Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ Warrior in Sleep/2nd generation kids-fathers ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: Bravery in the face of regret as one obstacle is accomplished. Other areas are planned for and things are put into motion to protect and force a reckoning with the enemies. All of the younger generation is pulled into sanctuary as regret continues to be faced. Thank you so much for reading and leading up to those chapters of the past drama of current characters! Let me know your thoughts.

Warrior in Sleep

Asuna was busily getting her household in order and ordering her pups and their things packed. The attack was going to be ever so swift and quiet but she intended to be impossible to find. She stiffened when she felt his presence and she slowly turned when Fionn Hammel stood before her and she had wondered how had broken through Maec's alchemy.

"Why are you here?" She asked softly.

"You have abandoned us!" Fionn accused with anger and utter rage.

"Not abandoned so much as pulling together my modern family and assessing THEIR needs at the moment. The ekimmu needs have to wait." Asuna said flatly.

"You were gaining yourself again Piuthar! You were coming into your own and..." He tried to speak.

"I was becoming HER. I am Jing Asuna and no one else! Arianrhod Hammel is dead and gone. I can port to every plane now Fionn; did you know that? I accept it fully that I was her and I now remember conversations that SHE had with you whilst shutting out my infant morality. Oh how high and mighty she was and you along with her. Good riddance to the bitch! I am her no more!" She said as her eyes burned green.

"She did what had to be done!" He snarled at her.

"As I am doing what needs to be done for my family of THIS life. If and when I can trust you and Gwydion; then perhaps I shall consider our vows we took; but as of right now? Any ekimmu takes a back seat to any mate that I took BEFORE any ekimmu showed up in my life!" She stated haughtily.

"You will get yourself killed again and I cannot bear to lose you AGAIN. You think I have no care or love you? You bore me a child woman; I love our daughter." Fionn growled with growing pain and anger.

"I bore a child that you have barely seen in damn near six months! Do not try my patience any longer ekimmu. I have seen what the ekimmu have done to the fae and it is grotesque in its barbarity! I have also seen what certain fae rulers have done and to be frank; the lot of you deserve each other!" Asuna snarled at him in rising hate.

Fionn grabbed her arm and he sensed the auras and he hissed in anger. She looked at him with the beautiful blue eyes and she was angry. This future incarnation of his beloved was furious.

"You want me?" She demanded.

"Yes!" He thundered.

"Then stay away from me for now and decimate Soul Society. I have no care or want of any ekimmu for the moment except the two I have born from this body." She stated as she pointed to the door.

"Do not divide our ranks Piuthar! They know you were Arianrhod. They are ready and willing to follow you again!" He pleaded.

"She was a monster! Arianrhod was a fucking monster Fionn. I am Asuna for kamis sake. Say MY name. Say it!" She snarled lifting her clawed hand and it glowed green.

"I know you are Asuna." The thunder ekimmu hissed.

"Then obey my wishes for once!" She demanded.

He phased out and Fionn was devastated. He truly had no idea what was going on but phasing in had taken so much strength and Gwydion was losing his ever loving mind; a crazy Gwydion was not a good thing and she said; take out Soul Society, then he would focus their people on taking out Teruyoshi and his band of bastards. If he could convince Gwydion and the nobles that she was just depressed over some misfortune; he could try and ascertain what the fuck had happened. He did strain and mentally listen and what he picked up on curled his toes. Leth`Evana was in crisis and Beren Elensar had staked her with a mithril spear to the forest floor surrounding Tanath`Sal; this information he could use and he could bring her back to her senses. He knew she loved him; he knew it. Fionn had to remind her of what they had shared in Briton.
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Asuna had a checklist in her hand and she was making certain that no pup was left behind so to speak and she was going through. Hinata, Masaki, Chiyo, Haruya, Nayu, Noe, Naota, Hana, Justinus, Larak, Kala, Aahmes, Arsinoe, Shen, Lifen, Yunru, Rhoswen, Masahiro, Khellian, Kumiko, Yuichi, Carys, Brinn, Serik, Celeste, Nemain, Manami, Miku, Itsuyo, Maiell, Isha, Tenshi, Yong, Jian, Hajnal, Tsukiko, Ryota, Sorami, Aellae, Tanashi, Kakashi, Yuan, Zhilan, Neeva, Katsumi, Kasumi, Nofre, Juliana, Antonius, Frejya, Anwell, Kheagan, Amras, Eiji, Ireth, Aibhlinn, Teruko, Naerwen, Etsu, Kia, and Keizou. Although they considered themselves adults; Asuna did not and Nori and Ken'ichi were coming as well.

The fae babes; Eiji, Amras, and Naerwen would be here by the morning light. The older pups of her second generation were furious and downright pissed off. Her second generation of young ones were frankly more powerful than her first set had been earlier on. She had also bound some of them early on. Nobu's twin girls; Katsumi and Kasumi were nearing seven and they had to be bound and Naota was pure trouble. He had the face of an absolute angel and he was the HEALER's son; but he and his other two of the triplets were closing on thirteen. Oh they were fun in so many parental headache ways. Naraku had sworn he would NEVER allow Nobu another child again. Naota held secret yoki and he still gave his Chichi Naraku absolute fits and Naraku wanted to strangle the angel boy as he called him. Asuna was smiling at her first set of triplets and they looked at her funnily and her "angel boy" came over.

"Why are we going?" He demanded with his beautiful face.

Naota did not look traditionally kumo which he delighted in because he could change into one. He scared the hell out of his inu nannies. He blinked his light brown eyes at his mother and he had the same eye color she used to. He looked like his older Shinobu in his features but had silver hair and no inu markings.

"Why are you here questioning me when I have asked you to pack?" His mother asked him to his question.

"You know it is rude to answer a question with a question Lady Mother." Naota said in a smart ass tone.

She pursed her lips and this little man could not work her. She crossed her arms and he growled at her and gave up. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her middle. He barely felt her wince and he looked up at her face and she kissed his head as a tear slid down her face. Naota and his other sibs did not let on how strong they really were but he had seen his mother's mind; something he had inherited from his chichi Nobu; he was a hellaciously powerful telepath and she had been pierced in the elf plane by the crazy brat elf prince. He was furious and he ADORED his hanyou brother Hinata. He was furious and he went to the rooms of the pups and he found Kurosaki Hinata and jerked him aside.

"The fae asshole attacked Haha again. He literally was pinned with a spear to the ground." He whispered to his elder brother.

"I hate this! She is taking us all into seclusion to make certain we do not get hurt. We are going whether we want to go or not. I am sick of my mother being used as a fucking pin cushion for ekimmu, elves, and wraiths. I swear if my chichi was still around..." Hinata said making a fist.

"Look, I know things brother and Haha is in a state. Your old man? Get him to revenge Haha NOW." Naota stated staring at his hanyou brother's eyes.

"What do you mean? You suggest I port away and get my ass beat into next century?" The ginger headed hanyou said raising a brow.

"Since when do you care about getting caught? Haha is having regrets right now and she never stopped loving Kurosaki; he was a product of pain. Masaki is returned. Use the time to soften up our mother!" His kumo sibling said wisely.

"How'd you know this shit?" Hinata demanded.

Naota tapped his head and grinned and winked at Hinata.

"I shall even make it easy for you. I and my sisters will make a distraction for you. Time to make Chichi N furious again." He snickered.

"Why do you torture him?" His half-brother asked.

"Because he is my chichi? Why else?" The kumo shrugged.

"Your chichi is Nobu." Hinata said shaking his head.

