Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ A Look Back ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: TheInuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own theBleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: Several chapters will be devoted to delving into important characters and their pasts and how they relate to the Western heir. If by some chance there is a backstory of a character you want to know about; please PM me. Thank you so much for reading…I love to hear from you!

Look Back

The battles up and down the Italian coast had been bloody and costly; in lives and income. Julianus sat astride his demonic mount that was similar to a horse but in fact was a lower level reptile. The shape of the beast looked horse like but the scales and two curved horns protruding from his head gave it away; along with his blazing orange eyes. His feet were four claws wide and very thick. He stood taller than the basilisk general himself; the creature sported a mane of white long hair on its neck, and its hide was ebony. Julianus had named him Megadorus and he smiled at the beast. Megadorus made a long roar as his master bid him move and there was genuine attachment between basilisk and longma. He rode alongside his troops and his commander; Angelus Quintilius was on his own longma.

“The Celtic reds are encamped farther north near the Appenine Mountains General Servius.” He commented.
“Si. I believe it paramount that we route them before they cross the Rubicon River; Ne vos quidem?” Julianus asked his seasoned commander.
“Si, I completely concur general. Shall we make camp for this night and make our battle plans?” Angelus asked.
“Si. That is acceptable.” The young black basilisk general confirmed.
Julianus Gnaeus Servius was barely past his second century and his clan hailed from Sicily. He had been trained by the priests of Apollo on his home island as warrior of the oracle god. He had never understood why; they only explained that he carried “the blood”. He did not know his parents as he had been taken as an infant and raised by the priests. It was not a bad life but it had been a lonely one. He did not know if he had siblings or not but the priests had always been especially good to him. The young black basilisk had been shown love and much affection and showered with gifts by his tribe. He was wealthy beyond compare because he “had the blood” as they kept saying. He shook his head and just accepted what was the norm.

He dismounted Megadorus and ran an affectionate clawed hand along the beast’s neck. Julianus was tall, and appeared thin but that appearance was deceiving as he was lean but built with sinuous muscle and had tremendous strength. His stomach was outlined by his abdominal muscles and his physique was kept in shape by constant warfare. His long jet black hair was to his waist but he kept in braids and twisted to keep out of his face as he fought. His eyes were light red; rust color, in comparison to other basilisks that tended to have darker shades. Julianus had an oval shaped face with a straight nose that barely had a point and full lips. His black brows were full too and slanted slightly over his almond eyes. His cheek bones were defined and he had been told by more than one femmina that he was “beautiful”. Julianus tended to think those femmina rather stupid; maschi were NOT beautiful.

“Are you hungry il mio prezioso longma?” the young general asked his steed.

His longma snorted and made a whining sound and Julianus smiled. He undid the saddle and bridle and pulled the bit from Megadorus’s mouth and his steed butted his snout affectionately against Julianus’s juncture.

“There there il mio prezioso; you go find your dinner, si? I will find mine later.” Julianus spoke and he knew his steed understood him.

The longma did not have mortal looking forms and did not speak either but they were intelligent beasts. They were easily trained and could be taught to understand their masters quite easily and if treated well; the devotion they showed was absolute. They were fearsome in battle as cavalry and they would protect their riders unto death. Megadorus had protected Julianus more than once.

The young general pulled his precious sword that had been given to him by the priests of Apollo; it bore the name Gladius Solis and he looked at it for a moment and slipped it back in its sheath. He pulled off his armor and sheltered the blade underneath the bronze plating. His shield was also long and rectangular in shape and also made from heavy bronze. Julianus was now stripped down to only his black chiton, sandals, and shin guards. He watched his men beginning to put up camp all around him and Angelus came closer and he had also stripped of his armor some. His commander was three decades older than him and his was from the peninsula itself. The different tribes of blacks had been bickering back and forth for so long; no one could remember the reasons why. They had stopped when many towns had begun to be plundered by red and brown basilisks from the north. These basilisks were savage and had no compunction with horrendous slaughter of filios and femmina. The many black tribes had come together in a small town in the central peninsula on the west coast that was simply called Primus Locus. Julianus could see the potential of the area and it would be great. He felt it in his gut and so the many tribes had provided monies and maschi for the defense of peninsula and the islands of the Latium black basilisks.

Angelus had a square jaw and much defined features and deep set mahogany colored eyes. His hair was bleached brownish in some spots but also black and came to his shoulder blades. It was thick and straight and he did nothing to tie back. At the moment it seemed he was in concentration and he worried his full bottom lip and Julianus bid him sit. The older basilisk sat on a camp chair that had been set up for the general as his personal tent had begun to be set up by subordinates.

“I have received intelligence that their numbers are in excess of fifty thousand General Servius.” Angelus stated bluntly.

Julianus looked out at the emerging city of tents and his own army only numbered approximately twenty two thousand. The odds were two to one and those were not good.

“It becomes imperative that WE choose the battle ground, si? I want three scouts to survey the area surrounding the Appenine Mountains and the Rubicon, intelligere?” The young basilisk said firmly.
“Si general, I will see to it that it happens immediately. They are still three days away.” The older man replied.
“Then we have barely enough time. Send the scouts and find yourself some dinner and sleep, si?” Julianus commanded.
“Si general! May I ask you one question dominus?” Angelus queried.
“Si.” He shrugged.
“Are you descended from Jupiter and gifted of his son?” His commander asked almost in awe.
“Angelus, I am only a black like yourself and all Latium basilisk, si? They tell me in my tribe that I am special but I do not see how.” Julianus laughed with true mirth.
“Si general but the men believe that we are following a descendent of the gods.” He flatly stated.
“Silly notions but if it gives them morale; then let them believe it. Now send the scouts and bed down. We have much to do, non?” His general commanded but as if a question.
“Si General Servius. Gratias tibi ago dominus.” Angelus murmured as he rose and hit his chest with his fist.
Julianus nodded his head and the other man was gone. He began to contemplate his own dinner and seriously thought about hunting in his animal form and saving their supplies. He decided that it would set a good example and he notified his servant that he would be stepping away from camp to catch his prey. He also instructed him to be on the lookout for Megadorus. With all his instructions given; Julianus Gnaeus Servius stepped away from his camp and he changed into his animal form of a sleek and mighty basilisk serpent.
_____________________________________________________ ___________________

