Bleach Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Lord of Hell ❯ Suna ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Lord of Hell
Summery: When running from his attackers, Naruto discovers Orochimaru’s old lab. Studying Orochimaru’s work proves to be incredibly beneficial, to Naruto at least. HAREM!Presents
Lord of Hell
Random Quote of the Day: "A lady came up to me on the street and pointed at my suede jacket. ‘You know a cow was murdered for that jacket?' she sneered. I replied in a psychotic tone, 'I didn't know there were any witnesses. Now I'll have to kill you too."
Ok…Make that Two Random Quotes of the Day: "When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country."
Naruto still had a few days to go before he would leave with Sarutobi to go to Suna. Nothing could get him down since he left the hospital. Since he was leaving anyway, he went prank crazy. So far he’d painted the Fire Daimyo’s wife’s cat pink; put graffiti all over the Hokage statues; and dropped a thousand paint bombs in the Hyuuga household, leaving them running around and screaming like headless chicken.
He still chuckled at that. He was currently in the forest near the Hyuuga household. He wasn’t going to prank them or anything, but that was just where he had decided to train. In hindsight, that probably wasn’t a good idea due to that blasted Byakugan. He punched at the tree one last time and watched in satisfaction as the area he hit was engulfed in flames.
This was what he’d been working on ever since Kyuubi had taught him about elemental chakra. Kyuubi, being a fox demon, couldn’t use any Jutsu without them being horribly overpowered. Kyuubi of course, wasn’t without Jutsu at all. She simply didn’t use human Jutsu often. Her ultimate attack combined her earth and fire elements to form a giant meteor. The attack was called exactly that: Nagareboshi. However, elemental things were fair game for the fox. She had three elements; fire, earth, and water. Once she was sealed into Naruto, those three were also transferred to Naruto. That, combined with the fact that he was a wind elemental, made him short one element to complete the main set. There were other elements, but they were mostly combinations of other elements.
The thing he was working on was using the elements in his Taijutsu. He had heard of using pure chakra to enhance limbs, create super strength, or simply cut of chakra in another’s body. But he really didn’t want to do any of that. He didn’t want to cheat. So instead, he infused elemental chakra into his blows. Sometimes he used air, and formed tiny blades of wind around his arm for added reach. Other times, like now, he used fire chakra to cause burns on impact. The possibilities were endless really.
He was finally finished for the day, and started walking. He went through the trees at a leisurely pace, not being in any hurry to return to the village. He went into a clearing, which he remembered quite well. This was where he had created his first major wind Jutsu. He smiled at the memory. He had concentrated an insane amount of wind blades near his person, and then had the earth grab his ankles and spin him around as quickly as it could. It was like the Kaiten the Hyuuga were so proud of, except he didn’t need to move his legs to spin. The results were awesome! Everything in a twenty foot diameter was cut down and flung a hundred feet.
When he stopped spinning, the only thing that was left was the grass, which somehow remained completely untouched. He had then thrown a boulder into the clearing so that he could relax on it. No point in letting his handiwork go to waste after all. If you’re wondering, yes, Naruto did bench boulders. How else was he going to increase his strength?
Naruto reached the clearing and paused. ‘K…who the fuck is on my boulder?’ upon closer inspection, he saw that it was the Hyuuga heiress, and she was crying. No…crying wouldn’t do the scene justice. It looked like she was bawling her eyes out. He wondered what had happened to make her this sad.
He decided to speak to her. Quietly as he could, he walked over to his rock and sat down next to her. ‘Hmmm, for a Byakugan user, she sure doesn’t look all seeing. I’m not masking my presence and she still can’t sense me.’ He took a small breath and asked, “Any particular reason that you’re bawling your eyes out on my rock?” he probably shouldn’t have spoken so suddenly.
The girl jumped about a mile into the air and fell on her ass in front of him. She stared at him with a positively terrified look in her eyes. ‘This is the heiress?! She’s shaking like a bloody leaf!’ The girl turned around and tried to flee, but as soon as she was facing the other direction, Naruto was in front of her again. Her eyes filled with terrified tears. She got on her knees and grabbed her head, hoping that if she didn’t look, he would disappear. But she said, “Please don‘t hurt me!” in a terrified voice for good measure.
Naruto’s eyes took on a hint of pity. For a moment, he saw himself all those years back; the first time those freaks had chased him. He shook his head, glad that he wasn’t like that anymore. He approached her cautiously, not wanting to frighten her into a coma. He got down on one knee, and put a hand on her back. She flinched from the touch. He started to rub her back and said, “Shhhhh, I‘m not going to hurt you.” in what he hoped was a soothing voice.
