Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike Uryuu ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“Ichigo... what... exactly did Ishida mean...”
“What the fuck are you doing here Renji? This is a high school party...” Ichigo asked, trying to get the subject off of what had just happened and onto something, anything else.
Renji raised an eyebrow. “Could I talk to you in another room Ichigo...”
“I don't have time for this. I have to...” Renji grabbed him hard by the arm and pulled him up the stairs. He found an empty room and pulled Ichigo inside it.
“Renji, what the hell are you doing?”
“Were you two... seeing each other?” He asked, both hands gripping Ichigo's shoulders. Ichigo moved uncomfortably.
“You were, weren't you...” When he got no answer, he let go of Ichigo's shoulders, threw his arms up in the air, and let out an irritated sigh, then shook his head. “How could I not see it?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You're gay! And I missed it...” Renji sat down on the edge of the bathtub and put his head in his hands.
“I'm not... and I wasn't...” Renji cut him off.
“Yes... you are.”
“Well... so what? Why the hell does it matter to you?”
Renji got up and paced the bathroom, then turned to Ichigo.
“Is it not obvious?!” He let out a frustrated growl.
“Why are you getting so worked up over this?!”
“Because I want you Ichigo! But...” He sat back down on the edge of the bathtub and let out a small laugh. “Looks like I might just have that chance now...”
Ichigo looked at him for awhile, then turned around. “I don't need this.” He opened the door a crack, but it was soon slammed shut by Renji's hand. His body was right up against Ichigo's. The strength that he used to slam the door overpowered Ichigo's, and excited him a little.
'Fine then, if that little prick Ishida wants to be like that, then oh well...' He turned around. Renji's hand was still on the door, and their faces were now only inches apart. He could smell the alcohol on Renji's breath. Ichigo reached and grabbed the band that was holding Renji's hair up, pulling it down. His red hair flowed perfectly, some of it going in front of his face, so Ichigo pushed those few strands away and kissed the soul reaper. Renji moved his hand from the door and embraced Ichigo as they broke apart.
Ichigo lifted Renji's shirt to feel his muscled stomach and Renji pulled his shirt the rest of the way off, then helped Ichigo with his. He pushed Renji onto the floor of the bathroom and started unbuttoning his pants. Renji reached up and pulled his pants off, then started unbuttoning his own.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Uryuu was on his way home, regretting every word that he had said.
“Damnit. Its this fuckin' alcohol makin' me all emotional. I needa think before I speak...” He couldn't believe what he had said to Ichigo.
'It's over...' rang in his ears. He couldn't stand it, he'd finally had him, and now... he had to apologize. He turned around and walked back to Chizuru's.
He wasn't very far away, so it didn't take him long to return. He walked inside and stumbled upstairs, looking for Ichigo. He opened every door along the hallway and he finally found him. His eyes widened at the sight of his former boyfriend and... 'Renji??' naked on the bathroom floor.
Ichigo stopped kissing Renji and smirked up at Uryuu. “Don't you ever knock?”
Uryuu slammed the door and put his back against it. Sliding down to the floor, he grabbed his hair and tried to fight back tears, but they came anyway, and he sat there, sobbing while Ichigo was directly behind him, probably banging another guy.
No... he wasn't going to do this. He slowly stood up and wiped his eyes. He didn't need him, if this was the kind of person that Ichigo Kurosaki was, then fuck him. He rushed down the stairs where he bumped into Hitsugaya.
"Watch it Ishida..." Said an annoyed white-haired captain, rubbing his head.
"Oh... s'rry." Uryuu turned to walk away, but was grabbed by the arm.
"No, I have some buisness that I need to discuss with you."

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Ichigo leaned back down and started kissing Renji's neck.
"Smart choice, ditching the loser like that."
Ichigo stopped what he was doing and looked up at Renji. "What?"
"You heard me. I don't see why you wanted to be with him in the first place."
"Renji, you're drunk, don't be..."