Airis Ludok was heaving his mighty broadsword against the ekimmu swine and he managed to slice into the throat of the yellow haired blood drinker. They were swarming Éire Leth`Evana and pretty much all Undine and all fae in general hated the Celtic ekimmu with malice that was unmatched. Airis had a personal vendetta against the animals as they had caused the death of his own beloved father but that was another time and he took every opportunity to face the one known as Fionn. Airis was technically the prince of the Fionnuisce Undine but the Sáile Undine had many princes that still called the shots within their species of fae and he just followed their lead. He also had made the acquaintance and had begun a tentative alliance with the ruling house of ALL fae in Leth`Evana in Simyth Elensar but the Undine generally did not care to deal with the Foraoise fae. Airis personally found the idea completely without intelligence; Simyth was THE king of ALL fae for one and they were ALL elven creatures. The different tribes hated to intermingle and marry and thus it was rare to see a mixed fae. For himself; Airis did not intend to be dictated by demented traditions and he intended to live his life by his choices. The Lady Don was never seen anymore and so he could care less of her rule.
He continued to dodge and parry as he sliced and drove his blade. He sheathed his sword and switched to his longbow and began to knock back arrows began to take out ekimmu on the hills surrounding the battle. Airis was the commander of this army and he was well versed in MANY weapons and he was well known to the ekimmu warriors. They hated him; he knew it and he gloried in it. Airis slipped his longbow back in its holder on his back and he began to run as he had a short curved blade that he was using to slash and plunge into guts as he would duck and roll; then jump over dead ekimmu bodies. He saw his prize and the mighty warrior was in the thick of battle himself. The Undine prince intended for a kill this day and he landed behind Prince Fionn Hammel and slashed the ekimmu warrior prince across his middle back and his nemesis snarled in rage.

“Fucking Undine!” Fionn hissed as he whirled around with a nasty hammer in his powerful hand.

“Aye an Undine filthy ekimmu swine.” Airis smirked in arrogance as he switched blades and he bent back as Fionn swung the hammer.

Fionn swung his deadly war hammer and it was charged with his element but he knew to keep it to a minimum with this particular fae; who took great delight in using his own abilities to draw on his own element, water. Water and lightning did not mix and Fionn was checked badly by this being and it grated his nerves horribly. It was also nerve wracking that he was also such a superb warrior. Fionn kept getting shredded by the elvish blade and he could not use his basic power.

“Fear me blood sucker? I know you do because I can cause you to fry.” Airis laughed coldly.

“I will defeat you at some point elf!” Fionn growled low in his throat.

“Apparently not this day ekimmu, you are going to bleed out.” The Undine smirked cruelly.

Fionn had not even felt the blade enter his bowels and he looked down but he quickly took the opportunity and used his hammer; he grasped it with both hands and heaved it up, it struck Airis in the chin and it connected. The Undine fae was thrown backwards and hit a grassy embankment as his vision swam badly. Blood had splattered all over his face and his white hair and he lay there barely conscious. His light brown eyes clouded in pain and his skin that had been bronzed by the sun by constant warfare was pale now from blood loss. He had on very light armor in the lightest of metals; mithril but it seemed Fionn was not coming for him for he too was struck too badly. Airis cursed in his tongue for his failure and he stared up at creature that stole his breath.

“I thought the point of battle was to stay on your feet prince.” A pale haired female Undine smiled as she knelt near him.

“I was but how do you know who I am and who are you?” Airis asked trying to concentrate with his head splitting open it felt like.

“I am Ilhane from the family Birdel.” She replied as it seemed she was beginning to work on him; as if she was a healer.

“I am a healer. Your thoughts…I heard you.” Ilhane smiled.

“Airis Ludok, I have not met another of our kind who can hear minds.” He whispered as he eyes slid shut.

“It runs in our clan only prince. Your head has a bruise and so you must not sleep now. We must get you off this field and into my home where I see my patients.” She stated firmly.

“Do you follow the battles?” He murmured.

“Of course! I heal who I can from these beasts that we fight and I help to ease the suffering of those I cannot heal.” The healer murmured and she was angry.

Airis saw pale green-blue eyes and white-blonde hair. She was indeed an Undine but one from here in Éire. She was tall and so very lithe in form and she looked at him as he thought.

“You are from the island Briton?” Ilhane spoke surprised.

He nodded because speaking hurt too much at this point and she looked at her patient. His pure white hair was long; and came to the middle of his back for certain. It had several braids to keep it tidy while in battle and they revealed his pointed ears. His eyes were the color of honey, so pale brown they were; everything in his features were balanced and perfect, chiseled and symmetric. His lips were full and evocative as she stared and his nose celestial and straight. Fae men always had an ethereal quality but this prince was exquisiteness. Around his neck was a chain of white gold with a Celtic knot. She found such an item odd and she stared at him curiously as she looked to her brothers to have him moved.

-It belonged to my father. He was killed by the ekimmu and he was kept prisoner by them at one time. I wear it so I will never forget. - Airis thought to her before succumbing to the pain.

Ilhane was touched by the devotion shown by this man to his father’s memory and she followed her four brothers as they gently picked him up and put him on a cloth stretcher so that he could be moved to her home. She would get him well so that he could fulfill his destiny and she brushed wisps of white hair out of his splendid face. The battle continued to rage but the ekimmu were being driven back; at least this time. Ilhane only focused on her patient and this was HER world.
________________________________________________________________ ________

He was still a young inu but he always had so much responsibility on his shoulders. His adopted father always trusted him when he showed a penchant and a flair for administration and leadership. That basically meant; he got to tell his other siblings what to do. Changming really did not mind at all; his brother Geming really needed it in his opinion and his other brother Hwan was of a much calmer nature. Tekeshi was so often traveling and collecting rare books and scrolls on specific subjects that his barely adult pups got to see him very little. So it became that Changming became Lord Magistrate of Qinghai. It was a magnificent land and he was more than happy to administer it for his Chichi as he called Tekeshi. They all called him Chichi. Shanghai and Hong Kong also belonged to him and he smiled as he looked over the latest requisitions. The snow inu heard a low ruckus in the main hall of the palace and he sighed and he knew his brother was here. Geming was a Taiwanese red inu and where they were normally peace loving and gentle creatures; his brother was loud and as obnoxious as they came.

