Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom ❯ Aiding Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom
I know CCS belongs to CLAMP, so don't you think of suing me! My made-up characters are mine along with this plot! ^_^
By: Mistress Ness
Chapter 6: Aiding Love
Sakura stood in front of her students as she was reading from her book for class. “And so, Lady Renna turned out to be half-goddess, half-mortal. Her Knights were shocked at finding out the truth of the Goddess. She looked down in shame as she told them how her mother, who was a Goddess, fell in love with a male mortal and Renna herself was the result of their love. The Chief God, Zeus, was enraged with Renna's mother and took her immortality. And now Renna, she quests to be accepted as a Goddess.
She bookmarked the page and closed the book. “Now, who can tell me why was Lady Renna ashamed of herself while she told the Knights her tale?” she asked her class. Eriol raised his hand.
“Yes, Eriol?” Sakura smiled.
“Lady Renna was called a half-breed by a God once when she was a child. And her friends back in her hometown called her a witch because of her abilities.” Eriol responded. Sakura nodded in satisfaction at his answer. “That's correct, Eriol, good work.”
She then decided to fire another question at her students. “Now, why was Lady Rena not looking at Tsushiro?”
Syaoran raised his hand to that one. Sakura felt her pulse quicken at seeing him raise his hand. She knew the answer obviously but it was going to interesting what he had to say.
“Alright, Syaoran?”
Syaoran looked deep into Sakura's emerald orbs as he spoke. “Lady Renna's in love with Tsushiro and she feared he would call her `half-breed' or `witch' like everyone else did.”
Sakura heard the emphasis when he said the word “love” and felt that word speak into her heart. Her hands trembled as she gave him a nod. “Yes, nicely worded, Syaoran.” She tried to sound serene but no luck.
The bell rang and everyone began to gather their stuff. “Guys, no homework! I'll give ya a break for today!” she winked at the boys. The guys cheered and left the room saying goodbye.
Sakura began to gather up her stuff quickly since she's supposed to go meet Tomoyo at the front of the school.
“Ah, Miss Kinomoto.” A familiar, unpleasant voice said from behind her. She turned and made a face at who she was seeing. “Mr. Ayana.” Sakura said politely, in a cold way at it too.
Syaoran smacked his forehead as he and Eriol were going to the next class. “Oh shit, I forgot my notebook in Sakura-sensei's class!” he said. Eriol laughed. “Better go get it before Sakura-sensei leaves to go meet Tomoyo.”
“See ya in class.” Syaoran nodded and waved at him as he ran back to Sakura's room.
“Please, My. Ayana, I'm supposed to meet someone and I don't want to make her wait.” Sakura said a bit nervously as Mr. Ayana was starting to back her up; she could unmistakably see the lust in his eyes. Her back touched the wall and she froze. Before Sakura could react, Mr. Ayana grabbed her wrists and roughly brought up against him, lowering his mouth to hers. Sakura squirmed but his grip was too strong.
Syaoran, help me!!!, she pleaded, closing her eyes tightly and bracing herself for the worst. Syaoran came in the room and his eyes widened at the sight that greeted him. Sakura was being manhandled by Mr. Ayana. Rage heated his blood. Syaoran dashed to them, grabbed the man's collar and yanked him away from Sakura, making her tumble.
“Get your hands off her!!” he yelled at Mr. Ayana. “Syaoran!” Sakura gasped in relief, shock made her legs shaky. Mr. Ayana glared at Syaoran. “You will pay for this, Li!” she past at him before storming out of the room. Syaoran turned back to Sakura, who was still sitting on the floor.
“Are you OK?” he asked in concern, offering his hand. “Y-Yes, thank you.” Sakura said softly as she grabbed his hand. He helped her up, but she tripped on her feet because of her shaky legs.
“Kyah!” she cried. Syaoran caught her fall, wrapping his strong arms around her. She felt herself blushing again and looked up at him. At seeing those shy, green eyes and her flushed face, Syaoran could see the face of the innocent Sakura he knows........and loves.
Not that I don't love this new side of her too. It's like she's hiding herself in a new version of herself she created for some reason, he thought. He could see Sakura inside the new Sakura, and he knew she was hiding from him, not everyone else, just him.
Sakura just looked into his eyes, completely mesmerized by the intense amber. She didn't realize she was exposing herself to him. She gasped and looked away from the spell of his gaze.
