Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Little Sister ❯ In Hospital ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Little Sister
Disclaimer: Cardcaptor Sakura is not mine and never will be. The song featured, White Season, is not mine either.
Warning: This story features incest and will have lemons sooner or later (meaning a brother and sister relationship with sexual content, so if you find such content offensive or you're generally not `into' that kind of thing, click the `back' button and do not read the story).
This first bit might seem a bit weird. Please excuse it.
Chapter one: In Hospital
Four years later, Syaoran's POV
Nobotta Sakamichini Tachidomaru Kageboshi
Doshite Ima Futariha Kazeni Fukareteiru
Sakura. She's on the ground a few feet away from me, her ankle twisted and her knee grazed. From the terrified look on her face, she was more concerned with something else rather than her own injuries.
Her magical sealing wand was out of her reach, dropped and knocked away after her fall. She started to crawl nearer to it, that's when I saw from the corner of my eye…
Card. The Shot card, a very dangerous one Keroberos had warned us before. It circled around me as a glowing ball of light and fired numerous little beams, but I was safe thanks to The Shield card with its strong invisible bubble covering me.
Though, I wasn't the only target. It was after her too. It turned its sights on her, seeing as it couldn't reach me…
I left my protective shell, because I knew Sakura wouldn't get to her wand and summon up another shield for herself in time. The Shot flew through the air like a sparrow, very small and nimble. I heard a ping from a beam, and without hesitation I dived forward to cover my sister on the ground.
Pain. I growled through my teeth as a sharp, continuous pain trailed across my left shoulder. It stung, burnt, like I'd been sliced with a searing hot knife blade. My eyes shut tight, and I curled up my body more around Sakura while she trembled underneath me.
More pain. Lots of it. All over and everywhere. But no matter how many times the incredibly hot jabs struck me, I wouldn't move. I curled up more around her, to become a complete human shield.
Tired. My eyesight started to fade. I could hear the sizzling on my skin from the impacts. This hurt a lot. I started to lose consciousness. Please don't harm Sakura…
Meilin. She called to us and tried to help. I heard something else scrape across the floor, something light. My head ached really badly.
“Brother, please hang on!” Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.
Normal POV
Togireta Kotobani Nakisoni Narukeredo
Nagareru Kumo Miagete Daijobutte Tsubuyaita
Finally, he was beginning to stir. After such a long time… he was waking up.
Syaoran scrunched his face up and closed his eyes again in reaction to the blinding light shining on his face. Well, not directly on his face but generally all around him. The first thing he caught a glimpse of was the plain white ceiling above him, and nothing much else.
It took a few more seconds before he decided to open his eyes again, this time not finding the light to be all that bright. Still, his eyelids drooped halfway until he's fully adjusted to it.
Low hums and beeps from machines or even computers constantly rung in his ears, and incoherent whispers from people he may know mixed in with the ambient noises.
He held his breath for a second, wincing as a numb ache by his left shoulder suddenly turned into a sharp sting. His breathing became shallow on release, when the pain quickly faded away.
The sweet quivering voice of a young girl caught his attention. His hand felt warm, both on the back and the palm.
Struggling, he turned his head to the right where his ears picked up the voice from. His out of focus ambers turned much quicker than his head could, so he was pretty much following them round. He had no real emotional reactions when he saw a girl with glimmering but sad emerald eyes leaning forward on her elbows onto her bed, clutching his hand between her own and a few tears streaking down her cheeks.
“This is fantastic; Syaoran-kun's awake at last!” An amethyst eyed with a palm sized camcorder squealed with glee as she moved to the foot of the bed, and aimed the device directly at the two siblings. “Sakura-chan, move in closer!”
She waved her hand across in front of herself, trying to arrange the subjects of her media capture for the `perfect shot'. She received no immediate response from either; however that was no bother to her. She's a very patient person, and as long as she gets the footage she wants she'd wait for hours on end.
