Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ First Moons ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: Explanations for certain persons and the reason for alliances. Politics and personal lives are fixing to explode wide open in the search to finish the race to the finish. Thank you so much for reading; let me know your thoughts!

First Moons
She stared out on the landscape of the Western lands and it was truly beautiful. Her father kept his world pristine and the mortals out and it was as it should be. Asuna closed her eyes as she was nursing Arsinoe and Rhoswen. She had pumped a massive amount for Masahiro in Denver and Kenta had told her to stay away for just a couple of days so no one would get suspicious. Naraku had begun to ask where the kumo child was; she, Kameron, and Lei all acted dumb. What kumo child? She had chuckled and told him he had been drunk. The dark hanyou had NOT been amused. Kameron slipped in and he was still feeling anger over the incubus but he was keeping his feelings to himself and he sat down near his queen and wife as she fed their daughter.

“Have I told you how much I love you and our children?” Kameron whispered softly.

“I have just to open my mind to you my heart and I know. I know you are angry at me about Chan and I want you to see my mind.” Asuna said very softly.

“Why must you allow him in? Quilin, I now know keeps something from me and I cannot handle this from my frère!” He said with anger in his beautiful brown eyes.

“I forced Qui to us in fury and anger. I made him into a frère when he was a born empusae and I used him against Chan when he was still trying to control me. I swear to you that Qui is ours my darling. Believe me; he would tear Panyu apart in a moment.” She said and she looked away.

“Seriously? Why would he be so hateful of his own former lover?” Her chief frère demanded.

“Because he feels Chan committed the ultimate sin and he actually does loves me and he never loved him. He felt something for his kept lovers but not love.” Asuna explained sighing.

“Is he even capable?” Kameron growled softly.

“Beloved I want you to open your soul to me and I want you to see what I know. Not even Qui knows this but you shall.” She said palming his cheek.

Kameron nodded and he closed his eyes and Asuna lifted his wrist and gently bit in as she fed their daughter.

Hunir stared in the distance and his smile was infectious as he took in the faces of his thirteen brothers; Alwin, Khatar, Nardual, Connak, Larrel, Nevarth, Gorluin, Juppar, Aire, Myrin, Lathlaeril, Elred, and Lirdor. He was the youngest after Lirdor and they were close. Lirdor was his favorite sibling and he always played with him. They had the rare treat of leaving their sea side home and they were at Tan`eth Sal; the royal palace of his uncle; the king of Leth`Evana proper. Now his mother Don was Simyth’s equal in all honesty but Uncle Simyth was a woodsy fae as Lirdor would tease.

“Seriously Lirdor, how are they so different from us?” Hunir asked his slightly older brother.

“Well little Hunir; they grow everything and we drown it.” Lirdor snorted as his baby brother broke out into laughter.

Simyth looked over at the younglings of his sister and he smiled. She had fourteen and she rarely ever was seen in a humanoid form and he sighed as the boys could be considered quite wild. His nephew from his wife’s side named Nwyvre came over to the main Undine young ones and smiled at them. They all dropped their jaws and there stood a black haired and dark eyed fae.

“Uncle Simyth is trying to conduct business little ones; perhaps if you wish to play outside?” The dark haired one asked kindly.

“What are you?” Hunir asked bravely.

“What are you?” Nwyvre asked the white haired boy.

“I am a prince of the Sáile Undine. I am Hunir!” The young one said proudly.

Nwyvre’s dark eyes were actually navy blue and he smiled at his aunt’s youngest boy. The youngest had shoulder length white hair and it was beautiful and his ears were sharply pointed like all Undine. His eyes were a pale shade of blue and his skin very fair. Hunir was only a lad of twelve or thirteen years and it was rumored that his father was an otherworlder because his eyes held an unusual slant to them. It became the impetuous child and added to his beauty but it was just a rumor.

“Well I am your cousin and my name is Nwyvre Ancalímon. I too am a Sáile Undine prince but I am from the Welsh Leth`Evana.” The black haired fae said.

“No way!” Lirdor said stunned.

“I assure you; I am just like you.” The Welsh fae said poking him in the chest.

He held out his hand and an orb of water appeared and both boys were staring with dropped jaws. They were excited that such a different looking fae was just like them.

“Come play with us Cousin Nwyvre!” Hunir demanded.

“Yes! We can play in the valley below!” Lirdor also demanded.

Nwyvre looked back at his uncle and as if to say, “help!” but he followed the troop of Undine children out of the palace. He proceeded to spend his afternoon playing with his cousins and throwing “water balls” as they referred to them. They were all soaked but the laughter was light hearted and the joy around the palace was contagious. Hunir could not remember having had so much fun. His home was not this much fun and he was lonely often but Lirdor was there. All of his brothers could hear each other through the mind and that is how they heard their mother. She would appear sometimes but mostly; they heard her in their minds. They never got away with anything because water was everywhere and she could make herself appear in fae form at any place there was water. It sucked being the child of Don because she always had a way of watching. Hunir kicked the ground as he was hauled up on the back of a white stallion behind Alwin; his eldest brother, who was mean to him. Alwin was already a warrior and he was demanding that Hunir and Lirdor pick up blades and bows but Hunir just wanted to play.

“You have to stop thinking like a child Hunir! The ekimmu invade our lands all the time and it is our duty to protect them for mother.” Alwin admonished.

“But what if I do not want to be a warrior? What if I like the ekimmu? I have never seen one? How do I know if they are bad or good?” He demanded from his eldest brother.

He had received a smack across his cheek for that one. Rule one was to never question his eldest brother and rule two was to never question that the ekimmu were evil. Ekimmu were evil; he had to remember that and NEVER forget that. Hunir did not think he could with as often as they thought and spoke it. His mother’s melodious laughing was heard in his mind at that thought. He did smile when he made her laugh. Hunir was one of the few who could do it.

-Mother? - He thought.

-Yes Hunir? - She thought to him in return.

-Do you love me? Why am I here and why do I have to be a warrior? - Hunir asked in his head.

-You ask silly questions my son! - The water goddess thought irritated.

-So you do not love me and I am not here but to be fodder? - He asked in anger in his young brain.

-I love all my sons Hunir! You are special to me above the others because of your father but our lands are in danger; and I do expect you to know how to protect yourself. - Don thought.

-Who is my father? - Hunir asked surprised.

