Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

IIII'MMMM Baaaacccckkkk. And I'm bad. Okay who ever made that up was a freaking genius. Anywaz I am soooooooo sorry for the oh oh oh so long wait, but when you take on two full time jobs, a part time job, a needing-help-teenager, part-time college, and occasionally babysitting a 9yr old, you just don't seem to have enough time in a day to do it all and get in a few "fun" things too (I am only 19.5yrs living a 45yr old life, god life is so fucking unfair: { wouldn't be so bad if I could legally drink). Oh well, some how with me and my two roommates we make it work and occasionally the ends do actually meet with out some extreme hoping. Well, since I've been gone so long I'll give you something most of you have probably been praying for me to write…. Yes it is that next chapter that I did not write and more twisted plot line thrown in the mix.

P.s thank all those who have reviewed ya'll R the 1s that keep me going:p

Disclaimer: I know I haven't put one of these down in a while but considering I can barely get by day 2 day I thought it was kind of of redundant to put 1 of these down…. HELL FUCKING NO, I DO NOT, I repeat, I DO NOT OWN CCS, IF I DID I WOULD NOT PRAYING THAT THE ENDS WILL MEET EVERY MONTH. Though if some one fells pity for my sorrowful plight I don't mind a gift of such.

When Sakura woke up, she noticed three things, one she was nude, two she had aches and pains all over, and three she was spooned against a well-chiseled male chest. At first she wanted to scream and squirm but as the memories of the previous night came to her and a pair of arms wrapped around her waist tightened was accompanied with a low tired growl and a face snuggling into her neck, she rethought her whole plan.

Li was awake long before she ever was, so that gave him time to think. It had been a very long time since he had become a demon. Exactly 40,000 yrs ago he was just a mere mortal prepare his ascension to the throne. But lady fate must have had a different plan for him. For many yrs he had many potential mates, but the one who he has hated since her birth was his.

Shortly after Li did a little thinking he fell in to a in between sleep as his body was in a to comfortable of a spot to let the extremely rare opportunity pass it by, being spooned against a sleeping warm supple female. Li fell asleep with a slight smile gracing his lips.

He woke up slightly when he felt Sakura starting to move. He tightens his hold on her as a low growl spilled from his lips as he rubbed his face against her neck. "You're awake." He said in the same cold husky voice as the night before. Sakura gasped slightly before nodding her head, " What… What are you going to do?… with me?" she asked keeping her eyes straight in front of her.

Li smiled a slightly cruel amused smile, " I don't know. You belong to me now so…" he didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence because Sakura shot up and while holding part of the sheet around her chest she turned around to face Li who was now laying on his back. "JUST BECAUSE YOU FORCED ME TO SLEEP WITH YOU DOES NOT MEAN I BELONG TO SCUM AS THE LIKES OF YOU!!" she yelled as she shoved her finger in his chest and got right up in his face, " I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHO YOU ARE, YOU WILL NEVER OWN ME YOU…"

Li loved her spunk, but calling him scum was something else. He quickly sat up, grabbed her from toppling over and pulled her into his lap with her back to his chest. (a/n if you have ever sat up in a blanket and turned 180 degrees in it you get a little tangled.) he lowered his lips to her ear, " Didn't your father ever teach you to respect your elders? I own you whether you like it or not, you are my mate, and as for the scum part I do as my nature tells me to do, just as your nature does."

The words weren't as terrifying as most would think, the iciness in his voice chipped away at her, while his warm breath did agonizing things to her senses. Sakura shivered slightly as Li continued his speech. " Besides, I'm not the one who just slept with the king of darkness." Li smirked as Sakura let out a growl of agitation at him. He moved his head slightly as he began kissing her neck stopping briefly at his mark on her neck-shoulder. His hands busied themselves with playing the sheet so that it brushed against her chest in just the right way.

Sakura knew what was about to happen was wrong but at that very moment she could care less, the felling of his chest against her back, his lips nipping at her, along with his hands felt so good. Her mind had gotten stuck in a rut as it just kept repeating ` this is how it should be, so good'. She finally let her head fall backwards to his shoulder as he renewed the mark on her.

Li knew she was enjoying this just as much as he was because of the simple fact that her moans had increased in sound as well as intensity. He knew she was extremely close but he was not about to let her get off just that easy.

Okay now I know that you all do not like cliffies, and personally I don't either. Also there is a lot more to this chapter but I thought since I've been gone so long that I would put out something and appease your appetite.