Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ In a Past Looking Back: Grimmjow ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: This chapter will be of a beloved and favored character from the Bleach world and a major force in The Heirs Apparent (In the Midst of Death and the Moon). His story comes back into play in a major way. A continuation of histories of important characters that play a role in the Chronicles series. Several characters will be revealed in the next several chapters. As always; I thank you so much for reading and please, leave me feedback and thoughts or PM me. I love to hear what you think!

In a Past Looking Back: Grimmjow

He jumped up and was climbing up into the palm tree as the vantage point was just too good up higher. He was a neko youkai after all and high vantage points were; well they were instinct. His younger kit brother was twenty years younger than him and he made a long yowl to get his attention. He was not his brother “officially” because that would mean his otosan was a whoremonger but hey; who gave a fuck? Jagaharu had the best of both worlds and he was a prince back in the lands of the Jaguar and here he was a nobleman’s son. Yea, it fucking rocked his tabi socks off.

“Get your slow ass up the fucking tree Daichi.” Jagaharu snarled at the younger kit.

“Jagaharu, I am not as good or as big as you!” The younger boy whined at him as he slowly climbed.

“You don’t ever fucking so that! You hear me Daichi? You’re fucking better than me!” The half Yamaneko-half jaguar stated fiercely as he climbed down and pulled his younger brother up to sit in the palm branches.

“Wow…you were right Haru. The view is amazing.” The young boy stated in awe.

“Yea, it is pretty freaking awesome huh?” Haru began purring.

The older youth held onto the younger kit and wrapped his arms protectively like his abuelo did back at his other home in the tropical forests around the Amazon River. He loved his younger brother so much even though he was only half. Daichi was so soft spoken and gentle and their older brother Hiroshi was a fucking bully and Jagaharu hated him with an unbridled passion. He protected his kit brother often from the heir to the Southern Kingdom and his otosan was usually too busy. His madre; Itzel Grimmjow, was always there for him and he knew love from her and the jaguar clan. Yea, Jagaharu had a pretty fucking awesome life and his family was weird in Japan but normal in the jungle. He preferred the jungle but loved his kit brother too damn much.

The forty year old neko youth was training with his otosan; Hikaru and his older brother; Hiroshi. The older yamaneko youth was being cold and cruel as he purposely cut and made the half yamaneko Jagaharu bleed. Itzel had been trying to temper her precious son’s temper but things were only getting worse as Hiroshi got older and he saw the affection the heir to the throne saw that Hikaru showed to her “bastard”.

“Oops!” Hiroshi snickered as his blade slashed Jagaharu across his cheek.

“Hiroshi! We are sparring now only!” Hikaru growled in warning.

“Fuck you! Pedazo de mierda, Te voy a matar!” Jagaharu snarled in mounting hate as his brilliant blue eyes began to bleed pink.

“What are you saying you retarded foreign piece of trash?” Hiroshi snarled back.

“Stop now!” The yamaneko lord hissed in righteous fury.

Itzel Grimmjow was furious and she saw the anger in her El hijo de eyes and she barely nodded to him. They were jaguars and it seemed the Japanese yamaneko thought they were the only ones to understand things such as personal honor and family. Itzel’s hijo opened his mouth and she suddenly covered ears and Hikaru and Hiroshi were felled to their knees by the call of her kind and the nearby warriors were as well. Blood dripped from the snot’s nose and even from his ears and Hikaru was snarling and hissing through his middle son’s temper tantrum and he crawled toward Jagaharu and slashed his leg. The half jaguar went to his knees as his otosan had used his toxin and he was humiliated but he had hurt the prick; Hiroshi with his jaguar call. He would be soundly whipped by Hikaru in private for this stunt but his madre would take him home to the jungle for a month or so and it would be all well. He would take the beating he decided.

“How dare you!” His otosan raged at him as he wiped blood from his nose and Hiroshi had to be tended by the healer.

Jagaharu kept his head bowed and he said nothing and his father berated him for harming his elder brother so keenly. Itzel was furious herself and she decided that this time; Hikaru would not lay a claw on her son. Hikaru grabbed a cane and he was fixing to deliver a lashing to his middle son’s back when she stood between them.

“Move Itzel! Move it now!” Hikaru roared in further anger.

“Nay! You will not beat Jagaharu this time Hikaru. You hit my hijo than you never see my hijo or me again! Él es un príncipe y mi padre un rey! Nay! You will not hit my baby again.” Itzel roared with eyes the color of hellfire.

Hikaru was madly in love with the spit fire jaguaress but he had betrayed his mating here in Japan when he had taken her in Central America on a hunting holiday. It had been the dumbest and worst mistake of his reign but the passion and love he had for her would not allow him to give her up. The yamaneko lord’s golden amber eyes held anger and almost despair at her threat because he knew her; she would carry through with it. Hikaru loved all his kits; all of his kits, including his love child but Jagaharu was so damn hard headed in his opinion. Itzel Grimmjow was a taiyoukai of her kind and they were extremely powerful neko and he sighed as he dropped the cane.

“You would truly leave us after forty summers because your son harmed my eldest purposely?” The lord asked in anger.

“Si! Hiroshi hurt him primero.” The foreign onna said firmly.

“Go on Itzel. Take Jagaharu to your home for some time amongst your people. He seems to need the jungles for some time.” Hikaru said with anger and disappointment.

“Mi amor mi hijo only did as I directed.” Itzel stated lifting her chin.

“You hate my eldest son so much?” He said getting angry again.

“Nay! I will not allow Jagaharu to be here and not to defend himself. In the jungle and the Amazon; mi hijo can be him. Here he is only MI hijo and not YOUR hijo. You think upon that Lord Hikaru while Príncipe Jagaharu and mi go home.” She said backing up and she grabbed her cub’s hand.

