Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ MatchMaker ❯ I am an idol ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer- don't own bleach, don't own the song/s that will be in this chapter. Don't own any character except mine.
Tba- this chapter will have Music. I will put the lyrics and the song.
Ulquiorra- your really into this aren't you?
Tba-smile* one can express themselves freely though music.
Ulquiorra- hm..
Tba- Remember im making Ulqui-chan and grimmkitty sing too.
Ulquiorra-shocked* But…
Grimmjow- I was always here. You just didn't give me any lines.
Tba-… oh… Anyways, I am making my character into an idol.
Ulquiorra- hence the title.
Tba- mmhm. Im also gonna make some espada sing as well, if you can think of a song that fits them, tell me, ok?
Grimmjow- that is IF you ever get any rev- SLAP* OWWWW TEME!!!!
Tba-…*is on fire* DO NOT MOCK ME. >.<
Ulquiorra-.. Fear the power of the author.
Im an idol
Amatsu woke up the next day, feeling refreshed and ready to go. She remembered that today was the day of her welcome party, so she gathered people to complete the tasks.
Szayel and Noitra were putting up decorations, along with Yammy.
Starrk and Harribel, along with their fraccion were in the meeting room making the invitations.
Zommari and Aaroniero were with Aizen and Gin, trying to figure out where the ballroom was.
( It wasn't until three days ago, that they actually found out they HAD a ballroom.)
Tousen was… well, no one knew where he was actually. He probably was lost, I mean, he's blind and Los Noches is HUGE, so the chances of him being lost is about 89%. (yes I made up the percentages. Do you actually expect me to calculate where Tousen has and hasn't been to, then the probability of him getting lost? No, I'm not that smart. Moreover, they didn't say how big Los Noches really was.)
She told Grimmjow and Ulquiorra to help her cook. Both of them were in the kitchen waiting for her.
(Because I am a very punctual person, Ill tell you its 2:00 now)
They didn't notice that she was at the doorway spying on them. Or it didn't seem like they noticed…
`Damn! Make a move already!!' She thought looking at Grimmjow.
Honestly, they were sitting for about ten minutes, TEN FUCKING MINUTES. And NOTHING HAPPENED during the time they were alone together...
`WORST ten minutes of my life.' She thought.
Ulquiorra was sitting next to Grimmjow, reading a cookbook.
Grimmjow would look at Ulquiorra nervously, and then open his mouth, attempting to start a conversation, and then close it.
Amatsu mentally smacked her forehead, since if she actually did it, they would hear her.
This was USELESS. What else could a girl do to get two VERY DENSE people to notice each other?
Amatsu was busy thinking. Yes, thinking… Was it THAT hard to believe?
Oh never mind, anyways, she was thinking, it had been a while, and she still had no progress. Who knew that Ulquiorra could be so… dense?
And Grimmjow was the first one to realize his feelings for her brother. Weird, because she thought he would probably be the slowest out of both of them. But she was correct about a few things. He was denying it, flat out in denial. She would see him sometimes shaking his head and talking to himself silently. Which, made many arrancar give him strange looks.
Not that he cared, but still.
He already screamed `NO!!!!' at the top of his lungs. And she didn't like it when people screamed, or even talk loudly for that matter.
It was not a nice feeling, especially if you had sensitive ears.
Looking back at the two of them, she inwardly sighed.
She had a hard time deciding what she should do.
They were dense, well, Ulquiorra was anyway.. Grimmjow himself admitted it, and seemed all right with it. However, he did start talking to himself… In addition, he acted strangely towards Ulquiorra when he noticed, but...
`ARGHH!!!' She wanted to bang her head against the damned wall.
`No one said it was this hard!' She leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor, hugging her legs to her chest.
`Baka otouto.'(Otouto- younger brother) She thought to herself. `Then again, he didn't notice many things around him when he was younger...' she sighed again. `This is going to be hard…'
Ulquiorra averted his eyes from the book (or rather cookbook) he was reading. He let his gaze go over Grimmjow, the blue haired arrancar had watched him for quite some time, when he didn't think Ulquiorra was watching.
Then he looked over his shoulder at the door, he knew she was there, so why wasn't she coming in the room?
He inwardly sighed and concentrated on the book once again.
There is no point in wondering, eventually they'll tell me what's wrong.
So you don't even care that your sister left you alone with him?
