Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Series of Unfortunate Fanfics--CCS MSTings ❯ Maylein and Lea in Luv ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

cardcaptor girl's "Maylein Raye and Lea Sharon in luv!" MSTied by L-chan

L-chan's notes will appear at the end of the story. Make sure you read them.

Disclaimer: Although Card Captor Sakura belongs to CLAMP, I occasionally like to borrow the characters for my own purposes, none of which involve making money.

~L-chan's House~

<L-chan greets her guests Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling, Kero, and Touya. Then….>

L-chan: Yuuuukiiito-kuuuuun! *glomp*

Touya: So what did L-chan promise you, Yuki?

Yukito: Nothing. I don't know why you don't like this. She smells good, like…

Touya: Like peaches. *sighs*

L-chan: I'm glad you all came. I've got a surprise for you!

Sakura: That can't be good.

<The doorbell rings, and L-chan goes to answer the door. She greets the three "surprise" guests.>

L-chan: Welcome! Did you find the place okay?

Eriol: Naturally. I am Clow, after all.

Spinel: We stopped for directions three times.

Nakuru: So, L-chan, do you remember our deal?

L-chan: Of course. He's all yours.

Nakuru: Tooooooouya-kuuuuun! *glomp*

Touya: I'll get you for this, L-chan.

L-chan: You'd better. What is all that noise outside?

Eriol: Oh, that's just my fan club. They follow me everywhere.

Syaoran: As full of yourself as ever, eh, Hiiragizawa?

Eriol: Nice to see you, too, my cute descendant. Sakura-san, Tomoyo-san, and Meiling-san, you're all lovely, as always.

Touya: What a kiss-up.

Kero: Come on, Suppi. Let's skip the story and go play video games. I know where L-chan hides the cookies.

<Kero and Spinel fly off to find games and snacks while everyone else settles in for the story.>

L-chan: I'm warning you all now; this story is truly dreadful.

Eriol: Excellent. One question. Do we go by the anime or the manga around here?

Meiling: *waves* Did you not see me?

Eriol: Got it. Carry on.

>>cardcaptor girls notes: Hello, my name is cardcaptor gril

Tomoyo: <cardcaptor girl> And I'm a bad fanfic author!

All: Hi, cardcaptor girl!

Syaoran: Welcome to the Cardcaptor Gril. Our specials are poor spelling and a lack of knowledge about CCS.

>>and I am a MeiLi writer for fan

Sakura: They are the objects of my af-fection.

>>I don own anything,

Meiling: <cardcaptor girl> Even my brain's been repossessed.

>>not CCS characters, not the CCS story itself. SO DON'T SUE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Touya: Oh, we'll think of much worse ways to hurt you, don't worry.

>>Plaese, don't get mad at me

Yukito: Then "plaese" don't inflict your story on the unsuspecting.

>>and don't flame me, cause I like MeiLi

Syaoran: But we don't like you!

>>and theres NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT ITT!!!!!!!!

Eriol: At ITT, we're training the evil technicians of the future!

L-chan: I hope cardcaptor girl doesn't have to pay royalties for all of these exclamation points.

Tomoyo: No wonder she's broke.

>>…and now with my story, which is called…drum-drum-drum-

Sakura: Please don't let it be about me. Please don't let it be about me. Please….

>>Maylein Raye and Lea Sharon in luv!

Syaoran: No! Stop the story now!

L-chan: Sorry. We went to a lot of trouble to get this. We're reading it.

Eriol: This is already very promising.

Nakuru: Should I know who these people are?

Yukito: Ask Ruby.

Nakuru: That dubbed twit? Ah, I understand now.

>>Maylein Raye was sitting on top of a huge bilding

Tomoyo: <Maylein> I can see my "hous" from here!

Touya: <Maylein> I wonder how big a splat I'd make if I jumped.

Meiling: Hey, as long as I don't fall in love with the bath sponge again, I'll take whatever's coming.

>>and looked down at the people beneath her.

Eriol: <Maylein> You're all beneath me. I am the greatest!

>>The girl cried her heart out.

Sakura: It must be terrible to be a Raye. She's always crying.

