Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ Reunion i Ceocháin ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: TheInuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own theBleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

Reunion i Ceocháin

Hunir was fighting amongst the melee that was the Undine army against their bitterest rivals; the ekimmu. He could see his other siblings and his favorite brother Lirdor fighting close by. He saw HER of all the ekimmu warriors, as they painted their faces blue. His mother had called on the fresh water clans of Ludok and Sarnor. The general of the freshwater Undine was Ailduin Ludok and he was powerful in his own right. Hunir watched as Arianrhod fought her way closer to the stranger and began battling him personally. She took the head off another of his people and hatred entered his gut. Hunir saw the ekimmu of Frost and Snow and also the ekimmu of Thunder and Lightning not far. He began to battle his way closer to the infamous blood drinkers and Lirdor also followed. The bloodbath was horrendous and his people were losing…

Chan’s memories hit him as he remembered the name of Ludok. Auilduin had blue eyes but not Airis. This healer was a member of the freshwater clan of fae that had lost that fateful battle that had led to his capture. Hate entered his being and he could not stand Leth`Evana let alone those who had allowed him to be taken by the disgusting ekimmu. This Airis Ludok was fighting with amazing ability as so many changeling Ramanga came at them.

Asuna was stabbing and striking off heads of the winged beasts without remorse or mercy as Ayille screamed in rage as her turnlings were being slaughtered in droves.

“Eleven Undine!” Chan called to Airis smugly as he used his mithril fang.

“Thirteen incubus!” Airis replied back coolly.

Chan snarled and moved forward and stabbed his claws straight through the chest of one of the beasts and yanked out its heart and it fell dead at his feet. This Airis’s eyes were brown, like lake water but that was unusual but not unheard of. He watched the mixed empusae queen use her yoki through her fang and left hand and he believed it was called the, “supaida nami” from what he had read.

“I am going after her.” He called to Asuna.

“She is mine!” His lover snarled as Asuna looked at him with red eyes.

To see her eyes red and not green or darker blue made him thrilled. To see her engage her inu instead of her ekimmu past made him feel hope. Chan noticed several more mixed auras and Asuna did as well. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw her sons; Nori, Ken’ichi, followed by Kenta, Jouichi, Ryo, Chrestian, and Aldwyn. It was unexpected but Chan was more than approving when he also noticed two decidedly Panyu auras; Jin and Sheng were there as well.

“What the hell?” Asuna asked Chrestian as he neared quickly.

“We frère felt this and we decided that your mates that were here will help you in this battle. Maec, Lei, and Admal are here somewhere. This battle shall be our victory as Ayille WILL die.” Chrestian said firmly.

Her eyes were wide and love swelled through her for every single person standing by her. She pecked his lips quickly and the skies in Leth`Evana turned black with turnling Ramanga.
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Bilae thought he would try and take his sweet Macha by surprise but she had been in Leth`Evana as well looking for Sergei. Efnisien had been by her side aiding her as well as her dragon; Braden. The fucking dragon was back and nothing was going right on this fucking bad day. Anger made his gut twist in jealousy and he narrowed his eyes at the little group hunting for one lone frère.
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“Why are you in Leth`Evana?” Asuna asked as she neared Airis as he whirled and ducked a vicious beast.

“It was imperative it seemed. I could see the signs and I was correct Princess.” He answered being formal.

“We fought Beren.” She murmured under her breath.

“You fought the prince?” Airis asked whirling and striking deep into the heart of a Ramanga and Asuna struck off its head.

“Hai and Don.” She stated lifting her chin.

“Are you mad?” Her fae mate asked stunned.

“Don is a monster!” The love of this part of his life growled.

“She is the mother goddess of water fae; have you not noticed that I am an aqua fae?” He hissed through clenched teeth.

“She was also supposedly Arianrhod’s mother! Is this true?” Asuna demanded with narrowed eyes.

“What I know of the legends; aye, it is true.” He answered honestly.

“I see. I cannot fight Bilae and the rest as a bygone ekimmu. I must fight them as me.” She said meeting his brown eyes.

“I would say; that is the best course you could take; but whose course is it? That unnatural creature that is fighting the Ramanga creature? He is Undine but then he is not. Who is he Asuna?” Airis demanded.

“He is Chan. He is Panyu.” She said effortlessly.

Chan had heard her of course and he could not help but smile as the young empusae queen had kept his secret. Passion poured from his soul and he now knew; he knew she was different. It had taken mixing the empusae with an animal daemon to produce a queen who was worthy of leading their species. Danika had been pure and therefore evil. Annka now mixed herself amongst the infants as she called them but the old bat knew as he did; this was where the power lied and it did not lie with the ekimmu any longer. Chan moved with such fluidity but his mind was pondering. He did not notice the addition of a tall, lithe man with ebony cascades for hair near him. He was on one side of Ayille and this other creature on her left. When Chan did notice; he was shocked stupid for he recognized the soul but the face was one he knew not.

“Hello cunt. I have not given you my venomous kiss in some time. Please let us share.” The beautiful man spoke with hate.

Ayille was shocked by surprise but Chan used that surprise. The arachnid stabbed her deeply above her heart and the old Panyu lord shoved his clawed hand deep into the area where her ribs were separate above her belly. Asuna stared up at the surprised Ramanga queen and she looked back at Airis as he was shocked by the display. She ported out so fast that it made her Undine mate dizzy. She appeared behind Ayille and as the two men used their yoki; she grabbed a handful of wavy, ebony locks of her hated enemy.

Panic crossed Ayille’s face and she made Asuna’s blood boil but the other queen fought through the horrendous pain. It was in such slow motion as the spray of blood erupted as the canine empusae slowly ripped the Ramanga bitch’s head from her shoulders. Her eyes were blood red as well as Jouichi’s. Chan’s violet orbs were glowing as the mother of the current “king of uppyr” was literally torn apart. Blood, gore, and water spilled from her lips before her head separated from her body. Jouichi reached in and jerked her heart from her chest and Chan flooded her husk with salt water. Nori, and Ken’ichi had come up the rear followed by Kenta but Asuna held her head and the body of the former Ramanga queen fell dead at their feet.

“Burn her body. Give me her heart and I shall take her head. There is someone I must see.” She murmured staring at Jouichi and then her sons.

Chan’s heart raced and Jouichi fell to his knees as he handed over the bitch’s heart. It did not seem possible and Chrestian stared from afar and his senses told him that Ayille was dead but he could not fathom it. He could not fathom that the destruction wrought by the monstrous bitch was finally over.
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Q uilin and Kameron had stayed to feed Eyal blood. They bled themselves often and would leave to feed often. What neither expected was to see the glowing eyes of their “queen” but they burned crimson hell fire and she held a head by ebony hair and in her bloodied hand she held a heart.

“Mistress? Asuna?!?” Kameron whispered stunned beyond time.

“Feed the heart to the son; I deliver you her head my beloved Kameron. Destroy her for all eternity. Your family waits.” His wife, mate, queen, and everything whispered as she handed him the head of his original maker.

Ayille’s eyes were open and her skin had turned grey. Quilin had to look away from the grisly visage but Kameron’s eyes had taken on their demonic color and he was suddenly up and he crushed the head in his hands with such rage and hate. What was left of Ayille now covered the cavern walls and him. Quilin came and took her heart and he sliced into the organ with his claws. What blood was left in it, he drained into the mouth of her born progeny. Asuna could only watch as Kameron calmed himself and a smile of the most beautiful sort crossed his features.

