Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Bliss ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wedding Bliss

Chapter Four:

Tomoyo stared in shock at the man who was her father. She hadn't seen him since she was three, except for in pictures. She felt tears well up in her eyes. Tears of sadness, anger, and resentment. How dare he leave her mother to raise a child on her own then come to that child's wedding??!! She was only vaguely aware of Eriol's and hand fingers intertwined with hers and his comforting whispers. Suddenly, she couldn't take looking at her father anymore. She shoved Eriol's hand away and fled from the room, tears running down her face, tasting bitter on her tongue. She reached her dressing room and locked herself in. Everyone in the room gave the man accusing glares. Eriol stood up and chased after his upset wife. Fuko followed him and there was an awkward silence in the room.

Tomoyo's dressing room!!

Tomoyo sat on the windowsill and cried. A million thought and accusations ran through her head. Everything that day had been absolutely wonderful until now. She heard a knock at the door.
"Tomoyo? Can I come in?" Eriol's concerned voice came through the door.
"H… h… hai…" she managed to say through her sobs. He came in, shut the door behind him, and locked it. Smiling worriedly, he waked over to her and she embraced him tightly. He stroked her back as she cried into his shoulder.
"Shh…" he whispered, gently rocking her back and forth. "It'll be alright…" She cried softly for a few more minutes and slowly came to a stop. He gently lifted her chin with her fingers and smiled at her. She smiled back.
"Arigatou." She whispered.
"You alright?" he whispered back.
"A little… thanks to you." She replied, kissing him. He kissed her back and deepened the kiss. They continued it for awhile until they were interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Tomoyo? Can I talk to you?" her father's voice rang out hopefully.
"Do you want to talk to him or do you want me to get rid of him?" Eriol asked, slightly annoyed. He cast a glare at the closed door. She sighed.
"I guess I'll talk to him… otherwise he won't leave me along." She sighed. He smiled sympathetically at her.
"Alright love." He said, kissing her lightly.
"Wait outside please?" she asked him.
"Of course." He smiled, mouthed good luck, and unlocked and opened the door. As he walked out and her father walked in, he muttered to the older man. "Don't you dare touch or hurt her." Glancing back towards Eriol a little nervously, Fuko shut the door behind him and turned towards his daughter.
"Tomoyo… I know you probably don't want to talk to me, but I figured I at least owe you and explanation." (ok Acacia, you can pretend that he's an international spy and this is his cover up story ^^) Her amethyst eyes turned cold and indifferent.
"You're right, I don't want to talk to you… say what you must then leave." She said emotionlessly.
"I'm really sorry for leaving you and you mother… I just wasn't thinking straight when I left… By the time I realized my mistake, Sonomi wouldn't let me come back… can't really blame her though." He tried to lighten the mood by laughing but Tomoyo's eyes just widened in disbelief and she turned her back to him. "I'm not asking you to forgive me Tomoyo-" he continued, but was cut off by her.
"That's good because I won't ever forgive you. And by the way, just why the hell do you think you can call me "Tomoyo"?! I don't know you, I never will… it's Daidouji-san to you." She said coldly. He smiled sadly.
"I figured you'd say something like that… that's alright though. I didn't expect you to be happy to see me. I'll leave now so you can go back to your wedding reception." He said as he left. Tomoyo didn't even look back at him. After he had left, Eriol re-entered the room and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. She tilted her head back slightly and rested her cheek against his, and put her arms over his. They held each other in silence for a few minutes.
"Well, we better head back before everyone starts to worry." She said breaking the comfortable silence.
"You sure you're up to a party right now?" he asked.
"Hai… I'm not going to let my father ruin the happiest day of our lives." She said turning around to face him. He smiled and kissed her softly.
"Alright then." He said. They took each others hands and headed back to the reception together.

Konichiwa minna-san!!! Wow… that sorta a depressing chapter for me to write! ^^ Don't worry, the next chapter is happier. Even thought I'm stuck halfway through it! ARRGGHH!! Writers block sucks! Ah well… I'll think of something… anyway I'll stop rambling now! Thanks for reading and please review! Only 2 ppl have done so as of now…. ~sniff~ Ja ne!!!
