Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom ❯ A Day Of Disaster ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom
I know CCS belongs to CLAMP, so don't you think of suing me! My made-up characters are mine along with this plot! ^_^
By: Mistress Ness
Chapter 8: A Day Of Disaster
Lady Renna held the shinning crystal in her hands, a precious gem that held such tremendous power, the White Crystal. “With this.........” she softly spoke, . “I will be able to talk to my mother, Lady Rinoa, and ask how I can get my rightful place with the Gods!”
Tsushiro looked at her and said. “You don't like being who you are, Renna?”
His words stung her and she stared at him, her heart wanting to scream her feelings for him. She bit her lip instead and said. “I want to become a Goddess. I am born from one and I want to take my place in Olympus.”, Sakura read to her class, a smile broadened her lips. The bell rang and she shut her book and smiled at her students. “Write me a small summary of what I read to you today and remember your usage of Kanji! See you tomorrow.” She said to her guys as they all passed by her saying bye. Syaoran smiled as he neared her. Sakura smiled back and said. “Hi Syaoran.”
Without anyone noticing, he brought his mouth to her ear. “I'll see you later, watashi no mi Sakura.” He whispered seductively, making shivers run down Sakura's spine. She smiled at him and winked. “I look forward to it.”
Syaoran laughed and then walked out to catch up with Eriol. She giggled and began to gather her things to go have breakfast with Tomoyo. Suddenly, a stinging smell of strong perfume filled her nose, making her do a disgusted face. She turned her head towards the source of the smell and saw Keiko nearing her.
“Oh, the slut herself.” Sakura said sarcastically. Keiko twitched and glared at her. “Ha ha, we'll see who loses at the end, Kinomoto.” She said venomously. Sakura gave her an unmoved smile and said. “I'm sorry Keiko, your slutty highness, but Syaoran and I love each other.”
Keiko gasped. “You did not....!”
Sakura arched an eyebrow at her. “If it's what I'm think you're thinking then yeah, it happened.” She said. Keiko pointed her finger at Sakura, a horrified look on her face. “Kyah, you slept with my Syaoran, you whore!” she cried. That made Sakura snap. “First of all, Syaoran doesn't have your name written on him and second, it's extremely foolish to call a girl who only has done it once a whore. I think it suits you best, Keiko. How much per night?”
Keiko twitched at her words and turned away. “You'll be sorry for this, Kinomoto!” she fumed as she left the classroom. Tomoyo got in as she left and smirked at her then laughed. “Wow, Sakura, you told her off good!”
Sakura smirked. “She deserved it, that bitch.”
Tomoyo beamed. “Ready for some sight-seeing?”
Sakura lit up. “Sure!” she and Tomoyo laughed as they left together.
----------Later On---------
Keiko shut the door of her classroom as soon as her students left and took out her cell phone. She speed-dialed her cousin and was still fuming as he picked up the phone. “What is it, Keiko?” he said.
Keiko gritted her teeth as she spoke bitterly. “Hideaki, you wanna make a quick buck?”
Hideaki made a face at the other end. “Keiko, I may be desperate for money, but I'm not desperate enough to fuck my own cousin, you sick bitch.”
Keiko nearly screamed at him for what he said. “You smartass! I didn't mean that, you sick bastard! Just come to the school and destroy Sakura Kinomoto!”
“You know I won't kill that little sweet blossom, Keiko.” Hideaki said.
Keiko smirked. “You don't have to kill her, but ruin her!”
Sakura sneezed, quickly putting her tea out her mouth's reach. Tomoyo looked up from her coffee and stared at her best friend with a funny look. “You OK, Sakura?” she asked in concern. Sakura sniffled and nodded. “Someone must be talking about me.” she shrugged. Tomoyo winked at her teasingly. “I bet it's Syaoran.”
“Tomoyo!” Sakura blushed beet red. Tomoyo laughed at her friend's face. “You look so cute when you blushed!” she grinned. Tomoyo laughed again and grabbed her friend's hand. “Come on, I heard of this great store downtown!” she tugged at Sakura's hand. Sakura laughed in defeat. “Fine, let's go!”
Keiko gritted her teeth as she picked up her cell phone, sitting in her office. “You better answer!” she hissed as the phone rang. “Hello?” it picked up.