"I'm kumo Hinata; it does not work that way for me and the girls. We know all three of their minds and as our chichis. I know weird; but Naraku just has never not been around. I also remember when Chichi died. I clung to him." Naota said haunted.

"Yea okay. You three be awful and I will go." The hanyou nodded.

The kumo boy grinned and he grabbed Noe and Nayu for some trouble. He plastered the most angelic look on his face and so did his sisters. They all ported out and went to the estate in Korea and began tearing through the house. Noe had kumo eyes and Ishin's black hair but their mother's magenta markings. Nayu had ALL of their mother's markings and Naraku's eyes and the blue above her eyes. She also had silver hair like he did. Naraku TRIED not to spoil Nayu but he did. He was horrible about it but the other pups would use her to get their way. Oh it was bad. Nayu and Noe began to throw precious objects that Naraku had from his past days and the hanyou had felt the "trouble makers" show up and he was growling in fury as he came in.

"Put it down NOW and go back to the estate like you were told, NOW!" Naraku snarled at the triplets.

"Why?" Naota asked sweetly.

Naraku was absolutely certain that these three were his punishment for the Shikon incident as they ALL had the faces of fucking angels and the yoki from HELL. Naota was their little ring leader and Nobu's boy used to wreck his computer and financial reports all the time.

"I will whip you within an inch of your life young man! I swear it! I am in no mood for shit this evening. I have important things that need doing. Do what you are told for once!" The hanyou hissed with crimson.

"Oops!" Nayu said dropping a priceless Ming vase.

"Masanori! Masanori!" Naraku raged as his came at his own daughter.

She gleefully ported in and out and Naota and Noe began to port back and forth as well. Masanori appeared and he sighed heavily as the triplets were fucking with Naraku again. Why the enjoyed giving one of their fathers such hell; he would never know but they seemed to love to do it dearly.

Naota figured about an hour of trouble should give Hinata time to do his thing. Oh he knew his backend would be raw but this was just SO MUCH fun.
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Kurosaki Hinata was almost fourteen and he had been the past a great deal of his life. He had gone to his dad's house; which was the beach house that used to be owned by his Haha and Chichi. His Chichi had graduated university and had become a doctor like his jiichan but he was also kept so freaking busy by shinigami shit. Hinata hated Soul Society with a passion. Hinata had not seen Old Man Yama in a really long time; the last time he had, he had attacked him. He had attacked him for hurting his Haha. No, he hated the shinigami even though he was half.

"Hinata? Whatcha doing here kiddo?" His chichi said coming from his bedroom; obviously having had taken a shower.

Hinata knew his chichi would never age. His chichi would never look older than he himself did now. It was weird to think but he lifted his head.

"I want you to avenge my Haha." He said lifting his chin.

"What happened to Sensei buddy? She's a badass." Ichigo stated shrugging.

"Chichi please." His son said with tears glazing his brown eyes.

"What happened?" His father demanded.

"The elf bastard got her. She was pregnant and I know lots 'bout Haha now. I know why she is choosing to have us like she does. He pinned her to the forest floor with a mithril spear." Hinata blurted out.

"Wait a minute; elf and mithril? Hinata! Kiddo, what the hell is going on? Why does your Haha stay that way anyway?" His chichi asked.

"Have to explain fast. Haha is gonna go dormant. I think she knows it instinctually. Her species the empusae have cycles. She went dormant after the first generation of pups. She is gonna go dormant again. I think she wants to have the pups she wants before she does. Anyway, the elves live parallel like Soul Society. Their prince liked how Haha looked and he has this weird yoki and he mussed up her mind and shit. Sorry chichi. Anyway, she is suppressing the ekimmu crap and she is trying to go back to Haha before. We all want that. Please Chichi? Please? They are gonna get my sibs from that rat bastard out tonight but he hurt her real bad. That is all that place has done is hurt her." Hinata expressed to his father.

Ichigo considered and he sighed. He indicated for Hinata to come closer and he hugged him tightly. The hanyou was certain his chichi would say no and he actually sobbed and Ichigo made him look at him.

"I'm gonna do it. Okay? You're gonna have to show me how to get in. Anything like getting into Soul Society?" Ichigo asked as he went to get Kon.

"No sir! All you have to do is find a veil. There is one around the Sendai castle." He called.

Ichigo appeared and his appearance had changed throughout the years as his powers had changed, disappeared, came back, shifted, etc. He was a strange being and he knew now that despite having mated Asuna; he would never have been normal. His haori and hakama were black as normal but he had a white crisscrossing like armor; and shoulder armor with red markings. The white material that would have possibly have been a captain's coat flowed freely at his waist. Zangestu had changed as well. Hinata adored his father and he was a bad ass but then so was he. Hinata did not wait and his son had his hair and actually HER eyes before she had changed. He had some magenta markings but he was a Kurosaki through and through. He watched his son who was wearing a white and black graphic long sleeve tee shirt with black cargo pants and black combat boots. His oldest kid was too cool in his mind. Ichigo had always loved his boy so fucking much. Hinata moved swiftly and actually used his masking abilities that he inherited from his Haha to cover his father and himself.

-I am gonna port us directly to that fucking palace. - The hanyou boy thought.

Ichigo nodded and he moved with stealth and they ported. They appeared in a lavish and beautiful palace. Hinata knew there was supposed to be a strike but his sibs were here. He kept the masking up and Ichigo followed him as he followed the aura of his baby siblings. They made sure to keep to shadows and hide behind things and Hinata ported them into the nursery quietly and there was an elf onna. He didn't want to do it but he was suddenly on her and he snapped her neck. Ichigo's face blanched and he looked at his son horrified.

Eiji, Amras, and Naerwen were all under four years old and they were squealing at their older brother whom they had not seen in some time.

-Sorry Chichi. They are powerful beings. - Hinata pathed.

"Who in the seven hells are you and what are you doing near my children?" Beren demanded as he only saw Ichigo.

Ichigo whirled and he saw an honest to god elf and he prepared himself for battle. Beren saw one of HER children and he panicked. Hinata had scooped up the babies and he had ported. Beren had already yelled for the guards but Ichigo called on his bankai. The power that suddenly emanated from this being was unreal and Beren pulled his own blade.
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Hinata freaked and he had just taken the little ones. He appeared back at the Estate and the half fae toddlers were squealing and making a ruckus. They were screaming in delight at the journey and Asuna ran into the room when she heard them. Naraku appeared along with Chan, Chanak, Lei, Ichigawa, and Grimmjow. Her hands were shaking and she knelt to her knees and her fae babes ran over to their mother. Asuna began sobbing and Hinata's heart actually leapt at the sight of seeing his mother so happy. He would gladly take a beating for this and he looked defiantly at Naraku and the others.

"What you did what reckless and stupid!" Naraku snarled at him.

"Yea and what? You ain't my chichi. Kurosaki Ichigo is sir. Besides, I am sick of seeing Haha cry. We pups ARE good for something!" Hinata snarled at his step-chichi.

"You have been dead once boy. I had to help hold her up against it; do not ask me to do such a thing again!" The hanyou hissed at him.

Naraku's eyes widened and he then yelled for HIS little trouble makers. They all had planned this and he was downright fucking furious. It seemed Nori and Ken'ichi had quite the influence on the younger pups and they needed a major sit down with who was really in charge.

Hinata came over and he kissed his mother's head and he cried too. He hugged her so tightly and she was weeping so hard she could not chastise him. She hugged him so tightly and her little ones were all with her and it was right. Chan was affected by the bravery of the boy and Grimmjow still hated this kid's dad but the kid was awesome. Kurosaki's kid was so fucking protective of Haruya that Grimmjow couldn't help BUT like him.