She calmed down enough to look at him, but was still shaking like a leaf. “Re-really?” She asked in a hopeful voice.
He smiled reassuringly, “Of course not. You‘ve never done anything to me.” her shaking subsided slightly. He decided to take her to his home. Whatever it was that had frightened her might still be around. He picked her up bridal style, causing her to let out a frightened squeak. He got to his feet and the portal to his bed chambers had already formed. The door opened of its own accord and closed after they had gone in. There was no indication that anyone had been there besides for the tears on the rock.
He laid her gently on the bed and noticed that she was getting scared again. He realized why. She must have thought that he was going to rape her. He lay beside her and pulled her into a hug, her head resting on his chest. He ran his hand through her hair as he said, “Relax…I‘m not going to hurt you. What is your name?”
“H-H-Hin-Hinata…Wh-What’s yo-you’re na-name?” she said, stuttering timidly the entire time.
He frowned inwardly, ‘Some heiress. She’s stuttering like she’s being frozen.’ On the outside he put on a smile, “Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki. Why were you crying Hinata-chan?”
She froze and started to cry again, making him wince inwardly. “My…my father!” She sobbed, “He…he hates me! Says that I don‘t deserve to live and that I should have died instead of my mother. He thinks I‘m weak and wants me to be thrown into the branch house. I would get the curse seal and he would torture me with it. Yesterday and today, he beat me for failing to master a technique.” She sobbed into his chest.
Naruto seethed. How dare her bastard father! He had never had a father, and always saw other families happy. How dare that bloody man! Naruto really wanted to kill him, and even Kyuubi was seething slightly. However, he decided he could kill two birds with one stone. He could help the poor girl, and he could hopefully install a spy in Konoha. Even though he was trembling in rage, his voice and expression were simply indifferent. “Why?” She looked up at him with watery eyes, “Why does he think you‘re weak? Why don‘t you prove him wrong? Why do you simply cry? What is it you truly want? Do you want to be strong? Do you want revenge? Do you even try?”
Her eyes turned angry, “How dare you criticize me?” Her voice lost the stuttering quality that was always present. “You think I don‘t try!? I always try to do what is expected of me. When it doesn‘t happen, they hate me for it!” She put her head down, “Just because I don‘t think it’s necessary to kill people and I don‘t think it necessary to be a stuck up princess doesn‘t mean I‘m weak.”
He sighed, “Hinata. You don‘t have a choice in the matter.” she looked up with a very scary glint in her eye, “Our situations are very similar.” She seemingly got angrier, “I was born something that was hated by everyone. I was ostracized by almost everyone. They all thought of me as a demon. None saw me as a child; they simply saw the demon sealed up inside of me. You never had to grow up hearing cold whispers, with that feeling that the entire world was against you.”
He sighed sadly, and said with a tone used for reminiscing, “At one point, I thought that if I became Hokage, everyone would respect me…everyone would like me for who I was. I was a fool. I know that now. No one will like you unless you are what they want you to be. Fate‘s just a bitch like that. I decided long ago, that if I couldn’t have people like me, they would fear me. I always keep my word. You have a choice. Use it. Become strong, and do whatever you want with that power. Because that is the only thing people respect. Power! Become strong, get your revenge, rub it in people’s faces. Whatever floats your boat. But if you keep thinking with that childish, ‘I must not kill’ attitude, your life shall never improve. ”
He turned a cold glare on her, which she met calmly to his pleasure, “So Hinata Hyuuga. What will you do? What is it that you want? Will you seek power? Or will you keep crying like a baby?”
“Power huh?” She shook her head sadly, “If that is what it takes…then it‘s what I want. I don‘t want to be hurt anymore. I don‘t want to be alone anymore.” She looked angry again, “I‘ll kill them…those bastards think they can treat me like this. I‘m just a little girl! They‘ll regret it! I‘ll kill them!” She yelled. She looked at him, “Will you help me Naruto-kun? Will you please stay with me?” She looked timid again.
He grinned evilly, “An eye for an eye Hinata-chan. What will you do for me?” On the inside he was frowning, he was talking to Kyuubi, ‘That was waaaaayyyyy too easy. Wouldn’t you agree Kyuu-chan?’ All he got in return was a hacking cough, ‘Kyuu-chan…you did something didn’t you? There is no way she would have gone from completely timid to “I wanna kill them!” so quickly.’ All he got in return was innocent whistling. He smirked, ‘Whatever baka. Don’t answer.’ The demoness was grinning in the seal.
