Crossover Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Lose, Miko! ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Saturday afternoon found Kagome dressed neatly but casually in jeans and a nice top and climbing to the top of the stairs at Genkai's temple. She didn't have a lot of hope for the meeting, but the trip made for a pleasant diversion, and she figured it would at least be interesting to meet this Genkai who twisted her grandfather into knots. Besides, the scenery was gorgeous and reminded Kagome of the feudal era. She wondered if Genkai would let her visit again to simply enjoy the natural setting.
As Kagome approached the top, she started to sense some energy, both spiritual and youkai. Youkai? Youkai? Kagome unconsciously moved faster. She hadn't sensed any youkai energy since she returned from the feudal era, and the combination of both spiritual and youkai energy drew her like a pot of thick stew at the end of a cold day.
At the entrance to her shrine, Genkai waited for the girl she could sense climbing the stairs. Higurashi's granddaughter, she thought. Oh, joy. I get to tell some teenager miko wannabe without the spiritual energy Koenma gave a goldfish that I won't train her. Damn Higurashi for putting me in this situation. Humph. Clearly he thinks she's the be all and end all of modern day mikos.
At the top of the stairs Genkai and Kagome assessed each other. Genkai could tell that Kagome wasn't completely non spiritual, but couldn't tell if she had enough to be interesting. She strongly suspected not. Kagome, on the other hand, could sense that Genkai had more possibilities than she thought.
“I am looking for someone to train me in my miko abilities. They are weakening from lack of use. . .”
“Rather like a muscle.”
“Yes, Genkai san, like a muscle, and my grandfather thought you would be able to help train me.”
“Did he tell you I'm not taking students? Actually, I rarely take students. I trained someone 5 years ago and don't feel like training anyone else now. I like my solitude.” Genkai could sense the girl had a bit a spiritual energy, but she certainly wasn't going to waste her time on the granddaughter of an old man who couldn't even tell that his ofudas were completely worthless.
“I'm very sorry to hear that.” Really, Kagome wasn't all that sorry, but she wouldn't have minded a reason to return to this beautiful area. “Do you live here by yourself?”
“No.” Genkai looked at her, but didn't offer any other comments. “Sorry I can't help you.” She didn't sound all that sorry.
“I see. Do you have many youkai living here? I've not met any youkai for over a year and a half.” Genkai blinked at Kagome's comment.
“Yes, youkai. I sense there are youkai in the area.” Kagome smiled innocently. She was beginning to think that perhaps this Genkai wasn't as useless as she had thought. Of course, it was clear that Genkai thought Kagome was as powerless as her grandfather.
“What makes you think youkai exist?” Genkai asked. Kagome just looked at her. “You can sense youkai?”
“I can,” Kagome replied.
“That takes some training.”
“Some.” Kagome agreed politely. Genkai eyed Kagome. Perhaps she got some genes from the other side of her family. Perhaps she would test her and send her on to some other person she knew who might be willing to do some basic training for a low level miko.
Yukina walked out onto the porch of the shrine, and Genkai glanced at Kagome to see how she would react. Kagome took one look at her, smiled and walked over to introduce herself.
“Hello, my name is Kagome Higurashi. I live at the Sunset Shrine and came here to ask Genkai to help me with my miko powers.”
“Miko?” Yukina had a pleasant smile on her face but looked just a little nervous.
“Oh, don't worry. I don't purify youkai as long as they don't try to kill me first. What kind of youkai are you?” Both Yukina and Genkai stared at her. `She's killed youkai before? Either that or she thinks it sounds good. Then again, it's easy to avoid killing youkai when you don't have the power to do it,' Genkai thought cynically.
“I'm a koorime.” Yukina smiled. She took everyone at face value and if the girl said she didn't purify youkai without a reason, Yukina was perfectly willing to accept that and be her friend.
“Koorime? Wow, Sango said you're really rare, and virtually never seen because you always stay on some ice island or something.”
“Yes, that's true, but I came looking for my brother.”
“Brother? I thought all Koorime were women.” Kagome laughed. “That just goes to show how little I know.”
“Oh, no, you shouldn't think that. It is very nice that you know about Koorime at all. My brother was forbidden. He was the result of our mother having a relationship with a male, which was forbidden to all Koorime. To make it even worse, he was a fire youkai. We are ice youkai. Then the elders threw him off the island when he was a baby. I want to tell him how sorry I am that happened and how much I love him.”
“How awful. The poor baby.”
“He is my age now. We're twins. I know he is hurting from what happened, but I really want the chance to tell him I love him.” Yukina smiled sweetly and Kagome just smiled back. It would be good to make a friend she could really talk to freely. She liked her childhood friends, and would always be their friend, but she truly had little in common with them and couldn't talk to them about anything. She might even tell Yukina about her experiences in the sengoku jidai.
“Would you like some tea?” Genkai offered. Kagome was surprised by the suggestion. She had thought Genkai was trying to offer her the proverbial door more so than a cup of tea.
“Thank you. That would be most enjoyable.”