"I love you Haha." Hinata whispered to his powerful mother.

"Ai shiteru. Ai shiteru Hinata." His mother whispered clutching at him.

"We are going to need to move you all and soon." Chanak spoke.

"Why are you all hiding us?" The hanyou demanded.

"It is your mother's wish as she is with child now and she wants to be safe with them and you all. The battles with the fae and the other problems are not going away." Lei answered.

"Ok Lei. We'll go but we ain't worthless. Oh and Chanak what's your face and Chan something or other?" Hinata smirked at the two men.

"Yes young one." Chan answered intrigued by the young boy.

"The fairy boy is going to be seriously FUCKED up." The halfling chortled and he helped pick up his fae siblings and he helped up his mother.

Chan looked at Chanak and he had no idea what he meant but Grimmjow was absolutely certain he knew what the kid meant. He had a low snarl under his breath and Chanak looked at the hollow being and raised a brow.

"Care to share?" The Soten leader asked.

"A fucking blast from my past. If it's who I think it is than yea, your fairy boy is fucked up but then I am gonna fuck up the fucker of the fairy fucker." Grimmjow stated cracking his knuckles.

The Arrancar left and the two men who were from Leth`Evana had absolutely no idea of what the hell that meant and they let it go.
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Asuna moved ALL of her pups to the house in Sapporo for the moment. It was reinforced with alchemy from Maec. The inu-empusae princess made Hinata sit down and she sat across from him. He was not saying a word and she sighed heavily and she was aghast at him.

"Tell me what you did!" His mother demanded.

"Nope!" He said stubbornly.

"I am not angry at you. I am thankful! Please Hinata. You trust so little and would only...wait a minute. Did you? Did you?" Asuna demanded.

He refused to say anything and his silence was confirmation enough. She stood up and she looked furious and angry at her son.

"How could you? You exposed your chichi to the fae? How could you do that? Is it not bad enough that he has to face what he does?" She snarled at him.

"I needed help. That fucker hurt you! Haha, you were on a breathing machine for Kamis sake!" He raged.

"So you expose your already overburdened father with more bull shit from my life that he should never have had to face? It had not been for me then what had happened to you and Masaki would never have happened and...and...Kamis damn it!" She said bursting into tears.

Reality suddenly dawned on Hinata and he felt like the biggest asshole on the planet. He looked ashamed and he looked away as tears fell down his face.

"You walked away not cuz you hated him but cuz you still loved him. You blamed yourself for all the crap that he has to face." Hinata said softly.

She said nothing and she could not speak and she went to a window. She was weepy with the inu pup and she wiped away irritated at her state.

"You had better not leave this house!" She commanded.

"Hai mam." Hinata nodded.

Asuna was very cautious and she ported to Karakura Town to her old beach house that had become Ichigo's residence. She had given it to him in their parting and he seemed too fond of it to give it up. She was terrified she would find a half dead ningen shinigami and she stepped in and looked around.

"Kurosaki?" She called out.

"Back here!" He called out as he stepped forward from their old bedroom.

He looked no older but it showed in his eyes. His hair was longer and wilder and his was slightly more muscular. It was obvious it had not been long his return and he was still in his shinigami state. Ichigo had faced one of his toughest opponents but he had managed to NOT kill the elf being but left him near death. He was also hurting like hell as he had been ripped up by some very nasty cuts.

"Do not allow our son to talk you into doing foolish nonsense again Ichigo." She whispered.

"Ah hell whatever, okay? I did what I wanted to Sensei. My boy comes and tells me his mom was staked to the fucking ground and shit, I can't stand to see our boy cry, okay with you? Strange thing in all this? Everyone agrees that the dude used your wonky empusae lust against you. I call that rape but whatever. He may survive, not real sure but I don't give a shit. I am in my thirties now Sensei. I can make a man bleed if I want and I sure as hell can make a rapist pay for touching the mother of my son." He said as he walked past her.

Asuna's chest was heaving and she could not believe the speech he had just given her. She shut her eyes and pain hit her chest. She and Kensei's relationship had never progressed beyond what it had been and the bloody tears fell down her face.

"Ichigo?" She whispered.

"What Suna?" Ichigo asked itching his ginger colored hair.

It was unexpected; like a thunder clap on a cloudless day, and the shinigami man was against the wall nearest his kitchen being devoured by the one woman he had loved since he had been a teenager. There was sadness in the kiss hai; but there also something he had not felt from her in so fucking long, sheer WANT. The heir of the West was devouring him and his shinigami clothes were shredding under her claws. Ichigo pulled her lips away and he found air.

"No. I ain't going to do this." He said hoarsely.

Her eyes were red and he whirled her around intending to gently shove her away but she had his arms around her and she leaned her head back and her mouth left hot sultry kisses on his jaw and throat. Ichigo gulped and he was an honorable man and after pining away for so many fucking years; he still pined but he refused to use her. Ichigo had to keep his mind on the pain; the pain kept him always focused. Her thick silver tresses were braided and pearls weaved throughout and she had a diadem of silver gold and diamonds the slipped down onto her forehead and she wore a gauzy white dress that clung to her breasts and was off of her shoulders. She was barefoot and he noticed ankle chains of the finest white gold as well. Ichigo's head hurt from the battle and just having her near. He went to say something and she met his lips with her scorching ones. She guided his hands to cup her breasts and for the love of kamis; he was going to lose his mind. He had to breathe and his heart was about to pound out of his chest.

"Why? All this time? You punked." Ichigo said in a pained filled voice.

"So much and many reasons. I believed I had brought you extra problems." Asuna admitted.

"So you destroyed me?" He asked trying to think clearly.

"You are right. So sorry. You have always been more astute and I filled our life with anger to avoid painful truths." She said bowing.

Her words were always eloquent and his brain was registering what she said; anger flared in his brain and he suddenly picked her up and she was not expecting it and he just could not process this. Kurosaki Ichigo operated on honor and friendship. He had the occasional fling now and again but it was always away from his kids and he never bad mouthed their Haha. How it happened she was on their old bed and his body was bare and the dress had been split down the center. He was within the onna he had loved his whole adult life and their kisses and passion was crushing. Asuna's claws were dragging his skin and his cries were long as the so many years of utter heart ache were being communicated. She cried bloody tears as she arched her body against his the powerful but never normal ningen took love from her soul and body. He felt her literally dragging his shinigami powers forth and she seared his soul. Asuna had finally passed out under the combined yoki and reiatsu. His nose was in her juncture and he allowed himself to actually sob softly. She had not wanted to drag him further into her problems that had plagued her world and she had flung him aside to make him think she did not love him. What he discovered; she had loved him too much and she had felt she could do him better by letting him go. He slowly pulled out of her and he fell to his wounded back and he actually cried softly as the many years hit him.
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Hinata had been beat by Naraku and oh, it had hurt like hell but now he was risking another beating but he ported over to Karakura Town and he found his Haha IN BED with HIS chichi. His mind was shielded heavily but he was so thrilled at the idea and he snuck into the fridge; his father kept chocolate always. He was pissed off at Chichi Naraku but oh well. He closed the fridge and there stood his chichi wearing pajama pants. He waved at his ningen parent innocently.

"Whatcha doing? Thought I heard you were supposed to stay in Sapporo." He whispered irritated.

"Yea well, I got my ass whipped for disobeying. Figured I'd get some chocolate out of it." His smart ass son said smirking.

"The hanyou called and bitched MY ear off. I don't like dealing with your step-chichi, okay? scares even me." Ichigo said in a whisper.