>>She was very upset.

Yukito: Nothing like stating the obvious.

>>A huge tear ran down her cheeck and fell down on her knea.

Tomoyo: <Maylein> Why must I always be in these horrible stories?

Sakura: <Maylein> All I ask for is a writer with spell-check. Is that so much?

>>there was a flashback:

Nakuru: Because what fan fiction would be complete without a flashback?


Meiling: And the awkward flashback transition.

Syaoran: I wonder if "MW" holds some special meaning for cardcaptor girl.

L-chan: Maybe it's the men in white coats.

Eriol: <cardcaptor girl> They're coming to take me away!

>>Maylein! Wenneed to break of our engagementt!" Lea said looking into her deep ruby eyes.

Yukito: <Lea> Even though you're standing right here, I feel the need to shout!

Touya: "Lea"! She gave gaki a girl's name!

Tomoyo: Doesn't anyone proofread anymore? Good grief!

>>What? Why?

Sakura: Sorry, only one question to a customer.

>>Don't we luve each other?!"

Syaoran: <Lea> That depends. What does "luve" mean?

Eriol: I'm sure she'd be willing to show you.

>>Maylein said with tears running down her beautiful face.

Meiling: Well, at least she got that part right. I am a cute one.

L-chan: Has anyone ever written a story that doesn't involve Meiling-chan crying?

Touya: I think that's one of the seven rules of CCS fan fiction.

>>Oh, but I luve you very much Maylein, but only as a cousine."

Tomoyo: So Lea is French? Trés magnifique!

>>He droped his gaze to the flor.

Yukito: <Lea> I also dropped my "P" and "O". Help me look.

>>"Lea, but this is a dub version of the show, I'm not your cousine here!"

Sakura: She's breaking the fourth wall! Everyone look out!

Syaoran: The damage is just beginning.

>>"Oh…oh well.

Eriol: <Lea> In that case, how about a quickie?

>>I still luve you, but only as a sister."

L-chan: Because God knows he doesn't have enough sisters.

>>But you told me that you luved me as a cousine, and now you say you luve me as a sister?"

Nakuru: What difference does it make?

>>"Maylein! What difference does it make?!!!!!!"

Yukito: Very impressive, Akizuki-san.

Nakuru: Thank you, thank you. Enjoy the buffet.

Tomoyo: There must've been a sale on exclamation points.

Sakura: Maybe they're going bad, so she's trying to use them all up.

>>"As a cousine I would still have a chance with you lea!!!"

Eriol: <Maylein> Haven't you ever been to Alabama?

Touya: Are these two even in the same room? All this shouting….

>>I can't luve you Maylin the way you want me to, I'm sorry."

Meiling: <Maylein> You could at least try, you big wuss.

Eriol: <Lea> But I'll never be half the man that Eriol is.

Syaoran: Keep dreaming.

>>Lea looked at her apologetically.

Tomoyo: That's an awfully big word. And she actually spelled it right!

L-chan: Then it must be a typo.

>>"That's okay, I guess."

Touya: <Maylein> Do I want him to love me or not? I wish these fanfic authors would make up their minds.

Meiling: What minds?

>>Maylein let out a deep sigh and started waking away.

Sakura: But then she "walked" up, and it was all a dream.

>>But then she stopped and turned around to face the bigest love of he life.

All: KERO?!

Meiling: Don't remind me. The nightmares haven't stopped.

>>"Lea, can I ask you something?" she said, while blushing furiously.

Eriol: <Maylein> What if we made it a three-way? Then would you love me?

L-chan: See, this is why I don't invite you over more often.

>>"Sure, fire away."

Yukito: And so, Lea was tragically killed.

Syaoran: No big loss.

>>"Can you kis me goodbye?" she said and her face procededed on the next level of redness.

Sakura: *singing* Kis me ons, kis me twis, kis me ons again…

Tomoyo: Congratulations! You have passed the first redness exam. Please proceed to the next level.

Nakuru: I think this author has a stuttering problem.

>>"Goodbye? Youre leaving?"

Touya: <Lea> You've gotta get out of this crazy fic, or else you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow…

Eriol: *singing* We've got tonight…. who needs tomorrow….

