Crossover Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts ❯ Capsule Monsters Adventures, Part One ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry that it took me around one to two months to update this story, but my schoolwork along with tests and homework really threw off my schedule. And during the week of December 18 through 21 are going to the week of finals during my Fall to Winter 2006 semester at Penn State, so, it might take me even longer to update my stories. I hope that you will forgive me, but my education takes top spot in my life. Anyway, I'm glad for the reviews for Chapter 7 of my story and I would like to thank you for that. Hopefully, this story will continue to live up to your `expectations' of me. Now, it is time for the show! Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts, Yu-Gi-Oh, any of the other series, and anything/anyone that comes from other stories from the stories that end up in this fanfiction! Warning: This chapter contains intense violence, possible gore, death, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, and finally, X-rated adult themes/situations, including lemon situation(s) and other adult themes/situations that some viewers might think disturbing! If not of correct age or don't like the material, please don't read!
Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts
(Kingdom Hearts theme song `Simple and Clean' and Kingdom Hearts II theme song `Sanctuary' playing)
(Digimon 02, Sailor Moon, and Yu-Gi-Oh complete theme songs playing)
Recap: Back at Maleficent's `headquarters' somewhere in the multi-verse, we find Lord Zed and Rita returning successfully and Maleficent moving forward with her plans to gather the Princes and Princesses of Heart while `displaying' Yugi Moto, Aerith, and Kimberly, who they already captured. What they didn't know is that two cloaked figures with Tai and Sailor Starfighter are watching them as well. Back at Starlight Station, we find our heroes and heroines discussing about their next plan of attack and they figure out the similarities between their current `situation' and our Keyblade Master's battle against Maleficent, Xehanort's Heartless, and the Heartless themselves around three years ago causing concerns that their missing friends are under the control of the forces of darkness as well as the possibility of another enemy behind the scenes that's controlling Maleficent and the Dark Alliance, even they don't know themselves. However, our heroes' and heroines' plans are interrupted by Seto and Mokuba Kaiba, who have also escaped the `conquest' of our heroes' and heroines' home universe. But Seto Kaiba, in his usual attitude, doesn't believe in what's happening is real and insults our heroes and heroines causing Jun to challenge Seto Kaiba to a duel. Jun, in her `royal form' of Princess Juniper, holds her own against Seto Kaiba and then finishes Seto Kaiba and his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon off with her powerful Chimeratech Overdragon, who had incredible power and could attack multiple times in one turn! After Seto Kaiba is defeated, our heroes and heroines head off again and this time, they enter a universe that has an Earth with its own `Digital World', which is the form of a RPG computer game known simply as `The World'. When they enter the world, their clothes and `forms' were changed in a radical ways, to the say the least! Along their exploration of `The World', they meet up with Shingo, Rena, Ohka, Mireille, and Hotaru, our Sailor Senshi's counterpart in `The World' and our heroes and heroines follow our `DOT Hackers' crew, but in the process, they meet up with some Heartless and Pete. A famous `character' in `The World', Balmung of the Azure Sky' comes in to help, but our Keybladers and their friends proved to be the most effective against the Heartless horde. However, Pete, with a surprise attack, kidnaps the Princess of Heart of this reality, Sailor Saturn's counterpart in `The World', Hotaru, and takes her away. With another princess kidnapped, all our heroes and heroines could do was stopping the remaining Heartless and seal the heart of this reality from them. After informing our `DOT Hacker' crew about what happened and promising to return Hotaru back to her reality, they head off to the next world and their newest adventure. However, it seems like the Dark Alliance is getting ever so closer to opening the door to Kingdom Hearts and even with their new Ninja Senshi powers, our Sailor Senshi seem to be helpless against them. But questions still remain: What are Tai and Sailor Starfighter doing sneaking around the Dark Alliance's headquarters? How come Kari and Serena are with them? What happened to their hearts? Will our heroes and heroines find out? Hopefully, the answers to their questions will be answered on this edition of DigiSenshi Hearts next!
Chapter 8: Capsule Monsters Adventures, Part One
(Returning to Starlight Station in pre-dawn hours; a day after our heroes' and heroines' adventure within `The World')
On the rooftops of the buildings of Starlight Station, we find four figures standing in dark grey cloaks covering their forms as they watch a hotel within Starlight Station and looks down from it. Two of the cloaked figures drop their hoods down as they reveal Taichi `Tai' Kamiya and Seiya AKA Sailor Starfighter for the Sailor Starlights.
Tai asks one of the other cloaked figures, “Are you sure that they are here?”
The cloaked figure answers, with a male voice, “Yes, they are. However, I'm not sure that this is a wise idea, my friend.”
Sailor Starfighter tells the cloaked figures, “I know that we can trust Saturn and the Inner Senshi. They will do what it takes to save odango's life and my princess and my allies will understand.”
The second cloaked figure says, with a female voice, “However, your princess is the very kind and caring sort, but she is like Sailor Moon, she won't do what it takes to get who you love back. She will try to find another solution.”
Sailor Starfighter replies, “Don't worry, they will understand.”
Tai nods his head in agreement and states, “They just have too.”
The first cloaked figure replies, in his male voice, “And what if they don't?”
Tai and Sailor Starfighter look at each other and Sailor Starfighter says, in a serious tone, “If they don't, then we will do this on their own.”
The second cloaked figure says, in her female tone, “And what if they misunderstand your actions? And what if they try to stop you?”
Tai replies, in a serious tone, “If they misunderstand, we will try to make them understand, but if they don't give us a chance and try to stop us . . . we will fight them.”
The first and second cloaked figures look at each other and the first cloaked figure thinks in his mind, evilly, “Excellent. By taping into their love for the Galaxy and Moon Princesses with Tai Kamiya's love for the Galaxy Princess as his sister and Starfighter's love for the Moon Princess, we will have Kingdom Hearts within our grasps. However, this might not be a bad situation after all, but an excellent chance to test their loyalties.” Tai, Sailor Starfighter, and the two cloaked figures summon four portal of darkness and walk into them causing them to close behind them as they pass through the gateways of darkness.
(Inside of the hotel within Starlight Station; Early morning hours)
Inside one of the hotels within Starlight Station, we find our former Moon Queen inside of large shower washing her nude body with her hair out of her usual hairstyle causing her beautiful silvery-white hair to flow to the ground. Our former Moon Queen along with her beautiful deep violet eyes and golden crescent moon sigil on her forehead has a beautiful body with shimmering translucent ivory skin, strawberry pink lips, voluptuous and perfectly shaped and curved breasts, her body is perfectly shaped and curved, firm and excellently shaped buttocks, sexy and seductive legs, and well-pedicure fingernails and toenails, which were colored a beautiful angelic white color. Even through she is centuries old in the term of years for Earth, Queen Serenity has a body and beautiful that rivals any mature young adult woman in her twenties. When she is done with her shower, she turns off the shower, water stops coming out of the nozzle, and our former Moon Queen opens the shower curtain. She gently steps out of the shower onto a mat she prepared, takes one large towel, and makes sure she wipes her body clean from head to toe. When she is done, Queen Serenity gently wraps the towel into the shape of a ball, goes over to the laundry basket, opens the basket, puts the towel into the basket, and closes the top. Our former Moon Queen then takes another large clean towel, wraps it around her beautiful and seductive body, and goes over the large mirror in her hotel room. Queen Serenity looks over herself and even through she already knows this, she still can't believe that her life and body have been fully restored and she looks very much the same that she did when she died millennia ago at the end of the Silver Millennium.
Queen Serenity thinks in her mind, “It is still so surprising to see myself alive and well and in the mortal realm once more. My body has been restored as it was at the end of the Silver Millennium and now, I can be with my children, once more. However, it pains my heart knowing that my beloved Apollo will not have this chance.” Queen Serenity sighs and thinks in her mind, “But I cannot worry about that for now. My beloved Serenity is still out there and my children, Daisuke and Juniper, need my help to find her. However, I still do not know the `role' that I play in saving my daughter. I wish that I knew why the best friend and fellow sovereign of the moon, like our great Moon Goddess, Selene, would revive me and send me back without the knowledge. But it is not for me that I should question her. However, my heart aches knowing that Serenity is somewhere out there lost, but somehow I can still feel her, so, I know that she still lives and is waiting for us. Our only hope lies with my daughter's beloved Endymon and my son, who has a deep connection with Hikari Kamiya, who is the reincarnation of his soulmate from the Silver Millennium. However, ever since I returned from death, I do not know what to do. I feel some kind of power rising within me, but I do not what it is that the Goddess Rhea did to me. I pray to Rhea and Selene for a sign that all will be well.” Just then a mysterious sight wind and chill enters the room and Queen Serenity says to herself, surprised, “Odd, there are no windows and my door is closed and locked . . .”
However, just then Queen Serenity feels a presence within the room, a pair of warm ghostly arms wraps around her waist, and a ghostly, yet, warm male voice calls out to her mind, “My love . . . Do not despair . . . For I am here . . . and always will be with you . . . I will return one day . . . but until then . . . my love is with you . . . Please save our daughter Serenity . . . and help our son and eldest daughter fulfill their destiny . . .”
