Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ MatchMaker ❯ chapter 3- Hueco Mundo Announcement ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer- I Do not Own bleach or the characters. Sorry people, no sarcastic comments today.
But here's a kitty to keep you company.
Say hi!!
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Let's just skip to the actual story-
Huceo Mundo announcement
Just so, you know, this chapter is after Grimmjow fell asleep.
Amatsu walked through the halls with no particular destination. She was BORED.
While passing the kitchen, she head a snore. She stopped and peered into the kitchen.
There was a man with brown wavy hair. He was sleeping on the table, his arms cradling his head in a makeshift pillow.
He looks peaceful was her only thought. She slowly entered the room, and sat down across from him.
She just looked at hi, studying his features, he was not smiling, but he was not frowning either. She smiled, `He must be having a nice dream then.' She thought.
She had nothing to do, she didn't feel like sleeping or doing anything. She just wanted to sit, and stare at the man before her.
He was Starrk, the Primera, the strongest espada of Aizen's army. He was always sleepy, he had one fraccion, who was actually a part of him.
His aspect of death was loneliness, she knew a lot about him, as much as she did with the other espada. They were only facts, nothing personal.
However, she was surprised to see him actually sleeping in the kitchen it was only 2 pm.
She smiled a bit, `Maybe it's because his dreams are better than reality.'
(Tba- bet you never thought of that.)
She continued to stare at him and think.
`I wonder, even if he has a fraccion now, is he still lonely? Does he want to fall in love? Has he ever experienced love?' She looked at him, staring at him for a few minutes, before thinking once more.
He began to stir, Amatsu snapped out of her thoughts and turned to Starrk.
He looked at her, narrowing his eyes, “Uh hi.”
She smiled at him. “Hello Starrk.”
He stood up and stretched, feeling his bones slip back into place with a loud `SNAP'.
After he stretched, he sat down a looked at her. “So, ah, did you want to talk to me or something?”
She gave him a small smile and shook her head, “No, but we have a meeting in about 20 minutes.”
He looked at her, raising a brow. “Why didn't you wake me?”
She leaned on her head on her left palm. “You looked peaceful. I didn't want to disturb you.”
“You're a strange girl you know that?” He stood up and headed towards the door.
He stopped and turned towards her. “Didn't you say, the meeting was in twenty minutes?”
She turned to him and nodded. “Yeah, we have plenty of time.”
Starrk shook his head, “Your nothing like Ulquiorra, he always gets there within twenty minutes.”
She smiled, “Ill take that as a complement.”
“So, what are you going to do for twenty minutes?”
“Hm.. I don't know. What are you going to do?”
“Im going to get there early, so I can sleep.” He let out a loud yawn.
Amatsu laughed at that, but she got up and stood behind him.
“Alright, ill wake you up if there's anything interesting during the meeting.”
Starrk briefly wondered if she was only getting close to him to gain his rank, but he ignored it. She didn't seem like the type to do such a thing.
A loud knock echoed in Grimmjow's room.
Grimmjow rolled over trying to ignore the noise.
More knocking.
Grimmjow let out a low growl, he did not want to deal with this right now. He had a good dream. A really nice dream, it included him ripping apart lower arrancar and hollows. It was just getting to the good part when he woke up.
“Leave me alone!”
“Grimmjow, Aizen-sama has called a meeting. You are required to be there.” A deep cool voice said.
Grimmjow froze, he did not need Ulquiorra around him. Especially after what that black haired bitch said.
He sat up and scratched his head, “Alright, I got it. You can leave now.”
“I do not trust you.”
Grimmjow had a scowl on his face, a typical Ulquiorra response, but he really was not in the mood to see Ulquiorra's face. Well, he was never happy to see Ulquiorra's face, but today he was really angry.
Knowing that if he didn't get up and follow him out he would never leave him alone.
He stood up and walked to the door, after opening he saw Ulquiorra staring back at him.
He turned and walked down the hall after seeing Grimmjow get up.
Grimmjow wasn't in the mood for a meeting, not that he ever was, but that's not the point. He just wanted to go back to sleep. Or maybe kill some low level arrancar or hollow. He smirked, `I'd be nice if I could kill a certain bitch…'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
The early espada took their seats, not that they had any specific order. Its just that most of them didn't like sitting in the back. It was crowded there.
Starrk took a seat two chairs away from the first chair. (right side) Amatsu sat beside him, in the 2nd seat.
