Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Dreams ❯ So What ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Cowboy Bebop (manga/anime) I am only a fan trying to write a worthwhile story.
Session 3: So What
The manager of auto shop dug his fingers into his temples to quell the swelling pain of his headache; he was obviously annoyed and by the sound of his teeth gritting, Faye could tell as well. Overall, in the small office filled with file cabinets and model cars, it was silent. Faye waited anxiously in a char in front of his desk holding her hands in her lap; she was filled with discomfort and embarrassment. `Not Again' she thought. These type of situations always occurred with her. Money was her personal devil, it would give her temporary happiness until it lashed back at her with bills. Bills, bounced checks, over-charged credit, and now, a totaled rental convertible with a dismantled luxury car to boot. All of these misfortunes were on her tab.
“You have no money in your bank account Ms. Valentine.” The manager said with the sound of agitation clearly heard in his voice. His eyes opened as his hands dropped to rest on the desk. “Then,” he continued in a manner to mock her. “You say that the remainder of that money was in your convertible…your charred and destroyed convertible.”
Faye gritted her teeth together to both subdue her anger and prevent her from attacking him. Instead, she shrugged and smiled nervously before asking the man in a respectful tone, “Well, how do you suppose I pay you back?”
The man leaned forward on his desk to stare at Faye in an attempt to intimidate her. “Its not me you'll be paying back Ms. Valentine, it's the owner of that car…of this town…the owner of every facility here. You owe your debt to him, and hes right outside that door.”
Immediately, after the man announced that, a group of three men entered the room. Two of the larger men posted themselves at the door on both sides—they were obviously guards. The other man took his seat by Fate, who didn't even bother to look back at them as they entered. When she glanced at the man, she thought he looked familiar but she quickly looked away to avoid eye contact.
“This is the woman who ruined my car?” He asked as he looked at Faye. “Well, Faye?”
She turned her head to look at the man, Huxley. He watched her with his emotionless stare from his reddish brown eyes. She never noticed how young he looked to be his age, which was assumed by the thick gray beard he garnered. “Y—yes.” She replied unsure and frightened about what was next to come.
* * * *
“You never paid in full, Jorge!” Wolfe shouted over the sound of his fist smashing into Jorge's face.
Jorge stumbled backward before eventually losing all his balance and falling on the concrete floor. He looked up at Wolfe holding his face in one hand as the other gripped onto the ground for traction. He was pushing himself away from the menacing man that stalked closer to him. He couldn't get himself to answer; the shock had overcome his mind at the sheer fact that his long time comrade just attacked him. “I couldn't!” He finally answered, “I couldn't cause Huxley took the money from me…damnit Jonas! He isn't playing fair!”
“What the fuck are you talking about? Hes always had the cuts work for out for us! Even with all the people he owed in the past!” Wolfe's voice was angered as he responded. The thought of Huxley cheating him was unacceptable in his mind, not after all he'd been through with him. “Do you understand how pissed off I was to hear that you've been fucking the bank over? I was in the middle of something then I get a fucking call from Fiona about your dumb fucking ass! I swear Jorge…if I hear any damn thing about Huxley fucking around from you, I'll blow your brains out. It doesn't matter that we've been friends…that's the damn boss! He took us in and put us were we are now! We own this town…WE own it. Not the fucks that put us in the jailhouse program when we were kids. We do…”
Jorge sat up from the floor and wiped the blood from his lip. His eyes scanned over his long time friend, who was reaching out to help him up, and grabbed onto the helpful hand but it wasn't pulling him up.
Wolfe stared him in the eyes and asked calm and sincerely, “Is Huxley not playing fair with us? I really want to know. I need to know in order to change things…”
Jorge gripped onto Wolfe's wrist and stared back at him. Smiling because of Wolfe's sincerity he answered, “Jonas, you gotta help me change things…Hes screw…” Wolfe pulled out his silver plated deagle and instantly unloaded two rounds into Jorge's chest with his free hand. Jorge gasped for air with his widen eyes staring at Wolfe's furious ones.
“Son of a bitch.” Wolfe said coldly then another shot rang into the air. Jorge's face was no more; he couldn't give Wolfe guilt now.
Wolfe dropped the arm he held and placed his deagle back into its place. Emotionlessly, he began to strip Jorge of all his belongs, which needed to be returned to the Burner. Ignore the blood, that didn't matter. Ignore the bits of brain, that didn't matter. Ignore the memories, that didn't matter. Ignore your dead friend who you killed, that didn't matter; it was all business, and Huxley was boss.
* * * *
“You're making me a waitress?” Faye asked shocked as she stood outside the restaurant in which she was assigned to. It was called Roadhouse Dinner and it seemed to fit the look of all typical American dinners in the 1950's. There was nothing special about it, nothing at all. “How am I suppose to pay you back by working here?” She whined angrily as she looked back at Huxley.
“Meet someone rich, flirt with him, he'll give you a nice tip. It adds up over time.” With that Huxley handed her the key to her apartment room across the street. “Rents free, I'm a generous man.” He left her afterward, into his second luxury car and back to his various properties he owned in this town. A town Faye was stuck in with no friends or help…alone again, poor again.
Session 4: Footprints; "I don't have control over myself. I think I might, but when I can just kill someone like makes you wonder, and doubt. What the hell am I so loyal for?"