Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom ❯ Twist And Fall! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom
I know CCS belongs to CLAMP, so don't you think of suing me! My made-up characters are mine along with this plot! ^_^
By: Mistress Ness
Chapter 4: Twist And Fall!
Sakura and Tomoyo were talking as they made their way to the bookstore. “So, what kinda book you're getting, Sakura?” Tomoyo asked. Sakura put a finger to her lips in thought. “I dunno, something FUN, not ass-numbingly boring.” She replied. “And what about a romance book for you too?” Tomoyo asked. Sakura felt herself blush and looked at her best friend with wide eyes. “What do you mean!?” she cried. Tomoyo laughed.
“You can't fool me, Sakura. We both know VERY well you love romance novels.” She pointed out with a wink.
Sakura sighed. It's true though. Ever since Sakura was 14, she's liked to read romance books. She just loved them a lot; they were her image of the perfect man for her.
“I know, you just know me TOO well, Tomoyo.” Sakura laughed. Tomoyo winked at her again. “That's why I'm your best friend.”
A man dressed in black and shades was leaning on a wall in a darkened alley. He held a camera in his hand as he smirked. He raised the cam to his eye and focused on Sakura's smiling face and took a picture. “This little one is worth every picture.” He said to himself, smirking.
Inside the bookstore, Sakura was searching for her romance novel, her school book in her arms. “Oooh, this one looks like a good one!” Tomoyo said as she picked out a book and held it out for Sakura to see. It had the picture of a woman of dark hair and eyes; she had a blanket around her naked body, staring into the distance. Below the picture, in gold letters, it read: The Ice Maiden. Sakura grabbed it and smiled. “I'll buy it!”
“Cool, and when you're done with it, let ME read it.” Tomoyo said. The laughing girls went towards the cashier and paid for the books.
“Thanks for comin', Tomoyo.” Sakura said as they were walking back to the school. “No problem, Sakura. So, you're happy now?” Tomoyo asked.
“Oh yeah!” Sakura smiled. When they got to the dorm, Syaoran was just coming out of the shower. “Hi.” He said. Sakura blushed at seeing him without his shirt. Tomoyo looked at her best friend and giggled. “Well, I got to go, see ya after your class!” Tomoyo hugged Sakura and left.
Syaoran just looked confused. “Where were you?” he asked. Sakura walked over to her bed and started gathering her books for class. “I was at the bookstore with Tomoyo. I wanted to buy an interesting book for story-reading in class. The one the school gave me is pretty damn boring.”
“Tell me about it.” Syaoran laughed as he grabbed his shirt and put in on. He grabbed his stuff and opened the door. “See ya in class.” He said before leaving. Sakura just nodded and kept organizing her things.
Sakura felt herself smile as she read her new book to her class. It was an interesting book about a small group of young men at war in Ancient Greece who were merciless mercenaries, yet they swore an oath to protect a young goddess from the forces of darkness. Sakura was actually getting into the story as she read and walked around. She could picture the whole thing. Seven handsome young men fighting to protect a beautiful goddess.......I'm starting to get reminded of my romance novels, she giggled.
Syaoran just watched her smile as she read to them. He was surprised to find her story interesting. Usually, he would just ignore the whole thing, but the way she read it, the passion in her words, ensnared him.
She kept her green eyes glued to the book as she walked around her desk slowly, not losing track of her reading. Her moves were graceful and slow, it reminded Syaoran of his mother. The sudden ringing of the bell startled him. Sakura stopped and laughed.
“OK, that's it for today! Boys, remember to write a page essay about what I read to you today. In Japanese! Dismissed!”
The guys all stood up and began to exit the class. Sakura was gathering her things to meet Tomoyo when someone's voice said. “Miss Kinomoto?”
Sakura turned to her door to find a man standing at her door. He was tall and pretty young-looking, about two or three years older than her. He had dark hair and the color of his eyes was of an interesting shade of indigo. He smiled at her. She smiled back, feeling a bit uneasy for some reason. “Why hello.” She greeted. The man walked in, nearing her.
“I hear you're the new Japanese teacher.” He said.
“Yes, yes I am.” Sakura nodded. “I am Hideaki Ayana. I'm the assistant principal of this school.” The man bowed.
