Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom ❯ And The Seducing’s On! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom
I know CCS belongs to CLAMP, so don't you think of suing me! My made-up characters are mine along with this plot! ^_^
By: Mistress Ness
Chapter 5: And The Seducing's On!
Sakura took a good look at herself in the mirror for one last time. She wore a black sleeveless turtleneck with a white skirt that touched her knees, her hair in a thick braid. She smiled at her reflection.
“And the seducing's on!” she said in satisfaction. She came out of the bathroom and found Syaoran gone. Hmm, already gone to class, she thought. She went over to her bed and gathered up her books for class. Sakura was walking to her classroom when she saw that man from yesterday.
“Ah, Miss Kinomoto.” He smiled at her. Sakura remembered his hand on her shoulder and frowned. “Stay away from me.” she said. “I beg your pardon?” he said. “I don't ever want your hands on me again.” She said nastily as she brushed past him. Hideaki watched her leave and smirked. “This is only getting even more interesting.”
“God, that guy's such a freak!” she muttered as she entered the classroom. “Teacher's here, stand!” one of her students said. Everyone else followed example and stood. The guys all smiled at her and bowed.
“Ohayou gozaimasu, Sakura-sensei!”
Sakura smiled and bowed back to them. “Ohayou, sit down.”
Syaoran stared at her as he and the others took their seats. She looked absolutely stunning, breathtaking. She smiled at them and began to read from the book. Syaoran could barely concentrate on his work; his mind was full of thoughts of her. She's changed a part of her since that night, he thought. She walked differently too, he saw her hips swaying sensually as she walked around reading the book. The turtleneck she had on was skin-tight; he could see the fine shape of her body. He couldn't help his heart's hard pounding in his chest at seeing her, her resplendent beauty made it hard for him to breathe.
Sakura felt thousands of eyes on her, but she also felt Syaoran's. She tried to keep herself straight, not to flinch like a blushing schoolgirl. She kept on walking around, reading the book to her class, but she couldn't resist it, she had to see his eyes again, the mesmerizing eyes she loves. She looked in Syaoran's direction and their gazes met each other's. She felt the heat rising to her cheeks and was about to turn away when she felt herself smiling teasingly at him. Keeping her cool, she looked back to the book. Syaoran saw that smile.
Such a seducing smile, he thought.
The bell rang and Sakura closed her book. “All right! Class, no homework tonight!” she said, getting loud cheers from the boys. Tomoyo stood at her doorway as the boys were leaving.
“Konnichiwa, Sakura-sensei.” She teased. Sakura stuck out her tongue at her playfully.
“Oh hush it.” She laughed. “How was class today?” Tomoyo asked. Sakura giggled, giving her the evil grin. “Really good, Syaoran's falling.”
Tomoyo nodded. “I see. Wanna go downtown to shop?” she suggested. Sakura thought about it and then remembered she needed some sexy, eye-catching clothing. “Hai!” she smiled as grabbed her books. The girls were laughing as they walked down the hall when Sakura noticed Keiko coming towards them.
“Ew, it's that slut.” Tomoyo muttered. Sakura and Keiko eyed each other. “So, you're the one that Syaoran's living with.” Keiko said icily.
“The one and only.” Sakura said. “I don't like the fact he and you are living together.” Keiko said. That drew the last straw!, Sakura thought angrily.
“Grin and bear it, bitch!” Sakura snapped. Keiko snapped as well. “Syaoran's mine! He's always been mine!”
Tomoyo looked at the two girls and crossed her arms. I can see where this is going, she thought, very amused.
“Well Keiko, you are a damn whore and Syaoran doesn't need whores in his life.” Sakura commented. Keiko pointed at her. “You're one to talk!” she cried. Sakura laughed, not taking the bait. “Wow, I didn't know virgins were considered sluts.”
“Let's go Sakura, I'm getting bored.” Tomoyo yawned. Sakura nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, this is boring.” They both started to leave.
Sakura turned around. “This is competition, bitch!” Keiko said threateningly. Sakura smirked at her. “You're on.” She said coolly.
“That was cool, Sakura!” Tomoyo raved as they were eating breakfast in a café. Sakura took a sip of her Asian Plum iced tea and smiled. “Yeah, but that cool attitude was so unlike me!” she laughed. Tomoyo nodded, giggling. “Yeah, usually you lose your temper.”
