi was undone and bare to view. Kameron looked away as his cock was heavy and dripped clear fluid. Jouichi crawled over her and pressed in smoothly and her shrill moan made Kameron shake to his bones. Jouichi was stretched out as he moved hard within her. His black hair fell around them as his brow dripped sweat. His body shook with his growls and Kameron spied his ass flexing and he wished to the Gods he could find Lei at this moment. For his part Jouichi was trying to pull back his telepathic mind but his mitsukai was mindless too, her inu growls were escalating. The emotional sharing of his memories had led to a healing moment between them and he terrified himself in the amount of need for this onna. One hand cupped her jaw as his kiss was tender and his used his other hand to keep his body propped. Kameron truly had no idea why he was staying but the wild emotions were keeping him stranded and he fell to his knees as he rasped.

“Please release me. Let me go.” He begged them softly.

Asuna barely registered her frère as everything reached a crescendo. Jouichi snapped harder and made what sounded like vicious sounds. Her head lifted from the ground and she screamed as she fainted and a flushing appeared all over Jouichi’s body. The heat was too much and he cried out her name in his own scream as his release bathed her. Kameron could not take it and he snarled. He moved with such incredible speed and blackness edged the kumo’s vision as he felt fangs on his juncture.

“Kameron.” Jouichi whispered softly and out of it.

“You are so fucking beautiful.” He roared in Jouichi’s ear.

“You are as well. Lay me next to her? Wake my angel and ask what you need.” He said in a breathy tone.

Kameron could not help it and he licked at the kumo man’s throat and bit again. Jouichi moaned out and the frère fed from him as his blood boiled. Kameron was gasping as he let Jouichi go and gently lay him on the ground. Jouichi was leaned against by the very creature that protected and managed his mate.

“You are in a lust.” He said softly.

“Yes. So fucking beautiful. You and her together are so beautiful. I love to see you two together. I need and I need not.” He said snarling in his Ramanga tone.

“Kameron you are my dear friend and I have no mind in both of us with her but I am not that way.” He smiled warmly.

“I know. Fuck! I know.” Kameron snarled out.

“Kameron?” Asuna said weakly.

“Mistress? Help me?” He begged suddenly.

She was lethargic and she was still jerking from the mind blowing love making. She did not expect Kameron to attack her mouth as he did. Asuna moaned softly and Jouichi stared at the sky as he had peace in his soul. The Ramanga-empusae frère was biting her over and over as she screamed out several times. Kameron was shaking and he could not take it. He took her like she liked and he positioned her inu fashion and he leaned over her body. Jouichi watched as the frère took his Mitsukai and he felt no shame, jealousy, or anger. He felt satisfaction, lust, and love as he witnessed the act. The man loved this onna the same as he and Jouichi was happy. He was deliriously happy and he was part of something again. Family meant everything to him and his heart would always be hers. He intended to go after Chanak as soon as he was rested and Kameron had plans as well. Jouichi fell asleep as the frère yelled in his Ramanga beast into the night sky.
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Bilae circled the young Soten man and Chanak refused to be intimidated by the reborn ekimmu. The ekimmu for his part got a really close look at the man who thwarted him and his will in the future and it seemed in this era as well. He had never paid him any mind but the fae wraith was simply too beautiful to ignore. Bilae circled him and Chanak felt his mother’s aura near.

“My you are just so beautiful you know.” He said dragging the point of a dagger across his cheek.

“Nice ekimmu but you are really not my type. I prefer someone with a soul.” Chanak sneered.

“Oh, I have a soul boy. I have a very powerful soul. When I lived before I used to make your whore mother scream. I made the bitch you love into my toy.” Bilae grinned fingering his hair.

“You do ill by assuming you can contain me.” The Soten said narrowing his eyes.

“Oh really?” The ekimmu stated arrogantly.

“Oh yes.” Chanak stated quickly lifting his hand and backhanded Bilae.

The lava ekimmu looked up in surprise at the young man and he had undone his binding magics. Chanak let mists appear and he was gone when Bilae looked up. A smile curved his lips and he was truly intrigued with him now.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Chanak wa s moving hurriedly and he was following her faint aura. He had to try and help his mother away from this bastard. His panic rose as he knew the ekimmu would feel his aura and magics. The young Soten found his mother and she was in her Shouten form. He hated it so badly and he picked her up.