“Sakura?” Syaoran whispered as he reached out to touch her cheek when a voice said from behind them. “What happened?”
They saw Kaho standing at the door of the classroom, eyes wide. Sakura quickly pulled away from Syaoran and turned back to Kaho. “My. Anaya t-tried to......”
“He was harassing her.” Syaoran spoke for her. Kaho looked at him and then back at Sakura. “Li saved me from, Kaho. Something bad could've happened to me if he hadn't come to save me.”
Kaho nodded understandingly and motioned them to follow her. “Let's go to the Headmaster's office and let him know.”
“What!? My. Anaya was harassing Miss Kinomoto!?” the Headmaster cried out in rage as Syaoran, Sakura, and Kaho stood in front of his desk. Sakura nodded slowly. “What happened, Sakura-sensei?” Headmaster Xing asked.
“I was gathering my things to go meet up with my friend when Mr. Anaya came in and tried to kiss me forcefully. Then Li came to help me, Headmaster.” Sakura said, not looking at him in the eye.
“Is this true, Syaoran?” Headmaster Xing looked at Syaoran. “Yes, Headmaster.” Syaoran nodded, his gaze unwavering.
“Then.....” the Headmaster said as he lay back in his chair. “I will call on him soon and fire him. Such behavior is not permitted in this school. You're dismissed.” He gave them a nod.
Syaoran and Sakura bowed and walked out of the office. “Headmaster, what do you think of young Syaoran's behavior towards Sakura-sensei?” Kaho asked after the door was shut behind them. Headmaster Xing grinned. “Well, I can tell they get along now. And, I can tell Miss Sakura is getting to be fond of him.”
“And you don't mind, Headmaster?” Kaho asked, letting out a grin of her own. “I made a promise to Syaoran's mother, Yelan. I promised her that if I ever brought a young woman to this school and Syaoran fell in love with her, I promised I wouldn't get in the way. I know it takes a very spirited woman to melt the ice in his heart.” He said. “That is why; I also must fire Mr. Anaya.”
“Are sure you're alright, Sakura?” Syaoran asked as he opened the dorm door for Sakura. Sakura nodded, even though inside she knew she was still in shock. “Yes, thank you, Syaoran.” She said, trying to bite back her vulnerability. Syaoran saw her hands trembling while clutching her books.
“But you're trembling.” He said as he laid his hand over hers. Sakura winced at it and realized that because of the shock, her innocent side was showing again. She nodded again and brushed his away politely. “You should get going. I don't want you to miss your classes for my sake, Syaoran.” Sakura said as she placed her books on her bed. Syaoran shook his head and closed the door behind him.
“No, I want to make sure that ass of an assistant principal won't try to force himself on you again. So I'm skipping.” He gave a look, daring her to argue with him. Sakura looked over her shoulder at him and then looked away. “Do as you please.” She said softly. She grabbed a change of clothes and rushed to the bathroom.
Syaoran at the closed door and sighed. He sat down on the couch and clenched his fists. He was very pissed at Mr. Anaya for trying to force Sakura. “Li?” Tomoyo's voice called from the other side of the door. Syaoran got up and opened the door. Tomoyo stood with a bag in her hands. “I heard what happened and I came to see how she's doing.” She smiled at him.
“Oh, hi Tomoyo.” Sakura said from behind him. He turned around and saw her in a light blue T-shirt and shorts. “May I come in?” Tomoyo asked. Syaoran looked back at her and stepped aside, nodding. “I'm going to the Headmaster to tell him I'm skipping.” He said to Sakura and left. Sakura plopped down on the couch, letting out a loud sigh. Tomoyo sat next to her and placed the bag on the floor. “Are you OK?” she asked.
“Yeah.” Sakura nodded slowly. “Syaoran saved me.”
Tomoyo smiled at her friend. “He must care about you a lot, Sakura.”
Sakura remembered that night when he kissed Keiko and felt anger take over. “But he kissed another woman and led me on. And Keiko wants him back and I can't allow it.” She said, trying to hold back tears.
Tomoyo looked at her and said. “Sakura, you know you can't go on like this forever.” Sakura stared at her best friend with wide eyes. “What? Why not?”
Tomoyo sighed and shook her head. “We both know you want to win him, but you're also desperate to get rid of this “new side” of you. We do know it's not you, Sakura. You're the kind girl who cares for others first rather than yourself; this new Sakura was born to win Li. But, you don't have the enough endurance to go on forever pretending someone you're not.”