Queen Serenity gasps in shock, knowing who the voice belonged to, and she asks, in a rare surprised tone, “Apollo?” However, the wind and chill fades away and Queen Serenity looks around to see that no one was around along with the ghostly pair of arms that gave Queen Serenity such a warm feeling were gone. But instead of being scared, Queen Serenity warmly smiles and says, happily and lovingly, “Oh, Apollo . . . you were such dramatic romantic . . . I love you, too . . . and I will save our children . . . In the name of the moon, I promise you . . .” Our former Moon Queen sheds a happy tear, wipes the tear away, and being to tie her hair in the hairstyle of the Moon Kingdom royal family. When she is done, she walks out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, where her clean and pressed royal dress/gown, earrings, and white high-heeled shoes along with her Crescent Moon Wand is waiting for her. Queen Serenity then takes off the towel around her body and throws it to the side. Soon after, she puts on her clothes and takes her Crescent Moon Wand into her hands. However, when she is done, a knock comes from the door and Queen Serenity calls out, “Enter.” The door opens and reveals none other than Sailor Pluto entering the room.
Sailor Pluto asks Queen Serenity, “Am I disturbing you, Queen Serenity?”
Queen Serenity replies, with a smile, “No, you are not. However, I am no longer a queen, Princess of Pluto.”
Sailor Pluto tells Queen Serenity, “Until your daughter takes the throne of the moon with her beloved by her side, you are still the queen of the moon and should be respected.”
Queen Serenity sighs and replies, “As you wish. What do you wish to see me about?”
Sailor Pluto replies, “It is about the matter of your resurrection by the Lifestream of the first alternate universe that we visited. We have knowledge that even through the Lifestream was the life force of that planet and a living entity in certain ways, but it could not have revived you on its own. Something or someone had to direct its power to restore your body and your life.”
Queen Serenity asks Sailor Pluto, “Do you wish to know if I know who revived me?” Sailor Pluto nods her head in reply and Queen Serenity tells Sailor Pluto, plainly, “If you need to know, yes, I do know who revived me. However, I am bound on my honor and duty as queen of the moon not to reveal who it is that revived me and I am not sure for what purpose that I have been revived.”
Sailor Pluto nods her head and replies, “I understand.” Sailor Pluto then states, “However, there is something else . . .”
Queen Serenity asks Sailor Pluto, curiously, “What is it?”
Sailor Pluto states, “It is about the four people that came from the alternate reality where the Heartless and Maleficent came from, including the ones called Sora, the male one, Riku, and Kairi, the reincarnation of Sailor Star. If Kairi is indeed Sailor Star, then Sora and Riku must be . . .”
Queen Serenity tells Sailor Pluto, in a plain tone, “It wouldn't surprise me if they weren't, but we know that they are indeed are them.” Queen Serenity asks Sailor Pluto, “I know that the hoshi-no-hime has once again fall in love and is girlfriend to her beloved, reincarnated as Sora. However, does Mina suspect about who Riku truly is?”
Sailor Pluto shakes her head and replies, “No, she doesn't. She barely remembers anything from the days of the Silver Millennium. Mina doesn't know that she wasn't the Princess of Venus at the end of the Silver Millennium, but its queen and married, even through she was exactly your daughter's age. Nor does she know that Riku is . . .”
Queen Serenity motions for Sailor Pluto to stop talking and when she does so, Queen Serenity tells Sailor Pluto, “For now, it is for the best that we don't tell her and allow them to come together on their own. I believe that you told me that feelings are starting to develop between the two of them.”
Sailor Pluto nods her head and replies, “Yes, they are. But in a pretty slow fashion.”
Queen Serenity tells Sailor Pluto, “Well, I pray that their feelings become strong for each other. Riku possesses the powers of the twilight, half-light and half-darkness, and vital for this battle for existence. Please keep an eye on Mina and Riku as well as Sora and Kairi. As you know, since Sora is the reincarnation of Kairi's beloved in her past, Sora very well carries the `dark curse' given to him when he was master of the Keyblade back in the Silver Millennium. Even through he can't turned to their side, the `dark curse' within Sora might give Maleficent and the Dark Alliance an advantage if they get wind of it.”
Sailor Pluto nods her head and says, “I hope that never happens, your majesty. But I will get on it, immediately.”
Queen Serenity nods her head and replies, “Thank you.” Sailor Pluto bows and kindly takes her leave as leaves Queen Serenity's room, closing the door behind. When Sailor Pluto is gone, Queen Serenity puts her Crescent Moon Wand on her bed and puts hands in front of her, as if in prayer, and says, worriedly, “Great Goddess Selene, I beg you. Protect the Keyblader welders, including my son, my eldest daughter, and my daughter's, Serenity's, beloved from harm and give them strength to win. Bring their hearts together and allow me to see my daughter, Serenity, once more.” Queen Serenity then separates her hands, takes the Crescent Moon Wand into her hands, and thinks about her daughter, who is the legendary super-heroine, Sailor Moon AKA Princess Serenity.
(Elsewhere within the hotel; around the same time this very same morning)
Inside of another room within the hotel in Starlight Station, we find our Keyblade Master, Sora, slowly getting up into a sitting position when he noticed that he wasn't in the large bed, a king sized bed for around three people, alone. He looked down to see his beloved, Kairi, happily sleeping beside him with his left hand lightly on his chest and the images of what happened last night together flow into Sora's mind. Sora lovingly and widely smiles at his girlfriend and prepares to bend down to kiss her awake.
However, a familiar male voice calls out to Sora from nearby, “Well, you really know how to care for a girl, Sora.” Sora quietly yelps in surprise and turns to the source of the voice to see none other than his Nobody counterpart, Roxas, sitting in a chair beside his bed. However, Sora's Nobody look as old as Sora is now was only in a pair of black boxers that were quite messy and his body has grown as muscular as Sora's body. Sora was to call out, but he remembered that Kairi was still sleeping.
Sora, the covers and blankets of the bed only covering his legs and groin area, gently shuffles over to the edge of the bed and asks, quietly, “Roxas, what are you doing here? How did you get here?”
Roxas replies, with a shrug, “Remember, Sora, I'm your Nobody and even through I came together with you, I'm still a part of you. And how I came out of your . . . our body is a mystery even to me. One minute, I was inside your subconscious and the next minute, I was outside of your body with Namine.”
Sora asks, surprised and quietly, “Wait? Namine is here, too?”
Just then a familiar female voice replies, “I'm right here, Sora.” Sora and Roxas turned to the source of the voice to see Kairi's `unique' Nobody, Namine, but the blond hair and deep blue eyes Nobody of Kairi's has also changed. Not only looking at Kairi's current age, her skin is very healthy and showing off life and her body has become as sexy and well-developed as Kairi, arms, waist, breasts, legs, and buttocks. Namine is only wearing a white bra and throng and the throng and bra look very messy as if they were put on in a hurry. Sora blushes in embarrassment and turns away from Namine. Namine and Roxas giggle and Namine tells Sora, kindly, “Sora, remember, I'm a part of Kairi, so, don't be too embarrassed.”
Sora replies, nervously, “Oh . . . right.” Sora then asks Roxas, perplexed, “Wait a minute. Roxas, why are you and Namine dressed so . . . like that?”
Roxas and Namine blushed cherry red and Roxas tells Sora, “You know, Sora, even through I met Namine only a few times when I was trapped in that virtual world and since I'm a part of you and Namine is a part of Kairi, she and I fell in love and when we mysterious came out of the two of you, the two of us went into another room and . . . *nervous chuckle* you know.”
Sora's eyes widen in shock and Namine says, shyly, “Roxas had become so handsome and I wanted to be that close to him and vice-versa, we couldn't help ourselves. Well, the good news was that it was painful for me, so, Roxas would fell guilty. When Kairi lost her virginity, I lost mine because I'm a part of Kairi.”
Sora asks Namine, “Are you and Roxas separated from us, permanently, or is this just temporary?” Just then Roxas and Namine began to glow as they became transparent as ghosts.
Roxas tells Sora, “Guess that answers your question. But hey, don't worry about it. If it happened once, it can happen again and plus, we are still alive as a part of you, you know.”
Sora tells Roxas, “Wait, Roxas! Do you or Namine know about . . .?”
Namine shakes her head and replies, “We know what you are going to ask and we don't know anything about Kairi's past life as Sailor Star and a Keyblade warrior. However, Roxas tells me that you have a similar energy inside of you like Kairi's. We think that you might have also had a life with Kairi a long time ago.”
Sora asks, perplexed, “You mean I could be a Keyblader warrior from this reality a long time ago?”
Roxas replies, “Wish that we knew, Sora. But don't worry, I know that you will find out. Now, take care of Kairi because I really care about Namine.”
Sora tells Roxas with a smile, “No problems there, Roxas. I love Kairi a lot and I will give my heart, soul, and my life to keep her safe.”
Roxas tells Sora, with a wide smile, “That's the spirit. Later.”
Namine bows and tells Sora, “Good to see you, again, Sora. Tell Kairi, `hi', for me.”
Sora replies, with a smile, “Promise.” Soon enough, Namine walks towards Kairi, crawls onto the bed, and reenters her sleeping form while Roxas goes over to Sora and Sora closes his eyes as Roxas reenters his body. Sora says, with a smile, “It was good to see you, again, Roxas.”