“Mother?” He hissed softly.

Her eyes fluttered and she slowly opened her eyes. She saw Chanak and she looked around. She was still weak from her enemy’s attack upon her person. Anger consumed her and she met his sorrowed eyes.

“You fucked her?” Sanra asked very coldly.

“You do not know her Mother.” Chanak said stiffly.

“I tell you she is my enemy and what she has done. She has thwarted my plans for YOU! How could you?” She sneered in fury.

“Mother please! I know you love me but this ekimmu is evil. Did you not tell me what he did to you as Ganek?” He said trembling in anger.

“I allowed it.” She scoffed.

“You allowed it because you were born in part Tomoshibi! You did so for self preservation.” Her son snapped.

“Do not presume to know what and why I have done my deeds. Put me down now!” Sanra screamed in anger.

Bilae heard the bellowing of the Shouten woman and he smirked. He stalked in and Chanak whirled with his hand outstretched. He spoke and his natural energies were enhanced and released. Bilae was covered in thick, thorny vines that dug into his skin every move he made.

“You will not harm us anymore!” The Soten heir said furiously.

“Really? Oh really?” The dark ekimmu said in hate.

A red aura exploded around Bilae and he was suddenly on Chanak and his hands were glowing red. He was intent upon burning his throat out and Sanra snarled.

“NO! You will not harm my son!” She shrieked in fury.

Bilae backhanded her and she was slammed against a column. Ayille stepped in and she smirked at the scene. No one expected nor did they sense their guests. With no warning whatsoever; a huge black spider that had huge fangs dropped down from the ceiling of the old wyvern citadel in the rocks. Another was on the wall and his colors were varied from grey to browns. Legs were being rubbed together and the demonic spider on the wall jumped and changed midair. Imai Kenta landed with katana drawn and Jouichi changed form as well. Bilae was surprised to say the least and Kenta moved quickly and jerked Chanak to him.

“You really do not want to fuck with me Nwyvre!” The dark one snarled.

“But I am so absolutely certain that I do.” Jouichi smirked a little.

“You fucking bastard!” Ayille snarled and she came at Jouichi.

Jouichi knelt and his fang hand swung out. His yoki filled sword slashed straight into her midsection. Ayille stared at the blood in anger and rising fury. Jouichi whirled as Ayille came at him again. Sanra seemed frozen in indecision and she moved with boldness and quickness. Bilae was fixing to unleash his own ekimmu energies and she smashed her elbow into his face. The only thing was that there was a spike on her elbow. Bilae screamed the ekimmu’s call and he fell to his knees as he covered the carnage in his eye. Chanak and Kenta seemed rooted and Sanra looked at her son for a second. She said something quickly and Chanak had to be dragged away. His mother was fighting Bilae in order for his escape. Sanra had also said Asuna would die. The Soten was horrified but he moved quickly with the spider. There was a horrendous explosion in the citadel and screams of lower ekimmu, Ramanga, and Sistern. Jouichi appeared out of a huge venom cloud and his smirk was cruel, almost manic.

“Lord Jouichi?” Kenta asked stunned.

“I let loose my mother’s fang. Let us say Ayana’s power seriously flows through this katana and my veins.” He said sheathing his weapon.

“My mother was in there bug!” Chanak snarled.

“You mother was not there Soten. She left as I was unleashing.” Jouichi stated raising a black brow.

“Damn it!” The Soten snapped.

“I heard her words. She intends to kill Asuna. I will not allow such a thing to pass. I know my Mitsukai cares very deeply for you but I shall thwart her. I will kill her if necessary.” The funnel web stated calmly but Chanak knew dread.

Chanak could see the very aura of this man was tremendous. His power was so similar to the silver haired woman he was in love with. Kenta just stared at the funnel web in awe and Jouichi looked over at him with a softer smile that lit up his gorgeous face.

“What?” He asked chuckling.

“Just shocked at your prowess my lord. The stories I heard of you were all wrong.” Kenta stated staring ahead.

“What were they? Let me guess then. I suppose it was said that all funnels were hateful, evil, cruel, and warmongers?” The black kumo asked.

“Hai my lord. Also that it was unnatural for a man to rule when it was apparent that your mother was more powerful.” The ookami kumo said flushed.