“She is only one but one down and more to go. We shall win and we shall have our family and peace.” She whispered as she kissed her chief frère and he kissed her as passionately.

For the first time in his very long life; Kameron had real hope and he had real ambitions now. His life was not to become forfeit to the Ramanga whore that had tortured and destroyed him so long ago. Kameron’s life that he had started with his new queen could be lived how they chose and his growl was one of immense passion and need. Qui could feel the rising need and indeed; the act would be one of healing on so many levels. The Ramanga would be aimless and so many could now move on with their lives.
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Ken’ichi held onto Nori and they had both watched their mother rip the monster’s head off. Pride welled up from his past life but it was as himself that he felt the greatest surge. Nori had watched not Arianrhod Hammel but Asuna Orlovich-Jing rip the bitch’s head from her trunk.

“She is dead Ken.” He whispered in an almost blissful voice.

“Hai. Hai! Thank the Kamis. Lord Jouichi! You whoever you are, thank you! Our Haha? Where is she?” The young hybrid inu asked with a shaking voice.

“Your mother has delivered the witch’s remains to be destroyed young Ken’ichi.” Jouichi said standing and put his hand on the inu’s shoulder.

Nori put Jouichi’s other hand on his shoulder and the young shape shifter allowed a moment of weakness as he suddenly sobbed for a moment. The former kumo lord knew and held the two very different twins but held them nonetheless. Chan moved forward and knelt before them and Nori stared into royal eyes.

“I am Chan and the founder of Panyu. Young lord this is just a beginning you realize? You have us in you as well. Embrace it.” He said gently lifted the youngster’s chin.

“Hai. What are you?” Naraku’s son asked softly.

“Death to this family’s enemies. Rest assured but do not deny any part of your nature like so many of your siblings. If you are like your mother in any respect; embrace it as it will only make you a master and all others your prey.” He said rising.

Ken’ichi actually liked the white haired man and his grin was feral and Jouichi was grasping the boys tightly.

“Have no fear Lord Jouichi; you are no longer a fucking Undine. Your current life saves you from my killing spree.” Chan stated walking past him.

“Who is that really Lord Jouichi?” Nori asked almost shocked.

“A creature who shares much of my own yoki but also your mother’s young one. It would be best if you two returned to the Western Estate. The beasts will retreat for now as we have won a major victory.” He whispered.

“Sakina and I have been revenged.” Ken’ichi whispered.

“Hai. Your sister has been avenged and I can rest for this moment.” The former lord said with a heavy but satisfied heart.
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Airis watched Chan stalking deeper into Leth`Evana and he knew fear of this creature. He used his mists and he appeared in front of the empusae man and Chan lifted his youthful countenance at the freshwater Undine. His fangy smile was feral and Airis knew this man was Undine as well but something far more dangerous and deadly.

“You wish to start this now healer? I would have spared you for her sake but you serve the Woodlawn fae?” Chan asked pulling his fang.

“You are Undine but not.” Airis whispered almost afraid.

“Really? I had not noticed. Do you always play with ekimmu Ludok or just because she begs you to?” The Panyu founder sneered.

“I cannot harm those ekimmu without damaging my relationship with the woman I love.” He said bluntly.

“My what a contradiction you are water elf! You commit sin here in fairy land but would work with your own kind’s bitterest and most detested enemy.” Chan said coming closer.

“Who are you really?” Airis demanded.

“Hunir. My name was Hunir before my rebirth you insipid elf.” He said using telekinesis to throw him against a huge pine.

Airis’s eyes widened at the name of an Undine prince lost to time. The name had not been spoken in generations beyond memory and it was thought myth as was the Lady Don.

“Oh I assure you that my fucking mother is QUITE real. Asuna is not really fond of her. You hate Fionn Hammel Undine? Why not act like a real fae man and destroy him!” Chan snarled in his face.

“Hunir was supposedly the youngest and most beloved of Don. He was killed by the ekimmu.” Airis whispered in absolute horror.

“Most beloved? What a fucking joke! No Ludok, I was a causality of war! Now I am here to see if my brothers still live and perhaps end their miserable existence!” He said revealing his very terrifying fangs and power.

“Chan!” He heard behind him and he recognized Jin’s voice.

Chan’s eyes bled slowly back to their beautiful blue color and he dared Airis to move and he stepped back as he turned to stare at his powerful grandson.

“Yes Jin?” He asked almost kindly.

“We had thought to return to Panyu for a short while and hold a celebration; grandfather, would you join us?” Jin asked uncomfortable.

“You plan to celebrate the Ramanga whore’s demise? You will allow us in your palace?” Chan demanded smirking sensually.

“As you have reminded me sir; you are my elder.” The current Panyu lord smiled genuinely.

“Cute boy, very cute. I will be there of course. I shall have to wait on this I see.” He said looking at Airis Ludok.

Airis was not one to be terrified of much but this creature horrified him on every single level. As soon as he had appeared; he followed his kinsmen and was gone.
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T he fae healer appeared at the palace of Leth`Evana and he bowed before Simyth Elensar and his longtime friend and ruler bid him rise. Airis had been gone from his realm for some time but when needed; he had returned.

“I am relieved you have come home my friend. You have heard all the news?” Simyth asked.

“I know you have acknowledged the Soten boy as your son and a prince of Leth`Evana. I know Beren and the Princess are on a breaking point. I also know the evil ekimmu have been here in droves.” Airis said bowing his head.

“Beren was badly injured by an Undine he said. One of ours Airis! Who would do such an evil thing?” The fae king demanded.

“I was told by Princess Asuna that your sister Lady Don was seen in the other plane my lord.” He murmured softly.

“What? Don awoke?” The Woodlawn fae ruler asked in complete shock.

“So you were not aware.” Ludok stated not surprised.

“Know that my dormant sister has been seen? No, I was not aware.” Simyth replied majorly concerned.

“She was with Beren when he was injured by the Undine, my king.” His healer answered.

Simyth’s eyes widened and he was horrified. Don and he were not exactly close and both of them were responsible for their own fae within Leth`Evana. His sibling being what she was; she had offspring in other planes as well that were, well they just were not fae. The idea that Don had brought his beloved Beren to harm was discomfiting to him and he narrowed his eyes to Airis.

“You are withholding from me Airis.” His king said knowingly.

“Sire, the Undine told me himself that he was the Prince Hunir. I thought that name myth but it was during my father’s lifetime that Arianrhod fought the Undine in particular.” He spoke frankly.

“Ailduin Ludok was truly an amazing warrior.” The king nodded.

“I revered my father and I will never forgive Fionn Hammel for killing him.” Airis stated with hate.

“I would rather not have the Lady Asuna away from us. Beren however wishes to leave their union.” Simyth said in a deep sigh.

“Would you forgive me anything my lord?” Airis asked with trepidation.

“You know I would Airis. What is it?” The Wood fae asked concerned.

“The princess and I bonded by accident during her second birth here in Leth`Evana. It was a mistake but her powers of the mind are of a kind I have never encountered. She and I fell into that spell…” He tried to explain.