“What do you want?” she asked him.
He grinned in victory, “I want you to serve me. Do that and you shall get your power.”
She looked hesitant to pledge her life to someone who she had just met, but steeled herself, and adopted the cold look in Naruto’s eyes. She leaned up suddenly and pressed her lips to his, “I‘ll serve you for life…Naruto-sama.”
He grinned sadistically and whispered in her ear, “Good Hinata-chan. I‘ll make you strong. I‘ll make you as strong as you can be. But listen here; do not get attached to this place, because it will be a smoking crater in the ground if I have anything to say about it. Plus, even if I don‘t manage to destroy Konohagakure, Orochimaru-sensei will.” She almost gasped at the name, but held fast.
She mirrored his sadistic grin suddenly, and a crazed look entered her eyes, “Only if I can destroy the Hyuuga. Personally! They have been a dark stain on this world for far too long anyway.”
He grinned, ‘Perfect!’ He kissed her and forced his tongue between her lips. She parted them and tried to return the kiss with equal fervor. But Naruto had trained in this particular art with Kyuubi. Despite being forced into a younger body, all her talent had been intact, and Naruto was now the best thanks to her forceful ministrations. He got on top of her and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, trying to press as close to her new master as she could. ‘This is the life!’ They both thought.
Tomorrow was the day that Naruto would be leaving, and Hinata would have been in tears if it wasn’t for the fact that Naruto had forbidden it. Right now, they were both in a heated kiss, which would have resulted in clothes that were ripped beyond repair and passionate screams of pleasure if they were older. They broke apart with Hinata panting. He smiled since she had not been able to make him even puff hard with a kiss. “I win again Hinata-chan.” She glared and Naruto smirked, “I leave today Hinata-chan.” She got sad before becoming indifferent, “I have taught you many things, and you have deffinetly become stronger, but not strong enough. You will train while I am gone, and become even stronger.”
She nodded, “Of course Naruto-Sama. I wouldn‘t want your wonderful work to go to waste. You would be disappointed. I don‘t want you disappointed in me Naruto-Sama.”
He smirked, “I know you‘ll want to see me, and will become desperate if you don‘t for a long time.” She glared at his smirk. He held his arm up, causing it to light up with blood red runes. He grabbed her arm in a tight grip. He yelled, “Kage Dimenshon Setsuzokuguchi!” A shadow of the runes on his arm lifted off and snaked down her arm before burning into her skin, then disappearing. “There you go! Now you can meet me here whenever you want.” He explained how the dimension openings worked and taught her how to work them.
In her glee, she simply kissed him until she lost her breath and passed out.
Naruto just woke up and mentally cheered that it was the day he would be going to Suna. He threw off his covers and got up. He immediately knew that something was wrong. His balance was off…way off, as evidenced by him falling flat on his face. ‘Oookkaayy…’ He got up in a flash, only to trip on his own freaking feet and fall on his ass. ‘Deffinetly something wrong! I have perfect balance, and the day a ninja trips over their own feet is the day the world ends.’
He got up again, slowly this time. He carefully got some clothes and went to take a shower. He took it quickly, and felt himself regaining his balance fairly quickly. After his shower, he got some food to eat. He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and saw what was wrong. He would have noticed sooner, but he was still three/fourths asleep. Now, he was fully awake, and immediately noticed four things. One, the mirror was supposed to be taller then him by four feet, not two; Two, his hair was supposed to be blonde and his eyes were supposed to be blue, not silver eyes and hair that covered his face Dante style; Three, he had nine tails and his whisker marks were incredibly jagged, as though Naruto had been channelling Kyuubi‘s power; and lastly, he had finely sculpted muscles with nearly no baby fat. There was only one thing left to do. He pulled his pants away from his body and checked his manly bits. If he didn’t know better, he would say that they nearly doubled in size. “KYUUUUUUUUUUUBBBIIIII!!!!!!!!” (Dante from Devil May Cry 3.)
Not three minutes after his scream, Sarutobi and two ANBU burst into the room. The old man said quickly, “Naruto what is it? Are you under attack? What did Kyuu…oh my…” He blinked, “Correct me if I‘m wrong, but weren‘t you shorter then my chest yesterday?” Naruto threw him a withering glare. Sarutobi ignored his glare and asked, “You‘re supposed to look ten, not thirteen.”
