Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom ❯ The Seducing Wolf ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom
I know CCS belongs to CLAMP, so don't you think of suing me! My made-up characters are mine along with this plot! ^_^
By: Mistress Ness
Chapter 7: The Seducing Wolf
Syaoran woke up early. He looked down to see Sakura sleeping while hugging Kero. He smiled and quietly got down from his bunk. He grabbed his cell phone and dialed up the number Eriol gave him. That hotel's said to be the best of the best, Eriol told him last night as he slipped the note into Syaoran's hand.
“Hong Kong Palace Hotel, may I help you?” a woman's voice picked up. Syaoran cleared his throat and said. “Hi, I wish to reserve the best suite you have.”
He heard computer keyboard clicking away. “Anything else, Mr.........?”
“Syaoran Li.” He said. “Yeah, and I want you to decorate the bedroom with cherry blossom petals.”
“You got it, Mr. Li. And this is for one night?” the woman asked.
“Yeah. Take out of my family's account.” Syaoran said and hung up. The plan's on!, he thought.
----------------Flashback, Last Night------------------
Tomoyo, Eriol and Syaoran were all gathered in Eriol's dorm. “So, that's the plan.” He finished explaining his plan to Eriol and Tomoyo. “Quite a plan.” Eriol grinned. “Leave the hotel to me.”
Tomoyo nodded and smiled. “Alright, she might kill me for this, but I'm sure she'll forget about it. OK, I'll leave the note for her.”
Syaoran grinned back and said. “Good, then we got a plan.”
“But.....” Tomoyo said to him. “When are you gonna put this `plan' to action?”
Syaoran gave them his wolfish smile. “Tonight.”
---------------End Flashback--------------
Syaoran kept on grinning as he showered and grabbed his stuff for class, being careful not to wake Sakura. He neared her bed and lightly touched her hair, smiling. “I'll see you later.” He whispered then left the dorm. Sakura woke up and yawned. “Time to go teach!” she smiled as she jumped out of bed and grabbed her clothes, totally unaware of what would happen to her.
She walked towards her classroom, feeling cheery when she saw Kaho. “Morning, Kaho!” she smiled. Kaho smiled back to her. “Hi Sakura, how's your class?” she asked.
Sakura beamed. “They're great! They're very smart too, and very nice boys.” She said. Kaho laughed. “I'm glad to hear that, the last teacher said they were a pain.”
Sakura said `bye' to Kaho and went inside the room. She was greeted by her students, as usual. Sakura smiled at her boys. “Hi guys! Today, we're gonna do a sketch of the book I'm reading you!”
Groans echoed in the room and Sakura had to laugh at the faces the guys were making. “Aw, come on! It's like you get to draw for me your verse of the book's cover!” she smiled. Eriol laughed and nodded in agreement. “Alright! But, Sakura-sensei, what will you give the boy who draws it the best?” he asked.
The boys began to voice their agreement with Eriol. “Yeah, sensei! What will you give the lucky guy?” Bai asked.
Sakura tried not to blush, but all of the boys saw it. “How `bout a kiss on the cheek for the winner?” Eriol suggested. Sakura gave a terrified look but the others cheered. “Come on, Sakura-sensei!” one of her students yelled.
Syaoran smiled as Sakura gave an awkward nod. “Alright, take out a sheet of paper and start now!”
The guys all took out their paper and got to work. Sakura hide her face in her hands, feeling very embarrassed. God, what did I get myself into?, she sighed.
A while later, the boys were all done. They all sat anxiously as Sakura looked through their drawings. To Sakura, they were all good, but there was this one that really caught her eye. It was a good picture of the Goddess Renna staring into the distance with Tsushiro holding her by the waist. The rest of her Knights were beneath them, their weapons drawn.
“Wow!” she said. “This is a very good drawing!” she held it up for her students to see. “Who drew this?” she asked, smiling. Syaoran saw her hold up his drawing and knew he won. He slowly stood up, watching Sakura's smile fade and her cheeks getting red. He walked over to her, his gaze pinning hers.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss!” Eriol began to chant. A boy grinned and joined his chant. “Kiss, kiss, kiss!”
The boys all joined and the chanting grew very loud. “KISS, KISS, KISS!”
Sakura was as red as a tomato and gulped. Syaoran stopped, facing her, making the students see them. Sakura wanted to kiss him but she felt shy doing that in front of her class. I'm gonna kill Eriol for this later, she swore to herself as she titled her head, her lips going for his cheek.