Just then Kairi gives a slight yawn, slowly opens her eyes, looks up to her sleeping lover, and asks, “Sora?”
Sora asks Kairi, “Yes, Kairi?”
Kairi asks Sora, “Sora, I heard some voices in the room with us. Was there someone else in our room?”
Sora nods his head and replies, “Yes, there was, Kairi. Some `old' friends came by for a visit.”
Kairi's eyes fully open and she asks, curiously, “Who?” Sora moves his mouth to Kairi's right ear and whispers something into her causing her to gasp and her eyes to widen from shock. Kairi exclaims, amazed, “They were really here?!”
Sora nods his head and replies, with his usual smile and tone, “Yep! Roxas and Namine paid us a visit, through they had some `fun' beforehand.”
Kairi giggles at Sora's statement and replies, with a smile, “Do tell.” Sora then starts to tell Kairi about what happened since he woke up this morning and Kairi listens intently about Roxas' and Namine's recent visit.
(In the streets of Starlight Station; A short time later)
In the middle of the streets of Starlight Station, we find our Digidestined of Destiny and our taiyou-no-hime, Jun Motomiya, looking up at the stars and looks to be in deep thought. Jun holds her transformation brooch close to her heart and continues to look up into the stars in the sky of Starlight Station.
Jun thinks in her mind, “I keep wondering where Serena is. It seems like every single world that I've gone to thus far, a piece of my `ancient past' is coming back to me. However, the more and more I remember, the more and more I worry about Serena . . . Like a sister should. Not to mention to Davis. However, the little squirt is even more worried than I am and for good reason. I mean who wouldn't be worried if the love of their life in two lifetimes was kidnapped and their sister from another life was also missing. However, I'm pretty much worried. I hope that my Earth mom and dad are okay, but I just know that they are, they are survivors, after all, however, what happens when they find out about me and Davis. Plus, my `true mother' has returned to the land of the living. When my Earth family meets my Lunarian mother, what will happen? Will my Earth parents think that my mom, Queen Serenity, will take me away from them? Will they think that I was never their daughter? I don't know, but I don't want to hurt either my Lunarian mom or my Earth parents since I love them so much. Even through many of my memories of her are still `locked' within my mind, but I `know' how I feel about my `true mom'. However, I still am worried about my Earth parents. I love them, too, and I pray to Selene that they are safe!”
Just then a familiar male voice calls out, “What are doing out here so early in the morning?” Jun yelps in shock and turns to the source of the voice to see none other than Matt Ishida walking out towards her.
Jun takes a deep breath of relief and replies, “Oh, Selene! Man, Yamato, you surprised me!”
Matt tells Jun, with a sly tone, “I thought that the mighty taiyou-no-hime wasn't scared of anything.”
Jun tells Matt, in her more `royal' tone, “I'm rarely scared, Matt. However, I can be surprised, you know. I am only human . . . even through I'm a reincarnated alien princess.”
Matt tells Jun, in a nice tone, “My mistake. You are sounding more like your `other self' all the time.”
Jun nods her head and says, in a plain tone, “I've noticed and I've started to feel like my `other self' even more.”
Matt asks Jun, curiously, “Aren't you scared that you will lose your `current self' to your `past self'?”
Jun shakes her head and replies, with a smile, “No, I'm not anymore. Back when I learned that I was the taiyou-no-hime, I was scared that my whole life to myself and more importantly, to my Earth family and friends were nothing, but lies. I wonder if I ever was really Jun Motomiya. However, I know now that I am as much Jun Motomiya as I am Princess Juniper Amun-Re, the taiyou-no-hime and heir to the throne of my `royal father', King Apollo of the Sun Kingdom. No matter if I stay Jun Motomiya or turn back into Juniper, permanently, I know that I will always be me.”
Matt's eyes widen in amazement and he tells Jun, impressed, “Wow, Jun. You've really grown-up.”
Jun tells Matt, with a nice and kind smile, “Well, battling the forces of evil and having a more `mature' `other self' helps, Yamato.” For some reason that he can't explain, Matt couldn't help, but to blush at Jun's smile.
Matt quickly regains his composer and asks, a bit nervously, “So, how have you and Davis been with your mother?”
Jun tells Matt, in a plain tone and nice smile, “We've been just fine with mom. It is kind of shocking to have her back with us. But we are glad that we have her and her wisdom on our side. My mother lived a long time before she sacrificed her life for all of us.”
Matt tells Jun, “Based on what I heard, she was . . . is one really incredible woman.”
Jun nods her head and tells Matt, “She is. It is where Serena and I got our looks from and where Serena, Davis, and I got our kind and pure hearts. Members of the Moon Kingdom royal family live centuries to millennia and they have ever lasting youth, which means their youth and youthful looks lasts for their entire lives. Many of my memories of her are still `sealed' inside of my mind, but I know that my mother is one of the purest and kindest hearts that I know. She is very wise because she lived for a long time before we were born and she knows how to use her wisdom.”
Matt tells Jun, with a smile, “Well, you never really forget a person or a family member . . . even if it was another life-time ago.”
Jun nods her head and says, “Yeah.”
Soon after, Jun gives a sight sigh and Matt asks Jun, “Penny for your thoughts?”
Jun tells Matt, “I'm just worried that I won't be the leader that my sister is. I just became a Sailor Senshi just recently and unlike my brother, this is my first `taste' of fighting a `war' against the forces of evil. I'm worried that I will mess up and more importantly, my messing up will put innocent people and all of you in danger. Can I really be the leader that I use to be?”
Matt goes over to Jun, puts his right hand on her right shoulder, and when Jun looks at Matt, he tells him, “Jun, you've been doing a great job. I mean you've managed to lead Serena's girls through more than several battles already and they've done well because of you. And plus, you've managed to gain the respect of all the other Sailor Senshi, including Amara, and you know how stubborn she can be. She wouldn't follow anyone's orders other than Sailor Moon's orders, but now, she respects your decisions.”
Jun says, with a smile and sly tone, “Or else.” Jun and Matt let out a few giggles from Jun's `statement' and then Jun tells Matt, with a wide smile, “Thank you, Matt. You're right. I guess that I shouldn't worry about it and believe in myself.” Jun then kisses Matt on his right cheek and once again, Matt couldn't help himself to give wide red blush, but this time it was from Jun's kiss since it was giving him a warm feeling inside.
Matt replies, trying to keep his composer, “No-No problem, Jun. I do what I can to help.” However, Jun does notice the nervousness and the blush in Matt's cheeks causing her to wonder about it. But that wonder stops when the two of them hear a huge female cry of terror from nearby.
The female voice calls out, “NO!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!! HELP!!!”
Jun and Matt turn to the source of the voice and Matt exclaims, “Someone is in trouble!”
Jun shouts out, seriously, “Well, what are waiting for?! We can't wait for the others!” Jun and Matt then quickly run off into the distance and heading to the source of the scream of help. Within a few minutes, they find some Neo-Shadow Heartless and one youma that looks wearing something similar to X-rated porn bondage gear attacking a seventeen year old teenage girl with bright brown hair, wearing a bright orange-brown and white sleeveless waitress' uniform in which the skirt only one-eighth of the way to her kneecaps, exposing her slender and sexy legs, and orange high-heel shoes.
Matt shouts out, seriously, “Those Heartless and that . . . creature are after her!”
Jun tells Matt, in a very serious tone, “That `creature' is a Youma, a demon from the Negaverse.”
Matt tells Jun, shocked, “Wait a minute! I thought that you already took care of Queen Beryl with Davis!”
Jun tells Matt, in a serious tone, “We did! However, remember, Queen Beryl allied herself with Maleficent, so, she might have `access' to the youma from the Negaverse! Guess Maleficent decided to change her strategy!”
Matt asks Jun, “What should we do?!”
Jun tells Matt, “I need you to get the others over here as fast as possible! I will take care of those creeps!”
Matt asks Jun, concerned, “Are you sure that you can handle them yourself?”
Jun tells Matt, confidently, “The bravery and confidence didn't just go to my brother nor did you forget that?”
Matt smiles and replies, “No, I didn't. Good luck.” Matt then heads off back to the hotel get the other heroes and heroines while Jun takes her transformation brooch from her sub-space pocket.
Jun says to herself, “Don't worry, Matt. I won't need it.” Jun then goes over to a corner to avoid detection and holds her transformation brooch into the air.
Sun Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Jun's transformation brooch opens up, solar energy and flames engulf her body along with golden light as her clothes seemly melt away, the flames and energy then wrap around her body, transforming into a sailor fuku, and when the light and flames died down, Eternal Sailor Sun replaces Jun Motomiya and she heads off to battle the Heartless and youma. Meanwhile, the seventeen year old girl in the waitress' outfit is scared out of her mind as she is surrounded by the Heartless and the youma, which seems to be leading the Heartless.
The young teenager girl asks, scared and in a familiar female voice, “Who are you?! What do you want with me?!”
The youma replies, “We are surprised that you had escaped the darkness that took over your reality and your energy might be useful to finding Kingdom Hearts! Or you might be a `Princess of Heart'!”