“My name is Sakura Kinomoto. Pleased to meet you, sir.” Sakura said as she bowed back. He was too near her now. He winked at her. “You're quite pretty to be a teacher.”
Sakura didn't know what to say. Hideaki saw it as his chance and rested a hand on her shoulder. Sakura was about to say something about it when Tomoyo called to her.
“Sakura, let's go!”
Life-saving Tomoyo, great timing!, she sighed in relief as she politely removed his hand from her shoulder. “Excuse me, I must go. Have a nice day, Mr. Anaya.” She bowed her head then rushed to Tomoyo. Hideaki smirked as he saw her walk away with the dark-haired girl.
You just wait, Miss Sakura. You will be mine, he thought.
“OK, just what the HELL was that all about!?” Tomoyo cried as they neared her dorm.
Sakura felt the shivers at remembering his uncomfortable touch on her shoulder. “I-I dunno! It was SO freaky, that I can say.” Sakura made a face.
“Um, excuse me?” a timid voice said from behind them. Sakura and Tomoyo both turned around to see a young woman standing in front of them. Wow, she's really pretty, Sakura said in awe. Her short, black hair was shiny and tidy; her Chinese eyes were dark and pretty.
“Can we help you?” Sakura asked. The woman nodded. “Yes, do you know where the principal's office is?”
Sakura smiled. “Upstairs, last floor, door at the end.”
“Thank you.” the woman bowed and left.
The woman smirked as she walked towards the principal's office. She remembered that girl who “helped” her. According to her spies she planted in this school, she was the new Japanese teacher, Sakura Kinomoto from Tomoeda, Japan. That Sakura is going to be quite a rival for me, the woman thought. She saw the beauty of that girl. Her hair was the color of wild honey and her eyes were a pretty emerald-green.
She knocked on the principal's door. “Enter.” A man's deep voice said from behind the door. She entered and bowed her head. “Hello, Headmaster Xing.” She said as she neared his desk.
Headmaster Xing nodded. “Ah, you must be the new English teacher, Keiko Ying.” He smiled. Keiko nodded back. “Yes, I am.”
“Welcome to our school, Miss Ying. Your class is at the second floor, class 22.” Headmaster Xing said, turning his back on her. Keiko smirked to herself and left the room.
“Dude, I heard we got a new English teacher!” Eriol laughed as he and Syaoran were making their way upstairs to the second floor. Syaoran rolled his eyes. “Man, first a new Japanese teacher and now a new English teacher. What the hell is Headmaster Xing THINKING?” he sighed. Eriol laughed. “Dunno, but I hope she's hot!”
Syaoran smirked and punched him on the arm lightly. “Keep on sayin' that, and I'm telling Tomoyo on you.” he warned playfully. Eriol paled, totally buying it. “You wouldn't!”
Syaoran burst out laughing. “I will if you keep calling every girl you land eyes on, hot.”
They entered the classroom and took their seats. They were talking and laughing when suddenly, a woman's voice said loudly. “Take your seats!”
Syaoran stopped laughing and gasped at the familiar sound. He looked at the woman and gasped even louder. Eriol was wide-eyed too as he saw their new teacher.
Keiko!!, Syaoran's mind screamed. What the fuck is she doin' at my school!?
He remembered her alright. Keiko Ying, the damned whore who broke his heart into tiny pieces.
------------Flashback, a year ago------------
Syaoran, 16 years old, walked back to his mansion after practicing with Meiling in Chinese Martial Arts. He was happy guy. He had a beautiful fiancé and lots of friends, a life ANY guy would dream of. He crossed the gate and got to the huge doors. He turned the knob and went in. He ran upstairs to his room and opened the door. He stopped short and gasped at who he saw on his bed. Keiko, naked, with an older man between her legs, naked. They were having sex on HIS bed. “Keiko!!” Syaoran shouted, totally shocked.
Keiko eeped. “Syaoran!!”
The man looked at him and felt panic at meeting Syaoran's angry amber eyes. “Get off her!” Syaoran growled at the man. The man got off her and got his clothes. He put his pants on and rushed past Syaoran. Betrayal, pain, and anger swirled in his eyes as they locked with Keiko's dark eyes.
“It's not what you think, Syaoran!” Keiko cried as she covered her body with his sheets.
