Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ Fight For Life ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: Chan exposes his intentions and some of his true power as Bilae faces off several. Asuna goes back to a beginning of a sorts and soon hell will break loose. Thank you again for the continued interest and much love!!!

Fight for Life

Fionn refused to allow this to be the end and he looked at the Soten man. Chanank’s eyes were rimmed in blood and his lifeless child was in his arms. Asuna was weak as Qui held the son of Kenta and Kameron held his own daughter. Airis had her barely stable but they all felt the impending doom.

“Today it seems Ludok that we shed our past and we become full allies! Can you handle fighting with an ekimmu?” Fionn sneered of his hated enemy.

“I will do as I must to see the woman I love survive. How about you bastard?” The fae man growled.

“Then do so. Frère? You will take these babes and get them out of here now! Take the daughter of the Soten. You must gather yourself Soten!” Fionn commanded.

Chanak stared at the ekimmu creature and his mind was shattered. His child was dead and his mother had caused it. He allowed his sweet girl to be taken and rage filled him.

“I must take her to the palace.” Airis stated.

“Fucking fae.” Fionn muttered.

“You can phase you pathetic blood swine!” The healer said hissing.

Asuna reached up a weak hand and grabbed Fionn’s wrist. She looked at Airis with dull eyes and they begged him silently to stop the fighting.

“Chanak?” She barely whispered.

“Yy-es.” He managed to mutter.

“Your father, your true father…she has not left…feel it. True father.” Asuna whispered as her head lolled to the side.

“Now!” The white haired healer commanded.

Chanak looked at Airis and his chest was constricted.

“Does she speak the truth?” He asked hoarsely.

“It has been done before but I cannot do anything until I am in the palace.” He growled at the half fae man.

Chanak looked determined and he stood up fully. His hands took on a misty white glow and Airis was astonished to see the cavern floor erupt with woody vines that covered the entrance to this cave.

“It will keep them at bay.” He said looking back.

“Excellent!” Fionn said in approval.

Kameron held his daughter and he knelt by his mate. He looked at Fionn who nodded. Airis as well touched her and he was ported by the powerful hybrid frère. Qui ported too and he was shaken up by the occurrences and he was now exposed to what it was this mixed succubus was fighting. Chan had to know and he was shaking a little.

“Do not drop that babe.” Kameron commanded softly.

“Yes.” Qui said in a clear voice.

“Your mind is abuzz but you are shielding. You should not do so with me brother.” The head frère stated.

“I shall think some for myself frère. I do not need to share my thoughts as well.” Quilin said in rising anger.

“Do not think because you knew me intimately that you have any sort of command over me Quilin. I am her head frère and so I stay. You are under me and so you remain. Now speak.” The hybrid Ramanga said in quiet anger.

“I think that Chan could be of help and she is ridiculous in this hate!” He blurted.

“I agree.” The black haired man said softly.

“What?” Qui sputtered in surprise.

“I know her mind and she knows he is old and his power for a male blood drinker is astonishing. He is very powerful. I believe it is his age and therefore I will allow you to go to him but you will remember that you are of us now and not him. I will kill you myself if you betray us brother. I am more than ten thousand years old.” The head frère said with his authority.

“I know you are old brother but I am not weak!” He said in rising anger.

“Still older than you whether I am turned or not. Once we settle, then you will go. DO NOT betray us or I will kill you and it will not be pleasant.” Kameron said softly.

Qui actually feared the soft spoken but beautiful man but he knew Chan could help. He knew and it was urgent. He knew his old lover and he had become obsessed with the reborn ekimmuess. He was obsessed with her because she had said no. They made it to the fae palace and he was ported outside by Fionn himself. He then ported out to Panyu and to find Chan.
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Chan was inside of his own rooms and he was being attended. His wounds were numerous and he was angry. His white hair was being brushed out and he stiffened when he felt Quilin. He turned his head and his violet eyes met his long time lover’s hue and they looked worried.

“Chan.” He whispered.

“About time!” The coven leader growled.

“I cannot stay. I am here on behest of the queen. She is near death and whether she says it or no, she needs you! My frère agrees and sent me here.” Qui said bowing his head.

Chan narrowed his eyes and he stood up in a temper. Quilin stepped back and he growled furiously as he saw the man he had been with for centuries shrink from him.

“What has she done to you?” Chan demanded angrily.

“I am hers. I belong to her. I am of her will and therefore Kameron’s.” He said sheepishly.

