Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Dreams ❯ Headmaster Ritual ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Cowboy Bebop (manga/anime) I am only a fan trying to write a worthwhile story.
Session 6: Headmaster Ritual
Enter a world where
Good can be considered
Life is altered under
The beliefs of one man
In his mind,
The headmaster bows to
No other name than his
“So you're telling me that he left with her?” Uttered a familiar voice behind the bar. The man, Huxley, was hidden from their sight behind the smoke clouds from his customers' cigarettes. He had the bar lights off as well, that way they couldn't see his face but only the orange glow from his lit cigar.
“Yes, sir.” Responded one of the men that stood anxiously in front of the bar. They were all lower ranking minions, scouts, so the situation was quite frightening. Huxley knew this so his behavior was tame considering that if he were talking to a man with Wolfe's ranking, he'd be a bit more livid.
“I see…thank you for your work.” Huxley replied casually. “Now, leave me be.”
“Thank you sir.”
It wasn't long before Huxley was in the back alley on his cellphone waiting for one of his men to reply. Once he did, a roar was unleashed in Huxley's booming voice, “Get your damn cousin back to this place now! Does he want me to kill him!”
On the other side of this conversation, in a nice hotel room, say a well-dressed man with dirty blonde hair that reached the top of his back. As the screams from Huxley blasted through the speakers of his cell phone, he began to button light pink blouse and fix his black tie. Behind him, in full red lace lingerie, sat a beautiful Puerto Rican woman (in appearance)—his newlywed wife. She shook her head in disappointment since she fully understood what was happening. He'd be leaving her once again and maybe not even returning if the situation played its cards in such a harrowing way.
Without saying a word, Adriano closed his phone and looked back at her with his sullen emerald colored eyes. “Raquel, my love…” He said with a slight fluctuation in his voice toward the end.
“Yes I know…its Huxley.”
He chuckled lightly as he stood from the bed to approach her. Before he would speak again, he laid his wife back on the bed and kissed along her body tenderly. Once his words finally came out, he whispered, “Its Jonas this time.”
Raquel's eyes ripped open from their lustrous trance into an intense stare of worry. “Oh no, don't tell me hes—d”
“Well no, hes alive…for now at least.”
“Adriano, what has he done?”
He leaned in to kiss her again but his lips only brushed against hers before she wrapped a hand onto his scruffy cheeks to push him away.
“Baby, it's your cousin were talking about here…and my best friend. Shouldn't you be a bit more worried?”
Adriano took her hand from his face and kissed her palm gently; he was obviously not concerned with Wolfe but more concerned about his honeymoon. Even so, he realized that she was. “Look, he'll be fine, he just ran away with some girl that's all. Its probably him just trying to be all rebellious and crap. You know him as well as I do love, he'll get bored and come back to his senses.”
“Why is Huxley so worried then?” Raquel inquired.
“Well, that girl for one owes Huxley some money but, she has history with Spike Spiegel. That's what Huxley is most worried about.” Adriano's voice was calm and casually as he went over that information with her. Raquel's almond colored eyes were as wide as a full moon at the hint of the name Spike Spiegel. She shook her head then took Adriano's face in both of her hands saying in a slightly worried tone, “It can't be Julia right?”
“No, its Faye Valentine or I guess we'd know her as Poker Alice.”
“That cheating bitch!?” Raquel roared in a monstrous tone. Yes, Faye and Raquel had history…a rather unpleasant history at that.
The Bebop was just heading toward Jupiter's orbit to intersect a bounty lead that Jet had received a few hours earlier. They all sat down in the main room, both Faye and Jet were smoking cigarettes as Wolfe picked through the meager meal Jet cooked; steamed bell peppers and mushrooms. “You know Jet, I have a pretty nice sum of money in my bank account, if you needed food I coul…”
“Hey!” Jet shouted standing from his seat. In comparison to Wolfe, Jet was far larger than he was and with the metallic arm he had along with his stout build, it was easy to see why Wolfe wasn't nearly as much of a smart ass when talking to him. “I work hard Wolfe, I try to make a good decent living like this. Most of the damn money goes to maintaining the ship anyway!”
