Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Deep pureness ❯ Wondering ( Chapter 6 )

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Disclaimer-I don't own ccs or any songs used.

Deep Pureness
Chapter 6- Wondering
Sakura's Pov.
`I wonder why he did that…THE cold-hearted Li.'
I sat pondering as I relaxed on my pink bed. I always did like pink, but that was like was probably helped along by Tomoyo, who constantly made me try dresses and clothes on. She always did say I looked good, but I know she looks much better. I wonder how good Eriol thinks she looks, I know he has a crush on her but yet he always manages to act cool. It's a shame he hasn't got the courage to ask Tomoyo out, I'm sure she'd say yes because I know she likes him back.
`I'll have to set them up!'
I sat up as one of my favourite songs came on my cd player: Moonlight Shadow
The last that ever she saw him
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
He passed on worried and warning
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Lost in a river last
Saturday night
Far away on the other side.
He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight
and she couldn't find how to push through

'I hope nothing like this never happens to me or someone I know.'

The trees that whisper in the evening
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
Sing a song of sorrow and grieving
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
all she saw was a silhouette of a gun
Far away on the other side.
He was shot six times by a man on the run
and she couldn't find how to push through

'Why do I even like this song?'

I stay
I pray
I see you in heaven far away

I stay
I pray
I see you in heaven far away

Four am in the morning
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
I watched your vision forming
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
Star was light in a silvery night
Far away on the other side
Will you come to talk to me this night
But she couldn't find how to push through

I stay
I pray
I see you in heaven far away

I stay
I pray
I see you in heaven far away

Far away on the other side.

Caught in the middle of a hundred and five
The night was heavy but the air was alive
She couldn't find how to push through

Carried away by a moonlight shadow
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
Far away on the other side.
`I bet it would be nice to be carried away in a moonlight shadow, it sounds so…Dreamy'
Normal Pov
Shortly after, Sakura fell asleep and dreamt of a mysterious boy with chestnut brown hair.
Meanwhile at Tomoyo's house, Eriol sat comfortably on the sofa while Tomoyo got some drinks. As she returned, she started chatting away.
“So Eriol, I called you here tonight to discuss our Sakura. I believe we should help her and Li-kun along a bit, you know give them a little push in the right direction.”
“You mean like set up a party here and play stuff like truth or dare?”
“ERIOL! How did I survive without you all these years? That's a perfect idea, we make a great pair!”
`Yup we sure do…If only we could be together AS a pair.'
The day before the party
Ring. Ring
`Kami-sama who would ring me at 9:30 on a Saturday morning. Tomoyo knows I like to sleep in on weekends, she would never disturb me, not with a phone-call anyway'
“Moshi moshi, Sakura speaking.”
Sakura held the phone away from her ear, surprised how she isn't deaf.
`I guess I was wrong about Tomoyo not disturbing me over the phone.'
“Sakura you are coming to a party at my house tomorrow night it's a week sleepover as well since we are on summer vacation, tell your father and tell Touya not to disturb us. Arrive early at six because I need to do your clothes, make-up and hair. Ja!”
`Here she goes again well I have no choice.'
At Eriol's Mansion
“Syaoran, you have to come to Tomoyo's party!”
“Nope, I will not be near the likes of YOU!!”
“But that's not fair, and plus Sakura will be there.” Eriol whined to Syaoran, over the phone.
“Ok Ok, just stop begging and whining your giving me a headache.”
“Good see you tomorrow night.”
`I always get my way, Syaoran you are sooooo easy to break ^^.'
Sakura's house
Sakura had already told Fujitaka she was staying at Tomoyo's for a week, he was fine with it. The only problem was Touya; he was persuaded in the end though.
“Aww, come on onii-chan. I will be ok!”
“Will there be any boys there?”
“I don't think so…”
'Knowing Tomoyo though'
It was like Touya had read Sakura's thoughts because that moment he lunged for the phone.
“I'm ringing Tomoyo; I know what she's like!”
“Touya No!”
After a lot of wrestling, Touya had still managed to ring Tomoyo, she assured him there wouldn't be any boys but he still thought otherwise.

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