“You are a prince of the Undine, Airis. You are someone within Leth`Evana. I will keep this quiet and allow the divorce of Beren and Asuna. You will of course allow proper time to pass and then marry her according to Undine traditions. I will not lose the power and her family. She would also try and take Beren’s children away. No, this is the best way. Thank you Airis for coming to me with the truth; as far as Hunir…my nephew it seems needs to be dealt with.” Simyth said in deep contemplation.

Airis had managed to explain his grievous sin but still be able to keep her and the boon to be able to marry her in his home plane. He thanked his makers and bowed low before the king of Leth`Evana and went to his apothecary to make plans to meet with Chan (aka Hunir) again.
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There was a large celebration banquet at the Panyu palace and of all inu to make his presence known was the Western Lord of Honshu, Japan; Lord Sesshomaru. Asuna stepped into the banqueting hall and everyone stopped and stared. She had on a strapless hanfu in peacock blue satin. There was a wide band of darker satin ribbon that edged around her bust and the obi was embroidered with purple, pink, and gold flowers. She wore a sheer wrap that was edged in the same satin as her obi and the hanfu brought out her light blue eyes. She wore a diadem of lapis lazuli and also drop earrings that Shezmu had given her nearly four centuries before. On her feet were silver slippers that shimmered with gold thread embroidered throughout. Parts of her silver tresses were up and a thick braid was wounded around and through the diadem, and the rest of her cascade was down and came to her hips. Lord Sesshomaru looked upon his eldest pup and favored daughter with deep affection for only a moment and his child saw it and she gave him a deep bow. When she lifted herself upright, his clawed hand was out for her to take and she did. Her lord and father pulled her into a deep hug and for a moment he did not care that anyone saw and he hugged his heir for all he was worth.

“You again make this Sesshomaru proud.” He spoke in his deep timbre.

“And you make this Asuna nearly weep with gratitude.” She teased softly.

Her sire laughed ever so softly that only she heard it and he let her go. She stared up at the man she called “father” in this life and she could only feel immense love.

“I love you my lord.” Asuna stated only looking at him.

“And I you Asuna.” He returned with nary an emotion displayed.

Asuna could see her mother and Augusta grabbed her daughter and hugged her tightly as well. Kameron came up next and his mistress looked surprised to see him.

“I have a surprise for you my heart.” He said gently.

“Hai my darling?” She asked her head frère intrigued.

“Look in the far corner.” Kameron said with a wide smile.

Asuna looked and Chrestian, Ryo, and Quilin moved and there stood an awake but weak Eyal. Her cry was sudden and she ran over to her longtime husband and hugged him and he hugged her tightly as well.

“How?” Asuna cried as she kissed his lips and face.

“I assume when you killed Ayille and fed me her potent blood; it healed me quite a bit. The frère as well kept feeding me. I want to thank my brothers.” Eyal said looking at all of the frère with deep emotions.

“This is only the first win my dearest. We have only won one major victory but we will win.” Asuna said pressing her head to his forehead.

“I know and I am still weak; I am going with your mother and we are going to wrangle the rest of the wild Ramanga. They will become a force for good, instead of evil as they have been for so long. I am Ayille’s most powerful son and Augusta a queen. We will show them.” He said smiling fiercely.

Asuna nodded and she noticed the banqueting hall was becoming crowded. There were even crystal decanters that held blood. How Jin had managed that; she did not want to contemplate but she was seeing so many of her mates that it was dizzying. Naraku, Masanori, Kenta, Ishin, and Jouichi were there. Ichigawa and all her inu mates were there. The feast was spectacular and Jin had spared no expense. It seemed as if the whole of her crazy and insane family was here and Sheng caught her eyes and he nodded. A wide smile broke and she lifted a goblet of blood of all things.

“I am pleased that you are taking in what you need for your pups my queen.” She heard softly in her ear.

She looked over and there stood Chan and he was stunning in traditional Chinese royal garb. She had not seen him in black and he wore one inner kodsode that was thin red, a middle kodsode that was heavy silk brocade that was ebony and edged in scarlet. His obi dragon mortified and his outer robe was thick jacquard silk in black. His white hair was tied back in an elaborate top knot with a white gold goblet shaped crown. The only thing that gave away his fae nature was his ears but otherwise he looked like an Asian youkai.

“Your sire was only partially inu was he not and he was from this area?” Asuna asked taken in by his beauty.

“You surmise correctly but I did not know him. I only know I had the instincts. I am from this part of this plane my precious queen. I was just raised in Leth`Evana as an Undine.” Chan spoke honestly and gently for once.

“I will find you soon Chan. We must speak but for now; I must celebrate this victory with all of my family but what you did allowed me to finally destroy her.” She said bowing her head reverently.

She shocked all assembled and she actually bowed from the waist to the old Panyu lord and Chan could not have been more pleased or want this woman more. He grabbed her hand in front of all and kissed her knuckles. His eyes were burning royal purple as his orbs took in her loveliness.

“Your words mean more than actions Lady Asuna. You have my fealty always.” He stated flatly.

She was stunned and he moved away and she could feel several mates bristle. She saw Ryukotsusei along with Admal, Maec, and literally almost everyone was here. It was so strange and odd to her but there was a ton of libation and those who ate whole food and all were drinking plenty of the champagne. Amedeo and Julianus were also seen and she knew all her younger pups were under the same roof and sheer happiness hit her for one night. The smile that overcome her face stopped the hearts of many and Kameron stood by her most of the night. Qui too was not far away. Kameron had never been so lighthearted and his smile was just as beautiful as hers. The party was only getting underway and Chan could not keep his eyes off his female counterpart as she looked like a fucking goddess that she truly was and he wanted her for himself.
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The agony in his leg was horrendous and he was unused to fighting another form of his own kind. The Undine were a different species of fae and ungodly powerful in their own right. While his father was the undisputed king of ALL of Leth`Evana; the Undine paid tribute but pretty well ran their own affairs. Airis was attending his injuries and the pain of his failed union was ripping him apart and the creature his wife was with was in fact an UNDINE fae. Anger and bitterness that she had given his bastard half-brother two children and now she was shielding this freak of nature made him feel madness in his soul.

“Why did my wife say you were her concern?” Beren demanded of the longtime healer.

“I have been out of Leth`Evana sometime Prince Beren. I have been contemplating leaving permanently and trying to find a way in that plane.” He said in a modified truth.

“Are you mad?” Simyth’s heir asked as he hissed as the herbs pulled and helped to stitch the skin together.

“My wife and child have been dead so many years my prince. I have a wish to go out and just live. I have been in mourning for so long. I have fought against the ekimmu again and I find some satisfaction in that. You know they killed my father.” Airis stated making conversation.

“Ailduin Ludok was killed by Fionn Hammel if I remember correctly.” His prince said shutting his eyes in his own agony.

“Yes, my father was destroyed by the ekimmu of thunder and lightning. I owe him a debt to claim his life but it has not presented itself as he has proved to useful in ridding us of our enemies here so far.” The healer-warrior shrugged.

“I went with Don hoping to talk sense into my wife but the hate and utter avoidance she shows towards me, shows me well enough that our marriage was always a sham. I was a deluded fool.” The wood fae said despondent with heavy depression.

“The Undine you faced my prince; I saw him as well. He confirmed that he was indeed the fabled Prince Hunir of the Sáile Undine.” Airis prompted.

“He was called Chan out there and he is evil. My wife did not seem very happy to be around him come to think about it.” Beren said actually thoughtful.

