Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ Hell O fewn y Gwynt ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

Hell O fewn y Gwynt

Sanra’s eyes widened but she would be damned if she would be killed by anyone let alone her own child. Her claws grew to needle thin and she managed to stab the Soten in his side before he could slash her to bits. His rainbow eyes registered pain as she allowed her hiebie and kemuri to combine and solidify. Chanak fell to his knees and grunted as the ash shoki poured from the minute wounds in his side. His mother, his beautifully evil mother phased out and back as blood poured from the wound where the huge hunting arrow had pierced her middle. Her face held wrath and began to take on a disgusting skeletal look that it did when she was lost her temper and control of her energies.

“You dare to think you can kill me?” She hissed in a nasty cold rasp.

“I know I can save your soul.” Chanak managed as his chest heaved from the extreme agony he was in.

“Save my soul from what? I am immortal you stupid cretin. You on the other hand can die; I should have eaten you at birth!” Sanra said kneeling in front of him.

“You have been killed in other eras bitch!” He snarled with growing hatred.

“Please, I am eternal. I will always exist in one form or another. They can never rid themselves of me. They just cannot accept it yet. Isha will learn, as will Maec and as you have my boy. Now it is time to die.” Her voice said lethally.
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Sheng was with Asuna in the Guangzhou palace and she was looking at Jin’s family tree of sorts. She had known much of this but to see it so plainly in front of her, gave her hope and with the raw power of Panyu at her side, Bilae stood no chance anymore.

“We are waging a war of elements against elements.” Asuna murmured softly.

“Exactly that. Raw natural power from all the planes but what is the kicker, is that some of us have some of their power. They have been incorporated into our very DNA.” Sheng smirked pleasantly.

“Where is Jin?” She demanded.

“He is busy rounding up some of the most powerful incubi of Chan’s at the moment. They respect power and frankly; Jin is raw power koi.” He said bluntly.

“I saw that. He has been able to shield his true nature all these centuries. I knew he was powerful but just not the extent he is.” She said in actual awe.

“He has arrogance Asuna but he is also not stupid, he never tips his hand to anyone. It just became second nature for him to shield so heavily. I know he never meant to not show you per say. He was too busy trying to pursue you, instead of fight you.” The Panyu prince murmured shrugging.

“Chan. I want to know what you know of Chan.” Asuna demanded.

“Well we know he is from Leth’Evana. I believe his real name was Hunir. That would have made him an aqua fae. His mother Don was a sister or aunt of Simyth Elensar I believe. The problem I run into is HOW he became what he is.” He shrugged.

“I suspect I know. I was told by Fion some time ago that ekimmu did not make bitten ones. I believe I know the reason why.” She said raising a brow.

“They would get a creature of unprecedented power that would feel no loyalty to its maker?” Sheng offered.

“Precisely. I think Chan was an extraordinarily powerful fae prince but was somehow turned into an ekimmu hybrid.” Her words rang softly in the study of Jin.

“I would not doubt it Asuna. He is just too powerful and just too ancient. His hatred of the ekimmu is his own and his agenda is his own. He wants them wiped out totally and he wants you to embrace this life and NOT hers.” Sheng said honestly.

The inu-empusae princess looked at one of her first mates and her blue eyes were thoughtful. She was extremely deep in thought and she raised her chin high.

-I intend to speak to him now. I am going to follow his thought process. I have been trying to beat Bilae and Ayille partly as Arianrhod. I am Asuna Orlovich-Jing and this ekimmu no longer. I am what I am and I am the heir to Lord Sesshomaru-sama. To hell with the ancients, we are going to fight them as the inu and animal youkai we are!- she thought flatly.

Sheng nodded and she just suddenly ported out. He let out a little sigh and she was on the hunt and on the prowl. He could tell there was going to be a major battle and very soon.
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“How were you changed?” She demanded suddenly and she just appeared.

“Pardon me?” Chan asked as he turned in his elegant chaise.

“I asked how and when you were changed. You were changed by an ekimmu.” Asuna snapped.

“Little girl, go on! You are making me ill in temper.” He growled.

“No. I am the empusae queen and I do carry your pup old man! Deal with me.” She said starting closer to him.

He was up instantly and he had her pinned to the floor underneath him. His eyes were violet in hue and hers were green in her high feelings.

“My past is none of your concern. How we shall handle the present is of concern to me. Now be a good girl and do as you are bid.” He snarled.

“You overstep yourself often and always Chan but I am agreeing with you. I am NOT her. I may have been her but I am Asuna. I am half inu and I am more than proud of this! I am better for being a canine youkai and I daresay you are right when you say I am powerful for it.” Came her low growl in response.

Her eyes were changing to red and Chan was surprised, and suddenly very turned on. She was starting to listen to his reasoning and her inu was showing itself. Nothing more stunning than a bitch on the prowl in his opinion.

“Very good. There is my girl. My very beautiful and perfect queen.” He murmured as he watched her eyes change fully.

“You hate what changed you so much that you prefer the animal youkai?” Asuna demanded of him.

“When I came to this plane, I ran across the inu here. Their beauty, honor, pack mentality, and their sheer power attracted me to them. I know the reason I was drawn to them was because I had a small bit of this creature in me from past generations. Chun’s mother was named Yanmei. She was a gorgeous and perfect creature, I truly cherished her.” He admitted as he brushed silver hair out of her face.

“Cherished her or loved her?” Asuna asked narrowing her scarlet orbs.

“Cherished her. The son she gave me was everything I could want. He has been and was my favorite child. My other female companions raised my other children. I have known them but Chun had my heart.” He said honestly.

“Why?” She asked genuinely surprised.

“I do not know. He was just the most precious child to me. Enough of my past!” Chan said snapping at the painful memories.

“Did you love Qui?” She queried.

“No. I cherished him too but no, I do not love him. I do not love much my obnoxious queen.” Chan stated as he rose and released her.