Whether or not her best friend and cousin asked her or not, Sakura would've done so anyway. She leant closer over the bed, now moving off the steel framed chair she sat by his bedside on, and raised a trembling hand to her brother's forehead. A couple of stray tears dripped down onto his cheeks, and her fingers brushed away the chocolate bangs almost covering his tired eyes and softly kissed his forehead.
A few quiet giggles came from almost everyone in the room, excluding the blushing Sakura, slightly confused Syaoran and a miffed looking lad with dark hair.
“I never thought you would be able to spend more time lying in bed during the mornings like the monster,” The tall boy stepped forward off the wall with crossed arms, looking positively relieved but with a very serious tone to his voice. The point where he labelled Sakura as a monster sailed unnoticed over her head, for she was too busy hovering close to Syaoran with teary eyes and stroking his cheeks with her fingertips in a doting manner.
“But it looks like you've beaten her record by miles. Congratulations, brat,” He ruffled his younger brother's already messy hair, ignoring the glares his sister was directing at him in Syaoran's defence when she heard him call him brat.
Syaoran's gaze momentarily travelled around the room. He was in a large boxed room with white walls, white bed sheets, and white curtains… that could explain why it was so bright at first. Medical machines, graphs, literally hundreds of wrapped presents and vibrantly coloured cards wishing him a quick recovery took up a lot of the space, but there was still enough room to squeeze a brass band in here.
Just beside the door, where the tall boy was standing a few moments ago, another of the same height with silver hair smiled back widely and held a large weaved basket heaped up with various kinds of delicious looking fruit and tied up at the top with a red bow.
Another girl with dark hair, apart from the one who stood in front with the camera, stood to his left. Her expression was the same as the tall boy next to his bed.
His eyes landed back on Sakura, who gave up glaring at her other brother and stared directly at him with a concerned eyebrow raised. Her emeralds were very deep, and asked a simple question. `Is there something wrong, brother?'
Parting his lips by only half an inch, he replied with an unsure question of his own in a croaky, difficult voice. “Who… are you?”
Silence. Everything in the room turned to a total, dead silence. The same expression of extreme shock plastered to everyone's once relieved faces, the smiles turning to blank, grim frowns… except for Sakura.
His words hit her the most, like a wall in the path of an eighteen wheeler. She paled, a shaking hand frozen at the side of his cheek and her eyes watering up heavier by the second. Her heart was beating so slow it would almost be classed as stopped. The sudden need to scream and cry out loud in a fit of tears drew ever closer… until, looking like a deer caught in headlights, she saw the corners of his mouth lifting slowly to make a cheeky grin.
“Bro, don't do that to me!”
The welled up tears fell anyway, as well as a short hiccupping giggle of happiness. She whacked him on the shoulder with an unintentional amount of force, however not even the return of the stinging pain coursing through the area of that particular spot on his back could stop him from choking out a gravelly laugh.
A collective sigh of relief (more of annoyance from two particular people) released from all the other onlookers, and the atmosphere returned to its previous state.
“I-I'm really sorry,” Syaoran's voice was gruff, and fairly quiet. He took his sister's hand and held it against his chest, breathing out deeply and looking into her eyes with an apologetic shine in his own. “I just had to do that… to see how you'd react.”
“Yeah, yeah, Syaoran-kun, very funny,” The ruby eyed girl to his left huffed her sarcastic remark, placing both her hands on her hips.
Meilin Li. The youngest daughter of five, she `helped' out a lot during many of the previous card captures. The entire Li family moved to Japan from China a long while ago, and the mother Yelan became good friends with the Kinomoto's and the Daidouji's. All of the Li's know of magic and thus do their part to help out the card mistress and her brother, although Meilin and two of her fellow sisters lack the ability to use magic. They make up for that with their extensive knowledge and superiority in the family martial arts.
“If you joke around like that again Syaoran, you'll be spending an extra week in here with a broken leg,” The tall dark haired boy growled and loomed over him on the bed. He clutched his own chest as if his brother's joke almost gave him a heart attack.