“Hideaki!” she said.
“What is it this time, Keiko?” he asked impatiently. Keiko glared at the phone and said. “You wanna earn money now? Come to the school and seize it!”
Hideaki raised en eyebrow at his end. “What the hell are you cooking up this time, cousin?” he demanded. Keiko nearly shrieked. “Just destroy that Kinomoto wench! I don't care how you do it, just DESTROY HER!!”
Hideaki pulled the phone away from his ear and cringed. “Fine.” He hung up. He went over to a shelf and grabbed his favorite handgun, put it in his coat, and left to the school.
Tomoyo and Sakura sat in her dorm, laughing loudly, taking advantage of the fact the boys weren't around. “Remember the time we snuck up to that guy's house for being mean to girls back in middle school?” Tomoyo grinned. Sakura cracked up at the memory. “Yeah! It was Halloween night and we snuck up to his room while he was asleep. Since he had the window open, we hid in the branches of the tree near his room. We made scary noises of ghost girls and we scared him good!” she smiled. Knocking came to her door. Sakura stopped laughing and stared at the door funny. “That's weird, there's no mail today.” She said. Tomoyo nodded. “Yeah go look.”
“Fine.” Sakura sighed and got up to answer the door. “What do you....” the words died on her lips and before she could react, someone seized her hand and yanked her harshly out of the doorway. She cried out in shock and then finally saw who it was. Hideaki sneered down at her and wrapped his arm around her neck tightly. “Hello, pretty little teacher.”
Tomoyo came out, calling her name. Hideaki took out a gun and pointed it at Tomoyo. “Get out of here before I blow you up.” He threatened. “Go run, Tomoyo!” Sakura coughed. Tomoyo nodded and ran. Hideaki smirked and pulled Sakura closer to him. “Now, let's make the school know you're mine.” He said in her ear. Sakura made a sickened face. “In your dreams, you ass.” She hissed at him. “We'll see about that.” He smirked.
Syaoran and Eriol sat in Keiko's class, completely ignoring her when the `com went on. “Hello Li.” A too familiar voice boomed in the room. Syaoran quickly looked at Keiko and caught her smirking. “Syaoran!!” Sakura's voice reached his ears. “Come and get her if you can.” The voice mocked and the `com went off.
Snarling, he got up and went to Keiko. In a swift move, he grabbed Keiko's collar and yanked her harshly to make her look at him. “What is he doing here, Keiko!?” he growled at her. Several students gasped.
“Syaoran's attacking a teacher!!” a guy yelled. Eriol snarled at the boy. “Shut up!”
Keiko was obviously scared of him. “Destroying your little flower.” She said. Syaoran pushed her back and she hit the board with a loud WHACK! At that, Tomoyo came in. “Eriol, Syaoran!” He's got Sakura! In the headmaster's office!”
“Eriol, let's go!” Syaoran yelled to his best friend as he rushed out the room.
Sakura grunted in frustration as she tried to struggle free from the ropes that tied her hands together. “Lemme go, you jerk!!” she snarled at him. Hideaki smirked at her as he twirled his gun in his finger. “Never, pretty flower.” He said.
Her greens flashed her anger for him and bared her teeth at him. “You baka!” she spat. He traced the delicate curve of her cheek, making Sakura put a disgusted face. She hissed and bit his hand. Hideaki yelped and withdrew his hand. He grabbed her hands and snarled at her. “What was that for, you little bitch?!”
Sakura glared at him. “Serves you right, you got no right to touch me!!” she yelled at him. Hideaki brought her face closer to his. “I can do whatever to I want to you, cherry blossom.”
He slammed her down, making Sakura cry out in pain. She kicked in frantic panic, yelling. “Stop it!!”
He grabbed her hands and held them above her head. “No way.” He breathed in her ear, making her shiver in cold fear. I'm not gotta let him!, she thought fiercely and began to thrash again. Hideaki tried to block her kicks but one got him on the side. Suddenly, the door burst open and a voice yelled to him. “HEY! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HER!!”
Syaoran!!, relief screamed in her brain. Hideaki was about to attack Syaoran when he and Eriol grabbed the back of his collar and yanked him off Sakura. Sakura got up and smiled. “Syaoran! Eriol!”