“Oh hai of course. You have proved the norm wrong have you not by being such an incredible warrior?” The other kumo asked Kenta.

“I suppose. I hated allowing the females to run roughshod over me and my brother.” He said stiffly.

“Memory lane is nice but we have to get out of here!” Chanak said in rising agitation.

“Looking for Mummy?” Kenta asked snorting.

Kenta soon found himself sprawled out on the sand of Hueco Mundo and blood erupted from his nose. He looked and Chanak had his fist drawn again.

“You had better watch your mouth bug. The Shouten can get us out. Fuck you both!” He said seething over Kenta.

“You kiss Asuna with that mouth bitch?” The ookami kumo snarled back.

Jouichi was so highly amused as the two postured and snarled. He waited patiently as they growled insults at the other and he felt another and stranger aura.

“I do believe those hollows are coming. We need move.” Jouichi commented.

Jouichi had been brought into Hueco Mundo by Maec himself. He thought the Shouten king quite striking and powerful to boot. They began to move and the Astana palace was not too far away. Kenta made faces at the back of Chanak’s head and the Soten hated this plane. He intended to dunk himself straight into the water and his ability to leave Hueco Mundo was not developed and he was shaken up. He realized that he needed to make himself more powerful and in a hurry. He stared at his hands and ideas flitted through his head.
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Maec was reclining on his throne and he had been reported to that Isha was safe. He had his sister and brother ready in case at all times. Isha had sent him a message and he was warm all over. He was also aware that Chanak had been recovered and a delectable Gaku Jouichi and one Imai Kenta were running around as well. The Shouten king smiled and he watched the goings on of his inner court. He finally stood and he went to his bedroom. He stretched hard and he thought about phasing to his queen and demanding time with her. He felt the blade a moment later and it was at his throat.

“Hello Brother. How have you fared? Been playing with the stream? You really think you will ever be rid of me?” Sanra asked hissing harshly.

“I know your plans now Sanra. I know you intended to overthrow me. You think I will hand my people over to a depraved whore?” Maec snarled.

“I think you will have no choice. I think you are bratty little boy who could not handle our great father.” She cooed in his ear.

“Really? Fuck you to all kinds of hell witch!” He screamed.

Maec had her over his shoulder but she had cut his neck. He did not seem aware. He morphed his own limb as he fought the woman who had administered him into madness and sheer lunacy. Maec willed his curved sword into hand and Sanra gleefully laughed as she met his sword play with her morphed hand.

“Chanak is my son Maec. He will be mightier than you and I shall watch them burn you into oblivion. I knew! I knew when he was born that he was more powerful. That brat Jing too; Lei? Oh yes, both are way more powerful than you and you shall be a bygone thought. I endured much to throw you off the fucking throne! I had to endure his appetites. I wanted you dead.” She screamed.

“You sick bitch. I actually believed you had tender feelings at one time. You are sheer evil. Who is more so? You or Bilae?” Maec prompted her for information.

“He is ancient. He has way more knowledge of the ekimmu ways but I have spent millenniums working on this plan! I assumed I would take the throne but when I became pregnant with Chanak…I knew it would be him. You see Bilae played with our kind for so long. He fucked some Stythe bitch a little too hard and she had that bastard. He saw that he could set about a vessel in which he could infuse his soul into! Amazing hmmm? Well he experimented and he of course hates the fae. He hates them because he is ekimmu but I do not. I know what it is they are and by Gods Brother! The Soten began to emerge and they mingled with each other. I came upon them quite by accident when I was near birth of Chanak. I would have died but they knew what he was. They knew he was a Soten. I realized at one time they had been Shouten but no more! So I took them and made them mine. Those raids into our lands? You blamed the uppyr all this time. It was for more Shouten to mate with. I have my own powerbase Maec and they sure as fuck do not answer to Astana!” She laughed crazily as they circled the other.

“I was a child Sanra! You swore to protect me.” He raged.

“I was passed over for a fucking man child! I was more powerful but because I had the look of a horrid light wraith! I was nothing but I became something. I made him want me and use me so I could corrupt you!” Sanra said laughing more.

“So why Isha?” He demanded.

“Because she steps on my toes every which way I turn! A succubus? Oh no. A filthy corporeal whore? I will waste her and I will kill everyone and everything you value!” She snarled as she cut his arm horribly.

