Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Cardcaptors-The Legend Continues ❯ Haunting Dreams ( Chapter 3 )

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Maddison slowly made it to her room. She thought about Eli, only Eli.

::Maddison's P.O.V.
Maybe I do have a crush on him- just a little one. Around him, I feel like a butterfly, who could do anything. He makes me believe in myself. Around him, she could reach for and touch the stars. His smile always touchs my heart. His laughter, brightens my day. No matter what I have been through, seeing him once makes all my sorrow disappear. It's like time stands still, for eternity, when I look into his eyes. And then someone come along and breaks my moment- my precious moment.........

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Meanwhile, Eli walks down the hall to his room, deep in his thoughts, about Maddison.

::Eli's P.O.V.
Why can't I stop thinking about her? I have known her for so long, but I have never felt so strongly for her, or anyone else. Why does it hurt ME so much to see her sad? Why do I feel so empty inside, when she is not around. I mean she is a great person! She cares about all her friends. She carries herself with a certain princess-like grace. She is very kind, caring, talented and modest. I just feel complete around her. But why?.......
Eli walks into the door, not remebering to push it open.
"Thinking about Maddison is going to kill me one day!" he muttered under his breath.

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Maddison falls backwards on her bed, tired from the walk. She closed her eyes and a picture of Eli started filling her head. He was so tall and cute and gentle. He had perfect hair that blows in the wind and then falls back perfectly, in place. He was always so warm and welcoming and...... [Yawns] Her eyelids felt heavy, as she gingerly closed them. Suddenly her eyes fluttered as she felt another presence. She looked around the room, but did not find anything. She probably imagined it. She slowly drifted back to sleep, thinking about him. How was she to know that this dream might change her life forever?.....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hazy dream sequence~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Maddisons eyes slowly opened as she heard an evil, sinister laugh cut through the darkness. She could see Sakura, Li and Eli on a cliff facing a huge tree. Eli had determined looks plastered on his face, as if he were fighting a battle. But against who? There had been no reason to use the star cards for a while now, almost four months. She could see Sakura kneeling over Li's body, cry her heart out. Li was motionless- almost dead. She could barely make out a shadowy, masculine figure, which seemed to be talking to them. It was too dark and foggy to see. The rain storm didn't help much. She could see herself too, wearing a battle costume, supporting all her weight on a long, slender staff. She looked exhausted but determined and enraged. Her body was covered with bruises and scratches. The rain seemed to be washing all the wounds. Suddenly, a flash of lightning revealed a body hanging from the tree. It was Samantha Taylor- Maddison's mother!
"Come rescue her, Maddison darling." macked the shadowy figure. Maddison leapt towards the tree, without thinking about the danger she was plunging into. Taking advantage of the scenario, the shadow threw black cords towards Maddison. Maddison was too focused on her mother! She didn't notice the black vines racing towards her. However, Eli did, and he pushed Maddison out of the path of the attack in time. Unfortunately, he had to suffer the attack. The vines squeezed all the energy out of Eli, and dropped his limp body on the ground. Maddison was shaken. What had just happened. She couldn't think at all. Everything was a blur, as she rushed to Eli's side. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes- tears of anger, tears of hatred, tears of sorrow and tears of regret. She never got to tell Eli her true feelings. And now she never will be able to. He was gone; gone forever. Leaving her alone in the world again. Now, waves of tears rushed down her face. But there was no one to comfort her. He was gone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of Dream Sequence~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Maddison's eyes flew open! She could feel the tears on her face. It was only a dream, but it felt so real. Tears started flowing freely again from Maddison deep blue eyes. The thought of losing Eli kept re-runing through her head. She couldn't afford to lose him. She needed him to survive. He can't leave her!


Eli settled in bed and picked up his book again. The only problem was he couldn't concentrate. Thought of Maddison rushed through his mind. He gave up! It was official; He couldn't read anymore. So, he closed his eyes and drifted off to lala-land.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hazy Dream Sequence~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
He saw Maddison and him sitting under a Cherry Tree, eating lunch, together. Sakura and Li run up to join them. It was a pleasant day, sunny and calm with a slight breeze. Maddison was wearing a soft, pale pink dress, that reach just above her knees. Her hair was tied in a braided-half ponytail, with a few lose strands of hair on each side. The breeze played with her hair, throwing strands across her face. She was probably more beautiful than all the cherry blossoms in the entire park. It was just another day. The four of them were enjoying themselves. There was a new carnival that just opened up in the park. They spent the whole day at the carnival. Nightfall came too soon, for the day to end. Sakura used the glow to set a nice romantic atmosphere for herself and Li. They just walked away, leaving Maddison and Eli by themselves. Eli was talking about London, and Maddison just listened. She didn't talk very much about Readington. They just stopped on the way to rest. Eli was wondering if he should tell her how he felt. He decided not to because he was afraid she wouldn't return his feelings. He pushed his feelings away and continued talking about nothing at all. Suddenly, an enoromous hand grabs Maddison and pulls her. A huge hole appears in the ground and Maddison begins to fall. She screams out to him for help. But he can't help her. It's too late. She is already too far into the ground. He tried using his magic, but is left watching her fall helplessly. The hole begins to close. That was the last time he would see her. She had disappeared. The only one time she actually needed her, he couldn't help her. He could feel anger and regret flow through his body. This wasn't happening.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of Dream Sequence~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Eli jumped up, startled by the dream he just had, or more so the nightmare! He glanced at the clock. 7:30 am stared at his face in big bold red writing. He decided to get up; He wouldn't be able to sleep anyways, not after the dream. He was still a little shaken from the dream. He usualy didn't have such strong dreams. He decided to stay close to Maddison, just in case. He got ready for the picnic. He wore blue jeans and a white tee shirt, with a denim jacket. He realized that, he was wearing the same thing in his dream too. It was eight o'clock now. He decided to give Sakura a wake up call, knowing that she was most definately not a morning person.

^*Sakura's Bedroom*^

ping ping ping ping....Sakura reached over her head to switch off her alaram clock. But the ringing continued. She sat up and threw the clock across the room, cursing under her breath. The ringing continued and she was getting annoyed. What the heck was beeping! She got out of bed and found her cell. She answered it:
Sakura: Konichiwaa{hello}! Sakura speaking.
Eli: Morning Sakura.... Sorry bout the early call, but we were wondering if you and Li would like to join us for a picnic today.
Sakura: Eli!! You came back! We would love to join you. Should I ask Maddison to come too?
Eli: That wouldn't be necessary. She is already here. She sleptover. So, you and Li better get here fast or we won't have much time! I heard there is a fair in the park too.
Sakura: Ok, we'll be there in half an hour at the latest. Sayonara{goodbye}!

After hanging up, Eli heard a voice say, "If I know Sakura, it'll take her atleast an hour."
"We should still start making lunch, anyways." said Eli in a matter-of-factly tone, as he turned around to see who was talking.

He could barely make out Maddison's figure in the darkness. But it was unmistakable; She was wearing a soft, pale pink dress with quarter sleeves that flared, and reached just above her knees. Her hair was tied up in a half pony tail, that was braided, with a few loose strands on either side of her face. She looked so beautiful, so frail--. He couldn't stop staring at her. Suddenly it struck him, she was wearing exactly what she wore in his dream. It probably meant nothing much, but it still bothered him. He couldn't be living his dream! Could he?.....

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So........How was it? Plz review if you have time. Thank you for reading./'^_^'\
Preview of the next chapter: Ancient Prophecies.
Is Eli living his dream? or is it just coincedence? Is Maddison in danger?? Read on if you want answers!