Toya Kinomoto, Sakura and Syaoran's older brother. He is very protective of his siblings, although he does like to tease them both with nicknames. He calls his sister `monster', which results in a foot stomping, and calls his brother `brat', leading to a simple glare or even a challenge to a duel. Much like Syaoran, he's been learning a variety of martial arts (He's currently working for 1st Dan in Karate). He doesn't know for sure about his sibling's magical powers, but he has his suspicions.
“You have to admit though, that was pretty good coming from him,” The girl with the camcorder remarked, still aiming and filming the entire event. Syaoran has always been a very serious person, and those who have ever doubted him of having a sense of humour have just been proved wrong (admittedly, it is a rather dark humour).
Tomoyo Daidouji, the Kinomoto's cousin and dearest friend. She loves to design, make and film Sakura wearing all sorts of crazy clothes and costumes for the times she captures the Clow cards, and constantly refers to everything Sakura does with her brother as cute. Unlike the rest of their friends, she knows about the Kinomoto's and Li's magic. Very often, she makes special treats for the sun guardian of the cards, Keroberos.
“Indeed it was,” The boy with silver hair stepped forward next to Toya and presented the basket in his hands as a gift. “Here's something I picked up for you at the store whilst shopping for dinner. Get well soon, Syaoran-kun!”
Yukito Tsukishiro, Toya's long time close friend and is well respected by Sakura and Syaoran. He's known for his big and unusual appetite, matched only by Kero. No one has met them yet, but he apparently lives with his grandparents in a small house not too far away from the Kinomoto's. Whenever close to Toya, there's a noticeable glint in his eye that says he sees him a lot more than just as a friend…
Syaoran nodded his thanks, his eyes wide like saucers at the bundle being offered. He couldn't eat all of that, not even in his weakened state! Still, he could easily share it out.
Excited chatter ensued from everyone, and Syaoran laid his cheek against his sister's forehead as she rested her head down on his shoulder.
Shiroi Kisetsuga Tobirawo Akete Ticket Nimainotabi
Hokaniwa Nanimo Shiranakuteii Yokogao Mitsumetetai
A couple of hours passed, and they filled Syaoran in on many things he may have been unclear of. Such as the fact he's currently in the town hospital, he's been unconscious for three whole days, they'd all came to visit him everyday before and after school and his wounds were apparently identified as electrical burns. From what no one exactly knows, but what they are all aware of is that he received them whilst protecting his sister from harm.
All around the hospital and beyond, he is gloriously being hailed as the `little hero'.
A lot of the credit for getting him here goes to Yelan Li. After Meilin called her mother once Sakura cleverly caught the Shot card with the use of Mirror, she sent out a helicopter to airlift him away for immediate treatment. Her influence also stopped any questions leading to how Syaoran really received these injuries any further.
Many visitors stopped by. The doctors and nurses who treated him, friends and well wishers from school (at his request, Toya and Yukito kept the hordes of `Syaoran fangirls' at bay for while), unfortunately Meilin's four hyperactive older sisters (They kept poking his cheeks and forehead with their fingers, wailing over how adorable it was for him to take care of Sakura like he did) and even Sonomi and Yelan.
Rika, Naoko, Chiharu and Takashi conversed with Sakura, Meilin and Tomoyo in the corner, Toya and Yukito together just behind them and Fujitaka Kinomoto stood by his sin's hospital bed. He cancelled a flight out to Italy when Syaoran had been admitted to the hospital, and rushed out of a class at the University where he works when he heard he was awake.
“I'm so glad to see you looking so well now, my son,” Fujitaka stood at his bedside with his usual gentle air about him, patting him on the head.
Syaoran was a bit embarrassed from all the attention he was receiving since he'd woken up, however he did enjoy seeing Sakura smile and laugh alongside her friends. It gave him the incentive to know what he'd done, despite the danger it put him in, was the right thing. The thought of her ending up in here instead of him, it's just unbearable. If he was given the choice, he'd do what he'd done to protect her again and again no matter how severe the pain or injury.