Syaoran neared her. “You expect me to believe that, Keiko? I saw you fuckin' another man! And you're my fiancé!” he bared his teeth at her. He grabbed Keiko's hand, making her gasp, and removed the engagement ring off her ring finger. “Our engagement is over, Keiko, and so are we!” he shouted as he released her hand and walked out of the room, the ring in his hand.
------------End of Flashback---------
Keiko's dark eyes locked with his and smirked. “Hi, my name is Keiko Ying and I'll be your English teacher from now on.”
The boys all whistled. “Cute!” a guy said. Eriol made a face. “God, why does that slut have to be here!? And God, I still think Tomoyo and Sakura are WAY cuter that that prostitute!”
“You can say that again!” Syaoran said. he couldn't believe this one bit! The bitch he kicked out of his life just came back!
-------------Later That Day--------------
It was after school and Sakura was worn out. She was in the shower, washing her hair, her mind somewhere else. She thought of Syaoran. GRRRR, why won't he get out of my head!?, she thought angrily. Ever since she met him, he never left her thoughts. It drove her nuts. His handsome smile stole her breath, his kisses left her senseless, his warm touch eased her pain.
She reached for her lavender-scented soap and began to rub it down her arm, still thinking of him.
Syaoran entered the dorm and dumped his bag on his bed, his thoughts racing. He still couldn't believe Keiko is his new English teacher!! There was a light knock at the door.
He opened the door and suddenly, he was on the floor. Something heavy was right on top of him, its arms around his neck. He saw a pair of dark eyes staring right into his own.
“K-Keiko!?” he cried out in anger.
Sakura was startled at hearing a hard THUD! She quickly turned the shower off and dried herself off and got changed.
“Why are you here!?” he demanded. Keiko just looked at him then lowered her lips to his and kissed him. He gasped loudly and was about to push her off him when a gasp made him look up. His eyes widened at seeing Sakura standing out of the bathroom door, her eyes widened in shock. She held her towel in her hand, so he knew she was just in the shower.
Sakura's eyed widened at meeting the betraying sight. Syaoran was lying on the floor, with that woman from this morning, KISSING!! She couldn't force back a gasp. Her sound made Syaoran look at her, disbelief in his eyes.
He finally snapped back to reality and pushed the whore off him and sat up. “S-Sakura!!” he cried. He saw her tremble, her face going pale. “It's not what you think!!” he said.
Sakura just dropped her towel and ran out the open door.
“Sakura, please come back!” he pleaded, ready to go after her when Keiko grabbed his hand. “What the FUCK do you want!?” he yelled at her. Keiko looked at him calmly. “We need to talk.”
It was pouring outside, almost nighttime. Sakura shivered as she ran to Tomoyo's hotel. Her heart was racing and in pain. Sakura cried out in pain as she grabbed the fabric of her shirt over her heart. Why does my heart hurt at seeing them? It's none of my business, right? We're only friends, right?,
But she couldn't lie to herself. She liked him a lot, maybe even loved. She shook her head, spraying water off her hair. Maybe Tomoyo will help me, she thought as she neared the hotel. Her clothes were soaked, she sneezed. Her tears blended with the rain going down her face.
“My, it's sure rainy here.” Tomoyo sighed as she dried her wet curls. She was startled by a sudden knock. “Coming, matte!” she said as she got up from her bed and went to the door. She opened the door and the smile faded as she saw who it was. “Sakura!” she gasped. Sakura grinned weakly, her hair and clothes wet. Her face was bathed in tears and rain, Tomoyo could tell by looking into her red-rimmed eyes.
“Come in, please!” She stepped aside to let Sakura in. sakura went in and Tomoyo went to grab a towel. Sakura was still shivering, her thoughts still on what happened in the dorm. Tomoyo came out of her bathroom with a towel and a nightdress. “Here, Sakura.” She said as she handed Sakura the towel and clothes. “Thank you, Tomoyo.” Sakura said gratefully as she took them and went to the bathroom.
While Sakura was changing, the phone rang. “Hello?” said Tomoyo. “Hi!” Eriol's voice said from the other end. A smile spread her lips. “Hi!” she greeted.
“How are things over there?”
Tomoyo made a sad face. “Sakura's here.”
