Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ ONS and More ❯ Falling Waters ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any Bleach affiliates.
(BIG AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is probably going to be my last update for at least a month. I AM NOT FINISHED WITH THIS STORY!!! The thing is that on 6/24/06 I'll be leaving for a Writing camp at UVA for two weeks. Then after that I'm home for two days before I leave for France for eleven days. I won't be able to update for a while—even though I really want to! The writing camp, albeit that fanfiction is technically writing, will focus more on the serious aspect of literature and blah, blah, blah… ah well, it will be fun. But don't worry, as soon as I get home from camp and from France I'll try and write as much as possible. When I go to the beach I'll also have more writing freedom.
Another thing, I really enjoy reading my reviews because it lets me know what you all like me to write. Then I can write more of what you want. A big thanks to all my reviewers out there so far!
Okay, now with the story, it has more of a romantic lemon than an actual hard-ass lemon but I think it's sweet.
Falling Waters
“Now, don't be surprised if they're a bit… weird.” Ichigo warned as Rukia placed her hand on the knob.
“Oh don't worry,” she answered breezily, “I can handle weird.”
Ichigo frowned, “Ishida's a bit weirder than you'd expect in a normal person… and Orihime, well, she's on an entirely different planet.”
“So are you.” She countered and a blush crept into her cheeks, “I mean… seriously, who has sex under a desk?” Her eyes darted down and she blushed even harder.
Ichigo grinned and rolled his eyes at the same time, “Don't tell me you're still smarting about that?”
“You bet your ass I am.” She muttered, “My boss could have walked in! Not to mention my ex was there while you were helping yourself. Dirty pervert.” She bit her bottom lip and smiled at Ichigo, he knew she was teasing him.
“Dirty huh?” He smirked as his arms circled her waist. He set his chin on her shoulder and whispered into her ears. “Just how dirty do you want to be?”
“If I drip chocolate sauce all over myself will you lick it off?” She murmured as her hand came up to caress his silky locks.
“Absolutely.” He growled, his tongue snaked from his lips and began to tickle her throat.
Rukia chuckled and eased her mouth to his, quickly; she gave him a soft kiss. “After I meet your roommate and his significant other. How do I look?” She escaped from his grasp and twirled in the hall.
Ichigo groaned and sighed, “Perfect, as always and completely edible.”
She grinned and walked back to him, “You're just saying that.”
“No, not really,” he conceded as he marched grumpily back towards the door. “Ishida just better concentrate on the fact that he already has a girlfriend and not check out mine.”
“So, what should I know about Ishida's girlfriend?” Rukia asked, her shoulder propped against the door and she leaned against it.
“Well,” Ichigo answered, “Her name's Inoue Orihime, she's nice and pretty quirky.”
“Does she go to the university as well?” She asked.
He shook his head, “No, she's studying to be a chef.”
Rukia raised an eyebrow.
“Well,” Ichigo shrugged, “She makes all these weird dishes and gets people to try them, they look pretty disgusting but they're not actually that bad.” He shuddered and shook his head, “But there was this one—three meat chili with bean paste and ketchup, I think it was—that I just couldn't stomach.”
“Oh. Wow.” Rukia felt her insides turn over in revulsion. “I don't think I would have even been able to even look at that one.”
“Let's just hurry up and get in there.” Ichigo muttered, “I want to get going as soon as possible.”
“The lake isn't going anywhere, we still have all day.” Rukia chastised.
“I know, I know…” he sighed, “I just really want to see you in a swimsuit—” he paused and looked at her skeptically, “It is a bikini isn't it?”
Rukia rolled her eyes and sighed exasperatedly, “Yes, you pig, it is.”
Ichigo grinned in satisfaction, “Good, I look forward to taking it off.”
“Down piggy,” she muttered as her hand turned the knob, “stay in your pen.”
Rukia creaked the door open and peered inside, Ichigo shook his head and said he was staying outside; this had been Rukia's idea from the start—something about wanting to know more about him or something like that. She told him it was fine and she'd just meet his roommate alone. Ichigo rolled his eyes and took another step forward.
“Ishida!” He called, “Ishida, you in here?”
Rukia stood beside Ichigo and stared around his apartment. She felt as if she was looking into another world… an exceptionally dirty world.
She took another step forward and wrinkled her nose. Everything in her apartment had a place: the clothes were in the closet, the books were on the shelf, and the food was in the fridge.
She glanced over towards the left and instantly felt like throwing up. She saw random clothing thrown across the floor—Kami was that a pair of boxers over the chair?—she saw slices of molded pizza on paper plates underneath a desk, and she saw books strewn across a small bed in the corner.
