Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Deep pureness ❯ Daring ( Chapter 7 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Hopefully I'll be updating a lot faster now. After all it's the school holidays in England. I've been getting writers block, so if you want to send me suggestions for some of the next chapters go ahead, I may use them.
P.s-I'll give credit to those who send ideas.
Disclaimer: only the storyline is mine.
On with the story:
Deep Pureness
Chapter 7- Daring
It was the night of the party; Sakura was just getting ready to leave the house. She strapped on her roller blades and skated towards Tomoyo's house/mansion.
At Tomoyo's house/mansion
“Tomoyo are you sure this is a going to work? I mean it was my idea and all, but you never know.”
“God, Eriol I'm positive this is going to work. We'll have achieved what we want to by the end of the night.”
“But what if Syaoran catches on?”
“Look he w…”
`Ring ring'
“Okay she's here, just follow the plan through.”
As Tomoyo went to answer the door, Eriol went to get Syaoran. Before Sakura could say a word, Tomoyo dragged her upstairs and started throwing various clothes, make-up and hair products at her.
2 Hours later
Tomoyo stepped down the stairs giggling because Eriol's eyes goggled at the sight of her.
`She looks amazing'
Syaoran stood bored as he waited for the party to begin. Sakura started to walk down the stairs, while Tomoyo talked excitedly to Eriol. Not knowing how it happened Sakura started to fall from the stairs. Syaoran heard a click and looked up; he saw Sakura falling and without thought rushed to catch her.
“Wow, why haven't I hit the floor yet?”
As Sakura looked up, Emerald met Amber. They stayed in each others arms for a while gazing. Until Eriol coughed, making them snap out of their embrace, both blushing an embarrassing shade of red.
“Well…Let's start the party!”
Tomoyo elbowed Eriol after her announcement, as they followed behind Sakura and Syaoran.
“Eriol WHY did you cough that could have been the perfect moment!” Tomoyo whispered angrily, her amethyst eyes on fire.
“Whoa! Chill. I'm sorry, Mou”
`Note to self DON'T anger Tomoyo'
Tomoyo ran into the room carrying a case full of cd.
“Let's put on some music!”
Sakura helped Tomoyo put some music on, while Syaoran and Eriol sat on the couch, relaxing.
“Hey my cute little descendent, I'm going to ask Tomoyo to dance with me. I know why don't you ask Sakura?”
“Hmmm, maybe…will you stop calling me that!”
“Whatever you say my cute little descendant” Eriol said grinning as he walked towards Sakura and Tomoyo. The music started playing:
Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning
I sit around
Trying to smile, but the air is so heavy and dry
Strange voices are saying (ah, what did they say?)
Things I can't understand
it's too close to comfort, this heat has got
Right out of hand

”Hey Tomoyo care to dance?”
“Of course! I'd love to!”

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
It's a cruel

Syaoran walked up toSakura as she watched her 2 friends dance.
“Um…Sakura w-would you like to d-dance with me?”
“Yes, thank-you Syaoran.”
She took his arm and they started to dance.

The city is crowded, my friends are away and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle, so I gotta get up and go, and go

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one

It's a cruel, cruel summer (leaving me)
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one

Now don't you leave me
Now don't you leave me
Well don't you leave me
Come on, come on

Now don't you leave me
Now don't you leave me
Well don't you leave me

Come on, come on

It's a cruel, cruel summer (leaving me)
Leaving me here on my own

It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one

It's a cruel, cruel summer (leaving me)
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one

It's a cruel, cruel summer
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer

It's a cruel, cruel summer (leaving me)
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer

It's a cruel summer
As the dance ended the 2 couples looked longingly into each other's eyes. Syaoran started to lean closer to Sakura, she slowly closed her eyes.
“Eriol their going to do it!!!” Tomoyo whispered excitedly.
“Well, while our 2 lovebirds are loving it up, why don't we do the same, will you be my girlfriend?”
`She's going to say no.'
“Oh Eriol, I'm so, so sorry…for making you wait so long. Of course I'll be your girlfriend; I've been waiting so long for you to ask me.”
“I'm soooo glad; I thought you were going to say no.”
With that they embraced tightly, and then Eriol slowly brushed her lips in a small but sweet kiss.
Just as Syaoran was about to kiss Sakura he saw the new couple out of the corner of his eye, he then turned to Sakura.
`She looks so innocent… I-I can't do this'
He slowly pulled away and whispered a sorry to the air.
“It's okay; I just…don't feel very well.”
He hated lying to Sakura; it didn't feel right to him. Sure he had lied to other people before but he felt angered at himself for lying to his Sakura, even though he was doing it not to hurt her.
“Do you want me to take you upstairs to a room, so you can rest?”
“No, no I'll be fine…Thank-you for caring.”
20 minutes later
“Lets play truth or dare, I'll start!” Tomoyo commanded, with an evil glint in her eye.
`And I know just who to make victim, ohohohoho!'
“Okay I pick Saku, Truth or Dare?”
“I say Truth!”
Tomoyo sat pondering for a second.
“I know! Is it true that you once dressed up as a pink and green bunny?!”
“Yes it is, thanks to you” Sakura growled.
“Hahaha! You, you dressed up as a pink and green bunny!” Syaoran burst out laughing as Eriol just sat with a large smile on his face.
“Yeah, thanks for laughing. Well at least Eriol didn't laugh” She pouted.
“Your welcome and I have to be different from my freak of a cousin anyway.”
“Just get on with the game! I pick you Syaoran, Truth or Dare!”
“Dare me sucker!”
“Hmmm, I dare you to dress like a girl and…kiss Eriol…on the lips!”
“You've got to be kidding”
“Nope it's that or a forfeit.”
“What's the forfeit?”
“Lick the inside of the toilet!”
“Kami-sama, noooooooo!”
The girls sat giggling as they watched Syaoran the girl move in for a kiss.
“Hey Li-kun, you look good as a girl!”
“You know what Tomo, I agree!”
3 Dares later
“Li-kun, Truth or Dare?”
“Ok I dare you to kiss Sakura on the lips!”
“Why do I have to kiss everybody?! At least this will be nice.”
Syaoran mover closer for a kiss, he captured her lips and they stayed like that for ages in what was their first kiss with anyone, discluding Eriol in Syaoran's case.
`Her lips are so soft and they taste like cherries.'
The couple quickly separated from their kiss.
“It's not what you…”
“I am KISSING your beautiful sister, got a problem with that?!”
Touya lunged for Syaoran, but just before he reached him Tomoyo called for her guards.
“Take Touya home and tell Fujitaka exactly what happened.”
“Yes, miss.”
The guards carted Touya off to a limo.
After things had cooled down
Sakura and Syaoran sat together in front of the log fire snuggled up in blankets, while Tomoyo and Eriol both laid on the couch cuddled together. They were watching the poltergeist and as we all know Sakura hates horror movies.
The poltergeist appeared onto the screen with a loud scream. Sakura jumped out of her skin and Syaoran held her tightly close.
“Shhhhh, it's okay Sakura. I won't let it harm you.”
“Thank-you Syaoran.” She whispered as tears silently streamed down her face.
The television had been turned off a long time ago, the fire still was burning. Tomoyo and Eriol had fallen asleep together on the couch in each others embrace. Sakura had fallen asleep safe and warm in Syaoran's arms. He rested his head on hers with his eyes closed, breathing in her cherry-blossom scent. He opened his eyes for a second to look at his beautiful angel and then re-closed them.
`I love you, so much Sakura' those were Syaoran's last thoughts before he fell asleep, happy and in love.
Well I hoped you liked it, I know I enjoyed writing it.
Review if you want to!
`Live life how you want to and not how others tell you to.'