Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ Into the Minefields of Panyu ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/N: History of the Panyu Dynasty as it leads into helping to end the enemies of heir to Western Lands. Thank you all so much if you are still reading and much love!

Into the Mine Fields of Panyu

Chan was furious and his eyes were not natural at all. In fact they were the purple they turned when he was high in his emotions; whether he wanted to tear someone apart or drink someone in. Right now, it was the former. Bilae and the Ramanga feculence were on his list to decimate and completely obliterate and Chan, son of Don intended to do just that. First and foremost he would need to save his own progeny from the likes of the ekimmu filth. It had been some time since he had actually stepped foot in the palace that he had built but it was of no consequence really. He knew it like the back of his hand for it had been built with his very own hands along with a few of his very close and dear companions.

"It has been far too long." He muttered under his breath.

His long white hair was unbound and there was a soft breeze in the oppressive night. Chan felt his grandsons in Sheng and Jin. They knew of him but they did not really know him as was his wish. When he bequeathed the lordship to his son, he stopped being the lord completely. He lived his long life in splendor and he lived as he was a male empusae of an incredibly long life span. He walked into the palace in a flourish and in a hurry. His eyes violaceous in his wrath.

"What in the Kamis name are you doing here?" the current lord of Panyu said in surprised shock.

"The enemies of all of us who share this blood are upon us now my son, I have managed to keep us out of this blasted war for eons but it is here." Chan said smoothly but it was apparent he was angry.

"Speak plainly!" Jin growled in his rising temper at the willowy creature that shared his blood.

"The ekimmu and Ramanga will be here any moment." His grandsire snapped.

"What the hell? Why?" The lord hissed.

"Asuna is and always will stand in their way. She stood in their way when she was Arianrhod and she stands in their way now. I for one prefer her as she is now…she is much more powerful." He said smirking almost cruelly.

"You knew of Arianrhod?" Jin asked surprised.

"Of course." His grandsire said almost bored.

"Good Kamis you are old." He snorted.

Chan blinked and almost smirked at the insult but he did not have time to really get to know his grandson. He had always looked out for his family but he had allowed his son to raise his children as he saw fit, how he wanted and as inu. He had violently disagreed but he had respected it. Now he wondered if he had done the wrong thing.

"I prefer myself the way I am thank you." Jin muttered as shouts began to be raised.

"Hear my thoughts did you? Very good! At least I know you are not weak." Chan said in approval.

"Far from it old man." The Panyu lord said growling.

"Good child! Because what you face is ancient youkai from bygone eras who do not play by modern rules. Remove your morals and fight like you have been taught! Get your pup out of here and fight for Panyu. Fight for our dynasty." His grandsire said in a dark tone.

"I have a pretty damn good idea what I face Chan! Not that you would have lowered yourself to help us or direct us." Jin stated as he rushed to the private wing of the palace.

"Your father and I disagreed violently how I wished for the rule to go. When he became lord, he made it quite clear that his rule was law." He snarled in rising temper at his grandson's arrogance.

"My sire was not perfect you wretched bastard but he was a good man! How dare you." He hissed.

Jin turned on Chan and knocked him in his perfect jaw and the ancient incubus landed straight on his ass. He looked up at the slowing changing eyes of his grand child and knew this man was powerful just like his own son had been. Chun had been too much like his headstrong and full blooded inu mother. Chan had loved her passionately and loved his eldest son just as much. Old memories ripped through his gut and he glared at his son's son who favored Chun so much and he growled low.

"I know Chun was a good man you dolt! I raised him dumb ass! He was my pride and my legacy. He was too headstrong and too hell bent upon forgetting this part of himself. He was half empusae Jin and that makes you in part. Sheng is intelligent enough to embrace his heritage but you, no never you! Nor did your father. You shame yourself Jin, not me!" Chan said rising and wiping blood from his nose.

Jin was utterly flabbergasted to be browbeaten by the ancient man and watched him walk past him and he was stunned to watch him walk straight into a little used weapons armory. His own fang stayed there most days and he slowly walked in and Chan had pulled a beautiful weapon from the back of the large room. The elvin looking man slowly pulled the fang from its sheath and it was a thin weapon. The metal was so highly polished that the gleam off of it hurt the eyes. The hilt was wrapped in pale blue silk and Chan's hand held it lightly.

"You had no idea this has been here all this time." He sneered.

"No. What is that?" Jin demanded.

"The blessing of my mother, the giver of your yoki and this dynasty boy." Chan said with his eyes an unholy purple.