The teenage girl asks, confused and scared, “Kingdom Hearts? What are you talking about?”
The youma responds, in a dark tone, “You will know . . . when you join us in the world of the Heartless!”
The teenage girl screams out, fearfully, “NO!!!”
Sun Nova Slash!”
The youma turns to the source of the voice only to get split in half by a blade glowing with solar energy and flames and the young teenage girl turns to see Eternal Sailor Sun was the one responsible for the job.
The teenage girl thinks in her mind, “Who in the world is this Sailor Senshi? I've never seen her before! And why does she look so much like Sailor Moon?!”
Sailor Sun asks the teenage girl, “Are you okay? What did that youma want with you?”
The teenage girl replies, “I don't know. It just told me that it will use my energy to find `Kingdom Hearts' or something like that or that I'm some kind of `Princess of Heart'.”
Sailor Sun tells the young teenaged girl, “Well, you must be important if they are after you.”
The teenage girl tells Sailor Sun, “Who are you?! I know that you are a Sailor Senshi, but I've never seen you before!”
Sailor Sun replies, “My name is Eternal Sailor Sun, Sailor Senshi of Life. If you know about the Sailor Senshi, you must be from our home reality.”
The teenage girl asks, “What? What do you mean by that?”
Sailor Sun tells the teenage girl, as she helps her to her feet, “What do you remember?”
The teenage girl replies, “The last thing that I remember I was working inside of the Parlor when the skies went dark and when I went out to investigate, all of these black ant-like monsters came out of the ground. My older brother tried to protect me from them, but then he and I were sucked into some kind of black hole. Next thing that I knew, I was in some kind of hospital in this town or whatever and I was out for days.” The teenage girl asks Sailor Sun, “Where are we Sailor Sun?”
Sailor Sun tells the teenage girl, “Well, we are Starlight Station, a reality that seems to be a `connection zone' to other realities, including ours. Our world has been covered in darkness by a powerful evil. Some of my friends and allies along with yourself and a few others are the only ones that escaped the takeover of our reality.”
The teenage girl gasps in shock, “Earth is under the control of some evil?!”
Sailor Sun replies, “That's the bad news. The worse news is that this evil wants to cover all worlds in darkness by opening up the `doorway' to the heart of all realities, which is what Kingdom Hearts is, the center or heart of all worlds. It contains the greatest powers of light and darkness.”
The teenage girl asks Sailor Sun, confused, “And they think that I can open that `door'?”
Sailor Sun tells the teenage girl, “Well, they think so. So, it is best that we keep you safe.” Soon enough, Sailor Sun notices that the Neo-Shadow Heartless aren't vanishing, even through they've moved themselves away from Sailor Sun and the young girl to reposition themselves in front of the two of them. Sailor Sun says, stunned, “Wait a minute! These guys should be disappearing since I destroyed that youma!”
Just then a dark female voice calls out, “That would be true if that dumb youma was the one controlling them!” Sailor Sun and the young teenage girl turns to the source of the voice to see none other than Eugeal of the Witches Five standing in front of them with her classic `gun' that extracts heart-crystals from people's bodies. Eugeal says, in her usual dark tone, “Well, this is the infamous Sailor Sun, the elder sibling of that rotten brat, Sailor Moon? Well, you dress that like idiotic moon princess, so, I should be surprised that you are related to her!”
The teenage girl gasps and thinks in her mind, “Sailor Sun is Sailor Moon's older sister? No wonder she looks like her!”
Sailor Sun goes into a defensive stance near the teenage girl and asks, in a serious and demanding tone, “Who are you?! And what do you want?!”
Eugeal replies, “Oh, I forgot that we haven't met before. The name of Eugeal, I'm a member of the Bureau of Bad Behavior!”
Sailor Sun's eyes grow wide and exclaims, seriously, “Hold on! I've heard of you from Sailor Moon's team! You were a part of those Heart-Snatchers that were stealing people's hearts to summon some kind of `super demon' to wipe out all life on Earth! However, based on what I was told, you were killed by one of your own teammates!”
Eugeal gains an angered look on her face and exclaims, angrily, “Yeah, I was killed! That rotten traitor, Mimete, removed my car's brakes with acid snails and sent me right into the river! I knew that rotten backstabber wanted my job!” Eugeal then gives a wide evil grin and replies, “However, thanks to Maleficent and the Heartless, I'm back along with the other Heart-Snatchers! And when we extracted Mimete from that computer, I gave her what she deserved!”
Sailor Sun asks, a bit worriedly and serious tone in her voice, “And what was that?”
Eugeal gives an evil snicker and says, in a dark slip-song tone, “Oh, just a little `bondage session' with some of the nasty male super-villains in all of existence! Maybe a little fucking will show that tart who is in charge in the Bureau of Bad Behavior!”
Sailor Sun says, in a serious and disgusted tone, “Oh, that is just sick!”
Eugeal replies, with an evil smile, “As a woman, even I was disgusted at what they did, but getting revenge is all the while worth it!” Eugeal then aims her gun right at Elizabeth and exclaims, “Now, the time for talk is over! Time to see if this girl has the Princess of Heart! Give Eugeal your heart crystal, you brat!”
Sailor Sun exclaims, seriously, “Hold it!” Sailor Sun throws her sword at Eugeal's gun, which goes right through it causing it to wildly spark, and Eugeal yelps out in surprise as she throws it to the ground. The gun sparks and give several small explosions before it stops, remaining on the ground, smoking and badly damaged to work. Eugeal looks at Sailor Sun angrily and she states, in a sly tone, “Sorry, girl, but you forgot that this is a `no heart stealing' zone!”
Eugeal exclaims, angrily, “You will pay for that, sun spot!” Eugeal takes out a small capsule that similar to the ones found in the world of Dragonball Z and pushes the button on top causing Eugeal to get engulfed in a huge amount of smoke.
Sailor Sun thinks in her mind, “I've got a bad feeling in my gut that I'm not going to like this!” When the smoke clears, Eugeal appears with a device similar to the `backpack' device that the Ghostbusters' ecto-lasers expect it is bright red with the black star of the Heart-Snatchers plastered on the black along with a picture of intense yellow and red flames and there are two tubes connected to the `back-pack' leading to two flamethrower nozzles attached to Eugeal's two arms, one for each arm.
Sailor Sun and the teenage girl give wide eyed look and Eugeal exclaims, in a dark taunting tone, “Ha! Ha! How do you like my new Mecha-Fire Buster, sun brat?! I've heard a lot about you, including the power of the sun itself inside of you. Well, we are going to see if that's true because this baby can produce flames as hot as the sun itself!”
Sailor Sun exclaims, “Oh man!”
Eugeal aims the two nozzles of her weapon at Sailor Sun and roars out, “Mecha-Fire Buster!” Eugeal fires two bursts of intense flames right at Sailor Sun and they were coming so fast that Sailor Sun only had time to throw her arms in defense, but the attack was so powerful that when it slammed into her, she screamed out in pain as she was sent flying right into a brick wall, extreme hard, causing the brick wall to greatly crack when Sailor Sun's form hits the wall.
The teenage girl shouts out, horrified, “Sailor Sun!” Soon after, Sailor Sun's form falls from the wall and she hits the ground, pretty hard, while leaving her imprint deeply within the wall that she slammed into by Eugeal's weapon. For the next one minute, Sailor Sun lays on the ground, barely moving, since she was pretty stunned from the attack.
Eugeal laughs evilly and tauntingly at Sailor Sun and exclaims, in a dark insulting tone, “Well, I guess that the mighty Sailor Sun was nothing, but a pathetic solar flare! And just like a solar flame, it is quite easily burned out!” However, Sailor Sun gives a loud groan as she goes on her hands on knees and slowly rises to her two feet.
Sailor Sun, breathing heavily, and still quite dazed from Eugeal's attack, tells Eugeal, in a strong tone, “Believe me when I say that I'm not taken down so easily, Eugeal!”
Eugeal tells Sailor Sun, in a not threatened tone, “Ha! I'm not intimidated by empty threats!” Eugeal motions to Sailor Sun's sword, which is still stuck inside of Eugeal's heart stealing gun, and says, “Without your weapon, you are nothing! I've seen the `films' of your battles and you can't use your attacks without your blade! As long as it is over here with me and you are over there, I'm safe! You made a mistake by destroying my weapon!”
Sailor Sun gives a sly smirk and replies, “Oh, really?!” Sailor Sun then uses a form of telekinesis to release her sword from Eugeal's gun and back into her right hand.
Eugeal exclaims, flabbergasted, “What?! No one told me that you had physic powers!”
Sailor Sun tells Eugeal, “Surprise!” Sailor Sun's sword begins to glow as she prepares her special attack.
Sun Nova Flare!”
Sailor Sun launches a golden beam of solar energy and flames right at the evil witch with all of her being and from her sword's blade.
Eugeal shouts out, seriously, “Mecha-Fire Buster!” Eugeal launches two bursts of flames from her weapon's nozzles to counter Sailor Sun's powerful attack. The two attacks collide mid-way of the two combatants and for the next two minutes, the two attacks are stuck in that position, neither one getting any advantage over the other.