As he had said before, Starrk slumped in his chair, his head on the table, cradling his head with his arms, as a makeshift pillow. She smiled, she liked Starrk, he was nice. However, he should really get a hobby…
A few minutes later Ulquiorra walked through the door, with Grimmjow in tow. When Amatsu saw them, she smiled and waved.
Ulquiorra sat in the first seat (left side), Grimmjow sat next to Amatsu, opposite of Ulquiorra and glared at Amatsu.
She was smirking, “Oi! Wipe that grin off your face!”
She frowned, “Oh what ever do you mean Grimmjow?”
`She is acting like she is innocent. She probably set this up.' He thought.
He leaned over to her and whispered into her ear. “I bet you did this.”
She shook her head, her hair lightly hitting him in the face, “sorry, I didn't have time.”
She looked at Starrk, and smiled. “He kept me busy.”
Grimmjow raised a bow, “You made friends with Starrk?”
She smiled, “And Harribel! Oh! Sayzel too!”
Ulquiorra nodded, “I am happy for you.”
Grimmjow went into shock.
Ulquiorra (I)
In the same sentence
And no Aizen in sight
Seeing the scared look in Grimmjow's eyes, she pinched his cheek. “Grimmy-Chan! Wake up!”
Grimmjow quickly snapped out of it and slapped her hand away. He rubbed his cheek, damn, she pinched REALLY hard. “What the hell was that for Woman?!”
She shrugged, “Is it really strange that he cares for me?”
“Hell yeah, the only one I heard of him, even remotely caring about is Aizen.” He rubbed his cheek, he could not see it, but he knew that it was red, and it stung too.
“Sama. Aizen-sama” Ulquiorra corrected.
Grimmjow rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
Amatsu smiled, “Ulquiorra, what do you think he's going to talk about?”
Ulquiorra thought for a moment, “Im not sure.”
Ulquiorra doesn't know something…. (Related to Aizen or Hueco Mundo)
Amatsu turned to Starrk, to ask him, but when she saw he was already sleeping, she sighed.
The door opened, and Amatsu turned her head to the side to see the people who had just entered.
When she saw Szayel, she smiled and waved, “Szayel-Chan!”
Szayel smiled and sat down next to Ulquiorra so he was across from her. “Hello Amatsu.”
She gave a smile, “So what were you doing today? I went to your lab, but you seemed busy, so since I didn't want to disturb you I left.”
Szayel looked a bit nervous, someone had actually gone in his lab, and he didn't notice, she hadn't tripped any alarms or traps either. Nothing. The only one who was able to do that was Ulquiorra, and even he stepped on a trap that sets off the alarm once. Once only though...
“Uh, I was investigating the spirit particles in other places. You know like soul society. Seeing how it compared to our home. And if it could affect how we fight.”
Amatsu smiled, “Really? Cause you were laughing manically the whole time. Saying something about your, new biggest breakthrough.”
Szayel was shocked, this girl knew more than he thought. He should be careful…
“Uh, Amatsu, did you kill my fraccion the other day?”
Amatsu blinked twice, “Oh, were they yours? Sorry, I didn't know.”
... So she did kill them..
“How did you-”
The doors opened and the rest of the espada walked in, Harribel sat next to Starrk, Yammy next to Szayel, then Noitra, Zommari, and Aaroniero.
Gina and Aizen walked in, Gin was smiling, which was normal, but it was wider than usual.
Aizen made his way to his throne. Slowly. …. Really slowly.
`God damn it! Walk faster!' Grimmjow wanted to bang his head on the table, who knew Aizen was this slow?
When he finally sat down, he got up.
What the fuck man?
It seemed like some of the other espada thought this too. But the Schiffers? Hard to tell, Ulquiorra was… emotionless like always. Moreover, Amatsu was staring off into space, or at least she looked like she did. You can never tell, Schiffers are confusing, it Must be in the genes. Like, they are BORN with the power to mess with you.
“My fellow espada..”
No Aizen, you're not an espada. When are you going to get it? Grimmjow was having fun mocking Aizen, which was his second favorite pastime. What is the first? Uh... Ill tell you later...
“I have an announcement to make...”
Well, duh. If you weren't going to, I wouldn't be in here. Grimmjow thought, the guy was stating the obvious.
“First of all, I hope you're treating Amatsu well.”
Man, are Schiffers always Aizen's favorites?
Sayzel, Harribel, Zommari, Noitra, and Ulquiorra nodded.
Yammy just blinked twice, “Whose Amatsu?”
Amatsu looked at Yammy and waved, “Hi!” she said in a singsong voice.