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Chun stared at his sire as the man who had fathered him fought with utter grace and ferocity against his advisor. Tsao Chan Shui was fluid in his movements as well as his yoki and he was feared. Yes, the emerging Panyu Empire was something to be feared and its Lord Chan was terrifying. No one in the youkai world knew what to make of the young looking man who had an inu woman for a mate. His son favored his mother except for his eyes; he inherited the eyes of his sire. The young mixed inu watched raptly as his father continued his swordplay with his amazing fang and his father turned his youthful face to him.

"Your thoughts betray you Chun. You may always speak your mind to me my son; either in my mind or with your lips." Chan said frankly.

"What are we Baba?" Chun asked with a soft but clear voice.

Chan looked thoughtfully at his son of twelve years and he blinked. He motioned for Quilin to stop his swordplay and his longtime companion did.

"You my dear child are special. You have your Mama's inu in you which makes you perfect and you have my ability to talk with your mind. You know how to move things with your mind as well. Soon, I will show you how to kill your enemies from within their own bodies." Chan said softly in his son's pointed ear.

Chun blinked his clear and darker blue eyes as his father ruffled his chocolate brown hair. His sire still had not answered his question and he sometimes saw his Baba with blood on his lips and he knew he never changed form like he did. His Baba also disappeared sometimes and his Mama just accepted it. His Mama was regent when Baba was away and Quilin was always with his father. Chun hated the handsome man but the very young inu could smell a bit of inu in him too. His Baba did not really smell like inu though. No, his father always smelled fresh and clean like he had always taken a bath. His Baba always smelled like water.

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"Where did you go just now old timer?" Jin demanded of the ancient.

"Remembrance is all. Come. I feel their wretchedness in my lands!" Chan snapped as he stepped around the current lord of Panyu.

"Did you and my father ever get along?" His grandchild asked.

"Yes of course we did." The elder man said in growing irritation.

"He just did not like the fact you were a blood drinking idiot, correct?" The younger man demanded.

"Chun chose a path I did not like. He chose to suppress his natural ways and in the end it killed him. If he had just used his own yoki, that rat of the Byakko would never have been able to kill him!" Chan said suddenly very furious and blood rimmed his eyes.

Jin was stunned and it was obvious by the empusae's reactions that yes indeed the elder did have pronounced feelings for his long dead son. Chan was simmering in hate and more toward the snow tigers and Jin did not like them much either. On that topic they could agree it seemed.

"What do you mean his own natural yoki that he suppressed?" Jin asked.

"The kind that my great grandson uses with nary an issue." The incubus said arching a white brow.

"Hideaki." He acknowledged.

"Yes." Chan nodded.

There was clashing and banging not far off and both man stared at the other for a moment. Chan held onto his weapon and he suddenly ported out leaving Jin to stand there alone.

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She was still weak but she would protect what was hers and frankly, those in Panyu belonged to her house. Her body still sore but she was on high alert. The presence of ekimmu was staggering as the blood drinking youkai could and would decimate any and all in their path. Asuna was tired but she was done. She intended to do some major damage and her Soten mate was right beside her. With suddenness she was used to from the ancient form of youkai, she was slammed forcefully into a large pine that knocked wind out of her and she quickly caught sight of Chanak being engaged as well. The fight was going wild and the wrong way fast as she unleashed nami after nami and Konkisaiga was unleashed. Her body was just not up for a huge fight but things were too drastic and too much was at stake.

"Find Jin and Sheng! They will have the warriors out!" Asuna yelled to a random brown inu.

"Hai my lady!" The soldier yelled back.

Chanak continued to use his own yoki to suppress and destroy as they made a path through. Asuna did not expect to see Chan quite so soon but it was quite obvious he was thrilled with the idea of taking Bilae on. His youthful visage quickly looked over at her and she growled at him.

"There is my lovely mate. How very good of you to come and defend our homeland." He smirked.

"You are simply the most arrogant bastard I have ever met!" She snapped.

"Arrogant? Yes! Sure of myself…oh yes!" Chan chuckled as he shoved a hand into the stomach of an ekimmu.

The ekimmu peon spit up bloody water as he was drowned from the inside out. Asuna let loose another nami that ripped through a small group of Sistern.

"By the ancients your power is stunning!" He smirked as his opponent slowly died.

"I am so glad you approve Chan! Save your family you idiot!" His mate snarled as she shoved her fang into ekimmu.

"Ah yes my darling, that is what I am doing you see. You are part of my family now. I did lay claim to you in every sense now. Now Jin and Sheng do need some help. Hideaki I believe is here as well." He smirked snidely.

