Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yeah yeah I know its been a while but life's been hell right now.

Seems like every time I turn around life is reminding me how much a bitch it can be.

Any way seeing as though I didn't upload a twofer you get a slightly xtra long one this time.

Syaoran shook his head. He didn't know what came over him. When he looked at her she became very aroused, why he didn't know. Many men and women have been known to die from a heart attack when he glared but never become aroused when he did it.

He felt the strong urge to comfort her when he saw how scared she was, but his pride stopped him. Well that and his iron will not to do so. He watched as she turned her head from him. There was something in her eyes. A silent fire was burning in side of her. she was a nice person but right now she wanted to…. Oh she didn't know what she wanted to do.

"You're him aren't you?" Sakura asked quietly. Syaoran raised an eyebrow at her as he turned to face her. "Who?" his voice was still colder than ice and it was still giving her the same reactions as before. " The King of Evil, Master Li Syaoran." He only nodded in answer, knowing she wasn't finished. " What are you going to do with me….. I mean …." She trailed off as the train door opened and a woman stepped in. She was dressed in all black leather that was so tight it looked as though she couldn't breath. Li looked as though he wasn't pleased with seeing her ( I wonder how you could tell the difference.)

" You're late Natul." Li's voice was colder then ice. The woman was bowing at his feet. Whispering " I'm sorry my lord." Suddenly Li kicked the woman sending her across the train. " Natul, I expect stupid from some but your old enough to know…. Now, take her" he grabbed and threw Sakura at the woman he addressed Natul, before he continued " her highness will be staying in the royal dungeon. not a scratch on her, just scare her. Once done come to my chambers. Now out of my sights."

The woman grabbed Sakura and disappeared. Syaoran's mood was falling more by the second. He suddenly willed him-self to another place. "VERX!!!!!!!!!!" Li yelled

A man with purple hair appeared beside him. "Yes, Mi-lord you yelled." Li glared at the man that could have frozen ice. ( oh I think I would love to see that o_O) " I am not un the mood asshole. The girl will be ransomed at the price of her kingdom, also when Meiling and Eriol return tell him he shall do as he pleases with her." Verx looked at him questionably, " what Girl would that be, Sire?"

Li had turned his backed to the man but upon hearing, his comment he whirled around, His eyes flashed blood red just before he grab the man and slammed him into a nearby wall. " Do … not … play … dumb … with … me, … word … travels … fast, … especially … in … the … night … kingdom." Li spat each word at him and bared his extremely sharpened fangs to him. Li effortlessly threw the purple haired man, Verx, across the room and yell" LEAVE, BEFORE I KILL YOU."

Verx left as quickly as possible, he knew that Li of course did not require to be in the presence of a demon to kill them but he did not want to take a chance of what he would do if he foolishly decide to stay with in the dark lords presence. Verx quickly delivered the ransom Li had ordered along with his message to Eriol.

Sakura's father was restless. His daughter had run-away, and them she was kidnapped, not by any one but the dark lord him-self, Li Syaoran. Moreover, at that very moment he wanted the whole Avalon kingdom. Nearby Yue and Kero stood silently, both had bashed each other and them selves to death and now they were trying to find away to get back their charge.

Suddenly the king stopped and yelled at the top of his lungs, " ERIOL!!!!!!!!!" He kept yelling as he ran out of the room with both Yue and Kero following. The king went straight to his soon to be son-in-laws room but found it empty. Not pleased with his findings, he kept yelling until Eriol appeared.

Eriol bowed and replied, " You called me, your majesty." The king sneered and said " Where is she?" Eriol's cool composure almost faltered but he kept the act up and played the confused and dumb son well, " she who?" the king got in Eriol's face and yelled, " SHE WHO!!!!! My daughter that's who, what did you do with her boy!"

Eriol shook his head and sadly smiled " I do not know I have going against orders, and as it would it seems he will not let her where a bouts seep out." This statement outraged the king but also Sakura's guardians as well. Eriol suddenly found himself looking up into the eye of a very angry Cero.

"If so much of a hair is harmed on her I will find you and make you regret the day you were born. You may have only known her a short time but her whole life I have known her, and she MY charge." Absolutely no one had ever seen the great Cerobaros angry and from the looks of it, no one ever did.

Eriol looked at the guardian calmly before suddenly appearing out from under him and across the room. The king looked horrified as he witnessed this and suddenly he was yelling for the guards to come. Eriol realizing that his time was up quickly disappeared from the room leaving two items behind, a letter in the middle of a scorched circle.

Eriol quietly appeared in Tomoyo's bedroom and walked to her bed before he awoke her. " Tomoyo, wake up! I must speak with you." She could her the urgency in his voice and immediately woke from her ever-peaceful slumber. " Huh, Eriol! What's wrong?" Eriol smiled sadly and shook his head, " It would seem that we all hold Sakura dear to our hearts, and that we all hold very different opinions too. I fear that my life is in danger and that I must go."

Tomoyo sat up, forgetting that she had been too hot and had worn only underwear to bed. Eriol saw the covers fall from her as she said "What! No you mustn't" his eyes swept over her form possessively lustful. Tomoyo saw the look in his eyes and suddenly remembered that she was in her underwear, gasping as she suddenly yanked the covers up to her chin blushing at the same time.

A lecherous grin made its way on to Eriol's lips as he watched her blush from shyness. His demon instinct was quickly taking over him. He shook his head to clear it, when he looked at her he saw worry in his eyes, " I came to say good-bye. To bid you farewell, MY luv." She was just about to comment when he suddenly disappeared and she awoke from her sleep.

Sakura glanced at Natul as she sat in an extremely dark room. From what she had been able to find out, she was in a bedroom, huge, with plush carpeting and a huge bed in the center, and that it was cool, too. Natul sat at a desk watching Sakura impassively. She hated babysitting, but dare not leave her in case her lord came back to find her gone.

Suddenly, the huge oak doors were thrown opened as a very angry Li stormed in, before they were slammed shut. Suddenly Natul felt impending doom, when she heard the doors slammed. Li never gave her a chance, when he saw that she was in his room. With a slight flick of his wrist, Natul busted into flames.

Sakura watched the whole scene with wide eyes. The screams echoed through the whole room as Natul burned to death. Her eyes widened even more when Li turned to face her, his face was even more callous than before.

Li looked at Sakura, the anger that still rushed through him now feed the growing need to claim her. true it had only been about a day since she had been kidnapped by him but time had long since lost his meaning to him. He walked towards her like a predator stalking its prey only problem she was his prey.

No matter how she tried, she was attracted to this man, no this demon king. She knew of boyfriends and crushes, but none of them evoked such feelings as he did, Just thinking about her made her squirm. She gasped as he pounced her, successfully trapping her body between his and the bed.

Syaoran watched as she looked at him trying to figure a way out. That was when he pounced her, and slamming her into the bed under her. her body mold right into his, as he caught her lips into a near painful kiss.

(You'll have to wait for the lemon scene it'll end up in another chapter.)

Near dawn was when Syaoran finally fell asleep, cradling his lover's body to his. She didn't protest, she was too tired to do so. Instead, she allowed him to do what he pleased with her.

After sleeping all day, Li finally awoke to find an angel in his arms. He watched as she slept. He then noticed the bite mark on her neck, and realized the inevitable, he had claimed her, and now whether or not she wanted it she was his.

Hell fucking ya, baby. I did it I have completed another chapter. Anywayz tell me whatcha think, as I've said before so sorry for the long wait.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Ciao for now…………….