Itzel was a lithe feline youkai who had the same bold and bright blue eyes that Jagaharu had. Her hair was a strawberry blonde that faded to lighter blonde and roundish spots that were black that peppered her hair as well. She did not have her tail in her humanoid form but her eyes and facial features could not be described as completely human looking. Her nose was more rounded and it had a black tip and her spots went down her cheek bones as well. Her eyes had elongating black marks that made her look as if she wore kohl eyeliner. Her hands were graceful and black in her humanoid form. Her fingers were long but tipped in deadly black claws. She did not wear Japanese fashion at all and her blood red dress was of Mayan design. It hung from her left side and wrapped around her frame. She wore a belt that had feathers and beads from her homeland. At her home; she would wear a feather headdress as a crown as a princess. Jagaharu never did as he hated them but he loved his madre in them.

Jagaharu had the same eyes of his full jaguar mother, even down to her eye markings, and he bore similar reddish and black spotting in his burnished dark golden red-blonde hair. His hair was long to his middle back and it was wild and untamed. He did not tie it back like Hiroshi or Daichi did and when he was home in the jungles; he had to wear a stupid headdress of bone and beads to mark him as royalty. He was as tall as his otosan now who stood nearly two meters and he was lithe, lean, sculpted like the feline youkai he was in both of his forms. His feline form looked jaguar but longer fur like the yamaneko and he had a very short tail like his brothers. His skin was burnished bronze from the jungle sun; but his claw tips were not black and he could actually pass a bit more ningen looking than Itzel, and Jagaharu was now standing by his mother and Daichi ran in. The younger kit’s eyes met his and he looked hurt by the scene.

“The Lady Itzel and Jagaharu have to go home chichi?” Daichi asked his father innocently.

“Yea kiddo! My abuelo is throwing some stupid shindig crap that madre and I can’t freaking get away from. You be good while I’m gone, kay? I’m gonna take you to the sea when I get back, okay with you my lord?” The middle son looked at his otosan with pleading eyes.

“Hai. When you return from your grandfather’s you may take Prince Daichi to the sea Jagaharu. We will see you in a month Lady Itzel?” Hikaru asked thinly.

“Si. We shall see you in a month Lord Hikaru.” His ilegimate mate said proudly.

His middle kit went to his knee and his twenty year old kit ran into Jagaharu’s arms and hugged him tightly and the mixed neko had tears in his eyes.

“Don’t let Hiroshi mess with ya, ok? I’ll be back soon and we’ll climb and we’ll find every nest we can.” He said ruffling the younger boy’s hair.

“Alright Haru. Just do not get tangled up with one of those anaconda things you all have there.” His kit brother said sadly.

“Naw. You know me…that’ll be my lunch.” He smirked at Daichi.

Daichi giggled and Jagaharu stood and bowed to his otosan and Itzel made a tunnel appear and it was how she ported from one place to another; she made a tunnel of yoki. She and her cub walked through and Daichi waved goodbye as the foreign onna and her son left and he suddenly burst into tears.

“Daichi! Whatever is wrong?” The Southern lord asked his sensitive youngest son.

“Who is going to hold me and help me up the trees; Haha is dead!” The youngest kit softly cried.

Hikaru knelt and held open his arms for his youngest son of his formal mate; Chinatsu who had died not long after Daichi had been birthed. Itzel had already birthed Jagaharu but he had never flaunted her here when his official mate was still alive but he did have his middle kit near him and Itzel and he had epic fights. It was hard being mated to a neko feline where the females were the equals of their males. Daichi looked so much like his mother; he had beautiful dark gold eyes and he was tall and lithe like the rest of his species; also had fiery red-orange hair with stripes of white. His face was pale and he had darker reddish orange spots around his forehead that went along his hairline. His hair was past his shoulders and usually kept neat tied at his neck. Hiroshi and Daichi looked similar except his eldest son’s eyes were yellow and his hair was longer and less spotting and he had Chinatsu’s coloring; he was an impressive sight being tall, lithe, and sinuous feline grace and muscle. He did not have the reddish orange hair and fur of his father and Daichi, his was gray and black. Hikaru objectively looked at kits and he realized he spoiled Hiroshi because he was his heir and Daichi was treated like a baby. Jagaharu was treated more harshly and he lifted his head and he was determined that he was going to do better by his middle son. He was going to earn his middle son’s affections and forgiveness. Daichi was still not fully grown and his father picked him up and purred loudly to calm him.

“Come Daichi; I will show you my special high up place when I am in my neko form.” He chichi murmured in his ear.

His kit’s eyes widened and he smiled at his sire and he hugged him tightly and Hiroshi was standing in the opening to the outdoor dojo and hate was evident on his face after he had been seen. The mongrel Jagaharu had busted the ear drum in his left ear and his sire had not beaten him. Anger gripped the eldest born and he intended to plague the foreign born neko like the Black Death.

Except being away from Daichi; Jagaharu loved being home amongst the Amazon and the Yucatan Peninsula. That was how far his abuelo’s rule extended and it was awesome being amongst his jaguar kin. Itzel was the heiress to his abuelo and she was a damn powerful onna but also an incredible madre. Rey Nicteha was a black jaguar and enormously powerful in his own right and his hija had inherited his traits. Being her only cub brought about royal privileges unlike in Japan and his abuelo was more like a father to him anyway. He called his abuelo; papa and it was natural. Nicteha came from his stone palace pyramid and was descending the steps as his beloved hija and nieto were home.

“Itzel and Jaga!” He roared proudly.

“Papa!” Itzel said hugging her lord and father.

After releasing his beloved daughter; he grabbed up his nieto and hugged him tightly. Jagaharu could not help it and he was actually freaking purring. He hated purring but he did it around his madre’s family all the time. They really really loved him and he felt it every second he was here. He was not a nobody and he did not have to put up with Hiroshi shithead; he was Prince Jagaharu Grimmjow of the Mayan Jaguar. Here he was a major SOMEBODY. All of his fucking cousins showed up in their various shades of gold, burnished orange, black, and even a white or two. His madre’s clan was huge and they were loud!

“Hey primo! Change and we go hunt for snake.” An older male cousin commanded.

“Si primo!” Jagaharu grinned and he looked at his madre and she nodded yes.

He took off in a run and changed form mid-run and he followed his sleeker and shorter furred cousins.

“You are home sooner hija.” Nicteha stated as he watched his beloved grandson.