For her. Sakura Kinomoto, his little sister.
“Thanks, dad,” He smiled back to his father, and shuffled a little on the bed. He was able to sit up now, which to him was much more comfortable than lying down, and he regained most of his normal voice back. “Because of everyone's support, I'm feeling better every minute.”
“That's what I like to hear,” Fujitaka leant in, looking for any indication whether or not his son would like a hug. Syaoran nodded, and was embraced lightly by his father.
“And well done… well done for looking out for your sister!”
“Ah, think nothing of it,” Syaoran blushed and hugged his father back, talking to him but looking over to Sakura across the room. Her emerald eyes caught his ambers, and with a blushing smile she bashfully dropped her gaze. “She's my sister. I have to take care of her.”
Fujitaka laughed heartily, and released him gently. He's so proud of the protective instincts his children have towards each other.
“I know you would've done the same thing for Syaoran-kun, right Toya?” Yukito asked his friend, drawing them into the conversation. The kind-eyed father looked to his other son, smiling as he knew Toya find some way to lovingly annoy his brother.
“Huh? Protect that brat so I'll end up in hospital?” Toya mock scoffed the idea, smirking at the irritated look Syaoran was giving him. “I don't know… depends on what mood I'm in, really.”
“Get lost, Toya,” Syaoran glared. He knew his brother was joking around, but he resented the `brat' remark.
Sakura, filling in for him, marched past her friends and up to Toya. Without a second thought, she stamped down hard on his foot. Toya dropped down on one knee, yelping in pain and nursing his foot with both hands.
Many quietly chuckled in amusement, while Syaoran applauded his sister with a few short claps.
“Thanks a lot, Cherry. It saves me the trouble of doing it myself,” Gracefully, she bowed to him and frustrated, Toya grumbled all sorts of curse words.
“Okay, okay,” Fujitaka bent forward and patted Toya on the back, offering him an arm to help stand back up. “I think we should all get going now. Syaoran needs his rest.”
Sakura stomped so hard on Toya's foot he found it difficult to walk. He hobbled out to the door like an eighty year old, using Yukito's shoulder for support. Yukito waved a goodbye, laughing, and Toya grunted a farewell without looking back.
“Can I stay, daddy?” Sakura asked, leading the others near the doorway.
“That's up to Syaoran,” He looked to his son who confirmed with a nod, much to Sakura's delight. He waved for everyone to leave. “Alright then everyone, let's go.”
Rika quickly passed two things on to Sakura, one which she kept in her hand the other she placed in her pocket.
All the girls waved enthusiastically and chanted `get well soon' as they left the room one by one, whilst Takashi gave a friendly thumbs-up and yelled `see you in school, man'. Soon the lively room became silent like it was earlier in the morning, leaving only the two younger siblings.
“Finally… some peace and quiet,” Syaoran rested his back against the standing pillow by the headboard, lacing his fingers together on his stomach and dropping his head back.
Sakura giggled, being one of the few who actually knows of her brother's hate of noisy and overly crowded environments. He's a very shy person in large groups. She pulled up a chair again, and sat down beside him.
“Does it hurt?” She asked after a session of silence, placing her hand over his.
“My back?” She nodded, even though his eyes were closed and he couldn't see her. Still, he answered knowing what she meant. “Its okay… aches a little bit by my shoulder.”
“Not too much, does it?”
“No, not too much,” He opened his eyes and levelled his head, gripping her hand tight. “Dad even told me the doctors are considering my release tomorrow early afternoon. They're really impressed with my recovery.”
She brightened up as he spoke, stroking the back of his hand with her thumb. She paused by his knuckles, currently bandaged, and sadly looked down.
“…This one hasn't healed yet. They said it'll leave a scar.”
“It doesn't matter to me, sis,” He took his hand away from hers, and lifted her chin up with his finger. “It'll be a constant reminder of how much I care about you, and the lengths I'd go to prove that.”