No. Should I be? Ulquiorra didn't understand, what was wrong with being alone with Grimmjow?
Well… I think she was trying to get you to spend some quality time with him.
What would make you think that? Quality time together? He must be joking, wouldn't it make more sense if she was actually in the room with them?
She left you guys alone. But is standing behind the door, probably to check if something happens between you two.
Why would something happen? They were only supposed to cook, what else could happen?
.. You're really dense you know that?
.. Explain Murciélago. Ulquiorra honestly had no idea what he was talking about, `quality time together' and `alone with Grimmjow' it didn't make any sense...
Haven't you ever thought about how tall he is?
Every espada is taller than I am…except Amatsu. It was true, Ulquiorra was the shortest out of all the espada, well… until Amatsu became one.
(Yes I really am shorter than Ulquiorra...he's 5'6. im 5'1, though Amatsu is 5'2)
….. I guess that's true…
Um.. how about why he always picks fights with you?
He wishes to be stronger. Everyone does. Wasn't it obvious? They became arrancars to gain strength Grimmjow was no exception. He always challenged Ulquiorra to prove that he was stronger. Of course, he lost every one.
…. Um…
Ulquiorra smiled to himself, he had won, and Murciélago was silently fuming in his mind.
He did wonder about what he said though, why would Amatsu leave them alone together?
Ulquiorra decided not to think too much on the matter, regarding it as `one of those moments.'
He heard Grimmjow move his chair back and walk to the door, throwing it open.
`Ah, so he did notice.' Ulquiorra thought.
Amatsu ran into the kitchen, covering her ears., “WAHH! Grimm-kitty's being MEAN to me!!!”
Grimmjow let out a low growl, apparently he was pissed today...
`I wonder why?'
Amatsu took the book from Ulquiorra and smiled. `That's enough reading for today, now we'll do it by hand.”
“By... hand?” Ulquiorra asked, he had never cooked before, neither have any of the espada, Szayel had come close, being a scientist and all. (Mixing, measuring perfect proportions, heating etc.)
Amatsu nodded, and went over to the kitchen, grabbing three aprons, a white one, a light blue one, and a red apron with… lace?
Amatsu quickly put on the white one and smiled evilly. This was going to be her best plan yet.
She held out the two aprons, one in each hand “ hm.. so who's going to wear this very pretty rib-bion o-ne?” she pronounced the syllables sweetly, smiling the whole time.
Grimmjow looked at the red one, then the blue, he bit his bottom lip, he was NOT going to be stuck with the red one.
Ulquiorra honestly didn't understand why Grimmjow looked so determined... it was true that the red had lace, and looked very... Feminine, in a sense, however, it was just for a little while that they were going to wear one.
Amatsu quickly threw them up into the air, Grimmjow dashed and grabbed the blue one, sighing in relief that Ulquiorra had not gotten it.
Ulquiorra held out his hand, the apron landing on it.
He quickly tied it one and looked at Amatsu, who had a look of disappointment on her face.
`How boring.' She thought. She turned around and announced their first task.
“We'll be making drinks first!” she walked over to the blender.
“Hm.. lets se.. orange, or strawberry? Oh! Maybe mango” she smiled to herself, “Mango smoothie sounds delicious.”
Ulquiorra sighed inwardly, this was going to take awhile, especially since his sister was... A finicky person. (Finicky- picky, choosey, etc.)
(5:30. yes they spent that much time in the kitchen. It was mostly because Amatsu was trying to teach them how to cook.)
Amatsu wiped the sweat from her forehead it was finally done.
She gave a soft sigh and looked at the other two arrancar. Grimmjow was in a chair asleep, Ulquiorra was next to him, his head on Grimmjow's shoulder.
They looked...really cute together.
Amatsu pulled something out of her sleeve.
“Hehehe..” she smirked, this was one for the scrapbooks.
She quickly crept over to them and snapped a few photos. And then put it away. She sat in the chair and looked over at what they made, cocktails, margarita, soft drinks, smoothies, a few pastries, and a few small cakes.
They had little skill in cooking, so she told them to make the drinks while she made the pastries and cakes.
She smiled to herself, `They did well.' She walked over to the table and sat in a chair, taking a glass. She put it to her lips and drank.
It was sweet, tangy and cold.
`Mango.. How delicious.'
She looked over at the two, and smiled sadly.
`It won't be long now.' She shook her head, `No, I shouldn't be thinking of such things.'