“Hikaru was to raise a cane to Jaga. I no allowed it and I told mi hijo to release his call when his hermano struck him cruelly.” Itzel stated softly to her father’s unasked question.

“Why do you allow this gato débil to touch mi hija or mi nieto?” Her father demanded in sudden anger.

“Papa, I do love Hikaru as you loved mi madre. You understand this, si?” She said staring at her powerful father.

Lesser panthers moved forward and she was adorned in her feathered headdress that depicted her as the crowned princess. Nicteha had not remated after Itzel’s madre had died in the wars with the human scum. They had tried to move into their forests and Yoltzin had been his co-ruler and had birthed many cubs. Itzel was his eldest and she was a fine, strong jaguaress and could handle this large clan should his gods call him home. What he could NOT understand was her love of the Japanese gato. His nieto was perfect but his nieto looked like his perfect hija so there was no issue in his mind.

“You are Princesa Itzel Grimmjow and never forget this hija. Never forget this!” He roared as he swept his clawed hand out around their massive stone palace and clan.

“Nay Papa. I am Grimmjow primero. Always Grimmjow and so is my hijo; he is Grimmjow.” Itzel said with reddened eyes as she went to her knee before her beloved father.

“Respite and we rejoice you home hija. Tonight we feast and you will allow our nieto to be jaguar!” Nicteha commanded as he descended the steps of his own palace and he too changed form.

He was a black jaguar and he was a powerful and beautiful beast. Nicteha roared loudly and all the other panthers and jaguars looked at their rey and they roared backed. Itzel’s eyes were glazed in tears and she was not sure she could return to Hikaru after his brazen attempt to subdue Jagaharu. Her cub was too beautiful and perfect and way more powerful than the heir to the Yamaneko Kingdom. Itzel smirked a cold smile as she descended the steps as she remembered the look on Chinatsu’s face when she had appeared in Japan with Jagaharu and Hiroshi’s yoki was nothing to her own child. Hiroshi was nothing and Itzel would see to it that he suffered for harming her precious son.

Jag aharu was lying on the jungle floor and about ten of his cousins were lying around with him. Some were sleeping on their backs in their true forms and some were chatting quietly in their human like forms and Jagaharu liked his human-like form the best because he could use his kitana and be a real warrior like the youkai back in Japan. He wouldn’t tell that to his cousins but he otosan had promised him that he would lead the warriors when he was old enough. That was what he really wanted and he loved fighting and his madre knew it. He was Mayan jaguar to be sure but he was ALSO Japanese too. He and his cousins had taken down a full grown anaconda and it had been downright fucking delicious. They didn’t get that kind of meat in the islands but he did like the hares, moles, shrews, quails, and weasels. He was bigger than the average yamaneko and he would take on koumori as well as deer and sea lions if he was near the shore. He was getting braver as he got older and he was starting to venture further north towards the Western inu border more and more as the hunting was better towards their lands but that was a huge secret. Jagaharu had actually caught sight of the West’s heir and it was a shocking thing in Japan that an onna had been named the heir to a cardinal state but Lord Snotty Ass himself had. He was also known as Fluffysama and Lord Assicle in other parts of the islands and Haru snorted to himself at the impertinent names. He had never seen the Western inu himself but the heir he had. He admitted to himself; she was a fucking gorgeous onna even if she was a perro. She had long silver hair and eyes the same color of the stone neko’s eye. She had a crescent moon on her forehead and dark pink marks on cheeks and above her eyes. Yea, he had seen her and his breath had been stolen. He was trying to remember her name as his tummy was full of snake meat and his cousin’s chatter was lulling him into a sleep. She was always shadowed by another fucking inu and an older inu with long silver hair. Her name clicked in his brain and it was Asuna. That was the bitch’s name and he smiled as he shut his cerulean eyes and began lightly snoring as he imagined the perro onna sparring the male inu, the last time he had seen her a few weeks before.

They returned but it was not for over a year and Hikaru had been horrified at the length of separation. Itzel was taking a stand for her son and herself. She would not accept anything less than respect for her beloved son and she would not be treated as whore any longer; Chinatsu was dead and she knew that she could not be the Southern lady but she would demand a formal mating. Hiroshi would have to accept that Jagaharu was his “step” brother. It had been especially hard on Daichi who loved and worshipped the middle son and Hikaru had finally gone to the Mayan Jaguar Kingdom and had begged Itzel to bring their son home as he called it. Nicteha had lost his temper and snarled at the gato as he was called by the black jaguar but she had finally relented when he took her as his mate. Jagaharu always called him otosan and never called him chichi like Daichi or Hiroshi and it grieved him. He was still amongst the Mayan Jaguars and he was watching his middle son with his cousins and he called Nicteha “papa”.

“I would know why our son calls his grandsire, chichi.” Hikaru groused as Itzel sat upon on a stone throne as her hijo and his cousins played an ancient game.

“Keep your estúpido opinions to yourself Hikaru. You have no understanding to compare this, si? You think our hijo calls mi Papa the same but it means the same as abuelo.” She stated narrowing her beautiful blue eyes.

“Your Papa as you call him has threatened me quite openly Itzel! I am not without my own power onna! I am not afraid of your sire and you forget that I am a skilled warrior and our son wishes to be a warrior as well.” He snapped at her.

She deigned to look at him and she was stunned by him. She wore a diadem of bright gold that depicted the sun and a full headdress of feathers adorned her head that fanned out in muted browns and black. Itzel stood and glared at her mate and he was making her not wish to return to Japan at all. Hikaru’s amber gold eyes was glued to his exotic lover and she wore a top that barely covered her breasts and they were also gold and it was held up by a gold chain that wrapped around her ribcage and her neck. A white yucca skirt was slung around her hips and gold chains were also slung low on her hips too. Bracelets snaked up and down her arms and ankles.

“I am a warrior marido también.” She growled deeply in her throat.

“Itzel, I know onna. I did not mean it as such.” He snapped.

“Lucha contra mí gilipollas!” Itzel stated holding out her hand for a spear.

Jagaharu stopped playing the old ball game and watched as his madre demanded as his otosan fight her.

“Madre?” He called up to her.