"Yea well just cuz he makes a lot of noise don't mean he's the bad ass. Haha is." Hinata grinned as he licked his spoon of the chocolate pudding.

"This ain't permanent Nata." His chichi said softly.

"You think." The smart mouthed young hanyou snorted.

"Your haha and I have a lot of pain. Ok?" Ichigo sighed as he looked away.

"Yea well Chichi N is all nice and pissy. His little plan got fucked up by lil ole me and the Trips. Nori and Ken'ichi and me; we get sick of being treated like brats. Nori IS an adult and they won't let him out. Ken got screwed over by the Ramanga whore real good but Haha ripped the bitch's head off. So you know what Chichi? If you love her, then fucking love her! I'm sick of my sibs chichis doing what they want and not you. You’re a bad ass too and she loves you like a lot. Naota told me. He's been in her head." His son said in a long winded whisper.

Ichigo looked down and away and she was still asleep. She was exhausted he could see and he looked at his son.

"The pups had fae in 'em. This really old guy named Chan was a water elf like ten thousand years ago. He was captured by the ekimmu and they hurt him awful and he killed them all and gorged on their blood. It changed him into what Haha is. He loves the snot out of her but that bastard you got? He killed Chan's pup with mithril. It poisoned Haha since she had the pup in her. She's super tired cuz of it." He said looking away.

"Tell me more." His father said.

"Well she's been through hell. She's been fighting and fighting. She comes back bloody and nearly dead. Course me, Nori, Ken, and the Trips; well we wanted to know what we are. We wanted to know why Haha is the way she is. So we read. She is this reborn bitch named Arianrhod; an ekimmu who had a lot of power but she was taken out by her followers. Izangami? He's the Soul King and Old Man Yama? Yea that's his son. They wanna kill Haha. Aizen wants the key? Haha is the key and people want her dead. She just wants to be left alone." Hinata stated finishing his pudding and went looking for more.

"Top shelf." His father commented.

"So you are saying Soul Society wants her dead?" He asked in rising anger.

"Yup. Why do ya think I attacked the bastard last time I saw him? I made her change my birth certificate. I want nothing to do with that bastard who wants to kill her! He's an asshole and Naraku plans to let the ekimmu kill Old Man Yama. He plans on sealing off Leth`Evana so we can just be left alone." He shrugged.

"Good Kamis. Ok finish that and go back to Sapporo. I'll talk to your Haha." Ichigo commanded his son.

"I can't stay here with you?" His son whined.

"I agree with your Haha on this one. Now finish and scoot! I meant Nata!" He threatened his son.

"Okay! Shit!" His hanyou son cursed and he looked angry.

Hinata ported out and Ichigo was back in his human form and he went to check on the inu princess. She was still asleep and he came and sat by her and she rolled her head; her full lips were barely opened and she had such a peaceful expression that ripped his guts out. Ichigo leaned over and he pressed his lips to hers gently and her pale blue eyes opened slowly and she deepened the caress and he had not intended it. The young man moaned softly and she laced her fingers through his messy ginger hair and kept him close. Ichigo moaned into her mouth and he was losing his will and he shut his eyes and gave into the bliss for a moment. Asuna managed to release him and he sat up and shook his head.

"Where you going into hiding?" He asked softly.

"That has not been decided as of yet. Do you want to know?" Asuna asked softly.

"Hai. Hai I do. We've so much shit to work through." He said staring straight ahead.

"I am still what I am Ichigo." She sighed.

"I don't care Asuna. Fuck, I have so moved beyond the teenage boy bull shit! Okay? I am not a normal ningen. I never have been and I never will be. I never was to begin with. Kamis! Do you know what last night has done to me?" He said as tears began to spill down his cheeks.

"No." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Just figure out where out you're going to be and let me know. Just keep it simple for now. Just keep it simple and I do my thing. First, Aizen has been making noises again and Old Man Yama isn't going to raise a fucking finger towards you again." Ichigo said angrily wiping at the tears.

Asuna breathed deeply and he pulled the neck of his tee shirt away from his neck and she saw her mark. The bloody salt fell from her eyes and she shut her eyes.

"Please say that we will talk." Asuna breathed out.

"Fuck yes Asuna. That's what I'm saying. Just let's pull ourselves together. You have things going down. Just get me a message." He said quitting her presence.

She willed one of his yukata into her hands and she was crying freely. Asuna pulled on the heavy silk and she ported out. It seemed now was the time for regrouping and reassessing regrets.
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Asuna was meeting with Naraku, Lei, Maec, Chan, Changming, and Ichigawa. They were discussing different places and eras to slip her into and her deeply quiet inu mate; Changming was deeply in thought.

"It needs to be of an era after Sanra but not one easily gotten to be by Bilae. We have set the Stythe with Admal's help to digging up all forms of those totems from that era they trapped mistress. We are going to camouflage you with the very same totems." Chang thought aloud.

"Can you do it Maec?" Asuna asked.

"Can I do it my queen asks? Who the hell am I?" He snorted good naturedly.

The beautiful smile on her face was worth it and Naraku nodded but the era had to be one that was "safe". What they deemed as safe was risky.

"I have a thought you might all bloody well love." Aldwyn Dillingham said from door.

"About time you got here mutt." Naraku glared at him.

"Hold onto to your knickers halfling. I was polishing up my curls for your bloody self." The Welsh inu smirked at Naraku.

The two men shook hands and Chan looked at Asuna as if to say, who is that? She nodded that she would explain later.

"Asuna was vera friendly with King Jaime. Jaime knew about us daemons and honestly; his court was about as safe as you could get for our kind. Then across the channel in Paris you have the bloody incubus Sebastein." He smirked obnoxiously.

"That era was also very pivotal in your young years mistress." Her snow inu pointed out.

"Aldwyn...was there another monarch on the throne that was friendly to us?" Asuna asked.

"I know of one." Her snow stated and he looked up.

"Well don't keep us in suspense man!" The dark hanyou snapped.

"When Geming and I were young...Chichi was still alive and traveled often. He would leave me in charge of Western Qinghai and Geming was barely over a century. Gem had a really rough time for quite some time because of the Yongle emperor's attacks on Taiwan and I thought a change of scenery would do us good. We went to England in the time of Henry VIII. We were welcomed at court warmly by a very, very young King Henry and Queen Katherine. Geming had a very intense and short affair with one Lady Mary Norris. She was killed by her then husband. He was not liked at the English court because of his treatment of Mary in private. Geming had mated her in a fit of passion and she was pupped. Queen Katherine knew what we were and she had also sanctioned the action against Mary's husband as did Henry. I do not know specifically if Henry knew what we were but I was told specifically that Mary's husband was near at hand and that his majesty knew NOTHING of his death as far as he was concerned." Changming related the old tale.

Asuna covered her mouth and she had never known that about Geming. She had kept their relationship to pure, unadulterated hormones because she knew he was a simmering mass of emotion and this...this story was something she WANTED to know. She kept herself quiet and she watched the men speak.

"Actually Changming I am thinking that would be a perfect era!" The Welsh inu stated.

"The mortals were going through religious strife and whatever nonsense but we could establish Asuna and the pups outside of London. It need not be in the city and we can shut the veils to Leth`Evana off tight as hell in that era." Maec stated standing as he paced.

"I like this. This King Henry was involved in his blasted politics of Europe and his odious wife nonsense and our rather unusual but lively household could flourish just fine." Naraku smiled and his eyes were brown.

"So to the court of the second Tudor monarch it is?" Asuna asked.

"Hai. I am going to have set up that go in the same year Gem and I did. We were there in fifteen hundred nine. The ugliness between him and his first wife did not really begin until around sixteen years later. You will be long gone by then." Chang said softly.