-He was a very beautiful being in the other world. He had two forms and his second form was of a hunting dog. He was not fully this creature but he was special. You have his beauty. - She explained in his mind.

-Oh. - He replied and his mother chuckled in his mind.

-I demand you know the sword and bow but you must be keen of mind too Hunir. Your father was learned. He was very intelligent and I know you have his brilliance. You must study everything. - She thought warmly.

-Ok mother. I promise. - Hunir thought to her.

He felt her withdraw from his mind and he wondered who his real father was that could capture and tame the water goddess Don.
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Alwin, Khatar, Nardual, Connak, and Larrel were all supervising the younger brothers as they were all MUCH older than the others. Alwin knew Hunir hated him riding him but Don rode him if he did not make his baby brother practice his swordplay, archery, and his learning. Alwin actually adored the youngest but he was more of a parent to the young fae and Hunir resented it.

“Hunir! Come now. It is time we go hunting.” Alwin demanded.

“I wish to finish this book Alwin.” He called to his eldest brother.

“NO Hunir. Now!” The oldest demanded.

The young fae man was getting angrier and angrier the older he got. He was EXCELLENT with a bow. He was EXCELLENT with a sword and spear. Hunir was also a hell of a hunter and they still rode him about the war arts. He wanted to read and there were works from the otherworlders that his cousin Nwyvre had been able to smuggle him and he wanted to just LEARN that; but no, they had to make sure he was a killing fae. There were no ekimmu in Éire Leth`Evana for more than two centuries but of course; he had to be a killer!

-Stop now! - His mother growled in his mind.

-I do not want to do this Mother! - He hissed in his mind.

-The ekimmu have been encroaching and there are reasons for this Hunir. Because you do not like it does not mean I will not have my people prepared. You are a prince amongst them. It is your duty! - Don seared in his brain.

Hunir held his head as his mother ranted in his mind and Lirdor came over and he sighed at his younger brother.

“You would do better than to argue with us all the time Hunir.” His beloved brother said softly.

“I think it better if I was just fucking dead to you all!” He raged as he suddenly left their small lavish seaside castle.
The horror on Lirdor’s face at what Hunir had said shook him to his core. He could not imagine his life without his baby brother and he would rather die instead of not have him close by. He did not understand Hunir’s resistance to fighting but it seemed the youngest was of a gentler nature which seemed so at odds with even being Undine. It was normally the Foraoise fae who were more peaceful in nature but they too could be deadly if the need arose. Alwin called after Hunir and it was no use. The brothers were just going to try and have to force him to come in line with Don’s wishes.
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He crept outside of Leth`Evana and he was tired of it. Hunir was sick of the constant talk of war and training and nothing. He was in the other world Éire; it was still beautiful but not as lush and not as heavy aired he noticed. The air was thinner here and that was interesting to him. He was wandering and he heard everything from the sea gulls to many other things. Hunir did not realize he was being watched and just wandered to take in this world he had never seen.

“Well, well, well! What do we have here?” A cold voice stated close by to him near the tall green grass close to the shore.

“What are you?” Hunir asked opening his pale blue eyes.

“Hungry little fae.” The male creature said flashing fangs.

Hunir suddenly realized that this was an ekimmu and they looked like fae without their ears but they had tremendously sharp canine teeth. He could also feel unnatural energies surround this male. He was tall and thin with a lanky frame. His hair was rusty brown and the eyes were a brilliant blue.

“You’re an Undine by the looks of ye. You’re going to be delicious!” The Éireannach ekimmu grinned.

The being extended his hand and what seemed like light just appeared. He began to slash at Hunir and he jumped back and backwards to avoid the elemental weapon. It was beyond his comprehension how these creatures could control an element and he was slashed with the light and he yelled in agony as his arm was burned and the beast was suddenly on him and drinking his blood. Hunir’s eyes widened and he was sick to realize what the ekimmu wanted from his kind and he quickly pulled a small dagger from his white boot and dragged it across the neck of the ekimmu and it dropped and began to bleed out. Hunir panicked and he looked around for more and he suddenly turned around and broke out into a run for the veil that lead back into Leth`Evana. He made it without further incidence and his chest was heaving and he stared at the wound on his arm and he was sick at the idea of another race using his for food. Hunir quickly made it back to his family’s castle and he ran up the stairs to Alwin’s room and he burst in.

“Train me. Make me better. Make me a killer.” He said with vehemence.

“What happened?” Alwin indicated to the wound in his arm.

“We are like cattle to them are we not?” Hunir demanded.

“Yes Hunir. We are food to them.” His eldest said looking away disgusted.

He grabbed his brother’s cream colored tunic and he was forehead to forehead.

“Then I will be their worst nightmare! We are NO ONE’S food! We are fae. We are the Undine and we are not pigs of the field.” He snarled.

Alwin nodded and he smiled at his youngest brother understanding their fight and it became about becoming deadlier and better than any ekimmu for him. Hunir began to harness his own energies and he took what all his brothers said seriously. Don was happy that her youngest and wayward child had finally understood; it was good because the first waves of ekimmu wars had just begun.

Hunir was fighting amongst the melee that was the Undine army against their bitterest rivals; the ekimmu. He could see his other siblings and his favorite brother Lirdor fighting close by. He saw HER of all the ekimmu warriors, as they painted their faces blue. His mother had called on the fresh water clans of Ludok and Sarnor. The general of the freshwater Undine was Ailduin Ludok and he was powerful in his own right. Hunir watched as Arianrhod fought her way closer to the stranger and began battling him personally. She took the head off another of his people and hatred entered his gut. Hunir saw the ekimmu of Frost and Snow and also the ekimmu of Thunder and Lightning not far. He began to battle his way closer to the infamous blood drinkers and Lirdor also followed. The bloodbath was horrendous and his people were losing; how his people could be losing he had no idea but he was in a fury. He was swung his mithril blade and took off the heads of ekimmu before they could even get within feet of him.

What terrified and horrified him was when he saw the ekimmu of Ice and Snow freeze Alwin and smashed his head. Hunir screamed in rage and pain as his brother’s voice was silenced in his mind suddenly and shoved his blade between the shoulders of one ekimmu and drowned the fucker inside out. He pulled his blade and proceeded to slice another one in half as he got to the remains of his brother and Lirdor was there as well. Hunir fell to his knees and actually wept over the shattered remains and the ekimmu that had murdered his eldest brother had an angelic face but smirked at the carnage. Hunir screamed in rage and he actually surprised the ice prince and stabbed him in the chest and the ice boy stared at him surprised.