“Mi hijo de honor!” She hissed out loud.

“Madre! Este es mi padre!” Jagaharu tried to reason with the furious jaguaress.

Rey Nicteha was actually quite pleased by the prospect and he put a hand on Jaga’s shoulder and shook his head no.

“I will not fight you Itzel.” Hikaru shook his head no.

“Por supuesto que no! Usted es un cobarde como su hijo mayor.” The female jaguar scoffed at her yamaneko mate.

“As you wish Itzel; I had hoped to reconcile with you. You have no wish to try and make a go of our mating and bring our sons together. Who is the coward?” The Southern lord asked in his rich timbre.

“You come and act like this mujer should bow low before this hombre. Nay! This mujer is your equal Hikaru and a Grimmjow. You are beneath this mujer here. I come to Japan and it is as a Grimmjow and your equal and not beneath you hombre but as your la esposa.” Itzel snarled loudly for the whole of her father’s kingdom to hear.

Jagaharu was breathing deeply and he was affected deeply by his mother’s words. He had never been so proud of his heritage before and his madre made him so fucking proud. She was the most fucking beautiful onna and the strongest one he had ever seen. He loved the onna that had given him life and he went to his knees before her just like everyone else did except his abuelo.

“Come back to Japan as my mate and my equal Itzel. I love you and I cannot live this life without my soul.” Hikaru stated softly.

Nicteha nodded to his favorite cub and she relented and she knelt to Hikaru and she released a purr to let him know that she accepted his terms. Jagaharu released a pent up breath and his parents embraced and his abuelo hugged him.

“Si nieto! All is well.” His abuelo murmured hugged him tightly.

“Yea Papa, yea this is real good.” Haru stated feeling happy for the first time in a while.

< br> He was fighting against some other elite warriors and he was in his sixty seventh year. Daichi was now forty seven and the kit still followed him around and he absolutely loved the snot out of his kit brother. Hiroshi and he were formal to the other but there was utter hatred and the eldest and heir to the kingdom did everything he could to show him up at every opportunity. Hiroshi was twelve years older than Jagaharu and now they were past fifty; it really didn’t mean shit in the grand scheme of things. His otosan had settled grand estates on his madre when she had returned to Japan twenty six years before and he too had been given his own estate only recently. Hikaru had meant it as a reward for bravery but Itzel knew it was just an excuse to show some attention to Haru as he was called in private by his parents. Itzel and Haru still returned to jaguar lands several times a year but they never stayed longer than a month ever.

Haru’s jaguar spotted hair was soaked around the hairline with sweat from his workout with the elite warrior forces and he was going to head it up as he got older; he knew it, he told his otosan so. Hikaru had chuckled but seeing the way his middle kit fought; he did not doubt it.

“Gonna find me an onsen and take a dip General Gaju.” Haru muttered to the older elite warrior and the yamaneko yowled his permission.

Haru looked around and he was hungry too; he decided that he was gonna go hunting a bit further north and he heard his younger brother trying to keep up.

“Yo Daichi, whatcha doing kiddo?” He demanded.

“I want to go with you Jagaharu.” The yamaneko youth whined.

“Not this time kiddo. I’ll take you tonight after dark, okay? Stop fucking calling me Jagaharu, it’s Haru silly.” He grinned at the younger boy.

“You promise Haru? You know my chichi does not like me out after dark.” Daichi said thoughtfully.

“Yea well we ain’t gonna get caught, kay? Now run along and do your kanji kiddo. I hated that shit.” Haru snorted and laughed more.

Daichi gave him the warmest and brightest smiles and he quickly jumped down and hugged the kit with his whole soul. He mussed up his perfect hair and Daichi complained but Haru laughed manically almost at the perfect manners of his kit brother but he liked to get out and get into a bit of trouble.

“Now scamper off and do as I said.” The mixed neko commanded.

“Okay Haru. Later.” Daichi said trying to get his hair back into his hair tie.

“And where is the mongrel off to?” Hiroshi said inspecting his claws.

“None of your fucking business my lord.” Haru said narrowing his blue eyes at the heir.

“Your mother may be fucking my father trash, but do not think it gives you airs vermin.” His elder brother snarled as he spit on him.

“Yea what the fuck ever.” He snarled and he jumped up to the wall of the palace and he jumped down.

Hiroshi actually envied that bit of strength in the foreign feline; otherwise he hated the bastard. Hs father liked the younger man tremendously and had actually been spending copious amounts of time with the beast. He hated him and his whore mother and he always looked for ways to needle the now TITLED foreign fucker. Hiroshi could be VERY patient and he would hurt the half jaguar at some point. He would destroy him.

Jagaharu was in his true form and he was crouched low to the ground and he was hunting a serow that he had picked up the scent on. Hai, the hunting was so much better up north and he was closing in on his prey when he heard splashing. He narrowed his neko eyes and he decided to investigate the splashing as it could possibly be an otter. Those were easier to catch but not as filling as a serow would be. He was masking his scent and was carefully climbing a rocky outcrop that also had tall green grass all around. Haru scented the air and he could not believe what he smelled. He snuck through the grass and he peeked through the tall grass and there was a natural onsen and in the middle of the onsen was the young Western heir bathing.

“I have no idea why the hell chichi cannot let me come by myself at this point general!” The Western onna complained.

“Just bathe princess and quit complaining! That hibagon would have gotten you certainly if I had not come upon you!” The older male inu growled.

“I could have taken him. It was not an overly LARGE hibagon General Hideaki and I did kill it.” She said smirking as she dunked her silver tresses.

“After I struck it three times Princess Asuna! Your chichi is going to be VERY cross. You were supposed to be in Kyoto meeting with your cousin; Akemi.” The Hideaki fellow admonished the young onna severely.

“Pish posh Hideaki. All you have to do is move little soldiers across a table and wait for me to take up the army.” Princess Asuna said arrogantly.

“Is that what you think I do little miss?” the West’s general growled even louder.

“Well I tell you; I will be a better warrior than you AND my chichi and you can quit following me around like I am a toddler pup!” The Western princess snapped as she stood up in her anger.