Her cheeks turned pink, her eyes shining. Taking his hand, she leant onto the bed and lay her head down on his lap. Timidly, she whispered to him. “I'm so happy that you care so much about me… thank you, bro.”
Oshiete Futarino Mirai Ashitawoutsusu Kagamiga Hoshii
Furueteyureru Kimochi Afureso
Anatano Ironi Tadasomaritakute
He stroked her short, silky auburn hair, and smiled fondly. He then caught sight of what she held in her other hand. “What's that?”
“What's what?” She looked a little taken back, her voice slightly muffled from the bed covers.
“In your hand,” He nudged his head, pointing to the round red item she held on to.
“…It's an apple,” She told him meekly, sitting up straight and holding it out at arms length for him. “Rika-chan bought it for you.”
She felt something pull inside her chest as she offered him a present from another girl, even if it is one of her close friends.
Rika likes him. She likes him a lot. Sakura didn't mind the crush her friend has on her brother, because unlike all the other girls who like she knows that Rika is a very kind and gentle person. Lately however, she's not been too sure whether or not she wants anyone, not even her friends, to get too close to him…
“Really? That's nice of her to do so,” He looked over to the heaped fruit pile on the opposite bedside cupboard given to him by Yukito. “Although I already have to get through that lot Yukito gave me.”
“You don't want it?” It would be unfortunate for him to turn down a gift from a friend, now matter how she felt about it. Would she be glad if he didn't accept it…?
“No, I'll have it,” He reached out for the apple. “I like them, and the basket doesn't have any. I'll definitely have to thank Rika for that.”
She forced an agreeing smile. Before he could take it, she withdrew her hand. “Would you like me to peel it for you? Rika-chan knew you prefer them peeled, and gave me this,” She produced a small peeler from her pocket, only sharp enough to cut through thin layers of fruit.
“Ah, thanks,” He raised an eyebrow, and his lips formed a smirk. Sakura always peeled apples for him as a way to master the art, something which their mother was very good at. She wanted to learn and be just like her, and Syaoran admired his sister greatly for that. “I hope I'll at least get some apple this time around.”
“Hey, I've improved a lot, you know,” Last time, she accidentally took off a lot and reduced it to only half its original size. But in the end, size doesn't affect the taste.
Vigorously, she worked away at the skin. He watched her almost professionally carve and slice, letting the peel twirl and fall to the floor… with some apple still attached. She finished eventually, and really did do a great job.
“Here you go bro!” She handed him the peeled fruit, smiling confidently.
“This looks good,” He took a single large bite, and his eyes widened approvingly. “It tastes really good, too.”
Bowing a thank you, she watched him intently as he ate the apple. Big bites, small bites… he looked like he was really enjoying it. It looks tasty…
A sudden want for food from her previous lack of an appetite days before, due to her worries over her brother, caused the pit of her stomach to growl and rumble noisily. He stopped mid-bite, and looked to her surprised.
She blushed and turned her head away. “Sorry.”
He laughed boisterously, never knowing Sakura to be one who hasn't eaten in a while. Reaching over to the fruit basket, he picked it up and brought it onto his lap. “Have some. There's way too much here for just me.”
“Can I?” At first she was a little unsure about taking anything; it was a gift for him. His eyes insisted on it, and the growling of her stomach again pushed her to acceptance.
Pinching a bunch of purple grapes by the stalk, she twisted off a few popped them into her mouth.
“Nice?” He queried.
She nodded, humming as she squished each large berry between her teeth for the sweet tasting juice. “These are very good.”
Together, until the end of visiting hours, they shared most of the fruit basket's contents.
The next night, at home
Syaoran lay awake on his own bed, staring up blankly at his ceiling. His room was in almost complete darkness, and the sound of pouring rain tapped and rattled against his window.
