Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Moon in the darkness ❯ Help in times of darkness ( Chapter 3 )

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3. Help in time of darkness

Seemingly from nowhere, a bright light appeared and the dark thief Haron screamed: "Aah, that's too bright, noooo!!!!"

His figure dissolved within the light and the dark orb surrounding Yue disappeared.

`The light card', Yue thought and sank to his knees. He felt exhausted.

"Light card, return to your power confined." Sakura's figure appeared in sight. She ran towards Yue, who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Yue-san, are you ok?", she asked, putting her hands on his shoulders.

Yue looked up at her, recognizing that his vision was getting blurred. He felt a huge heat taking over his whole body, but ignored it at first.

"Yes, I'm fine.", he replied.

Sakura sighed in relief and got back up.

Yue stood up, his legs shaking. He tried to keep his body straight, but then, everything around him began to spin and he felt like burning from the inside.


Yue wanted to tell his mistress that he was alright (although this was not the case), but before he could even react, everything went black before his eyes and he collapsed to the floor.

Sakura's eyes widened in shock and she ran towards her unconscious guardian. She yelled his name again and again, trying to wake him up, but nothing happened. Tears began to dwell up in her eyes. She gently stroke her hand over Yue's face, noticing that it was unusually hot. Suddenly, Cerberus appeared at the scene.

"Hey, you hurried outside so fast I thought you were the shot card itself.", he said. Then, he saw the limp body of his "brother" in Sakura's arms. "What's wrong with him?", he asked.

"Kero-chan,", Sakura sobbed, "please help me, Yue-san's burning from fever."

Cerberus put one of his paws on Yue's forehead to assure himself of what Sakura had just said. "Geesh, this is not good.", he said, "We should put him in his bed. Lay him on my back. Being in my true form, I can carry him to the house."

"Okay.", Sakura responded and slowly placed Yue on Cerberus' back. Cerberus slowly started to walk and headed towards the house. Fortunenately, the night had already fallen and nobody was out to see a huge lion-like creature carrying an angel-like creature on its back. As they reached the house, Sakura slammed the door open and rushed inside, followed by Cerberus. "Hey kaiju!", came a voice from upstairs, "Leave the house in one piece."

"Onii-chan, please help me!", Sakura yelled. Hearing the tone of his sister's voice, Touya came rushing downstairs and stiffened for a second as he saw a crying Sakura, a helpless looking Cerberus and an unconscious Yue. "What happened?", he asked. "Yue-san, he, he got attacked, I saved him, but then, then he fell, and, and now he is sick.", Sakura said, still upset. "What?", Touya asked. He moved towards Cerberus, who was still carrying Yue on his back. Gently, he moved the back of his hand over the guardian's cheek. "He really has a unusual high temperature.", he said, "Did you try to wake him up?"

"Yes.", Sakura answered, "But he isn't reacting." Touya slightly ran his fingers through Yue's hair and brought his lips near his right ear. "Yue.", he said, "Yue, can you hear me?" Nothing. Gently, Touya picked the guardian up. "I will bring him in his bed.,", he explained, "And you, kaiju, get some cold water."

"Ok.", Sakura answered and followed her brother upstairs and then headed into the bathroom. Meanwhile, Cerberus transformed back into Kero and flew after Touya into Yue's room. "I can't believe it.", he said, "We are the guardians, we aren't supposed to get sick. We aren't human."

"But Yue's almost human.", Touya said as he placed Yue on his bed, "And even for a guardian, spending three whole nights sitting at the open window isn't very healthy."

"What?", Kero asked.

"I guess you hadn't recognized that, cause you and Sakura were always busy with other things. During the last three nights, Yue had sat at the open window, looking outside. And now, being attacked drained the rest out of him."

"I really had no idea.", Sakura said as she entered the room, holding a bowl with water and a cloth. "Gomen, Yue-san, gomen." She placed the wet cloth on Yue's forehead and took his right hand into hers. As she did this, a silent whisper escaped the guardians lips: "Clow…"

AN: Awwwwwwwwwww! Poor Yue! I hope you don't hate me for making him suffer like that. It really has its purpose, you'll see ^-~ .Tell me how you like it. Pretty ,pretty please with a Sakura on top (or maybe a Yue ^-^).