“Oh are you?” His former ruler stated.

“Yes Chan! Do not make this hard for me! He threatened death upon me.” His old lover said almost angry.

“Fine! I will not. What do you want me to do Quilin? She has been hateful. Rude and impossible to deal with.” He snarled at his companion.

“She is a young queen. She has more inu in her than you do. Go to her.” He begged.

“I have my pride as well my boy! You think I would continue to allow a queen to subjugate me?” Chan sneered.

“I think you want her as badly as your grandson did.” Quilin snapped.

Chan growled a frightening sound and Qui stepped back. The man had long white hair that was down at the moment but when pulled back revealed sharply pointed ears. His eyes when in his “beast” were violet but faded to a more pale blue when normal. He was pale skinned but so ethereally beautiful that he had been known as a beautiful angel in Panyu. He glared at Qui who bowed his head.

“You have fallen for her?” The Panyu incubus said softly growling in his favorite’s ear.

“I do not know.” The brunette said honestly.

“Leth’Evana? I smell it all over you. Come Qui. I will be making you moan once again.” Chan commanded.

Qui shuddered and he followed the willowy but compact muscle of the incubus lord. Chan had on a long informal silk robe in red and he shed it in order to dress in a short sleeved pein-fu in white, edged in red and pulled on wide legged ku in pale blue. The brown haired man kept his eyes straight and Chan smirked. He pulled back his white hair enough to reveal his ears and himself as a creature of Leth’Evana. He hated his home plane and their self righteousness. His pale eyes took on their purple hue when he thought about the young queen and what he wished to say. The ancient incubus stared at his claws and he knew he would claim her. He would have her and he would decimate the Ramanga whore. His lips were full and he stared at the looking glass. He was youthful looking and he sneered a bit at her lack of response. Qui saw the look and he knew his mistress was fixing to get all of Chan.

“Bilae, Sanra, and Ayille were on their way to kill her.” He whispered behind him.

“Then you with your new bitch’s permission will lead our assassins. We shall teach that wraith want to be a thing or two shall we not?” He said cruelly.

“Yes Chan!” Qui stated getting almost happy.

“Now take me to our wayward queen after I show Bilae a thing or two the son of Don can and will do.” He said lifting his hand.

Chan’s hand looked quite unnatural and Qui knew what an enemy the pallid man could be for the lava ekimmu. He smirked and he was thrilled.
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Bilae had come up against a natural barrier and he snarled as he used his own energies to burn it away. The cave became superheated as many ekimmu soldiers and such came forward to try and find the reborn Arianrhod. Blood stained the ground and Sanra had said she was here. He was furious and he sometimes lover and cohort in crime was standing by ready to tear anything apart.

“That lying little whore!” Ayille raged to no one who was listening.

Bilae rolled his multi-colored eyes and sighed.

The air in the caverns was not right and it was decidedly cooler as he looked around. Across the darkened part of the caves was a ghostly figure and a smile graced his handsome and almost boyish features.

“YOU!” Bilae said getting angry.

“Me? Oh hello ekimmu. You made the queen bleed. Not very good of you.” He said with a very cold smile.

“I heard rumors of Don’s little bitch boy.” The dark ekimmu said cruelly.

“You heard correctly.” Chan said walking slowly forward.

Ayille noticed the bastard she fought before wore no shoes and he was stunning. She also felt many, many more auras nearby and Bilae seemed undaunted.

“So you are what water boy?” The evil one said with contempt.

“A really old incubus with a bad attitude. Now we can settle this with your bloodshed and my getting back to more pleasant endeavors or we can settle this with your head ripped off with my claws.” The beautiful demi-kami said showing fangs.

“How very brave of you. Think to take me on?” Bilae asked scoffing with a sneer on his devilishly handsome face.

“Qui? Take the slut.” Chan whispered in anger as his eyes bled royal purple.

Qui lifted his chin and his eyes bled purple as well. Many more male empusae of inu descent crept from the dark and Bilae looked around surprised.

“My children in a respect. I founded a dynasty and created a new breed. These are mine ekimmu and do not think I will let you destroy what I have forged. My interest in the queen? She is like me. Take the others.” Chan whispered with hate dripping from his tone.

Bilae was curious at this creature’s true power and he looked around and Chan was not there. He jerked his head behind him and the white haired being was there. The incubus stabbed his hand into his back and he gasped. This fae like creature moved with unnatural speed even for an immortal and bloody water erupted from his mouth as Chan pulled his own weapon.