Sighing deep, he turned on his shoulder. The left still hurt, and his right hand was now out of his bandage. The remaining wound hadn't healed fully, but there wasn't a need to keep it wrapped up.
Rustling from the foliage outside his window, the scraping of branches against the walls and the whistling of the fierce wind brought his mind back to the day four years ago. The similar horrid, dreary day of his mother's funeral.
Him and his sister together underneath the cherry tree and holding each other close as the world around them faces nature's wrath. The freezing cold temperature, constant heavy rain and loud ear-damaging noises… a real nightmare, especially on a day when you bid farewell to one of your closest loved ones.
Fushigine Itsunomani Konnanimo Sukitoru
Kokorowo Kayowaseteru Unmeiwo Shinjitai
Since then, Sakura has always had a fear of thunder. The only thing that can keep her calm during a storm, apparently, is his presence. Considering the noise outside, he wouldn't be surprised if she came knocking on his door now.
Knock knock
Two short, light knocks on the door. Talk about timing.
“Sakura?” He called expectantly, sitting up straight.
“…Can I come in, brother?” Her voice came quietly from the other side of the door.
“Yeah, hang on a second,” He swung his hand out for the lamp, looking for the switch to turn it on. He accidentally clipped the back of his hand on the corner of his bedside cabinet, and cursed silently having hit the mark on his knuckle.
“Wait,” He put the back of his hand against his thigh, applying a small amount of pressure, and searched for the switch with his other hand. He found it finally, and flicked on the light. “Come in.”
The door opened slowly with creaking hinges, and shyly Sakura poked her head inside. Her hair was messier than normal, making it look like she'd had a rough time trying to get to sleep.
“Did I wake you?”
“No no, I was already up,” He balled up his hurt fist and rubbed it with the palm of his left. Playfully, he asked. “So now, what possibly could've brought you into my room at this time of night, hmm?”
She closed the door over, and hid her hands behind her back. She was wearing her pink long sleeved pyjama shirt and bottoms, with furry little bear slippers on her feet. With a light red glow to her cheeks, she replied. “I couldn't sleep.”
“You're afraid there will be thunder, huh?” He stood up from his bed, and walked across the room to meet her. “And you want to come in with me?”
She nodded, lowering her gaze and blushing deeper.
“Well you do know that tonight is only forecasted for heavy rains, a slight pickup in south-westerly winds and a temperature drop of three degrees?” She suddenly looked up to him, astounded. He chuckled in amusement at her expression, and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Sorry. In hospital they had the weather forecast playing nine times an hour. It kinda gets stuck in your head.”
She lowered her head again, biting her lower lip. She hoped he wasn't going to turn her down.
“Can I stay here please, brother? Please?”
“Should I let you?” He crossed his arms and grinned as her emeralds pleaded him. “You are the powerful `Mistress of the Clow cards'.”
“Broooo… please…” She started to fidget as if she needed the toilet. He pretended to think it over, humming and smiling.
The joke ended abruptly as the room lit up from a flash, and roaring thunder overhead followed quickly after. Crying in fear Sakura jumped into him, flung her arms tightly around his neck and hid her face in his chest. He held her by the waist, looking very shocked, and hugged her hard.
“Damn,” He frowned, feeling her tremble in his arms. “Can't they get anything right?” He growled and heavily emphasised his anger for the weather service.
“It's alright, I was joking around before,” He tucked back some strands of her hair and kissed her cheek, his right hand rubbing up and down her back. “I've never turned you down before, and I don't ever plan to. Of course you can stay here.”
She didn't want to let go just yet. She stood up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek in return, before relaxing a little and turning her face into the side of his neck.
He felt something wet on the back of his right hand, and curious he raised it a little. He was annoyed to see that the cut on his hand reopened, leaking a slight amount of blood. He shook his hand and placed it down by her lower back, his sight this time catching what Sakura had dropped behind herself.
“You brought your own pillow?”
“Uh-huh,” She giggled nervously, giving his neck a big squeeze. “Because…”
“…You were planning on staying in here no matter what?” He finished her sentence, pulling away from the embrace.