Sailor Sun tells Eugeal, while straining to keep up the pressure of her attack, “It seems . . . that we . . . are . . . evenly matched . . . Eugeal.”
Eugeal says, with a wide smile grin, “You think so, little sun spot. Well, I haven't used the full power of my new Mecha-Fire Buster.” Sailor Sun's gasps in shock as Eugeal somehow increases the power of her weapon's attack, which quickly overpowers her attack, and the huge fire burst slams into the Sailor Senshi of the Sun. She screams out in extreme pain as she is engulfed by super-hot and super-powerful flames.
The teenage girl yells out, horrified, “Sailor Sun!” Sailor Sun is surrounded by the flames from Eugeal's gun for four minutes until they burn themselves out, mysteriously, and badly smoking and burned, Sailor Sun falls to her knees and drops her sword to the ground.
Eugeal says, in an evil taunting tone, “So, this is the mighty taiyou-no-hime?! Ha! You are even more pathetic that your bratty young sister, Sailor Moon! You are supposed to be some kind of great warrior and you can't even hold up to little cutie like me! It is time for your star to go out, sun brat! Prepare for the end! Mecha-Fire Buster!” Eugeal then launches one final full-powered assault with her weapon right at Sailor Sun, who is too stunned and injured to get out of the way in time.
The teenage girl shouts out, worriedly, “Oh no!”
As Sailor Sun helpless watches the attack come ever closer to her, time seems to slow down, and Sailor Sun thinks in her mind, “This can't be the end! I've come too far to lose! Yamato-chan, mom, Serena, Davis, and the others still need me! I can't lose to this freak witch and her powers! If I die, then all worlds might be in danger of destruction since I'm one of the welders of the Keyblade! Countless innocent people will suffer! There has got to be something I can do!”
Just then a handsome male voice calls out in her mind, “My daughter, believe in yourself . . . focus your most powerful positive emotions into your treasure . . .!”
Sailor Sun gasps mentally and mentally replies, “Who are you?!”
The male voice replies, with a strong tone, “You know who I am, Juniper . . . The one who loved you so much with my beloved Serenitywhen we ruled our two kingdoms of the sun and the moon together . . .”
Sailor Sun gives another mental gasp and states, seriously and telepathically, “Dad?!”
The male voice replies, in a strong, yet, kind tone, “I knew that you would remember me, my beautiful daughter! Yes, it is me, your father, King Apollo of the Sun Kingdom! Now, I know that this simple foe can be defeat! Her weakness is in her powerful weapon! Without it, she is nothing! Focus your love for your family and friends into your treasure and her flames won't hurt you . . . they will empower you . . . and your treasure will transform into its true form . . .”
Sailor Sun asks her father, “What do you mean my treasure's true form, dad?”
King Apollo replies, mentally, “When your emerald was created by the powerful ritual, it was in a different form. However, it has incredible power that even using one-quarter of its power meant certain death to the user by draining the user's life-force! And in its true form, if uncontrolled, your treasure could obliterate entire galaxies without much effort! In order to prevent this from happen and make our kingdom's treasure safer for our royal family to weld, the treasure was transformed into a weaker version of itself, the Imperium Golden Emerald, with powers equaling the two Silver Crystals of your mother's kingdom. But when your treasure is in its true form, it has far greater powers than the two Silver Crystals of the Moon Kingdom, individually!”
Sailor Sun asks King Apollo, telepathically and in a shocked tone, My treasure is that powerful?!”
King Apollo replies, telepathically, “Indeed it is, Juniper. It is said in the legends of our kingdom that only a `chosen member' of our family can truly weld the true power our kingdom's treasure without dying from the smallest amount of its power and contain the great and incredible powers it holds! You are that chosen one, Juniper! Use the power within your heart to awaken the true power of your treasure! Focus on the strength of your mother, those that you love, and your friends! They will give you great power! And now that I am always with you! Farewell, my daughter! Remember to stay strong and never give in to the darkness . . .”
Sailor Sun calls out, mentally, “Father!” However, there is no answer from King Apollo's spirit and as the attack inches ever closer to Sailor Sun, she closes her eyes and focuses on the positive emotions within her heart, her friends, her family, Earth and `royal', and all that she held dear in her heart. This causes her kingdom's treasure to glow with great power than before and just before Eugeal's attack slams into her, her body begins to glow with a slight golden glow. But this goes unnoticed by the teenage girl and Eugeal as Sailor Sun is engulfed in the huge and powerful flame assault.
The teenage girl shouts out, horrified, “Sailor Sun!” Eugeal gives a huge evil laugh, thinking that she has destroyed Sailor Sun.
Just then a familiar female voice shouts out, “Hold it right there, Eugeal!” Eugeal then looks to see the rest of our heroes and heroines assembled in front of them.
The teenage girl exclaims, happily, “All right, the Sailor Senshi!”
Sailor Venus looks at the teenage girl, gasps as she recognizes her, and she whispers to the others, “Girls, its Elizabeth.”
The rest of the Moon Kingdom Inner Sailor Senshi notice the teenage girl, gasp in shock, and Sailor Jupiter says, surprised and in a whisper, “You're right, Mina.”
Riku whispers to Sailor Venus, curiously, “Friend of yours?”
Sailor Mercury whispers to Riku in reply, “She is a friends of ours back in our homeworld, but she doesn't know we are Sailor Senshi.”
Sora One states, plainly and in a whisper, “So, she doesn't know your secret identities like we do.”
King Mickey whispers to Sora One, “Exactly, Sora. So, we must make sure that our friend's private lives are protected.”
Eugeal stops using her weapons, laughs evilly, and exclaims, “Yeah, so what?! You are too late! I heard that you've lost track of that precious moon princess of yours, but now, you've lost your sun princess as well!” Eugeal points to the flames engulfing Sailor Sun and exclaims, confidently, “There she is! Nothing, but ash by my new Mecha-Fire Buster!”
All of our heroes and heroines gasp in shock and Solar Moon exclaims, angrily, “No way! You're lying!”
Eugeal tells Solar Moon, in a dark taunting tone, “Ah, poor baby brother! Now, you've lost two sisters instead of one!”
Eugeal begins to laugh evilly and then Sailor Sun's voice booms, “Don't count me out, yet!”
Everyone gasps in shock and Eugeal calls out, in shock, “No way, it can't be!” When everyone looks to the flames, they see a familiar female figure rise up from the flames and with loud roar of power, the flames are immediately snuffed out causing Sailor Sun to be revealed with a slight golden glow, her brooch opened, and her Imperium Golden Emerald to be revealed. This causes Eugeal to leap back some distance and the Neo-Shadow Heartless to come in front of her protectively.
Matt exclaims, relieved, “All right!”
Renamon thinks in her mind, “Thank goodness!”
Sailor Mars exclaims, “Sailor Sun's all right!”
Sailor Saturn asks, curiously, “But what is happening to her? What is that glow around Sun-san? And what's happening to her emerald?” Everyone then watches in amazement as the Imperium Golden Emerald begins to shift and change as it grows slightly bigger and transforms into a sphere-shaped crystal with small golden crystal spikes coming out of nearly every single point of the crystal to replicate the look of a sun itself.
Sailor Aries says, surprised, “Whoa! Sailor Sun's emerald transformed into a crystal!”
Queen Serenity and Sailor Pluto are also shocked by this `event', but for another reason, and Sailor Pluto thinks in her mind, “The Imperium Golden Emerald has taken on its true form! This has never happened for many centuries! It is more powerful, but in its true form, the power of her treasure is even more dangerous for Princess Juniper because it will drain her life-energy totally from just one-quarter of its powers!”
Eugeal asks, perplexed, “Hey, what's going on here?!”
Sailor Sun replies, “What's going on is that my treasure has taken its true form! When it was created many millennia ago, my Golden Emerald was actually in another form and its power actually exceeds the Imperium Silver Crystal! However, the problem is just using one-quarter of its power is more than enough to kill the user of my kingdom's treasure, so, in order to make my kingdom's treasure `safer' to use, it was transformed into the Imperium Golden Emerald to repress its awesome powers. It is said that only one member of my family can use my treasure's true powers without getting killed and I'm going to see if I'm the one! Now, get ready for the taste of the powers of kintaiyouzuishou or in simple terms, the Imperium Golden Sun Crystal!”
Sailor Mercury asks Queen Serenity, “Is this true, Queen Serenity? Does Sailor Sun's crystal have more power than the Silver Crystal?”
Queen Serenity nods her head and says, “Yes, in its true form, the Imperium Golden Sun Crystal had more powerful than either of the Silver Crystals of the Moon Kingdom. Only when the two crystals are combined as one that they can rival the Sun Crystal in power, but the power was so dangerous because it was created for the powers of the entire universe as well as the sun, it killed any Solaris royal that just used a portion of its powers. It was transformed into the Imperium Golden Emerald in order to suppress its awesome and make it safer to weld. If my elder daughter tries to attempt to use it in its true form, she most likely will die.”
Sailor Aquarius gasps in shock and she yells at Sailor Sun, “Sun, you can't! You use your crystal's powers and it will kill you!”
