Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ The Elemental Heart ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: The progeny that was forced from obsession is given back to the lands of his forefathers and hate of the father is present. Sanra is dealt a vicious blow from Maec and Chanak as the partners of the heir to The West work to avenge and take back control. Asuna is dealt several surprises some are astounding and what it means to be a queen is brought to the front. A schism is seen to be occurring in Hueco Mundo and shadowy figures from a few years make appearances. Spying and other things are set up to cause horrendous conflict within one community as Bilae intends damage from within. Next two chapters will be about current characters but their past encounters as it influences current events. Thank you as always for reading and please let me know your thoughts!

The Elemental Heart

Maec and Chanak were working feverishly on a complex set of equations and Maec was doing one quietly and it was using the basilisk blood and he drew her name in ancient Gaelic and he whispering feverishly as he sprinkled the bit of ashes and bones he had from her grave.

"Bones of anger, bones to dust full of fury, revenge is just! I scatter these bones, these bones of rage, take thine enemy, bring her pain, I see thine enemy before me now I bind her, crush her, bring her down, with these bones I now do crush, make thine enemy turn to dust torment, fire, out of control, with this hex I curse your soul! With air and earth I bend to call, fire I demand this toll, so it be! I demand it all!" Maec whispered over and over.

Chanak looked over at his uncle and he was doing some manner of dark alchemy and he scowled. He was chanting over and over and the weather outside of the palace was getting wild. The Soten watched the Shouten king gather strength and he kept chanting. Maec's eyes were silver and he was growling as he spoke and the nephew joined his uncle

"Smitten, battered, beaten, torn; I prick at thee as if a thorn. Suffer now I will not wait, with this pin I seal your fate, pins so sharp and made of steel I strike at thee, these pins you'll feel smitten, battered, beaten, torn. I curse you now, your pain is born!” Chanak spoke as he cut his wrist and bled on the symbols, ash, bones, and reptile blood.

Maec was surprised but he kept his chanting up and the weather was insane outside and Sanra's blood ran through the Soten and so by adding his own blood to the curse; and his own hex, he was amplifying Maec's work. The Shouten king felt the old kind of perverse evil that he used to do but this was good evil. Killing her and making her feel all forms the flames of hell would prove excellent indeed. They could not undo the abomination in her womb without killing his queen; so Maec actually took amniotic fluid from the beast and he added that to the curse as well. Efnisien and now his counterpart Nisien were working together and they were reporting back the results. Chanak grabbed Maec's hand and they both spoke their alchemic curses but in tandem. They waited as the storms raged outside of modern Astana.
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Yasua was horrified as Sanra was being seemingly torn apart by alchemy in another era and this was too strong; much more powerful.

"Chanak! He is...helping Maec." Sanra fell to her side and she was clawing her throat.

"Ekimmu! Bring me forward!" The widow snarled.

"You will be killed. They cannot kill her that far in time. They can only make her suffer." Bilae shrugged.

"I do not like seeing her suffer or I will make you suffer." The spider woman stated with hate.

"You? You are nothing." He scoffed.

Yasua grabbed a certain sword of Sanra's and shoved deeply into his gut. Bilae was horrified and he felt a tiny bit of himself shredded; his soul that was.

"I know how to destroy you ekimmu and do not think this is the only weapon I possess that can do so! You will find oblivion again if you do not do as I say! Do you understand me?" Yasua threatened.

Bilae stared at Sanra and he knew she had made an arsenal of his old dagger that he had used as Ganak. The bitch was crafty. The lava ekimmu made a portal and Yasua moved through it with him. They were near Astana and she was deciding how best to proceed.

"The alchemy cannot kill her so why do it?" She demanded.

"To incapacitate her for now. Perhaps even weaken her enough to come at her directly." Bilae said bluntly.

"So I take out the players." The widow said and she ported out via her shoki.

"Dumb bitch. You will be a squashed bug." He laughed.

Yasua masked her aura and she was inside of Astana and she was blending so she could attack. She was being tracked by none other than Fionn Hammel himself. Maec kept adding more and more to the curse and he was not stopping the chanting. Chanak too would add as the thunder and lightning was roaring and rain pelting Hueco Mundo which was insanity. Naraku too was in residence and Yasua did not know of Fionn but she did feel the hanyou. She moved swiftly and she swooped down with the sword that Sanra had given her. The old widow lord began fighting Naraku and it was quite the sight to see her going at Naraku.

"You fucking bastard! You killed my mother." She said in hate.

"Your mother was killed in an attack on Sendai. She whored herself out to me. I only took what she offered!" He smirked knowing how much widows hated men.

Yasua screamed as she began swinging the short blade with high accuracy but the Dark hanyou was moving too fast. Naraku did not know but Nori was near and he saw a tentacle bust through her legs and wrapped around her leg. Yasua freaked and went to swipe it. Nori broke her leg smoothly and he ported out and he was on a balcony and his smirk was cruel and evil. Naraku took advantage shoved three bony appendages through her and she snarled and would not be defeated so easily. Naraku released his miasma and his son again appeared behind the widow; Yasua did swipe the young youkai but shoved a bony limb through her neck. Yasua gurgled and Nori released his miasma as well. She broke all the limbs and she staggered as she was bleeding out badly. She ported and she did stab Naraku but his tentacles slammed her straight through Maec's throne room wall. Yasua was barely breathing and she stared up at green eyes.

Fionn knelt and he invaded her mind and she screamed out as he got the information he sought. Gwydion appeared and he froze her legs and Naraku moved and he brutally crushed them under booted feet. Yasua screamed again and the hanyou smiled with brown eyes that slowly bled crimson.

"Thank you Yasua for giving us another son. Finish her." Naraku said with a voice that would have made anyone's blood run cold.

Fionn lifted his hammer and it was charged with his element due to the storm and he smashed in her skull. Both Gwydion and Fionn stood by with green eyes and Naraku and his son; Nori, their eyes burned crimson. Amongst the short brutal battle outside in the throne room; Chanak and Maec never stopped chanting.
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Ekimmu were coming out of the woodwork and many appeared and saw what Bilae and his whore had done and it was quickly spread that Asuna aka Arianrhod was assuming her place AS THEIR queen and shit started to hit the fan really fast. Shinigami were being slain left and right as it was said Old Man Yama had upped the ante on her head and her family was angry. They were really angry and she was guarded at night by Stythe wraith and around the clock by ekimmu she had never met. Asuna was still on the vent and Ichigo was back and forth and he fought beside his family members AGAINST other shinigami and Sistern. Nanami was checking her mother's vitals and she was getting better but she seemed vacant. Chan was out and he was soaked in blood constantly and had to be fixed up quite often. Her family did not know what else to do except avenge and destroy the enemy. Naraku came in carrying a kumo child of two and half years old and Asuna's eyes widened. The child was terrified as he had no idea where his mother was and these people were all strangers to him.

-What is your name? - Asuna pathed to him.

The small boy buried his head against Naraku and he peered with grey kumo eyes at this strange woman. Her voice in his head sounded nice but he was just so scared.

-I am sorry I cannot talk right now. My voice is broken. My name is Asuna. I was a kumo a long time ago. - She thought to him.

Naraku looked away as tears burned his eyes.

"My name Okura Shuzo." He spoke aloud.

-You are so beautiful Shuzo. We should like you to meet your brother Kakashi. - The silver haired lady pathed.

"My haha where? I have no brother no sister." Shuzo said confused.

"We do not know where your Haha is little one but Kakashi is your brother. Your chichi is here." Naraku spoke gently.

"No." He shook his head violently.

Masanori came in carefully and they had called him to tell him that Yasua was quite dead and that his son had been gotten. Kenta was with him and he had a fat little Masahiro was on his hip. He was sitting up and the ookami kumo babe waved his plump arms and squealed wildly around Naraku and Masanori. The two men were around him constantly and the babe was spoiled senseless. Kenta and Masanori would argue and they were brothers; close as could be again and the hanyou was automatically apart of it. Kenta was still weirder out by it but he was irritated by how much the hanyou loved his child. Masahiro was wiggling wildly as Naraku pathed to him.

"You do know he is my son, right?" He asked the hanyou.

"Shut up Kenta. He is cute and you are not." Naraku snapped.

Kenta rolled his eyes and Masanori came near Shuzo and he buried his head into Naraku's business jacket. He brushed his mind gently and the younger Imai brother had pathed to him when the whore would sleep. Shuzo perked his head and he sort of recognized his mind a tiny bit. He narrowed his grey kumo eyes and his hair was black dominate but variegated like an ookami kumo. He had little red spots but not many and he was staring really hard at Masanori.

"I know you?" The little boy said with fat tears brimming his eyes.

"Hai! hai Shuzo. I am your chichi." Masanori said wanting to hold him.

"Haha say chichi no chichi." The poor confused boy cried.

Masanori was obviously extremely upset and Shuzo reached out to him and Naraku handed him over. The ookami kumo man was brushing his mind to try and soothe the small child. Shuzo slowly laid his head against Masanori's chest and he began to cry.

"Where haha?" Shuzo asked.

"I really do not know baby boy; but I AM your chichi and I love you. I want you home. We love you and want you here." He said holding him gently and he continued pathing to soothe him.

Masahiro squealed even louder and Shuzo looked at the blue eyed infant. He blinked at the baby and his cousin had actually brushed his mind but it was babbling.

"He path me." Shuzo said blinking.

"What did he say?" Kenta asked smiling.

"Dunno. I no speak baby." The toddler shyly smiled.

Masahiro would try and engage any telepathic mind. He would smile at anyone and he had dimples. Kenta was terrified that once he started walking; he would walk off with a complete stranger. Masanori had laughed his ass off that Kenta had gotten the uber social babe and Kakashi was slightly reserved around strangers. Oh not with Masahiro; he would flash dimples and bat baby blues at anyone to get a smile and attention. It was partially why Naraku was absolutely smitten with the babe. He had no idea how Imai Kenta had sired such a child. Nobody bothered to ask him that he had bonded heavily with his son before and after birth. Kenta felt safer to argue with Naraku as he was now a house mate but the dark hanyou rolled his eyes often and quite often would take his babe and leave him standing there.

Kakashi came up and he was five years old and he petted his baby brother's leg. Shuzo looked at him and the older boy brushed his mind and it felt like his mind. The tiny kumo boy knew THIS person was his relative. He wanted to go to him and Kakashi had to sit down and Shuzo held onto him.

"Sibling minds will feel similar." Masanori explained to Asuna.

She nodded and she pathed that he was beautiful and that she would take the time to get to know him; she wanted his love and she wanted to bond with him. Shuzo heard that she wanted to love him and he looked at the pretty lady. He pulled on Masanori's leg and he wanted to see the lady. Shuzo was gently put on her belly and he blinked his identical eyes to his chichi's and pointed to the tube.

-I have a bad owie! My doctor is kumo and his name is Nobu. He makes me better so I have to talk with my mind. - She thought to him.

"How you get owie?" Shuzo asked her innocently.

-I fell down very far. I will be good very soon. I am Kakashi's haha. Kakashi is your brother. - Asuna thought.

"You my haha now?" He said with tears falling.

-Only if you will let me. I loved you before I met you. I love your chichi very much. - She thought very warmly in his mind.

"Okay. You can one of my hahas. I have other haha. You love me." He nodded very seriously.

-Thank you very much Shuzo. You honor me. - She brushed her thoughts to his.

The small boy opened his eyes widely and he smiled widely. She felt kumo to him and he ended up lying against her.

"Kamis Asuna." Masanori spoke and he was still devastated by her state but her actions with his child.

-His was mine; I told you. Nobu says I come off the vent tomorrow. - She pathed to all of them.

Kakashi was upset to see his Haha like this and he was actually trying not to cry and he suddenly burst into tears. Naraku picked him up and held him closely.

"Shhhh. She will be okay. She is strong." The hanyou whispered.

"Why my Haha sick?" Kakashi demanded.

"We talk at home okay?" Masanori said taking his oldest son.

-Baby, Haha is okay. I will be okay. I just have owie. Nobu fix me, okay? - She pathed to him.

He began to cry more and they decided it was best to leave and Shuzo waved bye bye and she smiled weakly and Naraku came back and sat by her side.

"Should I show you her demise?" Her hanyou mate asked.

Asuna nodded and her chief mate showed her what they had done to Yasua and if she could have been grinning she would be. Naraku laid his head in her lap and he actually allowed himself to let loose a strangled and low sob. Bloody tears fell from her eyes and she was not exactly breaking down but he had been there and she had been taken. He felt as if he had failed. He was blaming himself and she could not convince that it was not so. She had never seen him this broken up since the possessor wraith of Eyal. She had come up with an idea and she had asked Naraku in thought what he thought if she gave the baby to Henry and Kate. They could not claim it as theirs and depending upon how the babe appeared; Henry would have a son. She refused to give her child to Edward and she would be damned and since she could not have an abortion; she did not want it. She could not bring herself to even desire it. Naraku had come to know that the humans were a special kind and that she had developed a close relationship with both Henry Tudor and Katherine of Aragon. He said if the babe appeared humanish than they would give the royal couple Edward's bastard. Nanami was working on the latest four dimensional ultra sound and they would have answers in a few weeks.

Asuna was surprised that Nanami was pregnant again and it was tr'Awnhi. The rumors running around Astana was that Alum had taken quite the interest in her and she had squeezed her daughter's hand and she squeezed her mothers. Asuna went to sleep and she was mentally in agony but she was holding herself together by a thread. ; a very thin thread at best.
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Sanra it was reported was grotesque and had to resort to digging herself into the ground. They intended to move against her personally but they would have to be fast but the fact that she had lost such an important ally in Yasua was a major blow to the whore. Nobu came in and he told Asuna to blow out on three and she did as she was told. She coughed harshly and her throat hurt. The physical signs of her trauma were slowly receding and she was sitting up and Maec, Chanak, and Chan were at her door. She smiled and nodded to them.

"She is in a death sleep. Bilae has abandoned her it seems but we have to worry about her Sistern she summons. I am going to send some ekimmu to Maec in the past along with me." Chanak explained.

"Is that not terribly risky?" Asuna croaked.

"No. Because I am going to make myself hide out in the past. Do you understand? As long as the past me is alive; I will have a chance. I am also much stronger now beloved. Uncle Maec will also be sending me with detailed equations and I understand that era; he holds no love of her either." Her Soten spoke.

"Oh I fucking hate her. I will recognize my seal. You are under no circumstances to ever set foot in that era again. I have in fact cursed you from doing so." Maec said bluntly.

"Pardon?" She dropped her jaw.

"You literally will never be able to travel to that era by any means. Your soul is blocked. I used the blood of the fetus as a connection to his filthy sire." He said coldly.

Asuna looked down and she looked away and she began to shake as she remembered what happened.

"I swear to you both; I never invited his attentions. I was demeaning to him." She choked.

"Oh his journals say it all my darling. He wanted you because he became obsessed by the idea that your blood could give him longer life. He found you beautiful but he wanted what was in your blood." Her Shouten king said in hate.

"Has anyone been able to reach Aldwyn?" She asked with her raw voice.

"He was in a terrible state dearest. He has been staying locked in his house in London and Sebastein did try and speak to him and he screamed that he is a failure as a man." Chan said looking down.

"They burned him and his father with sutra after sutra. His mother was being strangled by an ekimmu totem meant to subdue fae." Asuna said choking on the memories.

All three men were incensed and she knew it was her fault that Aldwyn suffered. She wrote him a letter and said she would give him a divorce if he so wished it. Asuna did not want to be a source of humiliation and pain to him. She turned her head and she had Chan deliver the letter and she forced herself to get up and walk.

Ichigo came in later and he was in his shinigami form and he looked her over and looked at her chart. His hand shook a little and he walked with her.

"Been killing shinigami. I don't even fucking feel bad about it. I won't kill certain captains but...I've gotta stay focused babe. I'm taking the position at the hospital. Nobu is right and I owe the family. I had to tell him if I had to fight; I had to fight. He's cool." Ichigo said just making conversation.

"Do you hate me?" Asuna blurted out.

"Dafuq? What?" He asked her stunned.

"Am I ruined in your eyes?" She asked bursting into tears.

"Fuck no! Don't you ever say that to me again, okay? Don't say that to us, got it? We fucking love you. If there's someone in the family who can't handle it; then maybe they don't belong." He said wiping tears.

"Naraku is blaming himself." His wife wept in his arms.

"I want you to go back to that castle. You talked about giving this thing to them royals anyway. You said Henry and Kate would love it and I know you can't." He said wiping her eyes.

"I could do that." She said choking.

"I say go without the kids for a little while; then when you're stronger we bring them. Whatcha think honey?" Ichigo asked.

"I think I am stupid for having let you go and I am the luckiest onna that you accept me and I am the happiest that our family loves you as much as I do." She said weeping into his black haori.

"Whatever babe. It's over. Grimmjow and I even fought TOGETHER. We killed ekimmu that were against you. I was against a strong one and he finished the fucker off. He's gotten pretty bad ass. Still calls me scrawny bastard. Told me you're gonna have another kit and every kid we have; he gets one." Her ningen smirked.

"You would have liked him very much as a youkai. As an Arrancar he is harder around the edges." She smiled sadly.

"Well you know what? When we have a little time; I'm gonna see him like that. You love him; he must be good." Ichigo shrugged.

She began to sob and she hugged him so tightly and he had grown so much as a person and he was too dear to her. Her kumo mates depended upon him and so did certain other ones. He walked with her and he was loving and tender but he let her behavior guide him. She kissed him but kept it gentle. Ichigo followed her and laid her back on the bed and grabbed the baby and brought Ichiro to her to hold and she was softly crying as she held their youngest.
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Maec was in Nanami's office as she was programming the 4D ultrasound to get a good look at the hanyou fetus. She and Maec had agreed to put their relationship on hold for now. They both wanted to focus on Asuna. Maec was actually not thrilled with the idea of cooling his heels with the little doctor because he feared she would just decide that no man was worth anything but she was focusing entirely on her Haha.

"Okay. This is gonna give us a really good look at the fetus." She said rising.

"We need to talk later." He said softly.

"Not right now your grace. Yea you need to rub one out buddy. I have work to do." Nanami said smirking.

Maec's face was priceless and she actually chuckled to herself as she rolled the ultra sound to the room of her mother. Ichigo had agreed to do the looking and Asuna almost did not want to see the thing. Nobu stood by and they turned on the state of the art ultra sound and Ichigo ran the transducer over her belly and Nobu was getting a good look at the hanyou. Nanami was taking measurements on screen and Asuna refused to look.

"Is it like Emi and have koinu ears?" She demanded.

"No Haha. He does not." Nanami said looking at the innocent baby.

Asuna did look and she saw a babe that was developing human like features but his little hands had developing claws. His little ears were showing to be pointed and it seemed he would look Hinata, Masaki, Yuichi, and Ichiro. She saw him and she still could not want him. She hated herself and she broke down sobbing.

"Haha?" Nanami said softly.

"He is innocent and I hate him." Asuna wept.

"What you are feeling is appropriate and normal. You should not be forced to carry the evidence but we have no choice. So tell us what you want?" Her doctor daughter said kissing her crest.

"I am going to see if Harry and Kate want him." She broke down again.

"I will also go if you wish and explain to his majesty that I can alter his ears and make him look human." She said to her mother.

Asuna nodded and they turned off the machine and Ichigo and Nobu held her. She was fragile and Naraku was here every day but continued to blame himself. She left Nobu and Ichigo to care for her Haha and she went to her office. Maec looked irritated and stared at her.

"What?" She asked him.

"You are going to the past?" He demanded.

"Focus Maec. We focus on her right now. We agreed." Nanami threw up her hands.

"I did not intend to live as a monk." Maec growled.

Her face dropped and she looked at him as if he was a spoiled child. She suddenly ported them to Kyoto. She shoved him to her couch and she sat on his lap.

"Your poor majesty has not had it in three days." She said mocking his pouting.

"You are a tease." He growled and he phased her scrubs.

"Hai King Maec." She smirked at him and he realized he was not losing her; he was being insecure.

She got off of his lap and proceeded to deliver him oral pleasure and he groaned out. Isha was his wife and queen and he loved her passionately. Nanami and he had put the "rules" to their relationship. He was to always give Asuna her due always and his precious little doctor would be his treat and his delight when his queen was fulfilling duties and needs elsewhere. Nanami would only have children by him; he said he was too damn selfish and the idea of another male getting her pregnant was repugnant to him. Her viewed her womb as his and she had laughed her ass off at the idea of his owning her womb but the Shouten king had gotten miffed and pissed at her. Nanami agreed that her uterus was Maec tr'Awnhi's personal incubator and he had gotten cross and left for an entire day. He said if she had other relationships; he did not want to know about them. He just expected that his children would be from her. Nanami had agreed and it was about equality but Maec did love his fiery little doctor. She loved her ostentatious and arrogant Shouten king. She let him know she thought he was full of himself too. He would growl at her and tell her; that she should be happy he was sane and loved her. She said be glad she loved him too because she was a doctor; she grinned and let him think about that one. So Maec attended his queen and the revenge on his bitch sister and Nanami quietly began her relationship with Hisagi Shuhei. She kept it low-key and unhurried. They had dinner and would see movies when Maec was not available. It was working for her and it was working for Maec. The Shouten king groaned out as she finished him off and she grinned up at him.

"Better?" She demanded.

"Much. I will be less insecure. I love your fiery mouth; you loud mouthed angel." Maec murmured sleepily.

"Nu uh. Not here buster. I have a double shift and I get Selene tonight. I will see you tomorrow night unless something bad happens." She said moving his feet.

"Ugh my little slave driver. Yes well it is clan day again. Fuck." He said lazily.

"Get going." She growled playfully as she swatted his ass.

"You are getting tied up to the bed little one. You are making me crazed." He snapped his fangs at her.