“Sakura-sensei!?” Eriol cried. Tomoyo put him on speaker phone and then the door opened. Sakura appeared in the white nightdress, drying her wet hair. Tomoyo smiled gently at her. “Sakura, Eriol's on the phone. We can both talk to you.”
Sakura looked sadly surprised. “Eriol?” she said. “Hiya, sensei.” Eriol greeted. Sakura sat on the other bed next to Tomoyo's. Tomoyo saw the tears forming in Sakura's eyes.
“What happened, Sakura?” Tomoyo asked. Without warning, Sakura burst into tears, hugging the towel to her chest tightly. Tomoyo got up and sat down to Sakura and put her arm around Sakura's shoulder. Eriol heard her cries and wondered what happened. I bet my last cent Syaoran did something. He's the only one who has a strong effect on Sakura, he thought.
“What happened?” he asked. Sakura stopped sobbing, but the tears still rained down her cheeks. “I-I saw him lying on the floor w-with a woman K-KISSING him!” she cried.
Eriol and Tomoyo shared a gasp of shock. Sakura hiccupped and let out a small sob. Eriol felt a bit of suspicion. “What did that woman look like?” he asked her.
Sakura sniffled. “She had dark hair and eyes. Chinese.”
Keiko!!, he thought. Keiko must want Syaoran back and realized Syaoran's attraction to Sakura. So, she wants Sakura out the way!
“Sensei, I........”
“Sakura.” Sakura said with a weak smile. Eriol chuckled. “OK, Sakura. What do you plan to do about it?”
Tomoyo simply looked at Sakura. She could tell Sakura felt something for Syaoran, or else she wouldn't be this upset. And she noticed how Syaoran is attracted to her as well.
This only means..........
“I don't care!” Sakura said, a bit angry. “I don't care what the hell he does! It's none of my business!”
Eriol could hear the hurt behind her words. He knows she cares for Syaoran. Tomoyo said to Sakura. “Sakura, be right back. I need to speak to Eriol in private for a second.” She smiled apologetically. Sakura sniffled again and nodded.”
Tomoyo grabbed the phone and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
-------------Back At The Dorm-----------
Syaoran sat on his bed, glaring daggers at Keiko as she sat down on the couch. “What the hell do you want, Keiko?” he said. Keiko looked at him. “I want you back, Syaoran.” She said. Syaoran felt her words tug at his temper. “What the hell are you thinking, Keiko!? Don't you REMEMBER what happened when we were together!? I saw you fuckin' another man!” he could barely keep himself from shouting at her.
He was pissed at her not only for barging into his room like that, but mainly it was because of her, Sakura may never speak to him again. With what she saw, he could see in her eyes that she thought of him like Yukito, taking advantage of her trust. “You're mad at me because of that girl, aren't you?” she asked nastily. That finally did it. Syaoran snapped. “YES!! She didn't deserve to see what she saw, you damned whore!” he yelled.
Keiko raised an eyebrow. “What IS that girl to you, anyways?” she asked. Syaoran calmed down and said. “A teacher and a good friend!”
Is that how I really think of her?, Syaoran asked himself.
Keiko stood up and walked over to the door. “It doesn't matter. I WILL get you back, watch and see.” She said to him before closing the door behind her.
--------------The Hotel-------------
“Well, obviously, Keiko wants Syaoran back.” Eriol said. Tomoyo nodded. “But what about Sakura? She's incredibly hurt about this whole situation.” She pointed out. “We can only support her........” Eriol was cut off by Tomoyo's gasp.
“That's it!” she cried. “What?” Eriol asked. Tomoyo grinned.
Sakura was staring out the big window of the room, it was still raining outside. She made a sad face as she touched her lips, remembering that magical kiss.
Tomoyo suddenly came out of the bathroom, smiling. Sakura turned to look at her.
“Sakura, I have just the thing.” She said.
She explained the whole thing to Sakura. “So you're telling me I should just ignore him and go for other guys?” Sakura asked. Tomoyo nodded. “Yeah! That way, you can get a new man. And be seductive like the heroines in your novels!”
Sakura liked the idea. “Yeah!” she brightened. “That will help me.” And make Syaoran jealous!, a part of her said.
Tomoyo hugged Sakura. “You're a strong girl, Sakura. Don't forget that.”