“That's disgusting…” Rukia muttered as she toed a piece of loose leaf paper out of the way. “Is this how college guys live? No wonder you like my place better… if Ishida is this much of a slob I—”
“Watch yourself Miss,” said a soft but cutting voice from the corner. “This is Kurosaki's side of the room, not mine.”
Rukia's eyes widened and she turned back to Ichigo. “This side is yours?” Her face twisted into a disgusted glare. “That's just gross.”
“Hey!” He cried, “I try to keep it clean!”
“When?” She retorted, “In your sleep?” Rukia snorted and turned back to the man who had come in front of her.
He was thin and rather small but still lanky enough to be as tall as Ichigo. His hair was a shiny shade of black and his bangs came down into two pointed tips near his chin. His thin face was accentuated with sleek, metal glasses that were placed on the slant of his sharp nose.
Rukia smiled brightly at him and extended her hand. “Hello, you must be Uuryu Ishida, Ichigo's told me nothing about you.”
Ichigo growled softly, “Yes I have, maybe you just haven't been listening.”
“Think what you want.” Rukia shrugged, her hand was still extended and she frowned at Ishida—wasn't it polite manners for him to shake it? She looked at him—slightly irritated—and realized that he was quickly and discreetly buttoning his shirt.
Rukia glanced back at Ichigo and then tilted her head back to Ishida. Ichigo saw what Rukia noticed first and grinned slickly. “Did we interrupt something?” He asked playfully.
Ishida's cheeks reddened slightly and he pushed his glasses up with his middle finger. “No… no… it was nothing really—Orihime and I were just—were just—”
A clattering came from the other side of the small apartment. Three heads turned towards the noise and Ishida's blush deepened even more.
“I-I-I-I-Ishida!” A girl's voice floated towards them, it came from a small door located in the back of the apartment. “Come back here already! We have things to fin-ish!” She ended in a sing-songy voice.
Rukia could feel a heated blush creeping into her cheeks. She backed up slightly and her spine collided with Ichigo's front. His hands landed on her shoulders and he grinned at Ishida.
“Well, you finally got over your stupid modesty.” He grinned, “Good for you.”
Ishida shot him a glare that could have frozen a volcano. “Now is not the best time, Kurosaki.”
“We'll leave you to your business,” Ichigo said, Rukia could have choked on the smugness in the voice. “Don't want to keep her waiting.”
“Fuck off, Kurosaki.” Ishida growled.
Ichigo grinned again and began to pull Rukia backwards out of the apartment. “Such a way to talk to a new acquaintance. Tsk, tsk, tsk.”
Ishida's eyes widened and he glanced back at Rukia, her stare was emotionless but her smirk was enough to tell him that she was amused. He swallowed with difficulty and nodded, “I do apologize Miss, but you seem to have been caught me at an unpleasant time—”
“But definitely not an unpleasant position.” Ichigo injected smartly.
Rukia tucked in her elbow and sent it flying backwards into Ichigo's gut. He grunted and leaned forwards slightly. Rukia looked back at Ishida and grinned, “I understand, we'll let you get back to what you were doing.” She started to walk backwards and pushed Ichigo out of the way.
“Bye!” She said smilingly, she placed her hand on the doorknob and closed it completely.
Rukia shook her head and stood in front of the door for a moment. She smiled and pressed a finger to her lips. Ichigo frowned and leaned his ear towards the door. Sure enough he could hear high, breathy pants and the creaking of a bedpost.
“Hot damn,” Ichigo whistled, “Ishida is actually getting some.”
Rukia shot him a death glare, “And you're not?”
He sidled back from the door and took her by the hand, “Of course I am. But still…” he paused and looked down the end of the hall, “Ishida has never really been a very social person.” He gave her a simple stare, “He's the president of the sewing club for Kami's sake, and it's not like girls line up to get laid by him.” He rolled his eyes and offered a half-hearted smile. “Orihime is different. I'm really glad Ishida has found someone who likes him for what he is.”
Rukia nodded and stroked his fingers lightly. She knew the exact same feeling.
After a moment of silence she smiled at him brightly and wiggled her eyebrows. “Ready to go to the lake?”
Ichigo grinned and caught her against his chest. He kissed her swiftly and held her body close to his. His lips stroked hers and she knew she wanted more… they had already done it on a desk… why not in a hallway?
Rukia leaned closer to him and smiled into his lips. Her hands began to travel up his body, her fingers insistent. Ichigo, however, released her before her hands were able to slip underneath his shirt.
Rukia panted at him and pulled her bottom lip out in a slight pout. “Jackass.” She muttered.
He grinned at her and winked, “Now, how about that bikini?”
Lake Hikitorki was a well known tourist destination located twenty minutes away from Ichigo's university. He liked to visit the spot with his friends when he was over-stressed or had just finished with a tough exam.