He wore a very loose ku in white silk with a short red pein-fu that depicted the sun in black silk embroidery. His white hair was pulled up loosely and tied off with a leather tie. His feet were bare and the pein-fu was open to reveal his sculpted, lean chest and belly. Asuna was wearing a royal red hanfu with oriental flowers all over. Under her bust and at the neck was done in gold silk and tied around her neck. The outer robe was done in the scarlet silk and was beautifully and richly done. Chan looked down at her as he suppressed his lust and this creature made him loose sense. Her long silver hair was down and haloed around as the maiden stared up at him demanding her answers.

“You do not love much but perhaps yourself and your own ambitions.” Asuna said slowing rising.

“Watch your smart and impetuous mouth Asuna. I tire very quickly of your changing loyalties and minds. We challenge the enemy on my terms or you lose all of Panyu.” He snarled at her suddenly.

“You dare threaten me?” She hissed in her own rising anger.

“I will always dare what I want and will. Now abide it or get the fuck out.” Chan snapped as he raised his clawed finger to the door.

“What happened when you claimed me Chan? Did you just wish another child who would have great power or what was it?” The female version of him snapped back.

“I answer not to you.” He roared.

“Perhaps we answer to the other. Those I have claimed and my frère will win this war will they not?” Asuna asked bluntly.

“You have finally figured it out?” He asked rolling his eyes.

Asuna lost her temper and she backhanded him and he landed on his rear. She ended up straddling his waist and Chan was growling in supreme irritation as she dominated him at the moment. She was using her yoki and she was supremely powerful as he was.

“How were you changed?” She demanded.

“My name was Hunir and I was the youngest son of Don. There were two tribes of water fae. My mother was the queen of the sea fae.” He whispered darkly.

“So yours was the more powerful of the two.” As she nodded in understanding.

“Yes. There were constant wars with the ekimmu who could move into any and all planes as they chose. I was a warrior but I was still captured. I was held in captivity as they fed off of my blood to make them high and drunk. They held orgies as they fucked each other and raped my body and tore me to shreds.” Chan said with glacial tones.

Asuna’s eyes narrowed and she held in her emotions. She could only imagine the agony he experienced but she let him continue as he was actually speaking to her.

“They chained me in a dungeon with mythril chains and they would bring me forth to a table. The many ekimmu would proceed to bite me to get their drug inducement and I remember being forced to swallow their putrid cocks and have them fuck me till I bled and feed again they would.” He snarled softly.

Her eyes held much anger but he seemed far away as he related the story.

“I was held for weeks and no one came for me. No one from my tribe or my immediate family. I was near my natural death when one came for me. The hate filled me like a weapon. The desire to destroy them! I dove for the bastard and I latched my blunt teeth onto his neck and just ripped it open. You should have seen the look on his face when their toy turned on them! I ripped his eyes out and then ripped his head off. I drank the fount that poured from his headless body and I took his sword. Slowly I moved through that castle; I removed first every phallus that had defiled me and then I drank every single one of them dry. It took me two days to kill them all but I did it. I made it out of the castle and my stomach was heaving all the blood I had drunk. I was expelling the foreign substance but I found that I loved it. I tried to eat my usual fare of fish and oysters but I could not keep those down. My body was going into shock and I sought shelter very deep within a cave by the shore. I could feel my mother’s presence near but I was certain I was dying then. I did not care at that point because I had killed my oppressors. Slowly I awoke to find the goddess Don standing over me and my brothers; one in particular named Lirdor who had been my dearest one to me. There was hatred in their faces as they looked upon me. My mother’s true form was that of water itself and she only stared at me with contempt. My maker, my own MOTHER left me alone and my brother Lirdor swore me away from Leth’Evana as an evil creature. So I left them and came to this plane. A century later my brother came for me, I am certain he was sent to kill me. He swore I could have been forgiven! Can you imagine? Forgiven for having survived? My mother knew I was powerful and she knew I could usurp her power amongst the Undines. I killed her messenger and I have not looked back since.” Chan related with terrible hatred.

“I can only imagine what you suffered.” She said as she kept her horror in.

“I want no pity from you Asuna! I glory in what I became, I became more powerful than I was; and I assure you that I was quite powerful as an Undine. The strange thing was that I began to thirst for not only the blood of the living but their bodies as well. I began to look at both women and men to silence my hungers. I have and always will hunger more for the female form.” He said suddenly with a lust filled tone.

“I am surprised.” Asuna stated shocked by his revelation.

“I was fae by birth silly girl.” He said sitting up and surprising her.

His quick movements did unsettle her as he wrapped a hand around her neck and pulled her to his lips. His possession was an insatiable yearning that left her quite altered and he ripped his full mouth from hers after tangling his tongue to hers and tracing her fangs. He ported out from under her and Asuna was left to sit there for a moment dumbfounded as he straightened out his silks and calmed his heated blood.

“Is she alive?” She whispered in askance.

“Oh yes. Don is quite alive but in a deep sleep of sorts if you will. If my mother were to waken, I assure you that I would be the first one to greet her.” He smirked cruelly.

“I insist on my own vengeance.” Mumbled as she stood up.

“For what silly woman?” Chan asked truly surprised.

“That is my business. We are in this together now Chan. You are Panyu and I am in part the West. These are our people and we lay waste to those who destroyed us in the past.” She said with a gravelly tone.

He was staring hard at her red eyes and he knew; he knew she was serious. This woman had finally given up the idea of the ekimmuess and was embracing herself as she was the inu-empusae powerhouse that she truly had become.

“My queen.” He said with an innocent smirk and he bowed.
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She was surrounded by thick vegetation that was choking out sunlight and she intended to find bugs and squash the bastards. An evil smirk curved her lusciously full, coral colored lips. Black hair fell in deep waves in ebony tones. She had her fully humanoid form and this form was one that could lure any man be they demon or human; to their death. Her skin was a rich honey tone and the demoness had a mark between her thick brows and black, deep set eyes. There was unpleasant smelling human further in the forest and hunger gripped her. Ayille moved with her unholy speed and appeared behind the mortal and jerked his filthy head back. Foul breath escaped his mouth as rotted teeth protruded.