She got up and took some tin foil, draping it over the food, and put the drinks in the fridge, she put notes tapped to them saying `For party. Touch and Die. Signed Amatsu'
She walked towards the door, casting one last glance over her shoulder at the two, she left the room, closing the door silently.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Amatsu pulled out something from her closet and smiled. She had a large shopping bag by her side.
“This should do.” She pulled out several discs, and put them in her bag.
She took out several earphones, two iPods (she got it from the human world while she was a lower arrancar) and a cd player.
She put them in her bag and stood up, she looked around her room for a second.
She quickly took her bags from the day before (yes, she never took them out) and took a few clothes, putting them in the bag. She grabbed her purse and her zanpakuto.
`I wonder if I could use `that' for the party?' she smiled and grabbed a stack of papers on her desk. The bag was in her right hand, the stack of papers pressed to her chest with her left, she left the room silently.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< /div>
A white haired arrancar walked down the hallway, seeing a flyer, he tore it off the wall.
Los Noches Announcement
There will be a welcome party for the new segunda espada, Amatsu Schiffer.
The party is to be held in the ballroom.(Instructionsbelow)< /b>
There will be drinks, refreshments, and entertainment.
All espada are required to come, anyarrancar may come as well.
This is an event for all residents of Los Noches.
We hope you will join us.
Time- 7:00pm
He read the flyer once, then twice. He finally understood why she had bought those clothes.
However, he did wonder why she had actually gone through all the trouble of buying them. The strange thing was that they fit him perfectly. How did she get the measurements?
He shook his head, No, this was not the time to think of such things. He had to tell his brother about this.
He ran towards privaron espada quarters, holding the flyer in his hand.
He smiled to himself, his brother would be happy to hear from her.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Im not going.” A black haired arrancar said to his brother's face.
The arrancar had black hair with red streaks in it, he had a few red beads in his hair (right side) and a few strands of his hair were also braided. (Left side, though it's braided black-red)
“Chaos, I know you don't mean that.” His older brother said.
Chaos glared at him, “Aniki, I don't care about that stupid cold blooded fiend. She can go die in a ditch for all I care.”
Klaus gave him a weak smile his brother was truly stubborn.
“Chaos, she's your friend. Is that anyway to talk to a friend?'
His younger brother glared at him, “I DON'T CARE!” he turned around and mumbled to himself.
“Besides, she's your friend, not mine.”
Klaus patted his brother on the shoulder, “She is your friend as well, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten that would she?” he pointed to a bag on Chaos's table.
“Che, fine. I'll go, but I won't enjoy it.” He walked over to the table, grabbed the bag and went into the bathroom.
Klaus smiled, his younger brother could be so temperamental sometimes.
Amatsu walked into the ballroom, looking left and right.
The ballroom was a shade of deep blue, there were many balloons, streamers, tables, and chairs. On one side of the room, there was a counter (looks kind of, like when you walk into a bar) with soda and bottles of wine. There was also a large stage in the middle of the room, with changing/make up rooms back stage.
She smiled, they did a great job, she was worried at first, but they did really well.
She quickly ran towards the stage and walked to the back.
She walked around, seeing a large dressing room, with a few stalls for people to dress in.
`Well, it eliminates privacy, but it'll have to do.' She thought. She saw a rack, she quickly put a few outfits on the rack, and put the rest of her stuff on the table.
She took out her cd player and put a cd in it, and hit play. She put the earphones in her ears and listened to the music.
`What song would fit them best?' she wondered as she listened to the music.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Because you obviously don't care about what happened for a few hours, I won't tell you.
Let's just skip to the party.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Stage is in the center in the back of the room, either side of the stage, is back stage, hidden by a large curtain.
A few tables in every direction, espada table is right in front of the stage.
A table labeled `reserved' is one table away from theirs.
Ulquiorra sat at a table reserved for espada only. He wore a white suit with a black vest, white shirt (shirt tucked in the black dress pants he wore) and a black tie. (Yes, Amatsu thought that Ulquiorra has a thing for white.)
He looked over at Grimmjow, who was STILL trying to tie his tie. He wore a black suit, black dress pants and white shirt (which was un-tucked), his tie was deep blue and had stripes in different shades of blue.
Honestly, he was incapable of doing anything.
He leaned over and put his hands over Grimmjow's, causing Grimmjow to look up.