>>Maylein's head shot up.

Sakura: <Maylein> Why are you wearing my battle costume?

>>"Oh no! I'm not leaving!!!!!!!!"

L-chan: <Maylein> All of these exclamation points should convince you of that!

>>*I can't let him know what I'm going to do to myself, because if he will knows,

Yukito: <Maylein> He'll try to help me.

>>he'll won't allow this happen*

Touya: He won't allow the fic to happen? I never thought I'd say this, but, GO LEA!

>>"I'm just…It's just an ekspression.

Eriol: Here's an expression for you: Fu-

L-chan: Eriol-kun, we're trying to keep this PG-13, please.

>>I'm not leaving anyware;

Nakuru: <Maylein> Hand me my Tupperware. I forgot it last time.

>>I just want my first kiss to be with you!" She said and her chicks flamed red.

Sakura: <chicks> Cheep, cheep!

Tomoyo: <chicks> Could someone put us out please? It's starting to smell like a KFC around here.

>>"Oh, allright. I'll kiss you." Lea said smiling at her and reaching his hand to cuppp her face.

Yukito: <Lea> Oh, good, some extra P's. I'll probably need those later.

Meiling: You know, this story isn't so bad.

>>"And make it a French kiss? Plaese" she looked pleadinly into his big amber eyes.

Sakura: Desperate much?

Eriol: Even Kaho isn't this easy.

Touya: Yes, she is.

Eriol: Yeah, you're right.

>>Maylein saw a great passhion in Lea.

Tomoyo: Unfortunately, it was a passion for fashion, and we all know what that means.

<The girls all nod. The guys just look confused.>

>>And then he kised her passhonately on the lips with fire burning inside of both of them.

Syaoran: Oh, please, God, make it stop.

L-chan: The spelling is pretty terrible.

Syaoran: I'm not talking about the spelling.

>>Lea saw Maylein's bright ruby eyes right before he kised her, but what he did not see -

Touya: Was the giant truck heading straight for them!


Syaoran: The end.

>>was a tear, which was silently streaking down Maylein's chick.

Tomoyo: <chick> At least I'm not on fire anymore.

>>End of flashback

Meiling: Thanks for sharing.


Sakura: <cardcaptor girl> Help, the letters are after me!

>>Maylein wanted to die, that is why she climbed that skyscraper.

Nakuru: Thanks for explaining. I thought it was because she wanted a better view of the town.

Tomoyo: Who is she, Spiderman?

Meiling: Oh, boy, another "Meiling kills herself because Syaoran doesn't love her" story. How original!

>>All because of Lea! That danm Lea Sharon!

Syaoran: Tell me about it.

>>He drove her nuts! In both American and Japanose versions!

Yukito: Shouldn't we at least be glad this writer is even aware of the original?

>>No, she didn't want him to sea her cry ever, ever again.

Eriol: Her tears were salty like the "see".

>>She needed him to think she was hapy, just the way she was.

Nakuru: But who could be happy in a fic like this?

>>But the gril wasn't happy,

Syaoran: <gril> Could you clean me once in a while? The grease is really starting to build up.

>>she was sufering from love.

Yukito: <Roy Orbison> Love hurts.

Eriol: <J. Geils> Love stinks.

>>Lea was in luve with sakura kimonoto, not her!

Tomoyo: <Lea> Yes, how I love those cherry blossoms!

Sakura: "Kimonoto"?

Touya: <director> Security, we may have a Japanese character on the lot. Keep an eye out.

>>And it hurrt mAYLEIN sooooooooooo much!

All: *singing* Everybody hurts…

Syaoran: This fic hurts!

Yukito: Looks like someone hit the "caps lock".

>>Maylein stood up and smiled to herself, her heart has been putted into the mixer and the switch of the

>>mixer was turned on.

All: Eeeeewww.

Meiling: Yep, the thought of that makes me want to smile.

Yukito: <golf announcer> After this putt, Lea will be two under par in the Maylein's Heart Classic.

Syaoran: <Emeril> After we put Maylein's heart in a mixer, we'll kick it up a notch! Bam!