“Tell me about it.” Sakura said. Back in their school days, Sakura was known to have a very short fuse. Tomoyo stood up and grabbed her purse. “Ready to go shopping?” she winked at her best friend. Sakura stood up also, wearing the same grin. “Oh yeah!”
-------Later That Afternoon------
Syaoran came back from his classes, totally wiped out. He sighed as he dropped his bag next to his bed and sat down on the couch. A soft thump startled him, he looked up and saw Sakura sitting on the table, her feet on the top. She wore a big, white, long-sleeved shirt that was too big for her. Some of the top buttons were undone and revealed the soft cleavage of her breasts. And to his shock, she wore no pants. He could see the white panties she wore. She was holding a book in her hands. She looked at him and stood up.
The shirt barely covered her thighs, exposing her long, slim legs to his view.
“Welcome back.” she said in a serene voice as she put a bookmark in her book and closed it. “What are were you reading?” he asked, trying to regain his composure. Sakura made her way towards him, swaying her hips as she walked. He felt his heart pound in his chest and the heat in his face. “Well, I suppose I could tell you, but then........” she lowered her voice as her face was dangerously close to Syaoran's. His eyes widened at meeting closely with those gorgeous emerald eyes. “I'd have to kill you.” she whispered in a soft, sensual voice and she lightly pressed a kiss to his lips. At the light touch of her soft lips, his restraint was snapping to a single thread. Her tongue teased his lips and immediately, his mouth opened and met the teasing of her tongue. Sakura tossed her book aside and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms went around her waist and pulled her towards him. Following the lead, she sat on his lap. His hand traced the curves of her body, making her moan softly in the kiss. This felt so good, so right, she wanted more. Syaoran felt her delicate body and shivered at the pleasure of it. Suddenly, Sakura stopped and stood back up. Syaoran looked at her with a puzzled look. Sakura only smiled at him then grabbed her folders then went back to the table.
He could only gawk as Sakura was grading papers. He could feel the tightness in his pants after that little show. God, he wanted her.
“Um......Sakura?” he spoke. Sakura looked up and at him with a grin on her face. “Yes?”
Her mere smile stole his thoughts, he froze. “N-Nothing.” He mumbled. “OK then.” she went back to her work.
I really need a cold shower, he thought as he grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom.
As soon as he closed the door, Sakura dropped her head on the table and sighed. She amazed at her own boldness. She knew the way she just acted was really unlike her. God, I'm really getting the seducing vixen act down pat, she chuckled nervously. She felt her heart pound hard in her chest, her hands shaky. Upon noticing her vulnerability, she shook her head and her look hardened.
If I back out now, Keiko will win!, she reminded herself. She was still amazed at herself. She's never fought over a guy before. It's amazing what love can do to you. Things that you wouldn't do, she thought. I should visit Tomoyo.
She grabbed a change of clothes and changed, taking the chance that Syaoran was in the shower. She let her loose, grabbed her purse and left.
Syaoran came out of the shower and found Sakura gone. “Oh, she's gone.” He said. “I wonder if she's still pissed about that night. She might be hiding it from me.”
------------At The Hotel-----------
“Oh Eriol!” Tomoyo gasped as he plunged into her. Eriol groaned as he felt her moving beneath him. She wrapped her legs around his naked waist and arched against him. Her moans were music to his ears. “How I love you, Tomoyo.” He whispered, his mouth against her neck. Tomoyo felt shivers of delight run down her back as she felt and heard him say those words.
“I love you too....”
Sakura pulled out the spare card key that Tomoyo gave her and opened the door. “Hiya Tomoyo, what's up.......” the words died in her mouth as her eyes went wide at what she was seeing. Tomoyo and Eriol naked on Tomoyo's bed, Eriol between her legs. Both were staring at her with wide eyes.
“OH MY FUCKING GOD!!” Sakura shrieked as she slammed the door behind her. “Oh shit.” Tomoyo said. “Yeah.” Eriol said and got off her. They put their clothes back on and opened the door, finding a very shocked Sakura.
“Sakura-sensei.” Eriol said. Sakura had their back on them, too shocked to move.
Tomoyo giggled and yanked at Sakura's hand, pulling her inside the room. “It's OK, I'm sorry.” She said. Eriol closed the door and stared into his teacher's young face. Her eyes wide and her face pale.
“I don't ever wanna see that again.” She whispered. Tomoyo nodded. “I know, sorry.” She said. Sakura finally looked at her and gave her a faint smile.