“Really little fae? You are a fucking joke.” The Ice ekimmu laughed as his blade began to freeze.

“You are a monster! I will destroy you! I will kill you!” Hunir snarled at him as he stabbed him in his neck.

The blonde ekimmu coughed up bloody salt water and Lirdor went to strike his head off but the ekimmu lifted a hand and the blade froze mid-air. Hunir whirled and tried to kick him and he was suddenly on his back staring up at his brother’s killer. He stared at the green eyes of the murderer.

“You are just so damn determined. Well little fae; I have a cousin that LOVES fae; since you insist.” The ice ekimmu snarked.

Hunir heard Lirdor screaming in their tongue but then he saw nothing. His world went black and he was certain he was dead and he could only think as he lost sight that he had taken down more than thirty ekimmu this battle. Lirdor was horrified to see Hunir carried off unconscious and he was trying to get through the throng of dead and dying to reach his baby brother.

“Hunir!!!” He screamed.

Pain unlike he had ever known assaulted his senses and he slowly struggled towards alertness. Hunir's sensitive hearing caught the sound of someone sleeping and he rolled to his side. He managed to keep his agony in as he opened his pale blue eyes and he could see his skin had been torn and shredded in many places. Even his cock and buttocks had not survived the biting and he grew sick and he vomited. His mind was empty and he tried to reach his mother and brothers but nothing. The ice ekimmu had spoken of his “cousin” and Hunir assumed this was the sick cretin. He was absolutely certain that his brothers would find him; all he had to do was survive.

"Poor little fae boy?" A loud voice boomed over him.

"You! Who are you?" Hunir managed to gasp in question.

"Jodocus little fae. You have made me drunk for days!" The large ekimmu laughed wildly.

Hate filled the Undine fae man as the pain continued to fuel him as the will to live continued to force him more and more awake. All the fang marks and shredded skin meant he had been this ekimmu's food and that made the bile rise in the youngest son of Don.

"You have no idea who I am." Hunir said in rage.

"Do I fucking care?" The ekimmu snapped as the fae mouthed off.

"You will care when I kill you." His slave stated with a voice that dripped hate.

"You are nothing more than potent liquor and a hole to fuck fae. Accept your role in life and take your death with grace." Jodocus said gripping his fair skin tightly.

Hunir’s eyes were filled with such rage and the will to destroy that the ekimmu laughed at the boy’s will. It would make breaking him all the sweeter.
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Days passed or was it weeks? Hunir did not know. All he knew was constant pain and humiliation at the hands of the ekimmu named Jodocus and his clan. These ekimmu had the power of the void and were powerful but he was more so. Don was queen and a goddess, but none of his people came for him, not even a brother. No one came to his aid and he was fodder. Death seemed to come close so many times but he refused to succumb. He was drained so many times and he was raped over and over. The ekimmu filth using his body for their pleasure and he wanted revenge, he wanted their pleasure to be his. He wanted to steal their pleasure that they derived from his blood and the torture of his body. Hunir had never hated other creatures as much as he hated these ekimmu. His nails gouged the stone floor and the muscles tensed in his body as the chains of mithril kept him compliant. Hunir kept imagining the ways he could torture the ekimmu in return and several times the bastards would find him with a nasty smile on his face and it was not pleasant.

When they raped him; he would retreat into his own mind and he would remember the times of his extreme youth and the time they had gone to his uncle’s palace. He remembered his unusual cousin; the Welsh Undine and how much fun he had had that day. The blood-letting left him tremendously weak and he was certain he was going to die. He did not want to and his will was strong. He knew he should already be dead but the images of the ekimmu hanging by their own entrails kept him going.

"Time to come forth and feed us." A different ekimmu stated.

Hunir said nothing but he only seethed in hatred as the manacles were released. His legs barely held him up but something came over him. Something so primal and from somewhere deep that began driving his survival; he dove for the bastard that had come to drag him certainly to his death and certainly for more humiliation. The young fae man latched blunt teeth into the neck of the ekimmu and did not think but acted like a wild animal. Hunir not only acted like a wild animal but sounded like one. He bit in and ripped the ekimmu’s throat out several times in his vicious hate. Hunir did not realize that he was also hungry, in fact he was starving, the Undine bent over the ekimmu and began to suck on the wounds to take in the blood until he could stand no more and he stumbled back. He stared at his hands and they were covered in blood. The ekimmu lay dead and bleeding on the floor and the fae quickly dropped beside him and grabbed his weapon.

Hunir was in a stupor and he felt sick but he slowly moved forward and he took another ekimmu by surprise. This time he used the blade to slide straight across his throat and he latched onto the wound. The Undine man drank of the blood and then used his teeth to rip open the throat. He was slow and so methodic to lay waste to every fucking ekimmu before he left this place. He would drain them of their blood as they had him. He drank them dry as they had intended to do of him and he made certain that they died. Hunir ripped the throat out of every last ekimmu he could lay his hands on. The Undine prince and youngest of Don also removed every offending phallus that had raped him and he cut the heads off of the ekimmu. There were only ten in this small castle so it was no great thing but he put their heads on wooden pikes and on the castle gate. Hunir managed to leave the castle through the front door and a trail of blood followed him as he slowly; oh so slowly trudged towards a known veil near him. He recognized Northern Éire and he had to crawl into Leth`Evana but he would die in his own plane.

The beach was under his fingers and he knew he probably looked like death itself but he crawled forward and suddenly puked blood. The Undine prince did not care but he hoped maybe he could survive if he found his normal food of oysters, lobster, salmon, cod, and even some forms of red algae. Hunir was able to gather some oysters and red algae and he crawled into a small cave on the shore and he began to hungrily eat the food he normally ate. He fell into a long sleep and woke up after some time after he began to violently expel the normal food. It was mixed with the blood he had consumed and he could not stop vomiting and he wanted to die. Now that he was home; he wanted to die.

