Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ The Hidden Circle ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: Serving revenge as new members of the family are met. Politics of old are blown wide open as light and dark explode. Hidden things are being hunted once again and two become displaced. Thank you so much for reading and I will be delving into past politics of Tomoshibi/Shouten relations in upcoming chapters.

The Hidden Circle

Pryderi Jernigan stood by amongst many of his men who wore helmets with curved horned and heavy armor over leather body suits in green; his signature color. Most of his warriors were adept with spears, axes, and broad swords. His warriors all were of his clan and were adept at his abilities of psionic and shifting abilities. Pryderi had gotten up close and seen the queen with his own eyes and felt her power. He had felt her emotions, and he was yoked just as every other common ekimmu who came into contact with her. Pryderi was also much more of a predator than Aeron Purcell and this particular warrior had been a favorite of Arawn.

"My lord Pryderi? When do we move sir?" A clansman asked him while he thought.

"Actually we shall swarm that century the witch is in. Bilae will be sucking her ass now to gather power. We will strike hard and faster than Fionn. I want death; do you understand me? I am most certain Bilae will outflank us but I will make certain that our mission will cause rivers to turn red." Pryderi smiled cruelly.

His dark haired clan members all smiled feral and the Hammel brother who had led to their downfall was hated more than the brat ice prince. His warriors began phasing and Pryderi had a crunching of pebbles under foot. He whirled fast and his spear was at Asuna's throat. Her blue eyes were calm and she only stared at his unusual green eyes.

"My queen! I did not expect you." He said dropping his spear into a holster on his back.

"Maec has cursed me from going to that century. I want to strike out myself once. I have a lesson to teach. Tell me how to get past Math's alchemy." Asuna demanded.

"Math was simply the most powerful earth alchemist my queen. His magics were nearly impossible to be undone." The powerful ekimmu warrior stated crossing his arms over his chest.

The ekimmu queen was suddenly nose to nose to him and he did not fear whatsoever but had to control the sudden surge of lust flooding his veins.

"Shield me against his magics with your abilities. You have the ability to change your appearance and I suspect that it could be extended. I am supposing here but if you did so to me; then Maec's alchemy would not recognize me and I could pass." She stated in a deep voice.

"I will do as you wish but what is it you wish to do that your warriors cannot do?" Pryderi asked with a sensual grin on his chiseled face.

"Put my fang in Longshanks gut. With the help of Bilae and Sanra; he raped me brutally and traumatized a noble Welsh family. I intend to remind him who the more powerful royal is." She stated with a frigid tone.

Pryderi channeled his power and her appearance melted away to that of an ordinary human woman with dark hair and blue eyes. Asuna smiled and the warrior ekimmu took her hand and phased with her to the thirteenth century.

Aeron had been asleep beside her but was up suddenly and he ran looking for her as he could find nothing of her aura. He looked around frantically and he saw her frere Kameron.

"Where did she go?" The privy councilman demanded.

"She went with the ekimmu warrior you introduced her to. She intends to deliver a lesson." Kameron sighed.

"What do you mean?" He said with rising concern.

"Well Sir Aeron; you ekimmu have no regard of her life outside of your people, I do not answer to you and I answer to her." The eldest frere said coldly and he walked away.

Aeron was furious and her frere were not likely to be friendly with ANY ekimmu. They were still in her past era at the Western Qinghai palace and he wanted to hit and maim every single ekimmu who had come out first out of Terre de Brume; for they had given impressions of his people that were intolerable. He was exhausted trying to deal with the other types of daemons that inhabited her life and be one of her lovers. Anger flooded him and he was terrified of her going against Bilae
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Asuna was in a dark grey and silver silk tunic dress of the period of Longshanks. Her appearance was still of a dark haired and blue eyed beauty but human. Pryderi was near her and she was at Windsor Castle. Hatred flooded her veins as she appeared as any other common noble onna of the age. Her nearly black hair in this guise was braided in a single plait down her back and she was just simply robed.

"You need not stay Pryderi." His queen muttered.

"I am curious as to the half man who needed two shit wipes to subdue a woman so that he could fuck her. He is not a man." He nearly spat.

"It was to show me he had power over me ekimmu and no more. I shall prove to him that he has no power whatsoever." She said in hate.

"Should you do so in your condition?" Pryderi demanded.

"Wield my fang? I have given birth on a battle field sir. Mind yourself!" She growled and she moved forward quickly.

Pryderi actually cursed and he followed discretely behind and she was watching from the end of a long court. The ekimmu warrior could see the mortal monarch and he had obviously been hurt as his eye drooped a little. His hair was a lustrous brown with steel grey mixed in. His queen looked like an ordinary mortal but the human king looked up and around and Asuna masked sharply.

"Your majesty?" the lord chamberlain asked Edward I.

"Nothing. I only thought I felt a familiar presence. Go on. You were telling me of the resistance of the Scotts bastards!" Edward growled in his elegant brogue.

Asuna's chest heaved and the hate she held for this human was beyond natural. She saw the young Prince Edward and a smirk played on her beautiful face. She slipped from her place of hiding and had the boldness to sit down near the royal prince.

"Who are you?" Prince Edward snapped as a beautiful dark haired woman boldly sat next to him.

"Shhh Prince Edward. Everything is alright." she said in a very soft voice.

"Do I know you madam?" The teenaged prince asked miffed.

“No you do not. I however would be forever grateful to you and your friend Piers if you were to get your father’s attention to me.” She purred in his ear.

The young prince shuddered pleasantly as tingles of pleasure shot down his spine. Asuna made note of his duality and she had a sensuous smirk as he rose and went to his father. The Prince of Wales spoke quickly and quietly to his father; King Edward I and Longshanks looked at the beautiful woman. She was quite the beauty and she lowered her eyes demurely. Edward had turned into quite the scoundrel since he had been exposed to Lady Dillingham and the smile that played on his royal face made Asuna want to gut him right there. For the moment; she waited until he would call for her after the banquet.
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Nanami was in Astana feeding Adellum and Selene and she was reading medical charts. She heard a noise and looked up to see Maec and she continued to read her charts.

“I am almost done feeding them. I have a thirty six hour shift coming up.” Nanami said matter of factly.

“I do not appreciate this thing you have going my dear. You are one of my wives and I assure you that my wives are given ample attention.” Maec said with cloudy brown eyes.

“Those were your former brood mares Maec. I agreed to this so I could save my mother’s face. You pushed me aside for her and you know what? That is okay! She is amazing and I get that; but I am not a fucking glutton. Get the fuck out of my face Shouten!” She growled low in her throat.

Maec was furious and he left her to fume and she continued to feed their babies as Laes stood in the doorway and she lifted her now green eyes to meet his.

“Get out!” She hissed at Maec’s youngest adult son.

“I find it intolerable that my own father stole from me. Are you happy being his supposed wife Nanami?” Laes asked in anger.

“I have nothing to do with him. He and my mother are buddy, buddy again and he gets to see his children by me. Yes they are his. I was a mess after the miscarriage and my mates just left me to flounder. He held me up so to speak and I bit the fuck out of him. I got pregnant and I ran.” Nanami finally told Laes the truth.

“You ran? Why?” The young tr’Awnhi prince asked softly.

“Because she was mine! I had already lost the twins; I did not want to take a chance of losing Selene.” Nanami said emotionally.

“We had something Nanami.” Laes whispered.

“Hai we did until you insisted that your name was more important than me!” She said calmly so as not to upset her little ones.

“I am not stopping.” He warned her.

“Whatever.” She sneered.

Selene fell asleep and Adellum was already asleep. Nanami quietly called on their Shouten nanny and she rose. She left her suite of rooms and Laes grabbed her and he pressed her against the wall of the palace. Her eyes were still green and he could not stop; his mouth covered hers and his pent up feelings poured out into the connection. She did not want to respond but she had had it bad for this Shouten at one time. Her hands became buried in his dark hair and he kissed her breathless. Laes finally pulled back and she was sucking in her breath.

“Do not do that again!” She snarled at him.

“You do not hate me as much as you would have me believe.” He said sure of himself.

Nanami sneered and she ported out. Laes knew he was playing a dangerous game by pursuing his father’s wife but he did not care. His father had betrayed him in his mind and he intended to take his tiny brother and sister as his own.
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She had made it to an in between and then ported to Tokyo. She was inside Yamasaki General and she was pulling on scrubs and she was drinking shit tons of blood but she kept a close look at herself and her Tomoshibi babe was growing well. She was showing barely yet and she grabbed a chart. She was covering the emergency room today and her father had forgiven her for her stupidity. Nanami was seeing run of the mill stuff and she was dealing with some gunshot wounds which would always get to her but she dealt with it.

It was late in the afternoon when she came into a room and she was looked at the chart; Tanaka Riki. She knew that name and she looked up. It was the eldest son of Lord Chikara and he had a nasty laceration from his thigh to his ankle.

“Get this in your true form?” Nanami asked as she knelt to inspect the wound.

“You are very astute doctor.” Riki smiled.

“You do not remember me do you?” She asked softly.

“Actually I do. One of those Shouten creatures did some sort of surgery in our home long while ago and you were the patient. How do you fare?” He asked seriously.

His pupiless brown eyes held her black ones and her heart was beating way too fast.

“It worked perfectly. I finally healed. This however is going to need stitches Mister Tanaka.” Nanami said formally.

“Riki please.” He smiled softly.

“Then please call me Nanami.” She smiled at him.

“Thank you Nanami. I was hunting and I was gotten by a snake youkai. They are rare in these modern times. I did not kill him but threatened him with death.” He smiled.

“This is a Mamushi; they are the only taiyoukai snake youkai I know of. Best if I put you on anti-venom just in case.” She explained.

“You are quite correct. Thank you Nanami.” Riki smiled again.

She made notes on his chart and she called for the proper anti-venom. Nanami managed to down a pint of blood as she waited and she saw Kaisei wringing his hands in the shadows. She pathed to him to go to her office; that she had to finish this repair, he nodded okay to her silent command. Nanami came back into the small room and she hooked up an IV with the anti-venom to Riki and she slowly stitched up his left leg. He had one hundred twenty eight stitches from the attack of the snake youkai and he looked relieved.

“Let that run its course and then I will admit you for the night, okay? I will be back in about a half hour with your paperwork.” She smiled.

“Thank you Doctor Nanami.” Riki said grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles.

Her cheeks blushed bright red and he brushed his lips along her knuckles to see if she retained ANY kumo senses and she trembled almost violently. Riki seemed more than pleased and he slowly let her hand go and she watched him for a moment.

“Have a drink with me. I know you are now a blood drinker but please.” He said meeting her black eyes.

“Hai. I would like that! As soon as you are well though.” Nanami grinned.

Riki laughed and she slipped from the room. She went to her office and the Tomoshibi who had been her lover sat there nervously. She sat down opposite him and she waited for him to say something.

“How are you?” Kaisei asked softly.

“Real good. You know; downing tons of bloods and more blood. Oh and MORE blood. You little Tomoshibi need lots and lots of blood.” Nanami said sarcastically.

“Our babes are not easy to carry but their births are easy. I am sorry I freaked on you Nanami. I had never expected to be told I was to be a father. Kaito was the one who wanted that and Kaimei and your mother; well it just seemed like it would always be my brothers. I love you. I have loved you for some time but to find out you married Maec tr’Awnhi?” He asked her in his gentle tone.

“I was not given the choice Kaisei. Believe it or not my mother was in Astana and made the decision that she was being a hypocrite and had me brought there. Guess what? I do not want to fucking be there! I want my kids and I want to leave. If I could strangle Maec; I would but as it is, my mother loves the snot out of him and I get to be rude as hell. When is the last time you think he has touched me?” The young succubus asked him.

Kaisei was surprised and his olive colored eyes met her black ones. He reached his hand across the desk and Nanami took his fingers in hers.

“You would need less blood if you took from me.” He murmured.

“Okay. So can I like get a sip or what?” She asked him.

Kaisei stood and nodded and she stood as well and came around her desk. The gentle Hasegawa brother turned his neck so she could get to his jugular and she stood up on her toes to access and she sank her sharp canines in. He shut his eyes as bliss ran rampant through his system and he clenched his hands tightly.

“I love you. Nanami, I love you. I want you with me. I have no idea what I am supposed to do but I know I love you.” He said in a quaking voice.

The young doctor came off his throat and she stared at his green eyes with her own green eyes and he pulled her into his arms and passionately kissed her wildly. THIS was what she wanted. Nanami wanted someone to fight for her; she wanted to be needed and desired so badly that they would kill for her. Kaisei had no idea where this was going but he only knew he had been inflamed with her for years. She ended up against her wall and the kiss was surreal. She was gasping and her body was aching.

“Leave him.” Kaisei begged.

“Maec? Leave him? He will hunt me down for his kids.” She sputtered.

“He cannot get to them in Soul Society. I have spoken to Kaimei and we will shelter them and slowly change them to Tomoshibi. We will make them unable to stay in Hueco Mundo.” He said holding her face between his hands.

Her eyes widened and Maec would lose his fucking mind. He loved his children and taking them away from him was tantamount to declaring war. Kaisei heard her mind and he scoffed.

“Kaimei does not fear Maec and neither do I. He does not deserve you. He may be a better man than he was but the fact is; he still murdered Tomoshibi left and right!” He said impassioned.

“All my Shouten babes. My Jing babes should be easy. Can you all do that?” She asked him suddenly.

“Hai. Bring them to Soul Society. I will make you a hybrid wraith as well if you like.” He said brushing her silver hair back off of her forehead.

