Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ tension and suspension ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

here is another wonderful installment of this increadibly frustrating story. before i go on let me first put a few things down.

disclaimer: i don't own CCS. i own the plots and a few other characters i have thrown.

next somebody asked Where i got the idea for Draco. Well i'm sorry to say but he just came to me though i did have to take some of his persona from an old friend that seems to act very similar.

I hope they never actully read this or they may kill me.

next i am trying to write but I'm working on a new project, so Updates may be few and far. ill try as much as possible.

so now on with the reading.

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Sakura shoved the opposing demon gracefully away. she held her stance steedy as the demon again approched her.

"my yer quite de fiesty one. I'z like dem fiesty." he drawled on as he made a another attempt to grab her. again sukura

gracefully moved out of his reach. finally curosity got the better of her as she asked, "who are you?" the man smiled like a chesher cat," i'z be michaelz, you?" he made another reach for her which she just as well dodged. she was just about to answer when he continued on, " stay still damn it. i'z not hurt ya, if ya stay still." Anger arouse in Sakura like she had never known, "I beg your pardon, you shall do no such thing. you are not permitted in here, lay one finger on me and it'll not only be me you'll deal with but my master too." her voice rose with each word until she was yelling into the demon's sensitive ears.

the demon stared at her with inscouplous thought running through his head when a voice from behind her said, "she's right." the demon whipped around upon hearing the cold threatening voice of the dark lord himself. "mi'lord, i did not see you there." sakura moved to stand at syronan's side wordlessly. the demon glared at her still acting oblivious to whom her master was. she stood on the dark lords right just behind him. Li's glare made ice look cozy. he did not like his belongings being touched. exspecially when it was a newly aquire item as sush the case was.

"mazilo(lowlycur of a demon, half-filth breed), I told every one that this was off limits. anyone who dared entered would die." his hand began to drip with a green oozing lliquid. the demon smelt a soft wonderful smell and stepped back knowing that impending doom was soon to come. " Mi'lord, I apoligize. I heard not of an order." the demon goveled at his feet. the king spat at the groveler and growled out angrily, " bullshit. my orders are not ones to be easily ignored. Mazilo, you of all know better." the scowering demon began to shake as he thought of a decent explination. " I grew curious when I found out there was a female nearby. I did not pay attention to what rooms i walked through." he tried to tame his bodies shaking but he failed horribly.

The dark demon king's impatentce grew as the thought of the lowly demon even coming close to his mate crossed his mind. Suddenly the demon found himself pressed against the hard cold ceilin with Li hovering close to him. Li's eyes turn completely black, his rage barely contained due to the fact that his mate was so close by. " GET OUT!!!" he yelled causing the room to reverbrate through out. then he added with a lower yet still harsher tone, " If you ever step foot in here again, I will not hesitate to sloughter you in the slowest, most painful way I can come up with." he then threw the demon away from him as he landed ever so gracefully next to Sakura.

Sakura shudder at the intesity in his steady cold glare. he looked her over as if inspecting her for any harm done. his studing gaze rested of the ancient dagger that she still held. A small smile graced his lips, which meant the corners of his lips where turned up at the edges. most would not have seen it but it didn't go unnoticed by her. she stepped closer casting a slightly disgruntled look at the still cowering demon.

A low growl brought her gaze back to the dark lord. she shook her head to disprove any questions that made their way through his cold studing gaze. " no harm was done to me my sire." she paused as her brain tried to make sence of why the hell she was so submissive. she shoved it aside as he brushed his knuckles against her cheack in a soothing caring manner.

one would almost believe such had it not been for the small fact that he was the darkness that every thing feared. he was the ultimate evil. this was the small factor that seemed to undermine such a simple act of love to most. The princess brings her hand to hold the cool on that touched her. she rubbed against the hand before her pride forced to stepped back.

she bowed before she turned to walk away. she stepped on and over the offending demon. Li scowered yet he did not stop her from leaving. The demon maoned as Sakura purposely stepped on a more delicate part. Then she was gone. A cruel sneer came to surface as an ungodly scream of pain erupted from micheal's mouth. Fire spilled from his body. the poor demon was burning alive.

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Eriol paced his room sweat dripped off his body. his body was being tortured and the pain was becoming to great for him. he knew how to end it but such would mean that he would have to claim something that he could not claim. he became more agitated with every passing moment. His demonic side wanted release yet it could not find what it needed.