Syaoran closed his eyes, trying to block out the temptation of her but the felt the brush of her soft lips against his cheek. He opened his eyes and saw himself staring deep into the twin emerald orbs. Loud cheering boomed in the room, but that didn't matter to Syaoran and Sakura; they stood there, staring into each other's eyes. Sakura swallowed at the heat of his gaze. She felt her insides grow warm, the desire in her blood. Then, the bell rang, snapping Sakura out of her trance. She turned to her students and said.
“Um, read more of the story, see ya tomorrow!”
Syaoran quietly returned to his seat and gathered his things. He felt Sakura's eyes on him and felt anxious about his plan tonight. He smiled to himself as he turned to leave. “Bye, Sakura.” He said as he walked out the door. Sakura just stared at him, like a gawking little girl.
“God, he's so cute!” she thought as she felt the heat rise up her face.
“Sakura-sensei?” Kaho's voice startled her. Sakura saw Kaho standing in her doorway, wearing a grin. “Care to join me for breakfast?” she asked. Sakura gave her a sunny smile and nodded. “Sure!”
---------Later That Afternoon--------
Sakura came in the dorm, feeling a little tired. “Whew, what a day!” she sighed as she dropped her stuff on her bed. She then noticed a small piece of paper sitting on the table. “Nani?” she went over to it and picked it up.
Hey Sakura!
Listen, meet me at the back of the school, at the parking lot at 7. I gotta talk to you about something! See ya, Tomoyo.
Sakura stared at the note with a funny face. “What does Tomoyo got to say to me?” she said to herself as she placed the note back on the table.
“Oh yeah!” I have to write to Oto-san!” she smacked herself on the head. She went to her bed and fished out a couple sheets of paper and took out her pen. She sat on the table and began to write.
Dear Oto-san,
Thank you for the letter, it made me very happy to hear from you. Listen, I wanna to mention this boy I met...........
--------------Outside The School------------
Tomoyo, Eriol, and Syaoran were all gathered at the school's entrance. “You left the note, Tomoyo?” Syaoran asked. Tomoyo nodded, a wicked grin on her lips. “Yep, plan's in action, Syaoran.”
“Good.” Syaoran smiled.
“So, how you gonna get Sakura to the place without her knowing?” Eriol asked Syaoran. Syaoran gave him the wolfish smile. “That's a secret.”
Eriol sighed and said. “Well, the place is fully decorated and waiting for you two.”
Syaoran grinned wider. “Good! Then, the plan's ready for the last part.” He said.
----------------That Evening--------------
Sakura played with her hands a bit nervously as she stood at the back of the school, waiting for Tomoyo. She wore a white blouse with jeans and sandals. Her long hair gently blew along with the light breeze.
Where the hell's Tomoyo?, she thought, biting her lower lip gently. She kept on staring at a green car that was in front of her. The funny thing was that it's been there since she arrived. With curiosity getting the better of her, she peeked into the dark windows, trying to see inside tha car. Suddenly, two strong arms grabbed her by the waist. Startled and terrified, she opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. She looked around for help when something was placed over her eyes. She struggled to get free but the arms were too strong.
“Let me go!” she cried. She felt being picked up and thrown over a shoulder. “Help!” she cried as she squirmed in the person's grasp. She heard a car door open and suddenly, she was thrown into the car. She cried out in fear and tried to get the thing off her eyes when the person grabbed her wrists. She felt cloth tying her wrists together tightly, but not hurting her.
“Please, let me go!” she begged. The slamming of the car door was her only response. She pounded on the window using her fists. “Let me out!!” she screamed.
Syaoran sighed as he heard Sakura screaming in the car. He sure didn't feel glad at the fact that he scared the living hell out of her. “She puts a good fight.” Eriol laughed. Tomoyo, who was next to Eriol, had a worried expression. “Will she be OK?” she asked worriedly. Syaoran laughed and nodded. “Yeah, don't worry.”
“Good luck!” Eriol smiled and walked away with Tomoyo. Syaoran got into the car and knew Sakura couldn't see him because of her blindfold. He started the car and said in a low voice, to make sure Sakura didn't recognize him.....yet. “Look, just do what I tell you and you'll be home soon, alright?” he asked. Sakura felt a chill in her blood but nodded, anything to be safe.