She grinned and she watched him phase out after he kissed her stupid. She was happy but she was cautious with it. Maec was truly an amazing man but she was cautious because of all the players. She demanded and forced him to always put her mother first and Maec admitted that he would not and could not ever give up his Isha. Nanami was happy because it freed her up to see some others as well. She enjoyed the idea of only one father to her children and it worked for her. She ported back to the hospital and she had no idea that the Alv had found her in this era.
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Asuna returned to 1511 and it was very close to when she had left the first time. Ichigo was with her for the moment and her mates were alternating being with her. The ekimmu were paying her court but Fionn was keeping them to a minimum as well as Gwydion. Anwell and Kheagan had gladly reunited with the man they saw as their father; the ekimmu of Ice and Snow and Aibhlinn was so much like Fionn that it was taking some time for her to warm back up to him. The ekimmu of Thunder and Lightning had sworn never again to allow battle to take him from his daughter's side again. Asuna had a close relationship with Drostan and she had never told him that Esus slept and she was going to awaken him when she pulled herself together. She was certain Aldwyn was lost her. She was certain that Edward had broken him and his family by the act of brutality. Simply by being the cause of their suffering Asuna suspected he hated her and she had left her wedding ring that she had from him in her jewelry box in the future. Carys and Bryn did not understand where their father was and Asuna had to lie and say that his business ventures were keeping him busy. That would pacify them for only so long and she was broken. Sanra had truly worked wonders this time. Asuna was weak from not "feeding" but she literally could not bring herself do anything but gentle kisses and hugs. Chrestian, Ryo, and Quilin were always with her and she wrote a letter to Harry and Kate.

Your Graces King Henry and Queen Katherine,
I would hope that you would both be so kind as to attend me at Berkhamsted Castle in Hertfordshire at your earliest convenience. I have returned and reopened its doors and find myself missing your graces presences. I eagerly await your response.
With sincerest devotion,
Princess Asuna Kurosaki-Jing

She handed off the letter with the wax seal to a silver inu who had returned from the future era; it had been a servant who had served her family for centuries and he was silver named Fujimoto Matsu.

"Thank you Mastu-san." Asuna said sighing.

"Do not ever thank me princess; it is my honor." Matsu bowed and he left to reach Windsor quickly.

Asuna fell asleep on one of the chaises that she had furnished in the castle. Her face had mostly healed and she had decided to leave her markings visible whilst in the castle. Edward had smashed in her left orbit and the damage had been extensive. The area was now yellow and green and the strangulation ligatures were also that color. The cuts across her breasts and belly had healed and Airis and Nobu had removed the evidence. Airis had returned to Leth`Evana since Beren was imprisoned in a small castle somewhere within that plane. Chanak had placed the barrier on the grounds himself. The Soten were winning the civil war for Simyth and it was indeed working for father and son. Chanak was quick and learned and the fae king found him actually quite witty. They actually had so many similar abilities and Chanak showed a fondness for hunting from horseback and Simyth began to do so regularly with him and Asuna was privy to Chanak's growing admiration for the father he had never known growing up. He told her that his real father was actually an incredible administrator and Simyth was impressed with his rule of the Soten. Father and son had learned to respect the other. Chanak did not live in the palace out of respect for Beren's other siblings and Elni hated him. Simyth would have no ill feelings and he threatened banishment for his daughter but she finally settled.

Matsu returned the next morning not with a letter but with King Henry and Queen Katherine both. They both entered and they had brought trunks to stay a little while and it was Henry who saw her and he was horrified and in a rage. Katherine saw her and she immediately fell to her knees and grabbed her cross and cried out.

"Hello Harry. Hello Kate." She smiled softly.

"Who did this?" Harry demanded in fury.

"I will speak of it in total privacy. This is my true appearance Kate. Some of my kinds appear with markings. I inherited these from my father who in turn got them from his mother. We are known as The House of the Moon because of it now." Asuna weakly spoke.

"You are as beautiful as ever my wonderful friend." Kate said kissing her hands and she actually broke out into tears.

Asuna was wearing a green velvet corset with silver weaved into the material. The sleeves matched as well as the overskirt and her kirtle was pewter satin. She wore a headdress that was round and green velvet with silver bead work sewn in. The headdress had a sheer net in the back and her hair was coiled and done up in it. Henry had only seen her dressed in English style twice. Katherine favored blacks and dark blues and today it was royal blue velvet with silver embroidery over her bodice. The kirtle matched the sleeves and corset. Her dark hair was down and she wore a tiara of sapphires set in white gold. Harry was wearing a red coat with red sleeves and gold accents. His doublet was gold with red and his boots were reddish brown leather that came to his thighs and did not expose his hose. Asuna noticed he wore the "time piece" she had given and it was chained to his coat and slipped into his pocket. Henry saw the ring he gave her on her finger and he was touched. All servants had left the room and it was just her and Matsu along with her three frere for the moment.

"If I explain some things; it would shock and you may think me a liar." She started out.

"No. I would not think you a liar at all. I have seen things I have no explanation for. Your doctor daughter and your mate named Nobu? I have never seen doctoring such as they have done. No, we will believe you Asuna." Henry said for his queen and himself.

Kate had no idea but Asuna took a deep breath and she sighed.

"My people believe in reincarnation. I know that wars with your beliefs Kate but I promise you in my case it is real. I ruled all of this island and Ireland about ten thousand years ago. There are ancient myths in the Welsh lands about defunct pagan gods and such. They were real and I was one of them; my name was Arianrhod Hammel. Some of the oldest of my kind are blood drinkers and also reptilians as well. Are either one of you afraid or unsure of things?" Asuna asked as she spoke.

"I am fine my friend. I know your heart and I know you speak the truth." Kate said watching her.

Asuna closed and blood tears slipped down her face and her body still ached from the brutal attack.

"Arianrhod in my opinion was not a good woman. A great deal of her people did love her however; she was normal for the ekimmu of that era. That is what those blood drinkers were called; ekimmu. She had a great rebellion lead against her by a lesser brother and the infants as they are called by the ekimmu; my half that drinks is called empusae, I am an infant. Bilae was the leader of the rebellion and he was followed by other types of my kind called Ramanga and some Shouten; other kinds of drinkers. They killed her and destroyed her family brutally. Many of her people were imprisoned in a reality that paralleled us here but it was cold and miserable. It was a prison and time had no meaning. Arianrhod had a twin soul named Gwydion and another head of her warriors named Fionn; both are very important to the ekimmu and are princes. I have lived many lives but most were cut tragically short and I lived a fairly long life in Egypt but that ended badly. I ended up living in Japan as a spider type of my kind and I was a powerful woman. I lived a long while but they found out whose soul I was and they made it so I was killed. I returned again as my great aunt and she was cut down very young and then I was born in this century." She spoke softly.

"These creatures kept finding your reborn self and kept killing you?" The young king asked stunned.

"Precisely. Bilae had been killed but he had it to where he would be reborn and reform his memories. All of this life I have gone against a certain group called the Shouten; the lies and plots were sickening. It has taken me most of my adult life to unravel the truth and one truth lead me to the great circle at Stonehenge. The circles hold great importance for ekimmu and the infants have worshipped the ekimmu in elder worship. Gwydion took on the persona called Samyaza and he unknowingly sent my greatest enemy against me; her name is Sanra tr'Awnhi." Asuna said as the tears fell.

"That name! It was in his journals!" Harry gasped.

"Journals your grace?" Katherine asked.

"You know of the portrait and the miniature but not the Longshank journals. That name is mentioned by that king." He said in disgust.

"The knowledge that is held by Sanra is known by her son Chanak and her elder brother named Maec. She poisoned Maec with what the Shouten call the old ways but we call it alchemy. It can be insidious and Maec is a good man but under her influence; he did evil things. As I unraveled the truths and I found out who Samyaza really was...I realized that I was in fact reborn and I was her. Believe me; I have no wish to be. I really, really cannot stand what she did or has done. I opened the prison plane and freed the ekimmu and Sanra was reforming Bilae all this time. He did end up reforming and the Ramanga drinkers were also deadly. With the help of my loved ones; I defeated the queen of the Ramanga. We also recently defeated a major traitor to our family. The family has also defeated Sanra in our era. Time is like the prison plane and it can be bent by certain knowledge and certain types of my kind. I personally cannot do it but the ekimmu I freed can. What I am telling you both is that I was born in Japan this century but I am over five centuries." She said watching them.

Katherine made a sign of the cross but she did not show fear. Henry did not seem surprised and she took a deep breath and her tears began to fall harder.

"Bilae came to one of my loved ones homes and we as a family fought him and his small group. He grabbed me and pulled me back." Asuna said choking.

"Oh my God. Asuna wait..." Harry said and he thought he knew.

"Sanra had Bilae drain me of blood. That makes any creature weak of course; she was ready for me and she poisoned with blood from a dead source. She also had made me drink some sort of alchemic potion. Yasua was the woman who had betrayed my family also injected me with her black widow venom." She relayed.

Henry was getting redder in the face and Kate was sobbing now and Asuna seemed in a trance.

"As you know; I was Lady Dillingham in that era. He was in Flintshire and he forced the Duke of Flint and his family to witness as he beat and strangled me. Aldwyn's family was held at bay by knowledge that he imported from my homelands. It is very painful; they burn badly and Aldwyn, Brynmor, and Lady Dylis had to witness him rape me. Amedeo is a dear member of my family and Nori is one of my sons had fought through and he left me there. Sanra told me how much she enjoyed watching me being defiled. She made certain that I carried his spawn. She threatened my daughter I have given Maec." She said and the blood was running down her face continuously.

"Longshanks. He did this? A king of England did this to you?" Harry said roaring.

"Yes. I do not believe in abortion but I hate this thing in me. I admit they tried to remove him but it will kill me. My problem is that he is actually innocent but I cannot love him. I am a monster I know; but I cannot. Aldwyn is lost to me as well." She said breaking down completely.

"You must never be forced to that era again! Can it not be stopped?" Kate asked shaking with her emotions.

"Maec has placed a curse if you will. He will not allow my soul to return to that era. He has used the blood of the bairn. I confess Harry and Kate; I cannot raise him. He would suffer and for what? Because his father was such a bastard and a monster. I know he will look mostly mortal and we have ways of making him appear completely so." Asuna said hating herself and Henry saw it and so did Katherine.

"Henry?" Katherine asked.

"He is half of you. Would it be possible to bind his abilities? You say he will look mortal; can you make him almost as if he is mortal and release them later?" He asked calmly.

"Yes. It is entirely possible. He should have a good life but I cannot be the one to do so. I would see him and be reminded every moment of how he was conceived. I will see to it that he is provided for financially." She said with a quivering lip.

"We can take him as our ward. He will be given estates of his own and he will be raised an English gentlemen. He will know our love and esteem. If you can prepare me for his needs then we will do this. He is an English babe and he will be raised right." Henry swore.

Katherine took her king's hand and she was sobbing for her dear friend and Asuna was looking away. Matsu came forward with warm, wet towels so she could clean her face. Asuna proceeded to clean the salty blood from her face and Katherine decided to go back to Windsor to bring bolts of cloth and many other essentials as she called it. Henry sat across from her and he took her hand and she looked at him.

"I will love him. You know this, that is why you came and asked." He said softly.

"I saw how you looked at Ichiro. I was hoping since he was half me; I was hoping you could love him. I pray you do not think less of me Harry. Please, I am so broken right now. Please do not hate for not being able raise him!" She suddenly sobbed.

"Never Asuna! That beast is burning in hell! I am certain of it and I only pray that there was a way you could make him suffer more. No, I cannot judge you harshly! I will love him and he will lack for nothing and that bastard's plans faltered. It will be a king of England who raises him but not a Plantagenet but the Tudors. I will love him deeply because he will be half you." He said softly.

"Thank you Harry." She said wiping her eyes.

"I suppose in a way; you truly are giving me a child are you not? I told you I will always love you." Harry bowed his head.

"And I you. I knew I would be safe here and with you around. I will birth him at Windsor if you are okay with that. I want it presumed I died in childbirth." She said.

"Excellent plan. We shall get this done. I promise you. You look exhausted. Have you been eating and taking in blood?" The English king asked.

"Eating food some and blood from my frere. I also feed from the physical act as you know but I cannot be touched right now; I panic." She said honestly.

"I understand. I am placing guards on this castle; Paxton Sterling and his men. You know them. I am only your friend now. Perhaps someday I might share a respite with my dearest and my darling Asuna but you need strength in friends." Henry stated rising and he bowed to her.

"You have no idea how much this means to me and my family Harry. My mates are falling apart. I am truly barely holding myself together and I have been pretending but I know I can speak truth to you and Kate. I thank you. I will always look out for you all. When I told you that your dynasty is a golden age. Know that I speak the truth." She bowed her head.

"That pleases me more than anything. A golden age eh? I am well pleased. I am certain there will be difficulties but I am only mortal but golden. That is indeed grand." He smiled widely.

Asuna was able to smile at his warmth and he went to write some letters and her frere moved to her and Quilin picked her up and brought her to her room and lay down with her. Ryo and Chrestian were busy keeping an eye out along the perimeter. She fell asleep with her youngest frère’s arms around her protectively.
----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Kameron was going to do something that should have been done some time ago but kept getting put off. He was now in the Tudor era and he nodded to Chrestian and they stood overlooking the countryside.

"I am going to the citadel of the wyvern." He said under his breath.

"Is that wise?" Chrestian asked.

"This particular wyvern is adept at fighting the evil ekimmu and I know it might make Amedeo uncomfortable but we keep him busy amongst his own kind and busy." Kameron stated.

"Kheagan is his child. Gwydion will be pissed." The blonde frère sighed.

"I could care less what Gwydion Hammel thinks! He is an ass and I hate him. You do realize what I know about the Shouten situation." The eldest frère stated looking ahead.

"My only concern is her. She is hurting and I will not allow them to hurt her worse." The former Viking said flatly.

"I think it will work out if we keep things busy and I make certain that he knows I know." Kameron muttered.

"So he does his thing on the side?" Chrestian demanded.

"Yes and no. We make certain she does not get hurt and I will make certain it won't lead to that." His brother said.

"You are the wisest Kameron; I follow as always." The blonde bowed.

Kameron ported out to the citadel of the wyverns in the cliffs in Devonshire. He kept his aura masked and he was deep inside and these creatures still mingled and cloaked themselves with magics. Drostan had become friendly with his mistress purely by accident since she had engaged Esus in the past and she had built up a relationship with the future wyvern king. He still committed his atrocities against Amedeo but Asuna knew that Valentina had not been innocent in her marriage to Drostan. She had been good for the basilisk king but not the wyvern. She understood reptiles so much better now and Ryukotsusei had gone missing when he had found out about her rape. The dragon lord remained a consistent and Asuna remained busy; Ryu made absolutely certain that he turned up and he made her face him. Kameron liked him but Naraku was not overly fond of the relationship so the dragon was not officially in the inner circle and his presence was not felt heavily but he was never gone. The frere smiled as he found when he found what he was looking for. There was a large stone sarcophagus and he slowly pushed the massive lid. The inscription on the lid was in a form of the Celtic language and inside was Esus Mochrie. He was pale and black hair was fairly long and his wings were folded under his unmoving body. Kameron listened for any wyvern and he opened the cold mouth and he would need blood of an old uppyr and a good jolt. He was glad he was old enough and he allowed his blood to drip into the wyvern's mouth as he did it slowly.

Kameron touched the sleeping form of Esus and he brought him to a field far from the citadel and he closed his eyes and he reached inside of the reptilian man's blank mind and he felt the soul but it was quite blank. He used all of his considerable psi power and jolted the ancient soul. It took him doing it several times and suddenly Esus's eyes flew open. He began to shiver violently and he stared at someone he had no fucking clue who it was.

"Hold on." He spoke in English.

He ported them to the hot springs fed by the volcano in the Western lands on Honshu. Kameron was fully clothed and so was Esus and he felt the extremely hot water and he released a stuttered breath.

"Who are you?" Esus asked as the chattering of his teeth slowed some.

"My name is Kameron Orlovich. I am the chief of frère Lady Asuna Jing. You have known her previously as the ekimmu Arianrhod; you married her in your culture as Isha tr'Awnhi." The frère stated benignly.

"Asuna? Where is she?" He demanded.

"She is close by. You should have been woken some time ago but shit hit the fan with her enemies. Kheagan has been born and is quite well but Gwydion has been quite selfish." Kameron said with his blunt honesty.

"Gwydion fucking Hammel has been raising MY son?" He demanded.

"I only recently became aware of your resting place. I apologize your majesty; my mistress is in no shape to have done this but we need your strength and frankly; I believe you will not let the ekimmu bully her." The frère said bowing his head.

"What has happened?" Esus asked as he flexed his wings.

"Bilae took Asuna to the late 13th century. It is now the 16th century and actually her birth century. She is in England recovering from a brutal attack." He said softly.

"You hold back frere, why?" He demanded.

"You would give her strength. Are you warm enough? I have clothing at the castle we have. I also will have to provide you with cloaking magics around mortals. She has been become good friends with the mortal king of England and he is a good sort. The one known as Edward Longshanks is the one who attacked her at the behest of a creature named Sanra tr'Awnhi. Asuna defeated Ayille recently with the help of two of her mates; she ripped her head off." He informed him.

"Blessed gods, thank you!" He whispered.

"Bilae still needs to be taken out and Sanra as well but we are certain that the Soul King will make himself known soon." Kameron stated.

"Taranis? That bastard is seen once every four or five thousand years. He is a piece of murdering shit! He allowed my wife to die for naught." He growled in hate.

"I do warn you; Asuna has found out that Arianrhod did many things that she herself would never have done; she is not fond of that lifetime." He said to Esus.

"I have fallen in love with her reborn self and I know she is preachier. She has a higher standard and I actually like it." The wyvern smirked.

"Let us go." Kameron stated and he ported them out.

He kept them masked and he got him some comfortable linen and silk tunic and bottoms that tucked into black boots. Kameron had procured from Chanak a potion and Esus drank it and within minutes he looked and it appeared he had no wings.

"Are they truly gone?" Esus asked surprised.

"No! It is illusion. Feel." The frère said.

Esus could feel them and it was so weird. He shrugged and his hair was damp but he followed the frere and he found that he respected the man. He found the woman that was his wife reborn and she was wearing some sort of heavy velvet frock and her hair was under a hood and headdress. He saw that her left orbit had been broken and she had been strangled and hate entered his blood. She was sleeping and blood had dried on her cheeks. He knelt in front of her and her nose twitched. Kameron was no longer masking and Asuna slowly came to and at first she thought it was Drostan but she saw dark blue eyes and her chest heaved. She looked up and met her chief frère’s eyes.

"Esus. Oh Kamis. Esus!" She actually cried as she threw her arms around him.

"Who hurt you?" He demanded.

"Bilae, Sanra tr'Awnhi, and a mortal king of England named Edward Plantagenet raped me after Sanra poisoned me with dead blood and Bilae drained me. She made a deal with him that if he defiled me; that she would make certain I conceived. I have asked the king of England in this era who knows who and what I am to raise the hanyou. Harry has agreed." She said wiping her eyes.

"How far back do you come from your home era?" Esus asked.

"Five centuries." Asuna said looking away.

"Call Gwydion." He said calmly.

She looked upset but sighed and she mentally called the Ice prince. Gwydion appeared and he saw Esus Mochrie quite alive and quite alert. The wyvern narrowed his eyes and hate filled his veins at he took in the ekimmu.

"You made a promise to restore me and you betrayed me. You and I will have reckoning. Where is my son?" Esus demanded.

"Ask our mate. She has him on her Estate in Japan. I have only visited recently with my sons. Ask her how she denied us." Gwydion said coldly.

"Really Gwydion? You act like this now? You cannot stop can you?" Asuna cried.

"Of course my love. I get testy with animals in the room. Should I bring Kheagan?" He demanded.

"You better." The wyvern said in a dangerous voice.

Gwydion phased out and within ten minutes a four year old half wyvern boy ran to Asuna and she hugged him and she wept. Esus saw his child and he choked back emotions; his son had silver hair and blue eyes. His son was a silver wyvern and he could not believe it and Kheagan looked back at Gwydion and he smiled at the boy. He had tiny little wings and he wanted to grab him up and Kheagan was pathing to his Mama and Gwydion did NOT know was that Kheagan did know who this was because of Drostan.

"Brother told me you gone. He said you great warrior Papa. He say the bad sky dragons take you away." Kheagan said looking up at his father.

Esus knelt and tears fell from his eyes and his fingers brushed his soft cheek.

"Mama say you no gone but brother said it. I don't know it. I love you Papa." Kheagan said throwing his arms around the wyvern man.

"Well how sweet. I will see you soon sweet boy. If you need more Asuna; remember to call your people, the ekimmu." The Ice ekimmu bowed.

Gwydion was being and ass and he phased out. Esus could only hold his son and he looked at his wife.

"You did not let him forget me." He said choked up.

"Of course not! I could not get from him where he put you to sleep but I told him you were not gone. Drostan has always spoken of you as well." Asuna said wiping her eyes.

"Do you love your big brother?" Esus asked Kheagan.

"Yes! He has boy and girl my age. I play with them and he tell us stories about my Papa. I always tell brother that you sleep but he say Mama want to believe you sleep and cannot believe the evil dragons take you." He rambled.

Esus held his son and he was amazed at how well spoken for a little boy and hatred for Gwydion was eating him alive. His wife's actions made him love her more deeply but he knew she was in no shape for physical affection. The frères were now his new best friends.

"You are the most beautiful and kindest woman. You have no idea how much I have waited in my mind to meet this little boy. I love you and if you will allow me; I wish to meet your current life's mates and I wish to defeat your enemies by your side as I should." Esus said softly.

Asuna kissed his mouth and Kheagan giggled. The wyvern king smiled against her mouth and the little boy wanted to kiss his Mama. He climbed into her lap and he kissed her lips fast and he held her.

"We have new babies at home Papa. Mama has owie and Chichi Nobu make her better and Ichigo come and he kills big monsters!" Her half wyvern child rambled again.

"By the gods he is a delight. I am in love all over again. Drostan was just the same; he would sit and talk about everything." He laughed softly.

"I needed your goodness. I am so glad Kameron found you. My darling!" She called out to Kameron.