“You will do that?” She asked stunned.

“Nanami, I have thought about this. I love you. I love our baby. I cannot love you and not love your children. I will make them mine. Accept me and accept us.” Kaisei begged.

The onna that Hasegawa Kaisei loved nodded “hai” enthusiastically. He kissed her brutally on her lips, cheeks, and forehead.

“Marry me.” He whispered.

“Hai. I want to take the Hasegawa name.” She said as tears fell from her eyes.

Kaisei was shocked and he smiled and kissed her knuckles. He had to prepare some major things and they had to get her children out of Astana. Kaimei was already making a plan.
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“What did your little doctor say brother?” Kaimei asked as Kaisei walked back into their family castle in Seagaia.

“She said hai to it all. She has consented to be my wife and she wishes to take our family name.” Kaisei said softly.

“I am so very pleased for you brother. I will allow our Jing relatives think that they are playing rebels and Kizaki and I will retrieve the babes.” He said formally.

“Kaimei is this wise? You will have the wrath of Maec again.” His younger brother said looking perplexed.

“I do not care. That man already touched what was mine! He is not keeping another Tomoshibi mother from us.” He said coldly.

Kaisei nodded and he bowed before his brother. Kaito was smirking and his big brother had gotten huge balls since he had been brought back.

“I am in Kaimei. You are not doing this without me!” The youngest Hasegawa brother stated.

“Well then! King Bastard will have no idea what hit him!” Kaimei smirked coldly.
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Edward was watching the beautiful woman who was actually openly flirting with his teenage son and his favorite; Piers Gaveston and he found that thought quite off putting. His eldest son seemed completely charmed by her and he decided to watch this mysterious woman.

“Oh Master Gaveston how you do go on!” Asuna smirked over her watered down wine chalice.

“How do you feel about boat rides or hawking milady?” Gaveston asked.

“Excuse me Piers but I have made her acquaintance first!” The younger Edward whined.

“Pray tell us what IS your name milady?” Piers demanded with a roguish smirk.

“I am Lady Anna Purcell. My late husband was a baron in Surrey.” She said smiling at both young men.

“So sorry for your loss mistress. I see my father eyeing you but he has yet to call you forth. Would you care to dance with me and then of course Piers?” Edward said kissing her hand.

“I should be delighted my prince.” Asuna murmured in disguise.

Asuna made certain that Pryderi Jernigan was close by and he was aware of everything she did. She caught his eyes from his hiding place and she saw naked lust for a second. She was curious about it but she got up with Edward and did they took the hands of other couples and did a simple circle dance known to the courts of this era. The ekimmu queen was acting like the proper court predator of this day and age and she wanted Edward Longshanks to think that she was after his eldest son. The Plantagenet king leaned forward and watched as the young woman was laughing lightly and making his son laugh as well. Piers Gaveston appeared by the throne and smiled as he watched his “favorite” dancing with the entrancing creature.

“What a charming young woman your majesty.” Gaveston said sipping wine.

“Really Gaveston? Do you not fear you position in Edward’s household if such a charming woman were to catch his eye?” Longshanks snarked.

“Oh goodness no your majesty! Your son and I’s friendship is that of brotherhood and a woman that luscious is just that.” Piers smiled as he drifted away from the aging king.

Edward fingered the miniature he always wore and twisted hatred, obsession, and love continued to destroy his mind. He had seen the son she had born and some other king of England had raised HIS son. The boy had been beautiful and powerful and it made him sick that anyone but him had raised him. His throne would go to his pussy assed half man son and he almost threw his chalice of wine and he got up from his throne and he left the banquet hall. Asuna managed to wind both Piers and Edward the younger and she plead exhaustion.

She left them and headed towards the private wing of Westminster Castle and Edward caught up with her. The young man was actually smitten with the beautiful widow.

“Just one kiss for your prince. Please milady?” He begged.

“Would your friend expect one too?” Asuna demanded in her human voice.

“Of course!” Edward smirked roguishly.

Pryderi was nearby and she reached up and held the young Edward’s jaw and pressed her full lips to his and his eyes slid shut. She slipped her tongue to taste him and she made the young mortal weak in his knees as she literally kissed him fucking stupid. She slowly withdrew and ever so gently bit his bottom lip.

“Oh fucking God. It should be a sin to kiss like that.” He said in a pained whisper.

“You love the ripeness of breasts and the scorching heat of a woman’s center but you also adore the planes of a man and their cries of passion as they are consumed; do you not?” She spoke as Anna.

“I do not know what you are talking about.” He said nervously.

“Right. We shall see. Tell Piers I shall see him later.” Asuna said kissing his royal hand.

She moved with stealth and left a befuddled prince to will his hard on away. Pryderi suddenly phased in beside her and he looked at her frankly.

“Was that necessary?” He demanded.

“Did you enjoy it?” She demanded not looking at him.

“What matter if I enjoyed it or not your majesty? We are here to achieve a purpose. I am a warrior.” Pryderi growled softly.
He was suddenly pressed against a stone wall of Westminster Palace and she scented his neck and she stared into his lighter green eyes.

“I was and am a warrior when I do not carry my babes. You I understand, so answer my question Jernigan! I am being pressured by so many ekimmu and I am making up my mind on certain things. Were you stirred seeing your queen kiss that mindless cow?” She said in such a husky and sexy way.

“Ask me when I have you out of this wasteland. I swear to you my queen that I will answer fully and honestly.” Pryderi growled softly.

She bowed her dark head and stepped back. Asuna still moved with stealth and she reached the royal bed chambers. Eleanor was dead and Edward was in mourning over her, she was certain but she saw him wear the fucking miniature. She looked at Pryderi and he phased them into the rooms and Edward bolted upright in his bed. He stared at the woman from earlier and she had a cold look and the man near her radiated ungodly amounts of energy.

“How in the hell did you change your appearance you fucking bitch?” Longshanks demanded.

“I have accepted my destiny and I can do anything now. Arthur told me he hates you. What do you think of my son?” The witch asked him and her smile was so cruel that he choked.

“Raised by another king of England? How dare you! You are a fucking coward you monster! You cannot even show your real face anymore can you? What a pathetic excuse of a demon.” He scoffed at her.

Pryderi was beyond agitated and he wanted to grab his staff that had a nasty curved blade that resembled a naginata but she put a restraining hand on his arm. Asuna moved with preternatural speed and her yoki dirk appeared. She could not kill him and she knew what Maec and Chanak had done to him; she could already see the hiebie poisoning was making him waste away but she stabbed him close to his groin and she literally caused a chunk of his muscle to be obliterated. The scream of Longshanks was heard all over and she took Pryderi’s arm.

“I may not have raised him but he is my son now. He hates you and calls another English dynasty as his. He also knows his siblings now and he has desecrated your tomb in the future. Try to father more children now.” Asuna said sweetly.

Longshanks was in utter fucking hell and the blood and gore was awful. She had also damaged one of his testicles and they phased away before he guards appeared. Longshanks was raving and wishing for death at that moment and the idea of his eternal resting place being disturbed by his own son made him sick. He began to vomit in the horrendous pain and yes, betrayal because in all of this drama; he had loved the bitch truly.
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Pryderi took her back to Western Qinghai and Aeron Purcell and her appearance was her own. Aeron was there and he was looking furious. Her now lead warrior kissed her knuckles and was about to phase out to carry out an attack on Bilae himself.

“Where did you go?” Aeron demanded.

“I delivered a little justice for myself. I am Japanese this life Aeron and my honor had been affronted. I made Longshanks suffer more." She answered honestly.

“Your soul was cursed from that era!” He gasped and he looked at Pryderi in anger.

“He did as I commanded. I am continuously told that I am the heir to the throne and Queen of the Ekimmu people. So do the ekimmu peoples follow my orders or not?” Asuna asked raising a brow.

“Well yes of course but you cannot be stupid my lady! You have no business being anywhere near those monsters! Do you care about what any of us think?” Purcell demanded.

“I am not needed for this conversation your majesty and councilman. I will however return as soon as possible to account of the battles with the dark ekimmu.” Pryderi commented bowing.

“Absolutely Jernigan. Thank you for following my will today.” She said.

“As my queen commands.” He bowed and he phased.

“Do you love me at all majesty?” Aeron demanded in anger.

“Why do you ask such a stupid question?” She growled at him.

“It is not a stupid question! You are angry over the idea of carrying an ekimmu child and now you place your very life in danger by going against Math’s own curse! Answer me honestly! Do you love me at all or is this something you have convinced yourself of so you can sleep better because of your moral streak?” He demanded of her coldly.

“Aeron, I am not going to answer such stupid questions when you know what I have and will do for you. I will…Aeron; I need return to the castle.” She breathed in deeply.

“Are you serious? Is it not too soon??” He asked concerned.

“I just turned seven months; it is early but doable for the hanyou and kumo. My wraith and inu are just fine. I need Hueco Mundo. Please make the tunnel!” She begged.

Aeron Purcell made a tunnel that went back to the tunnel at Berkhamsted Castle in Hertfordshire. She was breathing in and out hard and she knew what was going on; Maec’s babe was corporealizing and she needed Hueco Mundo now. She suddenly ported into Astana and she fell to her knees at his throne. Maec was astonished and she looked up and sweat was pouring down her face.

“Our baby comes now and first. I know a little early but not so early.” She managed.

“Alum!” Maec yelled.

Maec bounded down his steps and he picked up his queen and he brought her to Alum’s modern rooms. The Shouten king had been unable to feel the sex of his babe before and he was happy that she was going to give him a son.

“He is corporeal now Isha. Let me check you.” Maec demanded.

Asuna nodded and the Shouten king split her hanfu skirt in white and she let her thighs fall apart. Maec sucked in his breath and she looked panicked and lifted her head and looked at his eyes.

“What? What is wrong Maec? Please tell me everything is okay! Please!” She cried getting a little hysterical.

“My beloved, my Isha; he has my hair. His head is already there. Have you not felt the contractions?” Her husband asked stunned.

“Not really.” She shrugged.

Alum came over and injected her perineum with something that would make it stretch easier. He also gave her a bit of a widow and he had Maec move by Isha’s head.

“I will have you deliver him fully Maec; I just want to guide her for now. Okay?” Alum asked his King.

“Okay.” Maec said actually scared.

“Isha do you feel like you have to push?” The Shouten healer asked.

“Hai. I have to push badly.” She nodded.

“Okay. Give me a really big push. Bear down Isha.” Alum commanded.

Asuna scrunched up her face and she pushed hard. Alum made a noise and jerked Maec over. This little Shouten prince was not waiting and with only two pushes; he had slid out and he screamed as soon as he hit air. Maec’s eyes were silver and he was forcing himself NOT to shake. The little baby Shouten had his brown-black hair, rounded ears; but he had Isha’s pale blue eyes and moon. He also had the inu markings on his face, wrists, legs, and little hips.

Asuna sat up and she was alert enough to watch them cut his cord and she thrust out her hands for him.

“Gods Isha. By the Gods. Look at our son!” Maec was actually crying.

“He was impatient to be here; were you not? You were quite detirmined today be your birthday. Haryk Wyn tr’Awnhi.” She murmured nuzzling his small juncture.

“I love his name Isha. I love you!” Maec cried as he kissed her passionately and kissed their babe on his soft head over and over.

“Isha? Your other pups are not waiting either. Can you not feel contractions?” Alum asked curious.

“I feel something but nothing horrid. I should go back to the castle. He is corporeal now; he can come with me.” Asuna stated looking at Maec.

“We will come with you. I will phase you both myself. Gods, Isha and Maiell are going to lose their heads.” He grinned.

Alum smiled and Maec phased his queen and newest prince to the castle in Hertfordshire and he knew now that Isha had delivered him another child; he would try and get another. He knew his brother and the young doctor that was his second wife was lost. He sighed and he decided to try and find her.
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Aeron was still at the castle in the Tudor era and he saw her return with the Shouten king and a beautiful boy child was in the king’s arms. He kept his council as Gwent and Amras were there as they looked relieved. Asuna was laid on the bed in her suite of rooms and she was breathing harder.

“Amras? I need Nobu and I need him now!” Asuna commanded as she grimaced.

Her Privy Council member bowed and he made the tunnel and went through. Maec was stunned and she was grunting and yelling some. Ichigo heard the yelling and Muguruma was with his new Vasto Lordes buddy; Grimmjow, patrolling.

“Honey? Asuna! Babe are you having the babes?” Ichigo spat out as he knelt and he was in shinigami mode.

“Uh huh. Pushing. Cannot stop. Ichigo!” She whined as she was sitting up and actually bore down really, really hard.

Maec was too stunned and a sort of hanyou girl was born. She had silver hair and blue eyes; everything else looked normal like a human and Maec was astonished by that. Kensei was at the door and he had witnessed his daughter born and his jaw dropped. She was sputtering and yelping out her cries.

“Let me see her!” Kensei demanded from Kurosaki.

“Hold the fuck on old man! Shit! I need to cut her cord.” Ichigo said clamping and cutting the little hanyou girl’s cord.

Kensei had grabbed up a piece of ermine and Ichigo placed the little girl in the soft fur and the Vizard wrapped her up and he stared down at the eyes of Asuna but she looked like him.

“Do not think to leave this castle with her Kensei or I will kill you.” Asuna growled with red eyes.

“Go rabid some other time Suna. You just gave me my little girl, okay? What are we going to name her?” Kensei demanded.

“Muguruma Tara.” His estranged lover said with her eyes closed.

Kensei held up his girl and looked at her and smiled softly at the infant.

