Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Dreams ❯ Autumn Leaves ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Cowboy Bebop (manga/anime) I am only a fan trying to write a worthwhile story.
Session 5: Autumn Leaves
If I could take back my words
I'd say them all over again
I'd curse and scream
I'd show you my true colors
It's my heart and my soul
This is who I am
Take it
And please
Love it
“Don't leave me Spike, I love you.” Faye called out to the fading image of the man she deeply cared about. When he finally disappeared into the eternal white in the distance, Faye began running toward the fading light in desperation. The harder she ran the further it dimmer the light became and out of frustration and pain, Faye collapsed to her knees to cry out for the man she missed.
It was just moments before that instance that she was in Spikes arms crying into his chest because he had returned. He didn't hold her immediately because of the normal cool character yet after a while he held her against him with one arm firmly. “Stay with me Spike…please.” Faye ordered in a soft but firm tone. Her eyes looked up into his face; the eyes were shrouded in shadow and his face wasn't defined. It was all so hazy other than its shape and the puffy hair he had. Since it looked that way, Faye pushed herself off of him slightly to get a good look at the man she loved.
“No!” She shouted, punching against his chest. “I remember you, I remember how you look, damnit Spike!”
“Hey, relax Faye. I know you do.” Spike said with a smile on his face.
Faye's eyes shot up to look at him and there he was, it was Spike with all of his features beaming brightly at her. Elation overcame her and she couldn't help but smile at him. She couldn't help but not feel alone anymore; she had someone again though, it was only short lived.
They kissed and held onto eachother lovingly and longingly; there was passion in everything they said and felt with one another. However it was all in Faye's mind. It was all a dream and it was all so easy to lose once her eyes opened and she woke up lying on a makeshift sleeping pad in a shack on the outskirts of town. He had walked away from her just like he did a long time ago.
She sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes with her hands and once Faye finished, she looked over the room for Wolfe. He was nowhere to be found which worried her a bit. So, she stood up from the floor, walked to the door, and pushed open the door to see what was outside.
It must have been the middle of the night when she opened the door. It was dark and cold and there was little light around her. Clinching onto her little red jacket, she walked close to the walls of the shack to go to the backside of the building where he had parked his bike. When she reached that side of the shack he was there with his back turned to her on his cellphone.
It looked as if he was only listening to the conversation in his ear from Faye's point of view, which he was. He was receiving orders about a new target that had rolled into town, a bounty hunter. There was a lot of information on the bounty hunter because he was a former cop and worked with a well-known man around Canton and Mars. When the call ended, he put his phone away and stared up into the star filled sky above them. “You woke up, I see.” He said calmly.
Faye was startled slightly but she only sighed and approached him slowly. “Yeah.”
“I hope you slept well.” He lowered his head and looked at her.
“Did you sleep at all?” She asked sitting on the seat of his bike up into the sky.
“Yeah, a bit.” He replied before looking up again. “You know, when I was a kid on this planet…I use to look up into the starry night and stare at it in amazement. I was so poor I never thought I'd get the chance to go up into that darkness with speckles of light in it.”
Faye looked at him realizing that he was opening up to her. That just signaled that something was on his mind and it must have been bothering him. She figured it must have been something from that phone call so she listened as he continued on speaking.
“Then I was gathered up with a group of kids from my neighborhood, shipped across the planet to a city, and sold for blood sport purposes…the jailhouse program. I didn't see the stars or daylight for about two years because they wanted to us to kill one another. The Huxley came around with the syndicate and took the bastards out and gave us jobs working for him. Ever since then I've seen all kinds of things but I've never taken the time to go up there, into space.” He finally finished with a light chuckle as he looked down at Faye who watched him carefully. “Kinda weird huh? Especially in this time we live in.”
“Yeah…” she responded softly. “Why are you saying this?”
“Its your turn now.” He replied quickly still with that slight smile on his face. “Tell me about yourself.”
Faye rolled her eyes to look away from him and said coldly, “I didn't ask you to tell me about your sad little life Wolfe so don't expect me to tell you about mine.”
“Aw, but I've heard so much Poker Alice.”
Her eyes widened once she heard that name. Slowly, she turned her head to look at him and said, “Wolfe…where did you find that out?”
“I have connections.” He grinned at her but it faded as soon as she got into his face.
“Tell me!” she shouted.
“Hey calm down…it's not that big of a deal.” He didn't lean away from her as she glared at him.