Kameron neared her and grabbed her hands and kissed them. Esus liked the man immensely and Asuna pressed her forehead to his and she was emotional.

"You again hold me together. How did I function without you? Thank you. I love you." She said emotionally.

"I love you too Asuna. We are here for you in whatever you need. We four as you know. I am here but please; speak with his majesty. I need to confer with Naraku as well and I will see Aahmes and Arsinoe tonight." He said kissing her hands again.

She nodded and he bowed to Esus and he slipped away.

"That creature is powerful but as loyal and gentle as they come." Her wyvern stated.

"Hai. I turned him from Ayille if you remember." Asuna murmured.

"That is right! Same man? Incredible. What of the Viking?" Esus asked.

"He is here and he is an excellent father to Frejya. He loves her so much. Drostan will flip." She smiled.

"I just wish to enjoy the fact that my boy is here. I intend to lay waste to certain enemies. Tell me what is acceptable to you." He stated and he only touched her hands.

"Thank you for respecting my needs. I love you Esus. I really and truly needed the good." She wept.

"It will be better now; that I swear." Esus promised.

"I believe you. I know it will be. I just need Sanra to be dead." Asuna said and she rested as she held their child.

He remembered how much she had hated Drostan and now she was here holding her own half wyvern child. Everything had changed and it was obvious that Kheagan knew his mother's love and often. He was snuggled and he was sleeping deeply and Esus picked up his woman and their child and took them to her bed. He only held onto her and she felt so completely safe for the first time in the last few weeks.
------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------
Kameron was in the modern era and he had seen Lei and of course things between the Jing heir and himself had not changed; Admal however had not returned. It seemed that it was perfectly fine to Lei and that bothered Kameron but he did not say so. He took advantage of being in Hueco Mundo and ported to Astana. Maec was actually working with Fionn to make a move against his sister and the chief frère bowed deeply.

"Your majesty; May I have a few words?" Kameron asked in a very respectful way.

"Of course Kameron. Do not leave Fionn. I believe this will work!" Maec stated to the ekimmu warrior and he was almost giddy.

Maec fell in step beside with the frère of his queen who was actually older than him but he respected the man incredibly.

"Thank you sir. I woke up Esus Mochrie who is the father of the current wyvern king Drostan Mochrie and the youngest son of Arianrhod Hammel. He however was tied to Asuna when she was trapped in the past once by Bilae. I believe you aware of this already?" The frère said calmly.

"Yes, yes of course. He actually married her as Isha. Strange idea but still. There is more on your mind Kameron; spill it." The Shouten king said staring him down.

Maec's hair was braided many times and he had it pulled in a loose pony tail. He wore pewter colored armor over a black tunic and black pants and boots. Kameron was dressed simply in a navy colored long sleeved tunic shirt with a V-necked collar and linen bottoms in dark tan. He wore a heavy brown belt and brown boots. His just past his shoulder length black hair was loose and he met Maec's eyes.

"I understand your need for an outlet and your secret is safe but I must ask you to use more care. I request that from now on that you hand off your intended schedule so it does not conflict so as no pain is brought to my mistress." He stated bluntly.

Maec's eyes widened and he stared at the astute creature and he narrowed his eyes at the incredible uppyr.

"Pray tell how you know?" The Shouten demanded.

"I have come to know you. You have quit pressuring her about another child. I am a frere and it is my job to be observant your majesty. Nanami is a future queen herself; she will need to make a frere eventually but I understand your feelings of needing to start over in a sense and my mistress cannot meet that need as she has to fulfill duties by others as well. I too have a dark stain upon my past; as I said, your secret is safe but I will not have it come out and for that; I demand your schedule and that of Dr. Yamasaki's. I memorize everything sir and you will find me an invaluable resource." Kameron said very softly but bluntly.

"You are maintaining the appearance for her happiness and you are not turning me out because you understand. I do love her more than my own life. Both of them actually." He whispered.

"Hence why you have not been nor will you be discovered King Maec. Bilae is a most disgusting bastard and to have served Ayille and through her; him, I do understand the need for a cleansed slate. She however does need you right now. Please do come and make your presence felt." The frère stated.

"Thank you Kameron; you have earned the devotion of me and I can and will do anything for you." Maec bowed to him.

"Kill that woman." Kameron said flatly.

"With utter pleasure." The Shouten said feral.

Kameron bowed and so did Maec. The Shouten king was astonished by the frère but as he said; it was his duty and instinct to do as he did and Maec excused himself from Fionn and he went to see his queen.
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Ichigo met Esus and he got to know the ancient wyvern and thought him the coolest man. Esus was truly intrigued with human "death god" as the Japanese translated. Only when the humans were not around did Esus show his wings and Ichigo showed his shinigami form. Asuna was comforted by the two amazing men. Naraku appeared often but he was so angry at himself that he kept his kisses stiff and formal. She was getting larger with the babe and she would not bond with it. Henry and Kate would hold her belly and her mates understood why the humans were here and why the fawned over her belly. Maec and Chanak had dealt another horrific blow to Sanra and now she was in hiding with her remains and they had no idea where she was. It infuriated the Shouten king and Asuna watched him become consumed with destroying her for all time. She also suspected he had a lover; she also refused to be angry about it because she could not remain true to their union her only desire was that she was his chief wife and that she was the mother of his children. That was all she wanted. Sex was sex she figured but true love was another thing. She was not even giving any of her mates that and she actually was weak at the moment.

Asuna knew she was going to have to resume her intimate life for the sake of her powers and her sanity. She was paid court by Gwydion and Fionn. Crevan Blethen and Neifion Rease also were amongst those who insisted upon getting to know her. Crevan had wheat colored hair and aqua marine colored eyes and Neifion had reddish brown hair that he kept similarly to Maec when he was in battle but it was always in think braid and in a ponytail. Crevan and Neifion would long tunic belted with leggings similar to what they wore in their own era the extreme past. Heavy belts and it was obvious that both men had come to adore the young queen. She was like herself in the past but then she was not. Crevan had a hard time not falling on his knees and begging her to just take him as a lover. She was healed and she was 5 months pregnant with her unwanted child and she was practicing her archery whilst Harry and Kate were at Windsor attending court business.

"Damn it! This mortal is superior at archery! It drives me insane. I almost hit dead center but never completely. I adore Harry but he is better than me." Asuna pouted as she wore a velvet frock in black with silver vines embroidered all over.

The dress was made for a pregnant onna. Esus and Ichigo were in the modern era for the day to help Esus get to know the most important mates and Crevan and Neifion were "protecting her" at Fionn's behest. She had touched no one beyond a chaste kiss or hug and Gwydion was annoyed and pissed off at it. He finally quit visiting but twice a week. Asuna was enraged and encouraged him of only wanting to get laid; he said he was a man and she was allowing the enemy to win. She had slapped him silly.

"May I my lady?" Crevan asked.

"Please! Do you see if I am doing something wrong?" Asuna asked.

"You are pulling ever so slightly to the left. It is so minute but it is still making a difference. You are right handed, correct?" The fair haired ekimmu asked.

"Correct." She smiled softly.

"Perhaps if you were to compensate just a tad; I know it would be difficult but just a tad. May I stand behind you and show you?" He asked.

"Yes you may." She nodded.

Crevan stood behind and he showed her how to adjust and pull the long bow and adjust the arrow. Neifion watched with interest and he too adored the reborn queen but his adoration was not as obvious. He would die for her. He wanted to find the Shouten cunt and rip her to pieces and when Taranis appeared; he wanted to lead his family and tear the Soul king apart. Asuna heard his mind and she looked him straight into his brown eyes. He was not even trying to hide his thoughts and he boldly stared into her eyes. Crevan was pleased and she had shot a perfect arrow and she smiled widely.

"Thank you Master Blethen." She bowed playfully.

"You do not bow to me your majesty!" Crevan said horrified.

"How many times do I tell you both I WAS her, but I am ME. Say MY name both of you. MY name is LADY ASUNA KUROSAKI-JING. Arianrhod Hammel is me but I have evolved. Okay?" Asuna demanded.

"As you wish Lady Asuna but you are NOT our equals. You are above us both. Correct Neifion?" The British ekimmu stated.

"Quite correct Blethen. Lady Asuna, I actually respect and admire that you demand and require us to acknowledge you as you in this life. I actually respect you for acknowledging HER mistakes. Calling her a wretched bitch is perhaps a bit much; she was normal ekimmu majesty but you have become something so much better. We both feel that way. Our families and clans have been asking deep questions and they have fallen in step with our thinking. They will die for you." Neifion stated with a deep bow.

"I am no better or less than either of you. I cannot even open a portal Crevan or Neifion. I can however port to all planes and I suspect with age I will be able to do as you all do but I am still not all powerful. So do not think I put myself above that would be a misstep. I put myself above Bilae because I have morals and I do not rape and murder without a good reason." She said sighing and she sat upon a bench.

Neifion clenched his hands at the mention of Bilae's name and he excused himself to hunt. Crevan came and knelt in front of her and he had pale skin and such gold wheat colored hair. He was truly a beautiful creature and she smiled at him and his heart was beating harshly.

"What is your element?" Asuna queried.

"Dark winds. Basically only when the weather is bad or when you would create a storm. I could use those black clouds and create horrendous happenings. I am a subset of your family but not directly related to you per say." He smiled.

"Still a powerful ability." She said awed.

"You can do the same thing." He grinned.

"I can but still Crevan. I meet so few who have my abilities. You and Fionn must do well in battle together." His queen stated.

"That we do. I am able to draw upon his energies and the same and we are able to amplify the other. I have always been a loyal warrior. I however hated Gavin; it is natural our ways but to only focus on one, no it was not right." He said sickened.

"Did Arianrhod ever...?" Tried to ask him.

"Oh no. I was and just a warrior noble majesty." Crevan blushed.

"I am sensing you are attracted to me." Asuna said bluntly.

"I am but I know very few ekimmu who would not be. You are actually so much sweeter this life. I know you are a fierce warrior; but you are such...I must keep my mind. I am sorry." He said rising and bowing.

"No, what is it you think? I actually do not want this damn throne but in order to survive; it seems I have to." She said sighing.

"That! Arianrhod would never give up her throne. She wanted power and she wanted to dominate. You actually just want to live and although you were shunning us; I understand why. You thought we would not understand that you wished to be yourself. You understand the need so you do so. I wish I could murder the mortal who did this to you. I have dreamed of murdering him so many times." He aqua eyes stated narrowing.

Asuna rose and she was shaking a little and she moved towards the inside.

"It was because of my arrogance. I assumed that a human could never lay a hand on me. With help of course; he was able to bring me low. I am feeling your adoration Crevan but you should not adore me." She commanded.

"You cannot order me not to adore you. I was loyal to Arianrhod, Lady Asuna and I admired her abilities. I held no love for the Hammel family. I am holding adoration for the reborn lady. She is so lovely yet compassionate; her pain she suffers with dignity. No, you cannot order me not to love and adore you. It would be impossible." Crevan stated and his hand cupped her cheek.

She hissed softly at the warmth of his hand and he thought he had offended her. Actually he had not and desire had flooded her and she met his eyes with green eyes. He was stunned and her mind with filled with need all too suddenly.

"I refuse to use someone just to sate my lust. I realize I have been coming to know you but I will not take you to feed my energies." Asuna growled out.

"I would gladly do so for her majesty." He said kissing her hand.

"Did you hear me? I do not like using men as such! Did Arianrhod do that? Why do you think I do have so many mates? I truly do love them and yes, I have many but I love them and try to honor them." She murmured to Crevan.

"Then take it as an offering. You have no idea how much I wish to just serve you and fight for you. I am certain you will think me insane but these past two months have been the very best of my life. I told you majesty; you are something so much more precious than what you were. It sickens me that his majesty Gwydion cannot see it." Crevan said impassioned.

The young reborn demoness was stunned and he could not help himself and he kissed her mouth. Her lips were full and by the Stones; they were soft and he suppressed his growls as he forced himself to seek permission to enter her heat. His tongue slid along her seam and she opened her lips. Crevan reached up and held her gently by the back of her head and her curtain of silver hair was down she moaned heavily against his mouth as traced her teeth, fangs, and palate with his tongue. He worked his organ against hers and he sucked on hers as their lips moved urgently. She was slowly losing decorum and he pulled back slowly and caught her bottom lip in with his teeth and it was so fucking gentle.

"Fuck! Mister Blethen, I...please give me absolution. Please be gentle with me." Asuna begged him.

"You wish it your majesty?" He asked suppressing horrendous ardor.

"Hai. I need it. I need you." She admitted.

Crevan phased them to her suite of rooms in the castle and he was behind her unlacing the corset and skirts. She wore nothing underneath and lust overcame him. Crevan pressed himself and his ripped chest to her back and her breasts were full and the areolas were larger because of the pregnancy. Her belly was not huge yet and he came to stand in front of her. His hair came to just past his ears in one length; he was able to tuck it behind and the crushing want drove him and Asuna was shocked by his mental process that he did nothing to shield.

"My goddess! Please sit and lay back. You need the gentle and so you shall have it." He said as his eyes burned green.

Her eyes changed from green to red and he was incredibly turned on and she lay on her back on the edge of the side of her bed and Crevan spread her thighs wide as it was his mouth that started the joy. His tongue traced up and down and in between her nether lips and then began to lick her button rapidly. Asuna groaned loudly and Crevan only used his tongue until she tried to buck her hips. The ekimmu wrapped his lips around her nub and suckled her and she lifted her head and yelped out as he was making her jerk with profound need. Crevan's tongue slipped out and began to flick and suck at the same time and she arched her back and the reborn ekimmuess surprised him; she gushed her release as she screamed out. He had been able to drink some of the musk and he was so unbelievably hard and shaking and Asuna's chest was sucking in air as she realized that she had come for the first time in over five months.

"My lady? Is that all you want?" Crevan asked through clenched teeth.

"No. Take me in my traditional way." Asuna commanded.

"What way majesty?" The ekimmu was confused.

"I am half inu Crevan. Take me as an inu." She growled softly and her eyes were still red.

Asuna rolled to her side and she got onto all fours and the ekimmu was faced with her beautiful backside. His lips and teeth nipped the skin and she made a moan-growl as he repeated the act several times and he slowly lined himself up and he figured this would be a single act and he would treasure it. Crevan slid in extra slowly so as she could control the speed and how she wanted it. The gorgeous being underneath him made such a wounded noise and she whined as he became fully seated. Asuna could not express her feelings of gratitude and more at his careful use of her body. Only when she whined again did he slowly pull back and sweat poured off of his brow as he continued the torturous act of taking her as slow and gentle as possible. Crevan was throwing Asuna into bliss and she was shaking under him and she sought to know him better and she was suddenly inside his mind. THAT he did not expect and he was shocked stupid to feel this wondrous creature prodding and turning over memories to know him. She was seeking deeper as he continued to move so slowly and it began to brand Crevan as she mentally digging and he was shaking realized as he continued the act of slow forward and drag back as slowly.

She was seeing his early life in Briton as a noble amongst the court of her hated former self. He was fairly normal; except he kept lovers of both sexes and she was moaning in his mind at those evocative images and red stained his cheeks but he could feel her passion as she could mentally see him taking another male ekimmu. After battle and when the rush of the win drove him to seek another. His blood was heated as he remembered and she sank against him and Crevan bit of the ekimmu sound. This ekimmu was not into the debauchery of Arianrhod's life and whilst he had tasted fae blood; he was not a monster and she began to push hard against pelvis and he was groaning more and more. Asuna kept turning his memories of his taking others in her mind. She was seeing him pleasuring a beautiful brunette ekimmuess who had tattoos of Celtic symbols on her ankles and up her legs as he suckled her clit and teased her with his long, thick cock. Another red haired ekimmu man used his tongue and fingers to tease his back entrance as he slowly; ever so slowly became filled and Asuna was burning from his memories. She mentally watched Crevan fill the brunette female and he would kiss her passionately and then be kissed by the red haired man.

Asuna could not take it and she was shoving herself back quite hard and Crevan begged to grab her hips and she snarled; HAI. She commanded him to; fuck her. The ekimmu took her harder and faster but he was still gentle in his method. Her end struck hard and fast and it choked him as her walls clamped down hard. Crevan's seed spilled deep and he was sagging and she had stolen his energies. She hated to use him but he was actually glad that she had done so; she needed it. He knew she was weakened by not feeding upon the auras during the act and he would gladly give in if it helped his ruler. He was still in her as his cock softened.

"Who was the beautiful onna with dark hair and the red haired ekimmu?" Asuna asked as he slowly pulled back.

He had no intentions of staying in her bed but she pulled him down and he was surprised. Crevan was exhausted and the mental prodding had been erotic.

"She was my wife my queen. Her name was Aizabeta. The man was her cousin and he had been in my same command unit. Aizabeta enjoyed to see me taken she said. I would only allow certain people to do so." Crevan admitted and he shut his eyes against old pain.

She felt his pain and she knew Ayille had killed her. She took his hand and wrapped her fingers in his.

"As you know; I ripped her head from her body. My mate Jouichi injected her with funnel venom and Chan flooded her and cut her with his salt water." His queen described the death of his wife's killer.

"I knew you had destroyed her but did not know the details. Thank you." He smiled and kissed her hand.

Asuna sat up and leaned over the half nude form of Crevan and his tunic had been a light grey and his leggings black. Her breasts jutted and she looked at him boldly in the eyes.

"You would never have gone near Arianrhod." She stated bluntly.

"No, I would not have." Crevan acknowledged.

"Thank you for letting me see your memories and know you better. I admit; I am very, very intrigued. I want to know you more." Asuna murmured.

She took his hand and she kissed his knuckles. Crevan was surprised and he was breathing deeper.

"Will you start taking your mates again majesty? You need to for your health." He said looking away.

"I shall but I shall not forget how gently you are and were in bringing me back. Will you allow your queen to know you better Crevan Blethen?" She asked softly.

"Would that not piss off Gwydion?" Crevan said only slightly nervous.

"Gwydion's being pissed off really does not bother me. Fionn still has a long way to prove he is not a lying piece of shit. You are refreshing. You are an ekimmu and you have never lied to me. Allow me to know more and know you?" Asuna said running her claws gently along his belly.

"Yes then." He nodded with wide eyes.

Asuna took his lips and she controlled the mind altering kiss and Crevan moaned crazily. He knew that he should vacate and soon and that is what he did. When Fionn checked on her; she was lying on a chaise lounge with her Tudor style maternity dress in black velvet was on and Crevan was just speaking of old Briton. Neifion had returned and soon the two ekimmu bowed deeply Crevan kissed her knuckles and she bowed her head.

-Return to me late tonight. - She commanded deep in his thoughts.

He showed nothing and only his eyes could she see he had heard her. They left and Fionn looked at her and sat opposite her and she stared at him.

"Maec and Chanak are working systematically to find her Asuna. The ekimmu warriors and nobles have come to love and adore you since your confinement. They are also willing to die for you since your defilement." Fionn said in a businesslike manner.

"Well thank you Fionn. Good to know that my brutal rape has brought the ekimmu together!" Asuna stated in anger.

"Piuthar! You are being unfair. I am sorry if I sounded less than gracious. I bashed that bitch's head in. My only wish has been to avenge you. If we could; we would have gotten rid of that wretched thing in your womb." He said narrowing his steel-walnut colored eyes.

"Well Gwydion has been pouting and bitching because I have not been ready to be fucked. I am so tired of him most days. You should never have spoken to her against me." She said in anger.

"I know. I know I shouldn't have. I agreed with her at the time that your morals were holding you back. I disagree now; I believe they make you a better woman." Fionn said ashamed of his past actions.

"I believe I wish for Chan." She said looking away.

"Will you ever love me again? Do I waste my time? Tell me so I can prepare myself one way or the other." The thunder ekimmu demanded.

"Oh hai! Your infamous preparation of your emotions of, just in case, so sorry if I am rude after you are all business like after you tell me that I united the ekimmu after I was raped!" Asuna growled at him.

"As you wish Piuthar. I can see your feelings." Fionn said stiffly.

She moved swiftly and had him pinned down on a chaise lounge and she stared into his eyes with her green empusae eyes and then red; then green again. Her eyes kept bleeding back and forth as she held him down and it fascinated how both sides of her beast were trying in vain to control her. She savagely kissed him and Fionn lost it really fast. He wanted her; he wanted his love. The ekimmu of thunder would have thrown himself off of a cliff if she had demanded it and she ported them to her bed and she demanded he removed his clothing. Asuna removed her dress again and Fionn slid her down his rigidly aching staff. His eyes changed to green and the ekimmu/empusae man gasped harshly under her and she was being wicked.

"Never betray me again. Never sell me out to anyone let alone that creature that let you languish for so fucking long." She demanded as she made him cup her breasts.

"I swear it Piuthar! I swear it on my honor and our daughter. I swear it. I love you, Asuna. My queen. You are my master and my mistress." He cried and he came harshly as she moved on him hard and she was out of her mind exhausted.

She sank her sank her fangs into his chiseled chest and Fionn groaned out as she fed from home and remarked him. Asuna heard his mind barely but his mind was feeling peace and he felt right; Fionn felt home. He had been in and with his Piuthar and all was right in his world. Asuna knew he loved her passionately; she could not doubt it any longer; she just refused to be beholden to her hated alter ego any more.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Crevan had become a regular fixture along with Esus, Ichigo, Fionn, Naraku, and the Imai brothers. Shuzo had actually allowed her to hold him and he was becoming quite used to their family. Esus was here and Harry had returned and they were in the yard as she let loose an arrow and she split Henry's and she looked smug. She stuck her tongue out to him and the English king actually laughed with merriment at her competitive nature. Esus took the long bow and he let his own arrow go; and he split both. Asuna dropped her jaw and he bowed and winked at them both.

"My lady Asuna; I am going to Dover to see if there any of my people." He said gently.

"In this era?" Asuna asked stunned and she had not thought on it.

"There are several citadels and the one I had been sleeping in was one I used but rarely. That is probably why you did not know where to look for me." Esus spoke softly.