Genkai, Kagome and Yukina were just finishing up a cup of tea and some light snacks when Kagome felt the dark aura of a youkai head towards the temple at top speed. She sensed he was moving as fast as Kouga, if not faster. This youkai didn't seem friendly and there was a heaviness that didn't bode well. Quickly she jumped to her feet. “Genkai, do you have a bow and any arrows?” Genkai said she did not. “This isn't good. A youkai is heading this way, and his aura is dark and dangerous.”
“Don't worry. It's fine.” Genkai knew perfectly well who was headed in their direction.
“Genkai, it's not fine. That one isn't like Yukina. The aura is heavy and I think he will attack.” Kagome was very worried. She hadn't had any hands on experience for over a year. Yukina was sweet but clearly not a fighter and Genkai didn't seem to know enough to really know what to do. She didn't even know enough to be concerned. “Oh, this is bad. Genkai! Yukina! Run!”
Suddenly Kagome saw a small figure burst onto the shrine grounds. He was short, but looked extremely dangerous, and she knew better than to discount power on the basis of size. He was dressed in black from head to foot except for a white scarf around his neck, and carried a sword which seemed a part of him. He glared at her from his ruby eyes.
Hiei knew what the strange female was. He could sense miko power coming from the vicinity of the temple and he had rushed there at top speed. He didn't particularly care if the power was weak or strong. A being with the potential power to purify his sister was standing not 6 feet from her, and he wanted to rip the threat into shreds before she could take the chance to purify Yukina. She was dangerous.
“Who are you?” Hiei had learned the age old concept, `get your enemy to talk. It will take them off guard, and you can attack.'
“I'm Kagome, not that it's any of your business.”
“Miko, you will leave instantly or die.” As much as he wanted to kill her outright, he knew that Koenma would have a fit if he killed a human. But he had to get her away from Yukina and if she so much as released her aura a fraction, he would kill her before she could touch Yukina, Reikai be damned.
Kagome was worried. This youkai didn't seem like one of the nice ones, and he could easily kill either the gentle koorime or Genkai, who Kagome suspected thought she was stronger than she seemed to Kagome. Kagome remembered one like that from her travels in the Sengoku Jidai.
“Stay back if you don't want to be killed.” It was an empty threat. Kagome knew she couldn't purify him without shooting him with an arrow, and there were none at hand. She just hoped he didn't realize it. He snarled viciously. Kagome yelled at Genkai and Yukina again to run, and emphasized it with a little push on Yukina's shoulder. She didn't take her eyes off the angry youkai, but the minute she pushed Yukina, she saw him tense to spring.
It all happened at once in a blur. Hiei raced towards Kagome, planning to cut her in half with his sword. She threw her hands in the air and desperately thought `shield.' Hiei bounced off the pink barrier and fell back in pain from the burning sensation of holy energy. Instantly, he leapt up and cut at the barrier with his sword, snarling viciously. The burning kept coming through his sword, but he attacked the barrier again, desperate to get to his sister. Kagome was equally desperate to protect herself as well as Yukina and Genkai.
Genkai stared in shock at the barrier and the power emanating from the girl. THIS was Higurashi's granddaughter? This was not a case of the `apple not falling far from the tree.' This apple seemed to have fallen in a different prefecture altogether!
“STOP IT! BOTH of you!” No one listened to Genkai. It was unlikely that either one of them heard her. They were too focused on each other and their self appointed tasks. “Hiei! Kagome!”
“ROSEWHIP.” Suddenly Kurama ran into the clearing and attacked the barrier. He and Hiei had been together when they both sensed the energy at the temple. Kurama was fast, but he couldn't keep up with Hiei, especially when he thought his sister was in danger. Kurama came into the clearing and saw Yukina behind a barrier with the miko. He knew the potential danger to Yukina and assumed if Hiei was attacking that the miko had taken Yukina prisoner for some reason. Her powerful aura was unbelievably strong, and Youko told Kurama he hadn't sensed one this strong in centuries. The whip attacked the barrier, and its plant based material didn't transmit the purifying energy to him.
Kagome was exhausted, and she knew it. It was only desperation which kept the barrier in place, but anyone with any spirit sense could tell it would fall in moments. Kagome fell to her knees and the barrier collapsed. Kurama's whip was already in a downward snap. The entire fight had taken no more than 20 seconds.
“ENOUGH!” Genkai shouted while simultaneously throwing up her own barrier to knock Kurama and Hiei on their asses several yards away. Hiei instantly leapt to his feet and raised his sword. She used her spiritual energy to throw him on his ass again. “Stop it you two. Kagome is no threat to Yukina. She was defending her because you two raced in here flaring dark auras and acting like you were going to kill us all. Kagome was defending Yukina from you, you idiots. She's no threat to her.”
“Hn. She is a Miko. A powerful one. Her very existence makes her a threat.”
“Exactly, Hiei, so you two had better behave yourselves or she'll purify your asses, but she won't hurt Yukina.” Genkai turned to Kagome, still kneeling on the ground, partially to recover from making the barrier and partially to recover from the shock of Genkai's power. Clearly the woman was VERY powerful. “And you, girl. Get up. You couldn't hold that barrier for 15 seconds, 20 tops. That's pathetic. When I get through with you you'll be able to hold it for hours.” Then she snickered. “Either that or you'll be dead.”
“Do I get a vote?”
“Hiei!” Kurama said with exasperation.