Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ questions and more questions ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A couple of hours later they finally made it out of bed. While dressing Li noticed that Sakura was whimpering as she dressed and as much as he tried his body and his heart disobey him. He walked up behind her just as she was standing from grabbing something from off the floor and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Sakura gasped slightly when she felt arms wrap around her. Then she felt his lips brush across her neck as he rubbed his face there. " you should take a hot bath." He whispered as he cuddled her, she wasn't sure was more annoying, the fact that he was touching her or the fact that he just told her that she needed a bath. She turned around in her arms so that she was facing him and said, " Are you saying I smell, hmmm, I wonder why could it be that I just spent the last hour being FUCKED."

Li couldn't help the slight amused smile that crossed his face. Yes his body was defiantly on strike. And before he could think against it he allowed his head to drop to her shoulder and bury his face into her neck-shoulder, before he replied " No, you smell wonderful but your still sore and a warm bath would do you some good. "

Sakura blushed as she realized that he was trying to be thoughtful and the fact that he was so close to her. "Uh, uh, I, I guess that would be nice. Thank you." A faint smile crested her lips as she turned around to look at him. He had a faint scowl on his as he tried to regain his control back. Looking at him she couldn't help the giggle that seem to boil to the surface in her throat.

He stared at her as she started giggling. " What are you doing?" he sneered getting almost full control back. Sakura quickly stopped her giggling, " gigging." The scowl deepened at her reply, "And why are you `giggling at me?" Sakura looked around before she stepped away, towards the bathroom door.

sakura didn't know what she was doing as she stepped away from him and a playful grin was creeping across her face, " you looked soo cute and adorable when you did that, " she saw the stone hard face lume above her, still though something told her that he would not hurt her unless she truly deserved it.

Suddenly Sakura was thrown over Li's shoulder, he was walking towards the bathroom. He allowed her to fall in to the incredibly huge and deep tube. He watched as the warm-hot water pooled over her. Sakura felt the warmness seep into her sore muscles and relive some of the tensions there.

Li couldn't help himself as he so willingly slid into the bath, too. After a few hours, Li, Syronian finally left his room to tend to other growing problems like the simple fact that now he couldn't just ransom away his mate and child… Child!!!!! The realization hit him like a ton of bricks; Sakura had become pregnant from all of their strenuous morning activities.

He cursed silently as he walked into his thrown room, not really worrying about his subjects, considering that most were asleep due to the fact that it was still mid-day.

Eriol stood in a darken chamber in the middle of which was a black mystical fire burning illuminating the rest of the room in an eerie glow. On the far wall a feminine figure hung limply. Eriol rapidly tapped a staff against the marble tiled floor, the sound rung oddly throw out the room.

The figure was swiftly release from the chains that bound it as it floated towards Eriol, in the light of the black fire one could tell that the person was none other than meilin. The body stopped in front of him, he allowed the head to roll back exposing the soft tender neck and artery. He moved swiftly to her placing his mouth over her neck and piercing it with his razor sharp fangs. He slowly drained what little life she had out of her along with all the power she held.

Once Eriol did so he threw the former shell into the black fire allowing it to be consumed by it. Even though he had just feed he was still hungry, but not for what just any mortal could give. He hungered for Tomoyo and only her, the problem was that he could not allow him-self to taint such a creature as her.

She was as pure as an angel and he was demon with at least a thousand yrs of blood on his hands. Hands that yearned to trace the ever, wanton body of his Tomoyo. Eriol shook his head trying to erase such thoughts from his head and to gain some control of his ever, rebelling body.

Suddenly he had an erg to go and see the dark lord. He didn't get these often so he decided that it would be a good idea to go.

Syaoran laid with one leg thrown recklessly over the arm with his back in the nook of the chair. He sported a demonic scowl on his face, it was a very good thing that the only person stupid enough to come in there was Eriol. Normally Li would be throwing an energy blast at him, but he was so caught up in his thoughts that he only registered the fact that he was standing close by.

Eriol knew that Syaoran was in deep concentration when he saw that Li was glowering at the wall. He took a risk and stepped forward saying, " Master Li, is every thing alright?" when he still did not answer Eriol took another step forward and repeated himself again.

Finally the dark lord took noticed and snaped "WHAT IS IT YOU, IMBICILE!!" Eriol jumped back slightly before repeating his apologies then said, "is there something bothering you?" Li ignored the question for now and replied "so what was your torment for Meiling?"

Eriol shook his head knowing he was not going to get an answer from him so he willing gave him the information he wanted knowing full well he could access his mind and diverge the information from him. " I used the Troshinto Me Sindiose (yes it's a real tormenting process, I just don't think that's the proper spelling), then I took her last blood and power for my own."

The demon lord allowed a sadistic smile to curl upon his lips, he knew how fulfilling the Troshinto Me Sindiose could be, but he could also tell that there was a yearning in Eriol that could only be satisfied by a chosen mate.

Eriol had chosen a mate yet had not taken her added even more pure enjoyment to Li's all ready troubled mind.

Sakura roamed about the room, looking at the various pieces in the room. He had pieces dated so far back they were beautiful. One piece that caught her eye was a dragon claw dagger with a diamond-crystal blade. Her fingers traced the handle relishing in the coolness of it.

Suddenly a voice said "the blade of Aamun-ya-kitu, said to be wielded out of the blood of the gods." Sakura turned around swiftly to look at the trespasser; he was a 6'11" male, with short spiky hair, long venomous nails, and make-up. He reminded her of a Marline Manson. "Who are you?" she asked still holding the blade. He studied her for a moment before replying, " shouldn't I be asking you that, my dear?" he stepped closer leaning in towards her.

Sakura gracefully stepped aside, holding her head up in a purely matriarch-article way and said, " considering this is Where my master told me to stay, and that all other demons are restricted from this area… no!" the demon smiled and said " well yes that's true," he paused slightly before he unexpectedly pulled her to him and said " but yer master ain't here."

Okay, ne I did not fall of the deep end I've just been busy. The standered disclaimer apply. I would say more but well you know.

Ciao for now, kili