Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Celestial Love ❯ pre-festival festivities ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own clamp, or card captor sakura. Don't sue me! I'm broke!

Lastchap.:"So, friends?" she asked holding out a hand.
"Friends." he said taking her hand
"Ok but first there is one thing you have to do."she spoke after letting go of his hand.
"What's that, mistress?" he asked, confused.
"Stop calling me 'Mistress'!"

Celestial love

~Syaoran had left. He left without a goodbye to Sakura, Yukito, or anyone. He left for Hong Kong without telling anyone. That's what hurt sakura the most, he hadn't told her, the one he soposivly loved. The night he left she cried even harder then when they broke up. Be cause if he still loved her, or ever loved her, he would have told her he was leaving. She thought that she would cry herself to sleep.

Luckily, Yue had come, he comforted her like he had the previous night.(lets just say Kero got knocked out COLD after playing video games all day)this continued for the next 3 days. Touya, of course, was completely aware due to the fact that he wasn't getting any.(just had to put that in) One night he even asked Yue if he could go instead (*cough*sister complex*cough*cough*cough*), but Yue refused saying that she had asked that only Yue would come. But little did Touya or Sakura know that each night, Yue gave a small, sweet kiss to the unknowing, sleeping Sakura.

As Sakura slowly got over syaoran, her and Yue became good friends. And 5 months had passed, and that is where I start my story.~

"Yue! Guess what! There's a festival this week! It's at the Tsukimine shrine! Kaho is back, too! Isn't that great!" Sakura squealed, after meeting him in the park, there meeting place for most outings.

As she ran up to him she noted that he was wearing the clothes that he wore whenever he had to be outside during the day, just a simple pair of black slacks and a white button-up shirt, a gift from Touya for helping Sakura

"Hello Sakura, when is this festival? You say Kaho is back, is Eriol back too?"They had agreed to have no formalities, yet no affectionate terms either. Over the last five months sakura had chipped of the some of the ice on his heart. He wasn't cold to her but anyone else.... that's another story.

"Hai! And they brought Spinal Sun and Nakuru. The festival is in two days, it's a full moon festival, so I think you should go, ok?"

"But what about Yukito? Doesn't he want to go?"

"Actually, he said for you to go because you don't get out much."

"If Yukito says so." Yue said before they continued there walk in the park

~*~ the afternoon before the festival~*~

"Tomoyo-chan! Do we need ALL of this for the festival?" sakura asked, loaded down with bags full of 'supplies'.

"Yes, Of Course! We need to make you all pretty for Yue-san, ne? Any ways I'm going to go call Nakuru-chan so we can start our mini-make-over!!!" squealed Tomoyo before Sakura could speak, she ran down the hall to call Nakuru.

"Good thing Touya is not home. He would freak is he heard her say that!"sakura mumbled to herself. In truth she was very grateful to tomoyo, as she became even better friends with Yue, she saw something she had never seen before.

~*~ flash back/one month ago/at a sleep-over with tomoyo ~*~

sakura was brushing tomoyo's long, wavy hair as tomoyo asked out of the blue, "Sakura you are so lucky! All of the girls around town are so jealous!"

"Why do you say that tomoyo-chan? Why would they be jealous of me?"

"Because, every other day you go out with Yue-san and they ALL think that he is your boyfriend. I mean who wouldn't?".

"It's just Yue, who would care?"(god is she BLIND!)

"Who would care? Sakura-chan have you ever looked at him? He is hot stuff! And if you don't agree with me then you are blind!!"(see? Even tomoyo agrees!).

Sakura thought for a second then replied "now that I think about it, he is really attractive!"

Tomoyo face-valeted.

~*~end of flashback~*~

'Ever since I've had to keep my blush down when around him. Who would have thought I would like someone so quickly after my break-up with Syaoran.'sakura thought before she was dragged up-stairs by tomoyo.

"Go take a shower before Nakuru-chan comes, and use that Cherry Blossom bath kit I gave you! It is perfect for tonight!" tomoyo said quickly pushing her into the bathroom, so sakura had no choice.

Tomoyo quickly called Kaho and went over 'the plan' that Nakuru, and she had made up.

As sakura got out of the shower she found that Nakuru was already there. She walked into her room only to see Nakuru dragging her into the room yelling, "MAKE-OVER!!!!!"

"Ok, let's get started with your hair! Then you will get dressed in the kawaii dress I made you, after we put on your make-up, IT WILL ALL BE SO KAWAII!" squealed Tomoyo, while clasping her hands in excitement.

"Please don't murder my ears ok tomoyo? I need them for when sakura finally tells Yue that she loves him, I have o hear that!!!" giggled Nakuru, stars in her eyes. "Tomoyo will video tape it too! So when you and Yue are old and married will look back and sigh." she said dreamily.

"Yeah I'll have to tape their first kiss, too. You to are so kawaii together."she also said dreamily as they both stared into space, stars in their eyes.

Sakura had to use he last resort to get them out of there daze, "TOMOYO! NAKURU! I NEED YOU TO MAKE ME PRETTY FOR YUE!!!" next thing she knew she was 'being made pretty for Yue'. Even though it felt like being tackled by two rugby players with make-up


Tomoyo and Nakuru did an superb job. Not only did Tomoyo make beautiful kimono for herself and Nakuru but made sakura a kimono that would make any guys head turn(?), it was a pink summer kimono and looked as if real sakura blossoms were stitched onto the silk. Tomoyo had a similar kimono with a lily pattern with a lavender background, as for Nakuru she had roses on a black background.

"Let's knock 'em dead!" squealed a very hyper nakuru.

"Poor Tomoyo-chan! She doesn't have a date! Maybe ERIOL will be there to aid her in this problem!" sakura taunted, evilly. Tomoyo blushed so hard that the room seemed to be warmer from the heat radiating from her face.

*ding dong*

Their escorts had arrived. Nakuru raced to the door to find Touya, Eriol, and Yue. All three were shocked, to say the least, when they say all the girls. Touya was on the verge of ranting and raving when he saw his imotou-chan, all the guys would be after her! Eriol was about to drool when he saw tomoyo, while Yue, as usual, had an emotionless face. On the inside, he had thoughts of how beautiful she was. After the guys regained there posture they escorted the girls to the festival.

A/N: okok I know SHORT!!! but I had to get this chap out I need inspiration and that means reviews!!! if your lucky there might be sap next chap!! Ok defiantly!!!(sp?)R+R!!!!