After their semi-rendezvous with Ishida, Rukia had hopped on the back of Ichigo's motorcycle and he had driven them to the lake. Rukia enjoyed their small trip mostly because she liked riding on his bike. Once they were away from the noise and smells of the city the two of them were driving through roads lined with healthy, green, trees and patches of blossoming flowers. Fresh air was hitting their faces and shifting through their hair. Rukia loved this part about riding. Whenever she was stuck inside of a car she simply watched the scenery as if it was on a television screen. When she was riding a bike it was different; you didn't simply watch the clouds and the trees pass by they touched you and made you part of the riding experience.
Rukia almost didn't want it to end. Not to mention she liked the fact that Ichigo just kept speeding up, he still thought she hated riding the bike and wanted to get off as soon as possible. She grinned as they neared the entrance to the lake and rested her cheek on Ichigo's back. Maybe it would stay her little secret.
Ichigo parked his motorcycle in a small space near the edge of the cove and prepared to hop off. Behind him, Rukia pressed a small kiss to the center of his back and slid off. A small backpack was resting on her shoulders and she hiked it up further.
“Is there a changing room around here?” She asked cheerfully, her smile was bright and she was shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
Ichigo grinned and kissed her forehead quickly, “Excited, are we?”
Rukia smiled at him and nodded, “I love swimming outdoors. When we were little, Renji and I used to make puddles outside of the orphanage just so we could splash around in them.” She laughed and skipped lightly into the air.
Ichigo's smile faltered slightly and the hand he placed on her shoulder became slightly tighter. She shook her head and leaned against him. Even though she couldn't see his face she knew that his expression was one of hostility—it was always like that when she talked about Renji.
She sighed and murmured, “I should also let you know that I like taking outdoor showers,” she grinned at him and shrugged, “It's kind of fun, the hot water cascading over my skin while the cold air flutters over my body.”
She heard Ichigo let out a small and defeated sigh, his hands caressed her shoulders and his thumbs kneaded her back. “You know the exact thing to say to make me stop thinking about that self-centered, heartless, bastard.”
“He's not a threat,” Rukia reminded softly. “Don't worry about him anymore.”
He sighed and nodded, “Alright, let's get changed.”
Lake Hikitorki was a secluded area on the west side of a small mountain range. A beautiful and popular setting, it was surrounded by trees and rocky mountain crags. The lake was divided into three parts, the hot springs—which were mostly for adults to use and relax, the main part— which was a huge area of water that was best for families and their young children to swim in, and finally the streams— which were created by large and rocky cliffs that formed small waterfalls flowing with cold water.
Rukia stretched leisurely in the bright noon sun and felt her tight muscles slowly unwind inside of her body—which was currently clad in a black bikini that tied into a halter around her neck and back. She had been to this lake several times but never to swim or relax, her company always sent her on scouting trips so she might look at the scenery and sketch better advertisements.
The place was extremely beautiful. Depending on where you were standing you could see steam rising onto the tops of graciously green pine trees, icy water streaming over majestic rocks, or playful children splashing around in clear waters.
Truthfully, Rukia didn't know which one she wanted to visit first, the hot springs looked inviting and warm, while the small waterfalls looked like they would be fun to crawl over, or the huge lake, where floating on your back and swimming freely was possible. Rukia inclined her head to the side, she wasn't sure she wanted to go to the main water area—too many kids to bump in to.
Rukia looked behind her and grinned softly. Ichigo was stuffing their discarded clothing into a bag onto the back of his motorcycle. She smiled and dug her bare toes into the sand. The warm sun combined with a breeze wafting across the waters of the lake was making her feel comfortable and warm.
“Ichigo!” She called, waving her hand towards him. “Come on already!”
“I'm coming, I'm coming… geez.” He muttered, quickly, he turned around and jogged towards Rukia. She grinned and appraised how he looked in a swimsuit. She had seen him naked, oh yeah, she had seen him naked tons of times, but she had never seen him half-naked and dripping in the bright sunlight.
She could taste her mouth watering as her eyes feasted on his bright hair, his sturdy face, his chiseled abdomen, his muscled arms, and his ripped legs.
In a moment he was beside her, his bright orange and blue swim trunks were brushing her exposed legs. Rukia grinned at him, “You know you're just going to get wet, right?”
He gave her a quizzical stare and nodded, “That's kind of the point of wearing a swimsuit.”
“I know,” she said as she stretched her arms over her head and ran her fingers through her hair, “But still, when you get into the water I might just have to jump you.”
Ichigo grinned, “Fine with me.” His eyes roved her body and he sighed, “Now, where do you want to go first?”