“Truly?” His healer said curiously.

“Yes, he in fact was quite condescending to her and she was as hateful to him.” He shrugged.

“He is one of the three that killed the Ramanga Prince Beren. Princess Asuna ripped her head off; whilst Nwyvre injected her with his current life’s venom and Hunir drowned her within.” He answered shrugging.

“My heart cannot take more rejection and pain Airis. I am done with the other plane. She can debase herself with my bastard half-brother and any other fae creature that gives her attention. I have come to hate her.” Beren said and an actual tear fell from his magnificent smoky quartz looking eyes.

Chanak was further down in the apothecary on a low bed and he was barely conscious but he had heard Beren’s declarations and he hid his smile. All he had to do was take the children of his half-brother and he was done with this wretched family.

“There is a celebration at the royal palace in Guangzhou of the Panyu.” Airis said watching Beren.

His prince stared dully out and shrugged and Airis nodded and cleared him to go to his rooms. He moved to go to Chanak who was still pretty bad off but was awake. His multifaceted eyes locked with Ludok’s and he just felt like hell.

“They are divorcing?” Chanak asked bluntly.

“Yes.” Airis answered honestly.

“So what does that mean for you water boy?” The Soten asked wryly.

“It means Simyth has given me the right to marry her and you will be married secretly. I have become pragmatic Prince Chanak. Perhaps you may be able to bend as well.” The healer said rising.

“I accept her as she is now.” He said boldly.

“Then I see no issue except the Undine known as Hunir. He is far older than you or me. He also hold no love of Leth`Evana. Get well for we have to defend our homeland.” Airis commanded boldly.

“I defend for my family and no other reason Undine. You have proven someone I can trust despite our beginning. How is Ireth?” He asked softly.

“The most beautiful child I have ever beheld. This past year has been worth everything.” The water elf said with shutting his soft brown orbs for a moment.

“I feel the same about Serik.” Chanak nodded and he allowed sleep to come upon him again.

“You are being guarded at your father’s behest. He named your daughter for you; he begs your forgiveness but he took your heritage into account and her mother as well, Celeblassien.” Airis stated as the Soten wraith was drifting.

“Celeblassien. It fits her perfectly. I am well pleased.” He nodded and passed out.

Airis smiled softly and the Soten was actually quite personable when gotten to be known. His love was correct and this young man WAS worth it. He loved his wife and children as a fae should and it was correct. He was contented for the night and he went to his innermost rooms and he checked on his toddler Ireth and her white hair was now past her shoulders and her blue eyes mirrored her mama’s. She had a teardrop mark between her white brows and he picked his chubby little girl.

“Mama?” Ireth asked softly.

“We shall go to see mama yes my beautiful girl.” He spoke with such gentleness.

“Papa love Ireth?” She asked innocently.

“More than my immortal soul my precious bebe girl. Papa must dress to see mama.” He said setting her down in her ornate cradle bed and he went to don some clothing a bit more fitting for a celebration.
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Her adult children were there as well as Hibari with her found frère Sergei and she was beaming. The only thing missing was Braden but she could face that later. Asuna went to the balcony to get some air and she stared at the stars and she had not felt this sort of utter happiness since Magatushi had died.

“You allowed your animal youkai to control yourself in the battle. You allowed your current life to control you and not that evil persona of your past life. Ekimmu are worth nothing but to destroy and decimate.” Chan stated from the shadows.

“You do realize Hunir that Don was my mother as well in THAT life too. So why do you try and control us now?” She spoke with a slightly off voice.

“I refuse to speak to your past incarnation and I am aware of who you were Arianrhod. I will only speak to your modern life and not your bygone and very dead past self!” The Panyu empusae man said coldly.

He whirled her around to face him and there was struggled on her face and he saw her eyes change to red. A slow smile spread on his beautiful face and he nodded.

“Your past incarnation decided to speak for yourself now.” He said in annoyance.

“We are technically the same soul Chan.” Asuna said shaking her head as if to clear it.

“You are but remember your own history dear! Kikyo and the Shikon Miko. Same soul but still they were separated. It can be the same for you. Now, you said you wished to speak?” The Undine incubus stated lifting her chin with his index finger.

He watched her body stiffen and she jerked her head in another direction. Chan looked at her questioningly and she felt something he could not; which was odd, because most of their yoki was almost the same.

“What do you feel?” He demanded.

“A relative. No matter Chan. I promise we shall finish our discourse. Please allow yourself to be known at least to the Panyu side of the family; as in my daughter and sons?” She asked softly.

“I shall do so now.” He said with a magnificent smile that almost stopped her heart and he could be immensely charming.

Chan hated her shielding from him and right now she was like down tighter than Fort Knox as the saying went. He wondered who had shown up that she should have kept it from him.

She was near the entrance to the Panyu palace as Jin, Sheng, and Jun were greeting their guests as they arrived. Asuna was stunned to her core to see Simyth Elensar and Airis Ludok out of Leth`Evana and here of all places. Both were splendidly dressed and looked as beautiful as could be. Airis carried on his hip, Ireth and she wore a pink flowing dress that shimmered with silver accents. She had a bit of her hair up in a matching silver ribbon to reveal her elvish ears. Her white hair also shimmered in the light with silvery accents and there was no mistaking whose daughter she was; for on her wrists she bore her mother’s magenta striping. Airis wore a deep green brocade style coat with a short Mandarin style collar that was embroidered in golden Elven symbols. His bottoms were deep indigo tucked into brown knee boots and his white hair was pulled back to reveal his ears but the rest down and he looked stunning.

Simyth on the other hand wore his royal robes in dark navy velvet. It had a high back neck with gold embroidery around the front neck and down the front of the chest that ended in a deep “v” shape in gold rope. Embroidered in a Pegasus motif was on the chest. The robe was half sleeved and fell to the floor but sheer sleeves went to Simyth’s wrists. Black boots peaked beneath his splendor. He wore a simple circlet of gold on his sable locks that also revealed his ears.

‘’We felt this occasion should be celebrated by all of your family Princess Asuna.” Simyth said warmly.

“Simyth, I…” She started to say.

“Airis is a prince of the Undine milady. Beren and you are no longer married but you are still the mother to my grandchildren. I see you still as someone important and as family.” He smiled warmly.

Asuna mouthed prince to Airis and he shrugged. Ireth reached out for her mother and Asuna took her half fae daughter.

“Hello my beautiful girl.” She whispered gently.

“Mama!” She cried laying her head against her chest.

“Please come in.” Lord Jin indicated.

“Your majesty, I warn you that there is someone who means harm to those of Leth`Evana…” Asuna tried to say.

“You mean my nephew Hunir that goes by the name of Chan? Yes, I am aware that he is here and I am aware that he helped to slay the Ramanga evil. I have words to speak to my family Lady Asuna. Would you be so kind as to show Airis and I to him please?” Simyth said graciously.

Sheng looked at Asuna and she wondered if there would be a slaughter at their celebration party. She gulped and she moved cautiously through the throng. Chan did not exactly know how deep her involvement with Leth`Evana went and it seemed that Airis had come out to Simyth and the fae king was willing to forgive their transgression in their society. It took her nearly ten minutes to get through the throng of people and she felt Chan soon enough. He had been busy speaking with her adult twins; Kazuo and Hiroto and Itsuyo. The Old Panyu lord stopped mid-sentence and turned to stare at the young empusae queen and two adult fae and one tiny fae. Chan’s fae betrayed nothing but he recognized his uncle clearly and he of course knew the warrior turned healer now named Ludok.

