Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Questionable Love ❯ Hello Badguy ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi again I am Lizzy please review this story it is my first fan fiction also I'm slow at typing so please don't get mad about the time in between the chapters. Also I would like to thank my Reviewers this is my first fan fiction so thank you for your support just for all the review I have received I wrote an extra long chapter enjoy^-^

Disclaimer- this is a fan fiction of course I don't own Card Captor Sakura



Dream `~,

Me butting in <Hi>

Change in scene or time

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Questionable Love

By Lizzy

"What you have no chocolates!" screamed a young man with brown hair containing blond streaks and bright blue eyes, that shined with hate, anger, annoyance, and not even a trace of any warm emotion. His body was very well developed to say the very least. His name was Lang, but to anyone who addressed him he was master even his family, for he believed that he was above all that. After all he is the future leader of the Li Kingdom. His time was coming soon; after all the two things in his way were resolving themselves. The first one: he had to be married before his coronation. That was when he heard about that obstacle he already had set his eyes on, the beautiful cherry blossom. Lang had heard about the princess who rejected every suitor from every direction, the ultimate challenge. He had succeeded in that easily; all he had to do was talk with the princess' brother and she was his. The obstacle is his father, which would be resolved at his wedding reception, or better if the servant knew what was good for him. His little bride will fall in his arms after seen his lovely uncle and dead father. He smiled to himself the plan that was fit for a king would make him one. He turned back to the slave, who had just informed him that the chocolate shipment had yet to arrive.

"You will make sure that there are hundred blocks of chocolate in storage room number one, or your head shall roll!" he commanded and smiled as the bowed and scampered out for fear of his life. Lang turned around to the map where he was trying to figure out where the ancient book of the Clow was hidden in Japan. He had a strong feeling in the pit of his stomach that everything was going down the drain, but pushed the thought out of his mind by telling himself that everything was to well planned for that.

-------------------------------------- Inside the Clow Book------------------------------------


" Keroberus the guardian beast of the Clow Cards … Kero WAKE UP!"

" What the… 5 more minutes mommy."

"I told you to wake up!" said a very irritated mysterious voice.

"Fine I'm up, what do you… Master?"

"Yes Kero, but the power of the Clow Cards is being transferred to another and I want you to be awake to stop her from releasing the cards and help her master them. So don't fall asleep."

" Aauu come on just a little longer pleaaaase?"