Haru couldn’t breathe right and he could not be discovered. She was around his age he was sure but she was beyond beautiful. Her silver hair was impossibly long and silver down shrouded her sex and her dark pink markings curved around her rounded hips and luscious thighs as well. She pulled herself from the onsen and she had her back to him and he was staring at the backside of a goddess he was sure. He kept his masking up and he was silent as she dried herself off and she pulled on sheer yukata first then a heavier one. At last she finally pulled on a pewter colored kimono that was heavy silk and it was woven with motifs of tiger lilies and sunrises.

“For kamis sake it takes you forever Princess Asuna. Now! I will not tell your chichi that you did this if you will mind me when I am escorting you the next time.” Hideaki threatened her.

“I hate being the fucking heir. I want to be Yuudai. You all do not give him this shit.” Asuna snapped at the elder inu as she haughtily stomped off in the direction of Kyoto.

“Kamis give me strength not to kill this precious bitch, please!” Hideaki muttered under his breath as he followed the royal onna.

When he was certain they were long gone; Haru slowly crawled out of his hideout and he let out a shuttered breath. He changed form and he had to take deep breaths as she was simply the most beautiful creature he had seen besides his own madre. Itzel was freaking stunning but this onna looked like a fucking kami to him. He could smell the yoki on her and it was power and he adored strong onna. They turned him on like nobody’s business and that was probably why she was so entrancing to him. Her gorgeous ass did not hurt either but all the blood had seemed to drain from his brain and he cursed himself.

“Fuck! I’m supposed to be hungry, not horny!” He groused to himself.

Daichi was next to him and they each had taken down a serow. Haru was sharpening his kitana that his otosan had made for him; Panthera. The hilt was in the shape of an “s” and it was his pride and joy of his possessions. Daichi carried a shorter kitana because he was still training with Hiroshi and himself. Mostly Haru took it upon himself to train the younger yamaneko because Hiroshi had become the whore of the yamaneko court. Grimmjow Jagaharu was now eighty nine summers and his kit brother was sixty nine. He was real proud of Daichi and he made sure to let him know all the time and Daichi always blushed to his roots and Hiroshi would try and make the younger yamaneko kowtow to him all the time and Haru actually began to knock the fuck out of the heir all the time now. His otosan had named him the head of his elite guard and the head general of the Southern Kingdom. Hikaru had not only raised his middle son to prominence in the kingdom but his middle son had EARNED it.

“Kamis Haru, I am so stuffed. I do not think I could eat again for a week.” Daichi moaned as he lay back in the summer field.

“Yea yea kiddo. You will eat again in ‘bout an hour cuz that’s what we neko do.” Haru snorted.

“How come you do not speak more formally Haru?” His younger sibling asked.

“What the fuck for? I ain’t you kit. You’re the fucking prince behind his royally fucking highness Hiroshi-dick-up-his-ass.” The yamaneko general laughed as he continued to sharpen his fang lovingly.

Daichi actually busted out laughing and the sound was music to Haru’s ears. The younger man was always so damn serious and he jerked him up to stand and indicated for him to take up his kitana.

“Now imagine; I’m dick face. Come at me real hard.” He commanded his younger sib.

“How can I?” The younger prince was laughing hysterically.

“Awe fuck Daichi. Don’t ruin this for me man. Come on, I’m dick face.” Haru pretended to hiss in anger.

Daichi actually fell to his ass and he was laughing so hard that he could not catch his breath and Jagaharu had to laugh himself and he came over and sat next to his brother and chuckled with him.

“He is an asshole is he not?” The young man asked wiping mirthful tears from his amazing neko eyes.

“Oh hai, he’s a real prize; if I was a ningen, I would rather catch that disease they call syphilis.” The neko general stated looking at his claws.

“Is that so General Grimmjow?” Hiroshi said growling with his yellow eyes casting an unnatural glow.

“Yup. Sure is fuck face, sorry…my lord.” Haru said mock bowing and Daichi was terrified as he got behind Jagaharu.

“Daichi go inside the palace boy!” Hiroshi commanded his brother.

“You do not command me Hiroshi.” Daichi stood up for himself.

“I told you to go inside!” The heir snarled as he jumped over Haru and slashed Daichi across the face and punched him senseless.

Hiroshi was hauled off of Daichi and he was suddenly the one getting pummeled. Haru whirled around and kicked Hiroshi in the stomach and he was slammed into a small sapling. Jagaharu’s temper was gone and he was in his inner neko; He came at his elder brother and he was holding nothing back and he sucker punching the heir to the throne in his gut, jaw, chest; over and over with incredible speed and with manic pleasure. He wanted to make this fucker bleed for hurting his precious little brother. His eyes were red and he kept pummeling Hiroshi and Haru jumped back and again whirled around his geta’ed foot connected with the yamaneko’s midsection and Hiroshi rolled some twenty meters. Daichi had run to the palace but he knew the truth; he knew Jagaharu was in fact his half-brother, but he also knew he would kill Hiroshi. Hikaru saw Haru release his desugaron; it was extensions of his claws but made of pure yoki. It was his jaguar yoki and it was more powerful than anything a yamaneko could produce and he shouted at his middle son and Haru turned his head to stare at his otosan.

“Jagaharu! Hiroshi is the heir to the kingdom!” He pleaded.

Haru’s mind was in his wild neko and he hissed and snarled and his otosan understood why his middle kit had lost it. He digested the information and he called on other guards to gather his eldest son and General Grimmjow Jagaharu was barely able to contain his hate as the nearly dead Hiroshi was brought into the palace to be healed.

“Haru, I beg you to contain your yoki and return to your mind. Come before me.” Hikaru commanded.

Daichi watched as the desugaron receded and his realized his older brother was unkami powerful and Haru managed to get his eyes to recede to pink. He moved towards their shared sire and he knelt before the yamaneko and Southern lord and tried to be respectful.

“Explain general.” He commanded.

“Hiroshi attack mi hermano. Mi hermano es sólo un niño.” Haru spoke in his beast’s voice and in Spanish.

Daichi did not understand Itzel’s native language and he was upset. Haru refused to look at him and he knew his sire had the right to banish or even kill Haru for what he had done.