“I would know of spiders.” She whispered in broken English.

“Spiders? Ye wanna know of spiders?” The frightened man yelped.

“Yes! Webs stupid man, large webs and where are they?” Ayille said spitting in his face.

“I think I did hear of some vera deep in the forest lady! What are ya?” The poor sap said with wide eyes.

“Hungry.” She growled.

She sank her claws into his chest and pulled out his still pumping heart. Ayille allowed him to fall and she sank her teeth the dripping organ as the scarlet fluid smeared all over her face as she made snarling and growling noises as she devoured his vital organ. She heard more humans closing in and she licked her lips and sank to her knees, and again sank her claws in his soft belly and ripped out his intestines and liver. She was slowly devouring his liver when more unfortunates happened upon the grisly scene of utter destruction.

“By God!” A loud shout sounded.

Ayille lifted her head and there sat a richly robed mortal astride a horse and the ghastly scene seemed to almost fascinate the putrid bastard. The Ramanga queen slowly licked her lips of the human meat and she stepped into the body of her meal and towards the royally garbed man.

“You are interrupting my dinner. Perhaps you are next?” Ayille purred.

“You are one the creatures that she is wary of.” The man spoke with deep tones of authority.

“Foolish human.” Her voice growled in growing irritation.

“I am Edward, King of England and France.” The male said raising his chin and the Ramanga looked him dead in his brown eyes.

“Well mortal, you have just saved your hide. Now why should I give a fuck who you are?” She snarled.

“Your enemy’s name is Lady Asuna?” Edward asked bluntly.

Ayille eyebrow ticked at the mention of the reborn ekimmuess and she was getting more and more agitated by the second. Her burnt orange clothing was exotic to the English eyes and she knew they found her human form lovely. She could mentally hear their thoughts and she decided she could definitely make use of these soldiers.

“What do you want mortal?” She said in a now sultry tone.

“That woman defies me in my own kingdom. I have ways of harming her and I would see you perhaps use them against her.” The English monarch stated with a twist of his lips.

“Really now?” Ayille asked completely intrigued.

“Aye. I break fast at a nearby baron’s estate. It seems you need nourishment yourself. I will see to it.” He said flatly.

Ayille could not believe the brazenness of the human and she saw by his eyes that he knew exactly what she was and what she “ate”. Ayille was near thrumming in indecent desire but she would not pass up an opportunity to cause Arianrhod a tremendous blow and her fanged smile was terrifying.

“Let us commune then king.” She whispered savagely.
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Asuna could smell it, it was always the same rotten scent and it made her filled with fury and contempt. Saliva seemed to build up in her mouth and if she was in her true form, she would be dripping her acidic toxin from her vicious snout but as it was; she suppressed her growls as she hunted down the noxious scent. Hatred filled her very core as anticipation made her very blood warm to near scalding.

“Ayille!” She hissed softly.

Her body was taut and her mind sharp as she scanned the dark forest. Beside her was Chan and she was startled at that. He had not been there the moment before.

“Ramanga are disgusting creatures really. The devastation and more they leave in their wake will always be their undoing.” He snorted softly.

“Are you following me?” Asuna demanded.

“Yes.” Chan shrugged with an arrogant smirk.

She stared at him and she was going back and forth from fury and lust of unprecedented proportions. She wrapped her hand around his neck and jerked him forward till his lips barely touched hers.

“By the end of this day, you will be laid out and feasted upon until you beg me to let you come.” She snapped gently.

“I will? Goody!” He retorted.

Asuna let him go and she returned her attention to the noxious scent, and Chan looked annoyed as he too turned his attention to Ayille.

“I smell you too Arianrhod!” Ayille suddenly called from not too far away.

“At least I am pleasant.” She retorted loudly.

Chan was stiff as he felt the Ramanga twat but he was prepared for the vile witch. His strumpet of a lover allowed her weapon to materialize and he did not even have such ability. His admiration and jealousy of her abilities made him insane in his own head at times and the hissing of both uppyr queens brought his full attention. Asuna had managed to strike wickedly and had slashed Ayille across her breasts.

“Not very kind of you bitch!” She snarled in hate.

“I know! I am just getting started.” Asuna retorted in rising glee.

The Ramanga slammed something against Asuna’s chest and the succubus hybrid grunted in terrible pain. She went to one knee and Chan moved with swiftness to intervene. Ayille was shoved backwards and impaled on a tree branch as she cackled a menacing laugh.

“Feels good does it not you filthy cunt!” Ayille hissed.

Her world was spinning and her yoki was draining. Whatever Ayille had done, it was pretty damn good. Chan being there was a blessing in disguise and she was gone as she fell in unconsciousness rather quickly. The incubus lord sank his claws into her belly and Ayille grinned manically as she grabbed his white hair and pulled a handful out. She walked herself forward to un-impale her body and the wound slowly healed as Chan pulled his fang and began to slice her open across her neck, shoulders, and abdomen. The Ramanga was too confident as blood dripped from the numerous wounds and she continued to move forward. Chen back stepped quickly and suddenly a wall of water appeared before Ayille and she snarled.

“I will kill you both, son of Don! You are a nothing bitch!” She screeched in hate.

“Please you disgusting harlot.” He mumbled as he gathered up Asuna and phased out.

Ayille watched as the wall of water dissipated and there was nothing left as she stared at the spot where her nemesis had been. She wanted to hurt her terribly and she knew killing Kameron would wound her but she had tried that, no it would have to be something different…something worse. Ayille’s evil smile was wide as she thought about what would truly wound Arianrhod reborn.
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Chan laid her out in the bed of the Panyu lord, and he was grateful that she had asked Sheng to return with her to this era. How all this would play out or how it would straighten out and not screw up the time line, he had no clue but they would figure that out but for now he needed to see to this sudden drain in her powers. His grandson was soon looking her over and doing all he could. The incubus lord was pissed but he felt frère and he looked up to see Chrestian, Kamreon, Ryo, and Quilin. All of them except for Qui looked extremely pissed and Kameron looked murderous.