“You make me sick bastard.” The Panyu inu said growling in his ear.

Bilae was actually surprised and his lungs drowning. Ayille was being attacked by too many and they had trapped her effectively. Ayille was snarling and crashing incubus against the cavern walls. Her dark eyes widened when she felt her former frère and she snarled. Qui felt calmer and Kameron came in and Ayille’s eyes held supreme hatred of the bastard she had raised and then turned.

“Hello Ayille.” Kameron said calmly.

“I will rip your spine out and pick my teeth with it!” Ayille threatened.

“Not likely Ayille.” The head frère said as he slowly changed form.

Qui watched his frère become a Ramanga and it was astonishing to him that the older man could still change. Ayille looked outraged as she smashed Kameron against the crystalline walls of the cavern. It became a blur and the differing breeds of blood drinkers were battling in a nasty and up close battle. Chan was fast, deadly, and Bilae was highly nervous after suffering numerous wounds at his hands. Soon he was on knees and the white haired incubus stood over him and Bilae looked up at the bastard.

“You dare to stand in my way?” Bilae whispered in hate.

“I dare what I will you worthless bastard.” Chan sneered with his own contempt.

“I will not die by your hand. I refuse.” The dark ekimmu said looking up a hiss.

“Oh?” His new enemy said raising a perfect brow.

Ash and heat exploded out and Chan had to protect himself with a wall of his own natural energies. When he looked up, Bilae was gone and he looked over at Qui and the two frère were covered in blood but shreds of flesh were between their claws.

“Fuck!” He cursed softly.

“It was close Chan.” Qui stated.

“Not close enough. I will see the arrogant tart.” He demanded.

Kameron changed back and he lifted his chin. Ayille had narrowly missed having her throat bit out and Kameron looked over Chan carefully.

“Follow please.” Kameron stated in a clear, soft voice.

Chan smirked in memory and Kameron shot him a warning look. The Panyu lord looked haughty but pleased. They were ported and the scene that greeted the incubus lord was shocking. Asuna was on a bed of splendor but pale as hell. There was a fae healer and another fae man surrounding the bed as the beautiful brown haired man looked up.

“Why is that thing here?” Beren demanded.

“My prince!” Airis cried staring at the white haired man across the room.

“I am Chan, son of Don you worthless cretin. That woman is an empusae queen.” The incubus said hissing.

“Don? Don? You think I care of a bygone whore!” Leth’Evana’s prince snarled.

“Shut up Beren!” Chanak hissed.

Chan could see how weak she was and he was horrified at it all. Chan looked at Qui and the newest frère knew without a doubt what his old lover would do. It happened so fast and the others did not expect it. Chan appeared next to her and then they were gone. Airis yelled and he looked angry as Beren was in shock.

“Find them now Airis!” The prince bellowed.

“Yes my prince.” The healer said bowing.

Airis looked up at Kameron and the frère was in shock as well. His daughter had been laid next to his mate and so had Kenta’s son. He looked around and Quilin was gone as well.
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“Chan!” Qui cried in horror at the lord’s actions.

Chan gently laid her back and the two infant part empusae were mewling. He looked up at Qui and his eyes were purple in his anger.

“Get over yourself Qui. You are with your maker. Go to the succubi compound and bring a nurse for these infants now! She needs more than what those idiots can do for her.” He said coldly.

“Yes Chan.” The frère said biting his lip and she did look worse for wear.

Chan watched Qui leave and he carefully lifted the babes and stared at them. They were lovely and he smiled softly at the mixed blood drinkers.

“Chan.” He heard weakly spoken and he looked over at the empusae “queen”.

“They need to feed my queen. I am only seeing to their nourishment.” He replied.

“Okay.” Asuna said barely above a whisper.

Qui soon brought a Panyu onna and she softly cooed to the babes as she took them to feed and Asuna was breathing hard as she stared at Chan.

“Why did you take me?” She inquired weakly.

“To make you well stupid girl.” He snapped.

Chan knelt on his own bed and he gently hauled her up and she stared at his royal purple eyes with her blue hues.

“Drink you arrogant tart.” He commanded.

Asuna was too weak and she was in mourning over Chanak’s baby girl. She opened her mouth and he guided her to his juncture. She sank her fangs in and he moaned as he held her to him as she fed. She tasted the similar blood to Sheng and Jin and it made her stifle her own memories.