“Ulquiorra? What are you...” Grimmjow face was turning a light shade of pink at the closeness.
“Silence, Im fixing your tie.” He brushed Grimmjow's hands away and started to fix the tie.
~~~~~Flash back~~~~~~~~~
Grimmjow woke up, he looked around. He noticed that they were in the kitchen.
Man, must have dozed off.” He was about to sweep his hair back when he felt a weight on his arm.
He turned to his right, he saw a mass of black hair, along with Ulquiorra's sleeping face.
`Have the gods answered my prayers? He wondered looking at Ulquiorra.
He looked so peaceful, Grimmjow just stared at his sleeping face.
He didn't know how much time passed as he stared, but it seemed endless, like they were frozen in time.
He looked at his face, his pale eyelids, soft eyelashes, pale cheeks, and black lips.
Grimmjow shook his head, no, he couldn't. And if Ulquiorra ever found out, he would cero him into oblivion.
He slowly moved Ulquiorra's head from his shoulder, Ulquiorra stirred a bit. Grimmjow stopped, how would Ulquiorra react, what would he do? What should he do?
Ulquiorra fell back asleep, causing Grimmjow to sigh in relief. He moved Ulquiorra and had him sleeping sitting upright.
(Which I honestly don't know how you can sleep like that.)
~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~
When he felt Ulquiorra move away from him, he grabbed Ulquiorra's arm.
“What is it?” Ulquiorra asked him.
“Um Ulquiorra, I have to... uh... Talk to you...” Grimmjow didn't know what to say, he didn't exactly rehearse, he was `winging it'.
Ulquiorra nodded, “Alright, proceed.”
Grimmjow cleared his throat, it felt dry, how was he going to say it?
“Ulquiorra, the truth is that, I-”
He felt an arm over his shoulder, and turned, seeing the face of Noitra, he scowled.
He was about to confess! Couldn't the dude read the mood? Seriously! He was obviously trying to mess him up.
“What is it Noitra?” he asked, gritting his teeth, Pantera was laughing his ass off.
“Just wondering what you two were talking about.” He said, grinning.
He wore a black suit jacket, white shirt and a black bow around his neck.
He sat down next to Grimmjow, still grinning.
“What?!” Grimmjow asked, noticing that Noitra was staring at him and Ulquiorra.
“What were you two doing?” He leaned on his left hand, waiting for the answer to his question.
“Helping him tie his tie.' Ulquiorra said effortlessly, he still had the tie in his hand.
“Then why do you have it?” Noitra asked, his grin getting wider by the second.
“He didn't seem comfortable in it, he doesn't need it.” He took the tie, and put it in Grimmjow's suit pocket (you know, around the left side of the chest...)
They heard the sound of chairs scratching the floor and looked in the direction of the sound, Harribel sat next to Ulquiorra, she wore a long purple dress. She had on mascara, red lipstick, and her hair was down. she also had black high heeled shoes with ribbons wrapping around her ankles. (She made her mask to be around her neck)
“Wow. Harribel looks sexy.” Noitra said, seeing how good she looked in the dress, it complemented her well, the purple dress brought out her eyes and hair.
“You look beautiful Harribel.” Ulquiorra nodded at her.
Harribel gave him a smile and nodded. She turned to look around the ballroom.
They heard another chair being dragged, this time, it was Starrk, he had a white suit jacket, white vest, white shirt, and a black bow around his neck. He sat next to Harribel, he ran his hand through his hair. “I wonder where she is.”
Harribel nodded, and looked around again, “She's not here.”
Ulquiorra also looked around the room, “She had left after we finished the food, Im not sure where she is.”
Grimmjow shrugged, “She'll turn up eventually, it's her party right?”
They head footsteps, but they headed towards a table next to theirs.
Ulquiorra turned to see who had entered the room, there were two arrancar, one had black hair with red streaks, and the other had white hair.
They sat at the table close to theirs, there were only two chairs, and there was a note saying `reserved.'
The one with the black hair wore a black suit, a black shirt, and a black and red stripped tie.
The one with the white hair had a white suit jacket, white shirt, and a blue stripped tie.
`He's the one from the infirmary...' Ulquiorra looked at the two arrancar.
`They were very similar, twins maybe?'
“Oi, Ulquiorra, where you looking at?” Noitra followed Ulquiorra's gaze, and saw the two arrancar. “Who are they? You know Ulquiorra?”