"Do not stay gone too long." She said and she stood on tiptoe and she kissed him passionately.

Even though his wings were invisible around the mortals; she ran her fingers along the joints and he choked in the kiss and he moaned loudly. Harry was looking away and Esus pulled away and he looked ready to just throw her down.

"Gods; I wish it was our babe within in you. You still are so beautiful." He grunted and he walked towards his rooms so he could port.

"He is quite the man and what manner of your kind is he?" Henry asked smiling gently.

"Wyvern." She said sitting.

The king's mouth dropped open and the idea that wyverns were real creatures was unreal but he had seen the man and he knew she did not lie. Asuna was wearing an off the shoulder bodice and sleeves but in a lavender lily print and white. The entire ensemble was made of all the same material and there was edging of lavender along the bodice along her ample bosom. She wore a tiara of large amethysts that were set in in heavy gilded silver and made a sunrise shape. The king was dressed in brown and crème and his hose was crème as well as his sleeves. His coat was a rich mocha color that was edged in sable fur. He wore suede brown shoes and reddish gold hair shone in the afternoon sun.

"Kate has been busy making little gowns and caps for the babe. She is beside herself that she will get a chance to be a mother even though she will not bear him." He said softly.

"You all are adopting him; I know you cannot name him your heir but I hope that he will receive a good title and so on." Asuna said looking down.

"Are you starting to feel anything for him?" Henry asked surprised.

"Just a small bit. I want him to be happy and I do not want to be unhappy because of me. I do not want to see him and be reminded of what Edward, Sanra, Yasua, and Bilae did. It is not his fault and yet, I would look at him and feel so much rage. How is that fair to an innocent babe?" She asked.

"Actually it is not but I respect you for the fact that you recognize it. I also am thankful for kindness in thinking of Kate; especially after what she suffered this year. She truly is so excited." He smiled.

"Hanyou births are hard on me. Nanami will deliver me and Nobu will be there as well. His ears will appear youkai; my daughter will do a minor fix to that right away. You will also have to clip his claws every three to four days as a small child and as he grows; every one and half to three days he will need to clip them. We have already bound his yoki and when he is older and if you decide to tell him what he is; we can unbind them." She explained.

"Will a regular tit suffice?" Harry asked quite seriously.

"Hai because he is half human. He will probably have a bigger appetite though. That is normal for a youkai. His growth spurts will come on faster but you can just say he is a growing boy." She said looking at her belly.

"Okay all this sounds very doable." He nodded.

Asuna nodded and she stood up and she pleaded her exhaustion. Harry was staying a couple days and the inu-empusae was shocked to see Naraku. She moved to him and hugged him tightly and he still had a hollow look. She grabbed his hand and led him to her room and they sat down and she made him face her.

"Who of the two of you is mostly controlling?" Asuna demanded.

"Right now; Hisashi is mostly influencing the whole. Why do you ask?" Naraku demanded.

"Because this was NOT your fault. I was careless if anything and allowed Bilae to take me." She said looking away.

"No! I was there; I could have and should have realized that bastard was up to something. It was TOO easy and TOO convenient. I am a master tactician and I acted like a fool! You were sullied because I was fucking inept; AGAIN!" He raged.

"Hisashi, I am not Sorami anymore and this was not the Mizuchi beloved. You were not inept. We were all played and it was my arrogance that led me to believe that Longshanks was just a puny mortal. He is not; he works with the likes of creatures of hell. So I do not accept you taking responsibility of this." His mate said flatly.

His eye had actually been blacker and they slowly bled mahogany. Two tears streamed down his face and he jerked her to him and he hugged her for all she was worth. He ever so gently kissed her lips and Asuna took the gentle caress and slowly worked it into something deeper and more passionate. She could not handle rough so Naraku took his beloved mate in absolute love and adoration as he was so extremely gentle with her. This was different for them and if she had not been carrying the hanyou brat; she would have been pregnant again with his. The yoki ended up being suffocating and it nearly blinded them both in its intensity and he had passed out. He finally awoke some time towards the night and he was hungry. Asuna sat up and she smiled at him and he kissed her so softly.

"I will stop blaming myself per say but I will not stop bringing wrath down upon those people and I will make them suffer for having been born!" He growled out loudly.

"Hai. You are and always have been my champion and my chief mate. This is the reason you are so." Asuna murmured as she actually bowed to him with love and grace.

His face held his passion and desire for her and Naraku loved his inu. He palmed her cheeks and he kissed her lips over and over.

"I am going to bring you a head as a gift. Aldwyn still has not come has he?" Naraku commented.

"No, I have resigned myself to his loss my love. I am okay." She said looking away.

"I do not accept that either. I shall try and draw the man out. Now, I want you to rest and take nourishment for the creature. At least it will be an irony; that is all I can say." Her chief mate scoffed.

"Very true." Asuna nodded.

She watched as he ported out and she went to the kitchens to order a bit of food and soon she had mutton and bread with olive oil. It was perfect and she was munching as she had her mind on her impassioned and amazing chief mate in the Dark Hanyou.
--------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
Naraku went to England himself and he went to the flat of Aldwyn Dillingham. He managed to get himself in without trouble and the flat was large for just an apartment. The hanyou felt for any auras and he felt the mixed inu on the top floor. He worked his way up and found Aldwyn staring out a large window with a glass of bourbon in his hand.

"You have been sitting here why?" Naraku demanded.

"Ah yes, the bloody Dark halfling himself. I have not come because I am a bloody bastard and I couldn't even take care of my mate. I fought and I fought as they kept putting those fucking things on my back. It keeping burning and burning as that fucking bastard hurt the woman I loved. They hurt my father and they nearly killed me mum. Yes, I am a fucking bastard." Aldwyn stated and he was feeling sorry for himself and everyone else.

"You hurt her worse and your children by staying away. You make her suffer that pregnancy without. That is it! You cannot think to see her carry that bastard's seed!" The hanyou deduced.

Aldwyn actually broke down and Naraku understood yet knew how pained their mate was.

"She is blaming herself. She is saying that you are blaming her for all your woes and that if your family had never met your life; you would have been better off. She did not say it but she indicated that if it helped your family in any way; then she was willing to have endured it." He said to the broken man.

"Edward died in 1307; I was a dutiful officer when he called on me to put the bloody Scots under his thumb. He always kept a looking for her and he never trusted Sanra again. She betrayed him he ranted at me by losing his true heir. I believe all of Asuna's blood he took in made him mad." Aldwyn remarked with shaking his hands.

"Sanra's hex made it impossible for Asuna to abort the fetus but she is giving the creature to King Henry and Katherine of Aragon in his early reign. He should be a young man by the time of the jousting accident that seems to cause his personality change." Naraku commented.

"Asuna has become friends with one of the maddest kings in English history?" The Duke of Flint widened his eyes.

"Do you suggest the mostly man loving James?" The hanyou scoffed.

"Henry was not bad true in the early years; I suppose it is a good plan. Does Henry know that the thing will be a hanyou?" He said angrily.

"Edward kept journals that were found at Westminster Palace. Henry apparently found them as a teenager and he has known about Asuna and what Edward did to her at a young age. When he saw her in the flesh; there is a portrait hanging of Lady Dillingham at Windsor Castle and Edward wore a miniature of her that had an alchemy spell upon it." He explained.

"Journals? He kept journals of his tortures of MY wife? He had a bloody portrait painted of her. I am sorry Naraku. I have been a bastard. You are right to be angry with me. I need to see her. I did not want her to see me and think she failed me and I felt I failed her." The Welsh inu said rising.

Naraku thanked the fates and Aldwyn followed him quickly and he would grab clothes in the past. It took them more than an hour to appear in the castle in Hertfordshire and Asuna was in a black and grey maternity dress of the period. She was wearing a tiara of black jade and gold and a net where her hair was coiled underneath. Her kirtle was grey velvet and her bodice, sleeves, and over skirt was a brocaded black satin. She saw Aldwyn with a white button down shirt and designer dark wash jeans; a black belt and shiny black dress shoes. His brown hair was curly on top and slightly longer and cut short. His ears barely had a point to them and she knew it was from a minor surgery they had performed in Flint when he was a pup.

"I am more than a sorry bastard. I thought you would hate the sight of me and so I stayed away. I couldna help you. My stupid brain could not accept that you could forgive my bloody ineptness." Aldwyn said with tears falling down his eyes.

Naraku had stopped by the estate and gotten the diamond ring she wore in her union to Aldwyn and he handed the mutt the ring. Asuna began to tear up and blood tears fell down her face.

"How could you think such a stupid thing? I thought you hated me because of the danger I brought to your family." She cried out.

"He pressed me firmly into the army but he left me mum and paw alone after that. He also despised the bitch as he put it. She betrayed him in his mind for allowing his true heir to escape him. I am sure you know what a bloody failure Edward II was." He said wiping his tears in irritation.

"Can you forgive me?" Asuna begged him.

"Me forgive you? Can you forgive me for being unable to stop that fucking monster?" Aldwyn sobbed.

"Hai!" She wept.

She flew into his arms and she was sobbing into his white shirt and he somehow worked the diamond ring BACK onto her finger. He would not have the symbol of the union off her finger and he pulled back and he decided he was staying in this era and the English king would know who her noble husband was; the Duke of Flint; Lord Aldwyn Dillingham was her husband. Naraku heard his mind and his hand was on the mixed mutt's shoulder and his eyes were crimson.

"Welcome back to the fold and the Great Family where you belong. I shall give you two time." Naraku said stepping back and swallowed by his miasma.

"Your chief mate is the most incredible man I have ever had the privilege to know. The fact he considers me worthy of you is even more incredible. He has the right and more as far as I am concerned to be my alpha." He said pressing his forehead to hers and he suddenly gently kissed her.

Asuna kissed him back but it was not innocent and it was full of hunger. He was surprised and he still remembered the rape. She was not going to let that rule her and his mate ripped open his ruined dress shirt and he whined as her lips began to rove.

"Beloved; I do not know if I bloody well can. Those memories!" He said in a shaky voice.

"He raped me. I want you to make love to me. MAKE LOVE and give me your heart and heat as you do so. Show me what a noble man does." Asuna whispered.

Aldwyn nodded and soon he had her unclothed as well as himself and he actually hated the child in her womb; even though it was innocent, and he was more than gently but he used ALL his yoki; everything from his "suggestion" to his fae abilities. She went from moaning out passionately to utterly screaming in rapture. Aldwyn thought that this was so much better than seeing her in awful pain. The pain and damage done to her body had been awful and he did everything in opposite and by the time he was done; she had been overcome by so many highs that she had just plain passed out and he was sucking in air to try and stay awake himself.

Kameron popped his head in politely and he smiled at Aldwyn and the Welsh inu was covered only by a blanket.

"I have procured you clothing of this period Lord Aldwyn. I have also procured you a horse." He smiled gently.

"Good God man what would we do without you?" Aldwyn smiled.

"Chaos I think. I have my own time with my queen; I assure you as do all her frère but we love her and we live to make her life infinitely better. She also protects us too. Now here are your clothes as I spotted in the distance King Henry. He is a most attentive friend. They are NOT lovers; I assure you of that. He hates what King Edward has done with a passion and he is learning all he can for the babe. Queen Katherine actually wishes this babe badly." Kameron smiled.

"Well at least something good can come from it." The Welsh said in anger.

Aldwyn remembered hating the clothes from this era and he pulled on the undergarments and pulled on a fine lawn shirt of white and a matching black and grey doublet to his wife, the coat was similar and he realized Kameron was making a statement. He pulled on shiny black boots and the hose were black as well and his green eyes held respect.

"You are so good sir." He said as Kameron stepped back after helping him dress.

"Well it will not hurt for the English king to know that a British citizen and a powerful noble is her husband. There. I do not like the caps. You are most handsome without I think." The frère said appreciating.

"Thank you." Aldwyn blushed.

Kameron gently woke Asuna up and he helped her to dress as well. She was hungry and slightly grumpy but she was happy to have Aldwyn here.

"I only woke you up because the king and queen are arriving as they said they would. You’re getting very close to birth and I think they are getting nervous." Her chief frère said.

"Too true." Asuna said sighing.

Asuna called for a meal to be prepared and Aldwyn and she were eating when Harry and Kate appeared. They were surprised to see a man they had no idea who he was. Aldwyn stood and he knew to bow properly and kissed the king's hand as well as the queen and they were shocked at his behavior.

"King Henry and Queen Katherine; this is Lord Aldwyn Dillingham, Duke of Flint." She introduced Aldwyn formally.

"That is right! You were Duchess of Flint. I never thought of your Duke. How are you sir? It is so good to meet you." Harry said informally.

"How are you Lord Aldwyn?" Kate asked gently.

"I faced myself after what that monster did." He said honestly.

Henry sat down and so did Katherine and they knew the story and Henry felt horribly for him as he watched Dillingham. He was trying to sense if he was one of HER kind and he truly could not tell.

"I want to thank you for taking this child. I know my lady and she feels responsible and I felt responsible. Edward kept me pressed into his military until his death and his son's disastrous defeat at Bannockburn led to my father's death. I hate that dynasty with my whole being. When Isabella had Edward II disemboweled; I cannot say that I was terribly upset. We were a family that supported her." He said almost viciously.

"You are like your lady." Henry said calmly.

"Yes your majesty. Your kingdom has us but outing us is not wise. Edward decided that he would out us and use us. All we wish is to blend with humanity and live obscure lives. We have no designs for power or the crown. We just want to live and to love. Edward saw us as a source of warriors and a way to extend his mortality." Aldwyn stated in hate.

"I assure you; if there are other families in our kingdom, I have no care in knowing who they are. I only care of their loyalty. They are Englishmen and that is all that matters." The king shrugged.

"A halfling your majesty will grow faster at first. We grow as infants and such fairly normal but our appetites are stronger. A halfling WILL be remarked upon. I suggest that a household you arrange; call upon Flintshire. You will be assured of loyalty and those who are prepared for such a being." The Welsh inu said bowing his head.

"I shall do so directly Lord Aldwyn! We thank you for your suggestions. While we know of this conception; we intend to love this child ardently and raise him as a true and Christian Englishman. Whatever evil that madman created him in; it will be raised right out of him." Harry stated with fervor.

"I can only say thank you. While I know he is innocent; I hate him. I cannot feel anything but hate towards Edward for what he did to my wife and my family. My lady has born me Carys and Brynn. Our children are perfect and beautiful but this boy was conceived in such brutality; I have to stop." Aldwyn said as tears actually poured down his face.

Asuna grabbed his hand and she squeezed it tightly. Henry kept his mind shielded as the foreign woman had taught him to do but he was actually slightly jealous. This was one of his own subjects and he was elegant and well spoken. They all went to bed that night and Aldwyn lay beside her and he spooned her form.

"He feels for you; does he not?" He asked.

"He does." She did not lie.

"You cannot go anywhere where the men do not fall for you." Aldwyn stated as fact.

"Aldwyn, I did not invite it." She sighed.

"I know beloved. I know you did not. It was the same with Edward. You did not invite it but you are such a beauty and on top of it; you are a succubus, you make men go mad." He sighed.

"If you are saying I caused the rape; please do not hold onto me, I would like you not to be here. I did not cause him to brutalize me." She said beginning to cry.

"I did not mean it like that! I am sorry darling. I make it sound as if you have control over others evil intent. You do not. You are beautiful because you have your mother's features and your father's coloring. You are such a creature that God himself must have wept. I am sorry I suggested otherwise." He said burying his nose in her neck.

Asuna stiffened and he thought they were going to argue and she was rigid in his hold. Aldwyn sighed and he was ready to roll over and leave but he saw her stomach harden in the moonlight flooding the room. She sucked in her breath and it was hardening again pretty quickly.

"Asuna have you been in pain at all beloved?" He asked concerned.

"Back ache." She replied.

"You have been in labor some time already. Damn it. What was the plan?" Aldwyn asked rising.

"I was going to give birth at Windsor and pretend I died in labor." She gasped.

"Okay. I will get the king and queen." He stated.

Asuna was in pain and her water broke slowly and she was sucking in air. Harry and Kate came in with Aldwyn as she was already farther into labor than they thought.

"Can we possibly get you to Windsor by carriage?" Henry asked stupidly.

"Do not be daft man!" Aldwyn said angrily.

"It is known we are close friends; Kate is here with you Harry. People will not assume untoward things. Aldwyn, I need you to go back forward and bring Nanami or Nobu. Can you do so?" She asked trying to stay calm.

"Yes my love." He said kissing her crest.

Aldwyn immediately ported and Kate was shocked by it. Asuna smiled softly and she was gripped by a vicious contraction. She nearly screamed by it and she was in for a rough labor. Aldwyn intended to be quick and what normally took an hour; it cut it to forty five minutes. He dragged Nobu back and her spider mate had all his supplies and he pulled him through the special Jing in between in time and they came to the castle. Nobu heard her scream and it curled his toes. He ported himself straight to her bedside and Asuna was flanked by Harry and Kate as she was bathed in sweat and white as hell. Katherine might have been shocked but she did not show it. Aldwyn appeared and he sat behind her and Harry moved and he checked her.

"No blood hunny. That is fantastic news. You are also fully dilated; you must have been in labor all day and not really felt it. Did you want to do the way Airis taught me?" Nobu asked.

"Hai." She nodded.

Nobu opened his large bag and he pulled out some special salves and he rubbed her belly and he rubbed her perineum with a salve that would numb and encourage the stretching of the skin; Airis had explained what the different rubs did. Nobu pathed to Aldwyn to link with Asuna in her mind to let her anchor to his to help her control her pain. He pathed very specific instructions and Aldwyn nodded. He felt being half fae that Aldwyn would be stronger. Aldwyn entered Asuna's mind and she latched onto the anchor immediately. He was astounded by the strength and he was also overwhelmed. The Welsh inu held her shoulders and he made a noise.

"You okay Aldwyn?" Nobu asked.

"Yes. I am ok." He nodded.

-I can leave. - She thought.

-Hell no! I want to do this. I NEED to do this. I fought those sutra things but every time I surged my yoki; they slapped on two more. My back has scars from those things. I am so sorry my beloved. I am so sorry. - Aldwyn thought and tears fell from his eyes.

-If you apologize one more time; I am going to slap you. I love you! I love you so much Aldwyn. I would never change how I was trapped and I was able to give you Carys and then how we conceived Brynn. How about we fight and you subdue me again? - Asuna purred in his mind.

A sweet laugh whirled in her mind and she was focusing on that and no pain was felt. Aldwyn filled her with thoughts of their time; he filled her memories of the day they were married, the wedding night where Admal had appeared, the very first time they had met in Scotland, and the very first time they had made love in halls of Hampton Court palace. Her mind was focused on the evocative and wonderful memories but a small part was able to follow the commands of Nobu. Her Welsh husband continued to fill her with his love and yes, his passion as her body was wracked and worked to deliver the child of his hated rival.

"Hunny? I need a really hard push Asuna. A really big push." Nobu commanded.

Aldwyn helped her sit up but his mind kept hers within his and she bore down mightily and she scrunched up her face as she pushed hard.

-I am going to take you out and we are going to just lie in the sun in our true forms. How does that sound? Just feel the sun on our fur? - He murmured in her mind.

-If you make love to me in our true forms. - She thought.

"Another hard push, okay? Are you hurting my dearest?" Her kumo mate asked.

"Very little." Asuna answered.

"Excellent. Thank you Aldwyn. Glad you are what you are. Okay one bigger, big push honey." The kumo commanded.

Aldwyn held her shoulders as she pushed with all her might. She felt the burning start and she knew the head was passing. This was the hard part and Aldwyn latched into her mind tighter and he was seeing past events of her and him; the painful loss of their first pup and what his words had done to her. Shame filled him but he kept her mind off of the pain and the hanyou pup was slowly pushed out and Nobu held him as he clamped his cord and suctioned his mouth and nose. His hair was brown but silver was highlighted in it. He had no moon but he did have some magenta striping on his hips and legs. Nobu wrapped him up and his eyes opened and he was blue eyed. Her heart sunk and her instincts were to grab her pup but she let Nobu tag his ears which made the pup cry but Nobu game him a pacifier and soon he was fed a bottle of her already pumped milk. Her kumo mate had Harry and Kate leave the room and they took the babe with them and Asuna was shaking violently.

"I have never done this. I got pregnant by Magatushi back in the Sengoku Jidai but I stabbed myself. I have never abandoned a pup. Maybe I should try? I am being selfish. Maybe I need to try!" Asuna said getting hysterical.

"Love stop! He is innocent; it is true but he has features of Edward; I see them. Do not punish him of course but let him be raised by those who can love him fully! King Henry and Katherine want him desperately; Henry most of all I think, frankly because I think that man is desperately in love with you." Aldwyn stated softly.

"Aldwyn now is not the time..." She said trying to rise.

"Dearest please stop! I cannot be reminded of what that bastard did. Please do not keep that pup. I beg you." He began to actually sob.

She wrapped her arms around him and held onto him as if for dear life and she refused to lose him. Her instincts were screaming and he could sense her internal conflict and he knew she was a mother; she was half inu, and it was only natural. He lifted her chin with his clawed fingers and he kissed her passionately. She suddenly responded savagely and he was surprised. Asuna needed to be distracted and she made Aldwyn use his mind to make love to her; so he used his mind to bring her to mental rapture.
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Nobu rode with the royal couple and the babe was a good one. He showed Kate how to use the bottle until the wet nurse could be brought to court and she was overwhelmed in the joy as she fed the beautiful little boy. Henry was also overwhelmed by how much he looked like Asuna.

"I cannot help his magenta marks. You will have to say they are strange birthmarks. Aldwyn wrote out a letter for me to take to Flint and I can have a small household for him immediately, okay? Just let it be known that she died in child birth; your man Wolsey I have read is quite good at letting things leak?" Nobu said bluntly.

"Yes. You are incredible." Henry said amazed.

"Thank you." He bowed.

"His name? What should we name him?" Katherine cried softly.

"I was hoping we could name him Arthur after my brother." Her husband suggested.

"Oh your grace! I love it! Another Arthur Tudor. I know he will not be your heir but he is our son!" She said with a glaze of tears in her eyes.

