Boys Over Flowers Fan Fiction ❯ Once in a lifetime Opportunity ❯ Yes I'll marry you ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“Is everything alright Yuuki? How was your visit with your friend?” Yuuki looked up at the man who had helped her out when she was alone in the world with just a baby in the womb. He was a forty year old man with a hint of a pot belly. He had silver hair growing at his temple and kind green eyes that crinkled in the corners.

“Oh, everything was great we had fun.”

“Yuuki, Soji looks upset what happened?”

Yuuki finished putting the grocery in the cabinet and hung her shopping bag in the kitchen pantry.

“His father was there and well, he now knows who is daddy is.”

The doctor stood up from the little stool that was sitting in front of the kitchen’s high counter and looked worriedly at Yuuki.

“It’s alright Mr. Arcand –san everything is going to be alright.”

“Do you want to tell me now who the father is? Now that Soji knows maybe I can know too?”

“His father is a very wealthy man in Japan. You know that tea that you like so much when you come to visit the tea is made by his family company, they are now opening a new branch in Spain, they are venturing into coffee since that has become very popular in Japan as well.”

“c.I seec.Yuukic.does this affect my proposal?”

Yuuki sighed. She had to be honest with him. Seeing Sojiro again and making love again to him in the cabin her heart was definitely thumping but not for the doctor. Well, to be honest her heart never thumped for the doctor it just seemed steady, convenient is more the word. Sojiro was right a life without passion but, at least she had his love and she did love him in a friendship way maybe that could be enough?

“Mr.Arcand-san we need to talk.”

“Yuuki please call me Paul.”

“I have to be honest with you Paul-san, I do not love you the way that you love me I think I will forever be in love with Soji’s father, but, I cannot be with him. He respects me as a precious person and that is it and for me I want him to love me in return to really love me. But I am not being fair to you Mr. I mean Paul-san. Here I am not wanting to come in last place but, if you want to marry me I can’t give you all of my heart. I respect you Paul-san you are a very important person to mec.”

Yuuki was crying because she now understood exactly what Sojiro meant when he said these very words to her. Tears were streaming down her face in hot torrents, soon she felt dry thumbs wiping away her tears. She pulled his hands down and choked back on her tears.

“These are the words he said to me and I understand them completely now. Mr. Arcand-san I don’t wish to hurt you. Marrying you will hurt you because I do not love you in that way with passion. I see how you look at me andcI don’t know if I can give you what you want of me.”

He held her in his arms and rocked her as he sighed into the top of her head. “I understand Yuuki. I was once young myself, but, right now I’m not looking for passion just a gentle heart and a nice family. You’re a respectful girl and you’re so hard working and brave and I admire that. I still want to marry you Yuuki, I guess it’s the old man in me wantingcwanting to taste the spring once again. Please say you’ll marry me Yuuki. I don’t care if you are in love with someone else, he’s not in your life right, he doesn’t want you why should you be alone? You have me, I can provide for you and Soji, I can give you a good sturdy home and I can love you and I’m patient I can wait for you to love me in the same way.”

His words hurt her, cut her right through her soul. It’s not that Sojiro didn’t want her he proposed to her as well he even said they could get married and move to Spain, but it was her pride a part of her wanted what her best friend had a man who would turn the entire earth over just for her that she was his sun, his moon and his star. Maybe she did ask for too much. She sent him away in her own fear of his philandering, no, she had too, he shouldn’t do such a thing if he truly loved her, but he only wanted her because he wanted his son. She knew that wasn’t entirely true but she had to mentally shake her head out of her own wishful thinking.

“Please marry me Yuuki I might not be the love of your life but I’m real, I’m here.”

Yes he was here; “yescyes I’ll marry you.”


Three years later Sojiro was on a plane headed toward Canada. He had received a phone call while he was planning a new ad campaign strategy for his Spain coffee collection when his secretary told him that it was an important call from a Yuuki. Immediately he picked up the phone and started in Japanese.

“Yuuki is everything fine?”

“Hi, am I speaking to Mr. Sojiro Nishikado?”

“Yes, may I ask who is calling?” he now replied in French.

“This is the nurse at Mercy hospital it seems that your phone number was listed as next of kin.”

Sojiro paled and immediately slumped into his chair licking his dry lips it didn’t help since there was no moisture.

“Mr. Nishikado, there has been an accident and Mrs. Arcand is in the hospital she is on a ventilator and has not regained consciousness yet. In fact she seems to be in a coma.”

His heart stopped beating, he didn’t breathe his chest started to burn. He swallowed “In a coma? What happened?”

“Mr. Nishikado Mrs. Arcand was in a motor accident. She was riding on a bus when the bus had crashed. From what we’ve gathered the bus driver had some sort of a seizure and this was the cause of the accident, she is in the emergency room right now.”

“My son?”

“That’s the other reason we’re calling you. Your son is fine, he was at school when the accident took place, however, he has informed us that you are his biological father and well, we need you to come and pick him up otherwise we’ll have to award him temporary custody of the state.

“I’m a little bit confused here, where is Mr. Arcand was in the accident as well?”