“So how's the seduce act going?” Eriol asked after Sakura completely calmed down.
Sakura smiled mischievously. “Just perfect. At this rate, I will beat Keiko to it!” she said.
“I got one question, sensei.” Eriol said.
“Is all of this to beat Keiko or for Syaoran?”
Sakura was silent for a moment. She knew she hated Keiko, but the real reason went deeper than that. “I....I want to see Syaoran see that I'm a better woman than Keiko is. He kissed her in front of me. I want to save him from that slut and make him notice me.” she said softly. Tomoyo softly patted Sakura on the shoulder. “Trust me, Sakura. He will notice you.” she assured her. Sakura looked up at her. “Do you think?”
Eriol laughed. “You betcha! If all the guys in our class can drool over you, sure as hell Syaoran can too!”
“Besides......” Tomoyo winked at her. “Remember how you attracted the boys back then, like bees to honey. You have a wonderful personality, Sakura, and you're very beautiful. You'll get him, I'm sure of that.”
Sakura's bright smile returned. “Arigatou, you guys!”
“Of course, you can count of us on setups!” Eriol winked at her. Sakura winked back.
“Awesome! I can rely on your wonderful services.”
As they were talking about random things, Sakura smiled. It's so great to count on them. I know I can always rely on Tomoyo and Eriol's getting to be very trustworthy. At this rate, I will be able to find my own happiness, just Tomoyo found hers; she looked at the smiling couple.
------------Back At The Dorm------------
Syaoran was doing homework when someone was knocking at the door. he got up and went to the door. It can't be Sakura, she has a key, he thought as he grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. His cousin stood at his door, wearing a serious expression. “Meiling!” he said. Meiling nodded. “Hiya cousin.”
“What are you doin' here?” he asked. “Aren't ya gonna ask me to come inside first?” she frowned at him. Syaoran rolled his eyes and let her in.
“All right, Meiling, tell me! Why are you here? And where's my mother?” Syaoran asked as Meiling sat on the couch. “Aunty Yelan's chilling' at home. I wanna talk to ya `bout somethin'.” She replied. “Spill.” Syaoran said.
“I heard what happened between you and Keiko the Slut right here.” She said. “Who told you!?” Syaoran demanded, flinching at the memory. “Eriol.” She said.
“I'm gonna kill him.......” he muttered. “At anyways!” she cut in. “You do realize what Keiko's gonna be up to, am I right?”
Syaoran nodded curtly. “Yeah, she's gonna try to win me back. Like hell it's gonna happen.”
Meiling nodded at him. “Good thing you think that way, Syaoran. But I wanna ask something. I know that young teacher, Sakura Kinomoto, was watching. What do you feel about that?” she asked. That got Syaoran's full attention. “I.......I feel really bad for making her see that horrible scene.” He replied softly.
“What do you feel about her?” Meiling softened. Syaoran looked down at the floor, not wanting to meet Meiling's ruby eyes. “I......I......” he didn't want to say it.
“Syaoran.......” Meiling said softly. “You can trust me, remember?”
“I.......I love her, Meiling.” He said. “My right one was in front of me this whole time.
Ever since she got here, she stole my thoughts and then my heart. I love the way she smiles, her rough side, her sweetness, her shyness, her innocence and beauty. At first, I thought she was gonna be just like Keiko, so that's why I kept myself aloof from her. but as I got to know her better, I realized she's way different. She cares about others' well beings than herself. She does anything to help and she's a gentle person.”
Meiling smiled. “I'm glad you finally let out your emotions, Syaoran, I really am.”
“What do you think about her, Meiling?” Syaoran asked her. Meiling smiled and leaned on further into the couch. “She's a good person. When Aunty Yelan and I came to meet her, we found out her past. And we were amazed at how strong she was. And.......we think she's your match.”
“You think so?” he asked.
“Of course!” Meiling cried. “Even Aunty Yelan agreed with me. She is the one you are looking for, Syaoran.”
“It's not gonna be easy winning her, Meiling.” Syaoran said. Meiling stared at him funny.
“Why not?”
“Keiko's another of my teachers now.” He mumbled angrily. Meiling's jaw nearly hit the ground at hearing him. “Get out! No way!”
“Yes way.” He said gritted teeth.
“Oh shit, this sure makes things very interesting.” Meiling noted, trying not to smile.