“You Tara little angel? Yea, I think you are. Haha picked your name good.” He smiled softly as he held her close and Asuna just stared at him as if she didn’t know him.

“Asuna?? Are you okay? Any problems Kurosaki?” Nobu said coming out of Amras’s portal and he had medical equipment.

“Nope. She has delivered both rather quickly and no tearing whatsoever.” Ichigo said in medical shop talk.

“Suna honey who else is gonna surprise us?” Nobu demanded.

“Kenta’s daughter and Geming’s son.” She murmured.

“Okay. The kumo shouldn’t be a problem but the inu. Where is the inu?” He demanded.

Asuna pointed to where her inu child had been in her womb and Nobu nodded. Geming’s pup would be born last and he sent Gwent to get the red inu and the ookami kumo man. She was birthing awfully fast; while good on her body, it was hard for her mates to be here.

“I see your child was hiding again. Do they always do that Maec?” Nobu snapped at the Shouten king.

“Isha and I’s babes do yes. I have no idea why but they produce barriers from her womb.” He shrugged.

Asuna was soon bathed in sweat again and she was grumbling in inu and she was beginning to snarl out as bigger contractions took her. Nobu told her to try and NOT push and she stared at him as if he was crazy. She felt Gwydion in the room but no one else did and she looked up.

-Piuthar! You have sworn me a daughter over and over. I am tired of your lies. I am tired of our nobles. Do you love me? - He demanded in thought.

-Hai! Why can you not understand that! The nobles turned off my empusae genes Gwydion! - She snarled in his head.

He was only visible to her and the idea that the ekimmu nobles had tripped her ekimmu genes made him furious. He knew they had plans and he was furious; he had assumed his people had assimilated quite nicely but they were controlling things too well.

-I am here. I return when your puppy and spider are born. We talk! - He thought in anger.

Asuna screamed and Gwydion actually flinched as she bore down hard and Kenta came through the portal just as his daughter was born. His baby girl was screaming wildly and he literally fell on his ass. She looked like Masahiro with her coloring and had the same eyes and a moon on her forehead. Geming sat further back in the room and he was anxious to say the least and the poor kumo man was whammied.

“Well get over here Kenta! Damn she is pathing she is pissed.” Nobu chuckled.

“Why pissed?” Kenta asked as he wiped his grey eyes.

“Cold and apparently hungry.” Nobu said clamping and cutting.

Asuna was dazed and she looked at Kenta who picked up their daughter and wrapped her in a fur blanket as well. His little girl was nuzzling and wanted to suckle so Kenta helped her to find her mother’s breast.

“Sorry. Happening so fast. I am in shock. She is so beautiful Kenta. Oh Kamis. Look at her.” She whispered.

“Imai Matsu?” Kenta asked her as she nursed their girl.

“Perfect. Oh Kamis, it is perfect. Masahiro will go nuts.” She cried softly.

“I have been pathing and signing to him that he will have sister soon. He has been saying it is his baby.” The ookami kumo man smirked.

Haryk was sleeping in Maec’s arms and Kensei held his bundle and she was wide eyed looking around. Asuna reached out for her so she could feed her and Kensei reluctantly allowed her to go to her mother. The inu-empusae was seeing a fight brewing and she nursed while her body slowly geared up for the birth of her last pup.

“I am starting an IV for blood pressure Suna. You normally have issues with inu pups and high blood pressure; just a safety measure.” Nobu explained.

“I understand.” Asuna nodded.

“Can you all take the pups to the adjoining room close to the fire and allow her to rest. Inu pups are normally rough on her.” Her kumo healer stated honestly.

Everyone nodded and the room was cleared except for Kameron, Chrestian, Geming, and Nobu. Asuna still saw Gwydion but no one else did. She laid her head back and her body WAS exhausted now. She was relaxed though and she took Nobu’s hand.

“I damaged Longshanks and blew away one of his balls.” She whispered to Nobu.

“What the fuck?!? How did you even get back there?” Nobu asked in shock and a bit of anger.

“My secret but I am certain he never fathered another child. No, I am positive of it. Sanra will get wind of it and she will come out.” Asuna smirked softly.

“Love you are being too dangerous! You swore you would not fight whilst pregnant! You swore!” Her kumo doctor ranted at her.

“I also caused him severe pain as he did me! Oh! The pup. Kamis in hell.” She said sitting up.

Nobu checked her and her vitals and her blood pressure was stable. He opened her thighs wide and he saw the remains of something that had been in her perineum.

“Asuna what is this?” He asked curiously.

“Alum did it when I was having Haryk.” She murmured as she began to have harder contractions.

“It numbed and helped you stretch! What the hell? Call Maec in here now!” Nobu said excitedly.

Asuna mentally called on Maec and he walked in and he was holding his precious newborn. Nobu looked at him and he nodded.

“Get your healer brother and tell him to bring whatever he used when your babe was born.” He commanded the Shouten king.

“Ok. Is everything alright?” Maec asked concerned.

“Everything is fine.” The kumo said nodding.

Asuna focused and she saw Geming and he had been so quiet. She saw his face and he was angry; he looked incredibly angry.

“Why do you look like someone pissed on your newly caught deer?” Asuna demanded of him.

“You swore you would not fight. You swore it to ME onna.” Geming whispered harshly.

“I did not fight! I stabbed him and blew away part of his privates! OWE!” She snarled as a contraction hit her.

“Oh kamis in hell Asuna; what’s the fucking difference?” The red inu snarled at her throwing up his hands.

“My honor Gem! It was mine to avenge as well! I did not have the opportunity!” She hissed with anger and groaned in mounting agony.

Maec had returned with Alum and he showed the medicine he had used during Haryk’s delivery. Nobu used it again on her perineum to help it stretch and numb the pain. Nobu pathed to Alum to show him the stuff later and the Shouten healer was shocked that Nobu was being agreeable.

“You have seen my fang and you have seen me fight! Will you allow me to fight for my mate? Oh fuck no! Since you have become pupped you have held me back. You will not allow me to fight. Why is that onna?” Geming demanded in a rage.

“I am not having this conversation whilst I push out your pup!” She hissed and snarled at the red.

The red inu man crossed his arms and he was furious with her and she was laboring hard for his pup. Asuna was groaning and growling very much like an inu onna and Nobu was not concerned at first. Alum had his queen sitting up as she was trying to bear down and the kumo doctor could not understand why the pup was not coming.

“Nobu?” Geming asked getting concerned.

“No clue. I need portable ultra sound stat Alum.” Nobu commanded.

Asuna fell back and she was flushed and exhausted. Alum got Nobu the ultra sound machine that was no bigger than a 10 inch tablet and he ran the transducer over her belly and he saw the pup was sideways. Alum saw it too and he suddenly allowed his arm to become translucent and he entered her womb and he actually forced the pup to move. Asuna began to scream as it was painful. Maec, Kensei, and Kenta heard the awful screaming but they were blocked by Kameron and the other three frere.

“We would like to see our shared mate if you do not mind Kameron!” Maec demanded.

“I am sorry your majesty. Things are not great at the moment.” Her lead frere stated and he zealously guarded his queen with his brothers.

The three men were angry and annoyed and they heard Asuna groaning in agony.

Nobu was surprised at how quick Alum thought and he pulled his arm back quickly and he helped his queen up again and Nobu looked at her and her eyes were dull.

“Honey? I need you to push really hard, okay? A really hard push to get him out.” Her long time kumo doctor and mate commanded.

“Okay. Gem? Hold my hand?” Asuna begged with parched lips.

Geming neared and he was horrified. Asuna could not even care that Gwydion was there and he was watching her give birth. He was so angry and he intended several things that would throw ekimmu politics into hell but he did not care. Geming held her hand tightly and she was gripping tightly and she began to channel his yoki as she bore down with all her might and the red inu was nearly felled by the strength of her channeling. Asuna screamed bloody murder as she pushed so hard and the red headed pup tore her. Nobu told her to push again and she did as Geming was seeing his son born. He could see a moon on his forehead and he was stunned as suddenly the pup was out. The boy was jerking violently and very active and his quivering cry was lusty and Alum gently laid the Shouten and ekimmu queen back and she was beyond exhausted.

“Fixing a laceration Asuna. He is big. He is a big healthy inu pup. Congratulations General Geming.” Nobu said laying the pup in his arms.

Geming had tears falling from his green eyes and his son’s eyes were blue and there was a mixture of their markings. Geming had medium brown jagged slashes underneath his eyes and jagged arrow shaped marks on his cheek bones with the points turned toward his hair. His son had those marks but what should have been magenta striping was the color of his markings and he also had darker brown above his eyes. He was shaking a little and he had never seen a pup he loved so much.

“Suna? Baby? Asuna? Nobu!” Geming freaked as Asuna was staring straight up and not responding.

“What?” Nobu freaked out.

Alum was shocked and he pulled her and she was fading fast. Gwydion suddenly phased in he was bawling with bloody tears.

“Our doctors will save her! Fuck you worthless bastards!” Gwydion snarled.

He picked up his twin soul and he made a tunnel and he made it to the ekimmu doctors in the future.

“What the fuck just happened? What the hell was wrong?” Geming asked horrified.

“I think she was bleeding internally. Son of a bitch!” Nobu snarled as he yelled.

Gem and Asuna had agreed on Lee Katai as his name. The red inu was actually sobbing and he was feeling as though he had put her in danger and he felt Alum put a hand on his shoulder.

“Isha always had bottles of her milk; please feed your son general.” The gentle healer said.

“Thank you. Was it my fault?” He asked with tears streaming his face.

“No it was mine!” The kumo doctor said hating himself.

“No Doctor Yamasaki! There is no way to know how multiples are going to position themselves. Stop this! You are much better than this. We need to find her as she has newborns and I do not trust the ancients.” Alum said detirmined.

“I was wrong about you tr’Awnhi. You need to work for me.” Nobu said wiping tears.

“Excuse me?” The Shouten doctor said shocked.

“I did not stutter. We treat a shit ton of wraiths and another wraith doctor would be fantastic. Consider the offer.” The formerly angry arachnid said as he went to talk to the other men.

Amren, Gwent, and Aeron were on the fringes and they had felt the power of Gwydion. They also knew the queen was no longer here. They were listening and they heard that the birth had gone wrong and they cursed under their breaths and they too phased out to the future.
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------   &nbs p;  
Gwydion Hammel laid Jing-Kurosaki Asuna in front of the ekimmu doctors; Tristan Mattocks and Eirlys Preece. The female doctor let out a whimper and she began a thorough exam and Tristan used modern equipment but far more advanced. Ekimmu society was the fabled “Atlantis” and soon they had her cut open and they were shrinking her uterus and cauterizing some bleeders. Gwydion was pacing outside of the unit and Fionn showed up and he looked devastated.

“You did well brother.” Fionn said with bloody trails down his face.

“Her other mates intend to keep her exclusively away from us. I cannot bear it Fionn. I can tolerate you now but not to be kept out of her life. This privy council has also gone too far do you not think?” Gwydion asked bluntly.

Fionn never thought in a million years he would EVER agree with his eldest brother but now he was.

“Those three have made her so twisted up in their agendas when she should be concerned with her royal responsibilities and yes, her current mates. I promised her bràthair that this would not take over her life.” The ekimmu of Thunder admitted.

“She allowed that hex from that witch Sanra to humiliate her and allowed her daughter to marry Math. You and I make a pact Fionn in blood. You and I protect her from outsiders and our own people. Swear this and Anwell is behind Aibhlinn as her heirs.” Gwydion said bluntly.

“Why are you being so reasonable Gwydion?” Fionn asked shocked.

“Please allow that Annwyn can change a man. I should also like more children from her womb as would you. You and I both know it!” His eldest brother said raising his angelic chin.

“Co-consorts?” Fionn suggested.

“Yes. Yes little brother. I accept that and you as my equal. Only you. Now we protect her from our own people.” He said walking into the medical suite on Inujima.

Fionn followed Gwydion and he knew his elder brother spoke truth and he was as tired as being handled by the ekimmu Privy Council as he was. Tristan and Eirlys had her closed up and comfortable in a gossamer gown of white. She was hooked up to several pints of blood and both Fionn and Gwydion each took a hand and she slowly woke up.

“What happened?” She asked weakly.

“Your uterus was boggy is the term I believe. You also had arteries that were not stopping their bleeding. You birthed all four of your babes perfectly. We shall bring them here directly; but you are evolving ekimmu much faster Piuthar; so I brought you here. Please do not be angry with me. I did so because I love you so.” Gwydion murmured.

“I felt you slipping. I thought I was dying.” Fionn said kissing her hand over and over.

“How could I be upset with either one of you? Thank you Gwydion for such quick thinking and Fionn for standing by. Thank you too Gwydion for watching over me.” Asuna murmured sleepily.

Gwydion was trying to be chaste and kiss her cheek but she met his lips and he groaned loudly. She let him go after several minutes; Fionn leaned over to press soft lips to hers and she passionately kissed him as well. Both brothers wanted to break into a victory dance but they remained calm. They assured her of them bringing her pups and mates to her ASAP; and the brothers looked made a blood pact. Gwydion would never have done so before but Fionn was his most valuable ally in his family.

“Come let us keep our words to her. We give her her space but stay by as she needs and we smother our children again.” Fionn thought out.

“Anwell sees me every day.” His elder brother stated looking at Fionn.

“I am ashamed of myself on several things Gwydion Hammel. I am so sorry; forgive me brother.” The thunder ekimmu bowed his head.