“I understand Jet…” Wolfe mumbled as he looked to Faye; she was laughing at him with the cigarette held above her head in a leisure gesture. Her look she gave in return was somewhat smug but she couldn't maintain such an attitude with him anymore. The few days they spent together on The Bebop allowed them to talk with one another without the overwhelming sexual undertones that had riddled their conversation back in Canton. The both found out things about each other and were actually beginning to like their opposing personalities. It wasn't long before they were both talking to each other once again about their lives in the past few years and for the first time, Faye spoke about her time with Spike.
They were both out of the main room and now in one of the long halls near the bathroom. Faye made Wolfe wait for her outside until she came out, once she did, Wolfe grinned and joked saying, “How ladylike Ms. Valentine…I heard some things that—“
“Shut up.” She groaned continuing on to say, “It was that food.”
“Is his cooking normally that bad?” Wolfe asked as he stood from the floor and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Well…the one time Spike `cooked' the entire crew almost got wiped out by some kind of mutated Lobster.” She admitted embarrassingly.
“…” Wolfe took his hand from her shoulder and rose a brow slightly, “What?”
Faye looked at him and chuckled loudly, “Well, you see, Jet and Spike forgot about a lobster they bought some place a while back. Spike decided to go down there one day to check it out and um…yeah it kinda freed itself and unleashed hell upon the crew.”
“…How did it attack?”
“It bites you.”
“Where you the first victim?” He asked with a wide grin on his face.
“Um, what makes you think that?” She knew he was smiling, she could feel the joke about to come.
“Well, you just seem like the type of girl who'd get killed first in a horror flick cause you'd take a shower or something. Your vanity would just leave you completely open for an attack.”
“…” She turned around to look at him and his smile; he was right after all, she was bit first and she suffered the consequences from her vanity. “Wolfe…shut up.” Faye would have snapped at him in the past but this time, she actually grinned. He was learning about her, he actually listened; he actually cared about what was on her mind and what came out of her mouth. “Wolfe, you're not that bad.”
“Neither are you.” He replied watching her softly. Wolfe then looked away to Jet who walked into the room holding a bag in his hand. He tossed the bag onto the table and stared at the two of them to break their somewhat tender moment.
“We're there…” Jet made known.
The Bebop reared stalkingly close to the static cargo ship that seemed to be abandoned and idle. Once it was close, Jet set the ship up to dock and rushed to the exit were Faye and Wolfe waited with their space suits on. Wolfe was wearing Spikes old suit and it didn't seem quite right since he didn't have the full head of hair like his processor. Jet looked at him and shook his head before pressing in the keypad to open the door. They all entered with caution, since the first room was completely darkened by a dim fluorescent light above them. It seemed dead in this place there were layers of dust that had begun collecting on the crates from a long period of isolation. The tone of the first room was eerie and Wolfe took the opportunity to say, “So Faye, you interested in dying first?”
“Is that supposed to be funny Wolfe?” She mumbled; it wasn't the time to get too bent out of shape about his words now.
When they reached the second door, it slowly slid open to reveal a large open room with a table and chair in the middle of it with a small laptop there as well. This room was well lit and not as ominous yet it still felt odd. “What the hell?”Jet croaked confused.
Wolfe walked past the two them to the laptop on the table, he scanned over it to make sure it was rigged before pressing a few buttons to pull up the last screens the bounty was probably looking at. What he found was exactly as Huxley had asked him to look into, it was about the syndicate.
“Hey, what are looking into?” Jet asked as he approached him.
“Hold on, I'm not sure…” Wolfe answered calmly as his fingers speed over the buttons pressing through screen after screen to send it to Huxley's account. Right as Jet approached, Wolfe was quick enough to bring up another screen, one that had no information about the syndicate…a decoy.
“That doesn't look like anything in particular.” Jet said as he rose his brow.
“Yeah, it's mainly trash.” Wolfe shrugged with a slight laugh escaping from his mouth.
As this all happened, Faye stood further away from the two of them. Her eyes were fixed on Wolfe and how odd she found his behavior to be. It wasn't very obvious but for some reason, he wasn't nearly as frustrated he would normally be with a situation like that. He was too calm about it for her liking. Sighing she closed her eyes then turned away from the two to being looking around the place. As soon as she opened her eyes, they stared down the barrel of a gun. The bounty they were looking for had her at bay.