Sakura sighed as she hugged Tomoyo back. “Hey, is it OK if I spend the night here? I just can't face him right now.......” Sakura said softly. Tomoyo nodded and pulled away.
“Of course you can! That's what best friends are for, right?” she smiled. Sakura smiled and nodded. “Hai.....”
-----------The Dorm----------
Syaoran was looking at Sakura's bed and saw a small stuffed toy. He picked it up and looked at it. Sakura's toy, Kero......I think that's what she called it, he thought. He thought of Sakura and felt pain. He was still pissed at Keiko for making Sakura see that, but it was also his fault for instead of pushing Keiko off him, he was gawking at Sakura's shocked face.
He sighed and turned off the lights. He climbed into bed and put Kero next to him. He could smell Sakura's sweet cherry blossom scent from Kero. He sighed again.
Watashi no mi Sakura...........” he whispered before sleep took him away.
----------Next Day--------
Eriol sat in class, thinking. I hope Syaoran will not get mad at Sakura, he thought. Tomoyo called him after Sakura fell asleep and told him Sakura would be there to teach the next day, but different. He knows it's kind of risky their plan, but knowing Syaoran's stubbornness, he knew the plan will go OK. He saw Syaoran came in, his face grave.
“Dude! You OK, Syaoran?” Eriol feigned innocence. Syaoran just plopped to his seat, sighing. “You have NO idea.” Syaoran said. Then he told Eriol what happened, not knowing he already knew.
“Wow.....” Eriol faked.
“Yeah.” Syaoran nodded.
Syaoran didn't want to think about last night's events. He couldn't even bear to ever face Sakura again. “The teacher's here, STAND!” a boy said. Syaoran's head shot up. His eyes landed on the woman and he gasped, eyes wide open.
It was Sakura, but she looked DIFFERENT. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt with the first two buttons undone, exposing cleavage. She wore a tight skirt that enhanced her curves and showed the fine shape of her bottom. Her hair was tied up with two strands of auburn loose. He felt his quick intake of breath, his heart racing. She looked so beautiful.
The other guys sure saw that too, they were ALL wide-eyed, but not Eriol. He smiled and nodded in approval. She looks like a total knockout in that! Syaoran's already drooling over her!, Eriol found it pretty funny.
Sakura smiled at her students as she made her way to her desk. She saw Syaoran staring at her and turned her head away, not wanting to seem shy to him. She needed to be bold and seductive, like Tomoyo instructed.
“Ohayou, Sakura-sensei!” her students chorused. She smiled at them. “Ohayou, take a seat.”
The guys took their seats and Sakura began to read her new book for them. The guys seemed pretty interested. But she couldn't tell if they were paying attention to the reading or HER. She didn't care, she just kept on reading.
Syaoran just couldn't take his eyes off her. Sakura knew that and tried not to smile. The plan is working, she thought. She kept on reading until the bell finally rang. “OK, write a summary of the story and I'll see you tomorrow!” she smiled at them. The guys all kept staring at her as they all got their things together. Tomoyo came to the door and smirked.
Let's get this party started!, she thought with glee.
She waved to Sakura from the doorway. “Sakura!”
Sakura turned to Tomoyo and winked at her. “Hiya, Tomoyo!”
Tomoyo walked over to her, knowing it was part of the plan. “So, ready to meet that guy I told you about?”
Syaoran gasped silently as he heard the girls talk. Another guy!?, he thought.
“Yeah! I so can't wait!” Sakura grinned. Nah, it can't be!, Syaoran looked at from the corner of his eye. Eriol watched him and smiled. He's takin' the bait, he thought.
“Let's go, Eriol!” Syaoran growled in annoyance as he yanked Eriol of the room by the hand. Tomoyo and Sakura saw them leave and burst into giggles.
“Oh my God, he bought it!” Tomoyo giggled. Sakura grabbed her tummy and kept on laughing. “Tee hee, that was HILARIOUS!”
Syaoran stomped, still yanking Eriol. “Dude, slow DOWN!” Eriol complained. Syaoran finally slowed down and released Eriol's wrist. “What'cha all worked up about, Syaoran?” he asked.
“Nothing.” Syaoran grumbled as he went inside Keiko's classroom. “Liar.” Eriol muttered under breath, smiling, as he watched him.