“Good.” Syaoran smiled and drove off.
---------------Hong Kong Palace Hotel--------------
He opened the door and helped Sakura out of the car. He felt her tremble in his hands but she held her tongue. He guided her through the lobby and to the elevator. He grabbed the card keys to the suite as they got near. He opened the door and guided Sakura inside. He set her on the middle of the room and undid her blindfold. Sakura felt the cloth uncover her eyes and she gasped at the sight that met her. She was in a huge and elegant room, cherry blossom petals were scattered all over the floor and the gigantic bed. “Sugoi.......” she whispered.
“You like it?”
Sakura gasped and turned around, remembering she was captive but her eyes widened at seeing her captor. “Syaoran!!” she cried. Syaoran smiled and nodded. “But why?” she asked softly. Syaoran got closer to her, his eyes staring deep into her own. “I wanted to tell you something, watashi no mi Sakura.” He said softly, his gaze warm. Sakura felt shivers running down her spine at his words. My beautiful cherry blossom.............
He cupped her shoulders and gently brought her body closer to his, making her gasp softly. He nuzzled her ear while his hands ran up and down her arms, feeling the delicate skin. He kissed her cheek and traveled down to her mouth, leaving a trail of kisses. Sakura felt her knees giving up on her as he gently seduced her. She swallowed a moan of desire.
“Sakura, don't hold back, be one with me........” Syaoran whispered against her lips. “But why me?” Sakura asked in a soft voice, feeling her self-control slipping. Syaoran stopped and cupped her face with his hands.
“Wanna know why? Because I love you, Sakura.” He smiled. Sakura stared at him wide-eyed. Oh my God, is this a dream? If it is, I don't wanna wake up........
He closed his eyes as he touched foreheads with her. “You're the girl I was looking for. You're very special to me, Sakura. I was in a hell of my own with what happened between me and Keiko, but you came into my life and helped me get over it. You're an angel, a beautiful angel.”
Sakura felt tears in her eyes and the only she could do was wrap her arms around his waist, letting his warmth soothe her.
“Do you love me, Sakura?” he asked as he looked into her eyes again. Sakura smiled in her tears and kissed him .”I do. I love you, Syaoran.......” she whispered. Syaoran smiled before he kissed her. A long, skillful kiss that left her even weaker at the knees. Syaoran hugged her tighter into his body, making Sakura's neck arch, exposing herself to him. He lightly nipped down her neck, soothing his bites with lips and his tongue. Sakura gasped at the pleasure of it, this felt way better than the other times. She could feel his growing hunger for her and felt oddly pleased. She wanted to please him as much as he was pleasing her. His hands grabbed the hem of her blouse and slowly lifted it up. Following his lead, Sakura rose up her arms and felt the soft fabric of her blouse brush past her arms. Syaoran smiled at her pink cheek and said. “You look beautiful when you blush.” He said before kissing her again, deeply this time. She opened her mouth to his tongue, like a lock responding to a key. His warm tongue swept her mouth, twinning with hers. Syaoran's hands snaked behind her and easily unclasped her bra. Sakura felt her skin tingle as he touched her. She undid the buttons of his shirt and slipped off him, revealing his fine-toned chest. She lightly touched his skin, amazed at how silky it felt. Syaoran moaned deep in his throat, a feral growl that caused excitement to rush in her veins. “Sakura.” He said before he kissed her deeply again. He finally got the bra off and tossed it. Her breasts were bare to him, a beacon of desire for any man. He slowly laid his hands on her breasts, her nipples instantly peaking under his hand. Sakura gasped but then moaned as he slowly massaged them.
“Syaoran.” She lightly moaned. Syaoran took his chance and swept her off her feet, making Sakura snap out of her pleasurable trance.
“Nani!?” she squeaked. Syaoran walked over to the bed and lightly laid her there. Seeing Sakura against the soft sheets of the bed nearly made him lose control of himself. There she laid, chest bare, waiting for more of him.
He slowly got on top of her and kissed down her throat, to her collarbone, to her chest. He took one nipple into his mouth and suckled gently. Sakura cried out both in surprise and pleasure as he tugged her nipple past his teeth. She gripped the sheets tight, to keep her from floating high. She felt hot and wet between her legs, throbbing in desire for him. If Sakura wasn't in such a swirl of desire, she would've laughed at how the tables have turned; how Syaoran was seducing her instead of her seducing him. Sakura moaned loudly as Syaoran suckled her other breast, slowly massaging the one he had already given his attention. Syaoran felt himself very hard, getting even harder at hearing Sakura's cries of pleasure. It was a total turn on.