“Yeah,” She smiled wobbly, holding on to his neck still.
He brought his arms back from her waist, at which point Sakura's eyes widened when she saw his hand. “What's wrong, sis?”
“…You're bleeding…”
Stepping back, she reached out both her hands to take his injured right. She brought it to her chest, stroked her fingers over the back of his hand and lowered her mouth to his knuckles. Closing her eyes, she completely sealed her lips around the cut.
“H-hey…” He was pretty shocked to have her do this, it wasn't really necessary for such a small wound that wasn't bleeding very badly. He tried to bring his hand back when he felt her start to suck but she shook her head, held his hand closer and kept sucking more feverously.
She added her tongue to help clean the mark, and ignored his continuous objections.
“That's enough, Sakura,” While he may have sounded it, he wasn't angry or impatient with her. He didn't want her to worry about something as minor as a simple cut.
When he tugged his hand back and turned towards his bed, Sakura remained rooted to her spot.
“I-I'm sorry, bro,” She stammered an apology, afraid that he might be angry with her.
“Don't say sorry for something if you've done nothing wrong,” He climbed into the bed first, throwing some of the covers to make room for her. He patted the area down, beckoning her to join him. “Now come on, it's getting late.”
She joined her hands together in front of her waist, and nodded. She then grabbed her pillow up from the floor, shuffled towards the bed and climbed into the space he made for her. She fluffed up her pillow, placed it down over half of his and lay on her side.
He remained sitting upright, waiting for her to get comfortable. He softened his expression so she wouldn't think he was mad at what she done, yet wanted her to know that it was unnecessary. Grabbing the edges of the covers, he pulled them up to her shoulder and started to slide underneath the sheets himself… until…
“Sakura,” He stopped halfway to observe her face, with a very funny look in his eyes. “Is that…?”
He tapped her cheek with a single finger, asking her silently to turn her head. She did so, puzzled, and he looked closer.
“What is it, bro?”
“Blood,” He stated firmly. “You've got some of my blood on your mouth.”
“I have?” She searched for the stain with her fingers, pursing her lips to make it easier.
“Here,” He pushed her hand away and rubbed over the spot for her with his thumb. Already it was dry and rough, making it difficult to remove.
“Is it gone?”
“No, not yet,” He frowned at his failed effort to clean it. If he rubbed harder, Sakura would probably start to complain. It needed moisture…
`Moisture,' the idea popped into his head. That'll get rid of it. They could get up and go into the bathroom to use the sink, but they're already comfortable where they are… so…
Without thinking, he began to lean down. Absent minded, his lips drew to hers…
She lay back, looking up with wide eyes. Her heart started to beat faster and faster as he started to lean down to her. Her bottom lip wobbled, parting from the top. She felt her cheeks warm up, and the colour turned to a scarlet red…
Almost a breath away, he was about to press his lips against the stain on hers when suddenly-
He snapped as a voice screamed inside his head. With a horrified look on his face, he pulled right back like a shot.
“B-bro?” She gasped, looking mortified herself.
“Sorry, sorry!” He apologised repeatedly, his cheeks burning a deep red. How did he get that idea?! To kiss her?! “I didn't mean to-”
Deciding to shut up, he quickly licked the tip of his thumb and pressed it against her lips. In seconds he rubbed away the dried blood and he gave a nervy, forced laugh.
“T-there you go! All gone!” In a rush he turned away, flicked off the light and dropped to his pillow. “G-good night Sakura.”
Nothing more was said for a while.
She stared at his back, and like herself he was shaking. For that moment less than a minute ago, it looked like he really wanted to kiss her…
`Why? Why… didn't he?'
Kotorinoyoni Watashimatteru Ikiwohisomete Zutto
Amaikonomiga Hazerushunkan Nanikaga Kawatteyuku
Simple. They're brother and sister. Brothers and sisters do not, cannot and should not do that, no matter how much they might want to. But couldn't all that be changed somehow…?