"Yes. He is most certainly is. Thank you doctor." As they rode in the coach.

After some time they royal couple reached Windsor and Nobu had ported to Flint with a letter from Lord Aldwyn. He had requested certain people and those people came with the kumo doctor. They were ported in great secrecy to a secluded portion of the royal apartments and Nobu brought them forward. There was wet nurse and the inu woman cried out when she saw the baby boy whose mother had died in child birth. She bowed before Queen Katherine and she had dark brown hair and brown eyes and wore plain clothing in yellow and brown.

"Your majesty! My queen! I can feed the baby if it pleases you." The young inu woman said.

"Yes dear lady. What is your name? The king and I have decided that we shall take him and raise him as if he was ours. He has become our ward; for his mother was our dear friend. His name is Arthur." Katherine said regally.

"Elinor your grace." The wet nurse said.

Katherine gently laid Arthur in the wet nurse's arms and she carefully arranged him as she began to feed him. The babe latched on and Elinor was stunned but she felt an aura and she looked at the Queen AND King and they knew what this boy was and they knew what Flint was but they were saying nothing.

"We will always protect our most cherished child. His mother was our dearest friend. She gave us the most precious thing besides this boy; she gave us her time and her friendship and trust. Such is a rare thing in our lives." Henry said as the boy fed.

"I am so honored your majesties. Truly we are honored. You have no idea." Elinor said bowing her head.

"We both loved his birth mother and so he shall know our love. That is our gift to her." Katherine said with tears in her eyes.

Nobu was assured of everything and he ported via his shoki and he appeared back in Hertfordshire. Asuna was sleeping in Aldwyn's arms and the Welsh inu looked exhausted.

"The boy is settled and the staff you selected actually said they were honored to work for the king and queen for the boy. Going to let her rest a couple of days and then we shall go back. You okay Dillingham?" Nobu asked.

"Seeing him. Seeing Edward in his face. It made me sick. Seeing Edward and Asuna mixed made me want to go back and kill Longshanks slowly and painfully. I want to see him castrated, disemboweled, hung, then drawn, and quartered. That was a traitor's death back in the day." He said coldly.

"Ugh. Brutal times. He is a babe and he is innocent but he will live during a decent era in this England. Rest and we can go back to OUR era. Okay?" The doctor said.

"Aye. Bloody happy to." The Welsh said and he cuddled up with Asuna.

Nobu was going to suggest some deep therapy for the Welsh inu. His anger while justified was bordering on murder. He was worried for him and he went about shutting down their birthing castle as he thought of this place. Kameron was helping him do so; as well as Chrestian. They would be gone by the next day it appeared. Henry did send a letter to Asuna and also a necklace with the Tudor Roses and sheaths of wheat. Asuna raised a brow and Aldwyn actually smiled at the symbolism.

"The crest of my family Asuna. It is a kind gesture. I actually like Henry. Put it on." Aldwyn said helping her put on the intricate piece.

The chain was finely spun but the two symbols meant to entwine. Henry's note had said to say thank you so many times for the gift of being a father. Katherine had never been quite this happy and he was looking forward to seeing his boy grow. While he wished he could make him his heir; he could treat this son as a son and not a future king. He and Katherine were closer than they had been in some time and she was expecting again. Henry wanted to thank her for that as well. He also wanted to thank the Duke of Flint for his generous contribution of his staff and Henry swore he would release them back to Flint when they were no longer needed. He hoped he would see them both again someday but if he did not; it was by the grace of God and his honor to have known such an excellent man and woman. He signed it simply; your servant, Harry. They returned to the future era and Asuna slowly began to work out to regain her strength and Aldwyn made the decision to move to Japan full time. He shocked Asuna by moving into her Estate. She was pleased beyond measure and she had jumped into his arms and kissed him stupid; Carys and Brynn were thrilled too. For the moment; things had gone back to being alright in their world.
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Asuna was curious and she looked up the name Arthur in Henry's court. There was a Sir Arthur Tudor who held vast estates but it seemed he stayed out of the lime light but he was mentioned as a favorite of the king and lavished much wealth upon. Historians speculated that he was a bastard child of Henry's but it was also noted that Katherine of Aragon also lavished attention upon the man. Not else was mentioned and she sighed as nothing bad was mentioned and only good things and she prayed that they had done right by him. She was up and she was in her penthouse in Tokyo and she picked up her phone and called Admal.

"Hello Admal. You are in Tokyo? Please phase over to the penthouse." She said softly.

Within moments her half Shouten/half empusae love was there and she went into his arms and hugged him tightly. He held her and his eyes had bled silver. He held on and just could only hold her as hate filled him for Sanra.

"Chanak has not yet gone back. I apparently was not gone that long with the pregnancy." She said softly.

"No not at all. Chanak will be headed back within this week; he and Maec have been working out detailed plans for him to deliver to that era's Maec. I am so angry and I know not what to do. I hate her for everything she has ever done but I so wish I could make her suffer even an ounce what she has made you suffer." Admal said with such anger.

"How about we focus on happier thoughts. Do you know what would make me happy?" Asuna said tracing his jaw.

"What my darling? Whatever you want; I shall do whatever you wish." He whispered.

"Anything?" She smiled with a look of raw lust.

"Of course." He smiled at her and he brushed fingers along her magenta stripes on her right cheek.

"Go lie on my bed and wait for me. I shan't be long. Worth it I promise." Asuna said quickly kissing him.

He smiled and he knew she had some game in mind and she ported to Hadasan. She appeared before Lei and he was up and hugged her tightly. She kissed him fiercely and she cupped his chin.

"Hello my love. I had the child and I am home. Do you love me?" She asked him softly.

"Why ask such a stupid question?" Lei demanded.

"You will do anything for me?" Asuna asked.

"You know I will." He said rolling his eyes.

"Swear it!" She demanded of him.

"I swear before my life and yours; whatever you want. Okay?" Lei stated extremely annoyed.

She had an evil smirk and she suddenly blind folded him and he made a shocked sound and she ported with him. She made him stay in her living room and she went to her bedroom and she quickly blindfolded Admal as well. She pathed to him NOT to say anything. He promised and wondered at this little game. Asuna walked to her living room and moved a very irritated and impatient Lei. She had told him the same thing. She swore him a grand and mind altering time; he agreed on the condition that he also got to bring her to rapture and she would sit upon his mouth so he could ravish her stupid. Asuna had agreed too eagerly for that one.

So both wraiths were heavily blind folded. Both promised to quietness and she dampened both of their auras. It would not take them long to figure out whom each other was but in the midst of passion; it would be hard to argue. Asuna figured out the arguments and crap had been started by a hex that Sanra had put into motion; her own daughter's pregnancy had gone awry because of the bitch's alchemy. Now she was fixing this. She had Admal strip while she was gone and she mentally began stroking him and he was hard in a second. Lei, she began to stab his prostate with her telekinesis and he was hard. He gasped and it was heady. She took Lei's hand and made him grasp Admal. The half Shouten bucked hard and Lei was so unbelievably turned on by the limitations of no sight and not being able to speak. He began to stroke the male and he could feel the other male breathing harder and Lei wet his hand. Asuna undid his trousers and began to do the same thing to him and he grunted but she was using her damnable telekinesis. He of course did not know she was doing so to Admal as well. Her poor tr'Awnhi prince was going insane and he needed to come so badly and his mouth was dry and he was desperate for blood. He felt around for the other hand and he suddenly jerked the man forward and sank fangs into the wrist and drank the sweet blood. It exploded on his tongue and this she could not hide from him. It was Lei and oh his devious little Isha was making them face each other. Admal actually loved her more for it and he sucked the wrist a certain way and Lei nearly whined. Lei still was not quite aware of whom he was and Admal was going to fuck him. He pathed to Isha and she was all for it. She lay herself down and Admal released his wrist. She told Lei to strip of his clothes and he just phased out of them; felt his wife's center below him and she was dripping wet and he grinned and he lined himself up and slipped in deeply. She arched under him and she groaned out crazed and Lei felt lips and tongue at his entrance. He actually choked softly and the male was so good; it began to drive him to insanity and he was panting as he slowly took Asuna and he was rimmed into the nuthouse by a sexy stranger. He felt his shoulders grasped and long moan did escape him. He was certain it was Kameron; and his mind was shot and Admal slowly and gently slid into his male half. Lei was shaking and the man began to kiss and suck upon his neck and it felt so damn good and he would thrust in Asuna and his own lover would thrust in him.

"Fuck! Asuna, I have to talk! You feel so fucking good. My love. My wife. Oh gods. I love you. I love you so much. So happy to be with you after that monster; going to hurt her. Take off this ridiculous thing!" He growled in a sexy tone.

"Are you certain?" Asuna gasped as he thrust and then the man did.

"Gods yes! Ohhh! Damn it man; you are driving me crazy. Bite me will you?" Her Jing mate demanded.

Lei suddenly undid his own blind fold and Admal did bite his neck. He was paralyzed by the euphoria and he realized that the tr'Awnhi prince was deep within and his wife had proceeded to bring about this threesome. It shattered his brain function; Lei really had forgotten how wonderful it was to be with HER AND HIM. She did the unthinkable and she linked their bound minds and Lei whined in sudden and heavily blissed euphoria. Admal groaned out as well and he began moving again and Lei made the wraith shriek.

"Lei! I need you." Asuna begged.

"Yes! Oh fuck. You are a devious minx. You she-devil. Admal! Damn you bastard. Fuck! Make me come. Damn it you both!" He whined in the heady combination.

"Bastard? Make you come? You want me Lei?" Admal whispered with THAT husk in his voice.

His lips went back to nibbling his neck and his hands gripped his hips hard as he pistoned none too hard and the younger man was desperate. Lei was actually thrusting senselessly but Asuna was holding him back. His eyes were white and the older man was only teasing him.

"You did not want me anymore." The tr'Awnhi said sucking his lobe into his mouth.

"I was mad at your brother. Mad about high handedness. Love you but you love him more." He said out of his skull.

"He is my father Lei. I know you do not understand that. Asuna has much to tell us. Will you listen?" Admal said mouthing his juncture passionately.

"Fuck yes! Please Admal, stop torturing me. Please! Both of you just let me finish!" Lei whined.

Asuna lifted her hips and met his thrusts and she let him grab her wrist and Admal sped up his own thrusting. The poor Jing heir was gripped in an all-encompassing and mind shattering explosion within minutes. Asuna's scream rent the air and Admal harshly groaned Lei and Asuna's names in Lei's ear. Soon Lei and Admal fell to the side and Asuna was bathed in sweat. Admal refused to release the Jing heir and the younger man had to admit; it felt so incredibly right to have his arms around him. Admal heard that thought and he slowly pulled back from him and he pushed him to his back and he lowered his mouth to Lei's; he devoured the Jing and he showed him just much he truly had missed him and the younger Shouten was thrown for a loop as the half empusae drove every point home. Admal slowly withdrew from the kiss and Lei lay there stupidly.

"Sanra somehow put some sort of hex of upon the house of tr'Awnhi. That is how Nanami lost her baby; come to find out she was carrying Laes tr'Awnhi's baby. The calamity hex I believe would have caused all sorts of mischief and stirred up old hatreds." Asuna said softly.

"You are actually correct. What better ways to cause turmoil then stir up clan hatreds; the tr'Awnhi and Jings are notorious for hating each other because of her." Lei admitted in a very tired voice.

"Jao told Nanami he wanted her to be sterilized. He told her to quit creating more victims. She asked him to leave for a day. He left her alone for many." She explained her daughter's mind.

"Are you fucking serious?" Her Jing husband asked shocked.

"I am completely serious. Tomo never showed up until he was served with divorce papers. Laes did not even bother to check on her knowing she carried his child. Now Nanami is seeing Alum and a shinigami." She said sighing.

"Admal!" Lei said feeling like an idiot.

"You were looking out for your clansman. I understand Lei; please understand this, I do love you and I would never purposely hurt you. Yes, I am loyal to my king and brother but I feel to him as a son would to a father, okay but I love you and Asuna so fucking much. I will always love you. You are part of me." Admal said pressing his forehead to Lei's.

"So how are we going to infect that worthless bitch?" The Jing heir asked.

"Chanak and Maec have been working out the alchemy." His male partner stated gently.

"I want to gouge her eyeballs out with a spoon!" Jing snarled.

"Lovely thought." Asuna laughed.

"Asuna, I am full of hate for that cunt! She led to my rape as a young man; she led to your rape and made you carry that bastard's seed. She is beyond evil. No, many of us need to take her out." Lei demanded.

"I agree but today was about fixing this thing she caused. Okay? The child was innocent even though his conception was not. I did not keep him and he grew up with love. I did wish that for him." She said looking incredibly sad.

"I am sorry my love. I am so sorry." Jing stated as he picked her up in his arms and held her.

Admal wrapped his arms around them both the best he could and he made a contented noise.

"I love you both so much. That is all I can say; Asuna, he is right and that bitch will pay for what she has done; but let us not belabor it now. I love you Lei. I love you Asuna." He whispered and he kissed Asuna first with passion and then did the same to his Jing lover.

The married couple made contented and passion filled moans as the actions began to lead to another round of love between the three of them. Lei whispered in her mind; thank you, for having the courage to do what he did not, for fixing his mistake. She only replied; I love you and always will. His smile was enough to warm her heart forever.
-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Maec was working out the difficult equations and he was in the living plane in the Western Estate. He was with Asuna and their children for the moment and they had talked about much. Ichigo came into the room and he had an odd look on his face.

"Um sweetheart there is an odd person at the front door asking for you." Ichigo stated itching his head.

"Did they say what they wanted?" Asuna demanded.

"Only said he wanted to talk to Lady Asuna." He shrugged.

"Oh bother." She snorted.

Maec slapped her ass and Ichigo kissed her lips and she growled softly. Maec had ended up in Ichigo and her bed and it had become wild; it had become downright kinky as hell. The Shouten king was now intensely curious as to this shinigami-whatever he was now but he was power. Asuna went to the front door and she stared into blue eyes that mirrored hers and the man had dark brown hair with highlights of silver. His face was sculpted and his eyes were a bit Asian looking. He had a dimpled chin and she was shaking badly and he was dressed dark wash dress jeans, brown oxfords, a blue button down shirt with a brown corduroy blazer and his hair was cut stylishly longer on top; it was a bit dashing and fell into his eyes and the bottom was very short. Asuna's silver hair was down and came to her hips and she wore a red kimono style cotton top and black hakama pants; she had on black thong sandals and she kept blinking at the man and he smiled a little.

"I shouldna have up like this without perhaps calling on ye madam. I apologize. I don't know Japanese but I know you know English." He said softly.

"What is your name?" Asuna asked in English terrified of the answer.

"Sir Arthur Henry Tudor. My Da and Ma told me I was adopted all my life. They believed in truth ye see. I lived in Scotland for some time; I have a bit of a brogue. Do ye mind me coming in or do ye wish me to stand on your doorstep?" Arthur asked her gently and softly.

Asuna stood aside and bid him step into her library. She followed and she slid shut the doors. She turned and her eyes were red and bloody tears fell down her face.

"So it tis true. Ye are my real mum." He said with wide eyes.

"What did Harry and Kate tell you?" She choked back not wanting to hurt him.

"My Da and I were real close; even after he divorced my Ma. I was pissed off at him for that. He sent me away from court because of it. Hence I lived in Scotland whilst he bedded that whore Boleyn. I was recalled and I lived on until he passed away. They told me that you tried your hardest to love me but you had been attacked by a mortal with the help of another of our kind as they called us demons; the mortal had noble connections in England and you were royalty here in Japan. They said you were so brutally attacked that while you wanted to try and love me; you did not think you could be fair to me. You wanted me to have a good life without the stain of my conception. That is what my Da explained." Arthur stated looking down.

She noticed he wore a Tudor crest ring on his hand and it had not occurred to her that the boy being left in the past would come searching for her in the present.

"King Henry told you the truth Arthur. I am sorry. I failed you in that regard but I knew how much Katherine wanted a baby at that time. I was so dejected; I almost could not do it but you do look like the man who raped me." She said weeping.

"They loved me well. I had everything I could want. King Henry; I call him Da; he used to get on the floor and play with my soldiers with me. When I was old enough to ride; he took my hunting; he taught me everything himself. I know my Ma loved me but Mary was her darling; Da loved me deeply. I can honestly say he loved me and Edward best." The English hanyou said meeting her eyes.

"For that I am grateful. I am so grateful." She said wiping her eyes with Kleenex.

"Who harmed you Lady Asuna? I should like to know who did this." Arthur asked.

"Edward Plantagenet. I was pulled back by a demon called an ekimmu. Edward I proceeded to rape and plunder me after another demon named Sanra tr'Awnhi poisoned me with dead blood and some sort of alchemic brew. I am half dog demon and half succubus. I am sure your Da told you. Edward did this and you were supposed to be his heir that would never die and do whatever he told you to." She said bitterly and she sat down.

"I was to be a pawn for a mortal king and placed on the English throne; what for eternity? That is insanity!" He exclaimed in shock.

"I agree. I told Edward no and every time I said no; it only made him more detirmined to make me do as he said. Henry knew about me from journals that Edward had kept that he found at Westminster Palace. You were innocent Arthur; I just did not have the strength and did not wish to make you suffer because I was not strong enough at that time." Asuna said looking down.

"I am not angry with Lady Asuna. How can I be? King Henry is known to the world as the man who had six wives. I know him as my Da. I know him as only few did. Edward did not know him even as well as I did. I would not get normal sickness and die. Da felt he could be himself around me. He had bouts of madness after his jousting accident; I believe it changed him; but his love for me never did. Mary and Elizabeth while his daughters; they did not really know him. I believe you had told him to release my powers when I was around eleven or twelve. He sat down and had this big discussion; man to man he said. He told me he did not know what abilities I had but I had some and they were unbinding them. He said that I must NEVER use them against my fellow humans and I must always be a prince and a Tudor first. I promised him of course. He called someone from Wales and they came and I had to drink something. It was over the course of a few years but then I began to hear people's minds. I could moves things with my mind. I also can cause great gusts of wind. I was hoping; I was hoping that you could perhaps tell me all of my abilities. Perhaps you see me and you will always see the man who raped you; but I am a young man who was raised by people you chose to love him and love him they did." He spoke eloquently.

Asuna began to sob and Arthur felt badly. He felt helpless and maybe he was being selfish for coming here. He had bonded with the inu in Flint and some other demons in the English countryside. This Tudor prince had been popular even if he was adopted. Ichigo and Maec popped their head in and Maec frowned when he saw the young man. He could see by the looks who the man was and he stepped in.

"A little far from England are you not?" Maec demanded.

"Lady Asuna. I am sorry. I really am. I did not mean to bring you pain." He said helplessly.

"No! I will figure out what yoki you have and show you. It is the least I can do. I am certain you have mastered your telekinesis and telepathy?" She asked.

"Yes. I did that a long time ago. I used to scare the utter crap out of Mary." He grinned.

"Come. There is a field in which to work outside." Asuna said and she stood up and invited him to follow her.

Maec watched Asuna and Ichigo was stunned. Maec was suppressing his growls and he was angry.

"She literally just had him two weeks ago!" Ichigo said shocked.

"Yes but in the past. Five centuries ago in the past. For him that time has already passed. For her? It was just two weeks ago. Hardly fair is it? Fucking Sanra! I am going to rip her esophagus from her throat!" The Shouten king snarled.

--------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Arthur had a limited range of her psyche abilities and she taught him to channel his wind yoki. His was not as powerful as hers but it did damage. Arthur watched as she lazily flung a nami and crashed through a marble statue. His jaw dropped and she nodded to him.

"There is no telling how strong you can get yours but it will take work. You just have to channel it through your hand. Do you have a toxin?" Asuna asked.

"Toxin?" He asked confused.

Asuna let her Dakkasou flow to her claw tips and he looked stunned and shook his head no.

"You got some of my most powerful abilities Arthur. I am an air elemental youkai and I channel all kinds of things that make up air. My psyche powers are also highly developed. Continue to practice those; I have an uncle who is a halfling and he has dog ears." She said looking down.

"Truly? I can only imagine he was ridiculed!" He said feeling bad.

"He was. I have shown you what I can. I am still fatigued but if you should like; I will teach you more later." She murmured bowing.

"I want to hurt him." He blurted out.

"Who? Edward? He sired you? Why would you want to hurt him?" Asuna asked.

"My Da loved you. I know he did. He told me you were such a great woman; he said very few women were as great as you, he wore a miniature of you and he was buried with it. He believed in goodness because of you. The reformation happened and that witch got him convinced about the church because he needed a legitimate son. He used to grumble about her to me and say if it had been you; you always solved problems. You would have solved it." Arthur rambled.

"I believe you are correct when you say that the jousting accident changed him Arthur. I have read history and I of course knew him well. He was not the same; he would never have just displaced your Ma as he did. I am certain the Boleyn woman played a political role like many did. She did birth a very impressive creature in her daughter." Asuna remarked.

"Elizabeth acted just like Da. If Da had not had that accident; he would have had his own age named after him. Elizabeth was great; do not get me wrong. Mary was awful and Edward was alright. Very religious and extreme but those were the times. I just know Da loved you from when he was young. You made an impression on him and I wanted to meet the woman who gave birth to me; even though it was through bad tidings, you gave me a good family. You gave me a gift." He said softly.

"I did not want you to suffer because I had suffered. It would not have been fair." She choked up.

"Hence why I want to do the man ill. He deserves my wrath as well. He caused my birth mother to give me up and caused you untold pain and I abhor that idea. I want him to know that I am alive and I hate him." The young hanyou said meeting her eyes.

"I cannot go back. The man with long dark hair you saw? He is called a Shouten and he is their king. I am he is queen and he has made it impossible for anyone to bring me to that era. His nephew Chanak is going next week and they are going to hunt the woman who helped Edward do this thing to me. I however cannot condone you going back and putting yourself in danger. You also know Harry would not condone it either." She said walking past him.