Sakura looked down at her hands folded on her lap and bit her lip. “You're right, Tomoyo. I don't have enough endurance to be this `seductress' for the rest of my life.”
“Then why don't you just tell him what you feel?” Tomoyo suggested. Sakura's head snapped up and stared at her. “No! I-I can't do that because I don't what feels about me!” she cried.
Tomoyo smiled and took her hand. “I understand. But I can tell you this, Sakura, if you want something really bad.......keep on trying and you'll get it. Don't let yourself down or Keiki will beat you. You don't want to lose him, right?”
Sakura's expression turned sad and she shook her head. “N-no......” she whispered. Tomoyo picked up the bag and placed it in Sakura's hands. “Then don't give up.”
Sakura finally smiled. “I won't! Thanks Tomoyo.”
Tomoyo stood up and said. “Sorry but I promised Eriol we would go out today. I'll call you later, OK?” Sakura smiled and hugged the bag. “All right. Have a good time!” she grinned mischievously. Tomoyo blushed and laughed. “Pervert.” She laughed and closed the door. Sakura opened the bag and saw some cake, obviously made by Tomoyo. She smiled at the gift and said. “Thank you, Tomoyo.”
“I'm back.” Syaoran said as he came in. Sakura smiled brightly at him. “I got some cake from Tomoyo, want some?”
Syaoran looked at her funny for a second before saying. “Sure.”
“Great!” Sakura leaped off the couch and went to the small kitchen to get plates. Syaoran just stared at her as she got out the plates. And she was upset before........oh what the hell, at the least she's smiling again, he thought, smiling too.
Hideaki was frowning as he packed up his stuff. The Headmaster sent for him and when he got there, he told him he was fired for sexual harassment. Damn him!, he thought. Suddenly, his office door opened and saw a woman standing at his door. Her dark eyes shone with mischief. “Poor thing, I heard you got fired.” She said with a smirk. Hideaki glared at her. “Lay off, Keiko.” He snarled. Keiko pretended to be hurt. “That's not a very nice way to treat your cousin, Hideaki.” She pouted.
“I'm so very sorry, your Majesty the Slut Queen.” He said sarcastically. Keiko flicked him off. “Fuck you too, cousin. Anyways, I came to offer you a job.”
Hideaki looked at her with a funny expression. “And I just got fired from my job. So, what is it, little cousin?” he asked. Keiko smirked and said. “You remember my ex-fiancé, Syaoran Li?”
“Yeah, he dumped your ass good.” He commented with a laugh. Keiko glared at him. “Shut the fuck up.” She then cleared her throat and went on. “Anyways, he seems fond of that cute Japanese teacher.”
Hideaki stopped smiling and frowned. “He better stay away from her! She's mine!”
Keiko smiled and said. “I thought you would say that. I need your help and I promise a good reward.”
“What do you need me to do?” Hideaki asked, now interested. She smirked again at her plan. “I want Syaoran back but with that pretty little girl in the way he won't even look at me. Get him away from that girl.”
“And my reward?” he asked.
“The girl.”
“Deal.” Hideaki smirked as he shook hands with his cousin. The job was on.
-------Li Mansion------
“Eriol, are you sure about this?” Tomoyo asked nervously as they approached the Li Mansion's garden. Eriol nodded and gave her hand a squeeze of comfort. “I'm sure, she's an expert at this kinda stuff.”
A young woman had their back to them as they reached the garden. Tomoyo noticed the round white table and 3 chairs. She noticed them and turned around. Tomoyo gasped silently as she saw the girl. Her long, raven hair was in two buns held by two red ribbons, her red eyes stared in her own. Her lips curved into a smile. “You must be Tomoyo.”
Eriol chuckled at feeling Tomoyo's nervousness. “Tomoyo, this is Syaoran's cousin and friend of mine, Meiling. Meiling, this is my girlfriend and Sakura's best friend, Tomoyo.”
Meiling bowed. “Nice to meet you!”
Tomoyo grinned and bowed back. “Me too.”
“Shall we sit? I'm starving!” Eriol laughed as he pulled the chairs for Tomoyo and Meiling. “Always the gentleman-like playboy, Eriol.” Meiling teased as she sat. Tomoyo smiled at him as she sat. “Thanks Eriol.”