Ulquiorra nodded, “The one with the white hair is…Klaus.”
Harribel nodded, “Yes we saw him at the infirmary.”
“Yes, he works in the infirmary, quite a capable fellow.” The espada turned to the owner of the voice. Szayel sat down next the Noitra.
Noitra blinked twice, “Oh yea, that guy.”
Szayel rolled his eyes, “Yes, Noitra, that guy.”
“So who's his friend?” Noitra asked, looking at the two once again.
They didn't seem to notice the espada staring at them, they were too wrapped up in their own conversation.
“Why do I have to wear this?” the black haired arrancar complained.
“Now now. Its only for a while.” The white haired arrancar gave his friend a smile, trying to calm him down.
The black haired one just turned away and let out a “Whatever.”
The doors opened again, more arrancar filed in, mostly lower ones, Gin, Aizen, and Tosen sat at a table near the stage.
After a few moments, the whole room was filled, and the lights dimmed.
A girl walked out from back stage, wearing a long blue dress (strapless), it flowed past her legs and pooled on the ground underneath her, it was surprising that she did not trip.
Her hair was slightly curled, and she wore two white earrings, she also had a silver butterfly necklace. She had a head set on her head.
She looked up and smiled.
“Hello everyone! READY TO PARTY??”
Many arrancar yelled in response.
“Alright! First we'll be singing!”
She gave a smile and a wink to Ulquiorra, who just blinked twice in response.
What was she up to?
“Here's a song dedicated to...” she smirked, “A certain someone, who likes a certain someone.”
`How vague.' Ulquiorra thought, completely not noticing Grimmjow's blush.
She snapped, and the lights dimmed, there was a screen at the side of the stage, showing the lyrics, just incase the person singing forgot. There were also cameras that showed various angles of the parson on stage. (You know, like a concert. Yeah, Aizen went all out.) Three girls walked out from back stage, Mila Rose, Apache, and Sun-sun wore long red dresses, they stood together, near a microphone.
Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohh oh oh
You know I've never felt like this before)
Lalala lalala la la Ohh oh oh
Amatsu continued to sing, walking around the stage

I'm obsessive when just one thought of you comes up
And I'm aggressive, with just one thought up close enough
You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue
'Cause every moment gone you know I miss you
I'm the question and you're of course the answer
Just hold me close boy cause I'm your tiny dancer
You make me shaken up, never mistaken
But I can't control myself got me calling out for help
She put her hand over her head, trying to act dramatic. She spared a glace at Grimmjow before continuing.
S.O.S. please someone help me.
It's not healthy, for me to feel this way
Boy you are making this hard,
I can't take it see it don't feel right
S.O.S. please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this way
Boy you are making this hard
You got me tossin' and turnin' and I can't sleep at night

She winked at Grimmjow, who turned a bright red. How did she know?
This time please someone come and rescue me
'Cause you on my mind has got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me
Your love is testing me but still I'm losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me 'cause you on my mind got me losing it
I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me, got the b
est of me, so now I'm losing it

Just your presence and I second guess my sanity
Yes it's a lesson, it's unfair, you stole my vanity
My tummy's up in knots so when I see you I get so hot
My common sense is out the door can't seem to find the lock
Take me (uh huh) you know inside you feel it right
Take me I'ma put desire in your arms tonight
Grimmjow got up out of his seat, ready to give her a piece of his mind.
She formed something in her hand, and threw it striking the side of his chair.
He turned to her she just smiled and waved.
Grimmjow sat down and bit his lip.

I'm out with you, ya got me head over heels
Boy you keep me hanging on by the way you make me feel

S.O.S. please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this way
Boy you are making this hard
You got me tossin' and turnin' and I can't sleep at night

This time please someone come and rescue me
'Cause you on my mind has got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me
Your love is testing me but still I'm losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me 'cause you on my mind has got you losing it
I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me, got the best of me, so now I'm losing it

Boy you know you got me feeling open
And boy your loves enough with words unspoken
I said boy I'm telling you, you got me open
I don't know what to do it's true
I'm going crazy over you I'm begging

S.O.S. please somebody help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this way
Boy you are making this hard
You got me tossin' and turnin' and I can't sleep at night

This time please someone come and rescue me
'Cause you on my mind has got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me
Your love is testing me but still I'm losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me 'cause you on my mind has got me losing it
I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me, got the best of me, so now I'm losing it

Lala lala lala lala Ohhh
Ohh ohh lala lala lala lala oh ohh ohh
(Just so you know, I was listening to this while going to school, so all I really heard was “some one help me” and I thought, that's how I feel right now, and I couldn't think of a better song. So I picked this.)