"Then I shall worry about my men and you worry about yourself; you self inflated egotist!" Asuna hissed.

"Bravo again my darling! You are very entertaining with your insults. I love it." He smiled as the eyes still held their predatory look.

She really had had enough of him to last two lifetimes but he grabbed her by her white silk hanfu and jerked her forward. His lips seared her brutally but oh so sensually for a moment before he let her go and blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

Jin stepped out just at that moment when a Ramanga went to attack. The creature was in its bat like form and a wing crashed into the Panyu lord and smashed him through a pillar of his own palace. Jin made a small grunting sound as he was being stood over by an ugly thing that smelled foul. He vaguely heard Asuna yell something and she always underestimated him. He wished he could smile at her but she was so damn protective of those she loved. He had finally gotten it after all these centuries, he adored her and loved her but Jin had what he wanted from her. He had Itsuyo and that was his and his alone. Sheng too had the twins and they were his pride. He narrowed his eyes and held out his hand and a small shock of yoki pulsed out. The Ramanga stood there motionless before the two halves of it proceeded to fall to the ground, blood gushing everywhere. Jin was now covered in gore but Asuna's mouth was dropped open and pride showed on Chan's face. Chan neared the empusae queen and whispered in her ear.

"He has the ability to control the element so well that he can cut with it."

"No way!" Asuna said stunned.

"I can do the same but I was not aware he could as well. His father never learned. I am well pleased. Hideaki will learn this as well." Chan said walking past her as he used his telekinesis to smash one Ramanga against another.

Asuna mouthed what Chan had just said and it fully hit her just what a powerhouse the dynasty of Guangzhou really was. Jin had never even shown even a small fraction of his true yoki; neither had Sheng and frankly by attacking Panyu, Bilae might have just signed his own death sentence.

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The battle was long and it was brutal but what did one expect when someone invaded your land? Hunan had decided it was going to try and take the emerging land of Panyu. Chan had another thing to teach the upstart pussy cats. He had taught them so well that their silvery-white fur was stained pink with their blood.

"Do you not think you have tarried long enough with these creatures Hunir?" A haunting voice said from directly behind him.

"I do not use that name here." He said grimacing.

"For shame you shun your heritage to play amongst the other worlders." The ethereal tone said in distaste.

"Go back to whilst you came Lirdor! There is nothing for you here!" Chan said getting angry and showing fangs.

"Our mother wonders at her wayward sprite. What beckons beyond Leth'Evana that entices you so?" The creature said with complete contempt.

"Tell Don that I do not need to answer to her anymore! I am more than able to make my own decisions and when I was left to perish to the ekimmu…enough! I am done with this discourse!" He said calming himself.

"You were not left to the ekimmu. We were invaded and you were taken." Lirdor stated shaking in rising rage.

"I am a prince of the Undines and I was left to rot amongst the ekimmu!" He snarled in his brother's face.

"You can be forgiven for having taken in their ways." His brother said coldly.

"How very wondrous and magnanimous of you. Fuck you and fuck Don! Fuck Leth'Evana! I embrace what I am and I will make a new race Lirdor. My own will become more powerful than the likes of you and you all will become memory. I am Tsao Chan Shui, Hunir died a hundred years before. Now go before you die as well!" The white haired man said seething in his rage.

The fae man was shocked at the change in his younger brother. He was colder and he was deadlier. Hunir had become just as dangerous and bloodthirsty as the ekimmu and twice as deadly in his opinion. Don was queen of the Undine and she was worried about this change. What would Hunir bring about to her kingdom? Lirdor never felt the mythril blade slide between his shoulder blades and through his heart. Blood spouted from the wound as the tip protruded from his chest.

"At least have the knowledge I will not leave you brother, I will stay with you until the last moment. I stay with you until you die." Chan whispered into his sharply pointed ear.

"You will be cursed by her." Lirdor whispered in agony as the pain of the poison and the blood leaving him caused his vision to cloud.

"I am counting on it. Go to sleep, it is better that way. I will see to it that you are returned to the water." He said almost kindly.

"Monster!" His brother barely hissed.

"Perhaps but it is only what you allowed me to be turned into dearest older brother. Now please die. I will not even drink your putrid blood." He said rising and wiping off his precious blade.

The oldest son of Don lay dying in the lands between Hunan and Panyu, killed by own blood. Chan just walked away and left him to rot and refused to do what he promised. He had been abandoned and so would Lirdor.