Maec hissed and he let his energies flow and she was a difficult battle for anyone. He unleashed a storm of alchemic energy that slammed into her and she was thrown backwards. He heard soldiers coming and she crouched low. Sanra lifted her hand and the kemuri was unleashed and several Shouten soldiers screamed as it burned them and mangled their skin. The Shouten woman was grabbed forcefully by the back of the neck and Chanak stared at her in horror.

“Mother?” He asked shocked.

“We go!” Sanra said madly.

“Mother please calm yourself.” Chanak begged.

“You ally yourself with my enemies? I should kill you, you fucking ungrateful brat!” Sanra said grabbing his arm.

Sanra’s face went to her manic crazy look and there stood at the end of the hall; Asuna Orlovich-Jing. Her eyes glowed green in the low light and Maec forced himself to see her and his eyes widened. She was lost in her uppyr nature and she lifted her hand straight in front of her with her hand stretched out. The air around her appendages waved and shimmered a little as her fang appeared in her hand. She grasped the hilt with her heart beating with the strength of her malice.

“Do not touch him again!” Asuna snarled softly.

“Oh really? He is flesh of my flesh. I shall do whatever I wish to him that I want.” Sanra replied in jealous rage.

“Not whilst he belongs to me.” The empusae said growling louder.

“Really? Fine!” She said losing her damn mind.

Sanra whirled on her own child and she pulled a blade quickly across his throat. He made no noise and Asuna was instantly by her side. Maec moved faster than what he had ever done and he phased with Chanak to his own apothecary. Jouichi and Kenta were near as well as the silver haired woman took on her dreaded enemy.

“Mithril? You bitch!” Asuna screamed as she squeezed her shaking hand and made a jerking motion with her fist.

Asuna was being flooded by memory and Sanra was not moving. She was clutching her chest and making rasping sounds. Jouichi looked at her closely and the aura pulsed stronger and more forcefully. He felt hit in the stomach and he whispered Arianrhod. She threw Sanra like a ragdoll and she suddenly gasped in harshly. Sanra looked up with white eyes. Asuna used speeds almost too fast to see and her hand was around Sanra’s throat as she had her against the wall and squeezed harshly. Claws sank in a little and she wanted to strangle her with her own hands. Sanra was fighting with every bit of strength but she was overpowered by the very real and very dangerous will of an ancient demoness. Jouichi whirled his head when Fionn and Gwydion both appeared and they both looked shaken up.

“Chanak is no longer yours.” Asuna snarled so hard that her spittle landed on Sanra’s slowly purpling face.

A wheeze and gasp was all that was heard and Asuna squeezed harder. Her eyes were swirling green and red as the empusae queen was taking the life of her hated enemy.

“I have his daughter. Did you know that? I have his girl child and he loves me. He knows all the evils you have committed. His father wishes him and you are not the saint that you portrayed yourself to be. I hate you! I hate you!” She said snarling with her fangs overly prominent.

Sanra was losing consciousness and her fight for life when Asuna was ripped off of Sanra. She snarled wildly as Admal stared at his hated older sister. The warrior sister named Seeval stood by as well and Admal had to hold her down tightly. This was the Admal from this era but he was still powerful.

“I have a nice cozy dungeon for you to sit in Sanra. Remember me? You fucking bitch!” Seeval said slashing her cheek wide open with a nasty dagger.

Maec stepped out and he saw Admal having to hold Isha down. She was furious and she snarled like a wild animal. Asuna was in part lost to her beast and she wanted the thrill of the kill. She shoved her elbow into Admal’s gut and he grunted in awful pain as she surged forward. Chanak was alive and he staggered from the apothecary. His mother was in madness and Asuna saw him. His eyes begged her and his mind begged her. The half inu onna threw back her head and actually whined and howled in her fury and agony. Maec had never seen her do it and she was screaming in inu much and snarling worse. The scene became more bizarre as a white haired man appeared from nowhere and stalked forward. His eyes had a purple hue and he jerked Asuna backwards as she tried to fight him.

“Who are you?” Maec demanded.

“Chan let me go!” Asuna growled and yipped in inu.

“Not when you called for me so sweetly my queen. You do realize that you called for your kind?” Chan whispered as his nose pressed into her throat.

“Get your hands off of my wife!” The Shouten king said getting furious.