“I’m sorry Mr. Nishikado Dr.Arcand has been dead now for the past year.”

The dryness reached his lungs although he was very relieved about his son, he was taken aback by this new information. When he had found out they were getting married he had gone over to stop her from getting married a few days before the wedding.

“Yuuki, you’re making a mistake come back with me.”

“IcI can’t Nishi-kun. I’ve made up my mind. Mr. Arcand-san has been so kind andc”

“Yuuki you don’t love him.”

“He already knows that. He already knows that he’s an important being to me. I now truly understand what you meant by that statement.”

“Yuuki, I was an ass when I said ok, I love you, come with me please you and Soji come back with me.”

Yuuki shook her head. “Our moment our once in a lifetime opportunity has passed Nishi-kun our story is now closed. You can visit with Soji whenever you want, but, I’m marrying Dr.Arcand.”

And once she had gotten married he never made contact with her again, he simply sent letters, money and gifts to his son. He couldn’t face the reality that Yuuki was now a married woman and he knew that if he had gone into the chapel and dragged her out of there like Akira had told him to Yuuki would not be laying in that hospital right now.

“IcI’m sorry I had no ideacI’m on my way right now.”

“Thank you Mr.Nishikado and just to let you know, Mrs. Arcand had signed proxy over to you in case of emergency such as this one so you are now in charge of any medical decisions that regard her health.”

“Why? I mean I understand what you’re saying but why would I have to make any kind of decision? She’s going to be alright right?”

“Well as I said earlier Mr. Nishikado, she is in a coma and although we do not have all the details of her situation she is in pretty bad shape to be honest with you.”

“Get the best doctor from either your hospital or someone else’s but she is going to be alright you hear me, get the best doctor I’ll send another team of renowned doctors if I need to, I’ll pay whatever I have to but she is not going tocshe not do you hear me!”

So that is how he is now on a private jet to Canada. Finally landing he had already set up a team of people to pick him up and bring him straight to the hospital. He had men already keeping tabs on his son and watching Yuuki’s room keeping him informed on all the happenings. When he walked through the double doors into the waiting area where his son was waiting he was confronted by an eight year old boy who was pretty scared.

Immediately the boy ran over to him and hugged him. Sojiro could do nothing but comfort his son and wait for Yuuki to open her eyes.

In the middle of the night he was holding Yuuki’s hand while Soji was lying down on the little couch provided in the room. Once Sojiro got over his emotions somewhat he had demanded that Yuuki be moved to a private room and that he and Soji stay until Yuuki was well enough to go home. Well money and power won out. When he wrote a check to the hospital the head of the hospital had no choice but to accommodate. And so now he was able to be by her side and pray that she wake up from this.

“YuukicI wanted to come and stop your wedding but I chickened out. I told myself that you wouldn’t run away with me. That you wouldn’t leave that man standing at the altar. Ha you didn’t know that I had people spying on you that day and they told me you were looking around and even at that last moment you looked toward the door. But I was too afraid, I was too afraid thatcMy father died Yuuki, two years ago he died and you know what I had found out? I had found out that my father really did love his wife, it was she who didn’t love him. She was forced to marry him, you know that arranged marriage most privilege people have to go through.

I had found out that the woman who was my mom well, it was a fabricated lie he had adopted me from some rich teenage model who didn’t want a scandal. She’s still alive today and not a junkie. When his real son had died she was actually sad and because he loved her he lied, he didn’t want my mom to know that I was bought and so told my mom that I was his and that was the birth of his philandering. After he said that, she wouldn’t allow him to touch her again and so that’s when he went on adulterous life style. Isn’t it funny how all this time I thoughtcdamn it, if I had known this then I wouldn’t have missed my opportunity with you. Yuuki please open your eyes, please? Yuuki I love you, you are an important being to me you are the most important to me because I love you please Yuuki open your eyes get better and come be my wife like you were meant to becI’m sorryc.I’m sorry I’m such a bastard but pleasecpleasec.”

He felt her hand softly like a barely there touch of a feather move within his own palm. He looked up at her and whispered “Yuuki? Yuuki can you hear me?” Soon the door was opening and the nurses were coming in checking her vitals and looking at the monitor.

“What’s going on?”

“Mr. Nishikado it appears that she is now establishing some conscience brain activity so we’re here to check on her please move back alright?”

He did as he was told and noticed that Soji had woke up with the commotion of nurses entering the room and he began explaining what the nurses told him.

“Ms. Arcand if you can hear me open your eyes.” Said her doctor who had slipped in unnoticed by anyone.

Everyone stopped breathing and watched Yuuki, as if Houdini was there before their eyes to perform his stunt magical act waiting for a miracle to happen and when it finally did Sojiro was furiously shedding tears while hugging his son. Once everyone left and all the things that required testing to make sure that she was alright he quietly went over to her and called her name softly. “Yuuki.” Her eyes fluttered slowly open and tears started to trace her cheeks. “I’m glad you are ok Yuuki.” And he gave her a kiss on her forehead. “I know you have been through a tough timecbut you are no longer going to suffer Yuuki, you and Soji are coming home with me. I love you Yuuki, I love you.”