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Bilae was having a really bad day. Ayille was fighting tooth and nail with these half bred dogs and he was feeling beings of unholy power running around everywhere. Arianrhod was here too and so were a bunch of his other siblings. When he got a hold of Sanra, he intended to rip the golden head from her shoulders. That blasted child of the Shouten bitch was here as well and he was something to reckon with. Yes, Bilae was having a really bad day and what was worse was that he felt Don's bitch son AND some more beings similar to him. Things just did not add up with these beings and he was determined to find out what the hell the big mystery here was.

"We are just way prettier than you?" A brunette man said from behind.

The raven haired ekimmu narrowed his multi-colored eyes and turned. There stood a bright blue eyed, fairly tall man with sable colored hair. He wore traditional Chinese clothes in chocolate brown. His hair was pulled up in a pony tail and a smirk played on his full lips.

"And who the fuck are you?" Bilae snapped.

"Your bad day but properly, I am known as Prince Sheng." The man stated bowing.

"Really? Are you seriously being all courteous to me dog?" The lava ekimmu demanded in rising humor.

"I know. I know it is just our way here you know. We say, I am Sheng and what is your name before I kick your ass? We have the whole honor thing. Sucks really but I am bound to it but I am going to have to kill you." He shrugged.

"Oh you are just hysterical." The dark ekimmu roared in laughter.

Sheng shrugged and he crouched a bit as he appeared to take on a very traditional martial arts position.

"Are you going to kick me mutt?" The ekimmu scoffed.

"You are just going to have to find out." Sheng smiled.

Something powerful and unseen knocked him flat onto his back and Bilae stared up at the palace ceiling. The audacity of the bastard to use telekinesis on him was too much and he growled. He rolled and got up as he saw Sheng with two fingers extended on his right hand. He was too casual and too sure of himself as he stood there with ease and the ekimmu rethought his position. Sheng made a quick motion with his hand and something punched through him and he looked down. The front of his gray tunic was soaking wet but a hole was gaping in his flesh. His eyes flashed and Bilae looked up. This Prince Sheng was an Undine and a freakishly strong one and he snarled.

"Fuck!" He hissed as he went to back step.

"Not likely ekimmu. You see I hate your kind for my own reasons but this, this is fitting." Chan said from further away.

"Grandfather!" Sheng said surprised.

"So I was correct. You said you were the son of Don and you really are." Bilae stated in a rising concern.

"Oh yes Bilae, I am." The ancient incubus said stalking closer as his eyes burned royal.

Sheng took the distraction of Bilae and he pathed to Jin. His elder brother ported in very quickly. Once the brothers had reconciled they had become very close and had become true brothers. Now they were inseparable as they should have been but circumstances had ripped Jia Li away from Panyu. Both the Panyu royals stared at their ancient grandsire as he squared off with the evil ekimmu and they both felt Asuna coming. They knew when she showed up that all hell would break loose.

"Ready Sheng?" Jin whispered.

"This is gonna wreck this part of the palace Jin." Sheng stated hurriedly.

"I can rebuild and look at it this way, we save Asuna this time." He said smugly.

"True. Let's do it." The younger man said grinning.

Chan felt it first and he knew what would happen. The grin that appeared on his face was too massive and Bilae looked confused for a moment. The ponds that surrounded the palace as decoration suddenly erupted and the palace itself shook on its foundations. Jin's eyes were burning the same royal purple as Chan's and so were Sheng's as each man directed a different type of animal tsunami.

Shang would jerk his wrist and some hapless victim would fall to some sudden wound that looked like some modern bullet wound but was soaking wet with blood and water. Jin just sliced Sistern, ekimmu, and Ramanga in half with his yoki as he was prone. The bodies were washed away in a small flood of dragon and chimera tsunamis. Asuna ran in from the far side of the palace and she was followed by Chanak, Kameron, Chrestion, Ryo, and Quilin. There were numerous other ekimmu that were of her following but all she could see was the royals of Panyu and Chan as he was suddenly fighting Bilae personally as her two past loves were busy laying waste to the invaders.

"They were never in danger." She whispered.

"It seems not mistress." Kameron stated as he put a hand on her shoulder.

"I..cannot believe how I did not realize this." Asuna stated just shocked.

"Chan kept much from you." Her head frère stated in quiet anger.

"I believe you are right." She sizzled suddenly in righteous fury.

"You are still weak Asuna. You need rest and more. Quilin needs to answer my questions and I need to find Ayille." He said flatly.

"NO! Not today. We have time. We now have some time Kameron. Chan is on our side. I have something he wants. I have something he wants and he will kill for it." She said narrowing her blue eyes.