“I don't know,” she muttered, her finger rose and tapped her chin, “We could go to the hot springs first and then the little waterfalls or the other way around.”
“You don't want to go to the main lake?” Ichigo asked.
Rukia wrinkled her nose, “Too many kids to bash into.”
“Especially if you're trying to jump me.” Ichigo grinned.
“Whatever…” she groaned. “Let's go to the waterfalls first, its cold so we can warm up later in the springs.”
“Fine with me.” His grin widened and he bent down swiftly. Before she had time to react, Ichigo had swooped her up into her arms—bridal style—and was carrying her towards the waterfall area.
“What are you doing?” She shrieked as she wiggled in his arms.
“What does it look like I'm doing?” Ichigo asked her, his voice was slightly mocking and his tone was one of delight, “I'm carrying you.”
“Why?” She hissed. It wasn't the fact that he was carrying her that was making her blush; it was mainly because people were watching them.
Her eyes traveled towards a family near the edge of the large lake, the stares of a few families were watching them as they passed. Rukia could see one particularly chubby woman sitting next to her husband and lounging with three of her children. Her eyes were staring longingly at Ichigo—then turning to glare at Rukia.
Rukia could practically read the unhappy woman's mind and felt rather conceited because of it.
Oh yeah, she thought smugly, I got the guy.
Instead of fighting him to get back onto her feet, Rukia settled quietly into his arms and wrapped her own arms around his neck. At this point in time, she felt like a princess.
“So,” she said casually as she rested her head on his chest, “Is there any reason for this trip or are you just trying to get into my pants again?”
Ichigo shook his head, “Nah, I could get into your pants anytime.”
Rukia glared at him and managed to stuff her elbow into his rib cage. Satisfied with his pained grunt she growled. “I told you. I'm not a whore.”
Ichigo smiled painfully through his teeth, “I know, I know… this is just a special trip. Just you and me. No interruptions.”
Rukia looked up at him and frowned, why was his jaw set like that? It was usually that way when he was irritated about something. Was it Renji? Was it because she mentioned him? Did she elbow him too hard? What?
“You okay?” She asked quietly.
Ichigo—his eyes had been staring away into the distance—seemed to snap back into reality. He looked down at her and smiled, “Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You?”
Rukia nodded, her eyes still contorted into a small frown. “I'm… fine.” She sighed, “Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little distant.”
“I'm fine.” He muttered, his tone told her not to pry. They were coming closer to the small streams, Rukia could hear the water droplets falling onto the rocks below.
“Is it because I mentioned him?” She asked cautiously, she ignored the part of her brain that was telling her not to pry.
Ichigo's arms tightened around her but his voice remained cool. “It's nothing.” He muttered.
Rukia sighed, “It is something, and you know it.”
Ichigo shook his head and muttered, “I just don't want him to interrupt what we have.” He said roughly.
Rukia glanced up at him, his image was distorted through her lashes but she could still see his face. His brow was furrowed into a semi-intense frown and she could see the cords in his neck.
He's really irritated. She thought seriously.
Rukia remained silent for the rest of the walk towards the waterfalls. She offered a small smile as he set her down slowly on the rocks. The stones underneath her feet were slick with water and she could smell the sweet scent of clean and rushing water. There were people around them, but not many. Rukia could see two young couples frolicking in the small waterfalls as well as a family of four picnicking on a clump of rocks nearby.
Rukia grinned at the water rushing over the boulders. Some of them foamed into little pools and others continued to flow into large depressions that lowered about four feet. One of the couples was splashing each other in some of the deep water while the others were playing on the rocks.
Ichigo stood beside her and nodded at the water. “Well, do you want to go in?”
Rukia nodded, “Yeah, I do.” She grasped his hand and tugged, “But over this way.”
Ichigo nodded and followed her willingly. Rukia could tell from his chilly disposition that he was still smarting over her comment about Renji. Truthfully, she had no idea what to tell him. Sorry, I kind of grew up with my ex-boyfriend and not talking about him would mean not talking about my past? Was that the end of it?
One thing, however, was amply clear: he was uncomfortable when she talked about—or even mentioned—Renji. Rukia wished he wouldn't worry, she glanced back at him quickly and saw an uncomfortable look still present on his face.
She sighed and fought the urge to roll her eyes. He could be so stubborn sometimes.
“Where are we going?” He asked, his voice told her he was irritated but his warm hand told her that he'd follow her anywhere.
“This place I know,” she said quickly, “I had to go here to create some sketches. It's quiet, peaceful…” she glanced back at him, “Secluded.”
Ichigo's eyebrow's quirked and he began to quicken his pace. “Why do you want to go there?”
“Just to talk.” She said softly.
Ichigo nodded but remained silent. Rukia continued walking and tried not to slip on the slippery, craggy, rocks.