After she finished, she bowed.
“Now, my brother Ulquiorra will sing.” She pointed to Ulquiorra, who stared at her blankly.
She expected him to...SING?
He shook his head, No, he was NOT going to make a fool of himself.
Amatsu jumped off the stage, causing her dress to rise a bit, though no one saw what was underneath. Ulquiorra was rather pleased that no one saw, though others, weren't as happy.
She walked over to him, she covered the head set with her hand, so they wouldn't be heard, “Come on, Ulquiorra. Please? For me?”
She gave him the puppy eyes, there was also some sort of sparkly effect. She put out her bottom lip, and pouted.
`Oh God! Not that! Anything but that.' Ulquiorra prayed that she would force him, please! Please! PLEASE!!!
“You can sing any song you like. And Ill give you a few minutes to rehearse.” She said in a sing-song voice.
Ulquiorra bit his lip, she wasn't giving up, and he was about to crack.
“Ill sing.” Grimmjow said standing up. He was going to get her back.
Amatsu frowned, and then smiled, “Alright Grimmjow, you pick a song, if not, I have already picked for you.”
She grabbed him by the arm and lead him back stage.
She took off her head set so no one could hear them talk. She went over to the rack and pulled off some clothes.
She handed him some articles of clothing and shoved him in one of the stalls.
“Change into that ok?”
She heard the rustling of clothing, and shoes dropping to the floor.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked, removing his jacket and letting it fall to the ground.
Amatsu shrugged, “I don't know, maybe its cause I like you.”
Grimmjow stopped, “What?”
Amatsu thought for a moment. Did it sound weird?
“No, its not like that. I like you, as a friend. Sort of. If you really like Ulquiorra, prove it.” She smiled and walked over to the stall door, hitting the door with the back of her hand gently.
“Hurry it up. Or your reputation is ruined.”
She heard some curses and the rustling of clothing, the sound of clothes falling, and ripping.
“… Grimmjow, what did you rip?”
Grimmjow laughed nervously behind the door, she was not going to be happy about this.
“I accidently stepped on this dress and.”
“What color is it?”
“Huh? Well, it's a red dress..”
“Grimmjow, you have thirty seconds to get out of there before I bust the door down.”
“Huh? What? WAIT!” he quickly pulled on his pants, and his shoes.
Grimmjow picked up his clothes from the floor.
Grimmjow looked back at the dress, the right side was ripped diagonally (from the top to bottom)
“One.” She kicked the door open, making it hit Grimmjow in the face.
She walked over to the dress and took it, then entered a different stall.
She walked out a few moments later, she stared at Grimmjow who lay on the ground.
“Get ready.” She said. She walked over to the vanity, and pulled out a few sheets of paper and a pen. “Write the lyrics down if you need to.” She pointed to the cds.
“Pick a song from any one of those.”
She turned to look at him. “You have thirty minutes.”
She walked away from him and onto the stage.
“Hi~ everybody!” She waved to the crowd that roared in excitement.
“I have a special announcement!”
The crowd quieted down, listening to her.
“While Grimmjow picks out a song, I wish for the rest of the espada to participate as well!” she gestured to the table.
At the announcement, every espada was surprised, though a few didn't show it.
Noitra was latterly gaping, Szayel was busy saying his prayers, was it her way for getting back at him?
Zommari was …. Well, he was silent. What did you expect?
Harribel nodded, they decided not to long ago what he song would be.
Starrk woke up and stared at the stage. Before putting his head down, hopefully, she'll think he's asleep and leave him alone..
Aaroniero were busy arguing about what they should sing.
Yammy was.. well, he was at the counter, eating, it didn't seem like he heard her.
Ulquiorra looked away, he knew she would get him to sing. She always gets what she wants..
She gave them a wave, “Back stage is this way people! Oh and Starrk! I know your not sleeping!”
Starrk stood up and muttered a quick curse in his head, how could his plan fail?
Harribel stood up and walked to the stage, the others followed her, they walked slowly. They really didn't want to sing..