“Just help me protect my other half!” The ice ekimmu snapped.

“Oh I shall. Shall we repeat what happened in my sleeping quarters?” His youngest brother suggested.

Gwydion was surprised and he raised a brow at Fionn. A small smirk played on the blonde’s lips.

“I asked Tristan and Eirlys to get her well as soon as possible with infusions of ekimmu blood. It will heal her 100x faster than regular uppyr blood. She will be out of the infirmary tomorrow. I should like to repeat that memory very much EXCEPT; I have had an estate built on an island called Izu-Oshima. It is quite spectacular really.” The blonde man smirked.

“I had one built on Kizushima.” Fionn said smugly as well.

“Well well. Look at Thor.” Gwydion snarked and laughed softly.

“I see the fucking Privy Council. Come let us stop them.” The younger brother hissed.

Gwydion and Fionn stepped to the door of the infirmary and the three noblemen were shocked stupid to see the two brothers together.

“Her majesty is better but she is not seeing anyone but her newborns and their fathers. Since you three are none of those; get lost!” Gwydion smiled sweetly.

“Prince Gwydion really? We serve an important function to our young ruler.” Amras said coldly.

“My brother has spoken. You will leave or we will both make you leave. Go!” Fionn commanded as his element crackled to life.

Amras, Gwent, and Aeron were shocked at how beligerent the two men were and they were working together. They all phased out and they were horrified to realize that the brothers were now in an alliance.

“The bastards! They intend to try and make her act like Arianrhod instead of who she is!” Aeron stated in fury.

They noticed the Shouten king and baby son, Kenta and baby girl, Muguruma and baby girl, and the red inu and baby inu boy were allowed to see her and the two princes were taking control of the queen. Aeron mentally called on Pryderi Jernigan and the warrior appeared covered in gore and blood. His smile was feral as he bowed.

“The two princes are sheltering the queen away from us. She has had her babes and I frankly think they are going to try and beget her too soon.” Aeron stated in fury.

“When her current mates and babes go; I shall rescue our ruler. I will have to fight Fionn personally. I look forward to it. You may tell our people that Bilae’s innards paint the English king’s courthouse at the palace called Westminster. I will find this Sanra whore very soon but Bilae did get away but he intends to strengthen himself but I will be hunting him most closely. There was an infant that was incredibly deft at hunting him as well!” Pryderi said in surprise.

“Really? What was her name?” Gwent asked.

“Seeval.” The top warrior said wiping his brow.

“She is the warrior sister to the reborn Math. We must figure something about that situation gentleman. Let us plan carefully. Come Pryderi; get cleaned up and at least sup with us.” The Privy Council leader, Amras stated.

“Yes my lords.” The extraordinary ekimmu warrior stated bowing and his mind was already going with how he intended to battle Fionn.
---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------   
Seev al was in nothing but a white gauze garment that was see-through but she was alone in her room. Her bronze colored hair was down and it came to her hips. Her bronzed skin was uniform all over and her jutting nipples were tipped in darker caramel tips. She had large Asian looking eyes that were light brown, small pert nose, and full round lips. Her breasts were very full and her hips and ass very rounded. Men always wanted her and her brother; Maec, would be shocked to find out that she was a virgin. She always wore scandalous battle attire but that was to get the men and her foes to not take her seriously until it was too late; Seeval had never been defeated in battle. She had never taken on her sister in law but then; she never planned too. Isha was simply too powerful.

“My mother had a baby tr’Awnhi today.” She heard in the shadows.

Seeval looked around in alarm and she dove for her wicked looking blade. A young man with silver hair and one stripe of ebony in his locks came forward with his hands up. His eyes were mahogany in color and she recognized a child of the dark halfling; Naraku.

“So my sister has made me an aunt again? I am quite thrilled! What are you doing in my private quarters young man? I was readying myself for a bath as you can see.” Seeval stated and lifted her chin.

“Your attire suggests something of that nature. My father IS the dark hanyou hai. I am Matsuda Nori my Lady Seeval. He is put out with two ekimmu brothers who are attempting to control my mother. Only my sire dares do such a thing.” Nori said in a rich timber for one so young.

Seeval had seen him around several battles but had not paid him much mind. She looked at him closely and he had a bit of blue above his mahogany eyes. His jaw was elegant and sculpted as his cheek bones were also the same. His hair was cut similarly to her brother Admal’s and she found the younger man to be quite handsome. She suddenly found herself on her dresser and Nori was between her legs and his fine fingers held her chin in them. His masculine, full lips were close to her full ones and she was shocked at how quick he moved.

“My parents are over protective of me and my twin. I am an adult but they still treat me as an adolescent but I have seen you too Lady Seeval. I have seen you take off heads with your beautiful sword. Did your brother Maec make it for you?” He asked huskily as his lips did not actually touch hers.

“Yes. Yes, he had it made especially for me to react to my own abilities. I am Ganek’s daughter and born of a sister of Nia Besud.” She gulped as she actually felt the power of this male creature.

“My father was hoping we could count on you to help put the ekimmu in their place. Maec does not yet realize what they are doing. He is too wrapped up in his new baby. You are trembling Lady Seeval.” The young shape shifter smiled.

“I am unused to anyone accosting me as such! No one would dare touch me as you have.” She tried to sound angry.

“Accost you? I have not accosted you.” He smirked like a predator.

Seeval was on her bed and Nori was over her and she grunted shocked as the young shape shifter pressed her down.

“Now I have done so. I am however going to ask if I can duel you.” Nori smirked seductively.

“Duel me? You wish to duel me? That is no issue of course!” Seeval snorted.

Lips were against hers and a tongue thrusting and massaging with Seeval’s when she realized the smart ass had meant this. The young man was kissing her absolutely stupid and she was getting into a state of manic need. How in the hell a corporeal could do so shocked the hell out of her as her thighs began to shake a little and Nori’s hand held her jaw gently. Finally he pulled back and stared down at the body underneath the gauze rags she wore and a profound growl ripped through him. He stood up and got off of her bed and Seeval sat up as he had only kissed her.

“That is it? That is all?” She asked stupidly.

“Lady Seeval, I have wanted you since the first time I saw you in the past at New Castle. I am no pious good boy. I am completely loyal to my family but I am like my father in every way; I can and will do evil things to achieve objectives for that family.” Nori said bluntly as he looked at her with bright red eyes.

Seeval was entranced and she pulled off her gauze bathing gown. She was naked before Nori’s eyes and he was breathing hard as he took in every dip and curve.

“If you do not want me to take your body and meld it to mine then tell me to leave now! Otherwise, I am claiming you woman.” The young man said in a deep baritone that caused chills down her spine.

“Words corporeal. You speak too much.” Seeval retorted.

Nori snarled softly and he was on her and began a ruthless kiss of her lips and inner sanctum. She tasted sweet as if she had drunk something sweet like wine. Seeval was lost in the aggressive but passionate way this man was taking her and his lips found her neck as he bit without breaking skin at the tendons in her neck. She was gasping hard as he did so and wiggled under him.

“Did I hear your mind right?” He demanded.

“You’re a telepath? Of course you’re a telepath! Isha is one. What did you hear?” She gasped deeply as his fingers pulled and gently twisted a nipple.

“You have known no other?” Nori asked in a husky tone.

“I am unashamed to say it!” Seeval snapped.

“So why now? Why give yourself to me?” The shape shifter demanded from her.

“I have noticed you too but I have had my duties to my king and brother. Right now I am not his warrior sister; I am just a woman and princess of the Shouten Empire.” She moaned as his fingers ran down her belly.

Her words pleased him beyond measure and he slipped down and he widened her thighs. Seeval knew all about pleasures of the flesh. She had some experience; she had just never been taken in intercourse. Nori’s mouth began to plunder her female flesh; she was groaning and whining right away as the young corporeal had excellent use of his tongue. She decided he was very, very good with his tongue. Nori smirked at her folds and he nibbled her clit with his teeth a certain way and Seeval sprang up and she literally screamed out as she began to orgasm quite hard. What she did not expect was Nori to sink his short fangs into her labia and she literally passed out. He drank the spiked blood and it was quite delicious he found. He did not need blood at all but he could find this act addicting and she apparently found it VERY pleasing. Seeval was not out for long and her chest was heaving as she met his bright claret eyes with silver ones.

“I will stop if you wish me to.” Nori said licking up her slit for good measure.

“Take off your clothes.” The Shouten warrior princess demanded.

Nori stood up and he unbuttoned his white slim cut button down shirt. It was long sleeved and he revealed a toned chest and ripped abs. He was wearing dark denim jeans and black polished boots that he discarded on a settee. He stood before her in only boxer briefs and the bulge in his shorts spoke of much. Seeval was breathing harder and Nori smirked as he caught her eyeing him like prey. He hooked one thumb into his boxer briefs and pulled them off and his erect staff sprang forth. Nori was hard and Seeval was just staring at his beautiful maleness.

“Touch me.” He commanded her.

She reached up and wrapped her hand around him and his eyes closed as she firmly stroked him several times.

“I do not want to wait. Impale me now!” Seeval demanded.

“No, I wish for more build up…” Nori began to say.

Seeval suddenly surged her own energies and he was laid underneath her. The woman had come to life and she was wet from her orgasms and she sank down his length. Nori choked badly and he felt something tear. He could not believe he was the one taking a virgin and she breathed hard through the pain and she stared down at the gorgeous creature beneath her. Seeval shifted her hips around and Nori was groaning.

“Is this what you wanted young Nori?” She demanded in a passionate way.

“Hai. Hai but you shall be mine for always. You will be this corporeal’s flesh to feast upon!” He growled loudly.

“I barely know you! Why should we keep to just each other?” Seeval reasoned.

“I am no whore and neither are you! Harder!” He growled.

Seeval moved on him faster and harder as Nori was losing his mind to the pleasure. Seeval was getting hungry and cotton mouthed and he could see it. She felt flesh in her mouth and she suddenly bit in. The young shape shifter let out a breathy moan of his own and his Shouten princess realized that was the first real sound of pleasure he had made. It angered her and she jerked off of him and he looked supremely pissed off until she sank him down her throat. Naraku’s eldest son by birth actually gasped in pure delight and she so very gently used her claws to rake across his ball sac and taint. The ticklish pressure felt amazing along with her hot and sultry mouth that made everything almost surreal. Now Nori was voicing more pleasure but it was in a softer tone and his head moved side to side on the pillow. She pulled back from his well-endowed length.

“Why do you stop?” Nori asked in a pleasured haze.

“You do not make enough noises. I do not like it! You should be screaming for me.” She pouted.

“Lady Seeval, I have always been a stealthy individual! It is in my nature to be softer spoken. Hello! Son of Japan’s former most evil son of a bitch.” Nori said exasperated.

“You say that you will be the only one to touch me and I will be the only one to touch you. Why now? Why monogamy?” The Shouten royalty asked.

“This is actually the first time I have seen you alone without your family or troops. I do not follow you around like a puppy but I have occasionally snuck in to try and meet you formally. My father was looking for strong warriors and I suggested you.” He said honestly.

There was indecision on her face and she was trembling he realized. It also hit him that she must have suffered some of Sanra’s depravity.

“It was Ken’ichi and I who killed her. We strangled her weakened body and slashed her with that blade Chichi Nobu made; and then shoved an orb of my brother; Justinus’s blood down her throat. She clawed at her esophagus as she could not breathe and watching her die was pure pleasure.” The corporeal man said in a heated whisper.

She sort of shook her head in memories and Seeval crawled forward to him and met his lips. The tangling of her tongue to his made Nori groan loud. That is what she wanted and he decided to give up being the quiet thief like persona and give into his hormones. He tentatively reached up and weighed a breast in his hand and massaged the globe and Seeval mewled as he began to tease the bud.

“Not going to lie; I was originally born in the Sengoku Jidai but me and Ken were murdered by female kumo from Europe. We were brought back not long after Haha was this century. We have grown up in sixteen years since she was awoken; well I have. I have come to love female breasts.” He smirked.

“You are most definitely male.” Seeval laughed a sweet sound.

Nori wrapped his lips around a caramel bud and he suckled it a certain way and she gasped at the decadent pleasure it caused.

“How many women have you know young man? You are well versed in pleasures of the flesh!” Seeval groaned throwing her head back.

“Only two. The first was against my will and she was the former widow lord in our fucked up kumo federation. Something I want to do. May I?” He asked as he licked her nipple.

“Yes!” She groaned.

Nori slipped in a single finger into her scorching, soaked channel and inserted his fine claw into her “g-spot”. It took about five seconds before it hit her and she began to sweat profusely and claw at her bed clothes.

“Did you poison me?” She snarled.

“No! I would never harm you! I gave you the tiniest bit of my toxin to heighten your pleasure. That is all.” Nori murmured as he moved his lips to kissing and licked her throat.

“Dying! Oh holy gods! Fill me please!” Seeval hissed in horrid need.

Nori laid her back and sheathed her in one motion. Her world quaked as he thrust each time and she was losing it fast. She was gasping in air, letting out strange screams, and her claws were grabbing his ass and going up and down his back. The shape shifter was in a paradise all of his own and his imagination could never have been this spectacular. Seeval’s channel was spastically gripping his cock and it was sheer torture to keep a pace that would allow her body to become accustomed. Lady Yasua had done one thing for him; she had let him know he was rather large for one of kumo descent. That he had smirked about and Seeval suddenly bucked her hips up. That sent jolts straight through Nori and he hissed and moaned. She saw his face lose concentration and she did it again. He would thrust and she would next thrust up. The battling was taking quite a toll and Seeval’s legs were shaking quite violently as were Nori’s arms. Her young lover took her mouth and kissed her passionately as he began a deeper and harder thrust. She had to swallow the cries of her forthcoming release and Nori began a relentless pattern that made Seeval snap like a twig so suddenly. She bit into his tongue and she sucked and licked at the blood desperately to gain some sustenance. Nori allowed it knowing what she needed and he was almost to his end and she suddenly grabbed his ass again and had him shoving harder. She began to tease his taint and whole backside. She brushed and began to roll a testicle and Nori groaned wildly as his seed bathed her channel in his scorching essence. He was breathless and sucking in air as he fell against Seeval who in fact did not seem to mind.