>>someone turned it on. It was Lea Sharon.

Eriol: Hehe, he turns her on.

L-chan: That was too obvious, even for you.

>>Meilin gazed down at the streets of Tomoeda for a long while now,

Sakura: Does that say "Meilin" and "Tomoeda"? Are we getting close to approaching reality?

>>she was wondering if she was the only one feeling vulnerable in this cold and cruel world,

Tomoyo: We get it. It's a Meiling angst fic. Let's move on.

>>which was filled magic and and magic and…

Touya: <Spike Spiegel> Crappy 20th century record player. *kick*

>>she didn't have any of that either…

Nakuru: Maybe the Wizard could give her some.

Eriol: <Wizard> I am the great and powerful Clow!

Syaoran: Pay no attention to the freak behind the curtain.

Eriol: You wound me, descendant.

Syaoran: Not enough.

>>"Maylein!!!!!" The girl herd her name been colled,

Sakura: <Elly May> I done called yer name twice now. Ain't ya comin' to the cement pond?

>>so she turned around to face Lea.

Meiling: <Maylein> I knew I shouldn't have taken his Backstreet Boys CD.

Syaoran: Don't even joke about that.

Eriol: What? That you have one, or that she would take it?

Syaoran: I hate you, Hiiragizawa.

>>"Lea! What are YOU doing here Lea?"

Touya: <Lea> Playing baseball.

L-chan: Do you quote my story often, Touya-kun?

Yukito: You'd be surprised.

Touya: Shut up, Yuki.

>>"Don't tel me you are about to jump from this very bilding!"

Nakuru: <Maylein> Actually, I'm going to jump from the one across the street. I'm just calculating the angle.

>>Lea came closer and almost reached her hand,

Tomoyo: There he goes, trying to take girls' hands again.

>>when Maylein took two steps back so quickly to avoid the kontakt with the boi,

Syaoran: But don't be afraid of making contact with a dictionary. It won't bite. Really.

>>that she didn't knoe that thece steps were enough for her to fal down."

Yukito: She's fallen for him. That's sweet.

Syaoran: Or spell-check. Don't be afraid of that, either.

>>"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Lea shouted with all of his power,

Sakura: Um, why don't you use some of your power to, oh, I don't know, save her or something?

>> but Maylein continued to fall down rapidly.

Tomoyo: <Lea> Force know my plight…release the light! Lightning!

L-chan: <Maylein> Ouch! You idiot!

Tomoyo: <Lea> Crap! Stupid dub chants! They never work right.

Meiling: <Sakura> Try "Return to your power confined!"

>>"I love you Maylein!"

Syaoran: <Lea> May as well say that since you're going to die.

>>"I love yue too Lea!" she screamed

Eriol: Why, Meiling-san, you little vixen. I see my three-way comment wasn't too far off.

Yukito: Yue is flattered but says "no, thank you."

Nakuru: He's no fun at all.

>>before she hit the ground with a thud.

Meiling: A thud?

Touya: <Maylein> I thought for sure I'd land with a splat. Maybe if I start higher up….

>>No more pain,

Syaoran: Oh, good, the story's over.

>>no more drama in my life,

Tomoyo: <Maylein> Drama club is for geeks. I'm trying out for cheerleading!

>>no one's gonna make me cry again

Meiling: Until they write another story about me.


Sakura: <cardcaptor girl> They've followed me. Gotta keep moving.

>>Lea haven't eeten antying for dinner.

Syaoran: My brain hurts just looking at that sentence.

L-chan: Nothing works up an appetite like watching one of your best friends plummet to her death.

>>He was still at the tup of a skyscraper, deep I thought.

Yukito: Actually, cardcaptor girl, skyscrapers are tall, not deep. It was a good try, though.

Touya: I don't think her thoughts are all that deep.

>>The boi coodn't bare to look at the ground anymore.

Tomoyo: But he couldn't bear to look at this story, either, so he really had no choice.

>>He coodn't look at Maylein's dead buddy.

Meiling: Whew. I didn't die. My friend did.