"Oh come on, don't defend him, after all, you have me now, right? He said that it was over between you two, but I bet he's out there crying... pathetic..."
"Don't call him pathetic! Maybe I shouldn't be doing this." Ichigo got up and started putting his pants back on.
"Fine, run back to that little bastard... but don't come crawling back to me when you finally find out he's not man enough for you." He said as he too began getting dressed. Ichigo finished dressing quickly and rushed out the door, but not too quickly to leave without punching Renji in the nose.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Uryuu turned and faced the captain. "Whada you mean?" He watched the face of Hitsugaya blur slightly as his vision went in and out of focus.
"Damn it Ishida! Do you not have more sense than to drink, especially when..." his sentence stopped there as he moved quickly to catch the now falling teen.
"Great." said Hitsugaya, thoroughly annoyed. "Motsomoto..." She turned around and stopped looking at the different real world things on a shelf at the mention of her name.
"Oh! Taicho, what happened?"
"Blacked out. I'm not sure if it's from the drug or the alcohol, but we'd better take him to the soul society."
"Right." Motsomoto took Uryuu and they were about to set off when Ichigo came down the stairs.
"Toshiro, what are you doing here..." Ichigo's eyes rested on Uryuu's limp body. "What's wrong with Ishida?" he asked, trying not to appear overly concered, though he was thoroughly worried at this point.
Hitsugaya glared at him, "It's Hits..."
"I know Hitsugaya-taicho! What's wrong with Uryuu?!" Hitsugaya looked taken aback at actually hearing Ichigo call him captain, and at the fact that he let his concern for Uryuu show.
"Kurosaki, we have to take him to the soul society, I'll explain when we return..."
"I'm going with you."
"No, you have to stay here and take care of the hollows..."
"I said, I am going with you. This place has been dead when it comes to hollows and..."
"It's not going to be like that for long. Like I said, I'll explain when we return." and with that, they quickly left.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

A couple of days passed and Ichigo did nothing but stay in his room that weekend, he didn't eat and he barely slept, waiting for Hitsugaya and Uryuu to return. Except when the hollows would come. There were so many of them, powerful hollows. It was three in the morning and Ichigo had school, so he stopped staring out his window and laid down in bed, trying not to think.
Next thing he knew, he was being woken up by the alarm clock. He was slow getting ready in the morning, and was late for class. When he walked into the classroom, he saw a girl standing in front of the class.
"Take your seat Kurosaki." Ichigo did as he was told, and sat down in front of a gloomy looking Orihime.
"Class, this is our new student. Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself."
"Okay..." Spoke the slinder girl with dark blond hair and blue eyes. "Well, my name is Lydia Anderson... or do I say Anderson Lydia... I don't know, just call me Lydia. My family name is Anderson." She had a little more than a slight accent. "My family just moved here from America, so forgive me if I don't say some things correctly. I love Rock, Metal music and some people might call me a bit eccentric..."
"Alright Anderson, please take a seat beside of Orihime."
"Which is...?"
"The one with long red hair and huge boobs."
She laughed a little, and sat down beside of Orihime.
The teacher talked on, instructing the class on math when Ichigo felt the back of his leg burn. He stood up quickly yelling, "Shit!" and the whole class was staring at him. He then felt a ruler hit the side of his head.
"Kurosaki, if you're going to disrupt the class, then you can step outside the room."
Lydia raised her hand. "May I go to the restroom?"
"I'm timing you... Go!" she hit a button on her watch and Lydia sped out of the room after Ichigo.
"Kurosaki!" She said after they both exited the room. "You're Ichigo Kurosaki, right?"
Ichigo raised an eyebrow. "Yeah... how did you..."
"I'm Lydia, I've been sent from the tenth division of the soul society to give you some information."
Ichigo's heart skipped a beat. "Uryuu..." he whispered.
"Yes, it's about him. He'll be alright. They said that the drug that he took was experimental, and he probably got it from the research team, and they're working on getting the rest of it out of his body."
"You mean it's still in there?"