Hunir was unsure of how long he had lain there but he awoke again and his brothers; Khatar, Nardual, Connak, Larrel, Nevarth, Gorluin, Juppar, Aire, Myrin, Lathlaeril, Elred, and Lirdor all stood near the cave entrance along with his mother; Don, in a fae form. She was solid, she almost always appeared as water as she did before him now but he was grateful. His family was here and he had survived and he tried to reach out for her and she jerked away from him. Hunir was confused as he looked at her.

-Mother? - He thought in total confusion.

-How could you? - Don demanded as she stared with stormy eyes.

-How could I what Mother? What have I done? - Hunir asked almost hysterically.

-I cannot absolve you Hunir unless you rejoin the sea. - She thought to him.

-Die? Why should I die? I survived! I killed them all! They fed on me for I know not how long! I killed them all and I came home to you all! I avenged Alwin. You wish me to rejoin the sea?!?- He thundered in all their minds.

-You took in their ways. - Lirdor spoke in his mind.

-I was starving! Where were you all? Did you not hear my screams? - He thought to his mother and his brothers.

-I heard you. - Don thought.

“You heard me? You heard me and no one came for me?” Hunir roared.

-There were more battles Hunir. More of our people died than just Alwin and your being taken. I insist that you rejoin the sea. - She demanded of him.

“No! Fuck you Mother! Fuck you all! I lived. I survived and this is my reward? You tell me to die? NO! Fuck you Don!” He snarled and he made himself stand.

He was surprised to see his hands had claws and he was hungry but he knew what he needed. He was suddenly against his next eldest brother; Khatar, and sank his new fangs into his juncture. Hs brothers were in shock but he only quickly drank and he jerked away from his brother and he walked away.

-You leave; I will be forced to hunt you down! - Don threatened.

“You do that Mother. Go ahead. Hunir is dead. Your eldest and youngest sons are dead but this that I am? I will survive. I am nothing if not a survivor you witch!” Hunir cursed at her.

Lirdor was horrified by the whole thing and he could not look at his favorite brother as he watched him do something the ekimmu did; he just disappeared. Their mother it seemed was horrified as well and her fae form dissolved into a puddle.

The battle was long and it was brutal but what did one expect when someone invaded your land? Hunan had decided it was going to try and take the emerging land of Panyu. Chan had another thing to teach the upstart pussy cats. Actually he enjoyed spanking the Byakko asses all the way back to Changsha. He had taught them so well that their silvery-white fur was stained pink with their blood.

"Do you not think you have tarried long enough with these creatures Hunir?" A haunting voice said from directly behind him.

"I do not use that name here." He said grimacing.

"For shame you shun your heritage to play amongst the otherworlders." The ethereal tone said in distaste.

"Go back to whilst you come Lirdor! There is nothing for you here!" Chan said getting angry and showing fangs.

"Our mother wonders at her wayward sprite. What beckons beyond Leth'Evana that entices you so?" The creature said with complete contempt.

"Tell Don that I do not need to answer to her anymore! I am more than able to make my own decisions and when I was left to perish to the ekimmu…enough! I am done with this discourse!" He said calming himself.

"You were not left to the ekimmu. We were invaded and you were taken." Lirdor stated shaking in rising rage.

"I am a prince of the Undines and I was left to rot amongst the ekimmu!" He snarled in his brother's face.

"You can be forgiven for having taken in their ways." His brother said coldly.

"How very wondrous and magnanimous of you. Fuck you and fuck Don! Fuck Leth'Evana! I embrace what I am and I will make a new race Lirdor. My own will become more powerful than the likes of you and you all will become memory. I am Tsao Chan Shui; Hunir died a hundred years before. Now go before you die as well!" The white haired man said seething in his rage.

The fae man was shocked at the change in his younger brother. He was colder and he was deadlier. Hunir had become just as dangerous and bloodthirsty as the ekimmu and twice as deadly in his opinion. Don was queen of the Undine and she was worried about this change. What would Hunir bring about to her kingdom? Lirdor never felt the mithril blade slide between his shoulder blades and through his heart. Blood spouted from the wound as the tip protruded from his chest.

"At least have the knowledge I will not leave you brother, I will stay with you until the last moment. I stay with you until you die." Chan whispered into his sharply pointed ear.

"You will be cursed by her." Lirdor whispered in agony as the pain of the poison and the blood leaving him caused his vision to cloud.

"I am counting on it. Go to sleep, it is better that way. I will see to it that you are returned to the water." He said almost kindly.

"Monster!" His brother barely hissed.

"Perhaps but it is only what you allowed me to be turned into dearest older brother. Now please die. I will not even drink your putrid blood." He said rising and wiping off his precious blade.

The next to youngest son of Don lay dying in the lands between Hunan and Panyu, killed by his own blood. Chan just walked away and left him to rot and refused to do what he promised. He had been abandoned and so would Lirdor.

Kameron opened his eyes and he thought he was going to be sick. Her change of opinion on the ekimmu recently made sense and he was horrified at the treatment of Chan by his own blood.

“Do you wish some tea my love?” He asked Asuna as she laid Rhoswen down.

“I am fine for now. I thought I would nap since the pups are still so small.” She smiled at him.

“Okay. I will be here.” He murmured softly as he brushed her silver hair out of her face.

Asuna closed her eyes and Kameron waited till she was in a deep sleep and he had Ryo watch the pups. He ported over to Panyu from the Western Estate and he went to the compound maintained by Chan and he went to the gate and he bowed low.

“Will you please tell your master that Kameron Orlovich is here to converse with him?” He said softly.

“Sure.” The incubus snorted as he took in the frère.

Kameron let his eyes glow red and the incubus took him more seriously and he hurried more quickly. He was beckoned by the same empusae man to follow him and he knew this place already but he saw Chan in his ante chambers and he was reclined on a beautiful chaise in white jacquard print upholstery and the wood was black lacquer. He wore a long yukata of heavy silk in brown and the embroidery was gold and orange on the sleeves and the back in a gorgeous sunset. He wore knee length ku and geta sandals sat in front of his chaise. Chan’s long white hair was tied up in a loose top-knot and he had an old paper with old Chinese writing on it.

“Ah yes, the chief frère of our empusae queen; do you come for you or her?” Chan asked with a raised white brow.

Kameron was being overly bold but he actually sat next to Chan and he presented his wrist straight in front of him.

“Frère have you lost your mind?” The incubus lord asked wryly.