“You OK!?” Syaoran cried worriedly as he undid her ropes. Sakura nodded. “Yeah.”
Hideaki stumbled over when Eriol jumped on him, got his hands behind his back, and tied them with the rope. “You bastard!” Hideaki hissed. Eriol smacked him on the back of the head. “Shut the fuck up, you're the one who was about to rape a girl.” He pointed out. Syaoran hugged Sakura tightly. “God, I thought something bad happened to you.” he sighed in relief. Sakura hugged back, finally relaxing knowing that he was there. “I'm so glad you came.”
“Sakura!!” Tomoyo rushed in and kneeled next to Syaoran and Sakura. “Are you alright!?” she cried. Sakura smiled at her. “I'm fine now.”
“Let's call the police......” Eriol was interrupted by a loud bang in a closet. “OH, the Headmaster!” Sakura gasped. Syaoran helped her up and the three of them neared the closet. Sakura opened the door and the Headmaster came out to hit the floor. “Headmaster Xing, you OK?” Syaoran asked. The Headmaster grinned weakly at him. “Oh I'm fine except for this pain in my back.” he said. “Tomoyo, call the police!” Eriol told her. Tomoyo nodded and took out her cell phone.
Sakura and Tomoyo sat on the couch at the dorm while Eriol and Syaoran were making them dinner. “You sure you're OK, Sakura?” Tomoyo asked. Sakura smiled and hugged her best friend. “Yeah I'm sure, thanks Tomoyo.”
Syaoran smiled at them as he and Eriol set the food on the table. “Dinner time!” he said. “Awesome!” Sakura jumped out of the sofa and wolfed down her food, making Eriol and Syaoran stare at her funny. “What?” she asked with her mouth full of white rice. Tomoyo chuckled. “That's Sakura to you; she has the appetite of a monster.”
Sakura almost choked on her rice, making the boys crack up. “That's mean, Tomoyo!!” she pouted. Tomoyo laughed and added. “Her brother teases her about it by calling her `kaiju'.”
“Kaiju?” The guys asked.
“Monster.” Tomoyo responded. Sakura crushed her chopsticks with one hand and shot daggers at Tomoyo. “There's no need to tell them that, Tomoyo.” She said between gritted teeth. “Wait a sec, I think it's funny. As a matter of fact, I think you really are a pretty kaiju.” Syaoran grinned. “Not you too, Syaoran!” Sakura pouted.
Eriol chuckled. “Funny, I never knew that our beloved sensei was such a quick eater.” He joked. “ERIOL.” Sakura said in a threatening tone.
“Come on, Sakura, just finish your rice.” Tomoyo patted her back. “You all are mean.” Sakura said with a frown and got back to her food.
----------------Back In Japan-----------------
Touya sat in the living room at the Kinomoto house, glaring at Yukito. “So, all this time when you dated my little sister, you've been cheating on her with a prostitute.” He said, baring his teeth at his best friend. Yukito glared back. “Nakuru's a nice person, not a prostitute!” he objected.
“But that's not what you told Sakura to get her back, friend.” Touya said. Yukito's eyes widened. “She......told you?” he asked. “DUH, that very night after your little visit.” Touya replied. “And Tomoyo told me how you were two-timing my sister with Nakuru. Didn't I tell you so many times that fucking Nakuru works at a whore house!?” he snapped, making Yukito flinch. “But that was because she has no one to look after her! Eriol kicked out of his house because she wasn't needed anymore!” he pointed out. Touya shook his head. “Eriol kicked her out because she was trying to break him and Tomoyo up because Nakuru fell in love with him while fucking any guy for a quick buck.” He rolled his eyes.
Yukito gasped. “She didn't tell me that....”
“Well,” Touya said. “She will tell anyone anything to make them feel sorry for her. I know her well, she tried to act normal and like a normal girl when she really is a whore! She's been at that whore place ever since Sakura entered high school. She hated my sister because Sakura had a normal life and many friends when Nakuru couldn't let anyone get close to her.”
“Don't you feel sorry for Nakuru!?” Yukito asked in rage, trying to defend Nakuru. “NO!” Touya exploded. “She went for me after Eriol kicked her out and tried to get me away from my family but HELL NO, I didn't let her.”