“Oi! Chang you still holed up doing shit work?” The red said smirking as he came in and flopped in a chair across from the elegantly dressed white inu.

“Geming, you are a soldier and as such I would suspect you have a post somewhere and I know for a fact that it is NOT in Qinghai.” Chang retorted.
“I have a short leave for valor and I thought who better to spend it with than my big brother!” Geming laughed as he worked off his armor.

“So I have no hope of persuading you of going back to Shanghai?” The white asked in irritation.

“Nope! You are going to get drunk and lose the; I am lord of the castle attitude. Shit Chang, you even dress like a fucking snotty ass bastard.” His younger sibling chided him.

Changming stood up and his gold eyes perused the red inu with anger and he was built powerfully. He was as nearly as tall as himself but had long, luxurious auburn locks that he had pulled up in a ponytail at the moment and his eyes were hued a medium green. His nose was referred to as a Roman nose in his humanoid shape and gave his brother a very attractive and distinctive look. Under the armor and pein-fu and ku were compact and hard muscles. Hai, inu onna slobbered over Geming quite often and he often returned the slobbering. His younger sibling was also telepathic and snorted in a fit of laughter at his thoughts and Changming snorted through his aquiline nose. His eyes were dark gold in his deep set almond eyes. They were topped by slanted snow white eyebrows. His ears were like MOST youkai and they were pointed and around the outside corners he had marks of his breed; they occurred other places on his body but that was just typical he figured of the snow inu in general. Changming had a very full and thick coat in his true form and it was obvious that he was from a colder climate.

Since he had been adopted by Lord Tekeshi; his chichi had dressed him as a little lord and now as an adult he preferred formal dress. He was wearing ivory haori, kosode, and hakama that were edged in gold. His obi was a jacquard print in cranes and he wore a floor length vest that was the same ivory as his as his haori. He wore tabi socks and traditional geta and Geming shook his head at his elder sibling. No one would have believed that they had been raised by the same man. Geming’s pein-fu and ku were in black and plain linen and they were filthy. His armor had the rising sun motif on it and he just sat it aside his chair and he stretched as he watched his lordly brother with a true smile.

“Say we will go into Xining and have just a bit of brevity.” The red said staring him down.

“Will you promise to leave tomorrow and stop plaguing me for at least a month?” Chang griped.

“Two weeks.” Geming countered.

“Fine. You will not bother me for two weeks AT ALL little brother in any way. Let me put on something appropriate for the city and we shall dine on udon perhaps and sake?” The snow suggested.

“That sounds fucking fantastic.” His red brother growled in hunger.

The white inu suppressed his shudder at his brother’s foul mouth and sighed. He ported to his suite of bedrooms and went about dressing for an evening in the capital city of the small country of his chichi. His long white hair was down and he pulled it up so as to blend better. Changming pulled out a pein-fu and ku in navy blue with lighter blue accents on the hems and he slipped into some clogs. He ported back to his study and Geming was already to go when he appeared and they left the sanctuary and peace of his study/library for the hustle and bustle of the capital city. Geming called for a litter and both brothers climbed aboard; it was lifted by four large bear youkai and the two were chatting of Hwan, Katashi, and their other brother Sheng; although Sheng and Katashi did not know of them. It was Tekeshi’s wishes for some reason.

“They say Katashi leads young Sheng on foolish whims and beds everything from inu bitches to tigresses.” Geming stated in irritation.

“We are not allowed to interfere.” Chang cautioned.

“Why not? Should not one of us straighten that fool up? He is a whoremonger and chichi was anything but! He has held himself out for his aijou all these many centuries and his one true child beds countless whores and leads one of us into his behavior.” The red snapped.

“Geming, we know our chichi as he never will. We know truths as he never will. Do you understand how gifted we are?” The snow inu murmured trying to calm his younger brother.

“I am sorry Chang; it just pisses me off when I hear my men talk shit about it all the way down in Shanghai. It makes me want to march to Shenyang and box his fucking ears myself!” The Taiwan inu growled as his eyes strained to burn.

“Udon and sake Geming. Perhaps we shall find a pleasant onna to engage in wonderful and witty conversation. You know what chichi has always said; nothing as attractive as an onna who can hold her own in conversation and sake.” The elder brother grinned.

“Oh hell no, I have never forgotten that advice!” Geming laughed with true mirth.

Geming knew the story by heart as his chichi had been a bit tipsy when he had divulged that bit of history. Changming knew of it because Tekeshi had told him that certain types of onna were better than others; in his innocence Chang had asked what was the difference, Tekeshi had told him with a twinkle in his eye that if an onna could handle all topics from war to children AND handle sake, then said onna was superior. The young inu that he was at the time had shrugged and still thought females were disgusting. Now a smile graced his face and Geming slugged his shoulder and he glared at his sibling and sighed at his impertinence. The litter had finally made it into the city and both of the inu got off of it and Chang made sure to thank his servants; the bear youkai. They bowed their heads to the regal snow inu and they would wait on his return. Chang and Geming entered a finer establishment and sat down at a low table and waited for service.

“How long Chang?” Geming asked.

“How am I supposed to know Gem? We swore to protect and watch out, that is all.” Chang stated staring at his younger brother.

“Chichi left so much in his writings. I want to see what it is that he knew. He kept saying the power that was yielded was so much but raw. Can you imagine not being able to control your yoki?” The red inu asked softly.

“Thankfully we never had to endure such a fate. Even though we are not blood related; our father managed to know each species special yoki. I am thankful for such. Tekeshi’s knowledge was to our blessing.” The elder brother nodded.

“He did say that he knew that someway the ningen Chinese would pay for what they did to our families. He swore it Chang. He swore through this we guard; our revenge would happen.” Shanghai’s general said with a hateful growl.

“Geming! You came to drag me away from important duties and now I insist that you leave your obsessions for one night. Look here is someone to take our orders.” Changming commanded.

“Yes. Fine!” Geming snapped as a young onna appeared to serve the two totally different inu men.