Asuna’s chief frère grew annoyed and he bit his own wrist. Blood welled up at the wound and Chan of course was staring at the blood and he made an annoyed noise and grabbed the flesh and he began to feed from her chosen companion.

“You mean her well and I believe it. You have my support Lord Chan.” Kameron stated softly.

Chan almost choked on the frère’s succulent blood; it was not every day that someone with ten thousand year old blood just dropped by and just said drink me; Chan could normally roll with the punches very well, but the news that this powerful being was now in support of him was shocking. He dropped Kameron’s wrist and stared at him as if he was a complete nut job.

“Frère Kameron did you perhaps port inside a wall or hit your skull really hard against something else?” Chan inquired.

Kameron busted out laughing and the incubus lord was actually being quite serious but one of Chan’s trusted guards also snorted at his lord’s comment. The chief companion of the empusae queen had a merry smile on his face and the turned incubus was utterly confused by his manners and words. Kameron continued to chuckle as he ported out and Chan looked at his guard and raised his brows.

“What in the gods name just occurred here?” He asked confused.

“No idea my lord but that last comment was priceless. Should you like me to feed you?” The incubus asked.

“No. I am quite content. Thank you. I shall be in Japan.” He said rising and he made sure of his appearance and he was satisfied that he was not too casual.

Chan ported to the Western Estate and he had Naraku’s permission so he felt relatively certain that he would not be attacked but he was still concerned about some of her other companions. Chanak had removed himself to his compound along with his son Serik and Asuna had their daughter Rhoswen because she was so tiny still. Chanak had been speaking extensively to him of his plans of taking back her other half fae children from Prince Beren and he had to concur that it was prudent but he intended to act on that without her knowledge. Beren was fragile and losing his mind as it was and frankly; he found his cousin unworthy of his intended for the outright and underhanded way that he had pursued her. Fae creatures could overwhelm otherworlders quite easily and it was true what his half-cousin Chanak said; Asuna and he had been enemies, they had come to care for the other over time. It was proper and he found the Soten a fascinating form of fae. They were blood drinkers but did not survive on it alone and he intended to completely explore these beings.

He found her sleeping upon a rather large and overstuffed plush sofa in blood red suede and it was wide and huge. Chan actually found the piece of furnishing delightful and Asuna sleeping with Rhoswen and Arsinoe.

“Hello.” He spoke very softly.

“You look beautiful.” She said taking in his informal yukata and his general air.

“While that pleases me greatly; I assure you, I came to speak to you. Is there room on this monstrosity for me and you three lovely ladies?” Chan smirked softly.

“This monstrosity as you put it cost me in excess of twenty seven thousand yen.” Asuna grinned in a smart ass manner.

“Yes, yes miss I am richer than all gods.” He laughed softly.

“Not all. My sire still has more assets but I am close. What brings the ever powerful incubus lord to my sofa and call?” She teased.

His heart was pounding almost out of control and the easy manner and her teasing was getting to him. Chan could not hear her mind which drove him out of his skull but she gently sat up and she was only centimeters from his lips.

“Neko have your tongue Lord Chan. I am certain being the inu I am that I could loosen it.” Asuna said licking his lips.

“Woman, I only came to speak.” He said trying to speak.

“Do not move and I shall return.” She whispered as she moved gently and picked up her pups.

She had a thin black yukata and nothing else; it was semi-sheer and Chan’s brain function was near destroyed now. He now figured coming here was a disaster and he had been careful on how he moved to try and make her love him. Asuna’s hair had been in a braid and she returned and it was loose and waved and she wore nothing. The look on his face was astonishment and he suddenly tried to rise and she moved with speed and she pinned him into the red suede of her sofa and straddled his waist. Her eyes bled red and Chan was actually paranoid.

“You try and run Lord Chan?” She asked softly and began to nip his jaw.

“I have not pursued you further Lady Asuna! I have told you that I will earn…what are you doing?” He groaned as she slipped her hand into his ku.

“Making certain I have ALL of your attention.” Asuna purred.

“I assure you; you have my attention as did your frère when he showed up at my compound.” He groaned.

“Mmm, he did? I am happy he did so. I want your blood. May I have your blood?” The naked empusae onna asked licking along his overly sensitive ear.

“Yes. Fuck yes.” Chan moaned out as she lifted his hand.

She used his own hand and palmed her cheek with it and turned her cheek and kissed his skin and he hissed at the intimacy. Asuna was not attempting to get a fix but something was up and he could not ascertain her motives beyond the mind numbing little pleasures she was shocking his system with. She was turning his past fae heritage against him and his incubus nature as well. Her tongue licked up the veins in his wrist and he was breathing harder as she slowly slipped her fangs in.

“You have spoken several times that you wish to give me my choice of my life and will help deliver me a future.” She said as blood dripped down his white forearm.

“Are we back to this? Do you question my intentions? What are you doing?” Chan asked in muddled thought.

Asuna literally used her claws to rip open his ku at his crotch to access his member and her smirk was purely licentious in nature. She maneuvered herself and slid down him and they both gasped deeply.

“I do not question your intent Chan. I do not question it all. I have things to do and kamis, you feel perfect.” She groaned as she let her head back.

The current empusae queen had managed to throw him for every loop and he had no idea what the hell was going on. He only knew he was where he wanted to be and she began to grind her hips hard on him and Chan’s eyes were burning violet as his brain was destroyed. His only thoughts were to feed and she leaned forward so he had to sink his fangs into the top of her left breast. The incubus snarled wildly as he tasted her blood that was laced with his own and it drove him further. He attempted to pull back but she held him in place and growled harshly in inu. He understood the natural tongue but it was muddled to his brain. She growled again and it registered to his brain that she told him to bite deeper; bite harder and he was stunned. Chan did as she commanded and she moaned obscenely at he did so as he now knew why her couch was red. Why he thought such a stupid thought he had no idea but she actually laughed in his mind and he lifted his bloody lips and she crashed hers against them.

Asuna wrenched her lips from his and she moved with swiftness and she sank her fangs into his juncture and the gasp from him was beautiful. She was snarling in her inu and she sank her fangs deeper and Chan actually yelled out as his blood spilled from the wound and he surged her back on the cushions and began a pace that shattered them both. Her eyes bled back and forth from red and green and for the life of him; he had never been this turned on. Chan was gasping and trying to catch his breath and she wrapped her long legs around his hips and his clothing was still on but ruined. She opened her mind to him and he stuttered in his movements and he actually collapsed against her as the end shattered him suddenly. His triggered hers and she growled out and moaned as the stunned and dazed incubus lord truly waylaid. She had whispered in his mind, I love you too.