Sailor Sun replies, in a serious tone, “Sorry, Aquarius, but I can't back down! I made a promise to myself that I would fight to protect all of you and save all worlds! I'm going to prove myself a true Sailor Soldier, here and now! I will fight and I will keep all of you safe . . . even if it costs me my life! I'm willing to make that sacrifice!” Our heroes and heroines were stunned by Sailor Sun's speech because it contained determination, power, and command in Sailor Sun's own Earth voice, not the voice she uses as Princess Juniper.
Eugeal roars out, angrily, “Bring it on, sun brat! Mecha-Fire Buster!” Eugeal fires her weapon right at the glowing Sailor Sun, sending a huge jet of flames right at her, but Sailor Sun's new Golden Sun Crystal gives a bright fiery golden glow as Sailor Sun prepares her attack.
Starlight Sun Nova Crystal Kiss!”
Sailor Sun gathers energy from the flames around her and from the very stars themselves into her crystal, her crystal launches a beam of pure star and solar energy with a huge `kaboom' from a super-laser that you see on television action cartoons, and Sailor Sun's attack quickly naturalizes Eugeal's attack with ease. The attack then sky-rockets towards the evil member of the Witches Five, the Neo-Shadow Heartless leap to stop the beam, however, they are instant vaporized by the pure light and positive energy flowing through Sailor Sun's new attack, and Eugeal screams in shock as the attack heads straight for her. Eugeal tries to leap out of the way, but the energy beam gazes her right shoulder and legs, burning it badly, Eugeal screams out in pain, however, the attack also slams into her Eugeal's new Mecha-Fire Buster, rips it from her back, destroying the nozzles in the process, and sending the weapon, which is turning into ash into the air, while Eugeal is forcibly flung to the ground, extremely hard on her left shoulder. The attack then sky-rockets high into the sky and explodes with a force of nuclear explosion causing the every single portion of Starlight Station to shake with quite a bit of violent force. However, the shockwave of the explosion only last three seconds or so, but it is enough to put everyone else into shock.
Sailor Uranus exclaims, amazed, “What power!”
Sailor Venus says, shocked, “I guess she were kidding when Serenity-sama told us about Sailor Sun's emerald . . . I mean crystal's `true power'!”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Venus, annoyed tone in her voice, “That's pretty obvious, Venus! I mean . . . Not even Sailor Moon could do THAT!”
Matt then asks, concerned, “What about Sailor Sun?” When everyone looks to the Sailor Senshi in question, they find that Sailor Sun is still standing, her face and exposed portions of her body are covered in sweat, she was breathing very heavily, and she was struggling just to say on her feet, showing her energy is nearly to totally wiped out, but she is very obviously alive and well.
Sailor Pluto thinks, in a rare surprised tone, “She's still alive! She has used the Imperium Golden Sun Crystal's true power and she survived! Could she be the one chosen to handle the true power of her kingdom's treasure?!”
Sailor Sun tells Eugeal, panting heavily, “Well . . . I used my Golden Sun . . . Crystal . . . *pant* . . . *huff* . . . and I am . . . *pant* . . . still very much . . . *pant* . . . alive . . . *pant* . . . and kicking . . . *huff* . . . Want to try . . . *pant* . . . for round two?”
Eugeal exclaims, a bit fearfully while trying to stay confident, “No! Beside, I've got more important things to do!” Eugeal slowly gets to her feet and winches in pain for the first-degree burns on the right side of her legs, near her kneecaps, and her right shoulder blades caused by Sailor Sun's new super-powerful and super-hot attack. Eugeal roars out, angrily, “You will pay for this! You are moving to the top of my list with that Moon brat! When you find her, both you and she are going to get torn apart by yours truly!” Eugeal then vanishes in a swirl of black and violet stars and leaving only the teenage girl, Elizabeth, and our heroes and heroines in the street of Starlight Station.
Sailor Venus exclaims, excitedly, “Way to go, Sailor Sun!”
Sailor Sun replies, weakly and still breathing hard, “Thanks . . . Venus . . . *pant* *pant* . . . However . . . *huff* *pant* . . . that last . . . *pant* . . . cost me . . . nearly . . . *huff* . . . *pant* . . . all of my energy . . . *huff* . . . I feel . . . *pant* . . . faint . . .” Sailor Sun then closes her eyes and quickly falls to her knees as she begins to faint.
Sailor Scorpio exclaims, worriedly, “Oh no!” Matt then quickly runs over to Sailor Sun and manages to catch her in his arms before she falls to the ground on her back.
TK tells Matt, with a smile on his lips, “Nice catch, Matt!”
Gabumon states, nodding his head in agreement, “I'll say!” The rest of our heroes and heroines join the two of them as Sailor Sun lies in Matt's arms, sleeping, and sweat covering every single portion of her exposed skin with some `sweat stains' on the upper portion of her bodysuit causing the lines of her breasts to become more visible under the cloth. Matt blushes a bit of red when she sees Sailor Sun's breast nipple slight sticking out from under the fabric.
Patamon flies over Sailor Sun and Matt and asks worriedly, “Is she going to be okay?”
Biyomon flies over to Patamon and replies, “I'm sure that she will be. She's just exhausted from using up so much energy.”
Gatomon points to Solar Moon and says, plainly, “And besides, she is his older sister after all. Stubbornness runs in his Earth family.”
Solar Moon says, drolly, “Thanks a lot, Gatomon.”
Sailor Mercury does a quick scan of Sailor Sun and says, with a smile, “She is just fine. Her crystal's powers totally drained her of energy, but she is just fine. Her life-force is totally intact.”
Tea says, plainly, “That's good news.”
Tristan states, in a plain tone, “She is one tough girl.”
Joey nods his head and says, “No joke. Wouldn't want to get on her bad side.”
Sailor Pluto and Queen Serenity look at the sleeping Sailor Senshi of the Sun and Sailor Pluto thinks in her mind, “So, Princess Juniper is the `chosen one' able to handle the true powers of the Imperium Golden Sun Crystal without losing her life to just using a portion of its great powers? It seems like that Princess Serenity isn't the only one destined for great things in their future.”
On the meanwhile, Yolei goes over to Elizabeth and says, amazed, “Hey, I know you! You are friends with Serena! You work at the Crown Fruit Pallor in Juuban! Your name is Elizabeth Hansford!”
Elizabeth tells Yolei, “And I know you! You are one of Serena's new friends, Yolei Inoue! What are you doing here?!”
TK tells Elizabeth, “We should be asking you the same thing, Elizabeth! How did you get here to Starlight Station?”
Elizabeth tells TK, “It is a long story. But how did the Sailor Senshi get here? Who are these new Sailor Senshi? And these male Senshi? And where are Serena and her friends?” Our Inner Sailor Scouts, Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter, get quite nervous, since they don't know how they or the others would answer her. That is until around one dozen Neo-Shadow Heartless appear in front of all of them and some distance away.
Sora One and Riku step forward and Sora One exclaims, seriously, “Stand back! We will handle them!”
Star Serious Laser!”
Giga Blaster!”
Just then a focused light blast of energy slams into three of the Neo-Shadow Heartless taking them out and two huge missile seemly appear out of nowhere to take care of the rest in one huge explosion.
Princess Kakyuu says, amazed, “That attack . . .”
Palmon says, “I know those missiles anywhere!” Just then MetalGreymon, with Tai and Sailor Starfighter on his back, land on the ground beside them and Tai and Sailor Starfighter leap off his back and onto the ground.
Tai says, with his trademark smile and sly tone, “You guys had a battle without me?! Now, I'm insulted!”
Sailor Aries, Sailor Scorpio, Solar Moon, and the other Digidestined exclaim, happily, “Tai!”
Princess Kakyuu and the two Starlights run over to Sailor Starfighter and Princess Kakyuu tells Sailor Starfighter, happily, “Seiya, I am so glad that you are all right.”
Sailor Starfighter responds, “I'm really glad that you and the others are okay as well.”
Sailor Starhealer asks, sarcastically, “Where have you been? Looking for your precious odango again?”
Sailor Starfighter asks, in a worried tone, “What? You mean that Sailor Moon is missing?”
Princess Kakyuu tells Sailor Starfighter, “We met up with her Sailor Senshi sometime after we were separated from you. We also met her sister and brother, Sailor Sun and Solar Moon, and they tell us that she is missing along with an Earthling friend of Solar Moon, Hikari Kamiya, who is believed to a be a Sailor Senshi as well. The legendary Sailor Galaxy.”
Sailor Starfighter exclaims, shocked, “Whoa! THE Legendary Sailor Senshi said to have powers that rival Sailor Galaxia's powers?! The Mistress of all Sailor Senshi elements?!”
Sailor Starhealer says, plainly, “That's pretty obvious, Starfighter.”
Sailor Starmaker asks Sailor Starfighter, “By the way, where did you find their missing friend?”
Sailor Starfighter responds, “I found him. He was with them when you got sucked into whatever dark portal that we got sucked up by. This guys is stubborn and cocky at times.”
Sailor Starhealer says, in his sarcastic tone, “An Earthling that you can relate to? How interesting.”
Sailor Starfighter tells Sailor Starhealer, drolly, “Very funny, Healer.” Meanwhile, the Tai is going over to Matt, who still has Sailor Sun in his arms.