Servants showed up and placed the food on the small table. “Where's Aunty Yelan?” Eriol asked Meiling. “She's in a trip with her friends. She said she'll be back next week.” Meiling replied. She straightened herself out and her expression turned serious. “Anyways, we should discuss what we talked over the phone, Eriol.” She said. Tomoyo said. “You think you can help them?”
Meiling's red eyes stared into her own. “Syaoran's my cousin and I love him very much. I rather him ending up with Sakura than that slut, Keiko.” She said. “So, what'cha got in mind?” Eriol asked as he popped a grape into his mouth.
Meiling folded her hand across the table and gave them a wolfish smile. “I plan to get in Keiko's way as much as possible........I'm gonna ask Headmaster Xing to make me Sakura's teacher's aid.”
Tomoyo nearly spat out her drink at hearing her. “N-Nani!?” she choked out. Meiling grinned at her and said. “You heard me. If I stay by Sakura's side at the school, I can get in Keiko's nerves in a snap. In case you don't know, that assistant principal at the school, he's Slut Queen's cousin.”
Both Eriol and Tomoyo gasped. “You mean Hideaki Anaya!?” Eriol cried. “The one and only.” Meiling smirked.
“He has a crush on Sakura.” Tomoyo said thoughtfully. Meiling nodded. “Yeah, I know. And I bet Keiko's gonna use that pup to get Sakura away from Syaoran.”
“How do you know all of this, Meiling?” Eriol asked. Meiling winked at him. “I got my sources.”
Tomoyo grinned. “So, what you wanna call this plan?” she laughed. Meiling looked at her straight in the eye and smiled back. “Operation `Ruin The Slut'!”
------------Back At The Dorm-----------
Sakura yawned, tired from grading papers. “I'm beat!” she said, stretching. Syaoran chuckled, getting his stuff together for tomorrow. Sakura handed him a paper then crawled into bed. Syaoran looked at the paper and saw a big A in red. My paper on the story she's reading to us, he thought. He smiled at her. “Thanks, sensei.”
Sakura mumbled and he saw she was fast asleep. He saw her plush toy on the floor and picked it up. He took her hand and placed the doll in it. Sakura smiled in her sleep as she hugged the doll, curling herself into a ball. Syaoran chuckled softly as he lightly stroked her hair. He turned of the light and climbed up to bed.
-----------Next Day---------
Sakura yawned as she ran towards her classroom. God, I can't believe it slept in!! I haven't slept in ages!, she thought. She had such good sleep when she woke up, she saw on her clock she had half-hour before her class started. She finally entered the classroom and tried to catch her breath. Her students all stared at her, pretty amused.
“You OK, sensei?” Eriol asked, trying to bite back his laughter.
Sakura grinned sheepishly and made her way to her desk. “Sorry I'm so late but I slept in.” she laughed nervously. The boys roared with laughter, even Syaoran was laughing. Sakura began to laugh. “OK, OK! Let's get started!”
She handed the papers back to the guys and asked them to read out loud. Sakura sat back; smiling wide as she listened to her boys read their papers. Suddenly, a girl's voice spoke. “Hiya, Sakura!”
Sakura looked to her side and her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets. Meiling stood at her door, wearing a big grin. “Meiling! What are you doing here?” Sakura squeaked. Syaoran had the same question in mind. Meiling grinned and walked towards Sakura. “Headmaster Xing just made me your teacher's aid.” She said sweetly. Sakura's jaw nearly hit the floor at hearing her. “Nani!?” she cried. “B-But I was never told about it!”
Syaoran stared at his cousin suspiciously. What are you up to, Meiling?
Sakura sighed and gave it up. “Alright........” she turned to her class. “Meiling Li is going to be my teacher's aid so treat her with respect!”
“Hiya, Meiling!” Eriol waved. Meiling laughed and waved back. “What's up, Eriol?”
The bell rang and Sakura smiled. “OK, boys, read over your papers and try not to make the mistakes you made in the again! See you tomorrow!”
“You sure seemed to have lots of fun, Sakura-sensei.” Meiling teased her. Sakura tuck out her tongue at her and laughed. “I heard you got my cousin fired.” An icy voice said from the door. Sakura just knew who that was without looking at the woman. Meiling made a face. “Ew, slut alert.” She muttered under her breath. Syaoran glared at her, not wanting to go her class next.
“Hello there, Syaoran.” Keiko said too-sweetly to him, who was passing by. Syaoran flicked her off and exited the classroom. Meiling laughed at Keiko. “Oh, looks like Syaoran doesn't like you at all!”