He had passed out on her and she was quite comfortable herself and Kameron walked in. He masked his presence and he smirked at his queen and she grinned at him. The idea of pay back to the empusae man for his past control issues was rather delicious to Kameron and he could not help it and he decided to use the opportunity. Chan was totally out and her chief frère was uncommonly powerful and almost Chan’s equal in power. Chan awoke to Kameron feeding from his neck and it was awfully intimate. The poor incubus lord was choking and sputtering as he woke up totally. The frère pulled away and wiped his mouth and had a too sensuous smirk on his face and Chan actually turned red.

“You must get used to sharing in this family Lord Chan.” Kameron chuckled.

“Really now Kameron? Are you offering?” The incubus retorted.

“Perhaps.” The frère stated as he walked away and Chan’s mouth dropped open.

“What have you done?” He asked Asuna.

“Well before you admit; it was only obsession. You did not want me for me but only because I said no. Now you want me for myself. Now you have me; ALL of me.” Asuna admitted.

“That is the difference?” He asked stupidly.

“Well hai silly. I am not Danika or any other empusae queen. I do not take a mate unless I love them and who understands me better than another one like me?” She smirked at him.

“We what?” Chan asked dumbfounded.

“I sank my fangs into your juncture and you made a rather nice scar above my breast. Should you care to see it again?” She taunted.

“You just hand me what I want and that is it?” He asked unable to believe it.

“You have shown me respect and have tried to give me space and love Chan. I am not that hard to get along with if you truly respect and love me.” Asuna shrugged.

“Did you mean it?” Chan demanded as his eyes burned violet.

“I meant it. I do mean it. I will always mean it. I love you. I respect you and I will give you my all as I do others in my sphere.” She stated staring him dead in the eye.

“I need return to Panyu.” He said shakily.

“I know you are unused to this. You were right before you loved me; I am greater like this but we are greater together. You know it and I know it. Naraku knows it.” She stated leveling him a long glance.

“They will move and very soon. Things in Leth`Evana will hit the fan.” He said shaking his head.

“Simyth and I have reached a truce for now. The Undine are following Airis for now.” His now mate stated rising.

“What do you mean for now? Why not for always? He may be of the other clan but he is a Ludok; he was and is royalty.” Chan snorted.

“Because the Undine wishes someone of the blood of the royal family of the Sáile Undine.” Asuna said softly.

“There are only the children of my brothers.” He said coldly.

She said nothing and his eyes widened when he looked at her face and rage appeared on his.

“Simyth knows of my child?” He demanded.

“I had no choice. I saw representatives of your clan and they demanded your head. I had to make a compromise Chan! You are no longer a fae prince but this child feels fae to Simyth.” Asuna said grabbing a white silk yukata.

“You yoked my child to Leth`Evana and to what?” He snarled.

“He will replace Don.” She said lifting her chin.

Chan stumbled backwards and he stared at her in total shock. What she was suggesting was unheard of and she had just told him she was giving him a son.

“How can he replace my mother? She is eternal!” He snarled.

“Simyth is over even his sister Chan. Our child will be a very, very powerful Undine. Ireth is already proving to be an incredibly powerful Undine herself. Simyth believes the son of you and I would prove a uniting force to the tribes and because he would be corporeal; he would actually be able to keep a better handle on the politics of the Undine. Atrocities that happened under your mother would never be repeated.” She spoke softly.

Chan was shaking terribly and he was having a son and he had not realized he had wanted another son so badly; Chun had been so incredibly special to him but his inu mate he had loved. This woman he was in love with as well but his fucking home plane was threatening to take him away because justice had been delivered.

“They cannot have him. I do not give one whit if the Undine falls into hell! He is MY son. You are mine. Leth`Evana can fucking rot; you are not fae but an otherworlder. You do not belong there anymore than I do.” Chan hissed in fury.

“Chan, I did not want them coming after you in revenge!” She cried.

“Oh let them! I will destroy them. I love you even more for what you are trying to do my darling but they are not taking my son that I made in love from me! No one will ever take another son from me again!” He said in violent anger.

Naraku was listening outside of the living room and his respect for the incubus lord was ten-fold now and while his little inu was trying to keep peace; Leth`Evana was not their fucking problem anymore. He refused to keep having fairy problems. He would visit the former water fairy later and he ported out via his miasma and Asuna stiffened.

“Well my wily chief mate has been privy to everything Chan. He has been up to his own agenda as of late by the way. He tends to like the way you think and I am trying to keep peace!” Asuna growled.

“I love you but you will not give away my child. We will speak later.” He snapped and ported out as well.

Asuna sat down on her sofa and her peace accord with Leth`Evana was officially shot to hell and back and she had nothing to offer them and it was because she had assisted Chan in killing his brothers. She felt helpless and sighed heavily.
-------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

Chan emerged back in his rooms at the compound and he was seriously pissed. He was shaking in his anger and quickly shed his ruined ku and put on long formal black hanfu in extremely thick silk. It was solid black and edged in fur and he walked towards his newly found cousin; Chanak. The Soten leader was sitting upon the floor playing with his toddler and speaking in what he assumed was his native tongue. The baby Soten was squealing and banging a wooden duck against other wooden toys as his father spoke to him in a rhyme it seemed.

“What language do you speak?” He asked in the native Undine tongue.

“I am actually teaching Kazak. It was what I was taught as a child and what my mother obviously spoke. I will teach him our other languages as he grows.” He replied in the fae language.

“Where do the Soten come from?” Chan demanded.

“They were originally Shouten but they began to intermate with the Foraoise elves. How Shouten showed up in Leth`Evana; I have no idea but they were already there when my mother showed up and she was extremely powerful and they allowed her to rule them.” Chanak shrugged.

“Most Foraoise fae are so calm but they do have their clans that are warlike. Uncle Simyth was not one of those but it seems I have a problem.” He said sitting watching the beautiful child of his cousin.

“What it is?” He asked.

“The Sáile Undine are gunning for my head for having my justice against my brothers. Asuna assisted me and the only true member of our royal family is in her belly.” Chan admitted.