“Segundo espada, Amatsu Schiffer desu!”
Yammy tilted his head, “So, where's your tattoo?”
Some of the espada coughed or shifted in their seats.
All of their tattoos were in places that were well covered.
Just so you know-
Starrk- on the back of his left hand
Previous 2nd-Baraggan- (was never shown, lets assume) on his right shoulder blade
Harribel- left side of right breast
Ulquiorra- over where his heart should be.
(I mean would you really understand: Left pectoral muscle)
Noitra- Tongue
Grimmjow- right side, mid-back
Zommari- (lets assume) Right hip
Szayel-(assuming once more) mid-back
Aaroniero- on both heads
Yammy- left shoulder
Amatsu stood up and walked over to Ulquiorra, “Ulquiorra! Could you help me?”
Ulquiorra sighed, “Do you really need me to help you?”
Amatsu smiled, “Well, yeah. I can't pull down my jacket and hold onto my hair at the same time.” (Well, she can, but she has long hair so, the tattoo may not be seen/ not seen clearly)
He stood up, she turned around hand lifted her hair. He pulled down the back of her collar, a gothic black 2 was tattooed onto the back of her neck.
A chorus of `oohs' were heard. Ulquiorra let go and Amatsu let go. Both walked quietly to their seats.
“Ahem. Now that that's over, I would like to continue.”
Amatsu smiled and tilted her head, “Of Corse, go ahead Aizen-sama.”
He gave her a smile before he started to talk, “I have decided to throw a welcome party for Amatsu.”
Gin poked him in the shoulder, Aizen sighed.
“I mean we decided to throw her a party.”
All of the espada nodded or just stared.
Aizen was throwing a party.
`Ok, who gave him coffee?' Grimmjow thought. The last time Aizen had coffee… he wasn't sane for a while... Moreover, it was one cup.
Grimmjow turned to tell Amatsu something, but when he turned he saw she was no longer there.
A small shriek was heard, Grimmjow turned, and what he saw was one of the weirdest things in his life.
Amatsu had used sonido to get to the throne Aizen was sitting on, hugged him, then hugged Gin like there was no tomorrow. All the while shouting “Thank you”
She also gave Tousen a quick hug, apparently she didn't like the blind man to much.
She then jumped over to the espada, grabbing Harribel's sleeve, Starrk's collar, Sayzel's shirt, and Ulquiorra's wrist and dragged them away faster than you could say `shinigami'.
The rest of the espada just stared as she disappeared, it was amazing that she was the shortest out of all of them, and she could run off with four people that were between five inches to one to two feet taller than she was. (Ulquiorra's only 4 ½ inches taller, he does not count.)
To be honest, it was one of the most interesting things to have happened in Los Noches. Its not everyday you see a girl run up and hug Aizen, Gin, Tousen, then run off with four of her `friends'. Well, she was actually dragging them, but you get the point.
`Well, at least I won't be bored.' Grimmjow thought as he got out of his seat and walked through the halls.
No one bothered to stop him, the rest were either silent or just plain staring with their mouths open.
Zommari was staring into space Aaroniero was also silent, Yammy was also silent.. weird.. Gin was smiling like a mad man, Tousen was smiling a bit, Aizen was in shock. Pure shock. He obviously never been hugged before, at least not by a girl.
He was smiling, he had thing tingly feeling in his heart.
But enough about the weird, lets go to the more interesting stuff.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Amatsu dragged all of them to the kitchen.
She dropped them all on the ground and watched as they got up.
Starrk groaned and sat down at the table. Ulquiorra got up, dusted off and sat across from Starrk. Harribel just got up and sat next to Starrk. Szayel got up, dusted off, pushed up his glasses and let out a huff before sitting down next to Harribel.
They were impressed by her strength.
Amatsu took a white apron that hung on a hook, and tied it around her small form.
She walked to the table with a smile.
“Ichimaru-sama told me that everyone needed to help out. So..” she pointed to starrk, “Starrk, you handle the invitations.” She pointed towards Szayel, “Szayel you help him, ill also need posters.” Szayel raised a eyebrow, “For how many people?”
“Formal invitations for all ten espada, and at least 5 posters to show that lower ranked espada are welcome.”
“Lower ranked arrancar?” Harribel asked.
Amatsu nodded, “yeah, not many thing happen here right? “ They nodded. “Im going to make this a big party, fun for everyone.”
She turned to Harribel, “Harribel-chan, you pick out outfits.” Harribel was about to say something when Amatsu interrupted, “Ill tell you what for later Harribel.”