“Well, I feel sorry for her.” Yukito said. Touya stood up. “Then leave, Yuki, we're no longer friends. I don't trust anyone who two-times my sister. Now get out!” he pointed to the door. Yukito stood up and looked at Touya as he went for the door. “I realized I love your sister, and I want her by my side again, even it means being enemies with you, Touya.” He left.
Touya frowned at his words. “What an asshole. He doesn't know shit of what he really wants. He'll never get Sakura; she'll kick his ass before he even says a word to her.”
The door opened and Fujitaka entered. “Hi son, um, was that Yukito that went by?” he asked. “Yeah.” Touya replied. “My, what went wrong between you two? You've been best friends since high school.” Fujitaka said.
“I never told you, did I?” Touya said. “Tell me what?” his dad asked. “Yukito was cheating on Sakura with the slut Nakuru all the time they went out.”
Fujitaka gasped. “Why that cheating liar!” he growled.
“But now he says he loves Sakura.” Touya laughed.
“She won't forgive him.” Fujitaka pointed out.
Fujitaka grabbed his car keys and said. “Well, I'm going to a meeting. I'll be home late and if Sakura calls, tell her I said hello.” He smiled then left.
“Drive safe, Dad.” Touya said after he left.
---------Later On----------
Touya sat on the dinning room, eating his dinner when the phone rang. He went and picked it up on the second ring. “Hello? Kinomoto residence.” He greeted.
“Is this Fujitaka Kinomoto's son?” a man asked.
“I have bad's about your father.................”
------------------Back at Hong Kong-------------------
The group was playing poker quietly in Sakura and Syaoran's dorm. Sakura threw her cards on the table and sighed. “I got nothing good!!” she whined. Syaoran smiled at her. “Looks like you really suck at cards, sensei.”
Sakura glared at him. “It's not my fault I'm not as good as Tomoyo!” she said. Tomoyo laughed wickedly, looking up from her cards. “Practice makes perfect.”
“She's pretty good I just say.” Eriol laughed as he kept on looking at his cards. “Damn you......” Sakura sighed again and lay her head on the table, totally bored. Suddenly, her cell phone rang. She got up and got it.
“Hello?” she said.
“Sakura.” Her brother's voice greeted her.
“Onii-chan!” she smiled. But the fear and worried tone of his voice was making her a bit nervous. “What's going on?” she asked.
“It's Dad.”
“What about Oto-san!?” she cried, getting everyone's attention. Tomoyo looked at her curiously. “Is everything OK, Sakura?” she asked quietly. “What is it, onii-chan!!” Sakura demanded.
“Dad, he's...............God, he's been in a car accident, Sakura. He's at the hospital right now, in critical condition.”
Sakura felt the air leave her lungs in shock, she dropped her cell phone. Her knees gave away from beneath her. “Sakura!” everyone cried. Syaoran quickly caught her fall. Tomoyo grabbed the cell phone and was talking to Touya as Eriol and Syaoran were checking Sakura.
“She fainted.” Eriol said.
“OK, she'll be there, bye.” Tomoyo hung up.
“What was that all about?” Syaoran asked, cradling Sakura in his arms.
“I just spoke to her brother and told me, Sakura's dad in the hospital, car accident.” She said slowly. The boys gasped. Sakura slowly opened her eyes and then gasped. “Oto-san!!” she cried, sitting up. Tears built up in her eyes as she took in the situation. “I'm going to the Headmaster's office right now!” she got up and hastily ran out the door. “Let's go, you guys.” Syaoran said and they rest followed her to Headmaster Xing's office.
“Headmaster Xing, I need to take a 2-week absence.” Sakura said. Headmaster Xing looked at her surprised. “And what is the reason for this request, Miss Kinomoto?” he asked. Sakura bit back her tears as she spoke. “My into a car accident and is now in the hospital in critical condition. Please, I must go back to Japan and be with him; it might be the last time, Headmaster.” She begged. Headmaster Xing nodded and said. “Very well. I will talk to Mizuki-sensei to substitute you for the time needed, you may stay as long as you need, Miss Kinomoto.”
Sakura lit up, a small smile setting on her lips. “So I may go?”