"It sounds perfect. I should like for us to be able to use in between in Britain and build our time between there to that era. Can the Jings do it Lei?" His wife asked.

"What cannot we do my darling?" Her wraith husband smiled.

"Ok. I have been informed that Prince Beren was injured very gravely and he is not well. We have time to get this done and also we shall need to set up a castle/palace for me and the pups. You already know who may pass. Chrestian and Ryo will remain with me at all times and Kameron has been asked as well as Quilin to follow Naraku's will as it is my own." She said rising.

Chan neared her and took her hand. He lifted her knuckles and kissed them over and over. Her eyes burned with passion but this was going to work. Naraku came up behind her and tipped her head back and kissed her as well.

"We all have a stake in you my little inu and I am for one relieved for once that you are stepping back. I love you. I know these others do as well but I love you even more for doing this for our great family. We are great you know." Her hanyou whispered.

"Hai. I know. I will most likely go dormant in the next few years beloved. I should like to discuss our plans if we should like anymore at a future date." She smiled softly.

"My darling you have made me a father more than ten times. I am the luckiest youkai in the world. We shall discuss our future after we secure it better." Naraku said kissing her again passionately.

Chan was mystified by all the events but when she had accepted his counsel and accepted her life and her power for THIS life; it was acclimating quicker to her. He never realized that by allowing himself to know her; he would be handing his heart over but he would destroy for this peace he wanted for her. He wanted this family as desperately as she did and he wanted peace for it. Yes, he had become a part of something he did not entirely understand but he did not care. They did not expect fidelity in the other but as he told her; no one else would ever have his heart and for the future, no one would bear his children. She was the mother to his children he loved her more for it.
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Ichigo came in from his day at the clinic he helped run with his dad and he found a simple note on his counter.

1 5 0 9 Hertfordshire
Ai shiteru,

That was all the note said and he smiled at her. She was going to an obscure year and he was remembering from his world history class that a shire was the British name for a county. So his mate was going to be in England in the year of 1509 in Hertfordshire. He could manage the rest. Ichigo had his own ways of getting around now and he kissed the paper and for the first time in nearly ten years; he felt like he could work on the never ending hole in his soul that was NOT the hollow in him. No, the part that had been a hole had been his missing mate and his boy was right. Ichigo was just going to man up and take back what was his right. He knew what she was and he was no longer a teenage boy. He was a grown man and he was powerful. Hinata was right and he was taking back his family as strange as it was.
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Berkhamsted Castle was purchased and immediate repairs taken to strengthen and make the place livable. It had fallen into disrepair so it was therefore perfect for their needs. Whilst the fae prince was bad off; Chanak was seeing to it that Hasegawa Kaimei was returned from death and they began their tedious work of sealing off this particular era. They were using a play from Bilae's own book and they knew from Maec that Hibari had nearly killed the ekimmu. Details were not spoken but Maec only said her true inu form was "impressive". Hibari was also going into seclusion with her lady mother and the family was training regularly that had been warriors. Her kumo loves which now included Kenta would have access to her and certain inu lovers as well. Grimmjow was a given in Naraku's mind but they would figure it out as they went along. He was just happy that his beloved inu was having sense. The hanyou also found that he liked Kenta now. The ookami kumo was a completely different man and to see him engage his babe was something. Imai Kenta was no longer damaged goods and Masanori was so happy to have his brother back; that in of itself made Naraku happy. His best friend was someone too important in this life and Imai Masanori was too damn important to both Asuna and him. With the army of Shouten and Soten now under their command; the castle was available within days and the pups were told that their world inside of the castle would be fairly normal but outside they would have to appear in olden clothes. The castle was retrofitted ingeniously with generators in the deepest parts of the old citadel and the pups could play and be children to their heart's content. They were also bringing some of their modern trappings with them; their handheld gaming systems and their small televisions to play their nonsensical games. It was important to Asuna and their chichis that they keep as much normalcy as possible; given the circumstances. Except for the very youngest of the pups; they understood and they had begun to ask, could they use and practice their yoki in private and they were told HAI.

Asuna and Hibari took to the castle two weeks later and the in between in Britain was their way back and forth to the modern era. Chrestian and Ryo stayed with their queen always and Sergei of course stayed with his and the mates knew how to get to the two onna. The vision that Ichigawa had seen of them pulling together as a massive unit and defending their interest had in fact been achieved whilst the enemy languished. Asuna realized that her second generation of pups far exceeded her first generation but she had so many more twins and even triplets this time but she figured it was because her own body was able to produce her own heats. She regretted nothing anymore and she was in a time period where she had access to Katashi and that was something she had wanted desperately. Time for regrets in her life was over and she owned who she was and what she was. She had been worshipped so long ago as a mother kami and by her own kamis; that was what she was first and foremost, a mother.
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Changming was at Berkhamsted castle and he was going to officially write to Queen Katherine and King Henry to make certain that Asuna's privacy was maintained. Chang also intended to be one of those who stayed by her at all times. He watched her face as she watched her pups be pups and it was truly glorious. Even Celeste and Manami were relaxed and doing each other's hair. He loved his daughter so much and he did lavish everything she wanted upon her. Celeste adored Chang as well and she came over to her "second" father and kissed his cheek and she wrapped her arms around him while he was writing.

"You are very busy oui?" Celeste asked her inu papa.

"Oui. You look beautiful chere." The snow inu smiled at his daughter's twin.

"Merci beaucoup papa." She laughed lightly and bowed.

Celeste had the cat's eye brown eyes and she Sebastien's fair brown hair. His own Manami had silver hair and his gold eyes with the crescent moon. His girls as he called them were perfect and they were closing in on their first decade.

"Papa?" Manami said behind him.

"Yes my angel?" Chang answered as he wrote.

"Will Mama be okay? She was so badly hurt." His daughter asked.

"That is why we are all here and that is why all of you pups are with each other and with her. She refuses to be away from any of you any longer. We have an odd, large, and noisy family but it is ours." Changming stated as he hugged his only pup.

"Okay Papa. Mama seems so tired." She said softly.

"The fae killed your brother and sister within her; Lord Chan was originally fae. The metal poisoned your Mama." He explained as he wrote the royal English mortals.

"The fae and ekimmu are evil, oui? They need die out like Mama killed Danika and Ayille." Celeste said in hate.

"You have half fae siblings chere. Are they evil? What of your brother and sister who are ekimmu?" He asked her gently.

"Mama is going away from them, no? We have our Mama back! We no longer have that witch, Arianrhod! Je aime tous mes frères et sœurs! Je ne ai pas à aimer leurs pères." The nearly full succubus stated.

"Oui chere but remember; you have more of this blood than your Mama." Chang pointed out.

"I shall be like my Mama. I shall love and it may be often but I WILL LOVE. I will not be a Novak. I am a Jing-Laurent." She said proudly.

"That you are chere. You are both so precious. Now go on and play please for now my darlings. I have much writing to procure safety. This was my job in the Sengoku Jidai." He smiled.

"And Mama's job was to conquer! Our Mama is a great warrior." Manami smiled as she and her twin took hands and skipped away.

Sebastein and Asuna had had a major falling out over lies he had spoken to her. Their relationship was on the mend but they were no longer lovers at all. It did not bother him at all and he accepted her as she always was and loved her eternally from his soul. They were passionate actually quite often and he would stay at the Western Estate when not in his Sapporo home. Her kumo loves were constants and some of her wraiths were as well. Grimmjow was now again and it was good in his eyes. Jing Shan Lao and Yung Kuval had fallen by the way side as well for unknown reasons but they were so incredibly friendly. Yung was raising Hajnal and she was his world and it was the same with Shan Lao. He had Neeva and it seemed that Asuna was no longer around. The men only had eyes for their daughters. He knew it had wounded her deeply but she had accepted it and she just mothered her daughters and they had their daughters when it was their turn. Chang rose and he went to her lying on a chaise and he kissed her softly.