Keiko glared at her. “Shut up.”
You shut up! You're the one who's a slut here!” Sakura snapped at her. “Dissed.” Meiling laughed. Keiko reddened in anger. “Why the hell you got my cousin fired!?” she demanded. “You mean Mr. Anaya?” Sakura said. Meiling nodded. “Yeah, he's the slut's cousin.” She pointed at Keiko.
Sakura's look hardened at remembering what he nearly did to her. “He forced himself on me, that's why!!” she spat. Keiko turned to leave. “This won't stay like this, Kinomoto! You will lose him!”
Sakura felt a pang in her heart, but masked the pain of it. “Just you watch! I will protect him from you!” Sakura said, finally putting Keiko in her place. Keiko snarled at her then left. Meiling clapped after she left. “That was a good one, Sakura!” she cheered. Sakura looked at her and smiled. “Why thanks.”
“You do really love Syaoran, don't you?” Meiling said. Sakura blushed and looked down at her feet, saying nothing. Meiling grinned in amusement. “You look so cute when you blush! Not that it helps you lie.” She laughed. Sakura looked up and said softly. “I love him.” She placed her hand over her heart, the mark of Keiko's words echoing in her head. Meiling looked at her expression and knew Keiko's words had hurt her, even though she tried to hide it. “Sakura........” she placed a hand on her shoulder. Sakura's eyes widened in surprise and stared at her. Meiling smiled at her. “Don't worry about Keiko said, we both know how much Syaoran hates her for what she did to him. And........Syaoran will choose you over her.”
“You think?” Sakura whispered. Meiling nodded slowly. “Yeah, I know Syaoran, I know everything about him. He would never choose a slut over an innocent and sweet girl whose beauty caught his eye.” She said. Sakura asked. “Am I that innocent and sweet girl?” she smiled weakly. Meiling laughed softly and patted her shoulder. “Believe it. Just be strong and you'll see everything will be alright.”
Sakura finally smiled for real and nodded. “I will, thank you, Meiling.”
-------Later On------
“Meiling's a very nice girl.” Tomoyo smiled as she and Sakura were in the dorm, eating lunch. Sakura nodded, smiling. “Yeah, she swayed Headmaster Xing to make her my teacher's aid.” She gave a laugh. Tomoyo laughed along. “Boy, she's very persuasive.” She noted. “When did you got to meet her, Tomoyo?” Sakura asked. Tomoyo tapped a finger on her chin in thought. “Last night when Eriol and I went for dinner at the Li Mansion.”
“You went to the Li place!?” Sakura nearly yelled. “Y-Yeah.” Tomoyo blushed. “Mail for Miss Kinomoto!” A guy's voice said from outside her door. “Be right back.” Sakura said to Tomoyo as she got up and went to open the door. A guy handed her 2 letters. “From Japan, Kinomoto-sensei.” He said. Sakura smiled at him, making the guy blush. “Thank you!” she said and closed the door. “Sakura of the Sweet Smile.” Tomoyo teased as Sakura sat back down, opening one of the letters. “So, who's it from? Tomoyo asked as she leaned closer to Sakura to take a peek at the letter.
“It's from Oto-san!” Sakura cried in delight as she unfolded the letter. She looked at it for a moment and began to read out loud.
“To my dear daughter, are things going in your job in Hong Kong? We're fine here back home. Touya's got himself a full-time job at the hospital and I'm still here as a teacher at the university. How's Tomoyo over there? Tell her mother misses her and wants her to call. I heard about you ending your relationship with Yukito from Touya and to let you know, he's not friends with him anymore. He said he didn't want to be friends with someone who hurts his little sister. You know how protective your brother is over you. But, what has been strange is that Yukito has stopped by to ask how you were doing. Of course, Touya just snapped at him and kicked him out. Anyways, I hope you come to visit us soon, Sakura, and be strong. For your mother, me, Touya, and yourself. Take care, my little Sakura. Love, Dad.”
Tomoyo gave an “aw” when Sakura finished reading the letter. Sakura laughed as she opened the other letter. The laughter died in her lips as she saw the other letter. “What's wrong, Sakura?” Tomoyo asked as she saw Sakura going pale. Sakura handed the letter to her with trembling hands. “Read it.”
Tomoyo took it and read it out loud.