“Who is this beauty that stands before me?” He asked ignoring the Leth`Evana king.

“Me Ireth Orlovich Ludok.” The shy little fae girl said chewing on her finger.

Chan could see what a beautiful child she bore to one so close to his coloring and he then looked at Ludok and Elensar and his face carried boredom.

“How droll Uncle Simyth that you come to see us after all these years. Really?” Chan asked coldly.

“Where have you been Hunir?” The fae king demanded.

“Where I have been for damn near ten millenniums on this plane; oh great and illustrious elven king! Your own sister, MY MOTHER allowed me to be ekimmu fodder! Why should you care?” He asked with his eyes changing to purple.

“You have changed.” Simyth stated in utter shock.

“Oh you mean, I am not just a fae brat anymore? Oh no Uncle Simyth; I am something so much better than that. Don brought your son out to play. I could have killed my cousin but I did not. Think on that as you mingle.” The incubus lord said baring fangs.

Chan walked past his relative and he dared to look at Asuna. She looked extremely uncomfortable and he realized he had no idea how deep in Leth`Evana she really was. He cursed under his breath and he was now furious.

“What is he here Lady Asuna?” Simyth demanded.

“He created the Panyu dynasty. The palace in which you stand he built and the family that now rules is descended from him. He retired from being the lord but he is around. He comes out when he is needed most.” She said guarding the truth.

Chan again heard her and he knew she was protecting him for some reason. Ludok knew more but Simyth would find out very quickly who and what he was. He needed to strike out against the fae soon, and soon meant tonight. He now knew his feelings were justified for this empusae queen and he would make her the powerhouse of the blood drinking world, but he also would have his revenge.

Asuna was looking around and she could no longer feel Chan. Airis could see her face and his honey orbs held concern and their child was asleep as her mother held her.

-What has you so concerned? - He pathed.

-You know who Chan is. - Asuna said in his mind staring at his eyes.

-He is no longer a normal fae but you look panicked my love. - Airis pathed.

-He hates the Undine with a passion Airis. He hates Leth`Evana almost as much as hates the ekimmu! - She said hurriedly in his mind, as she gently deposited Ireth into his arms.

-What is he Asuna? - Her Undine lover demanded.

-He is me in the male form. - Asuna admitted as she tried to leave.

“He is empusae?” The water elf asked shocked to his bones.

“He was changed.” She grimaced.

Simyth whirled when he heard that and he stared at his former daughter-in-law and he realized what Airis had found out. His nephew was a fae-empusae and that was nothing he knew anything about. The elven king was actually dumbfounded and he raised a brow at Asuna that basically demanded answers.

“He is powerful Simyth. He was powerful as Hunir from what I know. I only know he checks my power.” She shrugged.

“Checks your power? I do not understand that statement.” Simyth stated as if he had not heard her.

“It means he is her equal my king.” Airis said afraid.

Simyth’s eyes widened and looked at the two and he fully understood what it meant.

“He blames all fae for what happened to him?” The Elvish king asked stunned.

“I do not know. I only know he does blame Don. No one came for him Simyth. He was left to the ekimmu for weeks and he nearly died. He survived and Don sent another son named Lirdor to kill him.” Asuna replied softly.

“Damn my sister! I need to stop him. He will decimate too many innocents in his hate. Don could have and should have saved her child; if she had only come to me!” He raged.

“She told me it was war; he was expendable.” The inu empusae stated looking grieved.

Airis choked and he could not believe the horror of the words the ancient goddess had spoken and Simyth would never have allowed one of his own children to die as such.

“Lady Asuna, I need your help in this. Please.” Simyth said bowing his head.

“Airis, Kameron can care for Ireth for us.” She said calmly.

“Aye. That is acceptable. Where would Chan go?” Her fae lover demanded.

“Where the Sáile Undine would dwell.” His love suggested.

They all nodded and Asuna left to speak with Naraku and Kameron for a moment. Quilin neared her as she was speaking and he knew how long Chan had wanted to slay at least his siblings.

“My queen? If you leave him be; he will only slay his living siblings.” Qui stated firmly.

“Are you certain?” Asuna asked cautiously.

“I am certain. Chan is not evil but he has been waiting all of this life to make them pay for leaving him and then denying him. Don’s children were connected telepathically; you Undine should know as you are telepathic. His siblings would have known he was being tortured.” Her newest frère stated having had known Chan for so long.

“Then perhaps, I should assist him.” She said as her eyes turned green.

“My lady?” Airis said shocked.

“They are not Ludok; Airis and they did betray him. No, I will go and make certain his carnage is contained.” Came her reply.

Simyth was beside himself and when they looked; Asuna was gone.
================================================================= =======

Chan was in the Irish portion of Leth`Evana and hate spilled from his soul and he had a hard time not slitting every elven throat he found. He had no idea he was being tracked and he heard some grass being stepped upon and he whirled with his mithril fang. There stood the woman that was the current “queen” of the empusae and she still wore her finery. He had removed his crown but still wore his finery as well.

“You will not stop me.” Chan growled at her in hate.

“No, I will not.” Asuna shrugged.

“Pardon me?” The empusae man said actually confused.

“I have come to make this go quicker. Your siblings are connected to you telepathically aren’t they or at least they were?” She asked softly.

“Yes.” He replied as his voice shook and his eyes burned their royal violet.

“You annihilated my enemy today Chan. I know you are Chan and not Hunir. Tonight, I help you slay yours.” The young queen said taking his clawed hand.

“You are only cementing yourself to me. You only make me love you better. I will even rival your hanyou.” He said suddenly as he pulled her flush to his body.

“We shall save the melodramatics for later Chan. We have Undine to slay.” Asuna spoke as her voice shook now.

Chan cupped her chin between his thumb and fingers and met her lips passionately. He ate at her lips and left no trace of her cavern untouched by his tongue. She whimpered as she too met his ardor as her arms unconsciously wrapped around his neck and she sought to engage him more deeply. Chan forced himself to drag away from her addicting lips as he nibbled her bottom one.

“Simyth cares for all of his family; even his nephews. Mother only had sons in Leth`Evana; he will try and stop me and I am certain they put together they equation by now but I know where they live.” He whispered against her mouth.

“My fang is not mithril.” She said quickly.

“No need. Just rip their heads from their bodies.” Chan shrugged.

She nodded and he phased with her and they were in the most beautiful and lush seaside town of elven peoples she had ever witnessed. The homes were splendid and quite large as the night was upon the fae plane as well.

“I have twelve brothers still alive. Just feel the most powerful aura in each home. Just kill and do not think. This is my revenge and not yours.” He said softly tracing her stripes on her left cheek.

“Just go.” Asuna demanded.

He nodded and Chan knew he loved this young woman and he intended to remove much unnecessary trash from her life. He appeared in the first fae house and the recognition was priceless and the slaughter immediate. He slid the mithril between his brother’s Adams apple so he would die painfully and slowly but there would be no cure. The incubus lord slayed seven of his brothers and his new chosen had slain the other five. Her clothing was covered in blood and her hands as well. He looked at her to see if she felt any remorse and there was none.