“Amo a mi padre hermano. Voy a matar y morir por él.” The half jaguar growled trying to come back to himself.

“Hiroshi will be healed but after that; he will be punished for harming Prince Daichi. Your devotion and protection to our youngest kit is welcomed and honored General Grimmjow Haru. You honor your name.” Hikaru stated staring Jagaharu in the eyes.

Haru’s eyes returned to blue and he stared up at his otosan and he was beyond shocked. He was not protecting Hiroshi over him anymore. He was in fact praising him quite publicly and called him by his Japanese version of his name and saying he honored it. Lord Hikaru had just said without saying it that his illegimate son had brought him honor. He lowered his head before anyone could see his eyes glazed with irksome tears.

“Gracias papá. Te amo.” Jagaharu whispered so softly that Hikaru had barely heard it.

The Southern Lord was stunned and Daichi began purring as he stood by his chichi and his father put a hand on his son’s shoulder and his half-brother stood up and bowed low before them both.

“General Haru will you please join your mother and I for our evening meal?” The lord asked.

“I can’t my lord; I promised squirt that we were gonna spar more and catch us some bigger prey.” His middle kit smirked at Daichi.

“Then tomorrow general; you will be moved into the royal wing so that you will be able to guard our person and Prince Daichi more closely.” Hikaru commanded and he slowly walked away.

Haru was stunned but never in his eighty nine years had he ever felt so accepted and loved by his otosan as he had now. Something had changed and he felt for the first time in his life; that he was not going to return to his mother’s people after all. He knew he was Mayan but he was also Japanese and for the first fucking time in his life; he was PROUD of the fact.

Fu cking thousands of koumori that were mid-level youkai and they were attacking everywhere. Haru had watched in horror as his otosan had fallen when a group of seven had attacked him and nearly drained him dry. Daichi was seventy two, Hiroshi was one hundred four, and Haru was ninety two. Even his madre was fighting as these beasts were relentless and he ordered his warriors to hit the ground and he roared his jaguar call. Many koumori were killed or began to fly aimlessly. It gave him time to get to his otosan and he jumped next to his ashen lord and he picked him up.

“Son.” Hikaru managed weakly.

“Papa! Don’t croak on me, kay? I ain’t gonna call Hiroshi lord. I fucking refuse to.” Haru grinned widely.

His otosan shook with silent laughter and it hurt. He was carried into his palace and Hiroshi was actually dealing with some defenses for the other part of the kingdom and the yamaneko tended to keep to themselves.

“We need help chichi.” Hiroshi stated flatly as the vermin laid him on his futon and Itzel came in covered in blood.

“Who do you suggest we send?” Hikaru stated weakly.

“Me.” Daichi offered.

“Fuck no!” Haru growled.

“Shut up General Jagaharu! Daichi is not a child anymore and he is a prince of this land. He is more than trained; you have seen to it as well as our father.” Hiroshi said coldly.

“He’s barely past being a kit my lord.” The half jaguar said with severe sarcasm.

“Well you cannot go; you are our lead warrior after all. I am needed as regent. No, Daichi has to go. Boy? I suggest heading to the Western Lands as they are the most powerful state.” The eldest commanded in dismissal.

Hikaru had long passed out and Itzel was tending him but she was severely concerned about the state of the kingdom. Haru walked straight up to Hiroshi and grabbed his throat.

“If something happens to Daichi; I ain’t gonna be held back fucker; I will fucking kill you and I will gladly be executed for it.” Jagaharu threatened.

“You can be executed now if you insist.” His elder brother hissed.

“Deténgase! Tenemos que detener a los murciélagos!” Itzel growled loudly.

“Yea, I know madre. Fuck off Hiroshi. We have to think about your sire and the true lord here and the fucking koumori. I am going to lead an offensive and try not to fuck it all up.” Haru snarled at his hated half sibling.

Hiroshi wished he could kill him now but again; he could wait. He hated that the bastard and his cunt mother were right and this threat was too serious. Koumori in large groups were beyond deadly; they had been known to wipe out entire areas completely. Daichi needed to find help and fast.

He could not believe it but they were in the middle of the courtyard of the Western palace. His otosan was well now and the koumori had spread out across Honshu and that had gotten the attention of the inu but they had sheltered Daichi for them and he was astonished. Haru got an up close and personal look at the Western princess and he was sucker punched; she was the exact same age as Hiroshi and she was a warrior now too. Oh he had seen her bathe plenty of times the past twenty years; it was a guilty pleasure of his. She was his fantasy onna and now he got an up close look at her and she was even more stunning. Her eyes were almond shaped with her incredible shade of brown-amber mixed and swirling. They were just a tad wide and her nose was small and straight with a sharp, pert point. Her lips were full; both her bottom and top lips and Jagaharu could imagine brushing those lips with his own. He shoved his lust to the back of his mind and she turned her face towards him. Her face was heart shaped and her jaw was sculpted and her cheek bones were accented by her magenta marks and her neck was long and elegant. Her silver-grey haori and hakama covered ample breasts that were bigger than a man’s hands and a narrow waist that flared into round hips that would make any sane female loving male lose his fucking mind. The mixed neko put his face down and he just wanted to fucking kill some winged mother fuckers and the stunning onna was suddenly near. This close he could smell her and she smelled like wisteria.

“Who are you neko?” She asked in a feminine voice.

“Just a warrior for the lord, no one special.” He muttered.

“That is not what I inquired. Who are you?” The Western heir asked arching a darker silver brow.

Her hair was in a long braid down her back but he had seen it loose and it came past her stunning backside; it was like the full moon at its apex in color and shimmered and he was staring at her hair.

“Haru. My name’s Haru inu. You inu have pretty hair.” He muttered looking away.

His comment surprised her and she cocked her head to the side and she leaned forward close to his pointed ear.

“And your type of neko has beautiful spots and eyes Haru-san.” She husked.

“The fuck? I’m yamaneko.” Haru stuttered softly.

“If you want the rest to believe that neko, then by all means; carry on the charade, but you are something different. I am Asuna.” She said very softly so as not to draw attention to their minor conversation.