"A little bit of it is. It's really messed with his body though... It will take him a while to fully recouperate."
"What about the hollows, why have they been showing up like crazy? Not only the normal ones, but extremely difficult one's as well."
"The drug that Ishida took filled his body with a ton of spirit energy, way too much for one person to handle. The hollows sensed this energy and, until now, didn't pinpoit it to Karakura. Now that they have, they've been reeking havok trying to find the source. That's another reason that I've been sent here, to help you to destroy the hollows that come until the remaining traces of spirit energy dissappear."
Ichigo turned his back to her. "I don't need any help."
"You look exhasted Kurosaki. Whether you want to admit it or not, you need my help, and I will be here."
Ichigo then heard the sound of a cell phone and looked down to see that his own badge was blinking and making noise as well.
“Perfect timing. Now you can see what I've got.” Lydia said as she swallowed a piece of soul candy and flew out of her body. Ichigo rushed to his locker and opened it.
“It's about freaking time Ichigo!” complained Kon. “Wait, it's not time to go home yet is it? Oh no, I don't like that look...” He bagan to gag as Ichigo stuffed his hand down his throat and pulled out the small green ball. He swallowed it and was out of his body. He grabbed his body by the collar.
“Don't... make me look bad Kon.” He then jumped out the window after Lydia.
“Where is it?” Ichigo asked the girl who was staring into her cell. She looked over her shoulder at him.
“Oh I see, now you want my help huh?”
“Just shut up and tell me where it is.”
“This way.” She replied.
After awhile he saw it. It was huge and by Chizuru's house. Ichigo ran up to it and his sword unwrapped. He jumped up but was knocked back by a swift thrust of the creature's arm. He flew through the air and hit the ground hard, still sliding.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have no technique?” Lydia asked as she pulled out her sword. Holding it in front of her face she said, “Flow through the enemy, Indrinya.” There was a small flash of white light and the sword began to collapse, starting from the tip. A few seconds passed and the blade had turned into a wide silver ribbon with a long dragon etched into it. The handle changed from brown to red and black.
She jumped up and slung her arm forward, sending the ribbon flying toward the hollow.
“No tecnique? Look at you. You're attacking with a dance ribbon!” Ichigo said as he got to his feet.
The hollow swung an arm towards her, and she tried to dodge but failed. As she fell to the ground, she sent the ribbon toward the enemy and wrapped it around it's arm. She pulled hard and the ribbon sliced through the arm cutting it off. She hit the ground and Ichigo went back after the hollow. He swung his remaining arm, and Ichigo barely dodged, but just as he did, the arm came at him again and knocked him down.
'Damn, he's fast. I don't think I've ever seen a hollow with this much speed.' Ichigo thought as he got up again.
'Let me do this for you' He heard a voice inside him say.
“No, I don't need you!” He rushed at him again, but was overcome by the hollow inside him. He put his head in his free hand and strugled to remain in control. It didn't work. The hollow lifted his head out of his hand, laughing. He sped towards the hollow and once again jumped in the air. The hollow blew out a stream of yellow liquid, which dark Ichigo avoided. It hit the ground and melted away the sidwalk. He lifted his sword and sliced through the mask, then his eyes widened and began to change into its normal brown. Ichigo fell limp to the ground below him.
“Kurosaki!” Lydia ran over to where the teen was lying on the ground. “Are you alright?” Ichigo sat up, a hand on his head.
“Yeah I'm fine, let's just get out of here.” Right as he finished his sentence, he heard the familiar sound of the cell phone.
“Damnit! Not another one...” But then he looked down to see that his badge was not going off. Lydia reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone.
“Yes taicho? Oh... alright... well... we'll be there as soon as possible.”
“Who was it?” asked Ichigo, still rubbing his head.
“Hitsugaya-taicho. We're needed in the sould society.”
“What do you mean 'we'? What's wrong?”
“Ishida's having some complications.”
“Well, what can we do?” Ichigo asked, puzzled.
“I don't know, but there need us there for some reason...”