Syaoran wasn't paying attention as Keiko read from their English workbook. His thoughts were only on Sakura. He remembered the feeling as he heard Sakura talk about another guy with a cheerful face. Anger, hurt, envy ran in his veins. He dearly wished to meet the guy and break his neck for noticing Sakura.
Syaoran knew he was jealous, but what surprised him was that he was actually VERY jealous. I never felt so strongly for a girl after Keiko betrayed me and it's scary. My feelings are telling me I see Sakura as more than a teacher and friend......I see her as a woman, the woman I want to be with.
“Syaoran Li, if you don't pay attention, I'll make stay with me after school in detention.” Keiko gave him an irritating smile. Syaoran fixed her with an icy glare.
“Screw you, Keiko.” He mouthed. Clearly, she read his lips, for she frowned and continued on reading and going over the work.
“Nice one, Syaoran.” Eriol chuckled softly from next to him.
“Whatever man.” Syaoran replied.
Sakura's hands trembled as she placed her books on her bed. She removed her makeup and undid her hair. She sighed miserably as she got out her afternoon wear. She saw her romance novel and picked it up. Sakura was only halfway reading it. It was the story of a woman who lives with a handsome man who is a lousy cheater. The girl's mother and father died when she was a baby and was raised by a rich man. When she entered college, she had to share an apartment with a man named Minoru, who loved to get laid. He tries to seduce the virgin girl into his bed, but the girl Esmeralda was always strong, even though she loved and wanted him. It was a war of wills and love.
Sakura opened the book to the part where she left off and began to read.
Esmeralda heard funny noises as she came home from her part-time job. She cautiously walked over to Minoru's room and noticed the strange noises coming from inside. She opened the door. Her jaw dropped at what met her eyes.
“Oh my God!” she cried. Minoru and a woman were lying on his bed, him on top of her, between her legs and both were NAKED.
“E-Esmeralda! It's not what you think!!” Minoru cried. Esmeralda fought back her tears as she screamed. “Minoru, you sick bastard!” she slammed the door behind her.........
Sakura stopped for a minute and thought of Syaoran's words.
It's not what you think!!
Sakura's lips arched into a sad face and kept on reading.
She ran to her room and shut the door. She dropped to her knees, leaning against the door. Tears stained her cheeks and her breath was shaky. Her entire body trembled and her heart throbbed with pain.
All at once, the scars in her heart reopened and more pain seized her senses. She began to sob uncontrollably and buried her face in her hands, her long black hair covered her like a curtain.
“Why do I have to love him so much?” she asked herself between sobs. She pictured his damnable handsome smile, his deep blue eyes twinkling at her.
“M-Minoru.........” she whispered as she cried again.
Before Sakura could even realize it, tears were steaming down her own cheeks. She closed the book and hid it beneath her pillow.
She grabbed her clothes and went to take a shower.
She knows she feels like Esmeralda right now. Do I love him?, she asked herself. She gathered her feelings, her memories and then she knew she couldn't be OK without him.
“Hai, I love him.” Sakura said sadly as she washed her hair.
“But, what does he feel about me? I know he wants me, I can tell because of his kisses.......” she blushed. She knows Keiko is going to be her rival, but she didn't care. “I don't give a shit! That bitch's going DOWN! Syaoran's mine!” she said confidently.
She turned off the shower and dried herself off. She put on her clothes and walked out.
She grabbed her folders and began to grade papers.
Sakura looked at the boys' papers and grinned. “Eriol's pretty good with Japanese.” She noted as she gave him an “A”. The other summaries of the story she read are interesting. But, she stopped when she came across Syaoran's summary. His Japanese writing was pretty good. She was amazed at how rich and detailed his summary was. It's like he put his whole heart into it, she thought.
He deserves and “A +”!, she thought as she gave him his grade. She knew Syaoran was coming back soon, so she has to be ready.
“Beware of me, Syaoran, I won't let Keiko beat me!” Sakura punched the air in glee, her emerald eyes like blazing green fires.
Today's the 17th and IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!! ^_^ Please gimme some good gifts, reviews! Lol, anyways, enjoy this chapter cuz it's only gonna get BETTER!!!
Oyasumi nasai!
Mistress Ness ^_^