Ichigo's hand was strong and sturdy as she guided him away from the laughing voices of the playing people.
They approached a small wall of solid rock that was covered by thin waves of water. She grinned at Ichigo and motioned for him to come closer to her. He complied and watched as she scooted forward. Her skin prickled and she squealed slightly at the feeling of the cold water pounding on top of her head. Quickly, she sidled to the side and passed through a small crack in the rocks.
Ichigo watched in fascination as her small body disappeared behind a curtain of water. He stood, dumbfounded, outside of the water for a moment before hearing her voice float from the outside. “Are you coming?”
He frowned and looked around them. Currently he was standing in about two feet of flowing water, rocks and boulders were surrounding him, vines were falling from nearby trees and the stones before him were rising about ten feet, forming into a small cliff. How the hell—?
Rukia's head popped out into the water, “Well, are you coming or not?”
Ichigo shrugged and muttered, “Why not?”
Slowly, he slipped through the crag that Rukia had just entered and squeezed his way into the area. What he saw should have surprised him—some of it did—but as soon as his head popped out of the small space he realized he had been here before.
“Hey!” He exclaimed as he slid out of the opening, “I know this place.”
Rukia looked up at him from the circle of water she was floating in. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he murmured as his body slipped underneath the small waves. “It was a daredevil spot for some of my buddies.” He pointed to the small cliff above them. “Jump from all the way up there and see who can make the biggest splash without breaking a bone.”
“Interesting.” Rukia said sarcastically, “And if you break a bone one of you just fixes it.”
He grinned, “That's the way it works.”
She sighed and dipped her head underneath the water. She stayed under the cool liquid for a few moments and then popped her head back up. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her small, black, bikini and sopping wet hair. Her eyes were magnified to beautiful extremes—the violet and grey mixed to create the most wonderful color he had ever seen.
Rukia sighed and floated back on the water. “Ichigo… can we talk about something?”
He sunk further into the water and swished around. “About what?”
She was staring at the sky when she answered, “What are we, exactly?”
Ichigo glanced over at her and saw that she was still staring at the clouds. There was no laugh or joke in her voice. He scooted towards her and frowned. “Well, at last inspection you and I were girlfriend and boyfriend.”
She was still floating on her back when she spoke to him. “I know that,” she said simply as she curled her body so she was facing him, “But do you?”
He glared at her, “What do you mean?”
Rukia looked up at him and met his eyes with her own hostile glare. “What I mean, Ichigo, is that whenever I talk about Renji you get… I don't know… possessive and angry.”
Ichigo scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Yes,” she said in a hard voice, “You do.”
Ichigo didn't say anything, he simply glared to the side and fumed.
“Kami, you're acting like a two year old.” She muttered.
“Well how would you have me act?” He demanded. “I mean come on, the guy shows up at your office without a single word of warning and says he wants you back? After screwing you like that, come on Rukia, what else would you have me do?”
Rukia sighed and leaned her head against a small boulder. “Ichigo, it's not that I don't enjoy the fact that you're protective of me, it's just… I want you to act like you know that I'm going to stay with you.”
Ichigo's eyes softened at the sound of her pained voice. His glare lessened and he looked over at Rukia, she was sitting on a small boulder and running her hands through her hair… she looked like a beautiful water nymph.
Rukia gave a frustrated sigh. “I want you to act like you know that I'm not going to run off with Renji the second he comes and asks for me. I want you to act like you know that I care about you… a lot. More than I'd like to admit.” She sighed and slid forward slightly, her bottom was resting softly on the edge of the rock and her face was resting inside of her hand.
“I just wish that you would trust me.” She muttered softly.
She lifted her head and sighed softly. Ichigo was staring at her again. Only this time his eyes weren't angry or frustrated but… intense and passionate. She offered him a small half-smile and rested her elbows on her knees. “Okay?”
He didn't say anything to her but slid forward. The water was lapping at his chest as he came closer towards her. Rukia didn't say a word as Ichigo stopped before her and began to massage her calf muscles. His hands skimmed her shins, her feet, and her toes. He brushed the skin between her knee and she shuddered at the tickling sensation.
Ichigo placed both hands under her knees and slid her down. Rukia's body slid down the small boulder until she floated through the water and her bottom hit the tops of his thighs.
Her arms lifted from the water and curled around her neck. She smiled softly and placed her forehead onto his. “Okay?”
Ichigo pressed a small kiss to her lips and murmured into her ear, “Okay.”
Her smile widened and she placed her head on his shoulder. Her elbows rested on his broad shoulders and she sighed. His fingers were skimming over her back and teasing the tie at the back of her swimsuit.
“Rukia…” he whispered into her ear. “I care about you too… a lot more than I'd like to admit as well.”