“Not a big deal? How is this not a big deal? I like having my privacy!” She slapped him with the backside of her hand once she finished saying that. “Tell me!”
Wolfe's head snapped to the side when she hit him. He slowly looked back at her with a pissed off look on his face. “When you have friends like Spike Spiegel…its kinda easy to find out about you.”
Faye froze once she heard his name come out of Wolfe's mouth; she wasn't sure of how to react and she couldn't really respond because of how true his words were.
“Where you a bounty hunter too, Faye?” He inquired with his cold stare on her now. “Tell me, or I'm gonna let them kill Jet Black.”
“What!” she shouted in disgust “Are you blackmailing me? Jet has nothing to do with anything.”
“Faye, what did you do with that crew? Did you know Julia and Vicious?”
“What does that have to do with you, Wolfe?”
“Its not me, its Huxley that wants to know because he knows Jet is in Canton to get some of his men.” Wolfe folded his arms across his and took in a deep breath. “Then again, how can we be sure that you still aren't working for the man…a scout perhaps? Maybe you are trying to put me in jail just to get a paycheck. How am I suppose to know that y…”
Faye's hand smashed into Wolfe's face before he could finish his sentence and once again he had to turn his head around to look at her after being hit. “Cut that out will you.” He growled lowly obviously trying to control his anger.
“I knew Julia and Spike…I worked with Spike and I…helped Julia get away from some creeps before.” She admitted looking away from him; she didn't know what the consequences of giving him that information would mean. Then again it sounded like he'd help Jet so it didn't seem that bad to do in retrospect.
“Good.” He replied hoping onto the bike. “We're heading back to Canton.”
* * * *
Meanwhile, a fairly large ship landed onto the airstrip on the far eastern side of Canton near a lot of the newer buildings. After a few minutes of checking the ships signals, the pilot finally went outside onto the dock. Right as he made his way there, the barrels of ten guns aimed at him met. From the gap between the semi-circle of men, someone in a full suit filled with explosives approached the targeted man near the door.
“ Jet Black, you are to come with us.” He ordered.
“Come with you, what the hell is this!” Jet shouted but immediately after the words, the suited man smashed his fist into Jets body then spun around to kick Jet in the face. Jet was completely knocked out on the deck of his ship.
* * * *
It wasn't long before Wolfe and Faye arrived into to town as Wolfe's bike sped down the street past the older side of Canton going toward the east end warehouses. They slipped through the thin lanes of traffic and raced through back alleys before they finally reached the industrial complex.
Getting off the bike, Wolfe checked his deagle and handed Faye her gun that had been taken from her a long while ago. When they entered warehouse four it was dark and filled with cargo crates. Faye followed him closely as they went through the maze of narrow passages ways following the noise of someone being beaten. She knew it was Jet it couldn't be anyone else. When they reached an opening in the large room, there was a closed door across the way where the shape of Jet's head could be seen through the window. She wanted to run toward him but Wolfe grabbed her arm and slung her back toward him. “Wait!” he forcibly whispered.
“Adriano!” Wolfe called waiting for a reply.
“What the fuck was that!” shouted someone in the distance.
“Its Wolfe!” He called out again.
“…Wolfe?” The voice questioned. “Huxley's guys are here! Spread out!”
Suddenly the lights in the warehouse shot on lighting everything with its dim florescent glow and five men rushed out of the room where Jet was brandishing various firearms. Wolfe and Faye were nearly in the open as the men came out but they dashed behind a small crate and hide from the oncoming fire. The two of them varied in the expression their body language gave off; Wolfe was calm as he leaned over and pulled out the gun he had strapped on his calf. Faye on the other hand was breathing deeply since it had been such a long time since she got into a gunfight.
“Ready…?” Wolfe grunted as he lifted up and began ringing shots off accurately at the five men hitting one of them in chest as they ran. Faye watched him as he launched himself from their stagnant position and ran across the room firing onto the men with precision hitting another one of the men in the face. During this trance, Wolfe briefly looked like Spike as he moved fluently in the chaos of the battle. Once out of her trance she lifted up and began shooting at the distracted men as they focused on Wolfe. She managed to hit one of the men in the gut multiple times.