Harribel nodded, she understood, they couldn't talk about it when there were three boys around.
Amatsu walked to the counter and reached above her head, she was trying to open a cabinet.
It was about 3 inches from her hand, after 5 minutes of trying she gave up trying to reach.
She got up on the counter (on her knees) and opened the cabinet. She took out a few small books and threw them to the table.
The books landed with a `thud' in the middle of the table.
She slid off the counter and slowly walked toward them.
“What are these?” Szayel asked, picking up a book.
Amatsu smiled, “They're cook books, you guys look through them ok? Tell me if you want any of the food in there to be at the party.”
She reached into her pocket and pulled out five pens, and handed one to each of them, she put the last one behind her ear.
“While you do that, ill make some brownies.”
She trotted over to the kitchen, and began to pull out a whisk, brownie mix (which was the whole tub) milk, eggs, and a large tray.
Ulquiorra took one and began looking through it.
Coconut Cake
3/4 pound (3 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature, plus more for greasing the pans
2 cups sugar
5 extra-large eggs, at room temperature
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 teaspoons pure almond extract
3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting the pans
1-teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1-cup milk
4 ounces sweetened shredded coconut
For the frosting:
1-pound cream cheese, at room temperature
1/2 pound (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
3/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon pure almond extract
1 pound confectioners' sugar, sifted
6 ounces sweetened shredded coconut
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 2 (9-inch) round cake pans, then line them parchment paper. Grease them again and dust lightly with flour.
In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar on medium-high speed for 3 to 5 minutes, until light yellow and fluffy. Crack the eggs into a small bowl. With the mixer on medium speed, add the eggs 1 at a time, scraping down the bowl once during mixing. Add the vanilla and almond extracts and mix well. The mixture might look curdled; don't be concerned.
In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. With the mixer on low speed, alternately add the dry ingredients and the milk to the batter in 3 parts, beginning and ending with dry ingredients. Mix until just combined. Fold in the 4 ounces of coconut with a rubber spatula.
Pour the batter evenly into the 2 pans and smooth the top with a knife. Bake in the center of the oven for 45 to 55 minutes, until the tops are browned and a cake tester comes out clean. Cool on a baking rack for 30 minutes, then turn the cakes out onto a baking rack to finish cooling.
For the frosting, in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the cream cheese, butter, vanilla and almond extract on low speed. Add the confectioners' sugar and mix until just smooth (don't whip!).
To assemble, place 1 layer on a flat serving plate, top side down, and spread with frosting. Place the second layer on top, top side up, and frost the top and sides. To decorate the cake, sprinkle the top with coconut and lightly press more coconut onto the sides. Serve at room temperature.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
(Just so you know, ~~~<- that means the end of a page.)
Ulquiorra looked up, Amatsu was happily pouring milk into the tub, then cracking two eggs and putting them in as well.
“Should we make a cake?”
Amatsu continued working, but she thought about what he said, “Well, I guess. What do you have in mind?”
“How about coconut cake?”
Amatsu shook her head and grabbed the whisk. “No, I hate coconut. Try something else.”
She began to stir using the whisk. (Or what ever you call it, it's a stirring motion.)
He turned the page, a large light brown cake with something that looked similar to frosting coming off the sides was shown.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Sour Cream coffee cake
12 tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter at room temperature
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
3 extra-large eggs at room temperature
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups sour cream
2 1/2 cups cake flour (not self-rising)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
For the streusel:
1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
3 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces
3/4 cup chopped walnuts, optional
For the glaze:
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
2 tablespoons real maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 10-inch tube pan.
Cream the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment for 4 to 5 minutes, until light. Add the eggs 1 at a time, then add the vanilla and sour cream. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. With the mixer on low, add the flour mixture to the batter until just combined. Finish stirring with a spatula to be sure the batter is completely mixed.
For the streusel, place the brown sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt, and butter in a bowl and pinch together with your fingers until it forms a crumble. Mix in the walnuts, if desired.
Spoon half the batter into the pan and spread it out with a knife. Sprinkle with 3/4 cup streusel. Spoon the rest of the batter in the pan, spread it out, and scatter the remaining streusel on top. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until a cake tester comes out clean.