“Ayille will go after something else, and she had help in this.” Chan commented.

“I am certain I know who gave her such a trinket.” Kameron commented with anger levels rising in his blood.

“Do tell frère.” The incubus said with complete authority.

“You are not my master, she is! Rot Chan.” The chief frère said back stepping and commanding his brothers to follow.

“Stupid underlings!” The Panyu incubus snapped under his breath.

Chan motioned for Sheng and the young inu stepped forward as he looked back at Asuna.

“What exactly has occurred?” He demanded from his grandson.

“It is as if she is no longer a taiyoukai Grandfather. It is the strangest thing, it is magic no doubt.” He sighed and was flabbergasted.

“Can you get her frère to at least acknowledge me?” Chan asked in rising anger.

“Yea right sir. Kameron listens to no one but maybe Naraku, Jing, or Admal tr’Awhnwi and that is it.” He shrugged.

“Lucky for me.” His grand sire snorted in disgust.

“Well sir frankly Kameron is pretty much only loyal to her. He would commit a million murders and more for her. Quilin was one of yours was he not?” Sheng asked honestly.

“Before she sank her fangs into him? Yes, yes he was. Now he answers to her and Kameron will destroy him and yes, Kameron can destroy him. He is old enough.” Chan actually snorted.

Sheng looked disturbed at the turn of events and Chan looked about ready to go on a rampage.
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Ayille felt delicious giddiness and pride at having laid hands on the narcissist bitch that was Lady Asuna (Arianrhod reborn) and she was celebrating by devouring the intestines and livers of two human sacrifices given to her by King Edward himself. She demanded that he observe her as she feasted upon his gifts to her and the English monarch was obviously disturbed but showed very little emotion as she decimated the human corpses. Ayille got off on making humans squeamish but this human was making her lusty.

“You show no fear of me.” She spoke as the blood stained her mouth and chin.

“I have been given quite the education of what you creatures are. I know that your kind dwell within the natural world and if I am to maintain my kingdom and my power, then I shall make use of your kind.” Edward said looking at her frankly.

“We allow you sheep to rule you know.” Ayille said rising and undoing her exotic Indian dress.

“What are you doing?” The king demanded with disdain.

“I require another sacrifice great king, you will give me your cock and I will take your seed.” She smirked with great mirth.

“Your fangs will touch NOTHING of my royal person!” He snarled as he stood fully.

Ayille had to stare up at the tall human and he was not called, “Long Shanks” for nothing. She smirked that evil grin and her human form was one of great beauty. Her golden skin and luscious black hair was exotic to these Neolithic creatures.

“You misunderstand me king. You will sit and I will ride your cock as you provide me pleasure, if not then your cock will be my next meal.” She said with a small snarl.

Edward stumbled backwards into his throne like chair and this creature came closer. Blood stained her mouth, hands, and feet as she neared him.

“I normally require your great pain but I wish to see if the Great Long Shanks can deliver.” She hissed as she stood before him naked.

“You beast!” He stuttered.

“You fucked Arianrhod; I see this as no great hardship. Sex provides energy and energy can be used in magics stupid human.” She said ripping his royal garb.

“You intend to use this joining for magics?” Edward asked aghast.

“Oh yes. Bilae is quite adept in alchemic reactions; we shall make some unpleasantness occur.” She smiled as she made his member hard by stroking.

“Explain to me what.” He demanded through a hiss.

“We are going to wake and rampage through another plane. We are going to rally and start a massive war. We are going to kill many people.” She grinned widely.

“Will this hurt Lady Asuna?” Edward asked as Ayille slid down him hard.

“It will devastate her.” The Ramanga smiled with horrible malice.

“The drain my seed with your cunt, animal.” He groaned.

Ayille threw her head back and laughed with mirth at this man’s utter hatred of Arianrhod. It made her pleasure of keeping the fucking to only fucking bearable. She rounded her hips and her snarling growls were horrifying and utterly petrifying to behold to the human monarch as her eyes glowed unnaturally and her skin became ashen as well. His spasms of orgasm were also unnatural as they would not stop and she kept moving through them. What was left was the king in a debauched state and barely able to breathe. The corpses were still there and the blood was spread far across the room that the English monarch had occupied at the same time as a monster.
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Eyal was confused and trying to understand but the whole skipping through the eras really made things harder and more difficult he found. Sheng sat down and started again as he spoke to the half Ramanga.

“You are asking me to try and explain a creature I never knew, and a process I know nothing about. I do not change into those creatures Sheng. Wrong uppyr! Ask her frère, ask her mother for the love of God!” Eyal cried in exasperation.

“You are Ayille’s son!” Sheng snapped as he stood.

“Da! I may be her son, but I do not give into that side of me. I may have some tendencies of the Ramanga but I do not have the “true form” of one apparently. I am truly thankful for that, they are disgusting creatures.” He shivered in disgust.

“I think you do but suppress it because you believe you are better than your mother.” The Panyu inu accused.

“Because perhaps…no, no…I AM better than my mother. Thank you Sheng…please leave now.” He snapped.

“Asuna needs something but we know not what. That witch did something to her and my own grandsire is going to go on a killing spree sooner or later. Chan is not weak.” He stated matter-of-factly.

“Neither am I.” Eyal warned.

“Exactly!” Sheng said sarcastically.

They were at an impasse in the argument and finally Sheng got up and ported out. Eyal looked out his window in his Budapest home and sighed. He could and should go after Ayille but he really did not like working with some of her other mates and lovers. Frankly, they pissed him off to the point of no return and he hated to be that angry because he had a tendency to do things he regretted.

“Go after me? You really think you can take me on?” Ayille whispered from shadows in a corner.