“I feel a great deal of soldiers coming. We must leave.” His love stated looking in his now blue eyes.

“Where should you like to go?” He asked calmly.

“The Western Estate; Simyth will call upon me for my actions but I consider them as guilty as your mother.” She shrugged.

Chan took her bloodied hand and he phased out to her estate within her homelands from this life. When the troops from Simyth had arrived; the carnage was already complete and Airis was at the head of the small contingent and he could not believe the needless bloodshed. He and his lover were fixing to have a major row. Simyth actually understood Hunir’s hate but he felt that he had to try and save his other nephews. He also felt that he had to speak to Don. Things in Leth`Evana had gone to pot really fast; and the Undine tribes could split apart into separate factions and that horrified Simyth more than anything. Airis was the actual prince of the Fionnuisce Undine but all ultimately answered to Don but his sister had been dormant for so long. Now, now her neglected son had thrown fae politics into hell.
================================================================= =======

Bilae was in a rage that was terrifying to see. He was on the outskirts of any fae settlements and his Ramanga cunt was dead. He had been within minutes of having Macha but she had found her turnling amongst this outside lands amongst the fairies. Many Sistern lay dead at his feet having been burned from the inside out his eyes were the color of lava and his skin cast an orangish glow. Sanra stepped out and their enemies had moved forward and she could not.

“Well well well ekimmu. Your plaything is dead. Do not think your power will even work on me! I have spent thousands of years of making myself immune to you!” Sanra laughed hysterically.

“You killed your own son?” Bilae demanded.

“Did you not teach me well as my own father, ekimmu? If you are betrayed, then you clean up the mess.” She said glowering at him.

“They are no longer in this era. I will have to hide myself again if I do not make another stand.” He considered.

“You could go forward and remove my remains from the tr’Awnhi cemetery and un-curse them so that I may move forward as well and be of use.” The Shouten woman suggested with a soft voice.

Bilae jerked his black head and stared at her in her very truest form; that of a golden haired goddess with rainbow eyes. She was a stunning creature that simmered in unnatural power that he knew she had stolen through the eras but she was a survivor and evil, cruel beast just like he was.

“You have the alchemy to remove the curse?” The lava ekimmu demanded.

“I know exactly where to get it.” Sanra said smiling with a too genuine smile.

“You intend to what slut? You intend to betray me?” Bilae asked as his hands glowed orange-yellow.

“I intend to kill Arianrhod-Isha-Asuna-whatever the fuck they call her that day. I want her GONE forever.” She said as he saw her skeleton shimmer beneath her too lovely face.

“A free for all wench. I want as much death as you can bring. I will get your dust, and you get the alchemy. We will make it possible for you to return to any time; and make certain this time you kill and it sticks!” His snarled.

“As you wish, father!” Sanra laughed as plans began to form in her mind as to what exactly she would do.
=================================================================== =====

Beren was still in a debilitating depression but he too had heard of the slaughter in Irish Leth`Evana amongst the Sáile Undine. It was a shocking event and what was even more shocking; it was rumored that they were all of his cousins. He was not allowed anywhere near his half-brother; Chanak, who was still in Airis’s apothecary healing from the attack by his Shouten mother. Simyth was protecting the bastard son of his and Beren was contemplating suicide but stopped himself only for his children and the pain was tearing him apart. He was listening near his own dear and he heard Airis return from the front and his father had called on him. The current heir snuck and intended to eavesdrop.

“Bring her to me immediately Airis! This cannot wait my friend. All twelve of my nephews gone! There is no one left of Don’s children. The Sáile Undine may feel as though they have been abandoned by us!” Simyth raged.

“You however agree it was justice my king.” Airis said pointedly.

“In a sense yes, but I should have been the one to deliver it Airis! I am the king of this plane not this Chan or Lady Asuna!” His king seethed.

“What are you going to do your majesty?” His longtime friend said nervously.

“She will face me Airis. She is a former queen herself and she will face me.” Simyth replied as he cooled and sat down upon his plain throne.

Airis knew Simyth would not harm her and he nodded. Beren felt as though he was being gutted and his ex-wife was coming to face his father for slaughter of water fae. Rage stole through him and he could feel nothing but hate in his guts for her. He stole back to his own rooms and he wondered how he could avenge his cousins on his own.
------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------

As una was in her Western estate and she was resting as she was feeding her new babes; Kenta’s son and Kameron and Chanak’s daughters. Chan had left her for now and she felt her family all around her and they had come back late into the home. The ones like Naraku lived in Korea; but he returned to the estate this night. He watched her nurse and he came in and ran fingers through her damp silver hair.

“How did your venture go?” He asked as she fed Kameron’s daughter.

Asuna managed to keep Kenta’s son dampened and Naraku actually assumed from this distance it was Masanori’s child. He looked fondly at the cradle and shit would hit the fan later and she kept her mind tight on that one.

“I assisted Chan on his revenge because of his assistance with Ayille this past day. I felt it only just and honorable. I know of his history and his revenge was honorable.” His long time mate stated looking at his mahogany eyes.

“I love you my little inu. We scored a major victory this day and I felt Bilae’s fear because of his link through that whore. He is afraid and you are the most incredible onna. You told me this evening and you are my life for all time.” Naraku stated as his eyes turned brown.

She was touched and also shocked. Onigumo controlled the hanyou and he kissed their inu empusae onna and the kiss was so much more than passion that he left his mate of four centuries completely without breath. He left her hypervenelating and with bloody tears coming down her face.

“Now who is this?” Naraku stated as he knelt brushing the soft silver down.

“Kameron wants to name her Arsinoe. I liked it seeing how ambitious the namesake was in history.” Asuna smiled.

“It is Egyptian and close to your name silly onna.” Her mate smiled as he took in the beautiful child.

“That too.” She laughed.

“I will check on the other two tomorrow. I am sleepy inu. I am sleeping in your bed tonight.” He smirked seductively.

“I should love that my darling.” His love stated with heavy emotion.

“Prepare yourself for my adoration first; then Ishin, and then Nobu.” He stated running his fingers along her jaw bone.

Asuna could not stop the shiver of delight that ran down her spine and she nodded. She finished feeding Arsinoe Orlovich, youngest daughter of her beloved and head frère; Kameron Orlovich. Asuna made sure the triplets were asleep and she turned and dropped her robe before her most powerful mate; the dark hanyou’s eyes glowed in the darkened room as he took in her luscious body and fingertips touched soft skin.
================================================================= =======

Chan lay back on his bed and he had hoped that Asuna would come to him. He had felt her feelings and when she shown up in Leth`Evana; he was certain that she was there to lord over him and make him quit his revenge, but instead his little queen had shown him what an amazing creature she truly was and helped him complete his vengeance on his direct relations. It took everything in him not to seek her out but he was certain given the recent victory over the Ramanga monster; her numerous men needed to converge upon her. He would lay in wait for a few days and he would claim her. He heard familiar sounds and there stood Quilin in the doorway of his innermost sanctuary.

“You told her.” Chan said flatly.

“The fae intended to drag her all over hell and creation in that plane to find you. I gave my queen the information she needed and she made her own decision.” Qui shrugged.

“Why are you here my favorite?” His old lover asked archly.

“My frère Kameron bid my come and demand to know your plans now; do you intend help us or hinder?” The brunette frère asked uncomfortably.