“I am going to heal you this way.” He whispered almost reverently.

Asuna’s eyes were wide and she felt him forcefully pull on her yoki and she choked on his blood.

“Keep drinking silly girl. So young to have so much power and yet you are the only thing I can think about.” He said shoving down his growls.

His growls and rising groans were startling and Asuna was too hot. It was too hot and his ability to manipulate yoki was horrifying as well as incredible. She felt wounds closing and she was shaking at his throat as Chan held her tightly as she fed. Chan was in utter ecstasy as she did so and he felt like such a fool for ignoring the young mixed queen. He now realized when he had heard rumors of his grandson finding the silver haired bitch; he should have stepped in and taken her for himself. Asuna was slowly lowered as he quickly shed his short sleeved pein-fu. His pale chest was chiseled and covered with some deep claw wounds and Asuna stared at his face.

“I have waited long enough for you.” He snapped as his mouth claimed hers.

Asuna was too startled and she was being kissed utterly stupid after being healed and his mouth was burning as he ravished her silly. She could not stop the groan that passed between him and he was more sinful than Jin any day as one hand moved her ruined silk. She also did not expect the fangs in her juncture and her eyes flew open and they were burning green.

“Chan!” She grunted in surprise.

Blood spilled down her breast bone and his bite made her lose it. She yelped as the passion ran amok in her system and he did not care. He was not waiting for her brood to show up. Chan finally lifted his mouth and he stared down at her. His hand cradled her jaw and their empusae beasts were at play.

“Give yourself to me freely. Let this happen as it should.” He whispered and his eyes haunted her.

“Why did you…” Asuna began.

“I will not waste another opportunity. Allow it!” Chan demanded.

“But…what do you want?” She growled staring at his beautiful eyes.

“I have told you over and over that I will give you it all but I will only give it to you if you give yourself to me.” He stated firmly.

“I do not understand your cryptic crap!” She snarled softly.

“Oh my girl. You are dense. I come to your aid and save your frère as you steal my favorite. Do you think I would let that go?” He asked softly but too intensely.

“You touched what is mine!” The woman under him growled.

“And you keep what is mine from me. No more!” He stated with a severe tone.

Her mouth was round as she felt him slowly sinking himself into her depths. Chan was being underhanded and he watched her face.

“Cha-an! Too soon. Too soon.” She whispered and her cries of painful euphoria made him tremble.

“I have healed you. You keep yourself from me no more. Shit, I cannot stop this anymore.” He growled and he attacked her mouth.

He slowly but smoothly rolled his hips back and forth as his tongue played and teased hers with escalating passion. Chan was feeling her newly healed body grip him and he was unable to contain his moans as he refused to stop the bombardment of her senses completely. He let loose his yoki, he slipped into her mind, and he touched physically. He made love to the empusae queen under him the way she was supposed to be mated with and she reacted almost as if in a seizure. Asuna began shaking and he was pleased. Her body and soul was ablaze and it was not stopping. She had to rip her lips away from his and she screamed out as Chan just would not stop. Her claws dragged down his back and he nipped her chin passionately as he continued to undulate his hips.

“Too much! Chan! Too much.” Asuna rasped.

“It is our way! Allow it. Should your frère join us soon?” He asked feeling the crush of the immense pleasure.

Her eyes were burning green and she did not think she could handle the crush. Sweat bathed her and Chan jerked himself back. She yelped and screamed as she still felt full. His wicked grin told her that he intended to show her all of his yoki. His lips grazed her inner thighs as her opening leaked her juices. His white hair was still partially pulled back and she was in a haze as his teeth nibbled her clit. Asuna’s burning eyes shut and she sighed and moaned as the overwhelming lust washed through her. She could feel how much this creature wanted her. She could feel how much he wanted to claim her. She also knew that this was dangerous and he was not being careful. He was not being wise and she arched painfully as he suckled hard and she gushed an orgasm. Asuna was breathless at the force and suddenness of it and Chan was over her immediately.

“Drink.” He commanded.

His mouth claimed hers and she tasted her release. Chan groaned as she sucked eagerly at his tongue and ideas flitted through his brain of easing this woman into her true nature. She was so young and so in need of teaching as he rolled them. Chan was now on his back and he slid her down his cock. Asuna was like his yoki and just flowed as he guided her. He was drowning himself as he moved her hips and he saw Quilin in the doorway. His old lover watched with need and absolute adoration on his face. Chan knew this woman had infected him with her bite but he intended to be the one to claim her.