Naruto hissed, “You think I don‘t know that?” Sarutobi smiled, “Hold on. Let me go talk to the fox.”
His eyes became unfocused for about ten seconds, and then he was thrown back with a spontaneous nosebleed that had such force that he went ankle deep into the wall. The female ANBU with long purple hair turned to the Hokage, “I didn‘t know Uzumaki-san was gay.”
Sarutobi broke into chuckles, “He isn‘t. apparently, Kyuubi is female.” They waited a few minutes for Naruto to wake up, but when he wouldn’t Sarutobi just pulled him out, revealing a perverted grin, extremely swelled crotch area, and happy, unfocused eyes. “Oh I don‘t believe…lucky bastard.” Sarutobi muttered. They left the room and started talking about random things.
Fifteen minutes later, Naruto came in with different pants, causing the old man to smirk at him. Naruto kept an indifferent look on his face, “Apparently, the moment Kyuubi got sealed in me, I became a hanyou, and I just hit puberty. It‘s completely normal according to her.” Sarutobi started a hacking cough, “(coughcough) You boned her! (coughcough)”
Naruto smirked.
Sarutobi and Naruto were walking on sand, and they could clearly see the ravine that hid Sunagakure. Naruto wasn’t sure, but he thought he could see a dome popping out. He figured that it was the Kazekage’s tower. He had gone through a wardrobe change. When he lived in Konoha, he had worn an orange and blue jumpsuit. It wasn’t because the shop owners would kick him out or they overcharged him or some clichéd bullshit like that. He simply wore it because it pissed people off to no end. Kyuubi had dark orange fur, and orange was the only color he’d never seen in a festival or in fireworks. In fact, there were hardly any clothes made of orange. So it automatically clicked! Orange makes people get pissed off!
Since he would no longer be living in Konoha, he had no need to piss people off with orange. While he was in Suna, he would be wearing a full body cloak with a nine-tailed Kitsune on the back with the tails wrapping around to the front. (Think Akatsuki cloaks) He also had a Kasa. (Traditional bamboo hat that accompanies Akatsuki cloaks.) Underneath the cloak he wore black cargo pants, steel-toed combat boots, and a mesh tank top. His nine tails were also hidden under the cloak. All in all, it was a very intimidating picture now that he was two full feet taller. He had it made in Konoha with the Hokage paying for it.
Speaking of the Hokage, he wanted to ask Naruto something that had been bothering him, “Naruto-kun, if I may ask; why did you choose that particular design for your cloak? The seamstress nearly had a heart attack when you requested it.”
Naruto smirked under his cloak, “Being ashamed of what I am isn‘t going to make the fox go away Jiji. Might as well wear my mark proudly. I am a Jinchuuriki; and I will earn my title as the container of the Queen of Foxes!”
Sarutobi stumbled slightly, “Wise words for one so young.”
They finally reached the pass and they were stopped by the guards. “Halt! State your business in Suna!”
Sarutobi had a Kasa like Naruto, so when he removed it the guards gasped. “I am the Hokage of Konoha and with me is one Naruto Uzumaki. We are here for a meeting with Kazekage-Dono.” They were immediately let through.
They were walking down the street with Naruto in the lead, though not by much so he could watch the Hokage. When they passed by the park, he noticed three kids coming out. There were two hot girls and a guy. (In his mind at least.) The first had a light pink battle kimono on that cut off right on her upper arms and thighs. She wore fishnet under it. She had a big fan on her back. She had blond hair put into four pigtails.
The second girl was a redhead, which made him stiffen. Redheads made him weak in the knees almost as much as ramen and pocky did. Her hair was extremely long, and blew in some unseen wind. Oddly enough, she was wearing a red toga. Not a normal toga by any means, but still a toga. She had the cloth wrap just her left shoulder and arm. It then went around her chest, which was already developing well. The bottom was a gold belt which went across her hips with a large buckle that she kept on her left side. From it, a large strip of cloth blocked out any important bits one both her front and backside, then wrapped around her right leg. It showed off her midriff quite well. Naruto sincerely hoped that she would keep the outfit when she grew older. Over that, she wore a harness that held up a large gourd. From afar, it looked like she went crazy with the eye shadow. She also had a completely emotionless look on her face. The only vibe he could get from her was one of complete bloodlust. (Just google Heavenly sword.)
The last one was a boy, dressed in some black, cat like pajamas. He had a…mummy…on his back. When he turned slightly, Naruto saw he had purple face paint on. He looked pretty gay in his opinion.