>>Lea wanted to tell Maylein how he felt again, only in normal way,

Eriol: You know, with chains and whips.

>>to look in her eyes again and to kiss her passiontly again.

Sakura: And to have her correct his spelling.

>>only he was late, too late.

Touya: It was quiet, too quiet.

Nakuru: The shouting was finally over, and the remaining characters could live in peace.

>>It was late for heart confeshons.

Tomoyo: Heart confessions must be made between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

>>She waz ded.

Syaoran: And so is the English language. Congratulations, cardcaptor girl, you killed it!

>>He realized his luve to her too late.

Yukito: <Lea> Well, that'll happen. Now, what should I have for dinner?

>>"Lea Sharon!!!" Lea turned around at the sound of familyar voice.

Meiling: <voice> This is the author speaking, in case you couldn't tell from the misspellings.

Eriol: <Lea> Hey, cardcaptor girl! When am I gonna get a little action, huh?

>>"Torrie! Torrie Avalon1

Touya: Oh God.

Syaoran: How does it feel to have a girl's name, "Torrie"?

Tomoyo: Torrie's number 1!

L-chan: What's Torrie doing on top of the building?

Touya: Maybe he'll jump, too.

>>What do you wont from me???" Lea said frustraitedd.

Eriol: <Lea> Your sister won't give it up. This is getting really old.

>>"I wont you to stop being such a gaki

Yukito: <director> Cut! Remember, Torrie, this is the dub. No Japanese words, please.

Meiling: <Torrie> But it's my wont to call him a gaki.

>>and go visit Maylein at the hospital!!!!!!"

Tomoyo: When did she get taken to the hospital? Isn't her body still on the ground?

Sakura: Does this take place later? Argh! Where's Clowcardmastress's timetables when you need them?

>>Lea's hart skipped a beat.

L-chan: <Lea> I never realized Torrie was so cute!

Touya: L-chan….


Meiling: <Lea> Could you speak up? I've gone deaf from all of the shouting.


Yukito: Ooh, good comeback.


>>DIDN"T SEE YOU!!!!!!!!"


>>"Sh-she is al-live????????"

Nakuru: There's that stutter again.

>>"Well duh!

Eriol: Zing! Watch out for Torrie! He's hot today!

Touya: I'm not really like that, am I?

<Everyone politely refrains from answering.>

>>Yes she is now there go there and tel her how you feel and stup stocking my sister!"

L-chan: <Torrie> I don't want her being sold in your crappy store anymore!

Meiling: <Torrie> She's a big girl and can put her own nylons on.

Eriol: <Torrie> And stop shtupping her, too.

Sakura: Eriol-kun….

>>"I don't stock your…" Lea was about to replie,

Tomoyo: But then he realized his comebacks were nowhere near as witty as Torrie's.

>>but then he decided to run to the hospital to his dear Maylein. "never mind Torrie."

Yukito: Really, never mind him. He has no authority here.

>>"Now go!!!!!!!!!!" Torrie said, remembering he had a date with Nakuru in ten minets.

Nakuru: Yaaaaay!! *glomps Touya*

Eriol: <Torrie> Hope I have time to stop by the drug store….

Touya: From bad to worse.

Sakura: Um, I hate to burst your bubble, Akizuki-san, but your date is with Torrie.

Nakuru: But that guy's a f-

Tomoyo: So then, shouldn't that be Ruby instead of Nakuru?

Meiling: Stop making sense. You'll confuse the author.

>>"Thank you Torrie! Thank yopu so much!!!!"

Sakura: Who's yopu?

>>Lea screamed out

Yukito: A lot of screaming in this fic. You'd think it was a horror story.

Syaoran: Oh, it is.

>>before he realized it was Torries he was talking to

Eriol: Damn Tories. I won't vote for them again.


Sakura: <cardcaptor girl> Get away from me! Stupid letters!

>>"Maylein!" cried out when he finally hugged her.

Touya: Who's speaking, please?

>>"I thot you were dead!"

Nakuru: <Lea> But as you can see, I'm not too bright.

>>Maylein giggled at his comment.

Meiling: <Maylein> You should've seen the look on your face! I got you good this time!