“Sakura, I know I don't deserve to be heard for what I did to you, but please hear me out, I love you, and I really do too. I dumped Nakuru because I realized she just a slut and I felt sick for being with her for so long when I had the best girl in the world right in front of me. But then you found out and you shoved me out of life and I don't blame you, I would've done the same. But, after some heard thinking, I realized that I really do love you and I needed you. I never loved a person as much as I love you and I want you to know that. I know I've been a male slut and I don't deserve your forgiveness or you, but please, give me another chance. I will wait for your reply. Love, Yukito.” Tomoyo's eyes widened as she finished the letter. Sakura felt anger rush through her. “He should've thought twice before I found out he was screwing that slut.” She said bitterly. Tomoyo nodded as she tossed the letter aside. “Are you gonna reply to him, Sakura?”
Sakura nodded. “Yeah, but I'm going to reject him! I'm going to hurt him as much as he hurt me!” she said, her trembling hands clenching into fists. Tomoyo touched her shoulder and nodded again. “He deserves it after all.........” she grinned. “No one messes with Sakura Kinomoto.”
Sakura smiled and said. “Yep, you're right! I won't stand for this! Yukito's gonna see how fine I'm doing without him!”
“Go Sakura!” Tomoyo cheered. Sakura stood up. “Let's go get something at the pastry store!”
“Sure!” Tomoyo grinned and stood up also.
Syaoran stared out the window as he ignored Keiko's lecture. He simply hated the bitch and couldn't wait to get out of that class. Eriol looked at his friend and grinned. “Is Keiko's voice making you wanna barf?” he teased.
Syaoran rolled his eyes and said. “Go figure, makes me wanna wish myself at my house in my mother's wrath.”
Eriol laughed. “That's Heaven compared to being in the same classroom as Keiko the Slut.”
Keiko snapped at them. “Hiragizawa, Li! Pay attention!” she winked at Syaoran. Syaoran just did the “shove it” motion with his arms and got her to shut up. She reddened and went back to the lecture. The bell finally rang and Syaoran sighed in relief. “Thank God!” he sighed as he grabbed his stuff and ran out of the room.
---------------Later That Afternoon---------------
“I'm back.” Syaoran said as he came into the dorm, finding Sakura gone. I wonder where's she at, he wondered as he looked around for a note from her. He saw a small sheet of paper lying on the table. He picked up and read it. “Gone out with Tomoyo, later!”
He smiled and put the note back on the table. He placed his stuff on his bunk and noticed a book lying on her bed, next to Kero. He picked it up and looked at its title. The Ice Maiden, huh?, he opened the door and skimmed through it. He was shocked at finding out what it was. “A romance novel? I didn't knew Sakura liked this kinda stuff.” He said to himself as he stopped where Sakura put her bookmark. The girl, Esmeralda, was being taken to a 5-star hotel by the guy, Minoru, because he wanted her yet she kept on rejecting him. A wolfish smiled spread his lips as he closed the book and held it in his hands.
“So this is what Sakura likes.” He said in a teasingly voice as he had an idea floating in his head.
He grabbed his cell phone and called Eriol. “Yeah? Eriol answered.
“Eriol.......” Syaoran kept on smiling. “I'm gonna need a favor from you. I want you to call the best hotel in Hong Kong and ask for their largest suite for one night and tell your girlfriend I want you, me and her to meet up in your dorm room. I have a plan.”
“Okkkkk......” Eriol sounded suspicious. “What is your great plan, Syaoran Li?” he asked.
Syaoran's grin went wider. “You'll see tonight at your dorm.”
“OK, I'll call Tomoyo.” Eriol said.
Syaoran nodded and said. “Cool, at nine o'clock, when Sakura-sensei is asleep.”
“Alright, bye.” Eriol hung up.
Syaoran hung up too ands couldn't help smiling still. He still held Sakura's book in his hand.
At his dorm, Eriol was wondering what the hell Syaoran was up to. “What the hell's goin' on through his head?” he asked himself. He remembered the bit about Sakura and then it him. “He must've found a way!”
He must've found the way to win her! He must've found Sakura's weakness, Eriol slowly smiled.
She's in for it..........
Syaoran sat down, still grinning like a naughty wolf. He knew precisely how to seduce Sakura.
YAY DONE! BRACE FOR THE LEMON OF THIS STORY!!!!!! Keep those reviews coming and you'll get the reward!
Oyasumi Nasai!
Mistress Ness ^_^