Boys Over Flowers Fan Fiction ❯ Once in a lifetime Opportunity ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Once in a lifetime Opportunity
Seriously, I only wanted to thank her properly, because of her; I had a second chance, because of her; I no longer have regret. She showed me the billboard my once secret childhood love left for me to see. I messed up big time back then and because of her; I had a second chance to do it again. But, for Sara and I; our book was over. As she said, it was our once-in-a-life-time-opportunity that phrase being my mantra to seize the day so the Romans said.

But that girl, even though she fancied herself in love with me was selfless. She cared more about my happiness than her own and shecdamn she took her time to go and find that billboard with just a little bit of information I had given her and gave me that as a present.

She was willing to let me reunite with Sara even though she herself was in love with me. I’m still blown away by that very unselfish thought. I can never be so sacrificing. After I watched Sara walk out of the door I had called her up and asked her to meet with me, when she did I told her what happened and that it wouldn’t work out with Sara and I that our story already ended in the past our opportunity was over. Really, all I had in mind was to take her out to eat buy her a present as thanks and be on my way, she looked ready to cry for me. I shrugged it off and acted nonchalant. But I could see it in her eyes that look of hope but she dare not say anything out loud. The bastard that I am couldn’t leave it alone. She is not like other girls and wellcI just lost Sara it’s not like I’m going to change even if I had Sara. Before I could even catch what I was saying I started speaking.

“I can’t look at you as someone I can love Yuukic but to me, you’re the one who caused a revolution in my life. You’re an important being to me.”
I meant what I said. I didn’t want to mess it up with Yuuki. As friends we have something good going on. And Makino, well, if I hurt Yuuki she’d seriously kill me I believe and my playboy life would be over. But as I said the words it was like I closed that book before it I could even open it. But, what’s done is done right? It really is better this way. I really didn’t want to look at her but I knew I had to drive home the point that I was being for real. She couldn’t reform me into this prince she pictured me to be. I look at her face and I couldn’t read it clearly it seem like she remembered something I guess but I turned away and said something about getting food; that I was starved. Seriously, I may be a bastard but, I don’t want to give her false hope. She can do better than me. Yeah I've got everything I can offer her but, I’m a pig come on. I feel sorry for whoever it is my parents force me to marry. I don’t plan on being faithful since I can’t love. Sara is a prime example of that. I loved her and I cheated on her and we weren’t even a couple officially, just childhood friends, but, I knew she loved me though she didn’t confess it at that time. I knew the date she planned was so that she can confess her feelings by showing me that billboard. I didn't say anything to her just accepted the plans she made and letting her go off to meet with me and not show up for our date because I was in bed with some random girl. But thoseare my problems and I’m getting off the subject; YuukicI say something to the fact that I’m going to continue playing around and freeze my heart for her benefit and the next thing I know she kind’ve shyly screams that she’ll warm me up.

I say something stupid in response about her knitting me a sweater or scarf I can’t remember which I said but it was to give her a way out. I knew exactly what she meant but I can’t do that to her; not when I know she wants more of me. I’m not being a total ass here. I respect her that’s why I gave her a way out. Not once but twice. But she was adamant. She said she wanted to be revolutionized too that she’ll be happier if she were.

My body reacted before my brain did and the next thing I know I was kissing her with the same gentleness that was fluttering inside my heart. Being that she was nervous I went ahead and led the way. I kind’ve feel sorry for her, she was being led like the young bull or ram getting ready to be slaughtered for a higher power according to the Old Testament in Christian religion. I checked into a hotel and settled her down. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and gave her yet another out. I was in there for an hour; I was hungry tired and a bitc.nervous? Maybe anxious this wasn’t someone I want to hurt. But if this is what she wanted as her thank you, well, I can't be ungracious can I? And this is where I finally come to you with this story, I’ve caught you up and so now I look at myself in the mirror once more and call myself a bastard, a good looking bastard but a bastard still the same. Maybe, she’ll be gone, but I don’t want her to be. ‘Sigh’ I finally come out of the bathroom dressed in nothing but my robe and she is sitting in the overstuffed chair looking cute in her pixie cut and red face. I laughed.

“So you’re still here. I thought by now you would have gone.”
Her eyes looked a bit angrily at me as she stood up to me.

“D..didn’t I say that I want to be revolutionized too?”

“A guy can make sure right? It’s not every day that a playboy sleeps with a dear friend.” She gasped audibly and then looked down at her shoes embarrassed at my compliment of her. I walked over to her and pulled her into my body for an embrace. “Yuuki, I’ll do whatever it is that you wish me to do, just remember that I cannot love you. I cannot be your prince.” I kissed the top of her head tenderly.

“IcI know, but, but I really want this. This could be my once in a lifetime opportunityc”

“But Yuuki, do you know the seriousness of what I’m saying to you? We’ll all be hanging out together sooner or later and I’ll be with some girl and I’ll have sex with that girl. You can never be my girlfriend. I respect you Yuuki and I don’t want to see your hurt expression later. This is your last chance Yuuki if you don’t run now this wolf will devour you.” I felt her shudder in my arms and it feltc.goodc

“My family is moving to Canada. My father, well after what happened at his job he got scared so he filed for a job overseas and he got it. Please don’t tell Tsukushi because she’ll blame herself and she and Tsukasa will never be happy. I told her that my dad got a promotion and that it was in Canada. So please Nishikado san, please give me a really good memory. I don’t want to have regrets pleasec.”