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The king of avalon stormed through the main hall way. Officers lined both sides. they had been searching for the lost heir of avolon for two weeks. no clues as to her where abouts had been found. Most on the case were weary that she was still alive. Kero and Yue were snappy, bitting off every thing that came close. she had been their charge and that seemed to be to big of a task for them to handle.

The castle was in utter turrmoil. Tomoyo had hit rock bottom. She had barely eaten, taken drink, smiled, laughed. All the things that she would do prior to such recent events had ceased completely. Her body had shruken in size, skin and bones. a ghost of her former being, sullen and reserved.

All activities that had been on were stopped until the king could find his daughter. No ramsome had been sent which caused the puzzle to become even more distorted than it had been. No one could figure out why no ransome had been given. The police had been forced to searched the whole coast . Though no clues had been yeilded, the case remained open.

Tomoyo laid in the middle of her bed. Silent tears fell as the sullen princess doujibo curled in to the fetal postion. between her best friend disappeared and eriol leaving her, life, living had become almost to much. the void in her heart had grown. she felt a tug to where she didn't know. she had a feeling that if she could wish hard enough that the tug would take her to where it wanted her.

every day the feeling had grown to almost the point where she had ceased to function. Her days were plagued by a yearning, her nights were plagued by feverish dreams of a man so unknown. a strangled sobbed was release as she tried to move to under the covers.

The effort was to much for her weakened body. She fell back writhing in pain. The room had darken increasingly since she had laid down. she breath began to slow as sleep took her over.

Thats when he appeared. eriol looked down at the sleep beauty and frowned. She looked like deathly ill. Yet no smell of illness covered her body. She made a sudden cry and mumbled incoherant words as her arm went towards him. He smiled slightly at the gesture. Even in her sleep she needed him. Then he frown as he noticed the small healing cuts that lined her small pale wrist. he reached down to brush his fingers across her wrist. The light touched caused the hand to recoil as more incoherant words were mummbled. " why do you recoil at my touch? So frail, all alone." he brushed a featherlight kiss against her temple as he continue to whisper to her, " Is Sakura so important that you must destroy your self or is there another that you yearn for?"

he felt the sudden tug of his demon side and realized that he shouldn't have come. The mere thought of another touching his property drove him to the near edge of losing control. " luv..." he gazed down his breath hitched as the word Eriol slipped passed her lips with a sigh. His brow came to gether in disgust and confusion. " Is it I, who caused this pain? Am I the one that you weep over?" he brushed a chaste kiss against her lips and finished what he was saying before he lost control, " If you ever need me, or anything just close your eyes and I'll be here."

Then he was gone. Tomoyo's eyes fluttered open and looked about the room. It was cold and empty yet it felt as though a familiur presence had left. Suddenly she started to weep, sobs racked her small body as she called out for the one person that had plagued her since they left.... "ERIOL!" the word echoed through out the room as if to mock her. this only caused her cries to wrack her frail body even harder.

then she felt her body being cradle against a strong yet gentle body. Soothing words calmed the tears that surfaced in her. she looked at the person that held her with blood-shot eyes. she gasped at the person that held her. It was the one she wanted, Eriol. he smiled down at her, a thin layer of sweat covered him, but he was still smiled.

Holding her put his body in pure torture. It took all he had in years of strict self discline to just hold the fragil form of his beloved. She rubbed her face against the smooth texture of his shirt. a sigh escaped her lips as sleep once again claimed her. He felt her relax and looked down to see a sleeping angel. He smiled as he held his precious and disappeared from the room.

Kero walked in the room that had held Tomoyo. He had heard a sudden cry and had to investigate it. when he entered the room it was dark and cold. he could tell that this room held no person. he stalked over to the bed fearing that she had finally taken her own life. yet when he reached the bed the indentation of her body was still there. he could smell the wretched smell of demon stenach. he held his breath as a small delicate letter fluttered down to him.

he caught it in his mouth effortlessly. he stalked out of the room to find yue. he found the stotic gaurdian in the garden that overlooked the city. an overall gourgeous site exspecially at nite as it was now. he dropped the letter on the ground and said with mute displeasure, " she's gone." the staement was simple yet seemed to speak volumes.

"I know." came the soleum reply of a highly irked gaurdian. " there is a letter. do you wish to read it?" kero watched the other very carefully. they had known each other for a lot longer than most would think but in all that time Kero still couldn't read yue.

a reside sigh came from the withdrawn yue, " might as well, then we can take the next step." he scooped up the letter and began to read it:

Tomoyo is in good hands. she was deathly ill. She called out for another. I answered her call. Do not fret she is in good hands. no ransome is wanted. just leave us be.

no name was left at the bottom. it utter disguste the paper was crumpled and thrown away from him. He was fuming. The palace was suppost to be impenitrable to demons. Yet somehow two demons had gotten through the gates. Now both of his charges were in the clutches of filth.