“This frère has more balls than he should! Well seeing as I helped to kill Ayille; I will continue to be of help as long as it serves my precious succubus queen. Her interests are mine now.” The incubus lord said flippantly.

“None know that she carries our progeny Chan.” Chan’s former lover stated in bluntness.

“So she is shielding our babes. She does more and more that makes me fall more and more in love with her. I love her as deeply as I did my own son, Chun.” He admitted to his old favorite.

“I was certain that you loved her.” Quilin stated almost in utter hatred.

“I did not at first! It was only obsession because she denied me. Now it is because she is one of the best females of our kind that I know.” His ex-companion admitted.

“I must return now. You will probably be hunted by the fae now, Chan. What are you going to do about them?” The frère asked.

“I will kill any and all fae creatures that cross me; that is all I need to do.” The incubus shrugged with indifference.

Quilin sighed and he bowed and he knew he would never partake or even want to partake from Chan ever again. He had been used brutally by the man and now he hated him. Now he at least had a purpose and whatever her faults; Asuna truly loved her frère.
===================================================== ===================

The Shouten sentry was barely alive as he stumbled into the Astana palace. He was gasping in trying to get deep breaths but his lungs had been burned too badly. Alum ran to him as well Aidoan Sahen to try and help save him. Maec and Admal stepped forward and knelt by the lower level Shouten warrior and he was rasping.

“Majesty! Milord the dark ekimmu at the cemetery.” The sentry coughed out and wheezed.

“What do you mean my man?” Maec asked confused and in shock.

“The area of unmarked graves my king. The grave of the unholy.” The almost boy coughed harder.

Admal realized what he was saying and he grabbed Maec’s shoulder.

“Brother! Bilae came after Sanra’s remains. You cursed them for all time did you not?” His youngest sibling asked quickly.

“Of course I did. I know of no way she or he could undo such a thing.” Maec scoffed.

“Do you think she could have found a way?” Admal asked nervously.

“Do not be a twit Admal! For the heaven’s sake! When has one of my alchemic reactions EVER failed?” The Shouten king asked arrogantly.

“Very true. You were also the ekimmu of Earth. He is probably just doing this to divert our attention.” The blue eyed wraith said unsure.

“Sanra is dead to us here. She is only a memory brother. Can the boy be saved?” The king asked.

“We shall try your majesty but he has been badly burned in his lungs.” Aidoan responded.

Maec nodded and he was certain if anyone could get one of his own better; it would be Aidoan Sahen or his own brother Alum. They took him away to begin his treatment and Maec sat back upon his throne to ponder the mystery of why the bastard Bilae would want Sanra’s ashes and he could only come up with that he wanted to infuse someone else with her powers.
=============================================================== =========

Airis stood outside the mansion on the “estate” in the Western Lands of Japan. Simyth had demanded he bring her and he went inside of the home. He was welcomed in her homes as he was recognized as one of her lovers. He had ingratiated himself to Nobu and to Naraku as well. He was a highly intelligent individual and he had heeded Lei’s words carefully. He found his lover sleeping with Naraku and the hanyou opened his eyes. Airis knew the half-demon took his time with Asuna very seriously and he bowed very low before him and the hanyou did not seem as angry.

“What do you want fae?” Naraku demanded in a soft whisper.

“I am so terribly sorry to disturb you Naraku. I realize this is your time with Lady Asuna but my king; Simyth Elensar has asked for Asuna to come to Leth`Evana. The death of his nephews has caused tremendous issue within our kingdom. Whilst he understands his nephew’s need for justice; he needs Asuna’s words on some things.” Airis said with tremendous respect and in a soft whisper just as Naraku had.

Asuna had woken up and had heard what her fae lover had stated and she was up and she was getting dressed right away.

“So you are going inu even if this is to face punishment?” Her longtime mate demanded.

“Shhhh Naraku, my love please, the pups sleep! Hai, I intend to go and Airis would have said punishment. I did what I thought honorable and I will face the king as the queen I am.” She said lifting her chin.

Her eyes were green and Naraku was astonished but she spoke with Asuna’s voice and NOT Arianrhod’s voice at all. He nodded and he waved her to go on. Asuna called on her inu nanny and wet nurse and Naraku was annoyed but he sighed at her controlling ways as always. He just rolled over and went back to sleep.

“I will port us to the veil.” Asuna told Airis.

He nodded and he took her hand.

Asuna wore only a simple flowing modified modern hanfu in very light silk in ebony. Her silver hair was down and she was before Simyth who sat on his simple but slightly raised throne and Airis stood next to her in his typical white robes when he was in Leth`Evana. His hair was down and covered his ears this one time. Simyth wore inner robes of light crème and outer long vest-robe of rich amber brown that was embroidered in a much darker brown. His rich sable colored hair was pulled back at the crown and it revealed his ears and he wore his circlet crown. Asuna bowed deeply and he looked harried and he also sighed deeply.

“You aided my nephew Hunir in his vengeance?” Simyth asked her plainly.

“You are no simpleton your majesty. I said I was and I did. I do not call him Hunir as that man died when he was reborn as Chan.” Asuna answered very honestly.

“My lady, you threw my kingdom into chaos you realize?” The fae ruler said rubbing the bridge of his elegant nose.

“I am regretful of that majesty but you know as well as I; if you had known your nephew was being held by ekimmu and raped by them; and continually fed on by them, then you too would have done something very permanent against even your own sister. She told me herself; he was only one and it was war. He was expendable! As Hunir he prayed daily to your deities for his siblings to hear him and for someone to help him. After he escaped; they attempted to hunt him down and kill him.” The empusae queen said impassioned.

Simyth blanched and so did Airis and the monster his sister had become was no better than Taranis. He sat back on his throne and what his nephew suffered made him shudder physically. The fact that his former daughter-in-law delivered justice for what ekimmu did again spoke of her character. Simyth did not want her gone from his household and he really was in a bad spot.

“The Sáile Undine have none of the ruling family left Lady Asuna. This is a catastrophe.” The fae ruler stated flatly.

“Airis may I speak with your king alone?” Asuna asked softly of her fae lover.

How bowed low and he left the audience chamber of the Elensar family and Asuna turned to look at him frankly.

“What if that is not entirely true?” She asked raising her brow.

“What do you mean?” Simyth asked in near exhaustion.

“What if you could convince the Sáile Undine that there is indeed another one of the ruling family but it just has not been born yet.” She said nearing his throne.

“Hunir’s child?” he asked her almost hopeful.

“Hai. It is his. I was not really ready to become with child again but Chan’s blood is old and has very healing properties. Would this calm them?” Asuna asked hoping peace could be made.

“I believe so. Airis is going to have to leave his post and take up his royal responsibilities though.” He stated thinking out loud.

“Pardon me? Royal responsibilities?” She asked dumbly.

“Airis is the prince of the Fionnuisce Undine.” He answered as if she should have known.

The inu empusae was struck dumb and this place was just full of surprises but she had to pull herself together so she could defeat Bilae once and for all. Simyth promised to let her know of the arrangements he would make with his vassals; the Sáile, and see if Chan’s child would be seen as a royal child. Asuna left his presence and she went by Airis’s apothecary and he was reading a scroll at a simple desk and he looked up at her.

“Prince Airis?” Asuna asked with a cocked brow.