>>"Oh well Im nottt!"

Tomoyo: <Torrie> Well duh!

>>She looked into his deep amber eyes agan and smiled, she saw that he luvede her soooooo much!

Yukito: But that was only because he hadn't eaten and her buns looked like giant meatballs.

Meiling: You always get hungry at this point in the story, don't you?

>>And even if eh thot he luved sakura kimonoto,

Sakura: Huh?

>>she knew deep down Lea always loved her more.

Tomoyo: <Maylein> I win!

>>"I love you Maylein."

Touya: Say it like you mean it.

L-chan: Yeah, without eight or nine exclamation points, it's hard to believe you.

>>"I love you two Lea Sharon."

Nakuru: Two Leas are better than one!

Eriol: <Maylein> Mmm, what I could do with two Leas….

>>And then they kissed each othe like never befour, even though it was still a french kis.

Syaoran: I think I'm going to be sick.

L-chan: It's almost over, sweetie.

>>Lea pulled away from Maylein for a secund: "Now about our engagement…"

Touya: <Lea> Here's the prenuptial agreement. No need to read it. Just sign the bottom of each page.

>>"What about it Lea?" he looked in her deep ruby eyes.

Meiling: Is Lea talking to himself?

>>"I chenged my mind about breaking it."

Tomoyo: <Lea> Hmm, this mind doesn't seem to work too well. I should take it back.

>>"Oh Lea!" she said befour she covered him with her kisses.

Sakura: <Maylein> Pfeww. A bath wouldn't kill you, you know.

>>Maylein Raye stayed in hospital for about two mour days with Lea by her side;

Yukito: Pretty quick recovery for someone who fell off a skyscraper.

>>she was planing her wedding

Touya: <Maylein> A little on this side, a little on that side. Nope, still uneven.

L-chan: Carpentry humor. No one will get that.

>>and the names she and Lea would give to their future kids.

Meiling: <Maylein> I think I'll call them Madison and Eli.

Eriol: Ooh, now that is evil.


Syaoran: Finally. Is it just me, or was that really long?

>>cardcaptor girl's notes: well did you like it?

Sakura: Should we say yes, or do you want the truth?

>>I hope you did, `cause it was my best fic everr!!!

Yukito: Must be her only fic.

Nakuru: I'd hate to see her worst fic ever.

>>By the way I am going to write a MeiLi lemon soon,

Syaoran: Noooooooooo!

Nakuru: Oh, so the worst is yet to come, then. I see.

>>so plaese wait patiently!!!!!!!

Touya: Don't go to any trouble.

Eriol: A lemon full of misspellings and poor grammar. That's just asking for it.


Tomoyo: <cardcaptor girl> Buy me a dictionary!

Sakura: <cardcaptor girl> Buy me a clue!

L-chan: Okay, what did you think?

Eriol: That was awful. I loved it!

Yukito: It was a joke, right? No one writes that badly.

Meiling: It had its good points.

Syaoran: Only you would think that, Meiling.

Meiling: Well, I ended up with you instead of the stuffed animal. That's a vast improvement.

Nakuru: So you guys read these bad stories for fun? That's really twisted.

Touya: That's L-chan for you.

Meiling: Let's read it again!

Sakura: Speaking of twisted….

>>Maylein Raye and Lea Sharon in luv!

>>Maylein Raye was sitting on top of a huge bilding

Syaoran: L-chan, if you ever loved me at all, you will not make us read it again!

L-chan: You're right. Once was enough. I'm sorry.

<L-chan prints out the story and gives it to Meiling.>

L-chan: *whispers* Here. Now you can read it whenever you want!

<Meiling holds the pages over her heart and smiles.>


L-chan's notes: Thanks so much to cardcaptor girl for volunteering to write a truly wretched story for me to MST. It must be difficult to write this badly on purpose, and she did a great job. She claims to be an evil Hiiragizawa relative, and after reading this, I believe her. She did everything that drives me crazy in bad fanfics. It was a challenge to MST, so I hope she likes it. Now, go read some of her real stories. They're good, I promise!

Until next time….

>>He coodn't look at Maylein's dead buddy.