Tai tells Matt, with a sly grin, “Finally, got a girl in your arms, eh, Matt?”
Matt tells Tai, with a sly grin of his own, “Ha. Ha. Very funny, Tai. This isn't like that. She really drained herself of energy and she has to `sleep it off' for a while. She nearly fainted onto the ground and I caught her.”
Tai tells Matt, still with his sly grin, “Nice excuse.”
MetalGreymon de-digivolves back into Agumon and Biyomon tells Agumon, “We're glad that you are okay, Agumon.”
Agumon tells Biyomon, “There is no worry, Biyomon. Tai and I are just fine. Plus, we found someone that seems to know Sailor Moon a bit.”
Palmon tells Agumon, “They are called the Sailor Starlights, Agumon. They are Sailor Senshi from outer space, but I guess you already knew that.” Agumon nods his head in agreement with Palmon.
Sailor Aries comes up to Tai and he asks, not recognizing her, “Who is the new Sailor girl, Matt?”
Sailor Aries asks Tai, in a sly tone, “You mean that you don't recognize me, Tai?” Tai's eyes widen, recognizing Sora Two's voice coming out of Sailor Aries' lips, and he was about to yell out Sora Two's name when Izzy stops him by clamping his mouth.
When Tai throws Izzy off him, getting his hands out of his mouth, Tai yells at Izzy, “What did you do that for, Izzy?!”
Matt motions to Elizabeth, who looks pretty confused about what's going on, and Matt tells Tai, in a tone loud enough for only him to hear, “Because you were about to reveal Sora's identity to her. She is Serena's and the girls' friend, Elizabeth, and she don't know about . . . you know what.”
Tai blushes in embarrassment and replies, nervously, “Oh, right. Sorry.” Tai then whispers to Matt and asks, curiously, “Well, who are the other new girls?”
Sailor Aries goes over to Tai and replies, whispering while pointing to the Sailor Senshi that he hasn't seen before, “The girl in the green and pink is Mimi in her Sailor Senshi form of Sailor Scorpio and the girl in blue is Jun's best friend, Janet, as Sailor Aquarius. The girl with blond hair is the famous female duelist, Mai Valentine, a friend to Yugi Moto and his friends, in her Sailor Senshi form of Sailor Leo. The final Sailor Senshi is Kairi's best friend from her reality, Olette, in her Sailor Scout form of Sailor Constellation. Back in the Silver Millennium, Olette was Kairi's sister and one of three powerful Sailor Senshi that protected and ruled the universe. Kairi was one of them and Olette was the second. Mai, Mimi, Janet, and I were among Jun's guardians known as the Zodiac Sailor Senshi.”
Tai asks Sailor Aries, in a whisper, “You mean that you are one of Jun's guardians?”
Sailor Aries tells Tai, in a whisper, “That's right. The two guys that have uniforms are Sean and Daniel, two of Davis' and Jun's friends from Kyoto, and they are two of Davis' Solar Senshi, his protectors, even through he says that he can take care of himself. Namely Solar Mercury and Solar Jupiter, Ami's and Lita's brothers from the Silver Millennium.”
Tai then asks, curiously, “Well, this transgender Sailor Senshi, Seiya or Sailor Starfighter, told me about that red-haired princess and those other two known as Sailor Starlights, but who is that beautiful young woman with hair exactly like Jun's and the same `royal mark' as on Serena's forehead?”
Sailor Aries tells Tai, a bit nervously, “That's Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, Davis' and Jun's Lunarian mother.”
Tai's eyes widen as big as saucers, he tries his best to keep from yelling, and he tells Sailor Aries, surprised and in a low tone, “Their mother?! That beautiful woman is their mom?”
Sailor Scorpio tells Tai, in a low enough tone so that Elizabeth doesn't hear them, “You know it, Tai.”
Tai looks at Sailor Sun, who is still sleeping in Matt's arms, then at Queen Serenity, and Tai says, nodding his head, “I can see the resemblance.”
Joe asks Tai, “Tai, where have you been? We've been worried about you.”
Tai tells Joe, “It is a long story, Joe. But where are Kari and Sailor Moon?”
The Digidestined lower their head and Cody tells Tai, worriedly, “They are missing.”
Tai asks, stunned, “Their missing?”
Cody tells Tai, in his usual tone, “After we arrived here at Starlight Station, we discovered that Kari and Sailor Moon are missing and only Gatomon came with us.”
Sailor Scorpio tells Tai, solemnly, “We've searched for them in several other worlds, but we didn't find any trace of them.”
TK tells Tai, “All we found are some Heartless and plenty of trouble to go with them. The Solar and Sailor Senshi have gained some new powers, but we are still nowhere closer to find Kari and Sailor Moon.”
Yolei tells Tai, “J-I mean Sailor Sun took over for Sailor Moon as leader of Sailor Moon's Scouts until we can find her.”
Tai looks down at Sailor Sun and says, “Well, something tells me that she won't be leading anything until she gets on her feet.”
Sailor Aries tells Tai, “That's a good point. Who will lead Sailor Moon and our team?”
Sora One goes over to Sailor Star, after he overhears, and asks her, in a quiet tone, “Kairi, why don't you take over until Jun gets on her feet?”
Sailor Star looks at Sora One, wide eyed, and tells him, in a quiet tone, “What? Sora, I can't lead Serena's or Jun's team as a leader? I'm not as bold as you or smart as Riku.”
Riku tells Sailor Star, “Kairi, you are just as strong and just as smart as any of us here.”
Sailor Venus tells Sailor Star, “Come on, girl, I think that you will be a great leader.”
Sailor Star tells Sailor Venus, nervously, “I don't know.”
Sailor Venus asks Sailor Constellation, “What about you?”
Sailor Constellation shakes her head and replies, nervously, “No way. I'm a follower and a moderator, not a leader. Back at home, my friend, Hayner, was the leader of our group that included my friend, Pence, Hayner, and me. I aid and help my friends, but I'm no leader of a group.”
Sailor Venus tells them, in her usual tone, “You have some `confidence issues' to work out, girlfriends.”

Riku tells Sailor Venus, in a tone loud enough for her to hear, but not Elizabeth, “You are right, Mina. Kairi and Olette are strong people and could be leaders. They just need to believe in themselves.”
Sailor Venus gives off a slight blush and replies, with a smile, “Thanks, Riku.” For some reason or another, Riku couldn't help himself to blush at Sailor Venus' smile.
Sailor Mercury says, in her usual logical tone, “Wait! With Sailor Sun unconsciousness, we don't have a leader for her team or our team because Sailor Moon is missing and Sailor Sun is our temporary leader.”
Just then Sailor Sun gives a loud moan and she says, lowly, “Who said that . . . I'm out?” Everyone looks at the still kneeling Matt with Sailor Sun in his arms and they see Sailor Sun slowly opens her eyes.
Solar Moon asks Sailor Sun, “You okay?”
Sailor Sun replies, “Other than a major headache and my whole body aching, I will be just fine.” Sailor Sun then notices that she was in Matt's arms and gives a slight blush because of that. Sailor Sun, however, quickly regains her composer and she tells Matt, a bit weakly, “You can help me up now.”
Matt blushes in embarrassment and tells Sailor Sun, nervously, “Oh, sorry.” Matt then slowly helps the Sailor Senshi of the Sun to her feet.
When Sailor Sun is on her feet, Elizabeth tells her, after she gives a traditional Japanese bow, “Thank you for saving me, Sailor Sun.”
Sailor Sun, supported by Matt, gives her usual kind smile and replies, in a nice tone, through weak voice, “No problem. It is what we, Sailor Senshi, do.”
Tai tells the group of heroes and heroines, “Well, don't be so sure about that. We've got a new problem.”
Everyone focuses their attention to Tai and TK asks Tai, “What do you mean Tai?”
Tai tells everyone, “Agumon, Seiya, and I saw some of those Heartless head down to a warehouse in the middle of the town.”
Agumon nods his head and tells everyone, “They had some kind of fat dog-like guy with them that said that he was looking for the `heart' of this world.”
Sora One exclaims, worriedly, “Oh no! That's Pete!”
Sailor Starfighter says, in a bit of a suspicious tone, “You know him?”
Princess Kakyuu tells Sailor Starfighter, “He is one of the Keyblade warriors that fought that `creature' before. If he gets his hands on the heart of this world, it will be lost.”
Sailor Jupiter says, in a serious tone, “And we will be lost with it!”
Sailor Saturn says, worriedly, “Oh no!”
Sailor Starfighter says, confidently, “Don't worry, we can take there immediately. We saw where they were heading when we arrived here, but we then saw those explosions and thought that you might be in trouble.”
Agumon tells everyone, “Just follow us!”
Sora One calls out, in a serious tone, “Well, what are we waiting for?!” Tai, Agumon, and Sora One race off ahead of them to another part of Starlight Station.
Donald shouts out, “Sora! Wait up!”
Goofy exclaims, “Gwarsh! They run fast!” Donald and Goofy then quickly run after our Keyblade Master while Sailor Star, with a wide smile on her lips, follows behind.
