Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Deep pureness ❯ Planning The Plan ( Chapter 12 )

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I'm back, sorry 4 making you all wait for so long but I felt really tired after my Holiday and I'm back at school on Wednesday.
Anyway, on with the chapter:-
Deep Pureness
Chapter 12- Planning the plan
: Thud:
“Ow! I really have to stop leaving things on the floor that is the 6th time this week!” The night before Sakura had been up late writing lists for her Christmas shopping, she was going the next day with Tomoyo and Eriol. She had been feeling tired so after getting the wrapping paper and stuff out she went to bed and fell asleep instantly.
“Hey, kajiuu are you working out your anger again or is that just your BIG feet pounding around?” Touya slyly grinned at this remark, ready and waiting for the wrath of the KAJIUU.
“I'm not a monster and for your information I tripped over the wrapping paper.” She pointed to the wrapping paper emphasising her point, then she glided past him and hopped downstairs to breakfast.
`Wow, she's in a good mood, well at least their will be no more Gaki!'
Shortly after eating breakfast, Sakura ran upstairs to her bedroom. As well as listing stuff she needed the night before she had also spoken to Tomoyo, who was concocting a plan.
She took a quick shower then blow-dried her hair and got dressed. She wore a gypsy skirt which was white and had cherry blossoms embroided onto it, which was accompanied by a light green spaghetti strap tank top and some low heeled sandals. The clothes of course were all made by Tomoyo who had ordered Sakura to keep her hair down making it reach to her waist.
: Beep, beep:
Sakura ran downstairs and out of the door shouting:
“Bye dad!”
“Hey Tomo, Eri. Are ya ready?”
“Hi Saku, Of course we're ready, you ready to go with the plan?”
“Wow Sakura, you look beautiful!”
“Thanks Eri and I think I am ready.”
“Good and don't worry sweetheart I don't mind you calling Sakura beautiful, because it's true!”
So, Eriol started up the engine and drove off to town.
Okay sorry its short again but I have to go.
I promise I will update when I can!
Please press the little purple button and review, it makes me so happy!