“You want her.” Chan mumbled.

“She is my queen.” Qui said glaring at Chan.

“My my, she did change you.” His old master said smirking.

“Chan!” Asuna tried to gasp in anger but she hissed in pleasure.

“You wish to touch her Qui? You wish to bury your cock inside of your maker?” His old lover growled.

Quilin was irrationally furious and he could not explain it. Chan suddenly sat up and he was watching Qui as he held Asuna to him tightly and intimately. He moved himself hard inside of her and she screamed every time he did so. Qui growled harder and Chan was getting himself worked up too much. His only jealousies were eating him alive and he was making the young queen sweat harder. She was snared in the shared yoki and he was staring at Qui. The incubus lord was mating the empusae queen and Qui knew. Quilin knew what would occur.

“Chan! Chan! Kami. Kami. I…I…please!” She yelped out as he guided her harder and his own gasping reached fever pitch.

“Yes. Let go. I let go and so do you. Let it go. Oh yes!” He snarled and he suddenly buried his fangs into her neck.

Asuna was paralyzed in the paroxysm of sensation and she knew her frère was behind her. She fainted in Chan’s arms and Chan fed from her some as his body released and scorched her channel. He stared at Qui and the frère was shaking in fury.

“You bastard!” The brunette snarled.

“Then come take her Qui.” He said with a neutral face.

“She is overcome.” He hissed at his old love.

“It even wore me out.” Chan admitted.

“You did so?” Quilin demanded.

“I will know later will I not?” He said smugly.

“How could you?” The frère asked.

“Because I have waited and waited for my match. She is mine. She remade you but I have my claim upon her now. I dare the others. Now I will destroy the ekimmu.” He said rising half naked from his bed.

“You could have done so without this!” The other man said angry.

“I wanted her. I should not have dismissed her. She will be mine.” Chan said arrogantly.

“She is empusae as much as you Chan.” Quilin said hauling her up and cutting his wrist for her.

“Has it occurred to you my boy that perhaps I am under her spell as well?” The incubus lord asked in fury.

“You love?” His old favorite asked in doubt.

“Yes. Oh I am certain you doubt it. I did love my son. Care for your maker as I am sure your frère will show up and bang on my door. I have my enemies to hunt and my lover to protect.” Chan snapped.

Chan left the room and Qui stared down at the woman who had brutally changed him and he could not hate her anymore. She was healed and he could smell the sex and it made him ache and hunger. Her eyes opened slowly and she saw Qui. She tasted his blood on her tongue and she stared at his face.

“What happened?” Asuna asked.

“Chan has left.” He whispered.

“Where?” She asked trying to sit up.

“He is hunting down Bilae.” Qui said smoothing her hair.

“Why would he do that?” She demanded softly.

“Why would he not protect his mate?” Her frère asked softly.
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Kameron was furious. He was furious and Fionn was not much happier. The only thing that was good was that there was a half Soten girl mewling on a small bed of satin and Simyth Elensar stood over his grandchild. Chanak did not want to be here and he had punched his “elf” brother. Kameron so loved family reunions. His mistress was missing and he intended to drag Qui somewhere and beat the hell out of him. Now he needed Ryo and Chrestian. Lei would throw a fit and they still needed to deal with Hibari. It was a mess. It was an absolute mess as far as he was concerned.

“Frère?” Fionn asked in a growl.

“Yes?” Kameron asked irritated.

“You are simmering and I approve but what are your exact thoughts?” The thunder ekimmu asked.

“Chan is a wild card. He has no loyalty to us or to them. He is a demi-god into himself. How in the hell could he just take her?” He asked the ekimmu.

“Don was said to be the mistress of water Kameron. She was powerful and feared here. Now how she spawned that creature I will never know because the tribe of Ludok is descended from her as well.” He snorted.

“Your dislike of Airis is well noted my lord but he cares and loves my mistress and that is all I care about.” The head frère said bowing his head.

“Well one thing is for certain, this Chan is out for himself.” The thunder “god” said in irritation.

“I know where he dwells. Phase me into the other plane?” Kameron asked.

“Yes.” The white haired man nodded.