"I am going to get this to the court immediately. I do not want the mortals to bother you. I have written to Katherine personally." He said brushing silver hair out of her face.

"That is wise. Thank you for everything you do my love. Hibari is anxious and I think we need to help to assist those of her house as well. I am happy right now. I am happy to be amongst my pups and this monstrous household. This is what I want; this is all I want." Asuna whispered holding her belly.

"You just want peace and you want to enjoy your family. It is natural. I love you too Asuna; mistress of my soul." Chang said kissing her softly again and bowing.

She grinned at his statement and he winked at her. Her girls giggled and she laughed at them. Asuna called on them and asked them to bring her brush and she began to brush out their hair and she slowly began to brush out of all her daughters’ hair. The simple act was soothing and her older pups absolutely adored having their mother just not fighting for once. Even Hinata, The Trips, Nori, and Ken were agreeing that this was good. This was perfect and they actually felt sheer happiness for the first time in forever. Asuna was a demanding mother but to have her and not nearly dead and always gone because of her being a warrior; it was what they wanted. They also found being amongst the throng was pretty damn cool. They were NOT lonely.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Queen Katherine was shocked silly and there was a messenger stating that Lord Lee Changming was seeking an audience with her. It had been six months since Mary's death and it still affected her badly but she had the foreign royal allowed to enter and he came in. His hair was cut short and he was wearing English clothing in black velvet and silver.

"My lord! You look very well! How may we attend you sir?" Katherine said warmly.

"I purchased an old and very outdated castle in Hertfordshire your Grace. Everything is legal and I have paid taxes to his majesty; the king. I just wanted to let you know that I had acquired the land and castle. I felt an obligation since our visit and how graciously you and your king were to my brother and me. We intend to use it for our family as a retreat if that is agreeable with you and his Grace." Changming spoke eloquently and with reverence.

Henry happened upon the audience by accident and he heard the words of the foreign and he was actually excited to have the foreign royal back amongst his court. The man and his brother had both been excellent swordsmen but the circumstances of their departing had been less than pleasant. King Henry never knew what happened to Lady Norris husband and he had never inquired. He had also had Lady Mary's family elevated for what she had suffered. Henry came out and he smiled widely on his handsome face as he clasped Chang's hand and he actually hugged the other man.

"Welcome back to England our friend! We are most pleased by this news! The castle you speak of; which one was it in Hertfordshire?" The king asked in a jovial mood as he took his throne.

"Berkhamsted Castle your Grace. I actually bought it several months ago and it has been put to rights. It is tolerable but as I said; I will not be here all the time but as I had felt so welcome and at home, I wished to have a place to call, home away from home." The snow inu lied effortlessly.

"This pleases us most exceedingly Lord Changming. Your poor brother Lord Geming; and how is he?" King Henry inquired.

"My brother has kept busy with all things war your majesty. Certain events as you know affected him most direly; I am sorry to say. I cannot see him returning any time soon." The white nodded his head.

"Perhaps with time; we may cajole him back. I must say, this pleases us immensely my lord. We must go hunting VERY soon. I should like to call upon you in Hertfordshire." Henry said enthusiastically.

"I should like that as well your Grace. I do however have to return to Western Qinghai for my father but I had wished to tell you of my arrangements and actions in your kingdom; your graces." He bowed low.

"You are most gracious Lord Changming. Please upon your return to England; I must insist that you and whoever attends you come to court and be our guests. We also look forward to hunting with you in Hertfordshire." The king said standing and taking his hand.

"Your grace is too kind. I thank you both so very dearly for all the attention paid to myself and my dear brother. I look forward to my return your majesty." Changming murmured and bowed again.

Changming bowed properly again and he was excused from the royals presence and Katherine watched her husband with pleasure as he was excited to know such an excellent man. Lord Geming was also as excellent in his opinion and in Katherine's as well and he kissed his now pregnant wife's hand. Henry was of a mind to see the formerly dilapidated castle and see what wonders had been done by the foreign royals.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Asuna had asked Chang to bring Geming to her and that had surprised him. He hoped it did not bring up old pain for his brother but he went to the modern era and he went to his brother's Shanghai home and rang the bell. Geming threw open the door and he had his grand pup Keiko with him and the inu with black hair and green eyes reached out for Changming and he took her.

"Uncle Ming." She said shyly.

"Hello beautiful girl! How are you sweetheart?" Chang asked his great niece.

"I am good. I saw Hoshi yesterday." Keiko said giggling.

"Well I am certain your sister was happy to see you as well as your Chichi. May I speak to your jiichan little one?" He said kissing her nose.

"Hai!" She grinned and she slid down Chang and yelled for her Haha; Kaya.

"Kaya's daughter is growing up quite lovely Gem. I am certain you are more than proud." Changming stated softly.

"I am. I can never forgive Kaya's mother for not wanting her but hey! I got to be a chichi and I got the best of the deal, didn't I? Makes lemonade out of lemons as the saying goes. Although Ang Chi still pisses me off to no end; I know he loves that pup more than his miserable life." Geming said sighing.

"I have a request from someone but I am uncertain if you will wish to do so." His elder brother said hedging.

"Oh for fuck's sake Chang! This is the twenty first century; you know we are brothers and I am a lot older than I was a long time ago. Want some sake?" The red asked.

"Hai. That would be good." The snow sighed.

"So what is this big mystery? I heard that Lady Hibari went all inu on Bilae's ass. Funny thing none of us knows what her inu looks like! Imagine that? She's Asuna's girl; she is bound to be a stunning bitch." His younger brother prattled on.

"I know of what she is Geming. Lady Hibari is a mutation because of the Dark hanyou's DNA. She has an inu form hai; but when she changes form, there is no conscious self. She has no control of it. She also has the appearance of a; well for the lack of a better term, a werewolf." Changming stated in confidence.

"No shit?" Geming said stunned and that was strange even in the youkai world.

"Hai. That is why she rarely employs her inu form. She is deadly as the Shouten king informed us; he was even terrified of her but young Nori was able to pull her back." The white shrugged.

"Her kids are fucking scary in their yoki and this second generation I bet is even scarier." Geming stated frankly.

"Manami has my yoki as of right now. We bound the rest of hers at birth. We did the same with Celeste. They were showing way too much yoki for little ones." His brother admitted.

"Your bound your own pup's yoki?" The red asked surprised.

"Hai. I had to Geming. I did not want her being like Hinata, Lady Chiyo, and The Trips as they call themselves." Chang laughed.

"Are they bad?" Gem asked shocked.

"Good kamis no! They are amazing pups brother; they are just too powerful for pups under twenty years of age. Hinata staged a rescue of his half fae siblings. Things are in a delicate situation and Asuna is pushing away the ekimmu and fae fully." He stated.

"Okay so that is why I haven't been asked to fight lately. Ichigawa still gives orders all over the place." Geming rolled his eyes.

"You will be asked to fight and soon I am certain Geming and with your yoki; you are deadly. We need you." His older brother said softly.

"Shit Chang! I'm not going anywhere goofball. I fight with my fang, it's what I do! I hang with my Kaya and my grand pup. Life is not so bad." The red said smiling.

"Asuna has asked to see you." The snow inu said meeting his brother's green eyes.