“Hurry it up people!” she said stomping her foot.
“If you don't, Ill tell everyone your secrets!!” she said with a smile that resembled gin's.
Everyone but Harribel and Ulquiorra stopped.
Our secrets?
Harribel walked backstage, she didn't tell her any secrets.
Ulquiorra walked past Amatsu and shot her the `Don't you dare' look.
Since she is his sister, she knew practically everything about him.
The other espada were shaken, wondering if she really knew, but decided not to press their luck. She probably didn't anyway.
Yammy continued to eat, Amatsu ignored him, she never liked the man to begin with.
~~back stage~~
All of the espada (excluding Yammy who was pigging out..) were back stage.
Grimmjow was sitting on a stool, holding Amatsu's ipod and was busy searching though it. When he found one, he would play it, and put the earphones in his ears.
Ulquiorra was rather surprised, he was actually taking this seriously.
Amatsu took a few clothes from the nearby rack and put them in the stalls.
She took a long dress and put it in the last stall, giving a wink to Harribel.
She sat on a couch, and read a magazine.
Szayel and Noitra were fighting over the ipod, and Zommari and Aaroniero were listening to the cd player. Aaroniero argued over what songs they should pick, while Zommari just searched though it.
Amatsu looked up from her magazine, “You know.” She started, “The ones who pick a song first have to go first.” She glanced at Grimmjow. “But Grimmjow's going first, so no worries.” She continued reading.
Ulquiorra sat down next to her, looking at the cover of the magazine.
`101 styles for spring'
Typical female
Murciélago… Honestly, his zanpakuto was rather chatty today, he normally didn't talk.
`5 great hair styles for spring'
Hey Ulquiorra, is it really `spring' time?
I don't know, we don't have a `spring' in Hueco Mundo…. Or any seasons for that matter.
… That sucks
Indeed. He had heard that `spring' was a time when flowers bloomed, summer was hot, which would be nice, considering how cold Hueco Mundo was. Fall or Autumn was when the trees lose their leaves and birds flew south.
Our trees never have any leaves. And if a bird flew south, wouldn't it be heading towards the ground?
Humans are strange creatures.
`How to tell if a guy is into you' What a stupid quiz, Ulquiorra thought.
You should take that quiz.
No thank you. He didn't want to take a quiz, it was made for girls, he was definitely not a girl.
No seriously, I bet Grimmjow likes you.
That's impossible.
……….. Ulquiorra was speechless, that was true, but..
He likes you.
Someone tapped his shoulder, he saw Grimmjow handing him the ipod.
Grimmjow wore a light blue hoodie, a black undershirt, black and blue wristbands on each arm and wore black and blue sneakers.
He smirked at Amatsu, and mouthed the words `pay back.'
Amatsu just smiled and walked out, Grimmjow followed.
Ulquiorra put one of the earphones in his ear. He wanted to hear what would happen next.
It wasn't everyday the sexta would sing.
I bet he would if you asked him to
Ulquiorra could not answer that, he heard Amatsu announce the song Grimmjow was singing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Tba- humming* srry, im gonna make them sing later, apparently this chapter is 17 pages long.
Ulquiorra- you like singing don't you?
Tba- you can always express your feelings though song.
Grimmjow- its cause no one wants to listen to you isn't it?
Tba- rolls eyes* no. I could be a good singer if I could play an instrument. Like say… a guitar.
Grimmjow- Righht.
Tba- .. And I can't exactly hit the high notes well, my voice cracks.
Ulquiorra- that explains so much.
Tba- sigh* I blame my dad and my brother, who I always yell at… Oh, and the guys I beat up. They kept calling me names..
Ulquiorra- .. we don't need to know your life story.
Grimmjow- che, we don't care either.
Tba- whatever.
I say yes and so,
I'll be by your side forevermore
No matter what the future holds,
Warm or cold, I'll try to make it through it all..

Ah, this our chosen destiny
I knew that we'd meet eventually
Because I hear your voice inside my dreams..
Yeah, even in an emergency
You know you can depend on me
When we're together there's nothing that we can't achieve..

I'm running so fast, my heart it beats so fast. Adrenaline, excitement, having fun, will it all last?

Stay with me today and I will protect you, keep you safe. We were born in different worlds, so far apart, let's bridge the gap today.
I say yes and so,
I'll be by your side forevermore
No matter what the future holds,
Let's change it all and fill it up with hope, FOREVER..