He looked toward the sky. It was a full moon that night causing him to be bathed in a cool eiry light. He emplored every god and godess he could think of to repleal what ever the fates seemed to have against him. the king of avalon was surely going to skin the poor fools who were imcopenten at the very moment.

the a sudden erge to close his eyes over took him. visions of war and happy families fluttered through his sight. He then felt as though he was surrounded by unfamilur people and he opened his eyes to see that he was no longer in the palace gardens but in a hall, a court hall if he wasn't mistaken.

in front of him sat a group of three wise men and three wise women. the each studied him. but it was a women of glossemer hair, long and flowing. dressed in the clothing of anceint queens long pasted that caught his attention. she walked towards him with grace that took years of practice to achive.

Her voice rang like a thousand angel as she spoke softly to him, "You emplore us, but for the wrong reasons. your charges are where they must. Two warring families will be brought together. and the one that was for good that evil had claimed as its owed will be brought back for an age of truth, justice, peace and enllightenment. The beging of where wizards and magicks will be as free and ample as the humans that hath taken over shall be once more."

she paused as she allowed the information to actully sink in. she began again not allowing him to ask questions, " one of pure innocence will be come one of wisdom and magick. her people will come from near and far to emplore her unpassible knowledge and wisdom. the one of the darkness will stand at her side, protecting her from the shadows that threaten to take over. the gentalman and the artisan to shall seek comfort in another and they will begain a line as equal in power as the wizards before." she stopped unexpectedly.

the sudden lack of her voice threw him off, he looked about to find himself still standing in the gardens. he looks about confusion written all overhis face. he opens his mouth but could not form words. he shut it and left with out a word to kero.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Sakura sat in one of the many lounges of Li's suit. she had been stuck here for about three weeks give or take a few days. she had fallen in to a routine of after a night of pleasure, they would get up shower, more fun, breakfast. then she would look about. she was restricted to his suits, which included a small spring and garden.

occasionaly he would appear but most offten she was alone with a gaurd near by. they weren't much for company though. They were most pfften like a stone only watching her from a far. today she was sitting by the spring. Contemplating the sudden feel of being sick. just as the thought crossed her minf a wave of nausia hit her, hard.

she stood up too quickly causing her to be dizzy. she held it as long as she could. she rushed passed the gaurd to the bathroom. she barely made it. after a while of puking,Sakura sat on the cool floor. she held onto the toliet to keep from falling back.

the gaurd noticed the swaying she did even on the ground. He walked over and grabbed her gently by the elbow to tug her up. Sakura looked upward witha greatful smile as the guard helped her to the bed. she laid down and was soon fast asleep.

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Li sat in his throne room listening to the newest accorances in the human world. supposedly there had been another princess that had gone missing and that the avalon was despretly seeking their heir. He idoly lazed around. he was growing bored of the same reports.

he still hadn't ransome his prisoner and at the very moment he wouldn't. He couldn't for three reasons, one she was with his child, two she was his mate and three well he wouldn't admit three any time soon. suddenly shattering glass could be heard as he chucked an empty bottle of liquor at the wall. He had been around so long that now alcohol had no effect. He sulked in his chair until he felt a very familur presentce neay-by.

He turned his head to catch a glimpse of his mate. He had to look twice, something was off. He knew it was his Sakura but at the same time it wasn't her. For one she was floating off the ground by about 30 feet. Next was the fact that she looked deathly pale, yet completely peacful. He called out, " Sakura, I warned you to stay in my suits." when she made no move of comprension, he growled as he stood up. he came close to her and began to hover. When he got close enough to reach his hand passed through her. he drew it back as though he had been burned. He then realized a horrible truth, Her powers were awaking and that she was the Mistress of Light. He knew this through the many tales of prophetes that had been drilled into his head along with the hell of a inconviecing fact of he was the dark. He was the thing that evil had claimed. That feared the mistress more than any death.

he sneered as another thought passed through his head, she was the mistress but she was his mate, too. That meant she could be .. no she would be crupted. After all she carried the child of lucifer in her. That alone would bring her to his side. He disappered from the throne room to find his beloved.

Yeah yeah I know it took too long to write. hey at least i can say its written at this point. Well hope you enjoyed it. don't forget to review.

ciao for now... kili087.

email me if ye want