“Do not screw with me Shouten. I am incubus and not to be taken lightly.” Chan said lifting his lips as his purple eyes took in the scene.

Chanak, Maec, Seeval, Admal, Gwydion, Fionn, Jouichi, and Kenta all witnessed the kidnapping of the Princess of the Western Lands. The Soten moved swiftly in the confusion and he grabbed his mother. She was barely alive and tears stung his eyes. He pulled on her own abilities and he phased them amongst an explosion of mist. Maec hissed when he realized that his nephew had taken his bitch sister. Anger consumed him and he hit a wall in his fury. Fionn neared him and spoke rapidly in Gaelic. Jouichi looked over at Kenta and he sighed.

“Chan was the name of the first Lord of Panyu. I am wagering that was him. Have the ekimmu phase us back and we will go find her near Guangzhou.” Jouichi said smoothly and in funnel.

“As you command my lord.” Kenta stated bowing.

Jouichi nodded and Gwydion had heard the muffled and animal like language. Neither Jouichi nor Gwydion really cared for the other but they both would do what was necessary to save their shared mate. Gwydion phased the two arachnid youkai out to the living plane and it became crazy.
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Chan had heard the ever faint and mental call of one of his own and it had shocked him. To see that she was also canine made him wild with enthusiasm. Now she was fighting his grip and cussing him terribly. Chan finally let her go but he put up a barrier. Asuna spun around trying to find a mental way through and the incubus stared at her with his arms crossed. She grabbed something from her neck and threw it at him and he picked it up. It was a family heirloom and he stared at her surprised.

“You were amongst the ancient ones. It would seem I gave you this in some other era?” He asked smoothly.

“Hai! I am Asuna Orlovich-Jing and I am the supposed queen of the empusae. I am also the himegime of the Western Lands.” She hissed at him.

“How very odd and absolutely perfect. Hello.” He whispered.

“Stay where you are! I know what you are capable of and it pisses me off! I was killing her and I want her dead! He still loves her. I have no idea how he can still love her!” Asuna said in such fury.

“Who my queen?” He asked nearing her.

“Chanak! Chanak Kuzmin. Prince of the Soten and a son of Leth’Evana.” She said pacing.

“You know of the other plane then. How very wonderful indeed. I see you are with pup. You require rest and I will feed you. Would you like meat or blood?” Chan asked so smoothly.

“Both.” She grumbled.

“Do you have frère?” The older incubus asked.

“Only my chief one is here. His name is Kameron Orlovich.” She said distracted.

“We will retrieve him. You will make yourself at home here for you are amongst your own kind.” Chan stated with a rich and beautiful voice.

She only growled and he smiled seductively. She came to the conclusion that all empusae male had charming smiles and their eyes could disarm. Asuna sat down near a low table and she let her heart slow and return to normal. Absolute anger for Chanak tore her up and she was fixing to move the fight back to modern times. She was just sick of this cat and mouse and she could not handle being away from those she loved so much.
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Sh e had not realized that she had fallen asleep and Kameron was in the room with her. He looked nervous and she crawled to him.

“Mistress? This is a lion’s den.” He admitted.

“Why?” Asuna whispered.

“So many in one place is a coven. It is a coven and you their queen. They will strive to keep you.” Kameron stated as he pulled her into his lap.

“Did they harm you?” She demanded.

“No mistress. I am your frère. They would not dare.” He said looking around.

“Why?” The inu onna asked surprised.

“I am your frère mistress. You are my queen and I am of your blood. I would be a stud here for them to use to sire powerful babes.” He said turning red.

“Oh. Are you being stared at by the men?” Asuna asked curiously.

“Yes!” He said redder.

“I am so glad you are awake now. Welcome frère. You are Kameron? You are just perfect.” Chan said smiling warmly.

Kameron did not answer but only held onto his queen. Chan sighed and these young ones were terrified and nervous of him. He neared Kameron and decided that a show of power was needed. Chan’s smooth fingers ran along Kameron’s cheek and the black haired man growled low.

“You are unique! You changed another manner of uppyr to your frère? How did you do this?” The former Panyu lord asked mystified.

“I did it how it is normally done.” Asuna stated coldly.

“Normally we would not bother but you former Ramanga are so beautiful.” He said unconsciously licking his lips.

“He is mine!” She screamed.