"Mistress?" Her frère asked surprised.

"He will come to me again and this time it is on my terms. Now I know what Panyu is and what they can do. They are mine, all of them are mine." She said flatly and she looked back at the turning battle and she saw Chan's eyes.

His eyes were narrowed and he felt his tart was up to something. He also had the lava ekimmu bleeding and on the retreat. He too was bleeding but it was glorious to be out and fighting with his kin. His grandsons did him proud and pain hit him in the gut at the loss of Chun. Quilin's eyes also met his and he growled as his claws slid into Bilae's gut and the lava ekimmu had to use his own natural energies and burned Chan badly. The dark blood drinker screamed the ekimmu call and he phased out. Blood ran down the incubus lord's right forearm and down his claws as he stood there and the young empusae queen had left with her frère. Jin and Sheng both ran to him and he was still staring off. He was burned, bloody, and dazed.

"Grandsire?" Sheng called.

"Do you know him Sheng, like well?" Jin demanded.

"Remember when I told you that I made contact?" His brother demanded.

"Well yes, I assumed that meant…contact, not gotten to know." His royal brother said rolling his eyes.

"Silence." Chan snarled.

"Do not presume to command me ever old man. You are no longer lord here. I am!" The Panyu lord said growling like the inu he mostly was.

"And do not treat or act like I am nothing but the shit you trod upon either Jin! You owe your arrogance and yoki to me boy! Not the other way around. You owe your title to me. Now shut it." His grandsire commanded.

Jin was offended and miffed at having been spoken to as such and surely he was not used to it. The only person who really dared speak to him that was Asuna and that bitch was pretty much the same as Chan.

"Figures. Damn fucking empusae. See to his toilet. Let me know when his highness can speak." Jin snapped as he growled and left Sheng to stand with Chan alone.

Sheng was smiling and Chan cocked his head to the side staring at the youngest of his grand children.

"You two act just like each other. I swear it is like you two have the same personality cloned." He laughed and shrugged.

His grandsire raised a white brow and looked skeptical at Sheng. The boy again laughed and shook his head. His grandsire just stood there all gory and totally seemed out of tune with what to do now.

"You should probably take a bath sir. You reek like ekimmu and are all bloody." He said gently.

"She is up to something." Chan stated suddenly.

"Asuna? She is always up to something. That is what makes her amazing. She is always thinking and acting on something when she should be doing another. I love her dearly but she can be the biggest pain in the ass. She is a great mother but she is the most domineering bitch you have ever met." Sheng smiled.

"The young queen has that much inu in her to make her insane like that. Chun was the same." Chan sighed.

"My father? Jin talks about him all the time. Says he was a great man." He said softly.

"My son was a great man." His grandfather agreed.

"He was killed by the Byakko." Sheng stated matter of fatly.

"Your brother tried to avenge him but I did wreak havoc on my old enemies." He said bitterly.

"Pardon?" The younger man said surprised.

"I made Chen wish he was dead. He believed his daughter died by a bear youkai. She was my slave until I killed her. I had her body found much later." Chan said coldly.

Sheng shivered at the brutality in his grandsire's voice but it was clear that his son had meant the world to him. There were so many unanswered questions but it seemed that the incubus lord was not going to answer them that day.

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Chan entered his own compound and blood dripped down his face fell to the tiles on the floor. Bitterness ripped through him and he was angry. He had repressed all these feelings for centuries and now they were getting the better of him again.

"Chun! I can save you!" He snarled holding his only son as his blood gushed from the wound in his side.

"No Baba! No! I am like you but I am NOT you. No." Chun whispered choking on crimson.

"You have no choice, you cannot die. I will not allow it." Chan said as blood spilled down his cheeks.

"Baba, I will hate you. Let me go. Jin is a good man. Let me go." His son begged in a ragged breath.

The Byakko who had slain him lay dead not far from them with his own throat ripped completely out and forty empusae surrounded the scene. Many were standing by almost in tears themselves to see Chan this distraught.

"No harm will come to Jin or Jun. I swear it." His father said sobbing.

"Find my other son? Find my lost boy?" Chun begged holding his father's clawed hand.

"Yes. I swear it. I will make certain he comes home." The incubus stated as his child breathed no more.

Everyone heard the anguished scream that rent the night air that came from Tsao Chan Shui.

"Chan." He heard in a whisper.

"Well you disappeared." He stated coldly.

"Why all the lies?" She demanded.