“Watashi no mi Sakura.......” he muttered against her skin, feeling the soothing heat of her skin. He lightly rubbed his cheek against her breast, feeling the soft skin. “You're soft and warm, Sakura.......beautiful.” he whispered.
“I'm not.......” Sakura halted her response. “I'm not used to this.”
Syaoran gave her a smile. “You were about to say you're not beautiful.”
Sakura blushed. “But it's true. My mom was the beautiful one; everyone loved her.” she said.
“Everyone loves you too, Sakura. I know I do.” Syaoran smiled at her before taking her lips again. Sakura felt desperate to have him, a wild sensation she can't describe. Syaoran left her lips kissed his way down to her belly. He slowly unbuttoned her jeans and slowly started to slide them off her, kissing down one leg as he went on. After doing that, he took off her sandals, his lips tracing the delicate arch of her foot. Syaoran locked his eyes with Sakura's and saw the darkening of want in her innocent, green eyes. He hid a smile and caressed down her legs, feeling Sakura tremble beneath his touch. “Please.....” Sakura said, the urge too strong for her to handle, it's like she could die...........from something. “Patience.” Syaoran's voice was soothing yet restrained. Sakura knew he was doing this to please her, her pleasure before his. She smiled at this and amazed at her own boldness, she began to unbutton his pants. Syaoran arched an eyebrow at her and slid her white panties down her legs and tossed it. He grabbed her hand, stopping her from stripping him. “Lay back.” he said softly. She lay back and Syaoran saw the beautiful goddess waiting for him in the bed. He finished undoing his pants along with his boxers. Sakura felt herself blush even harder, but she couldn't stop staring, by God, he was magnificent. His built reminded her of the fine descriptions her romance novels made of the heroes of the story, all breathtakingly handsome. Syaoran took out the little packet from his pocket and showed it to Sakura. “For protection.” He smiled as he opened it and slipped it on. Sakura, despise of all the want she had for him, felt a rush of fear. She knew it would hurt, but how much? She couldn't imagine having him inside her without feeling any pain. Syaoran sensed her fear and kissed her forehead. “Don't worry, I'll be gentle. Anything for you, Sakura.”
Sakura gave him a small smile and lay still. Syaoran decided to make her forget her pain first. He snaked his hand between her thighs then without warning, he slipped two fingers inside her. Startled at the new sensation, she cried out but then sighed in pleasure. She tried to keep herself still, but her body wouldn't let her. She panted, feeling like she flying higher and higher in the heaven of pleasure. She parted her legs, giving him better access. He explored gently at first, but then he couldn't control himself anymore. Being near Sakura made him lose his control, all strong feelings take over. That was her spell, she made any man want her badly, driving any man's instinct to love her. He sucked on her neck, Sakura's cries making him even more impatient.
“Sakura......what is it about you? I love you so much.........” he muttered against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.
“Syaoran please!” Sakura cried, the wanting was now too strong for her to think, scattered her thoughts to the winds.
“I know.” Syaoran whispered. He needed her as much as she needed him. He withdrew his hand and kneeled between her legs. He entered her slowly; Sakura felt the cold hint of fear again. He was too big, too powerful......
“I can't.....”
“You can.” Syaoran said as he kept on pushing into her deeply, his eyes never leaving hers. The pleasure mixed with the pain wrested a cry from her. Syaoran stopped and looked down at her. Her eyes were tightly shut, tears of pain on their corners. “You OK?” he asked, gently wiping the tears. But the pain was gone; in its place was something magical, something she wanted more and more. Suddenly, it was this feeling of fullness, being one with the man she loved. He slowly withdrew then thrust into her again. Sakura arched her hips, savoring of his possession of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting to feel him even more. This is what she wanted, to be one with Syaoran, the only person who saw her value and respected her for who she was.
She found his rhythm and followed until they were moving in harmony. His quick and hard thrusts were making her feel like she was falling, a great fall out of that heaven. “Oh my God.....” she cried as she felt herself fall at a great speed. She clutched onto Syaoran's arms to keep her from falling but she was only falling faster.