“It has always meant nothing since the Sáile were the royalty and of Don. What happened last night changed everything and yes, I am technically a prince amongst the Fionnuisce Undine.” He acknowledged.

“How is Chanak?” She asked while she was here.

“He is still sleeping but he will survive. He was asking about his daughter.” Airis replied.

Her smile was beautiful as she moved over to Chanak and sat on his bed and his beautiful eyes opened and he saw his wife/mate beside him.

“Our daughter? My birth father gave her one name; Celeblassien ” He asked concerned.

“She is with her brother and sister for the moment, I was thinking of the name Rhoswen for her.” She spoke with gentleness.

“Rhoswen Celeblassien Kuzmin?” Chanak said it aloud.

“Hai?” Asuna asked him again smiling.

“I adore it. It is perfect for her. When did water boy say I can leave this hell hole?” Her Soten asked irritable.

“I advise you to stay another day Prince Chanak. After that you are free to leave.” Airis said from across the wide room.

“Good. Beren has been around here and there and he is not right in the head as if he ever was.” Chanak snorted.

“Chanak please! Not here and things have been tipped badly out of his favor. It was NOT my plan to fall in love with you.” Asuna said taking his hand.

“Too bad for him.” The Soten man said smugly and he lay on his hands.

“Chanak!” she growled in rising anger.

“I am better looking anyway. Go on my darling. I am certain our daughter needs feeding. The gods know I miss you as well.” He smirked sensually.

She sighed and smiled as he was getting his spunk and liveliness back. Airis shook his head from his seated position and he could honestly see why she fell for the Soten. He was a rogue but he was not an evil person by any means. The only thing Airis could not swallow was that Beren had suffered for naught. That ate at his consciousness the most. He wanted to right that wrong but was helpless to do so.
=================================================================== =====

It was finally calm for the day and Asuna took her half kumo babe to Sapporo and Kenta dragged her inside of his apartment. His hands were shaking as he saw his son and he saw blue kumo eyes and he was just stunned and massively in love. His son had his hair and her eyes.

“I was hoping to name him Masahiro.” Asuna said as he held his child.

“Shit inu that is the most awesome name I have ever heard.” Kenta said tearing up.

“Kenta, this is your son; Imai Masahiro.” She smiled as she met his lips with hers. Kenta growled softly as he invaded her mouth and poured his emotions into their bond.

Kenta for the first time in his life had an emotion that was completely about protecting and unconditional love. The woman who gave him this most precious being was everything to him and his son was perfect in his eyes.

“I am leaving the Federation by the way. I am taking Masahiro to Denver.” He said softly.

“I will start pumping some milk for him in case I cannot get to feed him, but I understand Kenta.” Asuna nodded.

She could port and it was not as if he was keeping her babe from her; far from it, he was keeping his babe safe and raising him away from the crap in Japan. It was perfectly fine with her.
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Maec was at the cemetery himself and the spot where he had put Sanra’s remains he indeed been dug up. They had been in a cast iron box, sealed with a powerful spell. Bilae stealing them had gone through a great deal of trouble and that began to eat away at Maec. He sent Admal to get his wife from the living plane and Admal and Isha showed back up. Asuna looked around and why she was in the tr’Awnhi cemetery she had no damn clue but she waited for Maec to talk.

“Bilae dug up Sanra’s remains yesterday. He killed one of my sentries and I have gone over the alchemy a million times and I see no way around but Admal has been insistent that we take a look perhaps.” Maec stated looking morose.

“It could not hurt my darling. We killed her and frankly dealing with her in the deep past has been a pain in the ass. Bilae prefers that time period and I would love to kill her off after she is needed for anything special.” His wife stated firmly.

“Did our side not just win a major victory?” The Shouten asked in anger.

“We did but we knew it was not over Maec. It will not be over until we obliterate Bilae’s soul and we will do so! We are close.” Asuna said with much more optimism than before.

“My who gave you a pep talk?” Admal asked smiling.

“Ripping that bitch’s head from her body did my psyche a ton of good. Come my loves and we shall discuss with Fionn what he thinks and so on.” She said linking her arms with both tr’Awnhi brothers.

Maec adored to see her filled with such peace and yes, almost peace. It made the upcoming battles filled with major hope and they were going to need them because Bilae was going onto desperate.
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She had so many duties to fill but she was in the forests outside of Panyu. She ported inside of the palatial compound and slowly moved towards Chan’s apartments. She wore a red hanfu top that came to mid-thigh. It was edged in a pale red satin as well as the obi and embroidered with gold flowers along the bust and the sleeves were bell. Instead of a skirt; this was one of her “battle” hanfu and they were extremely wide leg hakama style pants in the same silk as the hanfu and she wore gold slippers on her feet. Her silver hair was loosely braided with gold and red ribbons through it.

Asuna found Chan reclined on a chaise lounge that was upholstered in a beautiful cream jacquard print and the wood was bamboo it seemed. Their blue eyes were staring at the other and the other empusae was shirtless and only wore a long white ku with narrow black obi. Chan’s white hair was completely down and fell to his middle back.

“I managed to reach an accord with Simyth for now.” Asuna said for lack of any meaningful conversation.

“Do you really want to talk about any insipid fae shit now my young queen?” Chan asked staring at her deeply; almost her soul.

“We will have to speak on it sometime Chan. We will also have to speak on Bilae and his movements…” She was saying when he was just in front of her.

“You want to speak of your enemy and the fucking fae now?” He asked as he traced her jaw with the pads of his fingers.

“Say something Chan.” Asuna whispered shook up.

“Your enemy Bilae will not live another six months. Leth`Evana can fucking rot for all I care. What is here and now is what I care about.” He stated running those pads of his fingers over her lips.

She could not handle it and she took his fingers into her mouth and the incubus lord closed his eyes as she swirled her tongue around his claws and sucked hard on his digits.

“We can never be inclusive creatures but you have my heart. I am giving you my love and only you and this baby of ours.” He whispered feverishly.

“I do not understand Chan.” Asuna moaned as he pressed his body to hers.

“You were correct when you said, I did not love often. I do not. When I do; it is powerful and consuming. When I love, I decimate and destroy for that love.” He growled as he ran his fingers through her hair as he undid her braid.

“So what do you want from me like the ekimmu want from me?” His love asked growing suspicious.

“This. Only this and what I am going to give you. Allow me to give you my love.” Chan demanded.

“I have seen what love is to a normal fae and it broke Beren.” She said shaking her head.

“I have not been a normal fae ever silly woman. You are on the verge of your life being yours. Take it!” He whispered pressing his forehead to hers.

“Hai. Hai! I want my life and not her life anymore. I am Asuna Orlovich-Jing; inu-empusae.” She stated in a strained tone and nearly red eyes.

Chan smashed her lips to his and the kiss was impassioned as their bodies were pressed completely together and his hands were busy ripping off the scarlet colored silk of her hanfu. Lips and hands moved up and down backs and mouths found necks, lips, eyes and anything that could be touched with tenderness. Chan laid Asuna back on the chaise after baring her breasts and leaned his head over as he began a hot path from her neck to her beautiful orbs. Asuna was burning up in empusae and fae passion. It was overcoming her senses and she was crying out with her mouth and mind at the same time. Chan heard his name called over and over and his for his part; he felt his life was beginning a new while the others and her enemies were on the end of a major disaster.