“Yea, I recognize your crest. You’re the top bitch here.” He said boldly staring at her in the eyes.

“You are just a common warrior? Why do I feel you suppressing your yoki Haru-san?” Asuna questioned.

“We Southerners are fucking private. You know kinda snotty private and all.” He shrugged.

“Prince Daichi is painfully shy but such a beautiful creature. It angers me that he was sent at all.” She said flatly.

“Yea, I was fucking pissed too.” Haru said continuing to meet her eyes.

“So you felt him too young to be sent so far from home as well? Who made this ridiculous decision?” Asuna demanded.

“His fucking majesty; Prince Hiroshi.” The yamaneko snarled softly jerking his head at his elder brother.

“I see. It will be made certain that Prince Daichi is kept safe. He is too young for battle just yet but he is truly honorable and most brave.” She said bowing.

“Yea, I know he is. He’s a fucking great kid.” Jagaharu said looking over at his kit brother.

Asuna sensed deep feelings from this strange being and he was insanely attractive for a neko. She could not indulge her fascination at the moment because Sheng was here as well as Naraku had only just recently pupped her. She felt a strong pull to this male and she slowly walked away from him and she caught him staring at her. There was no malice or ill intent in his look at all and for a moment she caught raw lust cross his features. That startled her more than anything.

-Can you hear me? - She pathed to him.

He lifted his head and stared at her. The neko warrior did not path back but he could hear her. Their eyes were locked and she was fascinated at his long, beautiful hair and his stunning blue eyes amongst a sea of golden and yellow of his brethren.

-I will know you. - Asuna said in his mind.

Jagaharu’s heart was pounding a million times an hour and he only held her gaze and she turned her attention to the battle talk. Daichi came over and he stood by his half-brother for comfort.

“Did I do okay Haru?” Daichi asked in his deep voice.

“Yea kiddo. You did real good. So proud of ya. I didn’t want ya to go because I was scared because of what happened to your old man. I been fighting awhile now and I have some weird ass yoki you all don’t.” He said ruffling Daichi’s hair.

“Please Haru don’t do that!” Daichi said exasperated.

“Really? Who you tryin to impress, huh?” Haru said knowingly.

“Lady Asuna has been extremely generous and kind to me.” He said red faced.

“Daichi whatcha you ain’t saying kit?” His half-brother growled softly.

“Not here Haru. Somewhere private, okay?” The younger man pleaded for understanding.

Daichi went towards empty barracks and Haru raised a dark brow at his kid brother and Daichi was wringing his hands.

“The Western princess has a cousin. Her name is Akemi.” The younger prince said turning red.

“Yea? So what?” His brother snorted.

“Well, I like her.” Daichi blurted out.

“Well if she’s as gorgeous as the Western bitch; I can’t blame ya kiddo but they are inu and we ain’t.” He snorted and laughed himself almost silly.

Daichi was NOT laughing and Haru widened his eyes and he suddenly began scenting his little brother really close and Daichi began swatting at him in irritation.

“The fuck Daichi? What the hell you doing up in this place? You left untouched and now you playing tom catting with a Western onna?” Haru growled in anger.

“I love Akemi!” He said standing up to Haru.

“You ain’t old enough to be fucking; got it? Kamis damn it Daichi! The fuck? I knew this was a fucking stupid idea you coming alone.” He hissed as he looked ready to hit something.

“I’m not a kit anymore Jagaharu! I am considered an adult and I can have relations if I want. I only want to be with her. I am NOT Hiroshi and I am not going to fuck everything that moves.” The youngest prince said in defense of himself and actually cursed.

“Of course you ain’t fuck face! I know you’re good; but I don’t want you getting hurt Daichi. I’ve to protect you.” His sighed.

“Haru, you have protected me since I was little brother. You have to let me grow up some time.” Daichi whispered.

“The fuck you say?” Haru said stunned stupid.

“I figured it out a long time ago. I am not without intelligence and neither are you Haru. Why do you think I cried every time you went back to jaguar lands? I missed my big brother and the one who actually gave a damn about me. You have always given me love, attention, devotion, and instruction Haru. I have adored and loved you and not Hiroshi. When you went after him that day; I had your mother tell me what you said.” His younger brother said.

“I never meant for my birth to fuck up your life kiddo.” He said looking down.

“How could it? The kamis blessed my life after my mother died and gave me the best sibling any yamaneko could want for and you have not only been my brother but my best friend Haru. I need you to let me grow up though. I am grown up a little. You pretty well did raise me after all.” Daichi smiled.

“Ah fuck Daichi; I don’t fucking get emotional. When I was young, you were the only reason I wanted to come back to Honshu. I fucking hated Hiroshi that much but I refused to leave my baby bro.” He shrugged and he had to turn his head so his little brother could not see the sheen of tears.

“I love Akemi. Haru, she is the sweetest onna the kamis have ever made. The inu are fearsome to be sure but they have been wonderful to me.” He shrugged.

“Yea, they had better have been good to you. I’d have pounded the fuck outta of ‘em if they hadn’t.” Jagaharu snorted and laughed manically.

Daichi laughed and he actually stepped into his brother’s personal space and he hugged the older neko and Haru was surprised but he hugged the crap out of the younger man for all he was worth.

“You know I would walk through fucking hell and back for ya Daichi. You’re like my own kit. Yea, enough of this emotional bull shit. We have koumori soup to make.” He laughed.

“I love you too Haru.” Daichi stated under his breath.

Grimmjow Jagaharu was still stunned at the knowledge that his kit brother knew but he was glad he did not have to pretend anymore. He was disturbed his little brother was no longer pure but he had to deal. Daichi had managed to do something he had not done yet. He would never tell him that though but Daichi had beaten him to the punch and had taken an onna before his older brother. Somehow that idea made him want to laugh hysterically. His sweet, gentle baby brother got laid before he had. He knew to shield because Daichi was telepathic and he was not. He shook his head and life was full of irony sometimes. He looked over at the gorgeous inu heir and knew that he would never know her personally but he sure could look and have all kinds of lewd fantasies. He looked forward and waited on the word to come forth and kill koumori.