Geming still reeled over the deaths of his real family to the Yongle Emperor and his cronies. They had swarmed Taiwan and destroyed the royal family of red inu. He had only been five years old and was sheltered by his mother’s body. Tekeshi apparently had heard of the atrocity and come to see if there were survivors; that was the type of man he was. He always would come and try to resettle families and such after the ningens or other youkai wrecked others’ lives. His chichi had found him clutching his dead mother’s body and it had taken much coaxing to get him to come but he finally did. Geming had been a prince but he swore Tekeshi to train him as a warrior and he wanted revenge against the ningen Chinese in Peking since he was a small pup. He grabbed his chop sticks and began to eat his udon and would sip at his sake from its saucer at he remembered his very early life. Their other brother Hwan was from Korea and it was a similar story with him.

Changming watched his younger brother and he could feel the hate that still brewed below the surface for the mortals who had destroyed his home when he was a small pup. His own story was much different. He was found in Northern Japan as a tiny pup and Tekeshi had taken him to make certain that he had not succumbed to the elements. He had never known another parent BUT Tekeshi; so there was no hate to feel for him. Tekeshi’s blood son was now the current lord of Manchuria but he had only just taken the lordship as history “dictated” but their chichi was traveling in truth. He had disappeared into history as he was supposedly dead and he was just learning and loving life. His boys were prepared as he said and they knew how to reach him always. Chang was happy in his life and he prayed Geming could find peace in his. The brothers continued their meal and it was in silence. Chang’s mind was on upcoming projects and projections he had to make and keeping Geming from being too wild was also on his list. He mentally sighed when he heard more hate spill from his mind. Both of their species of inu were telepathic and Changming ended up having to put his younger sibling to bed that evening. He began to suspect that Geming came here because he was still tortured over his own past; but he did not know how to help him. Chang went to his study and looked out over the city below the palace and sighed deeply. He was only one man and he feared for the reckless young red inu.
__________________________________________________________________ ______

Julianus was lying in wait for something big like deer or boar but it seemed to be taking some time. His stomach was growling in hunger and he was about to give up and go back to camp and get some rations. His superior vision caught movement quite some distance away and he narrowed his reptilian eyes and he moved himself slowly. What finally came into full view caught his attention faster than any venison or boar; it was a femmina with ginger colored hair and she was running as she had climbed down a short rocky outcropping. She was obviously a reptilian femmina and she wore a sleeveless stolla that did not give her enough cover even in Italia. She was a red and he was torn badly but she looked afraid; Julianus changed form to his humanoid face and he stepped out as she nearly ran over him.

“Lassen Sie mich los!” She screamed in terror.

“Femmina hush!” Julianus commanded as he tried to calm her.

Julianus stared at a red basilisk female of such beauty that it stole his breath. Her face was oval in shape like his that was framed by long, thick ginger red locks and her eyes were reddish brown. Her nose was perfectly straight and tiny bit pert. Her lips were as lush as a rose in full bloom. A small bit of her scaling was apparent around her left eye and eyebrow but it only added to her beauty in his opinion. This femmina was only as tall as his chin and he could hold her and tuck her underneath and somehow it made him feel such a fierce protectiveness of her instantly.

“Bitte! Bitte! Tu mir nicht weh. Ich kann nicht mehr zurück.” She begged him.

“Femmina do you understand ANY Latin?” Julianus asked confused.

The female bit her lip and tears spilled from her eyes and he just wrapped his arms around her protectively. He was not sure if any of his men understood the barbarian’s language but he would have to ask. Julianus looked at her and he pointed to himself.

“Julianus.” He said firmly as he indicated his name.

“Antoinette.” The female said hiccupping as she pointed to herself.

“Si! This is good. Okay.” He mumbled and he pointed to his camp and he looked at her eyes.

She was shaking as she was obviously freezing and it was obvious that she was terrified but she began to walk with him. He came to his tent and Megadorus had also returned from his hunting and he roared at his master and the female shrieked in terror. Julianus held to comfort her and he smiled at his steed.

“Please call on Angelus si? I need a translator to see if anyone knows the barbarian’s language.” He asked one of his servants.

“Si general!” The young basilisk said bowing.

Julianus just sat her down on the hide chair and he went into his tent and he came out with a thick fur blanket. The dress she wore was flimsy and she was not at all dressed to be out of any dwelling. He was intrigued beyond belief and his stomach churned as he felt he had been hit in the gut; his instincts were to protect this femmina with his all and she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He saw Angelus coming with another soldier he did not recognize and both men were stunned silent.

“Does this maschi speak the barbarian language?” Julianus asked curtly.

“Si dominus. This is Theodosius Gracilis.” Angelus introduced the Northern black basilisk.

“Si General Servius? I speak their language.” Theodosius nodded and stared at the red femmina with mild dislike.

The femmina was obviously terrified and she looked ready to bolt at any moment but Julianus kept a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“I was only able to get her name; Antoinette.” Julianus explained.

“I will get her story dominus.” The Northern basilisk stated as he knelt in front of the red female and he bowed his head.

“Ich bin Theodosius Gracilis. Wer bist du und warum bist du hier?” he asked her softly.

“Ich bin Antoninette Heisten . Mein Stamm sind die Vandal . Ich kann nicht von der Behandlung zu sprechen.” She spoke rapidly and fresh tears fell from her eyes.

“Well?” Julianus asked impatiently.

“Her name is Antoninette Heisten and her tribe of red is the Vandali. From her refusing to speak of how they treated her dominus; it means she was raped and tortured. That is the way of their tribe.” Theodosius translated in disgust.

“They do what?” The Latium general asked in sudden anger.

“Si general! She probably did not give her man a son or she did some other infraction such as breathe!” his subordinate said in hate.

“How can they be so different from us?” Julianus demanded horrified.

“Vandali are very proud. She speaks nun of her treatment, this femmina is a prize and I would say. Her people are stupid, si?” Theodosius snarled and he was about to leave.

“Warten Sie! Was passiert mit mir?” Antoninette cried out.

“She wants to know what happens to her now.” The translator asked Julianus.

“Tell her that she will go by the Latin version of her name and she will become a part of us. She will become a Latium basilisk.” Julianus instructed.

Theodosius spoke to her what Julianus had stated and her eyes widened as she stared at the man who had taken her in. She bowed her head and began to sob anew.

“Non! You are now Antonia femmina. Si? Please no tears.” He said gently as he knelt by her.