Chanak looked at Kameron and there was understanding. The only thing was that he would not leave his daughter and as much as he loved her mother; his baby girl had been restored luckily. Chanak was trusting Kameron to do this and he again punched elf boy and Simyth sighed at all the violence being displayed.
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Asuna was standing and Qui was attempting to lead her out. She was exhausted and weak still. Chan did not help and his bite had resulted in a very deep scar that had changed color. Asuna was livid and Quilin tried to explain the incubus lord but she was angry but she was ill. Qui could see it and he was angry. He was also seething in hatred and jealousy as well. He held her as she emptied her stomach of blood and she was only trying to get to the Panyu palace and to Jin and Sheng but it seemed it would not happen.

“Explain.” She whispered as her stomach recoiled and she retched.

“Chan gets highly jealous.” Qui whispered.

“Why?” She growled softly.

“You stole me as he puts it. I was watching.” He said sheepishly.

“He mentioned you. Why should you not?” Asuna asked confused.

“Chan is never stupid and he is getting stupid over you.” Her frère stated.

“Okay and?” She snapped.

“My lady. Please not now. Do not make me do this now!” He actually begged.

“Qui!” She hissed very softly.

“He was purposely laying claim to you. He wanted all to see his will.” He said sucking in his breath in embarrassment.

“Like I am his bitch.” Asuna snapped.

“He does have a bit of inu in him. His mother had a dalliance with an inu youkai.” Quilin said red-faced.

“Is that how it happened? Don what? She slipped out of Leth’Evana and played with the canines?” She demanded.

“Yes.” He nodded.

“My mother liked a bit of rough foreplay.” Chan said smirking from a side hallway and his playful growl made her angry.

“Answer my questions Chan!” She hissed at him.

Asuna found him against her and she was pressed against his palace wall. His lips hovered hers and she sucked in her breath. Qui was furious and she stared at the man she changed.

“I am tired of playing games with you. I know you are nothing like Danika Novak or even that bitch Annka. I know you are something different. I know you were her but you have the Western house in your veins now. You are half inu bitch and by the Gods of Leth’Evana, you are and will be more powerful then you were as that ekimmu whore. I also know I get within a foot of you and I cannot think. So Lady Asuna, this is my dilemma…this second I only wish to join our flesh over and over. Your shrieks in inu make me insane and I wish to hear my bitch cry out.” He growled in a sexy way.

“Your bitch?” She said trying to affect an air of anger and it was weak even to her ears.

“Yes. My bitch. She already weeps for me. I can smell it. Qui smells it.” He said using his knee to open her legs.

She gasped as his knee brushed her silk covered groin and she stared at his face. His sultry features looked a little like Sheng and Jin and she could no longer fight it. She viciously and ruthlessly attacked his mouth and he groaned as she assaulted his senses much like he had her earlier. The dam had broken and Chan was rejoicing in it. Her hands became buried in his now loose white hair and their mouths ate at the other. Silk ripped and Asuna moaned into his mouth as it was deep, guttural and needy as his hands tweaked and plied her flesh.

“Chan! Not again! She is my queen.” Quilin said in rising anger.

Chan ripped his mouth away and looked back at his old lover. Asuna whined at the loss of his wonderful lips and the demi-kami stared at the other man.

“What does your mistress want?” He demanded.

“She wants you!” The frère hissed.

Asuna moved and slammed Chan against the wall and their eyes simmered as their mouths met again. The incubus lord was getting his way but the passion was escalating fast as instinct reared in her and she ripped open his pein-fu. Her mouth wrapped around a nub and he groaned as his hands buried in her silver hair.

“Yes!” The lord groaned in bliss and he was lost in her aggressive need.

“You selfish fucking prick!” Quilin snapped.

“I claim her as my mate as is right! She claimed you as a frère! You are already in her life. YES!” Chan groaned as she bit in.

Blood spilled down his pale chest and stained his ku as she ripped those as well. The incubus was getting taken and he was groaning wildly as her fangs and tongue dragged his skin. The next thing he knew she was sucking his cock and he yelled out as the beautiful creature took her need.

“Quit whining Qui! I taught you better. She is your woman as well. Take her!” The white haired man gasped as his newest lover was wildly sucking him off.

Qui looked indecisive but moved swiftly. Asuna groaned around Chan’s cock and the incubus grabbed at his wall. His empusae queen was being ravished at her center by her frère and things began to take on surreal tones. Chan adored Quilin and always would and he had his own plans for the man. He had to get him rowled up enough and soon Chan was snarling softly as his seed escaped him and Asuna looked drunk. Her head hung as Qui suckled her core after tearing her hanfu wide open.