"Lies? Please little girl! Grow up. You are not my mistress anymore than I am your master. You are an empusae queen and the strongest one that has come along in a damn long time! Act like it! I offered to show you what you could do." Chan scoffed.

"You forced and demanded of me Chan but now I have what you want." Asuna said growling.

"Do not threaten me Asuna, you will not win." He said turning.

"Will I not?" His lover scoffed.

"No. You will not. Unlike you, I have far less morals." He snapped.

Her jaw dropped and he went to chaise and took a seat. The ancient incubus stared at her coldly and she had seen into his mind for but a moment when she had entered. She had seen the moment of Chun's death. It had stunned and confounded her. It surprised her that he could be that loving of someone and it seemed that his son had meant more to him than anyone.

"I suggest you do not try and peek into my mind again. I am quite apt to strangle something right now and your appearance here does not please me." Chan stated eyeing her with disdain.

"You take me, you mate me, and you pup me. Now you tell me to get out?" Asuna asked even more shocked.

"You do not make rules. I choose to help you. I choose to slay Ramanga and ekimmu because it pleases me to do so. It pleases my house to do so, not because we have to do. You have born some powerful younglings into our dynasty and that is nice but we are quite powerful as you can see without the likes of Asuna, the reborn Arianrhod." He said condescendingly.

She was shocked, confused, and downright furious at his words. Asuna blinked and held back fury at his arrogance and more. She went to slap him with claws extended and he grabbed her hand and crushed it in his grip.

"Go play with my grandsons for now. Your bruised ego will service them well." Chan commanded.

"Watch your back Chan!" She snarled in her anger.

"Nothing to watch for child. Go somewhere else and have your temper. I am sleepy." He said throwing her away.

The Western princess sputtered and NOBODY talked to her this way. Nobody had the balls to talk to her like this except maybe Naraku. Chan yawned and stripped his bloody clothing. When he looked back, the snotty young succubus was gone.

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The attack on Panyu had been a complete and utter disaster. Bilae was suffering from horrendous wounds and Ayille had AGAIN narrowly missed having her head cut off. The body of the former prince of the Shouten was holding up but at this rate, he would need to figure a way to hide his soul again. Arianrhod's allies were numerous and powerful and she was coming into her power as well. Things were just not lining up and the Four Branches were going to reunite completely. The only thing that had NOT happened was their sire had not stepped back into this plane to have a look around at his wayward progeny, not likely. Taranus never gave a shit about much except his own greatness and his cock. Bilae snorted and stared at the vicious cunt that he had allied himself with.

"You really are stupid some days." He muttered and sighed.

"Shut up." Ayille snarled in her fury.

"Eat yourself you dumb bitch." Bilae said flashing his lava like eyes.

"Ekimmu can be eaten as well dark one." She said rising and hissing and her spittle landed on his face.

Bilae wiped his face from her foulness and he stood up ready to strike and he heard clapping from the distance. He turned to see the wretched cunt Sanra in her true guise; a beautiful creature that looked angelic with golden hair and blue-green eyes. She was a hybrid Tomoshibi-Shouten and had learned to hide herself quickly to avoid being killed by Ganak long ago.

"She has poisoned my child and she has you obviously scared my lord." She said smirking.

"Where have you been?" He thundered in sudden rage.

"Planning things a bit more cautiously than our Ramanga queen." Sanra said coldly.

"Watch it Sanra. I can and will end you." Ayille said scratching a rock with her claw.

"I have no fear of you at all. You are nothing more than a scary bat." The Shouten princess said showing fangs.

"Ladies! Put the claws away!" Bilae commanded and rolling his eyes.

"Arianrhod has somehow gotten the son of a Leth'Evana demi-goddess as her ally. We turn him against her. We turn all of Leth'Evana against all of the ekimmu." Sanra said flatly.

"That would be unwise for MY ekimmu Sanra." The dark one said snorting.

"Not if you stayed in the background Lord Bilae. Let the Sistern and Ramanga lead in this. Raid Leth'Evana and decimate the fae and blame the ekimmu. They will want revenge and poor Arianrhod and her brood. Well then it would be the ancient wars all over again." She said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Your idea has merit." He said thoughtfully.

"You are going to listen to her?" Ayille snarled.

"Yes. Yes, I am." He stated firmly and snapping his fangs at the Ramanga queen.

Ayille simmered as the shape shifting bitch looked at her claws and she knew the whore would betray them at the drop of a hat. Ayille's eyes bled blacker and blood bled from her palms. She jerked her head in the other direction and her skin had a grayish cast to it. Things were reaching desperate and she needed power, power was in Romania.