Antonia took his hands and she kissed them over and over and Julianus was having a hard time thinking straight. His men were uncomfortable and he dismissed them. He was fixing to move against her peoples and he had a femmina in his camp. Julianus was in a difficult spot and he knew he had to send her back to Sicily for her own safety. He decided he would do so first thing in the morning but first this poor femmina would be warm and well fed.
__________________________________________________________________ ______

Julianus had sent her away and the red femmina had screamed “Nein” over and over. He kept trying to reassure her over and over but he would not put her life in danger by being in a camp full of black basilisks for one and two; in the thick of the coming battles. He had sent her home to Syracuse in Sicily. The priests had been directed to teach Antonia; as she had been dubbed by him, Latin as quickly as they could. He had no idea how long he would be gone but he hoped she would be okay.

The letters began to arrive two months later. The Latin was rough but it was readable. Julianus was surprised and delighted that the precious femmina had begun to flourish. She professed her undying thanks and her willingness to become his slave if he wished. She could not ever repay his kindness he had shown her and she went on and on in her letters like that. The Latium general was saddened and amused at the same time. They were winning great victories and the black basilisks were becoming more organized and stronger together they had realized. The squabbling that always had happened in the past was being forgotten and in favor was being replaced of some sort of leadership. The reds and browns had been routed and defeated north of the Rubicon and Julianus had the time to return to his childhood home to check on the femmina he had so quickly spirited out of harm’s way.

He was bounding up the steps of the Temple of Apollo and several old priests nodded and bowed to the young man and general whom was so loved. He bowed and instead came and hugged several old basilisk priests.

“Since when do you bow to me Apollodorus?” Julianus asked laughing.

“Have you not heard…” The old priest started to say but Julianus was very interested in something else.

“The femmina? Where is she? Is she well? Her Latin and her wellbeing?” He asked quickly.

“Dominus! Antonia is well.” Apollodorus laughed softly.

“So she does go by Antonia?” Julianus asked softly.

“Si. She says it is the name her savior gave her.” The priest shrugged.

“I am no such thing, si? She was cold and hungry. I wish to see her.” He said smiling warmly.

Apollodorus beckoned his charge to follow him inside the temple and Julianus had only a black stolla and toga with brown sandals. His long black hair was down fully and he heard a sudden intake of breath of a femmina and he saw her. She was dressed in a white stolla and all her light reddish mane was down and she wore a diadem of serpents. Julianus’s hand shook as he took in her beauty and her lovely red-brown eyes were downcast as the man who had rescued her stood before her for the first time in five months.

“General Servius? Dominus!” She cried as she went to her knee.

“Femmina! Non. Non! Stand femmina. I am a commoner. I am no one. Please come forward so that I may see that you are indeed well, si?” He whispered unable to speak in a stronger voice.

“You will never be a no one to me dominus. You saved me as surely as I would have died that day.” Antonia came to him and she fell to her knees and kissed the top of his hand.

Julianus was stunned and could not speak as his dreams had been filled with her. He had told no one as he was no whoremonger. He had been raised in the service of the Sun God. There was no time for frivolity. Now here was a femmina that stole his breath and if truth was to be told; she had stolen his heart five months ago.

“Julianus. My name femmina is Julianus.” He managed.

“Julianus.” She whispered as she stared up at his eyes.

Apollodorus was a wily old basilisk and he jerked his head to his fellow priests and he gave the two youngsters privacy in the main hall. Julianus was entranced by her eyes and they were only staring at the other.

“Antonia, I only came to assure myself of your wellbeing. I can see that you are good, si? There is to be a summit soon that I must…” Julianus started to say but he cried out.

Antonia had pressed her lips to his wrist and she owed this man her life and everything. He had written her back and he had always treated her with such respect in those letters after he had saved her. No one cared she was a slave girl escaped and they treated as if she was someone special. Julianus Servius permeated her dreams and heart as she continued to kiss up his wrist but she rose slowly.

“You saved me and did not care why. You are goodness itself dominus.” Antonia whispered as she claimed his lips with her plush lips.

Julianus gave up and wrapped his arms around the gorgeous red femmina; he accepted her kiss as he passionately returned her ardor. He had been trying to deny it for months and he could not deny it with her right here. There seemed to be no denying that it was Apollo’s will; especially when they were in his temple. No, Julianus could no longer deny his soul and he gave into his heart as Antonia gave into hers.
_________________________________________________________________ _______

Ilhane was administering a tonic to a very groggy and barely conscious Airis and slowly he was regaining himself. His vision began to clear slowly and he was inside a home that was actually quite large and he was not the only patient he realized. Ilhane finished helping him drink and she smiled widely at him.

“It is a good thing that they were fighting you and your men here in Leth`Evana; that blow might have been fatal on their home plane.” She said softly.

“Filthy beasts. They decimate their own existence and come to ours.” Airis mumbled.

“Oh I agree with you prince. Ekimmu are the vilest of all creatures but there must be warriors to stop their likes and there must be healers to heal you warriors.” Ilhane spoke jovially.

Airis watched her as she went to another wounded Undine who was in worse shape than he had been. She wore a long dress in two shades of blue; the sleeves were fitted but the skirt was full without petticoats. Soft animal hide slippers dyed a blue shade peeked out from her skirts. Her pale blonde-white hair was partially braided back and the rest down as she went about her business and she felt the warrior’s eyes on her. Her brothers were healers as well and the youngest; Anlyth seemed bothered by the fact and he came to stand by her.

“That particular patient is eyeing you sister.” Anlyth said under his breath and irritated.

“What is your problem little brother? You act as if he is ekimmu.” Ilhane smirked.

“He is from Briton. They are not our tribe.” He said crossing his arms and looking angry.

“Oh for the goddess’s sake Anlyth! Not every male that looks at me is contemplating marriage.” His elder sister said coldly.

“Sister! You are comely and you are an asset to any village. You would be a prize to anyone and your ignorance is ignorance.” He snapped.

“It is not ignorance brother; I shall marry for love and not status. Do you understand? I know that shocks you but I shall marry where my heart leads me and neither you nor our other siblings will stop me. Now change the last warrior’s dressings, now!” Ilhane commanded.

“Foolish woman.” Anlyth said as he did as he was told.

Airis had peeked into their conversation “mentally” and he was amused greatly by the healer and he lay back on his pallet as she worked. It was several hours later when she came back to him to check on him.

“So your mental telepathy is more advanced than many of our kind, eh?” The female fae asked her naughty patient.

“Perhaps.” Airis answered non-committedly.