“Qui!” She hissed out in desperate need.

“What?” He demanded stopping his tasting for but a moment.

“We need…take…ours!” Asuna sad incoherently.

He heard her inu and he remembered how her inner canine had taken him. She felt his lips against a bare cheek and then up her spine as Qui moved her hair. He was taking her inu fashion and he slipped his cock deep inside of her. Asuna actually howled out and Chan watched rapt as his old lover took his newest.

“That is it. Take her and bring her to us.” He whispered.

“How?” He asked in his own lust and haze.

“I have given her mine and now give her yours. I will have you both.” He said flatly.

Asuna stared at Chan with red eyes and his were still purple. He fell to his knees and he neared her and ended up in inu fashion as well.

“I was an arrogant fool. I dismissed you back then. You should have been mine. Those twins should have been mine.” He whispered as he began to nip at her mouth.

She was on overload and she felt cornered, debauched, needy, and she realized fully what Chan was doing. He had taken her and mated her inu fashion and goaded Qui into doing the same. When her own frère sank his fangs in; she stuttered and howled again as her vision swam in red and Chan looked beyond pleased and more. Asuna could swear she saw adoration and even some sort of twisted love on his face. Her end left her reeling and her claws gouged the bamboo floor of Chan’s palace. Qui was panting as he finished his own end and it was a bloody, sweaty heap they were. Chan was on his knees near them both and he gazed at her.

“I dare them now.” He whispered almost as if in triumph.

“What have you done?” Asuna whispered in a whisper of tortured mortification.

“Taking what is rightfully mine. I dare even the dark hanyou come.” He smirked and he settled in on the floor.

Asuna was exhausted and out of it as the exercise of being with another empusae was draining. She knew Chan was not evil but he was selfish and hell bent on his way. She was horrified but his strength of will in regards to her made her maddened on a basic level. She was still half inu and that half gloried in a powerful male. She really wanted to hit her inner canine at the moment and she passed out.
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His body was wrapped protectively around hers as Qui slept nestled with his back pressed to her front. Chan’s fingers played upon her hip and she was sleeping heavily as he traced circles on her naked flesh. He had woken her in the middle of the night to feed her hungry mixed babes and she had been grateful. The babes now slept in a cradle near his massive bed and he was at peace for the moment. The incubus lord’s eyes slowly took on their purplish hue as he felt the head frère of his newest lover not far from his palace and he felt Quilin stir.

“So you are connected.” He muttered.

“Yes.” Qui said sleepily.

“Protect our mate.” Chan commanded.

“Chan! She is my queen now. She is my maker.” He complained.

“And she carries your seed and mine. Do not be stupid Qui.” He retorted.

Asuna was laying there and she heard Chan and she was angry but she knew how utterly powerful he was. She also knew her inu was smitten with these idiots. She figured she was screwed and she accepted that part of her would pine for the damn empusae man but she would be damned if he dictated to her. She waited for him to leave and Asuna lifted her head.

“Gather my pups and we leave now!” She commanded her frère.

“Yes my queen.” Qui said tightly.

“He should not keep me here!” She growled.

“I know.” He sighed.

“Speak freely.” She demanded.

“He is smitten with you and you carry his pup now. He will maim to keep you. He is protective of his women when they carry.” He stated as he did as she commanded.

“Why would he do this Quilin?” Asuna asked horrified.

“I think..I think he truly has fallen for you.” Her frère admitted.

“Well then he shall be led a merry chase.” She snapped.

Quilin knew Chan would come after her and it would be dangerous. He would also go after Bilae and Ayille with a vengeance. Qui had Kenta’s son and Asuna had Kameron’s daughter as they moved swiftly and very quickly out of the compound and away from Chan for the moment.
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Kameron startled when he felt her and he saw his daughter in her arms. His dark held relief and he stared at Quilin with suppressed rage. Fionn stood behind her head frère and Asuna stiffened.

“GO!” Her ekimmu love snapped.

“You and I will talk frère.” Kameron hissed under his breath as Quilin followed Asuna as they ported out.

Chan stepped from the forest and he looked angry. He looked downright demonic at the moment as Kameron stood by Fionn who drew his long sword.

“You really wish to fight me Fionn?” Chan asked showing fang.

“Not particularly but it is obvious you covet what is ours and you are a lesser ekimmu.” Fionn said arrogantly.