“I see! The plot thickens and so the water fairies want the son of fairy they ignored. I say we Soten make a show of power.” He smirked as he sat back and stared at his “cousin”.

“Explain what you mean.” The incubus lord said intrigued.

“The Soten do not show themselves; none of the clans of the water and forest elves actually know where we lay our heads. My birth father has no idea at our true numbers.” Chanak smiled.

“How many Soten would you calculate there are young Chanak?” Chan asked.

“More than ten million.” The Soten leader said chuckling and he picked up his boy and grinned at him.

“So many? How?” The empusae man was stunned.

“We are truly both fae and wraith; there is a space between Leth’Evana and the Seireitei. That is where we truly dwell.” He said in honesty.

“No one would or could find you!” He stated widening his eyes.

“Never. The Soten for the most part are mostly like our elvish counter-parts and we are peaceful. I was not because I was her son but I can persuade my people to put a stop to Don’s bull shit.” He smirked almost evilly.

“I saw Rhoswen and she is becoming a fat little babe. Her mother’s milk seems to be quite perfect it seems.” Chan smiled at the Soten wraith.

Chanak’s face held such a look of love that it affected Chan truly. This fae creature loved the same woman he did and they would do anything to keep their lives the way they wanted and Chanak had Serik on his hip and he looked at Chan.

“I am taking Serik to his mother; and when I come back, we are planning how to take out the ekimmu who has the ability of the Aether and then we figure out how to make the Undines lives hell.” He stated firmly.

“You sir are my newest best friend.” The incubus lord said smiling wickedly.
------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------

Bil ae entered Astana with two ekimmu who were freakishly similar to him and they had managed to kill the Shouten guards quite easily. The knowledge of Ganak and Ragnoss really did serve him quite well he chuckled to himself. He held the bottle that the golden haired bitch had made and he knew that Maec had his royal snots guarded unto death. The lava ekimmu did feel something unusual and he could swear that he felt Macha. Why the love of his eternal life should be in this fucking place he had no idea but he refused to turn away a chance to see her. He directed the ekimmu named Gafant to keep an eye out for Admal tr’Awnhi and he slipped away to find Macha’s aura.

Hibari was hiding her aura from Mas and he looked despondent but she was going to surprise him. She had been attacked and lost the human’s baby and the dragon; and although destroyed by the loss of Braden’s babe, she could deal with the loss of Edward’s brat. Mas took off his armor and she suddenly flattened him on his bed and the look of joy on his face was too perfect for her and she kissed him with equal parts hunger and passionate consumption. He was too surprised to see his turned mate and she phased off his clothing and hers as he rolled them. His dark hair fell around his shoulders and he stared down at her belly.

“I was stabbed by the mortals. The English king took me. I want you to pin me to this bed and not let me up till I have a little Shouten in me.” She said with red tears spilling down her eyes.

“Are you serious?” Mas asked seriously.

“Hai. Take me over and over and over. Take this hybrid onna till she cannot phase straight and she is puking.” Hibari teased.

“Hibari, I want this more than you know but maybe now is not the right time.” He said looking down.

“I refuse to disappoint you anymore. Fuck me Shouten.” She growled.

Mas actually chuckled and he attacked her throat and she was moaning wildly as the one who turned her began to make love to her. She was a groaning mess as he slipped within her center and she was going wild. He trapped her hands in his and he snapped his hips hard as the feeling of being with her felt so damned right.

“I want to give you a son. I want to have your baby so badly. Give me your all Mas. I want you.” She moaned hard as their bodies collided.

“How are you like this? Hibari? My beloved. I have missed you so dearly.” Mas groaned as he began to lose himself.

She decided to up the intensity and she pulled them into their ether form and Mas was not prepared for it and it blew him away. His mate was beautiful and burning in her intensity. The act was damn intimate and she was showing him EVERYTHING and SHARING everything with him; which she had never done before, Mas became corporeal and he was nearly sobbing. Hibari had decided that their second chance was going to be their real start. She was going to love him the way she should have. Mas ended up sweaty, exhausted, and a white eyed mess as his mate was feeding him from her breast. He loved her and he was actually happy in this moment. The eldest of the Shouten king took his mate several more times and she was nearly purring under him as he fell exhausted next to her.

“This is the best day I have had in some time. I love you.” Mas said kissing her slowly.

She stiffened hard under him and he looked at her strangely. Her eyes burned suddenly bright red and she began to growl fiercely. Hibari was pissed and Mas was suddenly nervous and she was snarling unlike he had ever seen her.

-I am changing to my true form. - She pathed to him.

-True form? - Mas pathed back stunned.

-Before I became Shouten. Only changed twice but I am fixing to become a monster. Get out of here. - She commanded in thought.

Mas phased out but he had heard of her true form referred to in a veiled way and he stayed close by to be of use to her. What she transformed to terrified him; she looked nothing short of what the modern term called a werewolf. She did not fully transform into a dog like her mother but her beast towering and she stood on two hind legs that appeared like canine like legs. Her tail was silver as was the rest of her wild fur and her snout was wild and vicious. Her fore-claws were lethal looking and spotting appeared and it appeared she kept some bit of her female anatomy; her breasts were completely fur covered and Bilae appeared and his eyes were wide when he saw the creature in front of him. She did not even wait and she pounced with unreal speed and he was trapped underneath the weight of a monstrous creature.

“Macha?” Bilae breathed actually terrified.

Hibari actually released a roar and she ripped into his shoulder and the ekimmu screamed in agony. Mas quickly phased to his father and he rushed quickly. He met his father half way because the amount of demon energies coming from his eldest son’s room was suffocating. Maec shoved the door open and there was a creature that only myth spoke about. The beast was ripping Bilae to shreds; literally and the ekimmu was begging for his life. He was calling her Macha and Maec knew this was Hibari.

“Macha!” Bilae screamed over and over as she shredded him with her mutated miasma and her teeth.

Her elongated snout released a nasty sound and she had bloodied the ekimmu and she stepped off of him and she stared at the Shouten king and her mate with eyes the color of Asuna’s father. She reared back and released another call and suddenly Matsuda Nori ported in and he saw his sister in her true form and he was stunned stupid. Bilae barely had enough life left in him and phased out. There was a huge amount of blood and the shape shifter stared at the pool of blood.