“Ramanga whore.” He said rising.

“Vlad Tepest.” She smirked.

“Eyal.” He snapped.

“Vlad sounds so much scarier, do you not think, son.” She replied cruelly.

“Since when do you give a damn if I am your son or not?” The uppyr king demanded.

“Since you are Ramanga and a right powerful male too. I daresay I should mate with you.” She grinned.

“You are disgusting.” Eyal grimaced with horror.

“We are demons you small thinking twit. What do mortal rules apply to us? You seriously think offspring produced by me, sired by you would be defective? We are animals son, you are not very bright.” She scoffed with blinding hatred.

“I think inbreeding even amongst animals is discouraged too much, you dumb freak.” He snapped and he suddenly pulled a battle axe off the wall.

“Very good. You are a warrior at least; you are not some soft incubus toy that only likes to fuck all day. You like the thrill the hunt gives you. The blood and the meat that you carve with your claws, teeth, and blade…it gives you a hard on does it not?” She demanded as her trident appeared as her smirk made him uncomfortable.

“You are not my mother. You are a bygone creature that God dismissed. You are a nothing that needs to be wiped from this Earth.” Eyal stated with narrowed brown eyes.

“A word Vlad! I am a god!” She snarled as she struck fast and hard.

Her trident pierced his flesh and he grimaced but he jumped up and over his antique, medieval style desk. He wore a black modern button down, slim fitting shirt that was tucked into dark wash slim fitting denim pants and a narrow black belt. His black hair was shoulder length and he sported a very thin and fine closely cropped beard. His formal black loafers made a sound as he landed to the floor. His battle axe clanging on the marble. Ayille’s blood ran down the brown silk of her lehenga choli dress, as her laugh made him sick. Her black hair was down and it was waving in ripples. If she was not such a disgustingly sick monster, he would have found her beautiful.

“I am a god and you are the son of a god! You should act like one, instead of a simpering wimp to that fucking whore Asuna. She is a dog and a slut! She is the animal; we feast upon the marrow of the very creatures that were born of us. Act like the god you are!” Ayille screamed in a rage that came from nowhere and suddenly.

Her entire trident had gone straight through his chest and his neck. Rena had heard the commotion and ran in to see her father pinned to the floor by the witch Ayille. The watered down Ramanga screamed and came at the uppyr queen and she was easily smashed into a glass cabinet against the wall of the massive library.

“So this is what you did to Grigory.” Eyal said coughing up tons of blood; barely able to speak.

“Worthless waste of a birth. I should have eaten him too.” Ayille snarled.

“Well mother congrats.” He said choking on his own blood.

“I will tell you what I shall do to your mate. I will mount her head on my trident as I burn it in a fire as I eat her remains slowly.” Ayille laughed.

“I have been taking in power. More power as of late Vlad Tepest and you? You have been a vegetarian all these centuries in comparison. Go meet your god as I become one again.” She said rising.

“She will stop you.” Eyal choked whispering.

“Excuse me?” She said whirling around.

“She will kill you.” Her putrid son stated with barely any life left.

Ayille’s hatred overcame her and she put both her hands on the sides of his head. Eyal screamed as his eyes rolled back and blood began to drip from every orifice in his body. She let go after several minutes and what was left of her very powerful but now very dead child, was just a husk of who he had been. She spit on the bastard as he had never even attained his true form. Rena woke up and the screaming began not a moment after Ayille ported out.
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He could not allow it, and he would not allow it. Kameron had to shove the young uppyr princess off her father and Rena tried to attack him but the others held her. She was screaming incoherently and half the castle was there. Jarek was sobbing as his younger brother held him up. Asher was barely able to stand it either and Kameron pulled the trident from Eyal and he seemed dead but he was in a last ditch death sleep. He would not survive it though without blood, and lots of it.

“Listen to me Princess Rena! Hear me child! Your mother is my mistress and I will not allow my brother to die!” Kameron whispered fiercely.

Rena’s red eyes looked at the frère and the bloody tears smeared her beautiful face. She felt the rage beyond the normal uppyr. She knew it and he knew it too, she was like Ayille and her grandmother Augusta, she carried the genes in her blood and she nodded frantically.

“Save him please Kameron. I beg you. I beg you. Then I beg you how to show me to change my form.” She whispered with desperate hate.

His dark eyes met her warm brown eyes for a moment and he nodded. He hated his Ramanga form but he understood her desire for revenge. This family had suffered enough at Ayille and Bilae’s hands. Secrets and shame had to come to an end. The time was now and he picked up the born child of his hated maker.

“Come my brother, you and I shall share our blood.” He said matter of factly.

“He has an underground chamber he uses for death sleeps.” Jarek stated helpfully.

“No my prince. I am taking him to a very safe place. I promise you on my mistress’s life that I will return him to this place whole.” Kameron said softly.

They knew to trust this man and Kameron held his “brother” close to him and he ported out.
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Chan stared down at the weakened empusae queen and she was struggling against his incubus trying to hold her down. She was weak but she was shrieking about some attack. Chan did not give a damn about anything that happened outside of his sphere and Asuna was getting freaked out.

“I will rip their throats out Chan! Let me go!” She insisted getting worked up.

“Not when I have no idea how weak that charm made you! What are you seeing anyway?” He demanded examining his claws.

“Eyal!” Asuna said shoving one incubus against a far wall and then the other.

She seemed to have regained her yoki and he tried to keep her down and she was not to be kept down. The empusae queen pulsed her yoki so profoundly that even Chan was repulsed by it.

“DO NOT FUCK WITH ME RIGHT NOW!” She warned him with a rare deadly warning.

Asuna ported out and the incubus lord was not only fuming but lusting horribly. Why her displays of complete power did that to him, he had no idea but it made him want her the more. He wanted to snarl into his own head that he was insane but he stood straight up and he prepared himself for battle.
Of all the places, he had no idea why he was here but it was tranquil and peaceful as he remembered as the revulsion hit him.