"Well her majesty can get off her ass and come see me like she has in the past! I don't get summoned anymore Chang. This is the modern era and I do have a life." He snorted.

"She has gone into seclusion in secret. The family and she thought it best. She and ALL of her pups are safely ensconced and she is not fighting in any battles for some time. Asuna was impaled in Leth`Evana by that elf; Beren Elensar, and she carried. It has left her weak and all of us are pulling together and we are pulling major moves very quickly." Changming stated softly.

"The fucking ekimmu and those kamis damn fairies went too far didn't they? I hope they fucking rot. Yea, I'll go see her." Geming sighed.

"We have it very elaborate Gem. You will also have to use a salve to cover your youkai marks. She is blending amongst ningen and it is in the past. We are doing what Bilae did but in reverse." His older brother stated in quiet.

"Damn this is serious. When?" The red asked.

"England." Chang said gently.

"Okay. Isn't there one of those in between thingies in Britain?" The younger brother asked.

"Hai. The Jings have done their thing and it leads to one specific time. It goes to late fifteen hundred nine." Changming admitted.

"Oh fuck Chang! Are you fucking kidding me?" Geming growled.

"Brother, I am the one who suggested because the royalty was friendly with us and we could procure a property large enough for her and the pups. I am sorry to bring up bad memories but this is to help protect not only Lady Asuna but MY pup." His brother pleaded.

"Yea okay Chang. I understand. I will go see her. Why in the hell does she want to see me anyway? She hungry?" His little brother asked in a haunted tone.

"She told me she wished to coordinate some plans with you that she and Ichigawa have been making. You are incredibly talented with war Gem. You and I both know it." He said looking away.

"Yea. Fine. Whatever. Just get me the fucking clothes and I assume you have the salve. I will go tomorrow. Kaya and Keiko go home to Taiwan then." He said and he handed his brother the shot of sake.

Geming drank straight from the bottle and Kaya came in and saw her father drinking sake straight from the bottle and she saw her Uncle Chang.

"Everything okay Chichi?" Kaya asked.

"Fine hun. Everything is fine sweetie. You guys go back in and we'll go into the city for dinner! How's that sound?" Geming asked his daughter.

"Perfect Chichi. I love you Baba." She said in Chinese.

She walked away and Geming's heart was pounding out of control. It had been some time since he had seen Lady Asuna. He kept tabs on her and oh, every once in a while they had knocking down the walls, kinky, wild as hell sex. It was never love making but then Geming knew she wasn't capable of anything else. When her bug had died; he had reached out and he was still madly in love with her but he wasn't stupid. So very far from stupid and after his brush in England; he had learned quickly how to shut out tremendous pain. Yea, Geming knew he would always be a value to her as a warrior and as an occasional fuck. That's all he was to her; a fuck.
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The inu and kumo nannies that had been selected for this job were also being handsomely compensated. Asuna had such a tremendous look of adoration on her face when Geming came in and she looked so fucking beautiful. It still stole his breath every damn time.

Asuna's hair was down and waving and she wore a diadem of vines and small roses. She had a dress that was sleeveless and fairly sheer at the off the shoulder and seemed to wrap around her waist. Several section were see through and it dropped into a vee and the overskirt was silver and white damask satin that had a woven floral pattern. The kirtle was a fairly thin silk of white. Her pups were in the deeper underground rooms playing but a few girls were whirling around in the pretty dresses and trying on the "girlie" things. Geming was watching her just being a mother and he found the sight more tender and beautiful than anything. Chang placed his hand on his shoulder and his brother had acquired him a coat in heavy brown velvet with gold embroidery in fleur designs. The sleeves were a crème color as were the hose. His doublet was deep, rich chocolate brown and his boots came past his knees in brown leather. He refused a cap and anything else to make him a "dandy" but her face lit up when she saw him.

"You look stunning Geming. I still prefer you as yourself in modern attire but you do dress quite well for past eras." Asuna smiled warmly.

"Well you know you are the most stunning onna here besides perhaps little Manami over there but I am a bit biased." He tried to joke.

Manami giggled at her uncle and she curtsied in her little velvet frock and she twirled around in the white corset, skirt, and kirtle ensemble. Chang left them to talk and he ushered the girl pups to the underground rooms and moved over so Geming could sit by her on the huge chaise lounge in burnt orange velvet.

"Chang said you wanted to talk to me about plans you and Ichigawa are cooking up." Geming stated getting to the point.

"I see. Oh he is sly is he not?" She laughed softly.

"That is not why you wanted to see me." The red said suddenly really uncomfortable.

"No, I can drink very watered wine but should you like full strength?" The Western princess asked.

"What am I doing here Asuna? I really, really feel awful being here. Not because of you but...anyway, yea wine would be good. What do you want onna?" He asked seriously.

"Two things actually. Here." She said handing him a goblet with red wine.

"Changming said he told you all about this era for a special reason. Yea we got on well with Henry and Katherine. I was also one hundred eleven years and still hurting about the loss of my family in Taiwan. Chang brought me here to escape China. I met this really amazing ningen onna; her name was Lady Mary Norris; Baroness of Surrey. She liked me an awful lot and she challenged this young and hurting red inu. I ended up making love to her one night and she was just so open minded and sweet. She gave herself to me wholly and my beast claimed her. I realized later that I really and truly loved her. Mary had my pup in her and I was actually excited. I was planning a future with her and our pup but the bastard who beat her before I ever came on the scene; showed up and beat her mercilessly and both she and the pup perished. Henry told Chang that Surrey was in London and he told him; he had no knowledge of what happened to the son of a bitch. Katherine came by and she told me that she knew Mary had planned to run away with me and that she was pupped. She also knew what we were and she told me to deliver justice for my wife and baby. Katherine made the sign of that ridiculous religion and that was all. I found him; I struck him with my fang and I used my technique. You have seen it once; Tatakikowasu. There was nothing left of him to find so we were in the clear. I got used to meaningless fucking around and flirting as a coping mechanism. I realized after time that I was not good for much except as a killing machine and perhaps a good fuck." Geming said with tears shining his green eyes and he then downed his wine.

"Geming...I..." She tried to speak.

"Lady Asuna do not say anything, okay? I have told you things on and off for years and I am so tired. Just tell me what to kill and what direction to point my fang and I shall." The red said and he looked away.

She fled away from him and he wiped at his eyes in irritation and he was so damn emotional being here.

Asuna went to the outside and stood on the walkway of the wall of the castle and she had just heard a story that broke her heart and confirmed what she had already known all these years about the red inu. He WAS a deep well of passionate emotion and she was terrified of that emotion in the past and she looked out at the English country side and it was lovely here. There was a moat surrounding the castle itself and she could see the original motte and bailey from the foundations. It was covered in thick, lush grass and the wind was blowing her silver hair around and she could see in the distance that several gentlemen were approaching on horseback.

-Changming can you imagine in your mind what King Henry looks like in person? - She pathed to her snow inu.