It seemed like the battle was to be easily won by the two of them until a man on the catwalk ran out throwing grenades down on them. First he tossed one down on Wolfe but it blew up behind him causing him to be lifted into the air by the force, which made Wolfe hit the metal crate. Wolfe hit his head on the thick metal causing a gash to form across his brow but the adrenaline kept him going as he quickly lifted himself and began firing on the remaining people.
Faye shot the man on the catwalk in the back as he held a cooking grenade in his hand. He began falling from the top until he blew up in mid air causing the other grenades to go off as well. Smoke filled the room and Wolfe took advantage of this as he charged at the remaining two men with. On his way toward them, he pulled out his combat knife that was sheathed under his shirt. Using that weapon, he slashed the blade across one man's face before slamming it into the neck of the man. Then he took the SMG the man was using to shoot the other enemy next to him. It was all done so quickly that Faye still thought the battle was still raging until Wolfe called.
“Its over…hopefully.” His voice was tired as he said that.
It wasn't long before they were in the room where Jet was being held. He looked at the two of them, specifically Faye and said tiredly “What the hell…are you doing here?”
“Its nice to see you too, Jet.” She said sarcastically in response to him.
Wolfe untied Jet as he and Faye talked a bit more.
“Who is this guy you're with?” Jet questioned. “Is he your new boyfriend?” Jet looked to Wolfe behind him and asked, “Are you letting this woman take your money? She can sure as hell spend money, I tell you.”
“Would you want me to tell him to leave you here Jet!?” She growled, it wasn't very nice to have Jet criticize her as she let Wolfe help him.
* * * *
It wasn't long before they were in The Bebop sitting on separate sofa's being treated by Faye. She completely ignored Wolfe who had blood streaming down his face above his eye and complained of being dizzy. Faye was too busy treating the bruises Jet had though he was doing pretty well at handling his own wounds. It wasn't long before Wolfe got annoyed with her and yelled, “Well fuck! I'm seeing three of you now…when are you gonna help me out?!”
“Just die of a hemorrhage already!” She snapped at him with a growling yell.
“That's nice of you…damn bitch.” Wolfe responded as he tried to stand from the sofa but he only stumbled over and fell onto the floor. He didn't move after he fell even though he was conscious; he was too weak to do anything.
Jet and Faye looked at him with worried expressions on their face. Jet finally looked at Faye and said, “I think you should help him out.”
Wolfe was back on the sofa now with a bandage wrapped around his forehead. He'd been sleeping for about three hours since he finally did pass out. He didn't even bother trying to lift his head but he raised his hand to cover to rub his eyes and that's when he heard Faye say, “Hey, you're up.”
“Yeah, my head still hurts.”
She came into his view as she knelled over him to look into his eyes once he moved them away. He stared back at her wondering what she was doing and said, “You want a kiss or something?”
“Your eyes are bloodshot.”
“Oh…well, they'll be ok after a while.”
“Also, your breath stinks.” She grinned.
After about another hour and a few more painkillers, Wolfe rose up from the sofa and began to walk around the ship with Faye close by. They were in space now since Jet decided to launch off away from Mars until he found another bounty since the targeted one had been killed in the crossfire—it was the man with the grenades. He didn't have information on the bounties that hide under Huxley's cover yet.
“I'm gonna have to report this to Huxley in a bit.”
“Wolfe” She said but he cut her off.
“Since you know all of Spike's acquaintances, he'd like to ask you a few questions.” He continued on as they passed a window with a clear view of Mars in orbit.
“Wolfe!” She shouted trying to get his attention.
“What?” He turned his head to look at her.
She walked up to him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him up to the window to look at his home planet in space. His eyes widened as he filled up with joy and elation; he was in space unfortunately not on his own terms but this was just as good. However that all stopped when he realized he had just abandoned Canton prematurely without leave from Huxley. “Fuck!” He shouted. “I can't be away from there I gotta report to him…”
“Shut up Jonas.” She interrupted him. “Enjoy this moment because when you go back there, nothing will be as beautiful as this.”
He watched her softly for a brief moment after she said that. He smiled softly then looked out at his red round home that orbited the sun so innocently. It was relieving to see such a thing for the both of them. Faye had allowed him to fulfill a dream of his, which actually made her feel like she felt once before with another man. Wolfe was fulfilling a something he had wanted to do since he was a child. Everything was right at this moment and it was sealed when they looked at one another again to kiss.
Session 6: Headmaster Ritual; “He can't just break the order of things. Everything comes to me! Understand! Get him back here now!”