“Your frère brought the Ramanga heir here?!?” Chan snarled softly behind her a short distance.

“Why are you here?” Asuna demanded.

“Keeping you close Asuna, you and I will battle side by side for now.” He commanded with rising agitation.

The air was filled with salt as their feet made indentations in the water soaked sand. Kameron had brought Eyal to a hideaway within the Ryuku Islands and she approved of course. Chan it seemed was very uncomfortable in this place but his yoki was prickling her skin and she realized he was in his element. Her blue gaze met his and he jerked his eyes forward as they walked.

“You do not like islands at all.” She whispered softly.

“Your brilliant mind deduced that?” He snapped.

“Chan!” She hissed at him.

“No queen, I do not. I am the natural son of a water goddess and was she to awaken, where else to find me easily enough?” He growled in rising anger.

“We are close to a veil!” She realized shocked.

“You are quick.” Chan said walking past her.

“Izangami?” She asked suddenly.

“Another name for an uncle of mine?” He shrugged.

“Taranis, Don, and Simyth are all siblings!” The inu onna accused as it hit her.

“Well yes. So?” He asked her confused as she came to the realization.

“Your mother was the goddess of sea, Simyth that of earth, and Taranis of the skies.” She said with widened eyes.

“Yes Asuna, so what?” He asked shrugging.

“Then who was the father of Naraku and Bilae?” Asuna whispered as things seemed to click.

“Aeron. Do not be so dense Asuna or is it you do not remember?” He asked truly surprised.

“I do not remember. Do you wish me to call you Hunir now?” She asked coldly.

“He is dead! Never call that name again especially near the salt water you insipid bitch!” Chan growled under his breath.

The was a crashing of waves on the shore and it seemed stormy too suddenly. Chan’s took on a very violet hue and he looked out in the gray waters of the Sea of Japan. Coming towards shore and walking on the water itself was the form of an onna whose very garment was the sea itself. Her hair as well seemed to be liquid and the incubus was stiff by her side as the creature came closer to shore and stared at the blood drinkers. The eyes of the female were literally stormy and Chan just narrowed his eyes as the winds whipped his white hair up and around.

“Well you finally decide to come forth?” He asked in his native tongue.

Asuna was shocked to realize she knew it and she was looking at Chan stare at this unearthly creature with hatred and the watery creature glided through the sea foam and made it to land. Her “garment” was never solid per say but just the very sea itself but in the shape of filmy dress.

-You chose to become one of them Hunir. You sealed your fate when you killed my son Lirdor.- Don said in his mind.

“You are such a monster Mother!” Chan hissed as his purple eyes burned.

-I am the monster? You drink blood and not what I provide for my children.” The sea fae whispered in thought.

Asuna heard it all and her eyes were wide. Don paid her no mind and Chan was shaking with repressed anger that had lasted for millenniums.

-You should have come back into the sea and been reborn Hunir but you chose to become one of them. I could not give you absolution.- His mother thought to him.

“You left me! You abandoned me to be tortured!” He screamed.

-It was an unfortunate loss but expected during war.- Don shrugged.
Asuna lost her temper, and she just reacted. She let loose a nami that was electrically charged. It hit Don fully and the Undine fae screamed in mind. Chan whipped his head around and stared at the woman he had been obsessed with for several centuries. He grabbed her hand and allowed his own yoki to flow and she allowed her yoki weapon to appear. He intended to let his succubus queen channel him for all he was worth. They could not kill Don, that was impossible but they could force her to retreat into a deep slumber again.

“You wretched slut!” The empusae onna snarled as she let loose her power and Chan’s again through Konkisaiga.

Don put up a shield of water but the yoki ripped through it like a warm knife through butter. It hit Don and her form suddenly just became a puddle of water in the sand.

“What happened to her?” Asuna demanded as her fang receded into again.

“She retreated or went into hibernation again. She is truly immortal, she is an elemental being…as long as there is water, and there will always be Don.” He said walking forward again.

“She truly abandoned you.” She said walking behind him.

“Yes. I hate her and all the Undine. It is why I could care less about them or the fate of Leth’Evana. Let the fae rot in hell as far as I care.” He said looking back at her.

“I made an enemy of her did I not?” She asked Chan in concern.

“You are beneath her Asuna. You are powerful no doubt, but you will not concern her until you take Taranis’s place and I cannot see him leaving his plane and lose his immortality for that.” He shrugged that.

“That is what the ekimmu want me to do, take Taranis’s place.” She said understanding finally.

“Yes. Why should you? What is the point of having immortality that you shut yourself from life? What is the fucking point?” The incubus lord stated coldly.

She pondered his point fully and she fully realized this war was completely stupid and over the most ridiculous reasons.

“Arianrhod was his heir and they thought she would replace him at some point. She never cared and she wanted to live and she did but Bilae and those who followed him wanted to truly become immortal and could never die or be killed.” She fully understood.

“Correct. The ekimmu heiress was just a slut of supreme measures but she just liked her men like you do. She just wanted to enjoy her life. She was destroyed because of who she was, not what she was.” Chan said frankly.

“As long as this soul survives, so does the claim to the heir ship.” Asuna finally understood.

“How very very stupid is it not? Do you not get it? Have you ever seen Taranis, aka Izangami? You never will either. You see Don this once and you see Simyth because he is an earth immortal.” Sarcasm laced his hatred.

Chan’s words were not to be and what came next was Asuna in a column of salt water and she appeared to be drowning. Her eyes became red as she fought against the Undine goddess and the salt water exploded outward. Chan pulled his own blade and his mother stood before him as well as Beren Elensar. His cousin by way of Simyth and both fucking fae; he snarled and his eyes were the hue of the most royal of purples.

“Hello wife!” Beren said in soft anger.

“Why are you here?” Asuna growled in fury at the fae prince.

“Helping my aunt in dealing with a threat.” He shrugged.

-I will dispatch the brat.- Chan pathed to Asuna quickly.