The battles had been short for them and their lands had been freed from the koumori but the rumors were that things had gotten hairy for the inu. Daichi had become even more besotted and Haru kept his relationship secret for him for as long as possible. Hiroshi was the one who broke it to their otosan and Hikaru had gone through the roof. Jagaharu had beaten the fuck out of him for that one and he was tired of the bastard. Daichi was determined to have the tiny little onna as his mate and he would not listen to anyone and Haru was furious with his little brother for the first time in his life. He could see nothing but pain down that path but he was ignored. He and Daichi became strained for the first time in their lives and Jagaharu spent more and more time away from the Southern palace and he was hunting in his feline form near the Western border

The battles had gone on and he had heard that Western heir’s mate had been killed and that she had shown some amazing display of power at Mount Fuji. It was also said that she had also beheaded her own abuelo. She was rumored to be half kiang shi and he was stunned by that information but he never expected to see her again except perhaps in a bath or in passing. So as he was hunting; he caught the scent, that scent of wisteria and he followed it and he saw her. The Western princess was sitting in the middle of a field doing nothing and he could not understand. He moved cautiously and she whirled her head around and he could see that something was off in her. It appeared as if her beast was trying to take her but she also had a look of desperation as well.

-Help me! - She pathed to him.

Jagaharu was stunned and he slowly changed form. He cautiously neared her and she stared at the yamaneko warrior who had been at the palace a couple of years before. He was also incredibly powerful and beautiful to behold. Her mind was muddled from exhaustion; evading Vlad was proving to be damn near impossible.

“Haru-san is it not?” She whispered as he neared.

“Hai inu. Whatcha doing so close to the border?” He asked.

“I could ask you the same but does it matter? What are you?” Asuna asked him boldly.

“I am yamaneko and jaguar.” Haru answered honestly.

“Jaguar are large neko from another part of the world. I can see them in your mind. Your neko are beautiful.” She said looking at nothing then directly at his face.

“You okay inu? You don’t seem okay.” He stated bluntly.

“I have not slept. I cannot sleep or he will find me. I cannot face him. I am not strong enough.” The inu onna whispered terrified.

“What are you talking about?” Jagaharu asked surprised.

“I am not full inu. My mother is half uppyr and the leader of the uppyr wants revenge. I killed my grandsire.” She admitted to him.

“Why?” He asked sitting several meters from her.

“He sent the koumori and Kyung-Sam here. You all suffered for naught because Kyung-Sam wanted my mother. Stasio was her sire; my mate died saving my mother. I killed her father because he sent the scourge to our homeland!” She said staring with fevered eyes.

“Fuck! I’m so sorry.” The neko general said truly in remorse for her.

She stiffened and she truly felt and sensed his feelings. Asuna was not in her rational mind and she was so damn out of her mind. She really looked at this male and he was so utterly beautiful.

“Daichi is beautiful but you are more so.” Asuna spoke with a deep husk.

“Did you just say I was beautiful? I ain’t fucking beautiful inu; that’s you!” He snorted and began laughing.

Jagaharu was suddenly pinned by a very powerful and aroused Western inu onna. Her eyes were tinged pink and she stared down at him and she really took him in.

“You find me beautiful?” She demanded as she lowered her lips to within centimeters of his.

“Yea bitch but I’d be blind and dumb not to think so. You ok? Want me to get your family?” Haru asked uncomfortable.

“I cannot be near them. I will bring them harm. I actually should move on. What is your full name Haru-san?” The onna of his dreams asked.

“Grimmjow Jagaharu.” He whispered gulping.

“I am going to kiss you now Grimmjow Jagaharu.” Asuna stated.

He tried to protest when she pressed; in his opinion, the most perfect and beautiful lips against his and he tried to have honor for about ten seconds. The onna was wicked managed to gain access to his tongue and he lost it. Haru reached up and threaded hands into her loose silver silk and growled like a wounded beast as he kissed her in return. His raspy tongue slid against hers and tasted her upper palate as he rolled them. The mixed neko sucked her inu tongue then ran his along her fangs and she too moaned in a hazed moan as the heat was getting unreal between them. She wore only a dark green silk haori and matching hakama that were plain and a black obi. Asuna was in warrior attire and he was in a sleeveless haori in crème that was open and his hakama was black and so was his obi. Panthera was stuck in his obi and he tried to come back to his mind. Haru jerked himself back from her luscious lips and her eyes were full on red.

“Onna, you ain’t ok and I’m a general for the Southern Kingdom. I’m gonna get you help.” He said rising.

“He makes me need. I feel the need of my uppyr. I want you.” Asuna stated bluntly.

“You’re inu onna. You belong to someone I’m sure and I’m a fucking nobody. You’re too good for someone like me. Gonna find some help.” Grimmjow said fixing to change.

“Lie to yourself Haru-san but not to me. I can see your mind. I know you are a prince amongst these jaguars. He is close! I have to go!! I will know you. I swear it. I will know you.” She swore and she was gone right before his eyes.

Grimmjow Jagaharu was stunned by her words and for some reason; he believed her. He did not know how or when but that kiss was not the end of this; it was only a beginning he knew…only the beginning.


< /b> Pedazo de mierda, Te voy a matar- Piece of shit, I'll kill

El hijo de - literally "the son of"

Él es un príncipe y mi padre un rey! Nay! - He is a prince and my father a king! No !

gato débil to touch mi hija or mi nieto- weak cat to touch my daughter or my grandson

marido también- also husband

Lucha contra mí gilipollas- Fight me asshole!

Mi hijo de honor- My son my honor

Madre! Este es mi padre!- Mother this is my father!

Por supuesto que no! Usted es un cobarde como su hijo mayor- Of course not! You are a coward like your eldest son

Hiroshi attack mi hermano. Mi hermano es sólo un niño- Hiroshi attack my brother. My brother is only a child.

Amo a mi padre hermano. Voy a matar y morir por él- I love my brother father. I will kill and die for him.

Gracias papá. Te amo- Thanks dad . I love you

Deténgase! Tenemos que detener a los murciélagos!- Stop! We have to stop the bats !