“I thought I would never enjoy this act. Thank you for proving me wrong Sir Nori.” Seeval said sleepily.

“I do not go around having crushes onna. I saw you and you have been the only onna I have wanted since I saw you in that red battle get up.” He said running hands through her bronze hair.

“I have no intention of repeating this act sir. It was spectacular and beautiful but I am a warrior; I do not lie abed and dally.” She said disengaging from the beautiful shape shifter.

“Pardon me?” He said as if he could not understand her.

“You are my sister-in-law’s son and by the ancients; I do not give a fig if you actually loved me! This will not happen again! Do you understand me?” She said coldly.

Nori was incensed and he grabbed his clothes and began to dress. Seeval was staying calm and he was ALWAYS calm but he could he oh so cruel.

“When am I supposed to storm the ekimmu place they keep your mother and my queen?” Seeval asked pulling on a robe.

“Inujima. There is an ekimmu warrior named Pryderi Jernigan who also will attack. Sorry I have been a fucking fool Lady Seeval; you are NOT a Shouten whore. You are a Shouten NUN.” He hissed and he pulled on his boots.

“I am sorry you cannot understand. You have heard some of mind but only what I allow. Shouten are telepathic creatures as well young Nori. I have seen you and yes, I noticed you believe it or not. You are stunning so I allowed fantasy to override my senses. I treasure this as no other man has ever touched me and I assure you no man ever will again.” She said crossing her arms.

Nori’s mouth dropped open a little and he was actually stunned but hurt. He pulled himself together and he ported out of Hueco Mundo. He had not let her see it but he had wiped away a single tear and he refused to tell the onna that he was and had been madly in love with her for nearly three years. He stormed into his rooms at the Western Estate and he pulled out his smart phone. He called his birth father and let him know Lady Seeval would be there to back up Pryderi. Naraku was thrilled and told him he had done well. The young shape shifter sat by a window that was in his room and he stared out the window. Ken had known what he had planned and his hybrid twin came over and Nori just hugged him. Nori was like Naraku in that; once he met the woman he wanted, there was no other that was good enough.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------   
Pry deri was fighting Fionn personally and it was ugly. Jernigan was using his abilities and it was making the ekimmu of thunder horrendously angry. There were also several Shouten warriors that answered to a female warrior named Seeval. She was no ordinary infant and she was something else entirely. She was taking on Gwydion and WINNING. It was not going well for these two and they were getting furious that they should lose Asuna to their own people. While they fought outside; Amras, Gwent, and Aeron staged a rescue along with Naraku, Ichigo, Jouichi, and Nobu.

There was no talking but Gwydion fell to his ass and his hands had almost been cut off and his throat slit. Seeval walked away from him and she wore black leather that was in bands around her breasts, her nether regions, and horizontal bands connecting the parallel bands. She wore knee boots and her wicked curved blade was in its holster. Her bronze hair was braided three times and she had a haughty look. She saw Maec and she bowed low before her king and eldest brother. Fionn realized that he was going to lose and he snarled at Pryderi.

“Traitor!” Fionn hissed at the ekimmu the Norse god Loki was based upon.

“No Prince Fionn. It is you who has betrayed your people. Our queen is OUR queen and not yours exclusively. Fuck off!” Pryderi said actually cutting from his wind pipe to his chin.

Fionn was horrified; grabbed Gwydion and phased out. Pryderi turned and sheathed his sword and bowed to Maec and the Shouten king was stunned.

“Sister explain!” Maec said confused.

“Her chief mate has always been the dark halfling my king. You have acknowledged this yourself. He sent his eldest son to me and said they were staging a rescue of our queen and that they needed my warrior training.” Seeval stated bowing.

“Those silver tongued bastards! We believed them! Fuck those ekimmu. You are the warrior for her Privy Council?” The Shouten ruler demanded.

“I am my lady’s lead warrior Sir Math. We should speak with her majesty now.” Pryderi said moving into the compound.

Maec was agitated and he looked at Seeval and her aura was different. He could not put his finger on it but he shrugged. He brought Seeval to Haryk and she picked up the youngest of Maec’s babes and she was such a different persona.

“Oh hello there you darling one; you are worth dying for my precious nephew prince. Your Papa is so very lucky.” She whispered gently.

“How are Selene and Adellum?” Maec asked as he looked at his babe in absolute love.

“Their nanny said they were quite well. Your lesser wife is seen in Astana but she takes them with her to this plane often but returns them to Hueco Mundo often enough.” His warrior sister informed him.

Maec nodded but he knew he loved this babe way more and he felt guilt. Asuna was doing very well and she had not known she had been a prisoner. She came forward and hugged Seeval and she pulled back and looked at the Shouten oddly for a moment.

“Is he not beautiful Seeval? Maec has been falling all over himself. He has begged me to deliver him a soccer team.” Asuna rolled her eyes.

“Well I am sorry my dearest if our children make me so fucking thrilled!” Maec groused.

The empusae/ekimmu queen smirked and she moved away as Naraku was fighting with Kenta to hold the baby girl of Kenta’s; Matsu.

“My lord she is MY babe. I SIRED her.” Kenta said short tempered.

“Hai. Hai I know. You are a perfect stud. She is perfect. Are you not beautiful girl. I am thinking you need a pink and white room.” Naraku cooed at the girl.

“Naraku!” His mate growled at him.

“What?” He growled back at her.

“Give Matsu back to Kenta. She is his babe.” Asuna said sighing.

“Ah but Chichi has to work and I am co-lord of the federation! Babysitting!” He snickered.

“Since when do my children become your concern my lord? Seriously! You hated us ookami kumo for forever!” The leader of the ookami kumo stated exasperated.

“One you were a fucking drunk. Two, I have seen what you and Masanori make. You two make perfect babes. Hai, I am highly pleased that they also call me Chichi.” Naraku said slyly.

Matsu’s hair was the same variegated from silver/gray, brown, to black with bright blue kumo eyes and a crescent moon on her forehead. Naraku was just smitten with the little kumo girl and he finally had to give her to Kenta and the halfling reminded him that they were roommates after all. Asuna groaned in irritation and she saw Kensei holding Tara and he was feeding her a bottle of pumped milk. They had not really spoken since the birth and she was just sick of the on and off.

Geming was holding Katai and his pup’s markings were mainly red inu in coloring but they were mixed with hers. He had a crescent moon but it was brown of all colors. Her red inu general had forgiven her act of vengeance on Longshanks and he could not stop staring at his pup.

“Would you consider moving to the Estate or my Karakura mansion?” She asked softly.

“Karakura. We will go there. Kiss me Suna.” He growled softly and he gave her a passionate kiss.

Geming was feeling possessive but it was over their fucked up family and his pup. Amras, Gwent, and Aeron finally caught up with their queen and they bowed low. She looked surprised and they asked to see her privately. Asuna led them to a private room in Gwydion’s estate.

“You were sequestered away from all save your new pups and their sires. I am certain after a given amount of time; they would have moved them out as well. It seems Prince Fionn and Prince Gwydion have formed an alliance.” Amras spoke.

Asuna looked up surprised and she was actually shocked by those turn of events.

“Gwydion was there as I was giving birth and he was so angry. He said I owed him a daughter. He said he would speak to me about it after I had gotten healed from these births.” She replied honestly.

“Prince Fionn apparently thinks we are keeping you from your current life and that we are taking you from your royalness.” Aeron said bitterly.

“What an absolute mess. I wish to take my pups and their sires back to my lands. Meet me at the Estate in under an hour.” Asuna said in authority.

“Yes your majesty!” They all said bowing.

Asuna made the rounds and spoke softly and she got to Kensei and looked at him and sighed.

“Where should you like to go with her?” Asuna asked.

“Where’s Yuichi right now?” Kensei asked in a hard tone.

“The Western Estate.” She spoke softly.

“Then what’re you waiting for. Take us so she can meet her brother.” The Vizard said with authority.

They were all gone from Gwydion’s estate and it was quiet. Too quiet.
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Maec went to the wing of the palace that housed his second wife and he was detirmined to NOT be a bastard to Selene and Adellum. What was odd was that the rooms had been ransacked and everything was strewn around and Shouten lay dead on the floor. Maec yelled for guards and he was shaking in fear suddenly for his two babes that were NOT here and he went to Admal.

“Admal! Nanami’s rooms have been ransacked. Were you in the corporeal plane with Isha and Maiell?” His king and big brother asked.

“Yes Maec. What do you mean ransacked! My guards would have told me.” Admal stated angrily.

“They are dead Admal. Selene and Adellum are gone and so is Nanami. You do not think she did this do you?” The Shouten king asked suspiciously.

“No! Why would she? She has power and prestige and children of a king. Why would she throw that away?” His baby brother asked in logic.

“She has not been allowing me to touch her Admal. I have desired my fierce little doctor but she wants nothing to do with me.” His elder brother said bitterly.

Seeval came forward and she held up clothing that had burns upon it. Those kinds of burns could only be from a Tomoshibi wielding their light as a weapon and Maec’s jaw dropped open.

“The Tomoshibi entered my palace and took my wife and children?” He snarled.

“It would seem so brother. Perhaps I should talk to Queen Isha and see what can be gleaned. You look ready to commit homicide right now.” His sister stated softly.

Maec’s eyes were silver and he looked at Seeval and again he was hit by something but it was so subtle. His eyes slowly bled back to their warm brown and he made himself calm down purposely.

“No, I will speak with Isha. You Seeval need to see Alum now.” He commanded.

Seeval raised a brow and was surprised. She bowed and Admal looked at Maec surprised but they both left to deal with the light wraith situation. Seeval walked to the ultra-modern infirmary that Alum had built and installed in this era’s Astana. He was quite proud of it and she came in and Alum looked at his warrior sister and a big, wide grin broke out on his face. This was one sibling that all the brothers agreed was one of their favorites.

“Seeval! Good gods my beloved sister! I am so happy to see you! What brings you to your lowly healer brother?” Alum said warmly.

“Oh hush Alum! As if you are lowly. None of us except for Maec were as brilliant as you. Maec said I needed to come see you and when do I disobey our brother and king?” She shrugged.

Alum felt an off aura right away and he had her lay back. With her barely there warrior attire; it was quite easy to get to her belly and he was looking using a portable sonogram courtesy of Doctor Yamasaki. There was a tiny egg sac formed and tiny heart beat and youkai pregnancies would develop fast at first and then depending on the species; they were more like mortal pregnancies.

“Sister! I thought, that is to say. I have always thought that you never. Seeval, I thought you had never engaged a man!” He said blushing.

“What is going on Alum?” Seeval demanded feeling flushed.

“You are pregnant sister.” Her healer brother said softly.

“Oh gods! Once! I allowed it once and I become with child?” She asked horrified.

“As much as I would abhor doing so, I can end it.” Alum remarked.

“Absolutely not! We are not evil like our father’s court! No, I engaged the man than I shall have my babe.” Seeval said clearly.

Maec and Admal stood in the doorway and Admal’s jaw had dropped and Maec was impressed with his sister. She had her own reasons why she did not have a personal life and he did not pry. She had her own shame and he felt that she deserved the respect not to have to relive it.

“I must insist upon knowing who fathered this child.” Maec stated crossing his arms.

“The halfling’s son known as Nori. I could feel that he was indeed an adult. He did say his family treats him as a child still but he is no child.” Seeval blushed.

“No, no he is not. Sister do you plan on telling him?” Her king asked.

“No. I have no plans of involving him in our life ever again.” The warrior princess stated sitting up.

Alum was shocked and horrified and Maec nodded and Asuna had been shocked when he had told her that they had found evidence of Tomoshibi in Astana. She swore to him that she would get to the bottom as soon as possible. He was staying calm in spite of his anxiousness. It would do no good if he lost his shit and started wasting those who got between him and his children.
------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------       
Asuna had ported carefully into Soul Society and she was near Seagaia and she was scenting the area. She suddenly grew sick to her stomach and she masked her presence and hid quickly. She saw Kaimei and Kaisei come out of the dwelling and Kaisei had tears in his eyes.

“Thank you brother. Thank you so much.” The younger Tomoshibi said going to his knee and Kaimei shook his head.

“Believe me this is a pleasure. She has no love of that bastard and if we are to rebuild our species; then perhaps we need find more of those beasts who can give us what we need! I will no longer be a member of an extinct species. Your mate will awaken in a day. The babies and older children will waken sooner. I admit changing the Arrancar child was something but what extraordinary power!” The eldest brother stated.

Asuna could not believe her ears and she was horrified. Nanami had been changed into a corporeal Tomoshibi and her children had been turned into light wraiths as well. Maec’s two babes by her had been turned into Tomoshibi and the Shouten king would go insane. She waited for Kaisei to leave and she stepped out to stare down Kaimei.

“Asuna.” He smiled softly.

“You turned my daughter into a Tomoshibi?” She growled in fury.