"Excuse me? He would have killed the bloody bastard himself!" Arthur growled.

"Henry would have; not you Arthur! You are a child born of my body but his child by raising. I will not put his child in danger by allowing him on such a reckless mission. Your father may have passed into history but that does not mean I will be ignorant of my duties to his remaining pup." She said raising her chin.

"Who needs Katherine? You sound like my bloody mother!" He snapped as he stalked away from her.

"I technically am. I honor your mother and father." She snapped back.

"And he honored YOU. Let his SON honor YOU." Arthur said in anger.

"No. This is my fight. You will not be fighting or seeing Edward. That is part of what he wants you little fool! He would try and trap you there. The whole point of raping me was to beget himself with an heir who would not die easily." Asuna hissed at him.

Arthur realized her words and he stalked away pissed off. He moved through her house and straight through the front door. Asuna ported in front of him and he yelped in shock.

"I take it you cannot port." She sighed.

"I don't know." He said surprised.

"You would have to know how to invoke it. Imagine your home in England." She said in command.

Arthur imagined it and she ported them both and he lived in one of the swankier and noble houses. It was outside of London proper and had extensive grounds.

"Been in the family for centuries; correct?" Asuna said wryly.

"Well of course." He grinned.

"You have a modern last name?" She asked.

"No, I am still a Tudor. There are still Tudors in Great Britain." He said softly.

"I see. Close your eyes and imagine your bedroom. Allow your power to flow as if you are going to move something but imagine yourself there." She instructed.

Arthur stood there and nothing happened for a good two minutes and then quite suddenly he ported. She secretly smiled and he was a powerful hanyou. He would need time to develop his porting but he could work on it without her. He ported back and he sank in a chair.

"Good God that drains you." Arthur said exhausted.

"Like anything, it just takes practice. It took me months to master it. It was latent in me as well. Some of my little ones were porting from the time they were barely a year old." She said looking away.

"Would you allow me to call on you again? I know this is disconcerting for you but; I really wish to know you." He said and his eyes plead with her.

"Yes you may come again. I do need a couple of weeks Arthur. I wish I could explain but I really am exhausted. Give me two to three weeks and yes, I would be pleased to know you." She said bowing her head.

"Thank you." Arthur said softly.

Asuna bowed and she ported out and the young man felt complete for the first time in a long time. His last sibling died in 1603 and that was a long while to be without family.
--------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
Asuna was in woods around Karakura Town and she felt him. She smiled about him and she was hunting him. He liked to hunt large animals and he would let them escape most of the time; he had come upon a deer and he was feeding and he finished and he wiped his mouth. She came upon him and made him jump nearly a foot.

"My queen?" Crevan asked stunned.

"I have not seen you as of late. So I decided to come find you. Neifion said you like to haunt these woods. You hunt animals and no other youkai or mortals. I am seriously impressed." Asuna smiled.

"It is one thing to take life in battle but another to do so while eating. It bothers me; the idea to kill a living breathing person so that I might live." He shrugged.

Crevan was slammed against a tree but not overly hard. His neck was being scented and she was growling softly as her eyes were red. She suddenly used her claw and cut down her wrist and presented it to him.

"What if I give it to you?" She asked him.

"Between two that is different; but my queen, you are my ruler and I am just a noble." Crevan said breathing hard.

"Drink me." Her voice said in a husky tone.

He took her forearm and held her wrist and he slipped his fangs into her wrist. Asuna gasped but it felt good. It felt tremendously wonderful and she was moaning softly as Crevan sank them to their knees and she ran a hand through his hair as he drank. They heard a nasty snarling sound and Asuna looked over to see Gwydion and Crevan let her arm go and he actually bowed to Gwydion.

"You dare to drink from my wife?" The ice ekimmu demanded.

"Oh shut up Gwydion. We have not been married in this life. Quit bullying people. I thought we were past this bull shit. You have your list of boys, toys, girly fun things." Asuna rolled her eyes.

Gwydion choked at what she said and Crevan did not smile but he wanted to. He stayed respectful and the ekimmu of ice and snow blinked his now green eyes at his twin soul.

"Darling do you need to get your rocks off? I know you were pissy when I was not ready when you wanted a lay; so sorry I had been raped." She said patting his manhood.

"You really want to be a bitch Asuna?" Gwydion demanded.

"What did we agree? We agreed that we had others and we also come together. I however am not going to take your temper tantrums because your pissed off I did not get you off when you wanted it!" She snapped.

"It had been a couple of months!" He whined.

"It was five months before I allowed anyone to touch me! Get over yourself. Need something? Is that why you are being a whiny brat?" Asuna demanded.

He narrowed his eyes and he said nothing. She moved to kiss his mouth and Gwydion kissed her back hungrily. She slipped her hand into his trousers in white and he moaned obscenely. She concentrated and she kissed him as she ran her hands through his messy blonde hair. Asuna concentrated her telekinesis on his cock and prostate and it was swift and harsh. Gwydion screamed out and fell to his knees.

"Whatever is wrong Gwydion?" Asuna asked innocently.

"You evil wench. Ugh! You fucking tease. Watch it dearest; I will pin you to your bed and nail you." He growled.

She only gave him a brilliant smile and he phased out. Asuna returned her attention Crevan and she gave him her arm again. He looked spooked and she gave him a look that said; I really do not care. The noble ekimmu slowly sank his fangs again and that same bliss swept her again and she sank to her knees. She infected the bite and Crevan choked on her blood as rampant passion coursed through his veins. He drank for several minutes and she shut her eyes and she breathed quickly as it felt wondrous. She ran her hand through his wheat hair again and she ported to her Karakura mansion and they were on her couch and he looked around.

"Just one of my properties. I was serious when I said I wanted to know you." She said looking deeply in his eyes.

"I am just a loyal ekimmu my queen." He said arching a blonder brow.

Asuna used a claw to trace his bottom lip and she was going to attempt to know him better by delving in his mind again. She opened her mind and she opened it to him.

-Will you open to me like this? - She asked him.

-Yes of course- He returned the path.

Asuna closed her eyes and she was pressed her hand to his and she was pressing her mind to his. He felt this enormous amount of power but it was gentle as it brushed against his innermost thoughts and feelings. The queen was slowly sinking deeper and he was feeling too hot and she was seeing Terre de Brume. She was seeing what it was like in the prison plane and what those who had been trapped had to do to survive. His eyes were closed as well but he knew she spilled tears as she felt the cold. She pressed even further and Aizabeta had been alive. Crevan's eyes now spilled bloody tears and she was seeing his wife as he had known her. Finding her pregnant body ripped open and Asuna pushed on; she sucked in her breath because she was taking in the good with the bad. She watched him take the ekimmu vows with Aizabeta and the festival that followed. Crevan smiled at that memory and she was so deep in his psyche that he was amazed by it. Asuna was being careful not to latch onto his feelings and she was seeing his battles fought against fae. She felt his disdain for fighting the fae; that surprised her and she felt his disdain for the waste of the royal family and she latched onto that thought. She opened her own feelings why she hated Arianrhod. She shared how she had played Fionn and Gwydion and how she taken lovers regardless of feelings and Crevan looked at her. She pulled back and took a deep breath.

"You are judging her by YOUR morals my queen. I know how you see her and she seems a monster. I am not saying I agree with everything she did; I do not but she was a mighty warrior and she did what was normal for OUR people of that age. It was a different age. Ten thousand years is a long time." He said cupping her cheek.

"I still hate her." She growled.

Crevan laughed softly and his smiled was genuine as he took her in. His fingers traced along her magenta stripes on her left cheeks.

"I say it again; I understand why you were shunning us. Why would you not? After hearing what your own soul was wanting and saying; no wonder you were fleeing. You had/have no idea how refreshed our people are by the idea of our queen NOT wanting to dominate the world. The idea of her just wanting to live as a normal a life as she could as she was. The idea is so novel to us. Can you believe YOU stunned US?" Crevan said stroking her cheek more firmly.

"Well if you truly knew what this soul has been through due to either Taranis or Bilae; you would understand." She sighed.

"Yet you opened Terre de Brume." He said and his lips were drifting closer to hers.

"The cold and the endless sense of time! I am so sorry. That was her fault too." Asuna whispered.

"Freedom has been had. It is done." He said as their lips met.

He felt on a collision course and it was a dangerous game. Her hands went through his gold-wheat colored hair and he made a deep moan as her claws massaged his scalp. Gwydion was not going to let her bed a lower class ekimmu. The crown prince was an uber snob of supreme proportions and that was a frightening thought but there were so many more ekimmu who wanted to know and see their reborn queen. Crevan had no idea what was going through his mind but he was no longer on the couch and he was leaning her back against a bed. She reached and pulled the hem of her crème cashmere sweater up and off. Her breasts were bound by a modern binding and he stared and her hands went to his combat style pants. She undid them and he was then aware again and she helped him out of his clothes. Asuna pulled off her black skinny jeans and her black booties. Soon she was underneath him naked and he felt her body heat and he moaned.

"This you did not feel in Terre de Brume. Yes, we would take one another to stop madness but the heat was gone. Some lost their lives as they ended up being food for others. We also depended upon sacrifices from the infants. It was a miserable way to exist." He murmured.

"I almost wish to keep Bilae alive but put him in his own private Terre de Brume. They can do that in the Seireitei." She said wickedly.

"That would be justice!" He said smirking coldly.

Asuna arched her back as he cupped a breast in his hand and he adored how she responded. He had been with her a handful of times and he was getting dragged into something that was dangerous in nature. Crevan slipped into her deeply and he did not want to think and he could not think when he found such joy. She moved against and with him as he pulled back and forth from her core. So far he had pulled back and she had gotten furious; that had surprised him and now her passionate kissing of his mouth and moving along his throat. She bit into his juncture and tasted his ekimmu blood and she made obscene moans and Crevan made soft sighs of delight as she took in his life force. This creature maddened him and her fingers played upon his ass cheeks and began to squeeze them. She was looking him deeply in the eyes and his cheeks stained red.

"What?" Crevan asked her.

"You are beautiful is all. I have you in me and you have a beautiful look on your face." Asuna smiled.

"I cannot help it." He blushed more.

"Blushing or making a beautiful look? You said Aizabeta enjoyed certain things. Did you do so because YOU enjoyed it or because you wanted to please HER." She asked as she lifted her hips.

He gently hissed and he was deep in thought for a moment and he stared at her eyes as she lifted her hips again.

"I am ekimmu my queen. I am like many and most of our kind. I tend to prefer the female but I am not averse to having male lovers. Why should I?" He asked puzzled.

The smiled she gave him was dazzling and he was dizzy suddenly by it and she ported them. Crevan had never done so while in the midst of intimacy and he was stunned stupid. What stunned him more so was the fact he was in the bed of being with white hair and he had the ears of a fae but his aura was NOT fae. The man had pale blue eyes that turned violet really fast.

"Nu uh uh. Chan look in my mind." She said huskily.

Chan was fixing to have a temper tantrum and he saw this ekimmu from her mind and this was no ordinary one. In fact; this one was extraordinary. Chan looked at her and he was shocked that an ekimmu did not come in anything but blood thirsty. Chan was suddenly behind him and licked his neck and growled as he scented him.

"Who and what are you?" Crevan asked stupefied.

"I am her in the male form. She is the empusae queen and I am the incubus lord. I am Chan. You sir are too perfect." He said with a deep husk.

"My queen? You are going to make a meal of me?" He asked in a dizzy tone.

"No! I however would like to lay you out and pleasure you till you lose your fucking mind. I would like Chan to help me." She grinned.

Chan loved the idea and especially if it involved his beloved mate. Crevan was severely dizzy amongst the infant blood drinkers and he was suddenly laid out on the bed as Asuna had his mouth and she kissed him sinfully. She slowly began to stroke him and Chan had Crevan's legs wide open and the incubus began to use his wicked, wicked tongue. The ekimmu noble-warrior was gasping and writhing in the softness of the bed and it was hedonistic and overwhelming pleasure. She pathed to Chan that this time she was going to take him and for him to do as he was doing. The incubus lord chuckled in her mind and he said that the poor ekimmu would probably die in the pleasure. Crevan was on his back and Asuna slid down his erect member and rounded her hips and the ekimmu man was sweating heavily as his queen was taking him passionately and hard. Her partner in crime was fingering him and it was perfect, awful, insanely wonderful pleasure as he slammed his hips up into his queen. Crevan's eyes bled green and he made a growling sound that was getting close to the ekimmu eagle sound. He kept slamming his hips up as she rounded her hips faster and the incubus Chan was thrusting his digits and this creature took passionate delight in taking this sort of action from someone. Asuna took Crevan's hands and pressed his hands to her breasts and she actually sucked a finger into her mouth and her eyes were green. His breathing was irregular and he was losing his mind. His brain was mush and arched his throat as Asuna was holding him at bay. The ekimmu was bewildered and he felt himself at the edge but he was so close and he was getting desperate.

"My queen? I need...I am going mad. Am I?" He managed to ask in a stuttered way.

"Bite me." Asuna growled in a command.

Crevan sat up and she still moved on him and he bit into her breast around her nipple and she shouted. Chan bit into her juncture and she shook wildly as he body spasmed wildly. Crevan was panicked but he was deep in her and he cry was muffled by her breast and his seed was drained by the spectacular act of perfect passion. She continued to flutter around him and Chan was licking the fang marks on her neck.

"Time for me to eat my love." Chan purred.

He pulled her off the ekimmu and she was slammed gently next to her ekimmu lover and her thighs were widened and she giggled wildly. Crevan stared at the ceiling and he was not entirely in his own mind at the moment and the young queen arched wildly as the incubus lord took her and Crevan's orgasms and then sank his fangs into her femoral artery. Asuna was moaning out of her head and she lifted the ekimmu nobleman's hand and kissed his fingers. He came back to himself somewhat and he was staring at her as she came down from another high. Chan ended up lying down and he let sleep overcome him and Asuna stared at the ekimmu man and he stared at her. She was watching him and he took even breaths.

"Can we go back to our clothes my queen?" He asked softly.

"Sure. I am going to kiss my twins real quick." She popped up and put on Chan's robe and she went to the cradle near the bed and she picked up her son and kissed him and then did the same to his twin sister. She nuzzled them both and smiled down at them. She finally pulled it together and she grabbed his hand and ported them back to the Karakura Town mansion. She had jacked Chan's expensive silk robe and she would make him "work" for it.

"Are you okay? Did I do something to upset you?" Asuna asked concerned.

"No! I am not angry. I am overwhelmed. I cannot express myself adequately right now my queen." He stated and he was flushed.

"Stop it with the queen crap! You have been balls deep in me; I think you can call me Asuna." She said smirking wryly.

His cheeks turned redder and he looked down and he met her eyes.

"I have no right to be doing any of this! You are the highest of the high in our society and anyone below your family is not worthy of you." Crevan blurted out.

"Okay say this again; Arianrhod died ten thousand years ago. Asuna Kurosaki-Jing is the queen now and she is not prejudiced bitch. Okay? Say it." Asuna snorted.

"Why me? I am not Fionn or Gwydion!" He said looking at her feeling so much.

"Precisely. I love Fionn. Do not get me wrong. I do love him but he would tell me the same as I am telling you; we are not monogamous creatures. I forbid you to call; my queen." She snorted.

Crevan widened his eyes and he stared at her as if she had grown an extra head and he was breathing harder.

"You tell me not to call my queen when you ARE my queen. I did not pull back and by the ancients; I cannot think. I have no clue how to think." He said struggling to put on his clothes.

"Did I harm you?" She said exasperated.

"What do you want from me?" He blurted out.

"I want to love you. I want to make love to you. That is making love or have you not done that?" Asuna demanded.

"I...I have made love but what happened between us was the most intense moment of my life. I felt as though I had been reborn. I cannot explain it properly without sounding like a foolish idiot. I have never felt such a moment." Crevan said shaken.

"My way of making love is distasteful? I see. The very fact you are nothing like Gwydion is what draws me to you. The very fact that you are not that self-involved, arrogant brat! You do not look down your nose at others. You do not lie to get your way or throw temper tantrums. You feed from animals yet you do not kill them. You do better than me! The fact that you never really wanted to fight the fae. All these things make me want you so very badly." Asuna admitted.

Crevan was stunned by her admissions and he met her eyes and he could see the truth in her expressions. His lips were against hers and he was devouring hers as he could not deny it; he would be a fool if he denied it; he was falling madly in love with the ekimmu queen and it was something that he thought he was completely stupid for but she was NOT Arianrhod anymore and she WAS someone else. This woman had higher morals standards and she was accepting his kiss and kissing him back and it lead to another encounter. He stupidly took her and she cried out his name and he did not pull back. The ekimmu people had just come back together and they did not need a scandal to rock them to their core.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Chanak and Efnisien went back and they were in Astana in the late 13th century. The Soten ruler knew that Maec already knew of him in this era but he was older and more powerful. He also was carrying a thick letter. Several guards found him and he had to be taken to Maec which he had no problem with that at all. Maec was looking at the Soten and Chanak handed the letter to a guard who in turn handed it to the king; Maec recognized his own handwriting and he was surprised.

"I wrote this." He said surprised.

"I know Uncle. I was there when you wrote it." Chanak smirked.

"Wait a minute; you call me uncle?" Maec demanded.

"Yes, I have accepted my mother is the nastiest and most demented upon all planes and she needs to be eradicated. Now that is our plans but I am older and frankly way more powerful this age. I am an asset and you are you for thousands of years. We have worked out equations; chants, and ingredients. I have them all. I have places to look as to where she may be hiding. We both want her dead." The Soten ruler said crossing his arms.

"What did mommy dearest do to you?" The Shouten king scoffed.

"Nearly killed my daughter Rhoswen and truly did not care. I begged her not to and she laughed. She swore to rip her from her from her mother's womb. I started to hate her then. Rhoswen survived because of my birth father. Now can we hunt and kill my mother?" The other type of wraith said impatient.

"Oh yes. Gladly!" Maec said smiling almost evilly.

"We also owe the current ruler of England a most cruel visit." His nephew said.

Maec looked at him and Chanak raised a brow.

"Read further Uncle. I will await you. I see that they are serving your infamous blood wine. I have grown rather fond of it." He smiled.

Maec flew through his letter and it was making him incensed. The more he read the angrier and deadlier his anger became. HIS Isha had been brutally raped because of Sanra and this filthy mortal. His anger was like a live thing and he was beyond livid; he wanted blood, real blood as it ran through his fingers. Chanak could see his mind and he concurred this time fully.

"Shall we wraiths go play?" He asked downing the wine.

"First the pig. We truss him up with an apple in his mouth." Maec said coldly.

"Excellent notion." His nephew agreed.

They both phased out and they were in England and they did not bother to hide their auras or hide anything. Maec's eyes were silver and they were not turning back. Chanak figured reading about Asuna's violation was enough to put him over the edge into a sort of madness in of itself. They appeared in the palaces of London and it was at Windsor they found the royal family in residence. They were in their ether forms and Maec watched as the banquets were held and it was making him angrier and it made him sick to his stomach that Isha had to carry this man's brat. Chanak did not mention that the child had found her only recently and the boy was good but that did not matter; what mattered was that this beast had hurt the woman they loved. What neither of them knew was that Arthur had his own friends in the English demon world. Nothing big happened that he did not know about. He had found out that the wraiths were moving and he had made friends with Jings wraiths who resided in the British isles in the "in between" there. He had no idea how he could see them; but he could. He had seen them all his life and wraiths had been his friends for years. That had told him that the Shouten king and the Soten ruler were doing something big in the extreme past. He had begged his Jing friends to get him back. Arthur hated the man who had sired him. While his birth mother had given him up to good people; the fact was she could not love him because his sire was a fucking monster.

Arthur suppressed his aura and he had a young Jing with him named Jing Hui Jes. He was a prankster and directly related to the Jing heir as a cousin of some sort. They liked one another and he considered Hui his best friend. Arthur knew these palaces better than anyone and he hid as he watched the two wraiths move. He drew closer as he hid among pillars and tapestries and he saw the bastard who was his sperm donor as the modern term deemed him. This was the "Hammer of the Scots" and hatred seethed from the young hanyou. Hui put his ether hand on his friend's arm and his could feel the hatred coming from him. Lady Asuna was well regarded and loved amongst the Jing clan being a Jing herself. Arthur had wept when he realized how entrenched his birth mother was in the demon world and he wanted her respect and he was dying to be worthy of her love. He would not say it; he had been raised a Tudor prince and it was something that he would not say but Hui knew this poor man suffered because his birth had been tainted.

Maec and Chanak moved silently and within their ether forms and Edward made some gallant speech of the barbaric Scots and his will would be carried forth and those Northern Pictish bastards crushed. Both wraiths scoffed and he left the banquet hall and the intended to follow and Edward went to his royal bedrooms. Arthur was already there and Hui locked the rooms down first and the hanyou hid while the king made himself vulnerable. Hui had made certain that there were no demon draining things about him and Arthur stepped out from a secret passage and Edward looked shocked to see a person and a young man at that.

"How dare you violate my privacy? I should have you hung!" Edward snarled at him.

"Really? You think I am afraid of the likes of you Edward; they call you Longshanks? Pfft what a fucking joke you are!" Arthur snarled at him.

"Who are you boy? You look familiar." The vile king said watching the young man as he was richly dressed but he had silver glints in his hair.

"You dare think of her after what you did? Oh I am he. I am the bastard you sired but here is the rub; Edward, I was raised by a king of England just not you!" The hanyou hissed as he grabbed his throat.

The power of his half demon son was unreal and Edward laughed manically and Arthur threw him through his bed post. Edward was wheezing but also clapping as he stood slowly and gazed at a son he could be proud of.

"Well well well. How utterly amazing you are! No doubt she fed you lies and told you things to fill you with hate." Longshanks said with malice.