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Pain unlike he had ever known assaulted his senses and he slowly struggled towards alertness. Hunir's sensitive hearing caught the sound of someone sleeping and he rolled to his side. He managed to keep his agony in as he opened his pale blue eyes and he could see his skin had been torn and shredded in many places. Even his cock and buttocks had not survived the biting and he grew sick and he vomited.

"Poor little fae boy?" A loud voice boomed over him.

"You! Who are you?" Hunir managed to gasp in question.

"Jodocus little fae. You have made me drunk for days!" The large ekimmu laughed wildly.

Hate filled the Undine fae man as the pain continued to fuel him as the will to live continued to force him more and more awake. All the fang marks and shredded skin meant he had been this ekimmu's food and that made the bile rise in the youngest son of Don.

"You have no idea who I am." He said in rage.

"Do I fucking care?" The ekimmu snapped as the fae mouthed off.

"You will care when I kill you." His slave stated with a voice that dripped hate.

"You are nothing more than a more potent liquor and a hole to fuck fae. Accept your role in life and take your death with grace." Jodocus said gripping his fair skin tightly.

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Days passed or was it weeks? Hunir did not know. All he knew was constant pain and humiliation at the hands of the ekimmu named Jodocus and his clan. These ekimmu had the power of the void and were powerful but he was more so. Don was queen and a goddess, but none of his people came for him. No one came to his aid and he was fodder. Death seemed to come close so many times but he refused to succumb. He was drained so many times and he was raped over and over. The ekimmu filth using his body for their pleasure and he wanted revenge, he wanted their pleasure to be his. He wanted to steal their pleasure that they derived from his blood and the torture of his body. Hunir had never hated other creatures as much as he hated these ekimmu. His nails gouged the stone floor and the muscles tensed in his body as the chains of mythril kept him compliant.

"Time to come forth and feed us." A different ekimmu stated.

Hunir said nothing but he only seethed in hatred as the manacles were released. He legs barely held him up but something came over him. Something so primitive and driving that he dove for the bastard that had come to drag him certainly to his death and certainly for more humiliation. The young fae man latched blunt teeth into the neck of the ekimmu and did not think but acted like a wild animal. He bit in and ripped his throat out. Hunir did not realize that he was also hungry, in fact he was starving. The Undine drank until he could stand no more and he stumbled back. He stared at his hands and they were covered in blood. The ekimmu lay dead and bleeding on the floor and the fae quickly dropped beside him and grabbed his weapon. Hunir was in a stupor and he felt sick but he intended to lay waste to every fucking ekimmu before he left this place. He would drain them of their blood as they had him. He would drink them dry as they had intended to do of him and he would make certain that they died. Hunir intended to rip the throat out of every last ekimmu he could lay his hands on.

Chan jerked awake and the dream had been too vivid. He shook his head and he sighed as the last bits of his past left his sleep state. The words of his eldest brother still haunted him to this day, "You can be forgiven for having taken in their ways."

He had not realized how close to death he had really been, or if he truly had been just surviving on adrenaline but whatever the reason, when he had taken in all that ekimmu blood it had done something strange to the fae man; in fact it changed him totally. Fae by nature were sensual creatures as they were natural creatures. Each clan represented an aspect of nature itself just as the ekimmu did. The fae were Leth'Evana elemental beings as the ekimmu were this plane's. So when he lived his life as Hunir and he had been taken by the ekimmu, their blood had infected his and had changed him into something akin to one of them but worse. He was one of those who loathed them and still had his fae yoki and his empusae. Chan had come to call his hybrid nature empusae and refused to have anything to do with ekimmu or the word. He was where the word came from. He smirked at that little bit of history forgotten but it did not matter in the grand schemes of things. He was not the first incubus by any means, he was certain he was the first hybrid ekimmu and he knew why the ekimmu did not turn other beings; they would get something powerful and uncontrollable, they would get him.

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Sanra was very sure of herself and also very intelligent. She was also leery of Bilae and his temper. The being had been her sire in one form at one time. The Shouten princess knew how twisted he really was, but then so was she. Sickened by the knowledge that her precious son had betrayed her to the one person she hated more than anyone else in any era, Isha…Maec's fucking obsession. Anger twisted in her gut as the thought of her younger brother and the twisted love she had for him made her want to kill the bitch and she let her claws shape shift into needles. She intended to do some major damage and she would do so quickly. Sanra knew Chanak and she knew what the damn fae were capable of, they could restore the damn baby and they probably had. She wondered if she stole her son's child if she could lure him back and the thought had merit. Chanak's betrayal was making her madder and madder as she was moving through the lush forest leading up to the tall cliffs that housed the palace of Simyth Elensar. She smirked as she remembered fucking that piece of man elf ass. He was a piece of art but so easy. Some of these corporeals were just too fucking easy in her mind. They were so hung on their dead hunks of flesh that they left themselves vulnerable. She suppressed her laugh but she was grabbed by her golden hair and slammed into a tree.