Syaoran frowned at her. “That's what you say. Keiko knows Sakura's my roommate and I bet she's gonna do whatever she can to make Sakura go away. She kissed me in front of her. Now, Sakura is growing more and more distant every day.”
“Damn, Keiko is a bitch.” She said.
“Duh, since when you knew that?” Syaoran asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Ok, sorry.” Meiling sighed.
“The point is if I don't do something, my life's gonna straight to hell.” Syaoran said. And I'll lose the one who has captured my heart, who made me love her, he added mentally.
“Then, fight for her.” Meiling advised. Syaoran looked at her. “Fight for her?”
“Yeah.” She nodded. “If you want something really bad and you don't want to lose it, you just can't sit and wait for it to come to you, you gotta fight. Think about it! With the exception of Eriol, every guy in your class probably has a crush on Sakura-sensei.”
“You got a point there.” Syaoran nodded in agreement.
Meiling smirked. “If you want her, you have to fight whatever or whoever stands in your way.”
“But what about Sakura? I don't know how she feels about me?” he pointed out. “Has she kissed you?” she asked, winking at him. Syaoran blushed at the memory. “Y-Yeah.”
Meiling looked at amusingly. “Then that's an evidence that she probably loves you
back.” she smiled in satisfaction.
“But she might do that for lust!” Syaoran said. “It might......” she said. “Then again, that might not be the reason.”
“This is do damn confusing!” Syaoran groaned in frustration, making Meiling laugh. Just leave it to me, Syaoran. I'll help you, just like you've helped me in the past, she thought, smiling.
-------------The Next Day----------
Sakura hummed as she walked along the busy streets of Hong Kong. She came home late last night to find Syaoran fast asleep in his top bunk. She smiled fondly and stroked his dark hair before changing into her pajamas and went to sleep. She had to go to the post office to mail a letter to her father. She promised him to write every once in a while to let him know she was well.
“Ah, Miss Kinomoto!” a bright voice said from behind her. She turned around and saw Meiling Li smiling at her.
“Oh hello, Miss Li.” Sakura greeted, smiling back. Meiling laugh at her politeness.
“Please, you can call me Meiling. “Miss Li” makes me sound old.” She said.
Sakura giggled. “Alright, Meiling. What are you doing here?”
Meiling shrugged. “Just getting out of my house, too much space. What about you?”
Sakura showed her the letter. “Mailing a letter to my dad back in Japan.”
“May I come with you? Then we can go eat something.” Meiling suggested. Sakura gave her a bright smile. “Sure!”
“Meiling, how long have you known Li?” Sakura was careful to use Syaoran's last name as she and Meiling were sitting in a restaurant.
Meiling took a sip of her coke and smiled. “Well, since we're cousins and best friends, I've known him almost all of my life. My mom, Aunty Yelan's sister, often took me with her to the Li Mansion. And while they were talking, I was to play with Syaoran. We became pretty good friends. We grew up together, always there for each other. Syaoran was a normal guy, always friendly to everyone, until Keiko came along.”
“May I ask what happened?” Sakura asked curiously.
Meiling sipped at her drink again before answering. “Well, at first, we all thought Keiko was a decent girl. She was always polite, nice, and a very good match for my cousin. But, one night, Syaoran came home from Martial Arts practice and found Keiko fuckin' an older man on his bed.”
Sakura gasped, a hint of rage flashed in her eyes. “That's horrible!” she cried. Meiling nodded. “Yeah, Syaoran was very shocked and hurt. He ended the engagement and swore to himself to never go near a girl again, fearing the same thing to happen again.”
Realization dawned on Sakura. So that's why he was so aloof towards me when I first came here. He was afraid if he fell in love with me or any other woman, she would cheat on him like Keiko did, she thought as she took a sip of her drink.
“Say, Sakura-sensei, what do think of my cousin?” Meiling asked. Sakura choked on her drink at the question.
“N-Nani!?” she coughed out. Meiling tried hard to keep her laughter in as she saw Sakura's reaction. “I was just wondering, since when I saw that anger in your eyes when I mentioned what Keiko did, I thought you're pretty fond of Syaoran.”
Sakura turned red like a cherry. “I........I........” her tongue was tied in a knot.
“It's OK; I didn't mean to put you in the spot.” Meiling laughed softly. “I-It's alright.” Sakura muttered under her breath.
“Though........” she spoke louder. “There's this man who is eerily interested in me.”