She rubbed her cheek against his and smiled softly. “I know you do.”
He kissed her ear and whispered. “Make up sex?”
Rukia smiled and kissed his shoulder in return, “Absolutely.”
Ichigo grinned and lifted his lover slightly from his lap. In a moment his hands slipped down to her hips and began to caress her legs. The water from the stream was cool and crisp as it pattered and lapped at his skin. His fingers were soft and warm as they whispered over her exposed flesh, the goose bumps that had arrived when she entered the water stood again, making every touch amplified.
Rukia moved her head back and slowly kissed his neck; her tongue gently teased his hard and muscular body. His breathing grew quicker as she bit lightly at his pulse point, her hips undulated against his—not too hard but enough pressure to make him want more. She could feel his erection pressing softly into her stomach and she grinned. She stroked his spine and exhaled softly as he scooted her closer.
He sighed as his mouth traced her neck; he kissed his way around her shoulders and smiled when his nose came into contact with a small bow at the base of her ivory column. Ichigo tightened his loose hold on her and took the end of the string between his teeth. Slowly, he pulled his neck back and watched as the bow became undone. Rukia felt the strings fall onto her back and she arched delicately. Her swimsuit top fell to the base of her breasts and she pressed them against his chest. Her nipples were already hard from the delightfully cold water and Ichigo's heated skin was only creating a friction that made her center heat to the consistency of lava.
Ichigo pushed her lightly away from him and bent his head to encase her cold nipple into his hot mouth. Rukia gasped and shivered against him as her legs tightened around his waist. His hands were smoothing over her back and gently untying the base of her bikini top. She let out a small moan and sighed as the top floated away.
Her head dropped back as her mouth let out small whimpers of contentment. Her hair dipped into the water and the cold substance bit the back of her skull. She let out a small giggle as Ichigo's mouth switched to her other breast. The temperature change around the sensitized skin was driving her crazy. She moaned and pressed her center closer to Ichigo's growing erection.
Ichigo's mouth traveled across her breast and his tongue licked the valley between them. Rukia grinned happily and let one of her hands weave through his slick hair. With the other hand she reached down and toyed with the edges of his swimsuit.
“Take it off,” Ichigo whispered into her chest. His face traveled between her breasts and up until he was chewing delicately on her neck.
Rukia moaned softly and obeyed, her hands traveled down his back and eased over his exposed flesh. Her mouth, while her hands were moving, settled onto his collar bone and kissed lightly. Her tongue traced the delicately raised bone and her fingers latched onto the top of his swimming trunks. Sensually and unhurriedly she pulled them down his muscular legs. She smiled softly into his throat as they pooled around his ankles and he kicked them off gently. The trunks joined her swimsuit top as they floated near the surface of the water.
“Ichigo…” she murmured as she rose from the water and she propped her elbows on top of his shoulders. She opened her eyes and saw his half grinning half panting face as she dipped her head lower to taste his mouth.
Her lips parted and her tongue slipped through his exposed mouth. She tasted fresh water inside of him as she wrapped around him. His scent was clean and unblemished and wild. She caressed his tongue with hers and heard him moan in delight as his hands roamed her body. Her knees locked onto either side of his hips and she lifted her ass from his thighs.
Ichigo took the hint and hooked his thumbs into the bottom of her swimsuit. She arched her back up and watched his eyes as he slowly pulled the thin stretch of nylon down her smooth legs. His gaze feasted hungrily on her soaking patch of midnight black curls.
Rukia gulped as Ichigo tossed her bottoms to the side and began to run his hands over the length of her body. Her hips, her thighs, her breasts, her shoulders, and her arms, nothing was safe from the scrutiny of his hands.
She smiled and leaned her head back as his hand cupped her wet and slick pussy. She felt her teeth dig into her lips as his fingers became persistent and stroked her clit. His pointer finger and his thumb pressed together and he delicately massaged her.
Rukia's whimpering was music to Ichigo's ears and he slipped one finger inside of her and he gently pumped. Rukia purred softly as his fingers teased and tempted her.
“Ichigo…” she groaned audibly. “Please… no teasing.” She whispered in a weak voice.
He smiled softly and removed his fingers from her. The water resting around his chest and her waist rippled as he drew her down onto his lap. He kissed her deeply; his tongue gently touched and warmed hers and Rukia sighed yieldingly.
In a swift motion he wrapped his arms around her waist and guided her entrance to his erection. Rukia spread her legs wide and groaned as cold water seeped into her hot core. Ichigo slipped inside of her softly and enjoyed her choking and desperate gasp as he fit so tightly inside of her.
“K-Kami…” she breathed as her chest heaved against her.