“She wanted it. She is carrying Kaisei’s daughter as it is. Kaisei wished for her always and wished for ALL her wraith children to be with him as well.” Kaimei said smugly.

“Selene and Adellum are Maec’s children Kaimei.” Asuna said in anger.

“Really? He screwed your own daughter and you had no issue with that?” The Tomoshibi leader scoffed.

“It was a hex by Sanra. I realized it later and it was made right. You had no right to interfere!” She snarled at the arrogant creature.

“Oh well I am going to interfere again it seems.” The light wraith said and he grabbed her.

He phased them somewhere and Asuna realized she was against a tree and he was inside of her. She gasped out and her mouth opened in shock. Kaimei kissed her full lips.

“You may be his in some ways but you will always belong to me too. Oh heavens my love; you feel like perfection.” The powerful light wraith groaned as if in pain.

Asuna could not make head or tails of anything and Kaimei knew it. He was being a bastard and proceeded to deliver her several types of mind bending highs that made her collapse. She was in her Western Estate laid out on her red couch and she was half dressed and she came to slowly. She was fuzzy headed and her Privy Council was standing over her concerned.

“Sorry. Aeron in my bedroom is a yukata in plum. Could you get it for me?” Their queen asked as if she was in a drugged state.

Purcell did as he was asked and she shakily stood up and she was starving. She saw Qui by chance and she was suddenly against him and she sank her fangs into his jugular and pathed her apologies.

“Never apologize my queen. I am here for everything.” Quilin said holding the back of her head.

She came off of his throat and blood stained her teeth and the incubus was turned on but he bowed as he left the room.

“Hasegawa Kaimei has turned my daughter Yamasaki Nanami into a Tomoshibi. She was a turned empusae; she was evolving into one anyway but she was close to death so we just finished what nature started. She was married to a Jing healer for some time and had a few children by him. Sanra hexed her and Nanami lost her mind when she lost her babes and she ended up bedding Maec. Selene and Adellum are his babes. I came to grips with the hex and the consequences and thought I had found a solution. Kaimei had decided that Nanami and her WHOLE brood will be Tomoshibi.” Asuna spoke softly to her Privy Council.

Her three ekimmu councilmen were sharp and they each grasped what all of it meant right away. The Tomoshibi and Shouten were enemies from way back but the queen was exhibiting a strange aura herself. Aeron was narrowing his eyes and he was certain this Kaimei was “pissing” on his territory to make the Shouten king incensed.

“You do realize that the infant ekimmu has begotten you.” Aeron said in an angry tone.

“I feel it. I am furious and I am unsure if my body can handle it right now.” She sighed.

“How do we help you avoid all-out war between these infant ekimmu and the Shouten?” Gwent asked.

“I really do not know. Maec is possessive over his children. Selene and Adellum were spoiled rotten and loved very much. Haryk will be as much or more because he is of me.” Their queen said sitting down and she was miserable.

“Sanra and Bilae are still back there and I am having issues within the wraiths! I so do not need this right now. I should like Pryderi to see me this evening. Aeron please stay for dinner.” The ekimmu queen commanded.

The three men bowed and Gwent and Amras phased out and Aeron was angry. He was very, very angry. He sat down and he watched her with his sand colored eyes.

“Speak Aeron. Your eyes say you wish to say much.” She sighed.

“Fucking Gwydion and Fionn take you and then this Kaimei bastard! You have barely been well a few days. When do you rest your majesty? I should not be thinking of myself but you left me in that place so you could take revenge on that mortal. If you had shared with me; I would have gone with you!” He snapped at her.

“Aeron it was my ultimate violation and ultimately my revenge. I did not intend to leave you in the past; I went into labor rather quickly and things took a bad turn. Gwydion showed up in the middle of the birth.” His sometimes lover said nearing him.

“There will be a nasty altercation between this light wraith versus the Shouten king. It is what I think the light wraith wants. You do not give him what he wants. You tell the Shouten king that the babes are dead.” Aeron reasoned.

“I tell him that and he will go beyond ballistic.” His queen said horrified.

“How horrified will he be when he finds that his children can no longer be on the same plane that he is of?” Her councilman pointed out.

“Oh Kamis this is a mess.” Asuna said looking down.

“I agree it is a mess. I also think it is a mess when the ekimmu queen is used and abused; she also allows it!” Purcell stated.

“How dare you!” She snarled in his face.

“I will always speak the truth to you Asuna; I would never have spoken to that witch but you are not her are you?” He shouted at her.

Aeron was laid out flat on her dining table and he was growling furiously as his eyes had changed to green. He phased them to her bed and he shed her yukata and her haphazard crème colored shift dress. She did not keep herself still as she ripped at his modern tunic in cotton-silk blend and his designer jeans. They both were soon against the other in a passionate haze. Aeron had been out of his mind worried and yes, he had truly been jealous as well. Gwydion and Fionn were being underhanded and he refused to see the royal brothers control this wonderful creature and she was crying out underneath him. The escalation of ecstasy was endangering him and Aeron was rasping as he tried to pull himself back and she dragged her claws down his back at her zenith. He whined out in pain as his heart beat slowed and his eyes changed back to sand colored and she had a look of bliss on her face.

“Majesty! Why did you do that? Why did you not allow me to pull back?” He demanded.

“I did not want you to!” Asuna snapped at him.

“Asuna, you just gave birth and I would not put you through an ekimmu birth so soon after birthing. Are you insane?” Aeron demanded.

“I hate, and I mean HATE no feeling my mate’s end. Do not ever waste it or I will be furious.” His queen snapped.

“I am a lover my queen…” He said in passing.

She was getting furious and she suddenly whirled on him and sank her fangs deeply into his juncture and made it deep. It was so deep that blood spilled and stained her sheets but it would scar. Asuna pulled her mouth back and she turned around and presented the back of her neck and Aeron was horrified.

“Bite. Bite now! Do it Aeron.” She snarled in her inu.

Aeron suddenly sank his lengthened canines at the back of her neck and did it deeply. Again blood spilled and she was nearly screaming in pure euphoria as she told him deeper and he did so. Soon she was panting and she had him take her inu fashion and again he did not pull back. Aeron Purcell felt like a creep of the worst sort and his queen had forced him to put his mark on her and she had put her mark on him.

“You are a mate of your queen and do not waste your seed. I command it.” She said tartly.

Aeron sputtered and he stared at her in anger and she had marked him so she could get her way. She crossed her arms and his mental tirade was getting on her nerves.

“Shut up Aeron! Go to bed! Pryderi will be here soon and I need to meet with him about Sanra and Bilae’s whereabouts.” She commanded.

“I will stay awake and listen if it pleases you MATE.” He hissed at her.

Her eyes bled green and she stared at him like he was meat and Aeron realized by standing up to her that he had been begging to be conquered by her. He felt like slapping himself and nearly hung his head.

“Again your mental tirade is pissing us off!” Asuna growled in her beast.

“You smash through my mental shields as if they are nothing! How? I should have had a little more sense. I love you my queen but I have common sense.” Aeron sighed.

“Most psi shields are breachable by us and you were ours when you made the first kiss Purcell. Your seed is ours whether it is greedily accepted by my center or I drink it from you!” The current ekimmu queen grunted as she brushed against him.

They were still arguing when Pryderi showed up and the warrior ekimmu was highly amused. The House of Purcell had been a powerful and prestigious one outside of the royal family. They had been “of the people” and were beloved by the common ekimmu. To see the young queen argue with the famous and powerful Aeron Purcell was endlessly amusing. He had a tiny smile and he waited till she turned her attention to him.

“Any word Pryderi? I also very much appreciate your lending me your yoki so I could stab that bastard in the balls.” Asuna said feral.

“It was a pleasure to allow you some manner of justice my queen. Bilae has been seen in this century; I believe he is going to make a play after that shinigami in Hueco Mundo and also your daughter Hibari; reborn Macha. He was obsessed with her. We use it against him.” He said flatly.

“Hai. Hai. Get with Hibari and speak with her mates that are warriors. She also has a frere albeit very young.” She thought out loud.

“I believe the Shouten hybrid bitch is now searching for a hidden circle that would augment her power. Most of the circles have been ravaged by time but an intact circle would be a boon. I am going back with your Soten love to contain her.” He said bowing.

“A hidden circle? Where would one of those be?” His queen asked shocked.

“Leth’Evana believe it or not. She will not find one. It is rumored there are two left but I will sever her limbs before she can find either.” Pryderi snarled.

Asuna nodded and the warrior made a sign of loyalty and he turned on his heel and he phased out. Aeron was sitting at her dining room table and he was upset. He needed Amras and Gwent. She could feel his ire and she waved him on.

“Meet with your brother councilmen. Make no mistakes Aeron; I have claimed you now. Anyone else may NOT touch you. You belong to your queen. You and your cock are mine.” Asuna said lewdly.

He was shocked stupid and she left him where he was standing and he finally phased out. He had no freaking clue what had happened but things had taken on strange turns.
---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------    &nb sp; 
Kaisei was feeding the formerly baby Shouten who were in fact now Tomoshibi and they were taking in the milk easily enough. He heard a sputtering and suddenly Nanami sat up and gasped.

“My love??” Kaisei whispered.

“Are they okay? Are they all awake? Did you change them all?” Nanami asked shocked.

“We changed them all; even Shiyomi.” He said gently.

“Oh my Kamis. How long was I out?” She asked feeling hungry.

“Two days. You know you can take in small amounts of food again.” He said so very softly.

“I what? I can?” His new wife stated in utter shock.

“Hai. You are in fact Tomoshibi now. You are a corporeal Tomoshibi which is what Kazaki is but he chooses to dwell with us. You have your work at the hospital but when you come home; you can port directly here.” Kaisei whispered.

“I cannot believe all this. Why did you freak when I first told you I was pregnant?” Nanami asked with wide eyes.

“I wanted it so badly Nami. I wanted it so much but I could not figure out how to have it all and do right by you. I love you and my parents relationship is what I aspire to.” He blushed.

“You weren’t ignoring me; you wanted our baby?” His doctor wife asked as regular tears fell down her face.

“Hai. I have always wanted to be a father. I figured I would never find a woman that I would look at the way my father looked at my mother.” He said looking at Selene and Adellum.

Nanami realized he was looking at them no different than he would his own children and she began to sob. She got up and she came over and held her two babes and she met his lips with tenderness and deep love. Kaisei held the sides of her head gently and he kissed her as if his life depended upon it. Kaimei gently cleared his throat and they both pulled away from the other and bowed to the Hasegawa clan leader.

“How can I ever thank you sir?” Nanami asked reverently.

“How can I ever thank YOU, Doctor Yamasaki? Not only are you giving us a pure blood Tomoshibi but you have given us more so that we may rebuild. You are making a beloved brother a father and very happy. I am more than happy to help.” He smiled brilliantly.

“What about the fall out?” She asked nervously.

“None yet but I expect to hear Maec snorting and threatening soon. Your mother was here listening and I took her from here and I made her remember our past.” Her brother in law smirked.

“You are wicked sir. I adore you!” The spitfire little doctor said laughing.

“Well you allow US to deal with the Shouten; including the Jings. Ok? You go to work but the babes stay here.” He said staring at the two babes of Maec that he had turned himself.

“Ok, I understand.” Nanami understand.

Kaimei bowed and she nursed Selene and Adellum until they fell asleep and she checked on her other babes and they had found some children on the edges of the Rukongai to play with. She slipped back into the large dwelling and sat next to Kaisei and he took her hand.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” She whispered back.

Kaisei knew there would be hell to pay but he would face down the enemies and he was happy. This was perfection and he kissed her with the conviction borne of his years of pent up need.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------    &nbs p;      
Maec was pacing in the living plane at Admal’s apartment and his wife ported in. Her face was set in a grim line and he was tense as hell.

“Kaimei made a covert strike. Kaisei wanted Nanami to himself and she would not leave her children.” Asuna said and she was ready for the violence.

“Hasegawa Kaimei came into my home and kidnapped my lesser wife and stole my children? That means he had help from Shouten and he has two of my children.” Maec said trying like hell to stay calm.

“It would not surprise me if there were factions within the Jings who would support their Tomoshibi family Maec.” His Isha said softly.

“Jing Lei Shi for one?” He said as his eyes were silvering.

“Lei had nothing to do with this! I know exactly where Lei has been. He has been with Naraku Maec.” Asuna said defending her Jing husband.

“His saving grace; what are you shielding me from wife? I know you and you are trying to temper my anger but I tell you I will not lose my anger yet.” He said in such a cold and almost evil tone.

“They were changed to Tomoshibi.” His queen whispered and she squeezed her eyes shut knowing how angry he should be.

“Your daughter should have come to us and asked to leave the situation. I would have granted it; but to take my children to a different plane entirely!” Maec snarled in a sudden burst of rage.

“Maec! Listen to me for one moment please?” The Shouten queen begged.

“Yes Isha?” He said clenching his fists.

“Pryderi Jernigan has told me there may be two circles intact one within Leth’Evana. I thought to tell you because he said Sanra could use it to enhance her power.” She spoke quickly.

Blackness was eating at Maec and Admal got his brother blood wine; wine that was laced with human blood. He poured him a goodly portion and the Shouten king tipped it back and drained it. Maec’s senses were tickled and he looked at his queen and he suddenly snarled in a rage beyond rage. He grabbed her and slammed her against a wall. Her head slammed against the plaster and blood trickled from her cracked skull.

“Maec?” She asked dazed.

“He dared to touch you after what he has done to me? Do you love me or him Isha? Tell me now!” Maec snarled like the one of old.