“You Briton Undine have a naughty streak. What shall I do with you?” Ilhane said with mischief in her eyes.

“I would suggest discipline me but I would have to tell you that I enjoy it.” He stated seriously.

The woman in front of him took it in stride and she smiled at him as she began working on a pain relieving draught.

“There is discipline and discipline prince. I could make you wish to change your ways or I could; well you would have to find out.” She smirked.

“Would I Lady Ilhane? We Briton Undine are really no different than those here on Éire. There is Fionnuisce and Sáile Undine and really what are the differences in them except coloring?” Airis said seriously.

“I agree with you prince. My brothers however see clans and tribes. I see only fae and ekimmu; nothing else.” She shrugged.

“You are a most intelligent woman. I will tell you that my clan and I are forging close ties with the ruling house. There is ultimately one king of our kind and we Undine have not seen our queen in eons. No, I frankly prefer Simyth and his ways.” He said closing his honey eyes.

“Simyth Elensar? You are amazing. The symbol around your neck; you said it was your father’s…how did he come by an ekimmu trinket?” Ilhane asked.

“My father fought the ekimmu for Lady Don as her general. He was taken captive by that whore Arianrhod herself. I know she fell in love with him; it destroyed him. She demanded that he divorce my mother and she already carried me when he did so. Ailduin was infected with that bitch! The ekimmu witch ended up bearing him a daughter. I have yet to find out yet which one of her brats is my sibling. When I find out; I will kill her. Arianrhod’s lead warrior is Fionn Hammel and he was jealous of my father. His hatred of us is well known. When he was supposed to meet Arianrhod; it was Fionn and he was destroyed by the ekimmu of thunder. I was a lad of thirteen. I swore revenge for his death. What Arianrhod never knew was that he told her that he gave up my mother and me; but he never did. He just could not get over the fever of her putrid blood. Arianrhod had given him this talisman as a gift and I wear it as a reminder of their deceit and dishonor.” He said in relaying the story.

Ilhane was hypnotized by his voice and his story was amazing to her. The queen of the ekimmu herself had taken his father, for her own and the son had sworn revenge. Ilhane’s world revolved around healing and patching up the fae that fell from the ekimmu and their evil ways.

“I could be of more service to the king. Does he fight the ekimmu regularly?” She asked softly.

“Always. He is in constant warfare. I am only here because I had been given intelligence that Fionn Hammel would be here. Simyth would invite such a talented healer.” Airis said nodding.

Airis watched Ilhane’s intelligent face and he could see much crossing her beautiful features.

“Would you introduce me Airis Ludok to King Simyth Elensar; the ruler of all fae?” She asked softly.

“Yes, Healer Birdel. I will take you to his majesty as soon as I am able to stand.” Airis smirked.

Ilhane laughed mirthfully and he found the sound one he wanted to hear more often. Her face lit up and his heart stuttered. Airis and Ilhane’s eyes met deeply for a moment and it was hard to tear away as she stood and went about other things.
_______________________________________________________________ _________

Airis had come to the palace and true to his word he had brought Ilhane Birdel with him. Simyth was on his simple throne and he found the Éireann Undine to be refreshing and wonderful. He could also see that his lead warrior and good friend; Airis was falling for her. He decided in the interest of his friend’s heart to ask her to be the palace healer. Ilhane was astonished and could not believe it and she was deliriously happy as she shared a meal with Airis in the common room.

“This is a dream come true Airis! Thank you so much! The ability to bring my healing to more of my people is something wonderful in my mind.” Ilhane espoused as she sipped on lotus wine.

“Your mind is open Ilhane and you have ambitions outside of clans and tribes. I implore and encourage it. Our people need to be united against the ekimmu and not divided. You looked very beautiful today.” Airis said as he ate his fill of radish and lentil soup.

“I did?” She murmured surprised as she met his eyes.

Ilhane had taken great care in how she had dressed; she had worn a pale yellow gown that had a fitted bodice just below her bosom and was layered in several silky materials, the top being a filmy see through one and no sleeves. She had worn a diadem made from shells on the crown of her head and her wavy pale tresses had been loosely piled on her head. No slippers had adorned her feet and Airis had to keep his thoughts tight as her loveliness was affecting him. The longer he knew her; the more he wished to make her Ilhane Ludok. She looked up suddenly and Airis realized she had “heard” that thought. He was actually speechless and he looked away and Ilhane was stunned by his feelings.

“You feel for me?” Ilhane asked stunned.

“I cannot speak on this. You looked very lovely indeed Healer Birdel.” He stated hurriedly and he took his leave from her.

Ilhane was left to stare across an empty table and Airis had feelings for her too. If he had stayed and had not run away; she would have told him that she too was loving him too. Considering how fast the prince had ran away; she figured out that he wanted none of it and she sighed deeply. Her people’s habits of love, passion, duty, and family were silly to her. That was one of the things she admired the ekimmu for; of course she would never admit it openly. The ekimmu followed their hearts and they fell in love. Her people seemed to love out of duty but when they loved it was consuming, it could also be crippling to them as well.

“Hello.” Ilhane heard behind her.

She whirled around and there stood a Foraoise fae female and she was stunning. She had long brown luxurious locks that were straight and came to her middle back. Her eyes were the color of the sea at night; dark blue. Her nose regally straight and her lips were fuller on the bottom and she had a strong jaw. She also had a very serious look about her and she wore a blue gown that seemed like a simple shift style and as she passed Ilhane to sit; the back plummeted to reveal her beautiful skin.

“I am Kaylin Elensar.” The wood fae woman said softly.

“Ilhane Birdel, I am the new healer here.” She murmured trying to make out the woman.

“I know. Simyth Elensar is my mate and I find myself in need of you Healer Birdel.” Kaylin spoke in such a soft voice.

“Majesty? Oh goodness! Forgive me.” Ilhane said bowing her head feeling so silly.

“I shall always be Kaylin if I may call you Ilhane. Now please, I do need you.” The queen of all Leth`Evana said rising.

“Kaylin, what can I help you with?” Ilhane stated as she walked beside the queen as they walked towards her suite of new rooms in the palace.

“I am newly with child and I am finding myself quite unlike myself. I am weak and I have no wish for food.” Kaylin said as she sat on a low chair in Ilhane new infirmary.