Ichigo reveled in her heat as he slipped inside of her. He slid her down until he was sheathed completely inside of her.
Ichigo gave a gasping shudder as her body wrapped around his. She wriggled above him for a moment but he did not move. “Just… stay,” he breathed softly, “For a minute.”
Rukia placed her chin on the junction of his neck and shoulder and nodded, her body was shaking with pleasure and chills. She did not move as Ichigo stayed inside of her. His hands roved her back and he kissed her shoulder.
“You're so wonderful,” he shuddered, “Every part of you.”
It was then that he began to move. Rukia couldn't get over how amazing it felt every time he made love to her. No matter how many times he took her each time felt fresh, new, and delicious.
Rukia moaned loudly and moved her hips in time with his. Each time he moved out of her, cold water entered her core and when he pushed back inside his heat filled her completely.
The fire the ice, the fire the ice, the fire the ice…
Rukia gasped as Ichigo began to move faster and faster. Her hips rolled in response to his and she grappled desperately at his back. Her head rolled back onto her shoulders and she struggled to breathe. She could feel herself coming. Her body was rippling and her insides were screaming for release.
“Ichigo!” She cried. Her fingernails dug into the back of his neck as her walls compressed around his erection.
Furiously, he slammed into her again until he exploded inside of her. Rukia could feel his heat permeating her—penetrating ever vein and cell in her body, the feeling was breathtaking.
Rukia lay against his chest, panting at the feeling of him around her. Ichigo skimmed his fingers over her sides and sighed as she wound her fingers through his damp hair. His sweat mixed with the chilling water around them and he felt shivers running through his arms.
“Rukia…” he murmured as he held her tight. He didn't, however, say anything else. Rukia's breathing had softened, her small hands fell quietly down his back, and her fingers dipped gently into the water.
Ichigo smiled at the precious person wrapped in his arms. The woman had fallen into a soft doze while he was still inside of her. Ichigo breathed delicately onto her skin and eased his back against a small boulder.
What he didn't tell her was the one thought that had been running through his head since they had entered the small waterfall.
I love you.
“Come on Ichigo,” Rukia whined softly as she numbly straightened her swimsuit ties, “I was sleeping in that spring so long, I'm freezing.” She held up her hand and showed Ichigo her fingernails, “See? See! They're purple, my lips are purple, and my toenails are purple… I'm cold!”
Ichigo laughed and shook his head, his hands went to his swim trunks and he straightened them as well. “All right, all right, but you know it wasn't my fault.”
She glared at him, “You could have woken me up.” She snorted.
“But you look so cute and, well… non-lethal when you sleep,” he shrugged and shook his head. “I didn't want to wake you up.”
“Well,” she sighed, her anger dissipated and she gave up her rather weak argument, “I don't care. Come on, I want to get in a spring.”
“Will you sit on my lap?” Ichigo asked as they climbed over a few rocks and brambles. Steam was rising over the rocks a few steps away and Rukia could feel it gliding over her skin.
“Just so long as you keep me warm.” She said, her teeth clicked together as shivers climbed over her skin.
Ichigo grinned and began to say something when she stopped and turned slightly, her eyes were playful yet scolding and she sighed, “Not in that way… pervert.”
“Hey,” Ichigo shrugged, “You started it.”
“Dirty thoughts,” Rukia muttered as she heaved herself over the last rock, Ichigo grasped her hand and helped her down the steep incline. He couldn't see over the rocks yet, but Rukia's suddenly cheery voice was filled his ears.
“Hi! Mind if we join you?”
Ichigo frowned and glanced over the edge of a rock. Oh hell, he thought, irritated, now I don't get to fuck Rukia in the spring.
There was already a couple—looking quite cozy from where Ichigo was standing—sitting in the spring. Steam was distorting their faces but he could still see enough of them.
The girl seemed to be around twenty three years of age and was rather small looking. Ichigo's eyes appraised her swiftly and noted that she was wearing a rather revealing, shining gold, string bikini. Her hair was platinum blonde and her eyes were a deep shade of ocean blue. Her lips were pink and rosy—a nice shade that matched her cheeks—and her nose was a small thing that pointed upwards in a delicate tilt.
Three months ago Ichigo would have paid more attention to the girl. Today he barely noticed her. Instead, he watched the young man beside her. He looked no older than twenty five and seemed to live in a gym. Ichigo's eyebrow's crinkled as he noticed the guys bulging biceps and thick neck.
He sent a small and lethal glare towards Muscle-Head and made sure he tracked where his eyes went. If that guy's stare strayed for even one second longer on Rukia's body than was necessary Ichigo would make sure to reset his face.