“Hold it right there.” This medium sized man said with a harsh tone. He was sickly looking with thin long brown hair and dull blue eyes. It seemed as if he hadn't eaten for days and he smelled as if he hadn't bathed in a long while as well. He was disgusting by all means, his rages he wore as clothes to the dirt in his fingernails…everything was disgusting.
Jet and Wolfe noticed the man now as he held his gun at Faye's head point blank; they were frozen in place with looks on their face that showed that they were contemplating something. The man grabbed Faye's arm and yanked her toward him; now she was clinched in between his forearm and his chest with a gun pressed hard against her head. The look on her face was one of fear but she was also pissed off as well. If she died here, not only would Wolfe had been right about her being the first victim but she would have finally fallen victim to that damn damsel in distress situation she was in constantly. Thinking of that made her blood boil and her fist clinch together.
“You with the hair.” The man said. “Step away from the computer.”
Wolfe did as he said in disgust since he was taking orders from this man for a woman. If he didn't care about her he would have ran toward the man and used his hand to hand skills to take him out. He couldn't though, Faye was the woman at this stranger's mercy and it bothered him to know this. Not that she could die so easily, but that he genuinely cared about what could happen to her. Now, in his mind only one word repeated itself and it was `fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,' he was panicking.
“What did you get off of that screen?” The man asked.
“Well, Gordon…there was a bunch of nothing going on there honestly.” Wolfe answered carefully; he was picking his words now to not make what he had done obvious to Faye and Jet.
“Are you lying to me?”
“Of course not.”
Gordon lifted his head slightly in disapproval for Wolfe's nonchalant attitude. “You know kid, if you don't quit messing around, I'm gonna blow her brains out.”
“Isn't that a bit obvious.”
“Fuck you…I want to know what you did on my computer!” Gordon shouted at top of his harsh voice. “Did you touch the syndic-Oomph” His words were stopped when Faye's foot landed into his crouch causing him to collapse to the floor. He even dropped his pistol and it laid a good two feet away from him. Faye immediately ran toward Jet and Wolfe but Wolfe flew right past her to the gun and picked it up. He then held the gun up and pointed to the groaning Gordon on the floor.
“Alright Wolfe…” Jet intervened “Let's just take him to the station and collect our bounty.”
A loud pop burst from the gun splattering Gordon's head across the floor. Wolfe shot him for jeopardizing his impromptu mission he created for himself to help Huxley. He was nothing more than a loyal dog to his main leader, always working a job, always.
“What the hell did you do that for?” Faye and Jet shouted in unison.
He looked at the two of them and dropped the gun on the dead man's body. He then folded his arms and said, “I do hits, not bounties.” It wasn't long before Jet's fist was hitting Wolfe in the face on the Bebop as they left the abandoned vessel. He was livid, pissed, and furious. Wolfe took money from him, good money and he expected Wolfe to pay for it.
Back on Canton, in the Jazz Café, Huxley sat behind his bar looking over the new information he received from Wolfe. Laughing he took in a deep sigh before saying, “I knew I could rely on that guy…he never lets me down for too long. Thanks to him, it seems like our man is still around Adriano.”
Adriano sat at the bar fiddling with the wedding ring on his finger feebly; he was missing her already and not paying attention to Huxley.
“I want you to get Wolfe back here, we'll need him for the defense, they'll be coming for Canton…they come back for everything that threatens their order, even with him at the head of it all.”
Adriano lifted himself from the bar and nodded. “What about the woman he's with?”
“Kill her.”
“The man?”
“Kill him too.”
“Understood Hux.”
Session 7: Here is Now; “I've never been the one to be so cold. Not like him, that's why I'm married, but when it comes to these things. I have to think that killing a few people isn't so bad…yet I can't make myself hate them enough to do it.”
A/N: Well, thank you two for liking my fan fic :P. Also, giving away secrets isn't the best thing to do you know haha. I still have to begin building the story up…so drama drama action drama drama…as in good drama. I hope you keep reading and thank you.