-DO NOT kill him!- She pathed backed in warning.

Chan growled in rising hatred and attacked his cousin and Asuna took on his mother. It made no sense why the fae would show up here now; especially when Don had been dormant for so long. The clang of metal between Chan and Beren was loud as Asuna circled the ancient Undine goddess.

-Why involve yourself in this confrontation blood sucker?- Don demanded in her mind.

-I detest the fact that you left your child to die! Chan is like me and like me; he has managed to survive despite his past!!!- She growled in the water fae’s mind.

-One life is nothing in war and he would have been reborn but refused. You know nothing of our ways.- The faess mumbled in thought.

-I was Arianrhod at one time you insipid bitch but thankfully I have evolved into something better. Fight me, onna to onna!- Asuna demanded; growling powerfully in her brain.

Don’s liquid eyes stared at the silver haired creature and her power made sense, every time she would throw any bit of her Undine abilities at her, she was thwarted because she was Taranis’s child.

-I cannot best you nor can you best me, this ends now.- Don said in thought as she stepped back into the foam and disappeared.

“Fucking cunt coward MOTHER!” Chan snarled as he shoved his blade through Beren’s thigh to incapacitate him.

Beren Elensar fell to his side in agony as one of his many cousins sneered over him.

“Fucking earth fae, worthless beings. Why did my life giver bring you to this plane?” The incubus demanded in a rage.

“To understand why there are suddenly ekimmu and Shouten in Leth`Evana! There have been attacks upon our villages and all fae are uniting. Do you care at all Asuna, do you at least care that our children are in danger?” Beren snarled.

His lustrous brown hair was plaited tightly and his elven ears were sharply pointed and his marking stood out in deep contrast.

“Of course I care you fool. Where are the babes and where is Airis in all this?” she demanded as her eyes bled totally red.

Chan stared at Asuna as she spoke a water fae’s name and he narrowed his eyes and listened closely.

“He is at his post as he should be and my WIFE is never found. I have finally realized that I was an idiot but you will control these creatures and stop them from destroying Leth`Evana or the fae will!” He threatened.

“The Shouten are most likely those of Sanra and the ekimmu of Bilae.” She hissed.

“What does it matter if Leth`Evana suffers Asuna? The matters are here and now, let the fae handle their own issues.” Chan said with a fangy and cold smile.

“I know you were Hunir and your uncle’s dearest friend is an Undine. He is no coward!” The fae prince said menacingly at the incubus.

“Shut it NOW!!!” she commanded.

“If you care nothing for me, at least for your children and Airis.” Beren hissed in pain and anger.

Asuna lost her mind for a moment and picked him up by his tunic and hurled him against a nearby boulder on the beach. Dakkasou began to leak from her claws and Chan watched with interest as she stalked forward.

“Never question my love for my offspring, or the ones forced upon me by you. I love them anyway as far as Airis is concerned. He serves you no longer!” She said back handing him.

Chan started and his jaw dropped and he was searching his memory for this name and Asuna walked away from the earthen fae and towards the underground cave system that shielded and held Eyal and Kameron.

“Are you coming Chan or gawking at the elf boy?” She snapped.

“Oh I am coming to protect my interests and you will explain this Airis fellow.” He snapped in return.
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Kameron was exhausted and Ryo had fed Eyal as well. Chrestian stood by guarding as well as Qui. The frère were determined to save their brother as they called him. He looked exactly as described in the history books as his Dracula counterpart; he was paler than death but Chrestian had lost much blood in healing his horrific wounds.

“Should you like me to bleed yet?” Quilin asked softly.

“Yes, I do believe your blood would be very helpful indeed.” Kameron murmured.

Kameron held open Eyal’s chin and Qui bit deeply into his wrist and let the blood drip into the mouth of the seemingly dead Râmgangâ uppyr.

“Why are you being so reasonable?” The chief frère asked in a soft voice.

“When do I get to be accepted as one of you? I have bled and been tied to one of her fucking mates for fuck’s sake! I did not ask for this and I have begged for forgiveness from you brother, but I have to beg more?” The incubus frère snapped in his question.

“He feels your agitation at being amongst us is all.” The red dragon replied in hatred for the newest frère.

“Ryo stop!” Kameron commanded.

“Hai brother as you wish. If you ever command me to kill him, just let me know!” Ryo snapped as he stood and walked up towards the cave system’s entrance.

“Is this not where the dragons were found?” Chrestian asked curiously.

“Yes brother.” The eldest nodded.

Kameron’s long jet black hair was tied off and his desert tanned skin still a bit dark after the millenniums. He favored turtle necks and much tailored clothes in the modern era and when being in the past; he would do whatever to blend in. Chrestian always wore tailored casual clothing and his blonde hair was shorter but a messy style. His green eyes were beautiful to behold as usual. Ryo was fully Japanese and stuck with his fashions of yukata, haori, and hakama. Quilin was Chinese and he wore Chinese traditional clothing as well. His brown hair was past his ears and his violet eyes were narrowed as he felt the presence of his mistress and Chan nearing.

“Our queen has found us.” Kameron stated obviously.

“Kameron? Kameron it is Asuna!” She called down into the cave system and Chan tagged along.

Her gasps as she saw Eyal were loud and she fell to her knees near him and she pressed her ear to his chest. The heart rate was so slow to be almost being nothing at all.

“He still lives mistress but he must have blood constantly. I will not fail you; I swear it.” Her chief frère said gently grabbing her shoulders.

“Ayille?” Asuna asked as her voice cracked.

“Yes mistress. She wanted to hurt you deeply. Rena demands to know how to change form. I sent her to Japan and to your mother.” He murmured in her ear.

“Alright. Kameron please do whatever it takes to save him. I am for Leth`Evana.” His queen said turning and shocked him.

“The fae plane? For what reason my queen?” He asked stunned.

