Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Celestial Love ❯ friends ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yue: oh, hi sakura-koishii *looks not interested *
'sakura':only a 'oh, hi'?*starts to cry* you don't love me! Wahhh!
Yue: but I'm reading your story sakura-koishii, and of course I love you!
'Sakura': oh! Ok keep reading and always review! I cant get inspired without them, and im inspired so on with the fic!

Disclaimer: I do not own clamp, or card captor sakura. Don't sue me! I'm broke!

Last chap: Staring at her while she slept, he admired her beauty. As he stood up he turned for the window, about to leave. But before he left he had to do something. He turned around and leaned over the cherry blossom he loved and kissed her lips softly(KAWAIIIIIII!!!!!!!). With that done, he flew out the window not noticing that he had dropped a feather. He flew quickly so he would be able to get yuki to back to Touya soon, as it was late.

Oh, yeah for all those of you who did not catch on...
~*~-change of scene

Celestial love

There was a figure standing on top of the shrine gate, its black robes, billowing in the wind.

The man hugging her hadn't noticed it as he whispered in her ear "I will always love you, Sakura-koishii. Aishiteru." were his last words before getting hit with a ninja star. He fell blood flowing from the wound. She looked up to see his face and saw....


"Kero-chan? You ruined a REALLY good dream! Mou, who was he any way?" 'Li-kun?, wait... he...' then it hit her, she needed someone to talk to. Not Onii-chan, or Otou-san. I can talk to Yue-san!"she thought before she got up and walked to her closet to find a nice outfit to change into after she washed up. As she walked back to her bed she found a white feather on the floor. 'It must be Yue-san's' she thought as she set it on the desk, be fore walking to the bathroom to freshen up.


As she walked up to Touya's house that he Yukito, and there roommate shared(she hadn't met him yet), she hoped she didn't look like some one who had just had there heart broken last night. She wore a pair of blue jean flares and a light pink top with embroidered cherry blossoms at the bottom. She pressed the door bell. And waited for someone to answer. When she saw the good looking man that go the door she guessed that this was there roommate.

"Konnichiwa, miss, and how might I be able to help you?" he said smoothly, not caring who she was, all he wanted to do was get to know her little better.

'Sleeze' was all sakura thought before thinking about playing a trick on him " Ohayo, sir, I just noticed recently how many men there are in this house. I wondering if I could talk to one of your roommates?

"I can talk to you, my roommates are both still asleep." 'Not for long' sakura thought as she looked at her watch 'Onii-chan always wakes up around 11 on Saturdays, and its around 10:50' I'll wait for him' "besides," he carried on, " I cant remember the last time either of them had a girlfriend, for all I know they might be gay!" he said, joking.

'Oh, how right he is.' "Hahaha, your funny! I forgot to introduce my self, I'm Sakura, and you?" she asked not giving her sure-name

"I'm just Hongo Tetsuya(if you've seen F.Y. you think that it sounds funny huh?) , and come in!" he said leading her to the living room. They talked for about 7 minutes him flirting, her just talking. " so what are you doing tonight?" he asked just as Touya popped in.

Ignoring his question and dropping the act of 'lady looking for a date' and picking up 'little girl looking for her Onii-chan'. She stood up and hugged Touya. "Onii-chan! I missed you and Yukito-san! You never visit!"

"O..nii...chan?" Tetsuya said as brother and sister embraced.

"Ohayo, kaiju, I missed you, too." Touya said while glaring daggers at Tetsuya then mouthing 'keep your hands off my imotou'. Then quickly Tetsuya left the room.

"I'll let you get away with that this time you baka." she told him

"So why did you come over? I know it's more then 'I miss you'"he said mockingly

"To tell the truth I needed to talk to Yu....kito-san's..... friend." She covered up knowing that Tetsuya was listening.

"Ok I'll get Yuki, he can bring you to him" covered Touya as he left the room and went into the next room were Tetsuya was sitting in a chair pretending to read. The second the door closed, he grabbed Tetsuya's shirt and held him a few inches above the ground. "Listen, she has a boyfriend that can not only whoop your sorry ass worse then me but also wields a sword, so hands off! Plus she is only 17, therefore a minor! I've got the LAW on my side! Got it? Good." he finished before he dropped him, going up the stairs in search of Yukito.


Sakura smiled as she saw her brother leave the room, this was the fun part. She went to listen:

"Listen, she has a boyfriend..." at those words she cringed, those words broke her mask before she crumpled to the ground as memories of him flashed through her head. She gave him all she could give. She probably would have given her virginity if he asked it. She did not hear the rest of Touya's words, all she heard was herself sobbing.


Touya opened the door to the living room to find sakura, crying her heart out with her knee's pulled up, her arms hugging them. Yukito said he would come back in a minute "Sakura......what's wrong?" he said nearing her, slowly before picking her up and sitting on the couch with her in his arms. "Sakura, please tell me?"he asked quietly.

"Promise not to get mad at me, Onii-chan?" she asked, tears still falling from her face.

He nodded, "I promise, Sakura."

"Me and syaoran-kun......we broke up." she said clutching his shirt. " ....he..he doesn't love me, and he is going to marry meilin now, but... I still love him so I told him that I hoped he would be happy." she said, voice clearing. " after that I was going to ......I was going to kill my self because I ... I didn't want to live without him. Yue-san helped me. He brought me home." she said tears drying. "Arigato Onii-chan."

'I owe Yue one favor, one big favor.'he thought "Dou itashimashite(say that ten times!) I'll go get Yuki"he said after hugging her and setting her down on the couch.


Sakura sat on the couch, drying her tears after Touya left getting ready to go. Just as she finish Yukito came through the door, smiling as always. Just as they left, she saw Tetsuo give her a longing glance before she shut the door. Her and yukito waled to the park before Yukito changed into Yue.

"What do you need mistress?", asked yue.

"Nothing much Yue-san, sakura spoke softly " I need a friend Yue-san, just a friend."

"What about Daidouji-san?"he asked thoughtfully.

"Tomoyo-chan would go into hysterics if I loaded her down with all my grief. Besides you already helped me last night whats so bad about not being emotionless?"she asked trying to reak through his defenses

"Mistress I'm not emotionless I just don't show them as often as any normal person would.", said yue lowerin his defenses showing a small smile on his face.

"So, friends?" she asked holding out a hand.

"Friends." he said taking her hand

"Ok but first there is one thing you have to do."she spoke after letting go of his hand.

"What's that, mistress?" he asked, confused.

"Stop calling me 'Mistress'!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~That's all folks!