“Really?” Meiling's eyebrow shot up. “Who?”
Sakura frowned. “He's the school's assistant principal. He creeps me out.”
“Sounds like he's up to no good.” Meiling stated.
“Yeah.” Sakura agreed. Meilin looked at her watch and said. “Oh, I have to go, my Martial Arts training session is in 20 minutes.” She stood up. Sakura stood up also.
“Thank you for the treat, Meiling.” She smiled.
“My pleasure.” Meiling grinned back and gave Sakura a small, yellow slip. “If you're ever in trouble, you can talk to me.” she waved as she left. Sakura smiled and tucked the little slip in her purse.
Meiling's such a nice person, Sakura smiled to herself as she walked back to the school.
She went inside the dorm and noticed Syaoran was gone. She noticed a small sheet of paper on the table. She walked over to it and picked it up.
Gone to Martial Arts practice
“Wow, he's in Martial Arts with Meiling?” she wondered in awe. She looked around and a small grin spread her lips. She braided her hair in two braids and changed her clothes to a plain, white T-shirt and jean shorts. She went out the door and knocked on Eriol's dorm door, which was right across from hers. Eriol opened the door and smiled at her.
“Hey, Sakura-sensei! What can I do for ya?” he asked. “Got any thick, round glasses, Eriol?”
He stared at her then nodded. “Yeah, be right back.”
He came back with them and Sakura put them on. “How do I look?” she teased. Eriol looked at her up and down. “Are you really Sakura-sensei?” he asked. Sakura grinned and said. “I'm gonna go check out Syaoran's Martial Arts training! You know where it is?”
Eriol grinned back and nodded. “Yeah.” He told her the directions. Sakura turned to leave. “Arigatou, Eriol!” she smiled as she ran off.
“Have fun!” he teased.
-----------Martial Arts Training Facility---------
Sakura pushed the glasses down her nose as she hurried along the wall that bordered the Martial Arts Training facility since wearing glasses blurs her sight. She saw a door and knocked. A kind, old man opened the door.
“May I help you, miss?” the old man smiled at her. Sakura grinned back, pushed up her glasses, and bowed. “Hello, my name is Sakurako Ayaka and I'm new here in Hong Kong. I heard about a facility for Martial Arts and I was very interested. So, may I look around?” she asked sweetly. The old man nodded and let her in. “I'll guide you miss Ayaka, we are always delighted to have new people interested in the sacred Martial Arts.”
“Please, call me Sakurako, Mr........” she inquired.
“Wei.” The old man said. “Mr. Wei.” She nodded.
“I'll lead you to the garden where the training sessions are taking place, Miss Sakurako.” Wei said as he led Sakura to the gardens. Sakura stared, amazed, at the huge building and the beautiful gardens.
“Wow, it's so pretty.” She said in awe.
Wei chuckled. “The Li family founded this place a long time ago. It has become a greatly known place in all Hong Kong.”
“The Li family!?” Sakura gasped.
“Yes, I've served their family for many years. Right now, I am appointed to look out for Master Syaoran Li and Miss Meiling Li.” Wei said. Sakura could only gawk at him. He's a servant to the LI family!? Wow, they sure sound like a very rich and powerful family, she thought. They finally reached the gardens and Sakura noticed Syaoran and Meiling right away.
“You may sit here, Miss Sakurako.” Wei pointed to a chair. Sakura nodded and sat down, watching Wei go back to where the people were at. Sakura spent the whole entire time watching Syaoran practice. She saw how graceful and swift his moves were. She felt the blush creep up her face, but she ignored it. She was hypnotized by him.
She kept on staring at him. God, he's so breathtakingly handsome......., she thought. After practice was done, she stood up. She didn't want Syaoran to see her here. She was about to leave when Mr. Wei called to her.
“Miss Sakurako!”
She turned around and smiled. “I have to leave.”
“Will you join us?” he smiled. Sakura nodded. “I will think about it. Good day to you.” she left the building. While everyone was leaving, Meiling noticed Sakura and smiled.
Pretty good job at disguising yourself, Sakura. Clearly shows you love Syaoran too, she thought.
---------------At The Dorm--------------
Sakura unbraided her hair and changed again. She already returned the glasses to Eriol, smiling her thanks. She picked up her romance book and sat on the couch, back to the page where she left off.