Let cool on a wire rack for at least 30 minutes. Carefully transfer the cake, streusel side up, onto a serving plate. Whisk the confectioners' sugar and maple syrup together, adding a few drops of water if necessary, to make the glaze runny. Drizzle as much as you like over the cake with a fork or spoon.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Ulquiorra was about to ask if she wanted to make coffee cake, but decided against it, she never liked coffee…
Amatsu walked over to them. She had her left arm wrapped around the tub, her right hand had the whisk, stirring the ingredients.
“So, find anything interesting?”
Harribel nodded to her, “How about some drinks?”
Amatsu set the tub, with the whisk down on the table. “What do you suggest?”
“Strawberry margarita, we could have other flavors as well. Such as mango and pineapple.” (Alcoholic drink, since its alcoholic I have never tasted it. Meaning, I am under age. ^o^. FYI, Strawberry- Ichigo, pineapple-Renji.)
Amatsu nodded, “I guess that could work. But, maybe we should have some non-alcoholic drinks too.” She looked at Ulquiorra and Szayel, then at Starrk. “I don't think I would want everyone to get drunk..”
Harribel nodded, she flipped some pages and then showed it to Amatsu.
“How about this? It's called Cool Rhuby Cordial. Or maybe this, you can make soft drinks with different flavors.”(Yes, that is how it is spelled, I checked..) Amatsu nodded, “That looks tasty.” She used her pen to circle it.
She dipped her finger into the mix and licked it. “Mmmhm.” She licked her lips, you guys want to taste it? If not, ill pour it on the tray to bake.”
Everyone looked at the tub of black mix then to Amatsu. They cautiously dipped their fingers in before slowly licking it.
Szayel nodded, Starrk went into shock, and Harribel's eyes widened. It tasted good.
Ulquiorra only looked at Amatsu and retorted, “Its sweet.”
She nodded, “Of course, brownies are supposed to be sweet, she took the tub with the whisk and walked to the tray, she poured most of the mix into the tray before putting it into the oven. She set the temperature and dial, then took four spoons over to the table, along with the tub which still had some brown mix.
She handed Starrk, Harribel, and Szayel the spoons. They ate the mix while looking through the books.
Amatsu scooped up some brownie mix and ate it, licking the spoon clean, then scooped some up and offered it to Ulquiorra. ( For your information, I think sharing is perfectly normal for family. That is, excluding family members who are sick or ill. I don't mind it at all, but then again, that might just be me.)
Szayel, Harribel and Starrk watched him, wondering what he was going to do.
Amatsu held the spoon about an inch in front of his mouth, Ulquiorra leaned forward and wrapped his lips around the spoon before letting go.
He then returned to his book, Amatsu smiled and continued to eat, occasionally giving Ulquiorra some.
Unknown to them, Ulquiorra would lick the chocolate off his lips every time Amatsu `spoon fed' him. It tasted sweet, but that didn't mean it didn't taste good.
They all continued to look through the books, occasionally giving Amatsu ideas.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Aizen had gone to his room after he had snapped out of his daze.( Which took Gin almost an hour to do.)
He was busy pacing around the room, thinking things like, `how was he going to plan the party?' and `how to make Amatsu hug me again'. (Yes, you heard it here. Aizen has never been hugged…. Until Today that is.)
He paced around the room some more, but then, he smelled something sweet.
He shook his head, thinking that he must be imagining things, while there was a kitchen, none of the espada knew how to cook. All their (meaning all the espada, along with Aizen, Tousen, and Gin) meals are prepared by lower arrancar.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Next time- Amatsu vs. Noitra, the kitchen fiasco.
Tba- just so you know, I have never cooked before. Therefore, I cannot tell you how the recipes taste. The only thing I have done is make brownies, and I had help doing that. (My friend)
Ulquiorra- Yes, although Amatsu is a representation of how Tba acts and her likes and dislikes, her skills are… enhanced.
Tba- I dunno, I never actually tried to cook. Im afraid of fire, remember?
Ulquiorra- .. you get burned one time, and you suddenly hate fire. Don't you still have to use fire?
Tba- well yeah, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.
Ulquiorra-.. What ever. Please review then you get to see the Quinto get owned by Amatsu.
Tba- by the way, I got the recipes from this website.
Is the link on? I don't know, just copy and paste.
Oh and by the way:
To people who are reading Jail Buddies as well as this, I am having fun writing Matchmaker, so I might be updating Jail Buddies less often.
Cause in Jail Buddies, I actually need people to review,(other wise its not funny) and im having writer's block.
And besides, as I have said in a chapter, I have not yet planned out the ending.
Well this only matters if your reading my fanfic `Jail buddies' if you aren't, kindly disregard this notice.