“Did she call for you?” Maec asked quietly.

“Hai. She cannot change back by herself. Only Mizuki and I know this form.” He said in admiration.

“Hibari?” Mas asked nervously.

“Do not come near her Shouten. She is likely to rip your throat out. She does not like this form because this is her beast completely. It does not answer her rational side. I will take her and make her transform.” The young shape shifter explained.

“Bring her back.” The eldest son begged.

“She will return.” Nori winked.

He produced his miasma cloud and took the beast form of his sister and they appeared at Hakurei-zan and he had to force a ton of yoki through her to change back into her humanoid form. She fell to her side and she was gasping and shaking profoundly as she looked at Nori.

“How did you hear me?” Hibari whispered.

“I have always known your true form sister. I saw it once from the other side. I always would look on the family when I was dead. I am certain if you called again; Mizuki would have heard you too.” Her younger brother smiled.

“I hate that form.” She said looking away.

“Do not understand why; you tore Bilae up horribly. He was begging you to not kill him.” Nori laughed cruelly.

His elder sister actually smiled and she hugged her brother and she phased back to Astana. Maec was collecting as much blood from the scene as possible and Mas looked at her with new eyes and she looked ashamed.

“I am sorry. I understand if you wish to never see me…” she started to say.

“Are you insane?” Mas asked her.

“Your true form is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen Lady Hibari and I am over six thousand years on your plane. It was quite a sight. Shut up. You are an incredible youkai.” Maec murmured.

“I am a mutant inu fucking freak!” Hibari said blushing as Mas took her hand.

“Who kicked serious ass. Bilae was here for something and he had two lackeys that phased out with him. They did not accomplish what they came because of you. Thank you. I am thinking that my sister Sanra in the past is up to something and I intend to find out what it is. There are only two people she can use against me that cannot defend themselves; I intend to have them better protected!” Maec said suddenly and he phased out directly.

“You are frightening my love but you are still beautiful. Terrifyingly beautiful but still! You defended me and my family and you revealed this to me? You have not shown your other mates this have you?” Her Shouten mate said with tears in his eyes.

“No.” She whispered.

“You truly have given every part of yourself to me. You have shared everything with me.” He whispered.

The passion that he consumed her with made her shake with its intensity. Mas became a swirling vat of emotion and he had truly wanted to start over at the hospital but he was still reserved and leery. This somehow cemented her Shouten to her in a different way and the intensity of their lovemaking was mind altering on so many levels that she was certain that Sergei and even Arturo felt it. Hibari was shaking in a horrendous aftermath of purity and bliss that was a pure wraith coupling complete with the corporeal that she could barely stand. Mas had passed out and she was trying to make her way to Alum’s rooms.

The gentle healer brother of Maec found her and she seemed out of it and he brought her to his modern exam room within the palace and he sat her down.

“I…I wanted to see if I am pregnant with Mas’s baby. I lost our other one to mortals when they stabbed me. I want his baby.” Hibari whispered as she met his eyes.

“Lay back my niece.” Alum smiled gently.

“Everything is different between us. Is that how Shouten love is supposed to be?” She asked still trembling.

“Yes. My father’s regime fucked everything up for our people but we are getting it back. You are pregnant Hibari and there are twin little Shouten babes in there.” Alum smiled at her.

“I am removing myself from the fighting. I am damn well going to give him these babies.” She swore.

Mas stood in the doorway and bloody tears fell down his face. He could accept her needs because of who she was and who her mother was but she was truly giving herself to him and WANTING to give herself. The king’s eldest came over and he knelt in front of her and wrapped his arms around her middle and began to weep with joy. Maec came in and he looked at the scene and his heart was filled with happiness. This was one child he had finally been able to do right by after his madness. Hibari met Maec’s eyes and he whispered thank you. She smiled at him and just kissed Mas’s black hair.

Maec had collected a ton of Bilae’s blood and he intended to do an alchemic spell. The only place he knew to take Isha and Maiell was to the bastard who had helped kill Ayille. When he felt his nephew Chanak’s aura as well; he was certain that there was something most definitely up. The incubus had no idea what to do with such a powerful Shouten and he just phased into Chan’s main audience room. The incubus lord was there and he was visiting with Chanak and several other of his favored incubus followers who also happened to be his warriors and the empusae man looked up to see the King of the Shouten. Chanak hissed and Chan made him be quiet.

“Bilae was in my palace today and my daughter in law tore him to shreds. I have a ton of his blood nephew. Does that interest you?” Maec asked.

“Perhaps.” Chanak said carefully.

“He was there at Sanra’s behest, I am certain. I cursed her remains so that she is unable to move forward in the stream and I intend for it to stay that way. Admal has always guarded my two most precious children but I am certain that whore would use them against me.” The Shouten king stated.

Chanak was getting agitated and Maec knew he knew something.

“Speak nephew.” Maec demanded.

“She tried to kill Rhoswen when she was born. I have no loyalties to her anymore. No, I will not be helping her. I had a reaction she could possibly use in my books in the past but she would not be able to decipher it. I am certain she is trying to force one of our hands.” His nephew said honestly.

“Incubus…will you shelter my children and their uncle within your walls? I would have to see it as a particular favor.” The Shouten king said boldly.

“This incubus has a name Shouten and it is Chan. Yes, I will shelter your children and the son of Halldora Fardahl. She was quite the woman was she not?” Chan smirked.

“She was almost as benevolent as my Isha. We all want the same thing and I will not allow that bitch to step foot one second in this era!” Maec snarled.

“I will be the one to destroy her soul Maec.” Chanak stated to his uncle.

“Excuse me? You were not at her cruelty and murdering intent for the many millenniums nephew. Oh no, I will be the one to send her to hell.” His uncle snarled.

“That is where we differ Maec. I intend to cleanse her soul and see to it that she will find peace. She is my mother and I will kill her.” The Soten ruler said flatly.

Chan sat back in his chaise and let the arguing begin between the two types of wraith and it was entertaining to say the least; the bitch was being argued about who was going to kill her first. Frankly; if had the opportunity, he would do it and save them all the fucking drama and he allowed the two other blood drinkers their argument and he went to his room and he looked at his bed and there was a letter on bed. He recognized his native writing and it was addressed to Hunir and he grew sick to his stomach. Someone from Leth`Evana had been in his very room and he had never felt it.