“I love you always. I am your queen.” Asuna said confused.

“Lose it! I refuse my wife to carry a Tomoshibi. NO! You are the Queen of the Shouten, Empusae, and Ekimmu. You carry any other babe but his!” He raged and it frightened her terribly.

Admal tried to calm his brother and Asuna was shaking terribly but she could not believe what she was doing. She lifted her chin and met his eyes.

“Protect the ekimmu babe.” She said softly.

“You are worth ten lifetimes my wife.” Maec said kissing her passionately.

Admal was horrified and his brother said some chant and Asuna “Isha” Kurosaki-Jing slid down the wall and she was breathing in and out hard as she began to bleed horrendously.

“The ekimmu babe has a barrier around it. I am sorry Isha; I am going against Kaimei. You are mine.” He said picking her up

“Never forget Maec. I love you. I did this…” She said as her head fell back.

“She is bleeding heavily Maec!” Admal said freaking.

“She had twins by that bastard! I will take her to Nobu. I fucking hate that bastard.” Maec said phasing.

Maec could not believe that his brother had demanded her to have an abortion. He knew of course what the Tomoshibi could do to a corporeal blood drinker and so did Maec. Admal sighed and he decided to at least find Lei; they may not be together anymore but Asuna was his wife as well. Admal phased into her Western Estate. Lei was in fact with Naraku and he saw Admal’s face and Jing was there so fast it was dizzying.

“There is major shit going down in our world. Someone from your clan betrayed Astana to the Tomoshibi and stole Maec’s children through Nanami. Whatever our differences; Asuna is your wife and Hasegawa Kaimei got her with child. Maec aborted them.” Admal said softly and in Kazak to Lei.

Lei was shaking badly and the fact that the Tomoshibi had done what he did so close after her births and he looked at Admal and he looked wretched.

“Your brother did it to hurt her didn’t he?” He raged.

“No Lei. He asked her first. She gave him permission.” The half empusae Shouten said bowing.

Kameron came over and held Lei’s shoulders and he was feeling horrendous pain and he knew it was his maker’s physical pain. Admal phased out and Lei stood there with bloody tears coming down his face and her three other frere slipped out and they were not comfortable at all.

“Kameron? What is going on? What is this pain?” Qui asked.

“Our mistress suffered an abortion at the hands of the Shouten king; she gave him her consent. We must go to her. Lei? Do you wish to come?” His bound asked.

“Hell yes.” The Jing heir said vehemently.

The five men ported to Yamasaki General and Nobu was snarling at Maec tr’Awnhi; that had a look of, I really do not give a shit. Asuna was in a procedure room and Shinobu was finishing the abortion and tears stung his eyes and there was another babe with a barrier around it and he was surprised. Asuna was stony and she stared straight up and fractured head had been repaired already.

“My darling?” Kameron whispered.

“Shit is going to erupt in the wraith world. I cannot stop it. Kaimei started it. I will talk later.” Asuna said with tears glazing her eyes.

“Did he hurt you?” Lei demanded.

“No Lei, no my darling. Kaimei did. Maec is the victim this time and someone from your clan aided the Tomoshibi in killing innocent Shouten nurses and soldiers. For me, I want you to investigate it. It is not for Maec but for your wife.” She whispered.

Lei sighed heavily and he nodded and Maec heard her. His wife was wily even amongst the worst of circumstances. He felt no remorse for what he had done and stalked to his queen and kissed her forehead and then her mouth several times.

“I do believe your frere need to see to their queen. I will be in Astana planning and sending scouts to look for these circles. Chanak has given me a small garrison of Soten to use as mine in Leth’Evana.” He said gently.

Asuna nodded and Shinobu wisely kept his mouth shut and Maec kissed her hands and he phased out. Lei was angry but he too phased out to his clan and her four frere surrounded her to give her strength and comfort.

“Why are you not losing your shit Asuna?” Nobu demanded.

“Too soon. When can I go my darling?” Asuna asked her doctor mate.

“Now if you want.” Her kumo healer said with a deep, angry sigh.

Kameron picked her up and they ported with her to the Karakura Mansion property.

“Something is going on. Asuna would never have allowed him to do such a thing before and she is devastated but not saying it. She was forced to make a choice between Maec and Kaimei. She chose Maec.” Nobu told his son.

“Good kamis Chichi.” Shinobu said horrified.

“I’m going to find out what the hell is going on. Make sure Alum gets in here for his shift tonight. Sick of him being late!” His father groused.

“Time is different in Hueco Mundo sir.” His son chuckled.

“Whatever.” The funnel healer said as he made a venom cloud and he ported.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------    &n bsp;     
Bilae was curious as several of his former children were up in arms and he hid himself well and listened oh so carefully. It seemed that the hex the bitch had put on the little doctor proved useful after all because the little bitch fell for a Tomoshibi. The lava ekimmu sneered as he remembered as Ganek how the beasts had begun to tear apart his empire. His policy was just to put them to death but not Maec; oh no, he had to be all benevolent and everything. The dark ekimmu had an understanding with the one known as Aizen and shit was about to hit the fan all over Hueco Mundo and the living plane in about two weeks. It would be glorious mayhem and he was getting some of his major power back. He saw her and Macha was in tavern as she worked behind the bar with her frere and the fucking saintly dragon. Braden McClure had been around in the past but not now. He was curious as to that and he decided to do some digging in history. Fucking up lives was just so much fun.
------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------    
Asuna was on her huge sectional sofa in her Karakura mansion. All four of her frere were there just close and there to give support. She fell asleep amongst her treasured remades and her Privy Council was there but Kameron quietly got up and he went to talk to the three ekimmu.

“What is going on? We have been unable to reach her.” Amras demanded softly.

“I do not answer to you ekimmu. I answer to her. She needs us right now; leave this house and return tomorrow when she has had enough sleep.” The ten thousand year old frere said in a cold voice.

“Is she alright?” Aeron asked deeply conflicted and worried.

“Come back tomorrow.” Kameron repeated and he returned to the couch and his eyes were red as he stared at the ekimmu.

The Privy Council did phase out but they stayed close by. Aeron was nervous and she was feeling pain. He knew it and he could feel it. Why he should feel it; he had no idea. Pryderi Jernigan appeared and he bowed before the noble ekimmu and they nodded.

“The Shouten ruler has sent us a messenger and I am thinking you will wish to hear this as it concerns our queen.” He said flatly.

The Council was surprised and they followed Pryderi and they phased to his estate. There stood a Shouten warrior woman and she looked lethal and gorgeous at the same time.

“Hello ekimmu; you are my sister in law’s Privy Council. I know her as Isha tr’Awnhi in Hueco Mundo where she is the consort of my brother and king; Maec tr’Awnhi. This plane of course knows her as Jing-Kurosaki Asuna; Queen of the Ekimmu and empusae peoples. During my hated father’s reign there were wraiths that were being born totally different from us Shouten. They became known by their Japanese name; the Tomoshibi. My brother’s policy at first was to try and pursue peace with these wraiths but it soon became apparent that none would be had. The leader of the Tomoshibi; Hasegawa Kaimei entered the Astana Palace in Hueco Mundo and took my king’s lesser wife and most offensively took his two small children by this woman. Our mutual queen went to the Seireitei to ascertain what occurred and she found out that not only had the woman been changed to Tomoshibi but the two babes as well. To add insult to injury; Kaimei took Isha and begot her with his spawn. My king asked his queen if she wanted them and she said no; so my king rid his queen of the unwanted maggots. He did bid me tell you that the ekimmu child has a barrier around it.” Seeval explained in a long winded speech.

Amras, Gwent, and Pryderi all looked at Aeron and Aeron was stunned. It was quite bold what the Shouten king had done but what the ekimmu had seen; the reborn Math was beyond bold.

“I find what this Tomoshibi creature did unacceptable. What is it that our reborn Math wants?” Pryderi asked for the Privy Council who seemed too shocked to speak.

“Ekimmu can phase into any plane. He wishes an offensive with some ekimmu warriors is all. Since it seems that Fionn has allied himself with Gwydion; Maec does not feel he can trust the ekimmu of thunder as much.” The Shouten warrior said bluntly.

“Tell your brother and king that he has his warriors.” Gwent spoke up.

“Thank you my lord. He did ask his queen. He would never harm Isha.” She said meeting their eyes.

“Faced with losing him, I am certain she made the only decision she could.” Aeron said quite coldly.

Seeval was shocked but she bowed and she phased out. Pryderi and the other two council members looked at Aeron as he lifted his chin.

“Is this what she wanted?” Amras demanded.

“She bit the hell out of me Amras! Look!” Aeron spoke showing him Asuna’s mark.

“I am assuming she made you make one on her.” Gwent said crossing his arms.

“Yes of course! Do you honestly think so low of me?” Purcell growled.

“No my man but you look guilty. What did happen?” The eldest councilman asked.

“Oh by the ancients she can be raunchy! I was attempting to be careful of her and she told me that since the marks were there; my seed and cock were hers.” He said turning red as hell.

Pryderi busted out laughing and tried to keep a straight face but the idea of the spitfire queen telling the nobleman that was hilarious to him and his two friends seemed horrified for him. Now it seemed imperative to see her but no one wanted to tangle with the ten thousand year old Kameron. Aeron sighed and he sat down in an elegant iron wrought lawn bench and looked miserable.

“I have to see her first thing in the morning. Pryderi perhaps go and see the Shouten king and find out more about the abortion.” Aeron commanded.

Pryderi bowed and he phased out to Hueco Mundo to do as the nobles asked of him.
------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------      ;  
Seeval was naked in her room and stood in front of her mirror and she knew she would not show yet but she could “hear” her babe already. It was the strangest thing to her and she could hear simple emotions in her mind of her fetus. She pressed her hands to her belly and she heard someone coming; she dove for her robe and put on the black silk. She went back to pressing her hands to her belly. Maec knocked on her door and she called enter.

“I wanted to say thank you Seeval. You did very well and they have agreed to help us with an assault.” He said and he was depressed.

“Maec, Isha chose you.” Seeval said firmly.

“Selene and Adellum are Tomoshibi. I have lost them and I caused my wife to abort two innocents.” He said almost breaking down.

“The Tomoshibi males overwhelm and confound the females. If one of their males wants a female then they can easily overcome her senses Maec. I should know.” She said softly as she held him.

“You have never spoken…why and what?” Her king said as bloody tears stained his face.

“A Tomoshibi pursued me once. I almost was overcome but it was too much like father’s attention and I killed it.” She whispered as she kissed Maec’s head.

“You are staring in the mirror at your belly. May I?” Her eldest brother asked.

Seeval smiled a little and Maec pressed his hand and he was surprised that the little being was producing a barrier. The tiny being was male and the Shouten king smiled softly as he smiled at his mighty sister.

“He is highly telepathic. Pathing how content he is. He produces a hell of a barrier for a fetus.” The Shouten king chuckled.

“Amazing. Do you hear me baby? You are amazing!” Seeval grinned.

“When did you wish to become a mother?” He asked his sister.

“I did not know I wanted to. I just know I want him and I will kill for him.” The warrior princess smiled.

Maec nodded and he bowed. He left his sister to hold her stomach and she lay down on her bed and she had her hands pressed to her stomach. Nori was bitter and angry at how things had happened and he watched her as she slept. The warrior was holding her stomach and it seemed odd to him. He was not used to being humiliated and he decided direct was best.

“I insist you wake up immediately.” Nori stated meanly.

Seeval opened one light brown eye then her other and the beautiful shape shifter was here. She kept her mental sighs internal and she sat up. She had on her black robe and she stared at Nori with anger at his disturbing her privacy and much needed sleep.

“Why are you here? I thought I made myself very clear when we fornicated.” Seeval snapped.

Nori slapped her and he was seething but it only showed in claret colored eyes. She felt her cheek and it smarted from where he had slapped her.

“Young man, I suggest you leave or I will have a thousand soldiers here in less than five minutes.” She stated getting nose to nose with him.

“I have watched you for three years Lady Seeval. I am not an emotional sap who cannot handle love and loss but I will not be humiliated by an onna ever!” The young man said with anger in his cruel voice.

“I humiliated you? You came here to fornicate with me. Did you not reach your objective?” Seeval demanded.

“Fuck you! I did not fornicate with you bitch! I believed I was making love. Apparently you Shouten are incapable of it; perhaps just the tr’Awnhi!” Nori growled.

“Get out.” She said with ice in her voice.

“I have an objective that needs reaching first!” The young man retorted in kind.

Nori wanted to humiliate her and he was against her and for a moment she struggled as she was flush to his chest. This young creature was so incredibly strong and he intended to brutally kiss her but it became soft and heady as soon as his lips touched hers. Nori groaned as his hands slipped into her bronze hair and the damn plan went out the window. He tasted it and by the kamis; she was divine. Seeval responded and she was mortified at doing so again and so freely. He laid her back and his lips scorched her chin and moved to her throat. ‘

“Sanra used to torture me as a child. She did heinous things. I had to have surgery to repair damage done to my anatomy.” She admitted as his lips grazed her throat.

Nori snarled in utter hatred and he made her look at him and he could tell by looking at her what had occurred. His eyes burned like hell fires and Seeval was uncomfortable.

“I did not think I could enjoy relations at all. You came and I did. I was scared.” The Shouten princess admitted.

“What did that beast not destroy?” He growled in his hate.

“Sanra only wanted power. I only wanted to live.” Seeval admitted looking away.