“Get some sleep. You need to get up early for school tomorrow.” He spoke back without looking, clearly nervous.
“…Okay,” It was clear that her reply sounded a little sad.
Yubisaki Nazorunamaega Hohoemiegaku Yasashiitokiwo
Tsutaete Awainegai Kienumani
Anatanomunede Nemuru Yumewo Miteru
The rain stopped.
He'd been awake for ages now. Three days of constant sleep is probably the reason why he doesn't even feel the least bit tired. His eyes followed the second hand of the clock on the bedside table out of boredom, clinging to the slim hope of this activity helping him get to sleep.
Fwip fwip fwip
He remained motionless at the sound and feeling of his pyjama shirt being toyed with at the back. Is Sakura still awake? If so, what was she doing?
Fwip fwip fwip
He tried not to look back. It definitely was Sakura, writing something on his back with her fingertip.
He bit back a groan of pain after her finger crossed a still sore spot, and she stopped when his body jolted slightly at the same time.
“Are… you asleep?” she whispered, sounding sorry for what she had done.
Even though his mouth hung open for a reply, he was unable to speak. He didn't know why, he just couldn't. She carried on after no response and when he seemingly relaxed his tense back, flicking her finger across his shirt.
He knew exactly what she was writing.
I… Love…You.
“Good night, Syaoran.”
Syaoran. That was the first time he could remember hearing her call him by his name instead of just as `brother' or `bro'.
Her finger stopped, and within a few minutes he heard the sound of her light peaceful breathing. He glanced back curiously over his shoulder, to find that she was now fast asleep.
The silver moonlight filtered into the room through the window for some illumination. She turned her head on the pillow, showing off her fair slender neck and soft glowing skin. A pink tinge coloured her cheeks, her hands were up on the pillow on either side of her head and the tip of her thumb stuck between her partially parted lips.
He smiled. At this point, he realised how adorable she truly looked…
`…Why not.'
Shiroi Kisetsuga Tobirawo Akete Ticket Nimainotabi
Hokaniwa Nanimo Shiranakuteii Yokogao Mitsumeteitai
He turned over, changing all the distribution of his weight to the left shoulder. This hurt him like hell, the intensely sharp sting going at him like a tearing bite from a vicious dog, but he was prepared to bear with it for the night. The reason is greater than the pain.
He moved his head onto her pillow, and placed his hand lightly on her cheek. This action led to her eyes fluttering open halfway, the dullness of her emeralds caused by fatigue soon turning to a lively sparkle of joy and affection.
The pink hue across her cheeks turned scarlet from his proximity. His face was so close to hers they exchanged light warm breaths between each others lips. Her legs curled forward to entwine with his underneath the covers, and her left hand rose to place over his on her cheek.
He let her lead his hand in between them, laying them level with their mouths. Their held hands crossed over, the knuckles of his right hand facing her and the ones of her left facing him. He pressed his lips against the centre of her forehead in a brotherly manner when she gave his scar a final gentle kiss, and tucked her head underneath his chin.
“Good night, Sakura,” His soft voice and warm body gradually lulled her back to sleep, and surprisingly to himself he could finally feel his eyelids getting heavier. The pain of his shoulder didn't seem to be so bad now, either. “And…”
He closed his eyes, feeling at ease. Holding her had to be the reason why he could calmly drift away…
Oshiete Futarino Mirai Ashitawoutsusu Kagamiga Hoshii
Furueteyureru Kimochi Afureso
Anatano Ironi Tadasomaritakute
“I love you too.”
Shiroi Kisetsu: White Season is a song composed by Hechima and sung by KANA. It's a fantastic piece, a truly lovable song (If I can get a link for it somewhere, I'll put it up in my profile).
The next chapter is nearly half done already! Expect it to be up soon! (Warning, it contains some dirty scenes).
Please review! Tell me about the things you like, hate or which can be improved!