Kameron blushed a little and his mate and queen moved so that she sat in front of him. Chan was delighted with her reactions and he had not seen an empusae queen make a frère since the days of Halldora Fardahl.

“You must be hungry. You indicated that you take in meat. I do as well. I have sent for some boar. I hope that will be good to nourish your pups?” He asked kneeling and neared his lips to her ear.

“I should like that.” Asuna stated growling very low.

Chan had to keep himself under control with all her growling and posturing. His blood lust was running rampant and he was in a mood to lay out both queen and frère as he took them both. Ideas flitted through his head and she was guarding her guardian as if she loved him. It hit him that she may very well love him and the idea was so very novel. Asuna could not hear his mind and Kameron wanted to go. He was fixing to make a mad dash for freedom and he did up and move but another incubus appeared and Kameron was flattened harshly onto his back. His gasp was of shock and a little pain. Kameron had been in existence for over ten thousand years and to be so easily subdued by another male incubus was unsettling.

“I am Quilin. You are something.” The brown haired man said smirking a fangy smile.

“Do not dare hurt him!” Asuna hissed.

“My queen you mistake us. We do not want to hurt you.” Chan said nearing her.

Asuna was breathing harder and the incubus named Quilin lowered his mouth to Kameron’s ear and Kameron turned redder in the face than his eyes.

“Leave him alone!” She said getting in a rage.

“I think you need to feel what we can do first and then feed you. You are too skittish.” He sighed as if in regret.

Asuna jumped up ready to battle and Chan was instantly behind her and he sank fangs into her throat. Her scream came quickly but it was not of pain. She was in rapture immediately and Quilin stared down at Kameron.

“He wishes for you to feel the same. May I ask you a question?” The brunette incubus asked licking lips.

“NO!” Kameron hissed.

“Perhaps you should relax.” The other said.

Kameron shoved and tried to fight but his body stiffened when he felt the fangs. It was in the pad of his thumb and he groaned as the other creature partook of his old blood.

“Oh Chan! He is wonderful. So rich and complex.” Quilin whined.

“She is raw honey. Oh my queen. Oh my Gods.” The white haired incubus said clutching her tightly.

Asuna was in a mental trip and he laid her back on the low table and he proceeded to shred her hanfu. Quilin saw her body and he was lusting badly as well.

“You make is luscious. She is ripe and full. Gods, I am going to spill myself here.” He said lusting badly.

“Get off of me!” The frère said weakly.

“No. I am sorry but you will enjoy this very soon. I promise you. I am no brute. I take my partners and make them scream and scream in ecstasy. I do take mortals but they die in sheer bliss. You, I shall not kill.” He said and he went to taking Kameron’s clothes off.

“No! I have a lover outside of my queen. NO!” Kameron fought.

“Shush. It will be okay. It will be alright. Open your eyes wider. Let me in to see you.” The haunting words of the other man caused him to react.

Quilin heard Chan ravishing the young queen and she was yelping and screaming in raptures as he fed from her center. The older incubus was teaching her their ways and she was losing it fast and hard. Chan groaned-growled as he suddenly flipped her so she had to be on all fours. Asuna saw Kameron and Chan saw the looks between frère and queen. They had a powerful connection and he was suddenly in major want.

“Quilin? You see as I do?” Chan said softly.

“Yes my liege. Slowly I believe.” The other man said.

Quilin moved and Kameron was pliant and he widened his thighs. Kameron groaned out hoarsely as the Chinese incubus began to thrust his tongue deeply into his puckered hole. The born incubus was watering at the mouth and felt his loins heavy with need. Kameron was trying to stay sane but he could not. Lei had taught him much and more pleasures that happened between those who truly loved and this man was so passionate that it made him try and twist. The rimming was so good but such a tease.

“I beg you.” He whimpered.

Asuna’s breath hitched and her body was trembling. She howled as the feelings of Kameron were being amplified.

“So deep you two are. So very perfect and not normal for us here. I love this beautiful boy.” Chan said as his hands were filled with his queen’s ass cheeks.

Kameron arched under Quilin and the brunette pulled his mouth away.

“Did you enjoy my beautiful man? Did you?” He demanded in his rampant lust.

“YES!” The frère groaned out wildly.

“I think this shall be for you. Watch.” He demanded of the turned empusae.