“You all have done so well in protecting and bringing about her power! How about this you arrogant fuck? How about you forget that bygone whore Arianrhod and allow Lady Asuna to flourish or is your pride too much?” The incubus lord asked seething.

Fionn was incensed and Kameron stood by to stop the fighting.

“This is no good. We all want the same thing! We wish Ayille and Bilae dead and gone forever!” The frère said snapping.

“Really? You know what I want frère?” Chan asked coldly.

Kameron was suddenly on his back with the white haired being’s hand around his neck and his fangs bared. He was being hissed at in his anger and Fionn went to strike.

“Tsk tsk Fionn! Remember what happens when you cross one from my house.” He said warning the thunder “god”.

Kameron’s eyes bled red and he threw the incubus off of him. He rolled and came up fast. Fionn was not about to have a pissing contest with a being who could check him so easily and he threw his sword.

“I tell you this, how about we see who can kill Bilae first? Hmm? Shall we have a contest? You should know frère that I will and can exert pressure on Quilin again. You think you will stop me? I founded an entire dynasty that still rules to this day!” He said arrogantly.

“How about you work with us instead of against us you brat!” Fionn snarled.

“Now why would I do that?” The other ancient blood drinker said coldly.

“Because you sit here espousing your grandiose declarations.” The ekimmu of thunder roared.

“Oh ho! Grandiose declarations? Halldora taught you well boy. Screw you and all you fucking ekimmu.” Chan snarled.

Kameron was ready and more than willing to strike the man who had kept his queen and mate. His face seemed serene, he was anything but. He stared at Fionn and the white haired ekimmu barely acknowledged him. It was soon apparent that there was no winning against Chan at the moment so it seemed wiser and with more valor to just leave. Kameron ported first and soon after so did Fionn. Chan’s face held contempt and malice at their cowardice and he then ported out to ready himself for the hunt.
“Why do we not move now Bilae?” Ayille asked the dark ekimmu.

“Because the empusae prince is running around you dimwitted bitch!” Bilae stated in annoyance.

“He is nothing and you are ekimmu!” The Ramanga queen said in hate.

“He is not nothing! He has power and he is incubus you retarded husk. I did not count on his willingness to help Arianrhod. This is a problem.” He roared.

“You are pathetic in your caution. I say we raid Panyu and teach this bastard a lesson he will not forget!” She said smirking cruelly.

Bilae’s odd eyes swirled but her idea held tremendous merit. Macha was away and did not remember. She hated him which made him insane and he decided that he needed to wake up his old lover. His Ramanga idiot was wearing him thin.
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Asuna was nursing her newborns and she was leery. She could feel Chan’s anger and she stared at Quilin and his eyes were downcast. Kameron’s eyes were pure red and Fionn was barely suppressing his energies. Airis was checking over her carefully and Chanak was nearby as well. Beren was somewhere and that was a situation that was fixing to be out of control as well. Hai…Asuna was in deep and she was ready to just run away. Quilin was the first to look up and Asuna looked up as well when they both felt the dread.

“Panyu!” She hissed softly.

“What do you mean Panyu?” Fionn demanded.

“Bilae is attacking Panyu!” Qui snapped suddenly.

“Damn it! I have to get there now.” Asuna said handing off her children.

“My lady please!” Kameron said intending to stop her.

She stared at her head frère and he knew to step back. He knew she was worried about the Panyu royal family which included one of her own daughters, Jin, and Sheng. Kameron was pretty damn certain she was not worried about Chan one bit. He could not say that about Quilin; who he intended to beat within an inch of his life but now was not the time.

“Get Ryo and Chrestian please Kameron. Meet us in Guangzhou soon please!” She commanded.

“Yes mistress.” He said with a deep bow.

“Get the babes deeper into Leth’Evana. I do not want Bilae or Ayille anywhere near them.” Asuna said quickly.

“You just gave birth.” Airis said softly.

“It does not matter healer. I have to stop them.” She said walking past him.

“You will have my aid.” The Soten prince said suddenly.

Asuna turned and stared at him and his rainbow eyes were wild at the moment.

“Are you certain?” His mate asked raising a silver brow.

“I am certain.” Chanak nodded.

“You may face your mother my darling.” Asuna said coming closer and really looking at his eyes.

“I will be the one to save her soul. I will kill my own mother.” The Soten said lifting his chin and his eyes were cold.

Asuna could not help but feel relief but she knew this battle was going to be bad. She did not think and she quit the fae palace and went to intervene in Panyu and face the dark ekimmu once again.