Shocked was the only thing that consumed me at the moment. “W..when do you leave?”

“On Monday I’ll be going into work tomorrow for the last time to be with Tsukushi and then I’ll leave on Monday.” She finished quietly. For a few moments I just looked at her. I don’t know why I felt sad, but, she’s right. This is her once in a lifetime opportunity and I owed her this much.

“Call Makino tell her to cover for you than call your mom and tell her that you’re staying the weekend with Makino.” She looked at me quizzically for a moment and then did as I asked her to do. Why was my heart racing so fast at this revelation? Maybe excitement; that I can do this thing with her and not have to feel like a bastard every time I see her; yeah, keh, as if that makes me less of a bastard but if I don’t have to see her hurt expression or feel her hand slapping me in my face for telling her the truth because she still dreamed well kudos for me right? I pick up the rooms’ phone and dialed for room service “yes I’d like to order a bottle of Pernod-Ricard Perrier-Jouet some fresh sweet fruit and red rose petals, no make that pinkcno, not roses just the petalscyes, I want a CD of American love songs and...bath salts and message oil. Yes. Thank you.”

I looked at Yuuki and my heart was racing. Excitement? “Go ahead and wash up ok, I will not let you go to Canada without the best memory so, you’ll be staying here with me this weekend, the entire weekend isn’t that great!”

She gave me a queer look but didn’t say anything and left to the rest room. When she finally came out she was wrapped in the robe that was fuzzy and too big for her but she looked adorable in it. She looked over at the tray and with a nervous hand picked up a glass filled with the expensive yet very tasty Champaign. She sipped it gently. I watched as her lips touched the glass so feathery. She could feel me watching her. The seduction is already on. I move closer to her just letting her body feel my presence she already shuddered at my nearness. I grabbed a glass and took a good swig of it. With the taste of it still in my mouth I kissed hercreally kissed hercgod why is she so different from the other girls? I pull her from me and I could see she was still drunk on just that one kiss. I smiled. I turned on the stereo and put the CD on play and a song started playing.

Close your eyes make a wish and blow out the candle light for tonight is just your night we’re going to celebrate, all thru the night. Pour the wine, light the fire girl your wish is my command I submit to your demands I'll do anything, girl you need only askcI trailed hot kisses down her neck hovering over her sensitive skin there before placing my lips again on that soft sweet smelling flesh of hers. I felt like a wolf wanting to devour the little lamb, but the lyrics to the song were drumming into my ears and suddenly I remembered why I was with her so I slowed down, she wasn’t the countless number of girls whose names I don’t even remember, nor do I remember their faces. I close my mind from the outside thoughts I have to concentrate on Yuukic
I'll make love to you like you want me to and I'll hold you tight baby all through the nightI'll make love to you when you want me to and I will not let go till you tell me to Girl relax, let's go slow I ain't got nowhere to go I'm just gonna concentrate on youGirl are you ready, it's gonna be a long night Throw your clothes on the floorI'm gonna take my clothes off tooc.
I find myself listening to the lyrics again as I slow down to make sure that I am not scaring her. God what is wrong with these love songs why does this song have to be almost on the mark? Making lovecis this what I’m doing with her? But I’m considerate with all the other girls until it’s over. I always perform like a magician when the show is on I dazzle them and then disappear.