Esmeralda gazed out the window of her bedroom. It's been a couple of weeks since she caught Minoru in one of his one-night stands. She shivered at the disturbing memory. She ran her hands up and down her arms, trying to make the goosebumps fade. Ever since that incident, she hasn't spoken to him and it was starting to feel lonely, that's how much that bastard has taken a huge effect on her. She wanted to hate him, to kick him out of her life, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.
She feared of the consequences on dropping her defenses when he kissed her, touched her. She's always managed to gather up the strength to push him away, but could this go on much longer? After each passing day, she only burns for him even more?
She felt lost and she hated that. She liked to be in control of her thoughts and emotions, but after meeting Minoru, she has lost her control.
A soft noise startled her. She peeked through her door and saw Minoru coming in. She was about to close the door because she didn't want him noticing her when he did saw her.
“Esmeralda.” He said. “Go away!” Esmeralda said to him as she shutting the door. Minoru grabbed the door, stopping her.
“No, you and I got to talk.” He said seriously, looking deep into her eyes.
The soft click of the lock of the door unlocking startled Sakura. She quickly put her bookmark in her book and closed it. Syaoran came in and saw her on the couch, her book in her hand.
“Hi.” He said. Sakura didn't meet his eyes. “Hi.” She said.
“Got my note?” Syaoran asked, dumping his bag on his bed. “Yeah.” Sakura said, nodding, still not looking at him.
“Why won't you look at me, Sakura?” he asked, noticing her strange behavior. She still didn't move. He walked over to her and stood in front of her, she still didn't look at him.
He cupped her chin with a hand and forced her face up to meet his eyes. Her emerald eyes met his, expressing innocence and confusion. His gaze dropped her lips, pink full. Without even thinking, he took her mouth with his. It was on the front of her thoughts to push him away, but moved by a longing too strong to deny, she kissed him back, savoring the moment. His warmth aroused her, made a heat inside her. She didn't want it to stop, she wanted more. She wanted him. Syaoran felt her kissing him back and felt more daring. He parted her lips with his tongue and ravished her mouth. Sakura tried to stifle a moan but no luck. Syaoran lightly pushed her back to lie on the couch. He followed her, not breaking the kiss. Soon, he was on top of Sakura, kissing her feverishly.
Sakura moaned softly as she felt his hand pulling her shirt up a little then stroking the bare skin. Syaoran buried his face in her neck and inhaled the sweet cherry blossom scent from her hair. He kneaded the soft, pale skin of her stomach and felt Sakura squirming with need beneath him.
“Syaoran.” Her soft voice calling his name just turned him on even more.
He took her lips again, deeply kissing her sweet lips. Sakura's control was slipping, her grasp on reality being left behind.
Thinking nothing more but of his touch, his kisses, and everything else about him she loved.
His hand slowly snaked up, nearing her chest........wanting to feel her breasts.......
“Yo, Syaoran! It's Eriol!!” his voice came from the other side of the door. Eriol's voice made Sakura snap back to reality. She looked into Syaoran's darkening eyes and gulped.
She took his hand out of her shirt and pulled the hem down. Syaoran sighed in frustration and stood up. Sakura sat up, her breathing coming in heavy gasps, her cheeks flushed. Syaoran walked over to the door and was talking to Eriol while Sakura was trembling, shocked at the force of passion that nearly took her completely.
O-Oh my God, she thought. If Eriol didn't show up, I would've......., she didn't want to think about it anymore.
Syaoran closed the door and looked at Sakura. She stood up on shaky legs and grabbed her towel. “I need to wash my hair.” She smiled nervously and hurried to the bathroom.
Syaoran ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He was shaking too; his need for her was increasing drastically.
Thank God Eriol didn't see the proof, he sighed in relief. He sat on Sakura's bed to calm down. It's so hard to recover from something like that, especially if it's a beautiful woman and he wanted for all the world to claim her. He closed his eyes and tried to relax.
Sakura's breathing was still shaky as she let the warm water rush down her body. She hugged herself and blushed.
“How long can I keep doing this?” she wondered, her thoughts were only on the amber-eyes man she fell in love with.
All right! CH 5's done! Thank you, AngelofDarkness for the Syaoran plushie! *hugs the plushie!*
Thank you to y'all who are makin' this story a GREAT HIT! Keep at it and you'll get good chapters! OKAY! Time for Warriors of the Night Ch 6!
Oyasumi nasai!
Mistress Ness ^_^