Naruto and the old man sped up, since they didn’t want to be late. When they were behind the three, he heard the blonde complain, “Man I can’t believe dad is making us come to this stupid meeting!”
The boy agreed with her, “Yeah! It’s just the stupid old Hokage!” Naruto started to chuckle, causing the three to turn. The boy asked him in a loud obnoxious voice, “Find something funny punk?”
Naruto’s chuckles deepened into sinister laughter, causing two of them to blanch. Naruto said in a sinister voice, “Why yes. The old man you just insulted is behind me. That’s completely fucking hilarious.
The two paled and turned to Sarutobi, paling even more when they saw him. Sarutobi chuckled at their looks, “Naruto-kun. I believe that terrifying the children of the Kazekage would hurt your chances of staying here.”
The two relaxed, but the third one finally spoke, “Forgive these two idiots. They have a tendency to speak before thinking.” Her voice held no emotion. She was looking curiously at the fox on Naruto’s clothes.
They went straight up and into the Kazekage’s office. The man in question stood with a semi-warm smile, “Hokage-Dono, still not retired I see.”
The old man laughed, “Of course not, I still have plenty of fight left in me.” He turned to the three siblings, “How are you Kankuro?” Referring to the cat boy, “Temari?” The hot blonde, “And Nariko?” The hot redhead.
“Fine Hokage-Sama,” They all said, though Nariko mumbled it.
The Kazekage smiled rather stiffly, before turning to Naruto. “I don‘t believe we met…” He turned back to the Hokage, “I didn‘t know you would have company.”
The Hokage chuckled, “Meet my companion. He is Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto, introduce yourself please.”
Naruto removed his Kasa and reached up through his cloak to unbutton the first three buttons. (I love it when Itachi first does that.) “Naruto Uzumaki. Pleased to meet you Kazekage-Sama.” Temari blushed brightly while Nariko looked at him curiously.
Sarutobi interrupted in a playful voice, “Hey! How come you call him by his title and not me?” He had a grin on.
Naruto simply took out two sticks of pocky from…somewhere…and stuck one in his mouth. “Pocky old man?” He asked. The old man groaned in despair and Naruto flicked the pocky stick straight into his mouth.
The Kazekage laughed bemusedly, “Well Uzumaki-san, you certainly are an interesting individual.” He turned to Sarutobi, “Shall we proceed Hokage-Dono?”
Sarutobi nodded.
After re-signing the Konoha/Suna peace treaty, they went to have dinner. They were heating calmly when Kankuro spoke, “Hokage-Sama, why did you bring Naruto-san along? I doubt he‘s a bodyguard. He doesn‘t seem to be armed.”
Sarutobi laughed, “No, no. Naruto is only ten.” The blonde started gaping in shock. “He hasn‘t had training yet, to my knowledge at least. Though with his reputation, I would be surprised if he hasn‘t learned a few things by now.” Naruto smirked, “No I brought him for another reason entirely. If he would like, he may explain why now.”
Naruto spoke indifferently, “Kazekage-Sama, I believe in cutting right to the chase, so excuse me if I don‘t waste time with the regular bullshit.” Sarutobi winced and the Kazekage smirked, “I would like to live here in Suna. I am not very well liked in Konoha because of some events beyond my control.”
The Kazekage raised an eyebrow, “Interesting?” He turned to Sarutobi, “What were these…unfortunate circumstances?” Sarutobi’s eyes travelled to Nariko for a brief second, before sliding back to his counterpart. The Kazekage’s eyes widened slightly, “Interesting. So he‘s like Nariko is he? Well, I‘m not one to refuse such an offer. Of course Naruto will be able to stay. He will live with my…family.” Everyone noticed the very slight pause before he said the last word, “However, he will be a Suna Shinobi if he stays. Is that agreeable?”
Naruto nodded at once, “Yes. They are very agreeable.” He grinned sadistically with no small amount of bloodlust, and Nariko visibly perked up when she saw her own smile mirrored on the boy.
A/N: Done! I know! Everyone’s pissed about Hinata! Quit bitchin! I don’t care. I thought of a really hilarious scene for her! She’s staying! Girl Garra, now named Nariko, has deffinetly won the poll. Too bad for you Nariko haters! Also, the pocky thing has a purpose. I’m not throwing it in there for nothing. Please, keep up the reviews. Ninety in a chapter really boosts a writer’s ego and makes them want to continue the story.
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