“Syaoran!” she nearly screamed as a strong force hit her, heated liquid seeping from the place they were both joined. Syaoran was right behind her, he arched his back, groaning her name in that animal-like tone as he climaxed. Then totally exhausted, he pulled out of Sakura and rested on her body. He brushed away her sweaty strays of hair from her face and smiled drowsily.
“Any regrets?” he whispered. Sakura shook her head slowly, feeling drained from that amazing moment. “None. I'm glad you did this.” She smiled. Syaoran chuckled and rolled to his side and gathered Sakura into his arms, their body heats meeting each other, keeping them warm. Syaoran turned off the lights and turned back to Sakura to find her already asleep. He smiled fondly at her. He never felt so strong about a girl, not even with Keiko when he used to think he loved Keiko more than life itself. But no, the love he felt for Keiko was fake, the one he truly loves was right there in his arms. And she loved him too.
I will protect her; I'll make sure we'll he happy with each other, he swore to himself as sleep began to claim him. With one kiss to her forehead, he rested his chin on top of her head and fell asleep.
---------Next Day--------
Meiling wore a smirk as she neared Keiko's classroom. Sakura called her this morning to tell her to sub the class since she was with Syaoran, then she told Meiling everything that happened. Meiling was happy for both of them, she was glad Syaoran and Sakura finally told each other how they felt, the only thing was to keep the relationship strong with Keiko in the way. She looked inside the classroom and saw Keiko trying to organize papers.
Meiling entered the classroom and spoke loudly. “Well well well! If it isn't Keiko the Queen of the Sluts!” she cracked. Keiko snapped and glared at Meiling. “What the fuck you want, Meiling!?” she said. Meiling strolled over to her, her smirk getting wider. “My, what a rude tone! I'm only here to express my sympathy on losing Syaoran.”
Keiko looked at her confused. “What are you talking about?” she asked. Meiling laughed. “Why, don't you know? Sakura won.” She said.
“HUH!?” Keiko said.
Meiling said. “Sakura and Syaoran told each other how they feel. And you know when Syaoran loves someone, he'll stick till it all goes to hell, but looks like you're the one who got burned, Keiko. See what you get for being such a whore?” she smirked.
Keiko gasped in disbelief. “You're lying!” she cried.
Meiling laughed again and turned on her heel, her back to Keiki. “Whatever you say, Slut Queen! Sakura and Syaoran are together now, I doubt you'll ever be able to break their bond.” She firmly put Keiko in her place and walked away, leaving her open-mouthed.
Sakura giggled as Syaoran carried her into the dorm room. Since everyone was gone to their classes, there was no risk of getting caught. “Good thing we came back after everyone left!” Syaoran laughed as he gently placed Sakura on the couch. Sakura giggled then noticed her open book.
“My romance novel!” she said. Syaoran stopped his laughing and said nothing. Sakura eyed him and then smirked. “Aha! So you did use my romance book to seduce, you seducing wolf!” she laughed. Syaoran blushed at the truth being out in the open. Sakura stood up and gave him a peck on the lips. “But I'm glad you did.” She smiled. Syaoran raised an eyebrow at her. “Really?” he laughed. Sakura nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Hai!”
“Good.” He kissed deeply, pressing her body against his. Sakura kissed back as passionate as him, her tongue playing with his, making him want her right then and there. His hands ran up and down her back, earning a moan fro Sakura. He picked her up and laid her on the couch then got on top of her. “This is crazy.” Sakura laughed as she twined her hands with his. Syaoran nuzzled her neck, breathing in her scent. “Yep, but you know you like it.” He smiled against her skin. Sakura gasped as he gently bit her soft skin, licking the bite with his tongue. “Maybe I do.” She breathed as she ran her hands under his shirt, letting her hands stroke him, making Syaoran groan.
“I'll get you for that.” He smirked at her as he began to lift up her shirt when someone was knocking at the door.
“Shit.” Syaoran cursed as he got off Sakura and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. Sakura was frowning as she got up. “Who the hell is it? No one knows we're here.” She went to the door and opened it, seeing a disturbingly familiar face.
“Yukito!!” she gasped.
Yukito stood in front of her, holding a bouquet of cherry blossoms in his arms. He smiled in a good-natured way. “Hi, Sakura.”
Sakura felt the anger rising in her. Syaoran felt the same. He walked up to Sakura and stood behind her. “What the fuck do you want, you man whore?” he snapped. Yukito glared at him but the softened as he looked at Sakura again. “Did you get me letter?”