"No she did not. I only recently met my birth mother. I can only say decent things of her as she gave me to an English family to raise and raise me they did. My Da loved her too you know'; except it was respect and honor and he loved her for the fact that she gave him me. He too was England's king and he was quite pivotal in her history and it is my sister who is a whole age is named after. Imagine that you sick fuck? They named an a golden age after a woman? Of course my sister was so much like my Da. She stared down a whole fleet of ships as God wrecked them in the channel. Her reign was graced and yours? Well your son can get it up to make some kids I hear but mostly with his male favorites. Quite scandalous in this era is it not? Prefers his favorite's saddle to an actual saddle?" Arthur said plucking up some fancy bauble.

"You insufferable brat! What do you know of anything? You do not even know of your cunt birth mother!" He roared.

"Actually I do. Your journals Edward. We found them in Westminster and all your depravity. The portrait and the miniature. A bit obsessed were you not?" His own child taunted him.

Edward was filled with hate and fury as his this creature was supposed to be controlled by HIM. This young demon man was not being controlled by anyone and he HATED him.

"She flaunted herself in MY kingdom. I am the king. If I wished her then she should be mine. How dare she deny herself to me!" Edward said madly.

"You actually think that? You actually believe that she should have fell in supplication at your feet? She is a queen many times over and she was to fall at YOUR feet? Who were you; just a pathetic mortal!" His son scoffed and laughed.

"A mortal who sired your worthless life!" The king said and he grabbed a sword.

Arthur used his mind and he pinned Edward's hand to the wall and he looked at him with utter hate. Hui phased in and he looked panicked.

"Arthur, I cannot hold them back any longer. This is Maec and Chanak." Hui said urgently.

"Let them come. I care not." He said with such hate in his frame.

"You dare go against your own father?" His birth father screamed at him.

"My father was Henry! I am Arthur Henry you fucking raping, murdering piece of shit! My Da would have had you drawn and quartered. You would have been disemboweled and given no mercy!" Arthur shouted.

Maec and Chanak slowly phased in and the sight that greeted them was a shocking one. The apparent son of the rapist was here and he was torturing his sire and he was shouting hate at the man who had in fact sired him.

"I may be a hanyou; but I am her son and I will be great. You will go down in history as a tyrant and murderer. Such a grand legacy do you not think? I shall let her legitimate king and other ruler deal with you. Firstly though." His son smiled and he moved swiftly.

Arthur punched him with incredible and Edward's jaw cracked. The Tudor crest was visible on a signet ring he wore and he showed it to Edward.

"Descended from the House of Lancaster. I am a Tudor. Your dynasty dies. Remember that." He taunted him and he scoffed as he pulled away and swiftly walked between Maec and Chanak.

"Boy!? Why did you do this?" Maec demanded.

"My mother was innocent as was I. I see that I resemble the monster and I bear her no ill will in not being able to be reminded of his vileness; but I want to know my mother; I have loved her memory from afar for as long as I can remember. Her portrait that that monster had created hung in my rooms at Hampton Court Palace as a child. I only wish to be reunited with her now as an adult and forge a relationship." He said and tears did glaze his eyes.

"Do not leave Mr. Tudor. Watch as we make him suffer." Chanak commanded.

"As you like." Arthur said crossing his arms and Maec smiled at Edward.

"Do you remember me King Edward? Do you remember how I told you not to fuck with me? You had the balls to aid my renegade and degenerate sister against my queen?" Maec said pleasantly.

"Your queen is a slut. I only did what she did as a service!" The human retorted.

Maec shoved his hand into his lower belly and Edward yelled out and Chanak smirked and Arthur showed no emotion. The Shouten king released his hiebie in a small amount in his intestines and a very cruel smile passed his face.

"That will be my contribution to you. Chanak? I rather like your fairy power punches." The Shouten king said in sarcasm.

"Fae Maec! Fae!" His nephew snapped.

"Oh what the fuck ever." His Shouten uncle waved in the air.

Chanak allowed the energy to flow and he suddenly punched Edward as his hand had a yellowish aura. He did so several times and he began to beat the English king to a bloody pulp. Chanak allowed vines to grow up from the stone floor of the palace floor and wrapped around his neck and they strangled him until he passed out.

"Well, I think that is well done. History does not dictate he died today but he will die a most painful death." Maec said stepping on the bastard's hand.

Arthur was not satisfied and he suddenly kicked him straight in his groin and Edward gasped in horrid pain. His ill-gotten son spit on him and he followed the two wraiths out and Chanak was impressed and nodded.

"That was good. Should have done so; hiebie poisoning? Kemuri would be too quick." His nephew asked.

"Yes. Hiebie leeched into his gut. It will make his life from now on miserable and by the time he dies; he will be a gaunt and disgusting, skeletal being. His intestines will slowly rot from the inside out." Maec said as his eyes changed back to brown.

"What of the witch that assisted him?" Arthur asked impatiently.

"THAT is up to us. You are not able to go against her. She is not normal for a Shouten at all and it will take both him and me to go against her." Chanak stated firmly.

"I want revenge." The young half-demon demanded.

"And you will have it through us! Chanak and I are the only ones who know the ways that she uses as well or better than she does. Believe me boy; she has taken down entire families and your bravado is nice but facing my sister would be a suicide mission for you." Maec snapped.

"Where does one learn about these ways?" Arthur demanded.

"Books boy but you have to piece it together. Go! Now, I will not have an innocent's blood on my hands. Go now before I make you go!" The Soten ruler growled fiercely.

Hui appeared and Maec narrowed his eyes at a young Jing and the boy bowed before the Shouten king and he was nodded at. The tr'Awnhi king was not angry; only curious as to who had brought the boy. Hui dragged Arthur away and phased them to an in between and forced him to go through it. His best friend was supremely pissed off and he wanted to fight. When he appeared again in modern England and Hui made them phase to his fancy house. Arthur was ranting; Hui reminded him how Tudor he sounded and he ranted more.

"I told you! How dare you disobey me!" He heard from the shadows.

Arthur turned and there was a very angry and very in person; Lady Asuna Kurosaki-Jing. Her eyes were burning red and he was a bit shaken by her appearance and Hui tried to run but she willed him across the room and he landed on his ass. She was seriously pissed off.

"How dare I disobey you? I am my own man my lady!" Arthur tried to say bravely.

"You are so full of shit and you know it! You reinserted yourself into my life. I almost did not give you up but you were correct; you did favor him quite a bit and Kamis, I hated Edward. I hated him with every fiber of my being. You are my child by birth Arthur and if you dare go against my commands again; ask your siblings what I do!" Asuna snapped as she passed him and she poured herself some of his brandy.

"Are you saying what I think you are saying?" He said stupidly.

"Your brothers and sisters are clamoring to know you. I cannot and would not stop them from knowing you. I failed you in some ways and I am sorry. I cannot lie and say I was strong after the violation; I was not but I wanted you to have a good life. You have told me that this was so. You have made it a point to enter my life and I accept this whole heartedly. You are my son; I loved you. I loved you enough to give you up." She said tearing up.

"So you did love me." He said in a whisper.

"Kamis yes. I am sorry." She actually wept.

Arthur jerked his mother into his arms and held her as she wept. The fact she was here chastising him as if an errant pup was amusing to no end but heartwarming nonetheless. She was sobbing and the bastard had harmed her so horribly that it caused such a stain. He however had been loved despite his other parent.

"I am sorry I angered you. I hate him too. I only wanted to harm him in some small measure that he harmed my lady mother." He said softly.

"Allow those of us who are better equipped to deal with Sanra and Bilae to handle them! Do not go after them again; I demand it Arthur! I did not give you up to lose you. Do you understand me?" She snarled.

"Yes mum." He said bowing.

She gave him a funny look and he looked at her with a weak smile.

"Did you say mam or mum?" Asuna asked curious.

"Mum." He shrugged.

"Okay." She said and she looked at the Jing wraith and she pointed at him.

"You are Lei's second cousin! Misbehave again and I will have him land on you with both feet." The empusae-inu growled.

"Yes mam." Hui said nervous of her.

"I am needed in Japan. You have siblings that are still very young yet. If you like; you may come regularly to visit us." She stated.

"I would love that mum." He said happily.

Asuna nodded and she ported out. Hui breathed out and he fell onto the expensive English couch.

"She has more power than most gods Arthur! Holy shit; I was about to shit my pants." Hui complained.

"She has thawed. She wants to know me. I am going to know me mum. This is wonderful Hui!" Arthur cried.

"Yes, yes it is! Just remember us poor Jings when we get threatened, okay?" His best friend snapped.

"You’re a fraidy wraith." The hanyou laughed.

"When confronted with a succubus mated to my clan leader? Uh yea! She is a bad ass on many levels. The woman who birthed you is the powerhouse in Asia for the past five centuries. I fear her and most demons do." Hui said sarcastically.

"Well she is fantastic. No wonder my Da was smitten with her. He was mad about her when he was young. No woman except Jane was good enough and that was only because she gave him little Edward. Da would tell me how she would ride with him and Ma and their archery contests. She held him captivated by her voice alone." He said wistfully.

"Your father was only human Arthur and your mother a demoness of mixed heritage herself. She is a reputed beauty amongst many lands; have you seen portraits of her own mother?" His wraith friend asked.

"No! Who is her mother?" His young hanyou friend asked surprised.

"Let me see your laptop." Hui said sighing.

Hui began typing up and searching for her demon family histories. He pulled up a well-known portrait of Augusta Elizaveta. Arthur was stunned stupid and the woman was almost as stunning as his own mother. He pulled up portraits of her siblings and her twin brother. He also began to pull up portraits of his brothers and sisters that were about his age and he was stunned.

"You see? You are a part of something great." His wraith friend shook his head.

"I am going to study up on my extended family I see. Thank you Hui! Stay please. I hate this fucking house. It's too big." He complained.

"Sure. Let me grab a hollow and I'll be back." He said and he did as he said.

Arthur researched the incredibly large family that was Lady Asuna's family and he was indeed a part of a much larger and grander family that spanned continents and he was stunned at the many individuals that it contained. If his Da had any idea then his mind would never have grasped it. He could barely grasp it and he was in it. He spent the entire night reading.
-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Fionn was actually amongst a throng of ekimmu that had met in in the ruins of the Coliseum in Rome. There was a bunch of them and to see so many; it was astonishing to see the numbers and he was looking at the different families represented and several nobles came forward.

"We have been talking amongst ourselves and it we have decided that we need our own meeting places and our voices. We have blended in and frankly; we have a queen who is highly visible but she is as unattainable as she was when she was Arianrhod! We blame Bilae for this but this queen is different and she has many adult children we are told." A powerful noble named Gwent Caleb stated.

"It is true that she has many adult children. I see not what that matters? Of course we should be making our lives and rebuilding something for ourselves and if you wish to see her; see her!" Fionn said crossing his arms.

"She is guarded heavily by the infants who have grown in power since our confinement. You yourself Prince Fionn are most jealously guarding her. We want to see our queen! We languished in that hell hole for eternity and while we know it was not her fault on purpose but we demand she see us!" The powerful man said with his dark grey eyes smoldering.

Fionn looked around and the number of ekimmu was high. Asuna was fall out when she realized that she had an actual race of people who proclaimed her as their ruler. He was actually trying to protect her from reality but their people were tiring of it and he nodded.

"Bring her Fionn." Another powerful noble named Amren Kindrick demanded.

Fionn's eyes burned green and his hand went to his hammer at his side and he was letting them know NOT to step over the line. Some stepped back and he shut his eyes and Asuna was mentally connected to him always now. She was surprised to feel his call and she suddenly appeared by his side and she was wearing a black hanfu edged in silver with a silver obi. The outer hanfu robe was off the shoulders and her hair was loosely piled on her head with precious silver combs that were gifts from Chan and she sucked in her breath. She had seen a large number of ekimmu when she opened Terre de Brume but this was something else; there were more than a thousand at least. Crevan was here she felt and he was just amongst the throng and she was looking around at the mass of blood drinkers and her jaw was dropped.

"Piuthar. They asked to see you. These are your people who call you queen." Fionn said softly in Japanese.

"Do they understand I am NOT her?" Asuna demanded.

"We rejoice in it." Gwent Caleb called out.

"You know my native tongue I see." She said carefully.

"Your timidity is understandable young queen. You were hunted and brutalized by the worst of our kind in the first years of opening the prison plane. You opened it and your previous life ripped open and forced upon you. We have no designs upon you except that you are the rightful heir and you ARE our queen by virtue of your soul. The fact that you wish to be different from that life speaks highly of you. The fact that you have become preachy as Prince Gwydion has been heard to say; I glory in such a thing. Prince Gwydion is rather a brat to most of us." Amren Kendrick spoke.

"I am in truth married to Prince Fionn Hammel and have declared his children to be my heirs if I had/would continue this course." She said aloud.

Fionn stared at her and he was shocked. She had just bluntly announced that he was her consort and Aibhlinn her heir to the ekimmu throne. Gwydion had been displaced to a secondary and lesser position and that was huge.

"This shows greatness of mind I think and personal growth." The ekimmu Gwent said to the many.

"Asuna! You have just outed me as your consort to the ekimmu people. I know what we agreed but Gwydion will be furious. It will cause repercussions." Fionn said harshly in her ear.

"Why should I be afraid to stand by you when she should have stood by you? Tell me that Fionn? Why all the fucking drama in that life when all you wanted was her love? You have mine and you tell me that it will cause drama? Fuck it all! Gwydion is my twin soul and I know this but guess what? I am in control of my life and not him! I demanded you give me the heir and you gave me Aibhlinn and you acknowledge that she is indeed your daughter and the heir! There Fionn Hammel; a woman stood by you in your life and proclaimed her love. Deal with it!" She snapped.

"Gentlemen and ladies; I realize that there is much more that needs to be said and spoken about but it is middle of the night in Japan. I am going back to bed but I will entertain my people and as long as they are true and not of Bilae; I will see them and I will hear them. Crevan Blethen? He is here?" Asuna called out.

They all looked around and they stared at him and he bowed to her and she looked at him as she stood up on the ruined stage of the ancient Roman ruin.

"Crevan Blethen has served by Fionn Hammel in our efforts against Bilae and Ayille. I intend to gather our best warriors and actually build an army of OUR people to work with my modern family's army. Crevan will be under Fionn as is right." She said and she bowed.

Asuna ported out and the chatter that broke out was excited and it was numerous. Crevan had been especially called out and Fionn was shocked at what she done. He was actually sitting on the stage and she had just split from Gwydion publically and there was no coming back from it. Gwydion would never settle for a second place at her side and Gwent and Amren neared the warrior prince.

"Why do you look so blank Hammel?" Amren demanded.

"She just set herself against her twin soul. Do you seriously think Gwydion will accept a place as a lesser husband? Gwydion is a mighty force!" Fionn snapped.

"I think you overestimate the brat prince and you underestimate yourself. Do you seriously think Gwydion would set himself against ALL of his people?" Gwent demanded.

"I have no idea what my older brother will do. He is volatile in the extreme. Mad half the time and has driven Asuna to nearly kill him several times. I know you the nobles must NOT allow this announcement out. You MUST let him think he has the upper status. Trust me." The thunder ekimmu stated and the leader of the House of Caleb nodded.

"You have always led us true Prince Fionn. Let Prince Gwydion believe what he wishes. We know the truth; we know the dictates of the queen and it seems Crevan Blethen has distinguished himself." The noble said.

"He has done that and Asuna has taken him for a lover. Gwydion was so incensed by it that he came to taunt me with it. It had the opposite effect I assure you. If she is taking ekimmu lovers; she may as yet be filled with our concerns." Their favorite prince said cunningly.

Amren and Gwent looked at each other and it seemed they were going to approve of this new queen more and more.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Asuna was in bed in her Tokyo penthouse and she was actually alone. Her mind was going a million miles an hour and the sudden meeting of the ekimmu had disquieted her. The part of her that had spoken as Arianrhod had ceased to exist and she was entirely herself and since then she had had surges in her yoki in great abundance. She was still overwhelmed by all that had had happened in the past many months; even though much of it had occurred in the past. Esus was around and Drostan had called her actually sobbing. He had said that he thought Kheagan was making up the story that, Papa was sleeping, she told him next time listen. He had ported in and hugged her till she was smothered and Asuna had laughed and it still freaked her out that her bitter enemy was now someone she could count on in a pinch. Amedeo never saw him or knew. He never saw Kheagan either. That was one child who was secret from her basilisk husband.

She lay in her plush bed and she was just disturbed by recent events and she felt an aura suddenly. Asuna turned her head and she saw green eyes and she knew it was an ekimmu and she sat up on the bed and she saw Crevan step in from the shadows.

"You were majestic." He said softly.

"Thank you." She said looking confused.

"We agree you are much more dynamic and better for us as a whole race than she was. We fully accept your rule you should know." Crevan stated.

"I still do not want it." Asuna sighed.

"We will follow you regardless. You are the heiress. You are the rightful queen. It belongs to you." He shrugged.

"No choices do I? Great. So now this is where you spook and freak on me, right?" She stated watching him.

He looked surprised and he tried to say several things and then shrugged.

"You are a deeply felt man. You are so incredibly honorable and you are actually freaked out by the idea that you are doing something wrong by loving me. Go on ekimmu. I have enough on my plate without a martyr." Asuna spoke softly.

"That is a cruel thing to say." Crevan said actually very hurt.

"I am not in the habit of just fucking for the fun of it! Perhaps I have had my romps in my days truly Crevan but I refuse to make someone feel dirty and especially bad about engaging me." She said rising and she was wearing a fawn colored night gown that had no back and the front came to her knees.

"You do not understand our society! You do not understand how it was. You are you now and you act as though everything is different but it is YOU who is different. How do I explain to you that...that you were unobtainable?" He cried.

"Then do not." She said narrowing her eyes.

"I told you I just wanted to adore you. Why could I not just adore you from afar and give you that one time?" The ekimmu asked her and it was obvious he was in emotional turmoil.

"Because I told you I hate that take from my lovers. I hate that steal their yoki so what I take I give back in love and adoration. You do not want it or need it apparently. I will not force myself on you Mr. Blethen." Asuna smarted off coldly.

She was knocked onto her back and his eyes were green as she was staring up into the eyes of a rather powerful ekimmu. Crevan's body was shaking harshly and she under him nothing but a tiny silk gown.

"Why can you not be as callous as she? Why do you have to be so...loving? Tender? Ancients help me." Crevan whispered as his mouth consumed hers and she groaned heavily as she responded.

Even her response made him wild and mad with need and more. Crevan was shocked with the strength of his sheer want and his maddening consumption for the young queen. He was not young; he had been there during the fall and he was rolled under her as she began to tear the cotton long sleeves off of him. He had fully assimilated to this era and he wore casual clothes like long sleeve tee shirts and cargo style pants. He liked them because they were comfortable and he could move and pack in them his weapons of choice. The woman above him he had stripped in record time and she made him undress her. The ekimmu's lips found her shoulder and Crevan pressed his lips to the fair skin and she was shaking hard.

"Do I need to make it official? Do I need to mark you to make it okay for you to be with me?" Asuna demanded in her passionate haze.

"I just do understand me? I am not anyone special." He said and he cried out beautifully as she slid down his cock.

"To who? You are to me!" She growled loudly.

Asuna was sitting in his lap as she possessed his mouth; she commanded it and conquered it as passion literally was communicated from her lips. Crevan was annihilated as his queen was squeezing him with her muscles and devouring his lips. His head fell back and she attacked his soft and tender throat as she licked and sucked up the succulent skin and the man was certain he was losing his mind.

"Do not drive me insane! Please." He begged.

"How do I drive you mad?" Asuna groaned as she nipped his throat.

"My queen! Move! I beg you. Oh fuck!" Crevan cried out rather loudly and she was gyrating shallowly.

"You take me Crevan. YOU TAKE ME. I am not the queen of the ekimmu right now. I am just an onna passionate about this man. Do your will." She hissed in his ear.

He lost it and she was again underneath him and Crevan Blethen folded one leg against his muscled and toned warrior chest and he thus began to stroke within this powerful woman with strength and ferocity that was crazy for him. Asuna was feeling his yoki actually unleashed and it was so close to her own and she gasping and trying to take in air. It was stronger than what she felt with Kensei. This ekimmu was causing a melding of the yoki and he watched her shake her head and scream out and he faltered for a moment but the insane need drove him as he held her hip. Her chest shot up and she was panting out and bathed in sweat as the ekimmu man was doing as she had commanded. Their lips met violently and the yoki was deafening and he felt it too and he felt constricted and confined. Blood trickled from the corner of the lip lock and Asuna's claws gripped Crevan's shoulders. He made a pained sound but the pleasure was more as she fell back and she arched under him over and over. Her claws dragged down his back and hiss was from pain but the high was getting higher and she seemed in some fever. The ekimmu could not explain it and his natural power was literally pressing him down and what felt like a burst of several energies made him cleave to her form and Crevan felt bliss in its purest form as time seemed unreal. Asuna was not fully aware but she saw him make an almost pained expression but a frenzy of yoki and orgasm left them both vulnerable. The beautiful man collapsed against her and she was jerking under him and he was moaning softly as her body came down from the joining. The ekimmu noble was bleary eyed and coupling with the queen was not supposed to be a religious experience and he had neither wish nor energy to move. Asuna had already passed out and he tried to move but his body was sapped of all stamina; he passed out as well and he was still within her.

Crevan woke up and his body hurt. His body absolutely ached everywhere and he fell to his wounded back and he hissed as the silk of her sheets touched the marks her claws had made. She was still out and he stared at the ceiling and the encounter had been mind bending. He wondered if it was because their powers were so similar and she was not waking up and he sat up and he looked down.

"My queen?" He whispered.

Crevan pressed his ear to her chest and her heart was beating but it was sluggish. He grew panicked and he yelled out. He knew she had frère and he yelled louder. Kameron appeared soon and he was already dressed and the ekimmu was trying to get the frère to react faster.

"She is not waking up!" Crevan said upset.

"She is asleep. She is deeply asleep sir. Calm down." Kameron said smiling softly.

"Her heart beat is sluggish frère. I listened." He said worried.

Kameron pressed his ear and she did have an off pattern and Kameron picked her up and he nodded to the ekimmu. He ported her to Yamasaki general and Crevan was making certain she was okay. Kameron laid her on a gurney and Nobu rolled his eyes and he pressed his ear to her chest and made a frown.