Kameron’s red eyes took in as Quilin stripped and his body was that of a warrior. Hard compact muscle that was etched in flesh. He opened his powerful thighs and displayed himself to his prisoner of lust. Kameron snarled as Quilin stroked his stiff rod up and down several times and Chan’s claws dug into Asuna’s hips.

“He is one of my most favorite companions. I have two of our females as well. Good boy Quilin.” Chan said salivating badly.

The brunette Panyu incubus moved over and straddled Kameron. He played with his own cock and Kameron bucked his hips furiously but the one in control had a lazy smile.

“I have the power and you will learn it my beautiful man.” The brown said licking his lips.

“NOW. NOW!” The frère said losing his mind.

Quilin smirked over at his master and Chan nodded. Asuna was gasping hard and she watched the full incubus squat over Kameron and he spit into his own hand. He grabbed the frère’s girth and he smiled widely.

“You will feel so good. You are perfect. So thick, so long.” He purred.

Kameron was shaking almost in a seizure but the incubus took a deep breath and slowly stretched his hole with Kameron’s length. Asuna screamed as she almost fell.

“Master? Oh Master! I am full. He is so fucking good. Feels so good inside of me.” Quilin said lewdly for his own lover.

“Yes. Yes. Slowly my lover. She feels it as if you are fucking her.” The ruler of this coven said with profound need in his voice.

Kameron was paralyzed in such a heat that he arched his throat and he moaned for his own maker. He reached out a hand in her direction and he could barely make out the coven leader baring himself and burying inside of his mate. Kameron choked badly as the sensations around his cock and the mental feeling of being inside of her was bordering on a coma like finish. His eyes rolled back as his body twitched with the awesome abilities of the other man.

Quilin moved himself up and down the glorious cock of the fear and he was certain the man had been changed for his dick alone. He shouted out each time he came down and the frère was lost in the mental annihilation. It was so much and Chan could fuck so well. He could take the yoki and give back so much. It would make him hunger for the other man always. Quilin grabbed his own length and let his precum dribble from his slit and he began to jerk on it with sure and hard strokes as the perfect cock of the queen’s frère hit his node.

“Chan? Drink me? Drink me?” He begged of his master.

“Yes! By all that is holy, fuck yes!” The coven leader said snarling.

Asuna totally collapsed and she could not even scream as his bite caused her to erupt into heaven. Kameron tried and his voice hurt terribly from all the begging, crying, and groans escaping his throat.

“I will let you come as soon as he comes here. Should you like to taste him?” Quilin asked in a harsh moan.

“Yes! Oh please, yes!” He said losing his sanity completely.

“His rod was in your maker and you both made her come. His cock is awash in her juices. Glory in her taste and his strength little one.” The brunette commanded.

Chan came over and he was biting his lip as his lover was fucked so well by the frère. He slipped his blunt crown past Kameron’s lips and he let his head fall back. The frère was hungrily devouring his cock as Chan leaned forward so he could kiss his lover. It was bordering on a drain on them all. Asuna still twitched violently in her unconscious state.

“Now!” Chan commanded pulling back his mouth from Quilin.

His master lowered his mouth over his cockhead and the incubus allowed the roaring inferno to consume him and the frère and Kameron‘s eyes widened impossibly and he did manage a Ramanga scream as his body suddenly and totally became rag doll like. Chan lifted his mouth after his lover finished his release and he kissed his mouth passionately. The coven leader slowly pulled back and stared at the orgy they had created.

“Do you think they will loosen up any?” Quilin asked.

“I know I am loose.” He smirked quite erotically.

“I so shall enjoy your buffet later my friend and lover but now, I heard the first time call of a queen empusae. It means there is danger a foot to our kind. She needs to know we adore her and we will fight for her.” He said cupping his chin.

“She is young. How old do you think Chan?” The brunette asked the white haired man.

“Perhaps five centuries?” Chan stated lusting badly for the women passed out on his dining table.

“This frère is very powerful.” His lover said standing.

“Only one? She needs more. I will see to it she makes one here. We need find a suitable human or perhaps even youkai. That idea is so unusual.” He said smiling widely.