“Ayille.” Asuna growled in a terrifying tone.
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Chanak crawled forward through the puddle of his own blood and his mother had already gone. His breathing was labored as he needed to find one of Simyth’s patrols, his brunette head hanging down as he struggled to live. The Soten refused to die by his own mother’s hand and he heard large squad of the earthen fae.

“You there!” The leader called.

There were arrows pointed at him but he lifted his head and the general motioned for the archers to lower their weapons.

“You…you are the half-brother of Prince Beren.” The general said taking off his silver helmet.

“Yes, I am Chanak…I am the son of Simyth Elensar. Who are you?” The Soten prince grimaced in his agony.

“Ayduin Tinnuon. Braigon come now and attend Prince Chanak.” General Ayduin commanded with authority.

A young golden brown haired fae stepped forward and his markings were around both of his bright green eyes as he knelt to pull the half fae prince up some. Chanak groaned in mounting agony and Braigon looked at his general in deep concern.

“My liege! He will not make it unless we bring Healer Airis here sir.” The young fae warrior stated.

Simyth’s entire warriors wore the same highly polished silver armor with rounded helmets; most of the earthen fae were adept at both the sword and bow but most preferred the bow or spear. Ayduin’s gold colored eyes roved over his patrol and they had only recently faced ekimmu. The valley floor was littered with dead blood drinkers, Ayduin jerked his pale blonde head in the direction of a tremendously loud crashing sound nearby.

“Braigon you are charged with defending the prince. Arnor! Return to the palace at once and retrieve the healer as quickly as can be.” He barked his orders.

Ayduin shoved his helmet back on his head and motioned for the rest to follow him. Braigon stayed with the Halfling fae and he knew some healing himself.

“Prince, I see some plants that will ease your pain some. May I lay you down for a moment?” He asked softly.

“Why are you all being this kindly towards me now?” He gasped out as the fae warrior lay him down gently.

“Our king has commanded that if any harm befalls you by fae hands; then those fae will be put to death for eternity.” The warrior answered honestly.

“The fuck?” Chanak asked getting delirious.

“You will live. Ayduin is our best besides your half-brother and Arnor is our fastest rider. Airis is an Undine and can command the mists.” The younger fae shrugged.

“Sanra must not be killed by anyone but me. I know her weaknesses and I can still save her soul.” The Soten whispered fighting unconsciousness.

“His majesty has ordered her death at all costs along with all Shouten that are not allied with the Princess or any ekimmu period.” Braigon stated applying the emergency poultice.

Chanak heard the last words before his mind and body finally succumbed to blissful blackness but the word, no had been whispered but Braigon knew the king would have the Shouten creature’s death one way or another.
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His return to his home plane made him filled with hate that could not be expelled and Chan’s anger was palatable. Asuna looked back and his eyes were a violent and royal purple. His white hair was down and his sharply pointed elven ears barely showed. His hair had a few gold beads to decorate the rich cotton color and his haori was open revealing his sculpted but lean chest and belly. She could see faint scars over his mouth and eyes that she really had not paid attention to before. The empusae queen could feel Chanak very close by as well as another earthen fae and Airis of all the fae men in Leth`Evana. Chan was beside her moment and the next; she was gone. He cursed in his native tongue and he followed the auras of the other fae and he put his hand on his fang as he prepared to face another Undine.

“Chanak!” Asuna cried falling to her knees beside her Soten prince.

“Princess he is unconscious thankfully, but he will survive. I got here just in time.” Airis said with a gentle smile.

“Thank you Airis! Thank you!” She said throwing her arms around the fae healer.

“He is a prince of Leth`Evana and there is nothing I would not do for you, you know that.” He replied in her ear.

“Well, well, well an Undine amongst woodsy fae. How fucked up is that?” Chan demanded sneering.

Airis looked up at a being who looked Undine but his aura was that of an empusae. The healer was confused because he felt he knew this face but he cocked his head to the side and could not place him.

“Enough Chan for the kamis sake! Can you not cooperate with ME at least?” Asuna hissed in rising anger.

“As far as I am concerned; every Undine should die.” He snarled with hatred.

“He is NOT Don!” She snapped back.

“The goddess Don? Who are you?” Airis asked rising and his white clothing seemed ethereal.

“I am Lord Chan of Panyu, China. I am the founder of the current ruling dynasty and an empusae prince Undine. Now get away before I make you my dinner.” He said through clenched teeth.

“I know you.” The healer stated flatly.

“Enough of this right now! Chan, if you raise one claw against Airis, you will have me to contend with. Stop this stupidity. We are here for Bilae and Ayille, NOTHING more.” She growled with her reddened eyes.

Her inu was taking over most often now and Asuna grabbed Chan’s white hair and jerked him back. His violet eyes met her red ones and he damned the inu in her.

“For the moment I shall but since I am here, I shall take the opportunity to wreak havoc on the Undine unlike they have ever seen!” He said with his fangs showing.

“Are you quite mad?” Airis demanded.

“Oh yes, quite! First the Râmgangâ bitch then revenge.” The incubus snarled as he brushed past Airis and knocked forcefully into his shoulder.

Overlooking the small valley in the lush forests of Leth`Evana near the palace of Simyth Elensar stood Ayille with her trident. Her manic grin showed her long and deadly fangs as she made the Râmgangâ scream to let her enemies know of her presence. Airis, Asuna, Chan, and Braigon looked up at the horrible scream and the sky began to fill with changeling Râmgangâ. The inu princess looked over at Airis and he narrowed his pale brown eyes. His long white hair was pulled back in a tight plait as he suddenly Braigon’s spear and long sword.

“Young one use get the prince to the palace NOW and warn his majesty. The battle is on.” The healer commanded.

Chan watched the healer turn from doctor to warrior and he had a strong feeling as if he should know this man and hate for ekimmu and Râmgangâ replaced the Undine for now.

“I bet you filthy Undine that I will take the most heads.” Chan smirked.

“That is a challenge I shall accept. Princess? The battle starts.” Airis commented as they three stood with their backs facing the other two.