“This is no good my queen. May I sense and try to connect with the babe?” She asked.

“I have heard the Undine could do as such.” Kaylin said almost awed.

“Only the Fionnuisce Undine Kaylin.” Ilhane said as she listened and she tried to connect with life in the queen.

Ilhane closed her eyes and the truth hit her and sadness hit her as the new healer lifted her elvish ear and looked at Kaylin directly in the eyes.

“Majesty, there was life but it has passed. I am so sorry. I have to give you a draught to cause your body to refresh itself.” She tried to say delicately.

“You must force my body to abort the dead baby.” The queen stated dully.

“Majesty, I am so sorry.” Ilhane said not knowing what else to say.

“Simyth wishes a daughter. How many mates do you know that wish a daughter?” Kaylin asked with tears streaming down her face.

“Any other babes?” the healer asked as she began the awful draught.

“No, we have lost five now including this one.” She said as her voice began to break.

“I will help you Kaylin. I will be here to help you every step of the way.” Ilhane promised as she presented the abortive draught.

Neither saw Simyth near the door and his heart was breaking and his beloved wife was suffering terribly. Once he had held her; he intended to get very inebriated indeed. He watched the new healer hold the draught and help his wife drink the awful concoction and once she had drank it; Kaylin began to break down. She was sobbing terribly. Ilhane held her and ran her hand over hand beautiful brown hair and Simyth knew they had found the perfect healer. Kaylin had also found a true friend. For now, he could not think straight and his head hurt because his beloved hurt.

Airis was sharpening his sword and his king and friend came to him and sat. While they were different forms of fae; Airis served him selflessly and honorably. He saw Simyth as his true king and Simyth saw him as his closest friend.

“Kaylin is abed. She has lost another babe.” Simyth said and it came out a little slurred.

“My king? You are not well.” Airis said softly.

“I cannot give my heart the one thing that we both want more than anything my friend. We want something that is so natural and perfect and Kaylin cries every night that she is tainted. I would and could have never married another woman Airis.” The wood fae actually cried.

“I am certain that Ilhane can help the queen Simyth. She is one of the most gifted healers of all the Undine I have ever met.” The warrior stated as he went back to sharpening his sword.

“You love her Airis.” His dear friend pronounced out loud.

“Does not matter how I feel majesty. I have a mission and until it is complete; there is no room for love.” He said stubbornly.

“Hate for your father’s killer will not bring him back Airis. Ailduin Ludok was legendary even amongst us wood fae you know but my sister was an idiot as always. What matters in life Airis is what you have in your heart. What happens if you achieve your revenge? What then? You have revenge but no love, no life to show for it. You love and she is here NOW. THAT is more than what I can say about that revenge.” Simyth espoused.

“You know what my kinsmen would say?” He murmured.

“What?” The fae king asked arching a brow.

“That all you Foraoise are emotionally charged saps.” Airis smiled a little.

“Oh as if the Undine do not feel! They feel with the sword though. Think on what I have said my dear friend. Kaylin is fragile at the moment; and I do believe, so am I.” The fae king admitted.

“Do not tell the ekimmu that.” The Undine warrior snorted.

“Never.” Simyth smiled.

He watched the brunette fae leave and he slowly stood up. He was wearing a white tunic edged with silver embroidery and white pants tucked into brown boots. Airis laid his weapons to the side and he went to healer’s rooms and he saw Ilhane stocking her cabinets with her herbs and plants she used to heal. She whirled around as she had heard him enter.

“Airis?” She asked as if he needed something.

“Simyth told me of Kaylin. He told me how kind you were.” He stated.

“You and the king are very close I see.” Ilhane said surprised.

“Yes. We are very open with one another. He loves his wife very deeply and profoundly. It is how I want my own marriage to be.” Airis said bluntly.

“Not a very Undine way of thinking.” She laughed softly.

“I am Undine but I am loyal to Simyth and this kingdom. My king knows me and he knows my heart.” He murmured looking down.

“What is your heart Prince Ludok?” Ilhane asked as her heart beat faster.

“You know Ilhane. You heard my mind.” Airis spoke short.

“Say it.” She whispered trembling.

“I am loving you. I shall be honest and it terrifies me because I have always been a warrior and the idea of love wars in my mind but Simyth is right. My revenge will always be there; I cannot say this will.” He said baring his soul.

“Our king is quite wise. I am loving you as well Airis. I have no idea where this goes but we can take it slow.” Ilhane said reaching out her hand to him.

“Your mind is as clear as ever Ilhane. I should like to call on you tomorrow perhaps for a luncheon in the fields in the valley?” He asked her.

“Yes.” She smiled widely and he nodded and squeezed her hand.

Ilhane watched him leave her rooms and her heart quickened at the idea of starting a proper courting. Her mind was buzzing and it was filled with ways to help Queen Kaylin and with Airis Ludok.
________________________________________________________________ ________

Changming was reading over every bit of correspondence and it had been exactly three weeks since Geming’s last visit. The ruckus in the hall could be heard and he sighed. His younger sibling came in and his armor was not and in fact; his red hair was down, and he was in plain clothes.

“I have been given leave from the army by Ichigawa. It seems that I am a bit too angry and too ready to rain hell upon mortals for being mortal.” He said drunkenly.

“Geming! You are sloppy drunk.” Chang stated in irritation.

“Yes, yes big brother and I intend to get more so. Did you know that Peking has a new emperor? I wanted to sack the fucking city. I would have loved to have burned and pillaged every damn street but that is evil. That would only prove that youkai are what they think we are!” Geming raged.

“How can I help you? I do not know how to stop this suffering for you.” The snow inu admitted trying to calm him down.

“Just take me away from Asia for a little while. Get me away from the fucking reminder of the past. I keep hearing the screams Chang. I can’t stop the screams in my dreams.” The red admitted and he looked haunted.

“Where do you want to go?” He murmured.

“I guess Europe.” Geming snorted.

Geming had been born in the late 14th century and Changming had been born during the mid of the same century. The Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty had swept through Asia like a scourge and had wiped out many groups of mortals and youkai alike. Taiwan had been led by a peace loving group of a rare type of inu that were red in color. The peace loving part had been their downfall and the mortals had swarmed them like ants. It had been horrid; Changming did not doubt his brother’s nightmares and he felt helpless more and more.

“Where in Europe Gem?” Chang sighed.