Headmaster Xing nodded. “Yes, and don't stay 2 weeks, stay as long as it's needed for you to be there. And Syaoran may go with you.” he pointed behind her. She turned around to find Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Eriol walking towards them.
“I'm going too, Headmaster.” Eriol said.
“I'm not someone to this school, but I'm going back to Japan with them.” Tomoyo spoke up. “You two do realize you'll be having a lot of making up work when you get back, right?” the Headmaster asked Eriol and Syaoran.
“Yeah, we know.” The guys chorused. Headmaster Xing smiled at them. “Then you may go; take good care of your teacher.” He said.
“Thank you so much, Headmaster Xing!” Sakura smiled and grabbed her friends' hands and dragged them out the door. “Good luck, Sakura-sensei.” Headmaster Xing smiled.
Sakura was quickly packing her suitcase as Syaoran called the airport to get them a flight to Tomoeda. Tomoyo was helping Eriol pack his luggage. “Sakura, at whose house we'll be staying in? Yours or mine?” she asked her. Sakura was silent for a moment. “Neither, Tomoyo.”
“Nani?” Tomoyo said. Sakura grinned. “Your mother will freak at seeing strange boys staying at the mansion. Onii-chan will be furious if the we all stay at my house. So, we go to a hotel.”
“Great, two per room!” Eriol said. Sakura laughed. “Yeah sure.”
“Thank you very much.” Syaoran hung up. “I got us a flight early tomorrow morning, so we gotta go to the airport's hotel tonight.” He said to Eriol, Sakura, and Tomoyo. “Great!” Sakura said as she put her clothes in her suitcase.
“I'm ready!” Eriol said. “Hey, we gotta stop by my hotel room to go pick up my stuff!” Tomoyo reminded them. “Alright, let's go then!” Sakura said, closing her luggage.
----------Hong Kong Airport Hotel----------
While Syaoran was in the shower, Sakura hugged Kero tight, eyes closed. Oto-san, please be OK, don't die too..........., she thought. Syaoran came out and saw her hugging her bear, a tear trickling down her cheek; it tore his heart. It hated to see her so sad, but he didn't blame her now. Her father may be dying for crying out loud! Of course she's sad!, he scolded himself. “Syaoran?” Sakura's light voice made him pay attention to her again. She now stood in front of him, her bear long forgotten on the bed. She let out a soft sob then threw her arms around him. He heard her muffled cries and hugged her back, smoothing down her back. “Sakura.......he'll survive, just believe in it.” He whispered. Sakura looked up into his eyes, her own eyes swimming in tears. “I don't want to lose him too, Syaoran. I already lost my mother and now I don't want for him to be gone too........” she then was quiet.
Syaoran picked her up and gently placed her on the bed to see she was asleep. She cried herself to sleep, he thought as he pulled the sheets over her. He reached out and dried her tears then stroked her soft, ginger, hair. I'm surprised at how strong she can be then how vulnerable she becomes, he climbed in next to her and turned off the light. He gathered her small frame into his arms, kissed her forehead and went to sleep.
------------Next Day-----------
“Syaoran, Sakura!! Rise and shine!!” Tomoyo's yell got through the door. Syaoran woke up and gasped. “Oh the plane!!” he cried. Sakura woke up and looked at him, still sleepy. “Nani?” she said softly. “Plane, go!” Syaoran laughed. Sakura squeaked and kicked off the sheets. “Get ready!!” she shoved a laughing Syaoran towards the bathroom. Hold on, oto-san, I'm coming!!, she thought as she started to get ready.
“You two are hopeless!” Tomoyo sighed as Sakura and Syaoran came out of their room with their stuff. “Sorry.” Sakura grinned sheepishly.
The flight 1717 to Tomoeda, Japan is now boarding at gate A17.” A female voice echoed through the busy airport. The gang was all running towards gate A17. “We're here!” Tomoyo sighed in relief. As Eriol and Tomoyo were checking in, Sakura looked out the window to the place.
“Hold on, oto-san we're almost there.” She whispered.
Sorry for the delay on this chapter but I had a lot of things in my hands, but I will keep going, no matter how much it takes! OKIE, READY FOR WARRIORS OF THE NIGHT!!
Oyasumi nasai,
Mistress Ness ^_^