"She had a chest injury when she and Lei fought in the Sengoku Jidai but it was supposed to have been healed by General Baku's mild purity." Nobu said frowning.

"That is not her normal rhythm though. What was she doing beforehand?" Shinobu asked.

Crevan turned tomato red and he presented himself. He refused for his queen to be in danger because of something he had done and they looked at this rather gentle looking ekimmu.

"What is your element?" The elder kumo asked.

"Same as hers but I can only call upon wind. She has domain over all the air." He said bluntly.

Nobu was curious and her yoki acted wonky around the Vizard named Kensei and he looked at this seemingly gentle ekimmu and he raised a brow.

"Press your hand to hers and actually try to call your element." He commanded.

Kameron held her hand up and Crevan did what he was told and the amount of yoki that started to build what unreal.

"Okay. Okay down boy. Yea, Asuna probably got hit with a real good dose of her own yoki. She really does not have immunity to herself." Her kumo mate chuckled.

"You laugh?" Crevan said horrified.

"Well ekimmu...if you and my mate are going to be good friends then you are going to have to tone down your yoki but yea, I am laughing. This was an accident and nothing I cannot correct with a jolt from a defibrillator." Nobu smirked.

Kameron smirked and Crevan was mortified at their nonchalance and he phased out.

"Did not think that the ekimmu came in innocent! Oh my Kamis did you see the poor dude was mortified? I actually thought he was going to die of embarrassment!" Her chief doctor busted out laughing.

"I confess I know nothing of him except that he adores Asuna. He taught her a higher degree of archery but apparently I need to know more. He is so innocent; he is adorable!" Kameron gushed.

"Dudes! That guy is like your age Kameron and you are calling him adorable?" Shinobu barked in laughter.

"Yes. Yes, I am. Rare to find such a being amongst blood drinkers. She must feast on his very being. Anyhow. Jolt her please?" The frère had a good laugh.

Nobu shocked her lightly and she slowly came to and made a rude noise. She looked around and looked stunned.

"Why am I here?" Asuna asked.

"Had a taste of your own yoki babe. You cannot even handle yourself." Her kumo busted out laughing and she growled at him.

"Oh you are so going to get it Nobu!" She snapped in a playful manner.

Kameron and Nobu could not help but tease her and she rough housed with them until they would good and worn out. She dressed in a long blue pashmina sweater and jeans and ported to the woods around Karakura Town. He was there and he saw her well and she smiled up at him. Crevan looked miserable and she sighed again. His aqua eyes met her light blue ones and she threw up her hands and turned around and walked away from him. He got up and moved quickly and he followed her.

"You know there was a Tudor princess; she was the sister of Henry VIII and she married James IV of Scotland. Her husband used to flog himself for perceived misdeeds and he wore this heavy iron belt as punishment for atrocities committed in his name as a child king. Should I perhaps get you a cat-o-nine tails and a heavy iron girdle so you may self inflict punishment or do the ekimmu have worse ways?" Asuna asked sardonically.

"By the ancients you have a wicked tongue! How dare you say such evil bile to me!" Crevan nearly spat at her.

"Before or after you flog yourself?" Asuna asked.

Crevan lost his temper and he slapped her and she stared at him and he was astonished with himself. Since opening Terre de Brume; she had NEVER met such an honorable ekimmu and those two words she had believed did not go together in a sentence but they did; he stood in front of her and she wondered if he begged forgiveness for breathing. He heard her thoughts and his look of utter rage was brilliant.

"Oh pardon me. You are telepathic! Forgive me Master Blethen! I shall let you get back to over esteeming assholes like Gwydion, Sucellus, Nisien, perhaps, Cadius? The idea of loving your reborn queen and her loving YOU in return is such a frightening prospect. Certainly, I can figure it out. It just is not done!" She growled at him.

Asuna stalked angrily and the beach house she shared with Ichigo was nearby. She was furious as hell and she was forcing her way through the brush and scrub. She was knocked over and it was an Arrancar but not a very smart one. It was trying to strangle her and she pressed her hands to its chest and she blew another hole in it. The poor bastard did not have a chance and she got up. She saw a huge garganta and her jaw dropped and she pulled out her cell phone.

"Ichigo? Near our house. Huge garganta opened. Yea, there are Gillian class and I was attacked by a dumb Arrancar. Ichigo! Not all Arrancar are dumb! Damn it! Just get here!" She growled.

Crevan had seen her knocked over and he was shocked to see a rip in the sky and she was shielding her eyes as she looked up at the huge Gillian class hollows stepping through.

"Damn it! Why now?" Asuna asked in rhetoric.

"What are they?" The ekimmu asked shocked.

"Hollows. They are from Hueco Mundo. The plane of the Shouten wraiths; you know infants!" She snorted.

She recognized two distinct auras and she looked up and she saw Grimmjow and she gasped. He looked down at her and his manic grin told her that he was on their side and she nodded. Her Arrancar pulled his zanpakuto and muttered, "Grind Panthera.".

Asuna watched as Grimmjow changed form and her eyes narrowed and lust ripped through her. A naughty fantasy caught her and Grimmjow looked down at her and she must have broadcasted it and he snorted and began laughing wildly as he took off in sonido.

"That creature is a?" Crevan asked.

"Vasto Lordes. Another type of hollow and highly evolved and very powerful. Ulquiorra! I have not felt him in years!" She said running and she skidded to a stop at the perimeter to the beach was.

Ulquiorra looked a little different and his hair was longer and came past his shoulders. His white clothing while still immaculate but was a tad wilder and his pale, toned chest was visible and the four tattoo had been torn at. It was covered in a scar. His dark emerald eyes met hers and the last time they had met; it had been less than pleasant events concerning Ichigawa. She had not seen him since that time and her jaw dropped.

"Holy fucking Kamis! Ulquiorra went and got hot." She said under her breath.

She thought nobody heard her but the former kumo Arrancar whirled his head and his green eyes bored into her blue eyes and she was just stunned. His air was more dangerous and way more power. He was gone and she was shaky to have seen him again and Crevan put a hand on her shoulder and she looked back at him.

"I cannot do this right now Mister Blethen. This is major shift in Japanese afterlife stuff sort of but if you want to talk; I will be available tomorrow." She said and she ported and left him there.

Crevan felt like she might as well have punched him as cruel as she had been. He sighed deeply and he phased to his old home in Briton and looked around the area known as Bath and he really had no home to go to. That was the major injustice for most of his people and that was what he would insist be rectified. The greater ekimmu population who were not royal and had been just normal; they had nothing and he was morose as he watched the stars pass in the night sky.
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He had seen her and he knew her too well. She was still the same soul and it took her five minutes to find him. Asuna jumped up and a yoki cloud was under her feet and she grabbed him. She ported down and he whirled with great power and slammed her against the side of a house. The inu-empusae queen stared into his dark green eyes and he stared at her light blue eyes and his skin was still so cold. What possessed this Vasto Lordes NO ONE knew but she had no fucking clue what possessed her; she slammed her mouth to his and he was against her in one second flat. His strong white hands were in her hair and she her claws were in his shaggy black length as strength was oozing from his frame. His mouth moved and hot breath tickled her ear and she was trying to catch air.

"Not hot now am I my queen." He breathed.

"Same smart ass mouth. Ulquiorra. Kamis what the fuck?" Asuna asked dumbfounded.

"Aizen making a statement and I frankly do not care to take his commands any longer. This skin is still very lovely. I am cold my queen; perhaps I should seek a source of heat?" He asked and his hand barely brushed a nipple through her sweater.

"Who do you follow Ataru?" She asked gasping.

"You. I will always follow you." He said undoing her jeans.

She ported them and they were in Tokyo. The Arrancar moved swiftly and had her sweater up and off quickly and his hands were full of her breasts. His blunt teeth bit her neck tendons but did not break her skin and she was losing her mind fast. Asuna was nearly screaming and Ulquiorra shoved a wrist in her mouth and she snapped fangs deeply into his white skin. His eyes rolled back and he was losing any composure and he remembered everything from his youkai life and he was deadly and a killer; but to this woman, he would always be the faithful Ataru. He ripped her breast binding off and one handed tweaked and rolled a nipple in his fingers. His wrist he pulled away and she was gasping as he began to work both. He slipped her jeans down along with her panties and she whirled in his arms as she worked his white clothes from him. He was naked soon and turned her away from him and moved her silver hair so he could run his fingers down her back and she was hissing and moaning as he was making her react to her still latent kumo tendencies. Asuna shivered violently and he pulled her back into his chest and was licking and sucking on her neck. Asuna ended up with her back against her wall in her Tokyo penthouse and Ulquiorra was in her and she was gasping and his steel like skin was getting torn into by her youkai claws and he reveled in it and both of their voices were gasping and whining as he took her and his former queen wanted him. With her violent actions and her desperate actions; he lasted not nearly his usual stamina but his emotion and true lust for her was monumental.

"Where have you been?" She gasped softly.

"Within Hueco Mundo. I am sure Grimmjow told you Aizen will up his agenda again. The higher ranking Espada have left and he has new Arrancar and we are wild now." He said shutting his green eyes and he savored her feel.

"You speak more." She grinned.

"I speak when there is something worth saying. I have also fully unleashed my memory and my personality from my youkai life. I have a jorogumo to bring hell to." Ulquiorra said coldly.

"Asa considered what you did in the Ichigawa affair as being traitorous." She said defending her former mother.

"Do not defend that slut bitch!" He said narrowing his magnificent eyes.

"Well you are not committing suicide. Thank you." Asuna growled and she went towards to her bedroom.

Ulquiorra had a tiny smirk and he followed and he flattened her on her bed. This man was still a mystery to her and he licked up her breast bone and he looked at her through his fringe of black lashes.

"You just do not fully remember me as Ataru and you did not know how much I worshipped my queen. She did not know how much I wish to do this." He husked as he did something to her clit.

Asuna shot up and she was immediately sweating and she was whining immediately as she melted under what felt funnel venom but more potent. She arched her body and let out blood curdling scream as she had a massive release. While thoroughly pleased of her orgasm; he was certain one of her men would come after hearing the scream. He could not resist licking up her labia and his growl was deep and he was ticked that he had to go. He grabbed his haori and he was gone. Asuna was passed out; naked on her bed and her two basilisk mates had heard the scream. It had made their blood run cold and they shifted into her penthouse and they poked around and Amedeo was red when he saw the salacious sight.

"OH!" Julianus muttered blushing at the erotic view.

"Si Papa. She looks delicious no?" Amedeo pointed out.

"Si mi figlio! Think with this head and NOT that head, si? SI!" His father admonished him.

Amedeo could not help it if his really pretty cane-empusae wife was erotically displayed and he could taste the air and she had obviously had come down from a recent high. Julianus was beating his head and yelling at him in Latin the whole time as Asuna was wrapped in a quilt and Amedeo just wanted to take his beautiful wife/mate and his stupid father was busy being paternal. Amedeo was yelling back in Latin at Julianus and it was the scene that Asuna came awake to and Valerian waved hello to her and General Gabrielus said hello as well. The two Servius men were yelling in escalating Latin and Julianus slapped Amedeo in the head again.

"Why is Julianus slapping Amedeo?" She asked confused.

"Because Amedeo's beast is engaged and if Julianus was not around; you would be underneath a horny basilisk rex." Valerian laughed with mirth.

"Oh! Okay and why is my husband a horn ball?" Asuna asked blinking her eyes.

"Well femmina we all heard you scream and honestly; it curled all our toes, it scared me shitless, si? The rexes shifted in and they came back with you, si? Amedeo was acting like this since." The white shrugged.

"Ah. Okay. I ran into someone from the past. They have apparently awakened old yoki. Very strange." She brooded.

"Fascinating. Who?" Valerian demanded without preamble.

"The Vasto Lordes Ulquiorra." She laughed.

"Oh! Pale face?" Amedeo asked surprised.

"Hai. Pale face but I am sure he would not appreciate the description." Asuna chuckled.

"Do not really care what a hollow thinks femmina. Kiss me." Her bi-color Servius demanded.

She did kiss him and Amedeo had ideas and she grunted. She whined and she had to grab Julianus to help her. The son was still a hopeless; horny mess and she could not walk out of the penthouse that night.
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Her life was wonky but then it was always wonky. Chanak was in the past with PAST Maec hunting Sanra. Hueco Mundo had exploded with Arrancar and hollows. The Shouten were HIGHLY annoyed at that. Rogue former Espada that had not been killed off in the old battles were now running around as well. The ekimmu were grumbling and making factions and actually EXPECTING her to listen to their problems. Asuna was seriously disturbed by that idea. She truly got the idea that she had been Arianrhod but she kept grumbling to Fionn about, what part of this gig do they not understand, that I do not want? One of the rare times the ekimmu of thunder and lightning actually laughed his head off and told her that it was just too bad; she had agreed to it. She was the heir and she was HER reborn. The added bonus was that average Joe noble ekimmu adored the hell out of her as she was. She snorted that was JUST HER LUCK. Asuna was now on a mission to avoid her own version of average Joe noble ekimmu in Crevan Blethen because she seriously thought about buying the man self torture devices. She had no idea that Fionn heard those mental thoughts and he had to phase out and bust out laughing and the more he was around her; the more he loved her. Fionn just got on well with her and their relationship was easy and loving again because he quit being a "stick up his ass old fart headed jack ass" as his wife in their society had so pleasantly told him. His mouth had dropped open and she had smiled sweetly. So she was meeting with her ekimmu nobles and she was the most laid back persona that ANY of them had known and some questioned if it really was Arianrhod; they watched her temper THEN it confirmed that it was her.

Asuna decided to take ekimmu noble callers at the Yamasaki-Matsuda Corporation headquarters and her feet were up; when a lower noble named Marc Pritchard came in and he saw legs; long legs in black tights with black high heels and he wanted whistled and Asuna looked around her feet and she saw the dark haired ekimmu and bid him sit.

"Hello. I am the bitch reborn as you know. I have this mythical mission to complete. Frankly, I want soul daddy to just drop dead and leave me the fuck alone but what can I do for you?" Asuna asked him pleasantly.

"My queen you are quite different." Marc said trying not to laugh.

"Several lifetimes cut short and psycho soul twin from hell tends to give one an attitude problem." She smiled.

Marc began to laugh wildly and he was laughing so hard that he ended up crying. She was sipping coffee and she shrugged and Crevan had come to assist his old friend Marc and Asuna raised a brow.

"Well the Prichards knew the Blethen? Small world." The queen said benignly.

"Hardly a small world for the ekimmu my queen. We have serious needs that need meeting and it is your authority that we need. We need spaces and land in order to grow as a people. We were in Briton and Eerie but those lands of full of mortals now. Where do you suggest we settle?" Crevan demanded.

"Japan has thousands of small islands and there are others in the Pacific that are barely habited by mortals. I can make certain arrangements within the Diet and so forth that would make islands here our lands and the ones in Pacific; we need only appeal to those legislatures. Money can buy plenty of cooperation." She said bluntly.

"You have thought about this already." He said astonished.

"Of course! I am certain that is a shock. I had to see how much pull and might I could actually still exert and it seems with enough financial assets; I had enough. We have ten islands here in Southern Japan for ekimmu disposal. Build homes and begin to make your lives. We can look to the islands in the Pacific for more options. The ekimmu will also have the Yamasaki-Matsuda Corporation at their call. I must have assurances of no alliance with Bilae or previous ones as such. You must understand." Asuna said rising.

Marc Prichard was stunned and hopeful that his own noble house would have a home to call their own soon and he looked at Crevan and smiled widely. His good friend left and Asuna had on a body con style dark grey jersey dress the clung to every curve. She wore black leggings underneath and a wide black belt around her waist. She was pacing and her black heels tapped the marble floor and her silver hair was braided loosely as she was on her phone speaking rapid Japanese.

"Is there something else I can do Crevan? I thought your self castigation and my need not to be a part of your martyrdom made us nothing?" She asked bluntly.

"How can you be so callous after what has occurred between us?" He demanded.

"What has occurred? I attempt to find out and I find a wounded animal! My experience? Leave well enough alone." She snorted.

"Not what I have heard. Certain arachnid males I hear get your utmost attention." Crevan scoffed at her.

"Excuse me? Checking on me?" She demanded.

"How else am I supposed to know who am I really dealing with? It is only small partitions of Arianrhod's person and those parts are twisted up into this creature before me. You my queen are a walking dichotomy!" He accused.

"You are right! I cannot deny it. I am a vicious monster some days and a complete asinine and crazy, jealous bitch other days. You are so very correct. Next accusation?" Asuna asked.

"That is all. I cannot find fault in you except you have double standards. I am terrified of my own emotions if you must know! It terrifies that I adore you so freely and easily knowing who you were and what you are now. It horrifies me that our elements melded to such a degree as to harm you. I am scared of loving you so much and never feeling that back from you in kind!" He stated bluntly to her.

Asuna blinked at him for speaking his feelings and she was processing what he told her and she cocked her head to the side and she looked at him and sighed.

"You are a fucking coward on some levels; I already said I wanted to love you, you refuse to believe me. The melding of our powers; we say yoki, but I have seen it before, if you had asked me, I would have explained it. As to whom I was; that bitch is dead! Really really dead and as to what I am? You need not bother yourself further!" She snorted.

"No!" He snarled in sudden anger.

He moved with inhuman speed and he jerked his queen to him and his kiss was powerful as he commanded her lips and she held onto the red tees-shirt with thermal red sleeves and graphic print of some sport depicted. His cargo style pants were black and wore some type of boots. His wheat-gold hair was growing longer and almost came to his chin. His eyes burned his odd shade of green and Crevan wanted her as she was. He wanted the queen of his kind and he would one of her men. He had decided it just momentarily. It was true that if she favored a man in her circle then she would love them and she was selfish about it. Asuna; this version of Arianrhod, needed the yoki to feed her incredible abilities of commanding the air and channeling ANY other country because the stuff that made up air, made up life along with blood as well. No, he wanted to be loved truly by the woman because he already loved her and love was such a precious thing and the pain of Aizabeta's loss had kept from acknowledging his own desires. Asuna had gotten all of mental processes but then she was sure that was what he wanted. Her shoes came off and her panties and leggings as lifted her against a wall.

"I have always been loyal to my queen. I was loyal in her previous guise when I did not like her policies always. The fae wars warred with my sense of Justice but we know that was orchestrated by Gwydion. I am more than loyal to her in this soul but I demand her love in return. She has bestowed it; I want it, I need it, I deserve it, and I will have it!" He said with strength in his voice and she was sure this was the warrior in him.

Their pelvises joined and she groaned heavily and Asuna shut her eyes tightly as he was pressing his yoki but not as heavily this time. He wanted the unique bond that their yoki presented and if truth be told; she did as well. Kensei had always thought it irritating but she had found it powerful and mind altering in a good way, like the Taiwanese sake after a good battle. Crevan had the warrior's body but his morals were high and he lived by a code of honor; in a manner of speaking, honor was not usually important to ekimmu but it was important to him. She understood that about him because for her; it was a part of her culture and the building passion escalated into the utter mind shattering, rupturing yoki as the bodily act of melding yielded to convulsions of overpowering blissful joy and bodily writhing. Asuna slid down the wall and Crevan was holding on and she was aware there was blood on her mouth and she had been bitten and she tasted his ancient ekimmu blood.

"I love you Asuna, my queen and mistress of my heart if you will." He spoke softly.

"Hai. I do have double standards and I cannot share you with anyone but; perhaps if you disposed, with one or another of my beloved mates." She whispered as her clawed fingers ran along his jaw.

"Perhaps sometimes. I love you and what makes me happy is being with you. I will fight for YOU. Not many of our kind were exclusive but Aizabeta and I were unless we agreed to a partner from outside from time to time. I was not even normal back then." He blushed.

"What you call abnormal; I find beautiful and perfection. You have no home do you?" Asuna asked him.

"I have made do my heart. Believe it or not my personal stash of wealth was still around. I was able to dig it up and I have a bank account with forged papers courtesy of your wonderful corporation as you call it. I am a person in this brave new world but no, I do not have a home. I sometimes rent a hotel room in inclement weather. It is nothing to an ekimmu to sleep under the stars." He spoke gently.

"That ends today. Choose to camp on a veranda but you are done wandering. Do you remember my Karakura mansion? I shall be there later on but bathe and be comfortable and we shall go over properties. How does that sound?" She asked her lover.

"I think it is the most wonderful news I have had since I was released from Terre de Brume." Crevan said and he kissed her crest then her lips.

"I love you Crevan and I will love you more deeply as time passes. If you allow me; I will love you insanely." Asuna said watching as he fixed his pants.

"I want it my lady. Asuna, I mean. I want that all-encompassing; filling not only my heart but my loins and body. I crave it and need it. That is who I am and I can have it with you." He said as red stained his cheeks.

"Hai you can and you do deserve it. All the ekimmu nobles speak highly of you and your house. They respect and honor your abilities and your acts as a warrior. I shall see you in a few hours." She said cleaning herself up and putting her panties and leggings back on.

He kissed her wrist and then her mouth passionately and then he phased. Asuna touched her lips and she was breathing hard. She had not become pregnant recently and that meant that Nanami's new form of birth control was holding out or she was going dormant. That thought actually saddened but she was not quite ready to give birth again and she would just have to see. She sat down and she called her son. Arthur answered and he was obviously thrilled to hear from her and she asked him to consider having a small residence in Japan since he had such a large family and they were desperate to know him. She asked him to have dinner with her in Karakura Town and he said absolutely yes. Asuna hung up the phone wistfully and she was glad he had found her and she was thrilled that he hated his sperm donor. That made it easier to have him in her life. She watched Tokyo go by and she wondered what new plot Bilae and Sanra were cooking up and this appearance by Aizen was bothering her. The difference this time was that Hueco Mundo was not divided as it was before; the Shouten Empire was hers through Maec and they would crush the fucking shinigami turned something. She stood up and needed to grab several real estate magazines. The ekimmu queen ported out and Bilae's spies had much to report.