“Sure!” The girl answered, her voice was bubbly and bright and she splashed the water slightly as she motioned for them to come in. “Room for a little more.” Giggling, she scooted over towards the man beside her; Muscle-Head draped his arm around her shoulders and grunted into her ear, she giggled some more as she tickled his sides.
Rukia gave a small and forced smile as she lowered herself into the spring. It was a tiny thing—fit for only five or six people, well four because of the room Muscle-Head took up—and was walled in by protruding rocks. It was warm, however, and just what they needed to get their blood flowing again.
Ichigo felt the steam waft from below and instantly remembered that it was also he who had stayed in that cold water for over two hours—awake.
Gladly, he followed Rukia down into the springs. As her body dipped underneath the surface of the water her face contorted into pleasure. Rukia smiled gingerly as she slipped her shoulders under as well.
“Damn this feels good.” She muttered, she glanced up at Ichigo and grinned, “Come on already.”
He rolled his eyes and nodded, after climbing down a small rock he found himself seated in the heated water.
Within a moment of dipping into the water he reached over and grasped Rukia's wrist. She complied as he tugged her towards him and sighed when he pressed her back to his front. His arms wrapped around her front and he locked his wrists protectively in front of her. His hands rested on her stomach and she let her head stay on his shoulder.
The girl beside them giggled and she snuggled against her own significant other. “It feels really nice, yeah?”
Rukia nodded lazily and weaved her fingers through Ichigo's. “We were just over near the little waterfalls and stayed in there for a while.”
The girl grinned brightly, “Ooh, chilly!” She winked and extended her hand to Rukia's. “My name's Riiko.”
Ichigo's fingers were making patterns on her soft stomach when he felt the muscles tighten slightly. Questioningly, he glanced up from Rukia's shoulder and blinked at the girl—Riiko. What was she going on?
“O-Oh,” Rukia muttered, her voice stammering slightly. “Nice to meet you.” She extended her hand in return and shook the small fingers offered to her. As soon as she released Riiko's hand Rukia turned her head towards Ichigo and smiled brightly.
Ichigo, however, could see that her smile was being forced out through her teeth.
“Um, hey, Ichigo,” she mumbled, “Don't we have that thing—that thing, we need to do? The one we have to do? Tonight? With the—with the… Kami what was it…?”
Her hand was in the air, making small circular motions, as if she was trying hard to remember something. Her eyes were also telling him that she desperately needed an excuse.
Ichigo glanced up at Riiko and Muscle-Head and then back to Rukia. Her teeth were clenched and her glare was clearly telling him to make something up.
“Oh… oh!” He said quickly, his eyes flicked from Muscle-Head to Riiko and back to Rukia, “That's right, the—the thing with… with my… my… family. Yeah, my family.” He smiled down at her and then moved to get up from the water. “I completely forgot about that, what time did we say we'd be there?”
“Six?” Rukia offered as she stood and lightly shook her arms. “What time is it now?”
Ichigo looked at his bare wrist and shrugged, “I don't know but we had better go.”
Rukia nodded quickly, she smiled at Riiko and Muscle-Head and began to climb out. Ichigo nodded to the two people in the spring and quickly followed Rukia out.
“Nice to meet you!” She called after a minute. Ichigo gave her an exasperated stare and turned back to look at the couple drifting in the water.
“Rukia, what—” he began, but when he turned he saw that she was almost thirty feet away. Ichigo yelped and quickly made to follow her.
She didn't say anything as she climbed over many different piles of rocks; Ichigo followed behind her and shook his head at her strange behavior.
They were at least sixty feet away from the hot springs when Rukia stopped and turned. Her smile was wide and beautiful as she giggled and leaped towards Ichigo. She draped her arms around his neck and kissed him hungrily.
Stunned, Ichigo could only kiss her back until she pulled away and laughed.
“What,” Ichigo demanded, “Is so funny?” Still, despite his rather severe tone, Rukia could hear the laughter on the outer edges of his voice. His arms wrapped around her waist and he pulled her close.
“Do you know who that was?” She squeaked, a giggle still lodged in her voice.
Ichigo scowled, “No… I don't. Who?”
“Riiko,” Rukia chuckled softly, “Was the girl Renji dumped me for.”
Ichigo's eyebrow quirked up and he began to grin himself. “Really?” He looked back in the direction of the hot springs and, consequently, Riiko and Muscle-Head. “Are you sure it was her?”
Rukia nodded and glanced over in that direction. “Definitely looks like the kind of girl Renji would go after.”
Ichigo whistled softly, “Damn, looks like he got his just desserts.”
Rukia nodded and began to chortle, her chortle blossomed into full blown laughter and she linked her arms around Ichigo's neck. He grinned at her and twirled her softly.
Once he set her down she kissed him and nodded, “Yeah… yeah he did.”