Nori sat behind her and held her to him and allowed her head to fall against his shoulder. He frowned as a faint aroma wafted from her sternum. His brain was fuzzy and his mouth watered as he realized what he was scenting.

“Tell me.” Nori said in a beastly tone.

“I was fertile apparently. I have bonded with him already. Here.” She said taking his hand and pressed her flat belly.

Nori’s hand shook and this onna was not upset to be pregnant and he felt his tiny son’s mind and he gasped. It was the most amazing thing and he turned his head to capture her lips as he devoured Seeval. Why she was giving herself to this young man she had not a fucking clue but it felt right at the moment as the kiss was consuming.

“Shit! My parents are going to fucking flip. They do not act as if I am an adult youkai.” He snorted.

“But you are.” She shrugged.

“Hai well try having Lady Asuna and Naraku for parents. They are insane over their progeny. Seeval, I must keep this quiet for now. Marry me according to your traditions.” The shape shifter demanded.

Her heart was speeding up and she was nodding. He kissed her lips over and over and he slipped from the bed.

“Get your brother king to pull it together but quietly! Two days?” Nori said gently.

“Yes. That is plenty of time.” Seeval nodded.

He leaned over and kissed her again and then slipped away into his miasma. She was stunned at her own actions and she slipped from her bed to talk to Maec. He was morosely on his throne and he saw his warrior sister in only her silk robe and she motioned him to his study. Maec was intrigued and she slipped inside as Maec shut the door.

“He showed up.” She spoke softly.

“Did he now? He is a brave man.” Maec snorted.

“I…told him I will marry him. We have to keep it quiet because Isha refuses to see him as an adult but I would not defile a child.” Seeval said stumbling over her words.

“Married? Seeval? Are you quite serious? You wish to marry this young man?” Her brother asked dropping his jaw.

“Yes Maec, I do.” She nodded.

“Ok. I will get things prepared quickly and quietly.” Her king said amazed.

She moved swiftly and kissed his cheek and quickly bowed then left his presence. Maec tr’Awnhi had managed to be shocked the crud out of.
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It was the middle of the night in Japan as Asuna came awake and here frere were surrounding her. Her mind was muddled and she moved over to Qui as she lowered her mouth to his and he gasped awake. His queen was ravishing his lips and her eyes were red and her inu marks quite jagged. She ran a hand into his chin length brown hair; he shut his now royal purple eyes and groaned softly.

-Port us to our bed. - She commanded him.

Quilin did as she commanded and Kameron opened one eye and a small smile was on his face and he fell back asleep. The turned incubus was devouring his maker as her inu dominated.

“Our beloved Qui; can you insure you will give us a girl pup?” She demanded in her beastly voice.

“My queen? No! It is too soon.” Her frere said horrified.

“We did not want Kaimei’s pups but innocent. Plot to make Maec crazy and could not do that to him. We need. Quilin; we need!” Asuna’s beast growled.

“Asuna? My mistress please come back to yourself. I love you. I love you my queen but your frere begs you to come back to your whole self.” He begged her.

Asuna blinked and bloody tears fell down her cheeks and she looked at Qui. Her eyes were pale blue and she nudged his nose and kissed him. He groaned as he consumed her and her frere knew how NOT to get their queen with child but their queen was not really caring what they knew. Soon she had the former favorite of Chan laid out and begging with a raspy tone and gasping as she delivered him unreal pleasure. She cut down her forearm and bled into his mouth and Qui was being made drunk on powerful blood. He lost rational thought to his other side and they had passed out after perfect passion. He sat up and he blinked as he looked around and stared down at his queen and he groaned in anger at himself.

“Asuna? Mistress do you need anything? I need my toilet.” Qui said so properly.

“I am well my darling. See to your needs.” She whispered in a tired voice.

“My lady, we were not careful.” He said softly.

Her eyes flashed green and she turned her head and she refused to give into anger.

“Quilin, I bled you heavily. You must be famished my love. See to your toilet and feeding.” Asuna said dismissing him very politely.

He did not know what else to say and he bowed. His heart sped up and Quilin was horrified. He ported downstairs and he sat on the couch very upset and Kameron came awake and looked at him funny.

“Brother whatever is wrong?” Kameron asked astonished.

“She made it to where I would impregnate her. Kameron, we agreed it was too soon!” Qui said in despair.

“Asuna is hurting. She did not want to be a part of this Tomoshibi/Shouten thing but Kaimei forced it upon her. Our queen chose a man she loves so very deeply but it does not make that choice easy. I am absolutely certain Maec expected us to be with her and yes, we give her our babes.” The head frere said softly.

“How do you know Kameron?” The youngest frere asked in upset.

“I suspect it. Maec owed me and we get along. I am going to talk to Chrestian and Ryo.” He said patting Qui’s back.

Kameron gently woke Chrestian and Ryo and he spoke in soft tones. Both frère’s eyes widened in shock and both were nodding. Chrestian looked at Ryo and they were speaking back and forth. Qui wanted to snarl that it was a fucking sick thing. Chrestian told Ryo to go and take his chance since he was a father once already. Ryo was actually dizzy and Asuna had actually listened to her frere. Qui’s mind was in turmoil and she would reassure him later and she drew Ryo to her. Her poor dragon frere was ported out with her and the other men lay back on the couch and Kameron intended to sleep.

“I do not think this right.” Quilin stated and he was being stubborn.

“She wants your pup, why are you upset?” Kameron demanded.

“Because she suffered so only this afternoon; I think it wrong.” He said as he shut his violet eyes.

The head frere sighed and the youngest frere had a deep sense of honor to him and it was hell on him sometimes.

Asuna was in her bed and her stomach lurched wildly. She sat up and ran to her bathroom as she began retching up blood. The frere looked at one another; Ryo and Qui looked at the other and they ported upstairs to assist her. She was violently expelling her stomach but she looked peaceful as she did so.

“Your Privy Council member; Aeron Purcell is here and refuses to go away.” Qui said in disdain.

“Ask him to get the ekimmu doctors, please my love.” She said puking again.

“I do not like this, my queen!” The youngest frere blurted out.

“Well thankfully I do! Now will you please ask him to get the ekimmu doctors or I shall be forced to but I fear I will expel my stomach all over my floors.” She smirked.

Quilin threw up his hands and he went to Purcell and he snarled with fury.

“She wants the ekimmu doctors now! Hurry now ekimmu. Our queen is violently retching.” The remade empusae said coldly.

Aeron bowed and he went to get Tristan quickly. He brought the young looking doctor with him and he was around the ekimmu queen immediately as he injected her with something to calm her ravaged stomach. He had a stethoscope and he was listening carefully and he smiled widely.

“My queen! You have an ekimmu within you.” Tristan said happily.

“Hai, I knew.” Asuna said looking at Aeron.

“Your frere my queen? I feel two empusae. One is an odd mix and the other is almost purely succubus.” The ekimmu doctor frowned.

“My frere are everything to me doctor. Do not belittle them ever!” She growled low in her throat.

“I am sorry my queen.” He said bowing his head.

“You can go Tristan.” Aeron said in command.

“My lord is this babe we have hoped for?” The doctor asked.

“Hai doctor. Now please go and keep things quiet until I am further along. That is a command.” Asuna said sitting up.

Tristan looked thrilled and Aeron looked upset. She held his jaw and kissed his lips. He sputtered and he stared at her in defiance.

“Get Gwent and Amras together. I carry your son. Now go!” She said lying back contented.

Aeron was just stunned and he phased out and Qui was shaking near the door and Asuna watched him.

“You purposely engaged me last night even though I did not wish to do this so soon. What happens if you lose this babe too?” Qui asked her.

“I refuse to lose our girl. No! I refuse. I swore it to you. Did I not swear it to you?” His queen said almost manically.

“Yes! Yes you swore it but I refuse to lose my queen because she is out of her mind in grief!” Quilin cried as he fell beside her and he wrapped his arms around her and he wept.

Ryo mouthed son and he puffed up his chest and he was going to have a boy. He smirked and he could not wait to tell Kameron. He ported out and Quilin along with Aeron were terrified at what was happening.
-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------   & nbsp;    
Naraku was staring at his son who was by his mother and he was angry. He was VERY angry. Fionn and Gwydion had tried to control her and then the wraiths decided to fuck up everything because of Maec’s two babes by Nanami. His mate had been taken by Kaimei and Maec then decided to abort her. Oh he was mad; he was fucking furious and angry and Naraku did not go well together.

“Koi did you tell Maec to do what he did?” He asked as calm as he could.

“Hai. I did not ask to be involved in this drama and if I have to pick a side; I am Maec’s queen by YOUR decree.” Asuna said with a strong voice and lifted her chin.

Maec was not far away and he heard her words. His heart was pounding in his chest and the love he bore this woman was immense. He was well concealed and not even the dark hanyou would know he was here.

“That you are. Kamis damn it Koi! You should not be pupped so soon! Ekimmu? I should gut the fucker!” Naraku snarled in fury.

“No! I was acting on my own accord my darling. It is not Gwydion or Fionn. It is MY choice and he is of OUR persuasion.” His inu said smoothly.

“Do NOT smooth talk me inu! Do not try that on me today of all days!” Nori’s father roared.

“Beloved it was my choice. The ekimmu is also one who is worthy of our plans. He is not like some of the others. The frere you cannot deny them. You cannot. You know it.” The inu-empusae worked her chief mate.

“I will kill the ekimmu if harm befalls you. I will gut every single one of these males. Do you understand me? I do not give a damn if they are frere or not! I am your FIRST mate in everything. I have to listen to Nobu and Ichigo bitch at me about your health. I will murder koi and I will make it horrendous.” He said coldly.

Nori winced and his father was being controlled by Onigumo at the moment and Asuna calmed him down quite nicely. When his sire was especially violent and cruel; it was the ningen’s soul and personally Nori loved it. He however had to be careful of his own interests because of his damn age. His parents were insane because of what happened to him and Ken during the Sengoku Jidai but then what happened to Ken. Lady Asuna’s pups were heavily guarded even if they did not know it. If someone tried to take a pup again; they would be dead horribly.

Naraku noticed his eldest son by actual birth in deep contemplation and that could be dangerous he had learned.

“What Nori?” His father demanded.

“Nothing Chichi.” He said looking up.

“Lie another day. Walk with me.” The hanyou commanded after he kissed his mother passionately.

Nori hid his smile and he loved their passion. Even though his mother was what she was; his parents passion would NEVER wane. His parents would ALWAYS be the alpha relationship. He was quite happy with that.

“I know my son. You are in deep thought and I demand to know what is going on.” Naraku said frankly to his son.

“Chichi! You know I do sometimes contemplate a female’s curves or things I plan to do with Ken you know! For Kamis sake.” Nori rolled his eyes.

“No, I do not buy it. You are too much like me.” The hanyou snapped.

“Chichi! I am a young man. I enjoy doing things a young man does. I also enjoy fighting with our family. Pardon me if I enjoy that too much; I LOVE the abilities you imparted to me. I love being a mean, nasty, and cruel bastard and HAI, I love being your son.” He said crossing his arms.

Naraku looked at his elegant son who was wearing a black turtle neck sweater with dark wash jeans and black boots. Naraku was in his typical dark suit and his hair happened to be free of its tie and they stared at each other with identical eyes.

“You are exactly like Mizuki. I have to accept it. Do not lie to me Nori.” His sire demanded.

“I love someone okay?” He said throwing up his hands.

“Who?” Naraku demanded.

“Lady Seeval. She is the sister of Maec. I have adored her for three years Chichi. Okay?” His son growled.

“The one you suggested help. Boy, you are sly. I want to know what your intentions are.” The hanyou asked.

His fully grown son crossed his arms and refused to answer his questions. Naraku about came undone that his child was being so damn hard headed. He was screaming at Nori and suddenly Hibari phased in and stood by Nori.

“Hiya Chichi! How ya doing sir? Good? Good! Come on Nori.” Hibari said grabbing her full brother’s hand and phased out with him.

Naraku was furious and he stormed into his Korean house and Kenta avoided the hanyou when he was this pissed off. Naraku pulled out his smart phone and dialed Mizuki and his eldest child answered tiredly.

“Zuki? Hai. I want all information on Lady Seeval from Soren. No! I will not wait. Get your ass out of bed and get it done NOW.” Naraku snarled into the phone.

He heard a whine from his eldest and he hung up on her. He was furious and he wanted to punch something. He would LOVE to punch Assicle but that would upset his Koi. Naraku had to try and calm himself down because his children were pissing him off.

“Naraku?” Masanori said from behind him.

“Hai my friend.” He said rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“Have you thought perhaps; just perhaps they might talk to you more if you did not lose it on them?” His best friend asked in a ballsy manner.

“Masanori? You have Kakashi. You have one son and I have a myriad number of children; both adult and little. I will always stay in control because I am their sire. They think that I care not when they become adult? I worry more!” Naraku said in a horrendous growl.

His friend nodded and he knew Nori was beloved of Naraku and the young man was JUST like the hanyou. Naraku normally favored his own girls especially but Nori was special to him and his other sons were jealous a little of that fact.

“Just do not lose him because you are trying so hard to keep him safe.” The ookami kumo wisely said.

Naraku was staring at the Seoul skyline and he felt like a great weight was pressing in on him. This wraith thing felt like it was going to explode and little Nanami of all the kids had become a problem. He was feeling out of control and it was a dangerous place for him to feel. The ekimmu Pryderi had proved useful and had said that there were two hidden circles and the bitch and Bilae would most likely go after them. Naraku intended to get there first; the hanyou had hell to rain on certain ones and hell would rain.