Tba- I love this song. ^-^
Grimmiow- why is it you always listen to love songs?
Tba- I don't always listen to love songs.
Ulquiorra- that's true. She listens to sad, angry, and love songs.
Tba-… *sweat drop* Ano, ulqui-chan, I don't think they're called that..
Oh and if you can think of a song for grimy-chan to sing, tell me ok?
If not ill, pick something from my playlist.
Grimmjow-.. What is up with you?
Tba- shrug* I dunno. I kinda like the music. It um... sort of describes how I feel. I listen to all sorts. I don't judge on the people, I judge on music.
Ulquiorra- how... Admirable...
Tba- YAY! He complemented me! *Glomps ulqui*
Tba- hugging ulqui- what?
Ulquiorra- can't... breathe…
Tba- stop lying.
Ulquiorra *thinking* darn, my plan didn't work.
Tba- smile* ulqui-chan is going to sing a sad song.
Grimmjow-.. So he is going to sing?
Tba- gets off ulqui* yep. Oh and I was thinking of this.
*Whispers to Grimmjow*
Grimmjow- uh-huh…. Really? You think? Curtains? Oh! *looks at Ulquiorra* … I really want to see that...
Ulquiorra-.. *crosses arms* what did you say?
Tba- well I said “ How about this? Three people dressed in *SPOILER* and then we have *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER* Sing. Then we have them *SPOILER* curtains. Of course *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER* will be behind the *SPOILER*.
Then from seeing *SPOILER* in a *SPOILER* he'll get a *SPOILER* and *SPOILER*.
Then *SPOILER* and *SPOILER* will *SPOILER* the rest and they'll see *SPOILER* and *SPOILER* in *SPOILER*. Of course then they'll notice how *SPOILER* they are.
And so the rest is history.
Ulquiorra-.. I didn't understand that.
Grimmjow- she recently put in this spoiler detector.
Tba- it works like a charm! Now I can tell you the ending!
Ulquiorra-0.0 NO!!!!
Tba- Well, if people want this story to cross the hueco mundo arc in the anime/manga. If not, I don't really know how to end it, unless it ends with *SPOILER* and *SPOILER* getting *SPOILER*
But if people want this to cross the hueco mundo arc..
~a few hours later~
Tba- and that's what will happen.
Grimmjow- so, Amatsu's going to *SPOILER*
Tba- exactly. But then again everyone's going to *SPOILER*
Grimmjow so in the end, Amatsu's *SPOILER*
Tba- yep. Oh and she's also going to use her resurrection.
Ulquiorra-.. how come it didn't say spoiler?
Tba- cause she already resurrected. Though that's not her real one.
Ulquiorra-.. what?
Tba- that's because Amatsu's resurrection is a *MASSIVE SPOILER*
Ulquiorra-.. That explains a lot.
Grimmjow- so wait, so how was she able to *SPOILER* my resurrection?
Tba- cause she's a *SPOILER*!!!! GOD! Haven't you been listening?
Grimmjow- that still doesn't make any sense.
Tba- well, in a story I read, *SPOILER* can *SPOILERS*. Get it?
Ulquiorra-.. somewhat.
Grimmjow- not a clue.
Tba- well, ill just leave it at that. *walks away* gotta jump start my sing career.
Ulquiorra- to all readers, she means her singing career in this fanfic, not in real life.
Grimmjow- yeah, she has stage fright.
Tba- have you been reading my diary again?
Ulquiorra- holds up three small books* vol 1, 2, or 3?
Tba- grabs books and runs to her room*
Grimmjow-.. Now where am I going to get black mail material?
Ulquiorra- Shrug* please review.
Grimmjow- yeah, whatever.
Tba- remember to help pick a song. If not ill choose from my playlist.
Grimmjow- Seriously, pick a song. I don't like the songs on her playlist.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Amatsu's Dress- Cocktail Bridesmaid Strapless Dresses by Allure
Amatsu's earrings- Sterling Silver 'Icicles' Pearl and Quartz Earrings
Amatsu's necklace- Sterling Silver Diamond Accent Butterfly Necklace
Harribel's Dress- Daytime jersey A-line convertible dress in solids
Harribel's shoes- Kathryn Amberleigh- Strappy Suede Sandals
Boy's outfits-
They're pretty plain. Meaning use your own imagination!!!