"What the hell?" Sanra snarled in hate.

"Well hello Mother." Chanak stated calmly.

"Well well well, my baby boy found me. How very clever of you." She sneered.

"You taught me well Mother." He said pulling a short, nasty looking blade.

Sanra's eyes widened and she snarled as she looked at him. His eyes were swirling a mass of green-blue at the moment and she hissed as jumped and whirled. Her claws sliced into him and she released her hiebie and kemuri which stung and froze but he ignored the pain. Rage filled the son as the need to save his mother's soul drove him. Chanak used the blade forged from the tr'Awnhi line and aided by his own unique powers as vines grew down from the trees, Sanra shrieked in rage as she phased in and out but her son was quick as well. She pulled her own weapons and she fought two dirks to his curved blade she had given him herself.

"How could you? How could you betray me for that cunt?" Sanra said hysterically.

"I did not betray you mother, I fathered a child. How is that betraying you?" Chanak demanded in anger.

"You went to that harlot and gave her yourself! That is a betrayal of everything I had planned for you! You would have been great! We would have ruled all the planes but instead you will die just like her. You had your daddy dearest restore the brat." She said madly.

"You are a lunatic." Her own son said with cold.

"I am a lunatic? You gave up ultimate power for a HALF BREED! I should gut both infants and cut their limbs and splay their intestines from Astana! What say you Chanak?" She said laughing with cruelty.

The Soten man lost his composure and he charged her. He swung the blade with complete precision and he met her chest and managed to cut a deep "x" shape across her breasts. Blood sprouted from the wound and her eyes began to take on the Shouten silver look as she hissed. She phased in and out as she came behind him to grab his hair and she almost managed to cut his throat but he threw her over the last second. She went to shape shift into mist but a large spear like arrow passed through the translucent Sanra and she was pinned to the forest floor by the weapon. Chanak jerked his head back and there was his birth father with a huge hunting bow of the fae. Sanra was hissing and snarling in agony and Simyth bowed his head to his youngest son.

"Finish her." The king said calmly.

Chanak only nodded and he raised his weapon over head.

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Jin and Sheng stared at the other as they had talked. They had dug into their father's writings and the histories of the goddess known as Don. Their grandsire was never mentioned as Chan obviously but there were several spawns of hers that were mentioned and Sheng was certain he had narrowed down the name. Jin and Sheng both were stunned to read into the ancient legends but the legends just suddenly stopped and nothing else was known. It was also surprising how the group of Panyu inu had gotten to Britain again and the whole founding of the dynasty in the first place. Jin was sipping some tea with his rice balls as he pondered the upcoming battles and he knew that they could not sit back. They checked these ekimmu too easily. They beat them too soundly and he was surprised at that. He had heard rumors that Sesshomaru did the same thing but the greatest inu lord hated to leave his beloved Japan for anything. Jin wondered if those with the greatest elemental powers were to group up and face these ekimmu, how long would they stand? He did not think they would stand a major battle or two if the strongest of the elemental youkai were to do just that. Jin pondered and called for a something to write with and some paper. He began to plot names and places as he realized where the greatest elementals were.

"Well damn it all. You have us in your back pocket my dear, all you had to do was think about it." Jin chuckled.

"She never knew about us." Sheng pointed out.

"True." He nodded.

"She does not know about herself." Chan said from the window of the palace.

"What do you mean?" His eldest grand pup said surprised.

"In the great past, she was the queen of all the elemental ekimmu. She is no longer ekimmu but of us. She has evolved and become far greater. I have been trying to tell her that my sons. Ekimmu are evil, they are nothing, and they do not deserve to have this world but the animal youkai…yes! YES! It is their time now. I bred these abilities into this dynasty for that reason. Do you understand?" He said with purple hued orbs.

"What are you saying sir?" Jin demanded.

"I have what I want Jin. I have what I want and when I am done with what I need, I will go. You and Sheng are my legacy. Asuna and Panyu will defeat the ekimmu once and for all." Chan stated with a coldness that left both Sheng and Jin shivering.