“Why not France or England. Chichi said those were always interesting places.” The red said sloshed as hell.

“We will have to keep our ears covered; okay? At first let me do the talking until you sober up. Let us pack some clothing and gold.” He said thinking ahead.

Chang heard snoring a moment later and poor Geming had laid his head on his desk and passed out. He would go ahead and follow through with his plans on the morrow. Geming needed a change and it would seem that a change of scenery would help clear his mind. They had been taught many of the European languages and so he felt confident that they would be just fine and he picked up his younger brother and took him to his room and laid him on his bed to sleep of his drunken stupor.

The next morning was bright and he had brought them to England. While they had been raised in China; they had been raised by a Japanese inu. The island was their origin they felt and they were dressed for the area and Chang had consulted a local “witch” who dabbled in concoctions to cover their youkai natures. She had been paid quite handsomely for her aid and the ningen onna had been a comely one and she had actually made a pass at Changming. He had been unprepared for that; Chang did not have much experience with females in general because he followed his chi chi’s example but Geming did not. He was not a whoremonger but he was not pure either. The elder brother was pure and Geming needled him about it constantly until he had finally made him stop. So now they stood in London, England to escape from Asia and the memories. Both inu wore white linen shirts with a drawstring at the neck; they both wore doublets but Chang wore his in brown velvet and the slashing revealed lighter brown satin. Geming wore winter green brocade with a motif of some fruit and his slashing revealed emerald green satin. The jerkins of both men matched their satins and they wore matching hose; Chang in brown and Geming in green. Their over gowns were lined in sable on both and Chang’s was a pale brown in color with a jacquard print and came to his knees. Geming’s was hunter green velvet and Changming admitted his younger brother did pick well for himself.

“We look like fucking dandies.” Geming growling.

“You are the one who wished for a getaway.” Chang pointed out.

“Yes, I realize. I had not realized these people did not know how to dress. I refuse to cut my hair for anything!” The red growled in Min Chinese.

They were on a busy street in London and they were richly dressed but so many were as well and they only caught attention by their hair coloring. Otherwise they looked like everybody else.

“Come let us make accommodations at a decent establishment and we can try our hand at hunting the forests in this strange land.” His snow inu brother suggested.

“Ok Chang.” Geming sighed and it was good to be away from China and THOSE ningen.
It was the middle of the night and they had been in their true forms; hunting for hours. It had been utterly amazing. Now they were laying in a field only in their doublets and linen shirts and long hair down. They were talking in Chinese as they spoke of the stars and what their chichi had taught them.

“Who are you?” They heard in English and a feminine voice.

Geming and Changming startled and they sat up suddenly and there stood an English woman in splendid regalia and dark hair; although a head piece covered her head. Her dress was red and gold in the night and Chang’s mouth was dry as he stared at the mortal woman.

“We are foreign nobleman and we are only here on holiday milady. This is my younger brother and we wished for some peace away from our homeland.” He stated actually telling mostly the truth.

His English was oddly accented and the woman was fascinated. She looked at the other man and he was not bothering to even look at her and the man speaking had white hair and a youthful face. He was stunning and his eyes seemed to be gold in color.

“Did you know you are in the king’s lands?” She said softly.

“I was not aware. I thank you for telling us and we shall remove ourselves immediately.” Chang stated rising effortlessly.

Chang stood a head taller than the woman and she had to stare up at the beautiful man and the other one too stood.

“I am a Maid of Honor to her majesty; Queen Katherine. My name is Lady Mary Norris.” She said in a slightly shaky breath.

“I am Lee Changming and this is my brother Lee Geming. Our father was a ruler in Asia and I maintain West Qinghai and my brother sees to the city-state of Shanghai.” The snow inu replied bowing.

“The orient! Oh my. How magnificent! Her majesty and I think his majesty; King Henry would be most fascinated to meet you.” Lady Mary said excitedly.

“We want nothing to do with any foreign courts lady.” Geming finally spoke and his voice was very quiet.

“If you are royalty then their majesties really should know of your presence.” She insisted.

“We will be gone before you can tell them.” The red said as he came to face her.

Mary Norris came face to face with a man that stole her breath. His eyes were the greenest she had ever seen and his hair such an intense auburn. His skin had been bronzed by the sun and his eyes had the almond slant of what she assumed was normal for those from Asia. His jaw was square and had a slight dimple in it and his hair was long. She had never seen such long hair on men but it was perfect on him she decided. Geming blinked at her and he could hear her thoughts and she of course could not shield. Her thoughts were innocent but she thought him stunning and actually found him beautiful. That thought stunned HIM. Changming too heard her and he was inclined to stay and he kicked Geming.

“We should be delighted to meet your king and queen my lady. I will however vacate his lands immediately. I was not aware of where we were. We are staying at the London Arms; if you should like to discretely tell your queen that you met us than by all means we shall reveal ourselves.” Chang suggested.

“I shall do that. You are most wise Lord Lee.” She bowed.

“Changming.” He smiled.

“Oh! You sir are Lord Geming?” Mary asked the red inu.

“Yes.” The younger brother said softly and he was affected by her general non-hateful attitude.

“I hope to see you both at court on the morrow then. Good evening to both sirs.” She curtsied and with that she left.

When she was out of ear shot; Geming turned on Chang and growled in anger.

“Why in the Kamis name are we going to their fucking court?” He demanded.

“Excellent food and excellent entertainment and the PERMISSION to hunt these lands while we are here idiot.” Chang replied smoothly.

“Oh. Ok, good thinking Chang. I am an idiot.” Geming stated as he grudgingly followed his elder brother towards their inn.

In his mind; Chang intended to see that his little brother found a bit of romance to take his mind off of his hatred of the Ming Dynasty. Yes, Mary Norris may be mortal but she was lovely and Geming was not opposed to her. This idea was becoming better and better.

il mio prezioso- my precious
Gratias tibi ago dominus- thank you very much sir
Maschi- man
Lassen Sie mich los- Let me go
Bitte! Bitte! Tu mir nicht weh. Ich kann nicht mehr zurück- Please! Please! Do not hurt me. I cannot go back there.
Foraoise- forest
Éire- Ireland
Fionnuisce Undine- Freshwater Undine
Sáile Undine- Saltwater Undine
Éireann- Irish
Fae- elf or elves