Chang did and she cursed to herself at the approaching royals. She pathed instructions that the alchemic magics were to be put in place to keep the pups presence secret. All of her children and babes were in the extensive underground playground and sleeping chambers that the Jings had created for her brood. It was a virtual wonderland for even a modern pup; Lei and Yhea had come up with the designs themselves and they were quite pleased by it. Her precious children actually LOVED their tunnels and rooms below ground. They could be completely youkai and there were large open spaces for sparring, rough housing, and the generators would allow for the pups to play with their electronics. Changming could not be seen either and it was just damn irritating to her that the king had to come so damn soon.
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Henry saw a beauty standing upon the castle wall and his best friend Charles Brandon also was awestruck. The woman's hair was silver and her face was oval; almost heart shaped. She bore pale blue eyes they were similar to foreigners from before; slanted a tad and framed by darker silver brows that arched beautifully. Her nose was straight that barely turned up just a bit. Her lips were sensually full and the color of pink rose in bloom. The corset, skirts, and kirtle she wore were almost scandalous and she wore no hood and only a wreath of vines and tiny roses. The woman her impossibly long mane and exposed an elegantly long neck and she was tall for a female and Henry was truly having a hard time breathing; Brandon was no better off. The woman walked down the stone stairway and called for the drawbridge to be lowered as King Henry and three attendants approached on horseback. Henry dismounted immediately and Asuna curtsied properly but a twinge of pain passed her features. Both men noticed it and she only stood before them as they neared.

"Hello there fair lady! I am King Henry and this good man is Charles Brandon; my Master of the Horse." Henry boomed.

"Does the king require his horses mastered? I am quite certain his grace masters and rides them quite well himself." Asuna said softly but there was a hint of a tiny smile.

Her English was heavily accented and her words made him laugh wildly. Charles Brandon was caught off guard by her beauty and it was obvious she was highly intelligent.

"May I inquire to your name my lady?" The king asked.

"Hidenka Jing Asuna of Wesutan Honshu." She inclined her head.

"Could we beg your indulgence and you speak it for our poor English ears?" The king smiled.

"Her royal highness; Princess Asuna Orlovich-Jing of the Western Lands of Nihon." Asuna again inclined her head.

Henry's eyes widened and so did Brandon's. This was not just foreign lords but a foreign princess and she was spectacular.

"Did Lord Lee Changming procure this castle and lands for you?" The king asked curiously.

"Chang did as I asked of him your majesty." She again inclined her head.

"We are uncertain of your customs your grace; here it is custom to ask the king to dine." Brandon suggested.

"We are not prepared for royalty." Asuna spoke with such a soft voice and Henry was beyond fascinated with her.

"We are not so brutish as to turn our noses towards heaven when we know this castle was in disrepair. Would you please allow the king of England to cross its threshold?" The young monarch asked smiling as he bowed.

"As you wish your majesty." She said as she moved with such fluidness.

Geming had been waiting on her and he did not see Henry; he started to talk to her in Japanese and the language was different than the one he spoke before Henry noticed and this woman spoke shortly but very softly too. She reached up and she held Lord Geming chin and she stared him in the eyes.

"Gomenasai Geming, onegaiitashimasu?" Asuna asked him.

Geming nodded and he saw King Henry and he cursed softly and he bowed to the ningen royal. Henry raised a bow to the red and he pointed to her and the red neared both Brandon and Henry.

"Your majesty! I just lately arrived myself." Geming stated in truth.

"Who is she?" Henry blunted asked.

"A very powerful and a very influential woman where I am from. She is the daughter of the ruling power in Japan. She has recently suffered horrendously and her house and mine have long history. Her grandfather and my father were best friends." He stated in truth.

"She seemed to be in pain earlier." Brandon said very softly.

"Please your majesty; I beg of you your grace, when I say she has has been horrendous. Chang thought this a safe place for her to recover." The red spoke in extremely soft tones.

"What do you mean recover?" Henry said stupidly.

"Majesty. Your grace, that woman can beat me with a sword. She is the heiress to her father's kingdom and she was raised as a warrior. She suffered in a battle." Geming bent the truth a little.

"You are us to leave for now. We understand. We do however wish for our Katherine to meet such loveliness." He called out to Asuna.

She turned her head and he saw her in profile. Asuna closed her eyes and she just wanted peace. The young king was lusting after her as well as the other man. She did not want a repeat of Edward's court and she was shaking a little.

"Asuna? My lady? Asuna?" Geming freaked when he saw her fall to the ground.

Henry was horrified and two men came from inside of the building and one had hair as red as Geming's and the other looked gentle and soft. It was the blonde man who picked her up and the red haired man crossed his arms and he nodded to Geming.

"The mithril is still in her system. The Ludok fellow said it would take a couple of weeks." Ryo said in Japanese.

"Why would it still affect her so?" The red demanded.

"Chan. He's a good guy and he was from that fucking place. She was so kamis damn miserable after what that fairy bastard did, she let herself get pregnant. She also ran into your adopted brother." Her dragon frère spoke in rapid Japanese.

"Which one?" Geming said rubbing his temples.

"Katashi. Yea, I thought dafuq too. Anyway, get the ningen assholes out of here." Ryo snorted and he left.

Geming was absolutely stunned and he looked at Henry and Brandon and he was speechless. Something deeper was going on and he had no clue as to what.

"Lord Geming, We are certain that your brother cannot be far as of yet. Please come to Windsor as soon as possible." Henry commanded and Brandon followed.

"Your grace?" Charles asked Henry.

"I like mysteries and those men are of the best sort but this woman is something amazing. I will slowly break the truth out. I like them too much to cause issue. It is well Charles. We will see them soon enough. She needs her strength and so she shall have it." His king said as he climbed back on his horse.

Charles Brandon looked back and the castle wall was now deserted. This place felt heavy with something in the air. It did not feel evil; but it did not feel normal either. The woman had been truly one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen. He also knew his monarch as they galloped back towards Windsor.

Second Generation Pups/Fathers

Kurosaki Hinata and Masaki- Kurosaki Ichigo
Chiyo- Lord Mingli
Grimmjow Haruya and Kumiko- Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (Jagaharu)
Matsuda Nayu- Matsuda Naraku
Yamasaki Noe- Yamasaki Ishin
Yamasaki Naota- Yamasaki Nobu
Hana- Tekeshi
Larak and Kala tr'Awnhi- Admal tr'Awnhi
Aahmes and Arsinoe- Kameron Orlovich
Jing Shen, Lifen and Yunru- Jing Lei Shi
Serik and Rhoswen Kuzman- Chanak Kuzman
Imai Masahiro- Imai Kenta
Khellian tr'Awnhi- Hanaj tr'Awnhi
Muguruma Yuichi- Muguruma Kensei
Carys and Brinn Jing-Dillingham- Aldwyn Dillingham
Celeste Jing-Laurent- Sebastein Laurent
Nemain- Ichigawa
Manami- Lee Changming
Matsuda Miku- Matsuda Naraku
Itsuyo- Jin
Maiell and Isha tr'Awnhi- Maec tr'Awnhi
Matsuda Tenshi- Matsuda Naraku
Yong- Jing Yhea
Jian Hu- Cheung Hu
Hajnal Kuval- Yung Kuval
Tsukiko Orlovich-Jing- Hideaki
Ito Ryota and Sorami- Ito Ryûkotsusei
Justinus, Aellae, Antonius Servius- Amedeo Servius
Matsuda Tanashi- Matsuda Naraku
Imai Kakashi- Imai Masanori
Jing Yuan and Zhilan- Kenomaru (Hyoga)
Jing Neeva- Jing Shan Lao
Yamasaki Katsumi and Kasumi- Yamasaki Nobu
Nofre-hotep Jing- Anupu
Juliana Servius- Julianus Servius
Frejya Orlovich-Jing- Chrestian Orlovich
Anwell Hammel- Gwydion Hammel
Kheagan Mochrie- Esus Mochrie
Amras, Eiji, Naerwen Elensar- Beren Elensar
Ireth Ludok- Airis Ludok
Aibhlinn Hammel- Fionn Hammel
Teruko- Yamasaki Jouichi
Matsuda Etsu- Matsuda Naraku
Kia and Keizou Yamasaki-Jing- Yamasaki Jouichi