They stared at the two odd empusae as they were still passed out and Chan chuckled. He directed for them to be put in his bed and he had much to do. He would send Quilin and Shaoqi to this England and find out what was remiss. The pendent only had carved on it…matters of time. He had sent a cryptic message and he felt an urgency to find out what it was.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chanak was in Leth’Evana and his mother was in a forced death sleep. He had given her much medicinal herbs to calm her and used salves to heal the wounds in her neck. Tears fell down his face and he knew his lover; his wife was right. He could not deny the truth anymore and his other self had married her according to fae traditions. His mother was sick; she would always be sick but he could not abandon the only parent he knew. His heart was heavy and he made the decision that he would be the one to kill her and not the others. He would give her tormented soul peace and he fell beside her prone form and wept bitterly. He heard a noise near his home’s entrance and he yelled for some assistance. Chanak grabbed his weapon and Ayille stood in the entrance to his inner sanctum.

“Hello beautiful boy. You seem to have caused quite the sensation.” She said coldly.

“You foul monster! Get the hell out of my home!” Chanak hissed.

“Oh no. No. You have no choices boy. Not anymore.” She said and she was suddenly against him.

Her physical strength was staggering and he burned her with his fae heat. She snarled in her tone and she changed form. A giant serpent was before him and it was diving at him. Chanak moved and dodged quickly but it was no use as her jaws crushed his arm and he screamed a horrendous sound as the pain of what felt like daggers to every bit of skin. He shouted and blood poured down his arm.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Asuna sat up and she was screaming in agony. Many empusae appeared and Kameron was up instantly. She was shaking and she looked around.

“Chanak! Chanak!” She said feeling crushed.

“Where? Leth’Evana?” Kameron asked quickly.

“I will get your way out and I will try and follow. GO!” She whispered.

Her frère nodded and Asuna released a small nami and it slammed many outwards. Kameron ported so fast that it was staggering and she crawled forward on the bed.

“You have the powers of the goddess. Where is your frère going?” He asked cupping her chin.

“My mate; he is Soten…he is in pain. I feel Ramanga pain.” Asuna said in an agonized tone.

“Leth’Evana? I can port there. I am a son of Leth’Evana. Let me show you what we can do.” He said and he leaned down to kiss her mouth.

Chan provided her a grey hanfu and when she was dressed; he ported them into his birth plane. She then in turn ported them to Chanak. He was on the floor of the Crystalline Caves and Ayille was in her snake form. Kameron was there and he was fighting well. Asuna allowed her fang to appear and the tail of the reptile slammed her near Chanak. She winced but Chan reached inside his wide legged ku and Ayille growled at him.

“A filthy incubus?” She scoffed.

“Not hardly. A son of a goddess.” He smiled warmly.

Chan suddenly pulled forcefully on Asuna’s yoki and he threw a small silver spear. It went through Ayille’s chest and it took her a moment to change form but she was coughing up water in copious amounts. Chan began to stalk her and she stumbled back. Asuna in turn sank her fangs into Chanak who was in a coma as she tried to ease his pain. Chan was awesome to watch as he ducked and leaned back from her trident. Kameron changed form and he looked around quickly. He located a suitable weapon and he moved up and close to Ayille. His right arm was wrapped tightly around her throat and he squeezed his muscles. His free hand went to plunge a dagger deep into her and she struggled violently.

“It seems your day has arrived you evil cunt!” He hissed in her ear.

“Like hell it has!” Ayille coughed.

“I never loved you. I tolerated you and your sick ways. I assure you that none of us loved you and I saved Kerr. I saved him from you.” Kameron screamed in her ear.

“Why you are fucking delightful Kameron.” She said feeling weak and faint.

Chan had left the two Ramanga and he was assessing the beautiful man in his queen’s lap. Asuna looked up and Ayille changed form in Kameron’s grip. She shrieked at him to back away but Ayille trapped him between wall and body.

“You think you could escape me Kameron. I made you and I will destroy you.” She hissed as she bit into his lip.

Asuna scrambled and she hit the Ramanga queen in her back. Kameron ripped open her jugular and he backhanded her with force. Ayille in turn fell upon Asuna and Kameron knew what she would do. He forced her back and he actually ported out with her. Asuna dumbly stared at the spot where he had been and she began to beat her chest as she felt pain; unbearable pain and she tried to port but Chan stopped her. She looked at him as if he was crazed and she opened her mouth as searing pain shot through her head.

“KAMERON!” She wailed and she held her head in her agony.