Letter?, Syaoran stared at Sakura. Her lips were in a firm, thin line as she nodded. “Yes, but what bring you here?” she asked in a cold voice. Yukito tried to hand her the bouquet. “I miss you, Sakura.” He said. Sakura snapped at those words and with an angry swing of her hand, she knocked the cherry blossom bouquet out of his hands. Pink petals spread around on the floor around the blossoms. Hurt, Yukito looked at Sakura. “I know I deeply hurt you, Sakura. I realized what a fool I was for being with a whore like Nakuru when I had the perfect girl in my life, you. Please, Sakura, give me another chance.” He begged.
Syaoran looked at Sakura and saw a smirk forming on her lips. He smirked too, getting the idea of what was going to happen to Yukito.
“What makes you think I'm gonna listen to your words now, Yukito? I don't believe you one bit.” She said coolly, crossing her arms across her chest. “I know you don't and you have a right to, but I need you.” he said.
Sakura laughed, a cold laugh that made Syaoran's neck hairs stand on end. Never has he seen the sweet Sakura so cold. “Well, Yukito, I don't need you. I found love again.” She said as she grabbed Syaoran's arm. Syaoran smiled and wrapped his other arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Yukito's hurt eyes pinned on both of them. “You mean you......?”
“That's right, I'm not longer an innocent.” Sakura smirked. “You took her virginity!?” Yukito said to Syaoran.
“No, baka, I gave it to him.” Sakura spoke up, her eyes shone like emerald ice. “But!” Yukito was about to protest when Sakura glared at him. “I don't ever want to see your face around here again or my guy will make sure you get hurt even more than you're now.” She said in soft threat.
“Yeah, you heard her, get lost.” Syaoran snarled. Looking defeated, Yukito picked up the bouquet and walked away. Smiling her triumph, she closed the door and squealed in delight. “Did you see that!? He was so hurt! Now he knows how I felt when I found out he was cheating on me!” she smiled at Syaoran.
Syaoran chuckled and hugged her. “I've never seen you so cold before, it gave me the chills.” He said. Sakura smiled up at him. “That's what he gets for hurting me.”
Syaoran nodded and he lightly stroked her honey hair. “Yep, no one messes with Sakura Kinomoto.”
“Hai!” Sakura laughed as she hugged him back. Because I got someone I love to protect me, she smiled to herself as she rested her cheek against his chest.
“ARGH, I hate that Kinomoto bitch!” Keiko roared as she slumped on her couch. “You need help, cousin?” Hideaki smirked as he drank a bit of whiskey. Keiko nodded furiously. “YES! Just do anything to get her out of my way, destroy her if you have to!” she shrieked.
“Yeah, yeah, I hear ya.” Hideaki said.
“Just remember, Hideaki! It's because of me you still have money, if you don't destroy Sakura Kinomoto, it's you ass on the line!” Keiko said in a growl.
Hideaki stared at her, pretty annoyed. “I know that, Keiko, but remember, you need me in order to keep the Japanese teacher out you hair, so don't get an attitude with me, little cousin.” He smirked.
Keiko fumed at this. “Don't call me `little'! You know how much I hate that!” she bared her teeth at her cousin.
Hideaki grinned and said. “If you keep behaving like a spoiled brat, I will keep calling you `little'.”
Keiko frowned. “You sound just like Meiling Li. She despises me.”
“Do you blame her?” Hideaki laughed. “You did fuck up bad with her cousin, Syaoran.”
“Shut up!”
“Whatever, Keiko, I'm going to bed.” Hideaki put down his drink and went upstairs to ho room. Keiko glared after him and crossed her arms.
I gotta keep fighting! I can't let that wench keep Syaoran! It doesn't matter if they told each other how they feel, I won't have it! She's going down and then Syaoran will be mine again. Then, he will do anything I tell him, because I will make him fall hard for me!
She picked the picture of Sakura Hideaki had and smirked.
“You just wait, Kinomoto! I will win!!” she laughed cruelly.
Meanwhile, Meiling had a plan of her own. “Just wait, Keiko, I'm gonna get you for hurting Syaoran!”
LEMON'S DONE!!! PLZ REVIEW TO LET ME KNOW IF U WANT MORE OF THIS AWESOME STORY!! Thanx a lot to those who reviewed to make this happen! XOXO from me!!!
Oyasumi nasai!
Mistress Ness ^_^