Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Moon in the darkness ❯ The light through the darkness ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

AN:-word word word…- =Indicates events taking place in reality.

Word word word… indicates everything happening in Yue's dreams.

4. The light through the darkness (inspired by "Tears in heaven" by Eric Clapton)

Would you know my name,
if I saw you in heaven,
Would it be the same
if I saw you in Heaven,
I must be strong,
and carry on,
cause I know, I don't belong
here in heaven!

Would you hold my hand,
if I saw you in heaven,
would you help me stand
if I saw you in heaven
I find my way,
through night and day,
cause I know
I just can't stay
here in Heaven

Time can bring you down,
time can back and be
Time can brake your heart
have you beg it please?
beg it please

Beyond the door
is peace and sure
and I know they'll be the door:
Tears in Heaven

Would you know my name,
if I saw you in heaven
would it be the same
if I saw you in heaven
I must be strong
and carry on
cause I know
I don't belong
here in heaven
cause I know
I don't belong
Here in heaven

Within his feverish sleep, Yue dreamt. He dreamt of the person he needed so much right now: Clow. He didn't care about where he was or what was happening. He was reunited with the one he longed for, and that was all that mattered to him.

"Clow.", he whispered (not only in his dreams, but also in reality without knowing it), "I have finally found you."

"Yes, you have.", the magician (or his spirit, or whatever roamed through Yue's dreams) responded, "But…", he hesitated, "But you can not stay here, this would not be right. You must go back. I know it will be hard for you, but remember, there will always be someone to take care of you."

After saying this, the figure of Clow read began to vanish. Yue grew anxious with fear and sadness.

-Sakura sat on a chair next to Yue's bed. She looked at his face, which was covered with sweat and held his hand tightly within her own. The whole night through, she had never left her place. She had even argued with her father and Touya, as they wanted her to go to bed and to school the next morning. She herself knew that it wouldn't be good to miss anything, but she just COULDN'T leave. She HAD to take care of Yue because she blamed herself for letting all this happen. She had to make sure he would be alright again. So they let her be, seeing it was no use struggling with her right now.

Before going to bed, Touya took a last look into Yue's room and asked:

"How's he doing?"

"The fever is still increasing.", Sakura said with a very sad face, "And he seems to have a nightmare. I wish I could calm him down, but he doesn't hear what I am saying."

"Don't worry so much." ,Touya tried to cheer his sister up, "Yue is strong, he will surely be alright soon."

"I really hope so.", Sakura answered, "I don't want another dear person to leave me."

Touya left the room and silently closed the door. He sighed. He felt like there was something coming up within his sister concerning her moon guardian. Something she herself may not have noticed yet.-

"No.", Yue muttered, "Clow, please…don't leave. Please, don't go. Don't leave me alone."

"Don't worry, Yue.", Clow said while his features disappeared, "There will be someone to take care of you."

"Clow.", Yue whispered, "Please wait… Don't go… Don't leave me alone.".

-Sakura heard the silent whispers of her guardian and she was close to tears. "Why did Eriol leave?", she thought, "Where is he, now that Yue-san needs him?"

Sakura knew that I was no use. No matter how much she wanted it, Eriol wouldn't return from wherever he had went to.

"Clow.", the guardian muttered, "Please wait…Don't go…Don't leave me alone."

Sakura nearly burst into tears. He looked so miserable. So…fragile. As if he would shatter into thousands of shards from a single light touch. Slowly, she moved her free hand through his hair and across his hot cheek.

"Yue-san.", she whispered, "Please listen to me. You are not alone. I am here and I will never leave you as long as I live, I promise."-

All was dark. Yue didn't know what to do. He felt so lonely. He wanted Clow to come back. But Clow didn't come back. He would never come back. Yue was alone. But then, he suddenly heard a silent whisper:

"Yue-san." He recognized the gentle voice of his mistress.

Through the darkness, a dim light began to shine. It grew brighter and brighter and Yue began to feel very comfortable. He felt the aura of his mistress enveloping him in love and kindness.

He could feel her. She was there and she cared for him, just as Clow had said.

"Sakura.", he muttered.

-"Sakura." She almost freaked out as she heard her guardian whispering her name. She held his hand within both of her own and felt that he responded the touch lightly.

"Don't worry, Yue-chan.", she said, without really noticing that she used

-chan instead of -san, "You will be alright. I will take care of you, don't worry."-

AN: Please be patient with our young couple, they need their time to find together, but they will! And now, the usual begging for Reviews*falling on her knees and looking up at the readers with big puppy eyes*: Please review! Please! Pretty please with a Yue on top (well, not really, cause if I had Yue, I would keep him, meow! ,,,=^-^=,,,~ ).