She gasps for air and it brought my mind back to what I was doing as I take in her sweet little nipple into my mouth and suck on it. Her hands are exploring me freely as if this is the most natural thing for her to do. The shy Yuuki is gone and here in my arms is a woman who wants to wake up but quietly if that makes any sensec her hands draw my face up and she kisses my mouth, my neckcit almost startles me that she is taking some control of the situation, it’s the least I can do to fulfill her fantasy this illusioned love makingc.damnc.she’s doing well, her soft tongue plunging into my mouth daringly but a little shyc.her hand is stroking my oh damncI’m losing my mindc.I made plans to be with you girl whatever you ask me, you know, I'll doc baby tonight is your night and I will do you right just make a wish on your night anything that you ask I will give you the love of your lifec.Her legs part and I slide into my position, my mind fuzzy with her, this stupid song saying stupid crap that’s making sense to me at the moment. Damn, this heat it’s so damn tight I push a little more and she’s pulling up on me. I open my eyes as the chorus is reaching its peak and I find that I am reaching mine but I got to hold myself together, I’m disciplined, I can see my sweat fall off the tip of my nose onto her forehead, it’s so damned tight and I push in deeply feeling something break beneath mecaround me, I watch as her eyes open wide with tears as she lays still beneath me, the pain that is coursing through my body is bittersweet just like the tea I drink and teach at ceremonies. I remembered the first little date I had with her when I found her crying telling her that love is like the tea, bittersweet. The men on the CD kept singing their chorus I kiss away her tears gently while I’m still in pain and since we’re not finished yet I’ve got an aching need. I’ve never been with a virgin, it’s one of my rules. Virgins want to stay with you forever, they have a vision of love when there were no emotions but passion between the sheetsc “oh damn”c. that felt good sweet little woman beneath me pushes up on me damncdamncYuukicI lay my head between her collar bone and push in gently starting again now that she was ready ‘yeahcI’ll make love to you Yuuki, I will hold you tight’ all of a sudden I start imagining her with another guy in the future I don’t like that idea so immediately I squash it and push into her deeper, implanting myself into her, a part of me doesn’t want her to forget this, to always want this, to want me no matter who it is that is with her in future, no one else can do this to her. I know my thinking right now is irrational and not at the moment romanticc. no, I’m feeling primal and a bit jealous for reason’s I’m not ready to ponder on at the moment all I know is that I have to conquer this, her? Damn it I don’t know, I’m just a bastard who doesn’t want to share this right now so I push in faster deeper hearing her breath quicken in my ears. Over and over again I’m plunging as deep as I can go I change the pace on her making her dizzy and crazy I push in slowly deeply penetrating this feeling of her tight walls surrounding mecsomething in the back of my mind is saying something but I can’t hear it, I don’t care what it says, is it another song I don’t know. But I want to claim her forever, she’s mine. No matter what guy she gets with in future he’ll always have to battle with this memory, when she marries some regular shmo when she’s feeling hot and turned on it’s because she’s thinking of me, not him, never him. I delve into her harder and faster with a bit of malice in me for my thoughts of her future affairs. I know it’s sadistic right now I want to hurt her and cause her pleasure at the same time.

She’s mewling my name brokenly, it’s driving me freaking crazy she biting my ear lobe, barely able to speak and my name “NishicKadoc” is chanting from her lips. Damn if people only knew how much of a bastard I was. I pull her up roughly onto my lap and brought her down on me fast, hard, but she’s keeping up good, I’m sucking on her salty skin bruising her lips with my kisses leaving evidence that ‘I was here’ on her neck and collar bone. She throws her head back as I heard a screamc

My heart pounding, I rest my forehead on her breast bone and whisper her name as I held her slick wet body to mine shakingc I will never forget her name. Yuuki. I have to be honest, I’m a real bastard she gave me two gifts and I can offer her nothing in return but my body.

After the next few times of ‘making love to her’ I carried her to the rest room and gave her a sponge bath and washed her hair. I’ve always wanted to try it. We laughed as I told her my stupid reasons why I wanted to do that but then she gave me her serious quiet expression.


“Yuuki, you’re hurting my feelings, I believe you can call me Sojiro now.”

“Oh yeah.” She says to me shyly. “UmcSojiro-kun do you do this with the other girls?”
My eyes soften, I as I look at her. She was questioning my motives. Hell I wondered why too. If this were some random girl, I would have already been waiting for Akira outside or already left for home. “You’re leaving in a couple of day’s right and I need to thank you properly, on top of that you’re an important being to me right?” She looked into the bubbled water and scooped up some bubbles then released them back into the water.

“That’s right, NishicI mean Sojiro-kun did say that to me. But you don’t have to, really, you’ve done plenty.”

“No, I owe you. You gave me your virginity, you were a cute working class virgin with upright parents, I’m pretty sure that your parents would disapprove of this behavior especially being that I won’t be with you in marriage.” ‘Idiot’ I tell myself as she looked down at her painted toe nails with a bit of a messed up design on them. She must’ve done her own toenails.

Her silence stabbed at me. I am such a bastard and I don’t deserve her friendship or her love. I pulled her out of the tub and dried her off tenderly as she blushed from head to her messed up painted toes literally as I examined all of her. I softly lay her down on the soft towel I had her wrapped in not even making it to the bed. I was ready to have her again I really didn’t understand this need to keep possessing her. Her body responded to mine in a heartbeat, this girlc.Yuukicright there in the restroom I took her on the cold golden marble tile floor with the fuzzy towel and caressed her smooth silky skin with my own body, honestly that night I don’t know how many times I’ve lain down with her. I possessed her everywhere in that room and even now that we are finally worn out to go to sleep I still don’t feel satisfied I still feel a need for her to be in my system. I shake it off, it has to be because she is leaving for another country, and she’ll be unavailable to me.

Finally, we’re tired enough to finally go to sleep her naked body felt just right next to me with her in my arms. It was the best sleep I’ve ever had. Again this girl revolutionized me. She gave me yet another gift. Being able to see what it would feel like if I loved someone was a wonderful gift, I guess when I wake up I’ll have to pay her backc

I’m Sojiro Nishikado I’m the second richest guy in four countries, cultured, intelligent, strong, I’m good looking, charming, and an idol since I’m part of the infamous F4. Girls fight over whose going to bed down with me. Girls dream about bedding me, I’m a playboy, a rouge, a cad, so tell me why am I alone in this bed when I wake up this morning?

These sheets, your quiet sensuous scent still lingers on themcon mecyou are one person that I will admit making love to. Yuukic.