Riku gives his usual smile, sighs, and says, “Some things will never change.” However, Sailor Mars, Sailor Vesta, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Ceres were giving off serious looks on their faces as they used their spiritual senses to `feel' something off of Tai, Agumon, and Sailor Starfighter that they didn't like.
Sailor Neptune asks Sailor Uranus, in a whisper, “What's wrong, Uranus?”
Sailor Uranus tells Sailor Neptune, in a serious tone and in a whisper, “There is something wrong with that wolf.”
Sailor Neptune whispers to Sailor Uranus, “I don't like working with the Starlights as much as you do, but our queen gave us orders and Sailor Sun is our new leader until Sailor Moon returns and she ordered us to work with the Starlights like it or not. Or could this be more personal with Seiya?”
Sailor Uranus tells Sailor Neptune, in a whisper, “It is more than that, Neptune. I'm getting the same bad vibes within that Taichi Kamiya and his Digimon partner.”
Sailor Neptune gets interested and asks, in a whisper, “Are you sure?”
Sailor Uranus motions towards Sailor Mars and Sailor Vesta, Sailor Neptune sees the serious looks in their expressions, and Sailor Uranus tells Sailor Neptune, in a whisper, “Rei and her sister sense it, too. There is something off about that wolf with our prince's best friend and his Digimon partner. I just can't tell what it is.”
Sailor Neptune whispers in a serious tone, “We should keep an eye on them, then, huh?”
Sailor Uranus replies, whispering, “That's a good idea, Michelle.”
Tuxedo Mask tells Sailor Starfighter, “It is good to see that you are all right, Sailor Starfighter. Hopefully, with your help, I'm sure that we will find Sailor Moon.”
Sailor Starfighter nods and replies, “Same here. Now, let's go make them tell us where she is.” Tuxedo Mask turns his body and head from Sailor Starfighter and not noticed by everyone else, he gives a glance at Elizabeth and thinks, with a slight dark smirk, “I know exactly where odango is and I'm going to get her back no matter what! And that girl, if she is the one, is going to help!”
Sailor Venus tells Elizabeth, “It is best that you stay with us, Elizabeth. If our enemy is after you, then there has to be a reason for it.”
Elizabeth asks the Sailor Senshi, “But I don't get what is going on here. What are these Heartless? What happened to our world? And why does one of your enemies want me?” The Inner Sailor Senshi of the Moon Kingdom and Sailor Saturn look at each other and then they look at Queen Serenity, who nods her head in some kind of understanding. Sailor Pluto notices this and gives her nod of approval as well.
Sailor Jupiter tells Elizabeth, “It is a long story, Elizabeth. We will tell you all that we know, but you need to make a promise that you won't tell anyone else what we are about to tell you.”
Elizabeth nods her head and tells Sailor Jupiter, “Sure, I promise.”
Riku then says, plainly, “We had better go after them. They are leaving us behind.” Not needing another word, our heroes and heroines head off to find catch up with Tai, Agumon, Sora One, Donald, Goofy, and Sailor Star. However, Sailor Mars, Sailor Vesta, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Ceres, and even Renamon sense something `off' with Sailor Starfighter, as he gives `unusual glances' towards Elizabeth.
(Within the center of Starlight Station; Sometime soon after)
Sora One, Sailor Star, Donald, Goofy, and Greymon were battling some basic Shadow Heartless, Sora One and Sailor Star using their Keyblades to destroy them one after another, Greymon using his Nova Blast attack to turn them into ash one after another, and soon enough, the rest of them vanish through portals of darkness.
Sora One exclaims, excitedly, “All right! We scared those rotten Heartless off!”
Goofy states, perplexed, “Gwarsh! Wasn't this a bit too easy?”
Donald tells Goofy, “Yeah, you are right, Goofy. These were just small-fries.”
Sora One says, “Yeah, you have a point, Donald. We've faced harder Heartless than this.”
Tai tells them, reassuringly, “Oh, come on. You are just getting paranoid. Those rotten assholes don't want to face you after all of your battles.”
Sailor Star asks Tai, curiously, “How do you know about our battle?”
Tai replies, a bit nervously, “I don't, actually, but I figured that all of you were kept busy kicking butt while I was gone.”
Solar Moon calls out, in a plain tone, “You've got that right, Tai!” Our group looks to the see the rest of our heroes and heroines arriving on the battlefield with Sailor Sun still barely able to walk, but she is walking on her own now.”
Sailor Scorpio says, a bit amazed, “Wow, you got done fast.”
King Mickey says, in a serious tone, “A bit too fast.”
Queen Serenity says, “His majesty is right everyone. This battle was far too easy. This has to be a trap.”
Sailor Venus looks around and says, “I don't see anyone or anything that would be suspicious.”
Solar Pluto asks Sailor Mars, Sailor Vesta, Sailor Ceres, and Sailor Uranus, “Do any of you sense anything?”
Sailor Vesta says, shaking her head, “Not a lick. And that's what worries me.”
Sailor Uranus says, in a plain tone, “The air is calm. Too calm.”
Sailor Mars tells Solar Pluto, “I agree with my sister and Uranus. This is just too weird. We can't sense any negative energy near our area.”
Tai then says, in a serious tone, “Well, something tells me that you are right. My friends and I can say that we've been in plenty of traps before to know when to watch our backs.”
Princess Kakyuu asks Sailor Starhealer, “Do you sense anything, Healer?”
Sailor Starhealer shakes her head and replies, “No, I don't, princess. This worries me a lot and even I've got to admit, that Earthling is right to say that we can't be reckless in this `venture' if they sent weaklings like that to lure us to this area.” Sailor Starhealer then glances at Sailor Starfighter and thinks in her mind, “However, I can't get this feelings from Seiya out of my mind. I sensed that there is something off about him, but he seems just fine! What's going on here?!”
Sailor Constellation asks, curiously, “Don't you think it could be some Heartless that are `native' to this area? Sora, you and Kairi told me that are some `native' kinds of Heartless that weren't created by the Heartless creating machines that Maleficent used.”
Riku tells Sailor Constellation, “I don't think so, Olette. There could be something else going on here. Most likely, they were some kind of lure for a trap.”
Greymon then says, “However, we have other things to be worried about.”
King Mickey says, in a serious tone, “He's right. If they get the heart of this world, then this world will be destroyed. And if we are still on this world when it is destroyed, we will be gone along with it and all worlds will be danger.”
Solar Pluto tells Sailor Pluto, “Mother, we don't have a choice. We might have to fall into their trap to save this world and us.”
Sailor Pluto nods her head and says, “I have to agree, Chrono. We need to find where the heart of this world is and protect it.”
Tai then points to a seemly abandoned warehouse and says, “Looks like a place to start.”
Palmon states, “Looks creepy enough for villains to hide.”
Sailor Scorpio tells Palmon, nodding her head in agreement, “You said it, Palmon.”
Sailor Mercury, Solar Mercury, and Sailor Aquarius use their scanners on the warehouse for one minute and when that minute is done, Sailor Sun asks them, “What's the word?”
Solar Mercury says, plainly, “There seems to be a small negative energy force somewhere within the building and other `unusual readings', but we can't get anything definite.”
Sailor Aquarius tells Sailor Sun, “Solar Mercury is right, Jun. Our scanners are giving us readings, but nothing is definite. Something is mixing up or blocking our scans.”
Sailor Mercury says, in her usual logical tone, “It could be possible that's where the trap is or it could be possible that's hiding something from us.”
Sailor Jupiter states, “And if it is the heart of this world, we could be in danger!”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Jupiter, “Well, we can't just rush in there! We need a plan!”
Queen Serenity asks Sailor Mars, “Sailor Mars, do you, your sister, and the other members of your group sense anything from that warehouse.”
Sailor Ceres tells Queen Serenity, in her usual plain tone, “Forgive us, Serenity-sama, but we don't sense a thing. However, it could be possible that they are messing up our spiritual awareness as well.”
Gatomon asks, in her usual tone, “Do we ever have a choice?”
Gabumon then says, “Unfortunately, Gatomon is right. We need to investigate or we could be in mortal danger by just waiting around.”
Matt asks Sailor Sun, “How are you feeling, Jun?”
Sailor Sun tells Matt, “Drained. It is going to take me a while to recover that energy using the power of my treasure's true form.”
Sailor Star tells Sailor Sun, “Well, you had better stay back while the rest of us fight, Jun.”
Sailor Vesta says, “What about my sister's friend? We can't just leave her here.”
Riku says, in a plain tone, “Carrie is right. If Maleficent has some kind of interest in her, then we had better keep her with us for her protection.”
Tai then exclaims, “Well, what are we waiting for then?! Move it or lost it slow-pokes!” Tai and Agumon, de-digivolved from Greymon, then head inside of the warehouse in order to see what is inside.
TK calls out to Tai, “Tai, wait! We don't know what's in there!” However, Tai and Agumon are already inside of the warehouse and out of our heroes' and heroines' sight.
Sailor Scorpio sighs and says, plainly, “Same old, Tai.”
Queen Serenity tells Solar Moon, “You do have a group of interesting friends, my son.”
Solar Moon tells Queen Serenity, with a smile, “They have their quirks, but they are the best friends I ever had and we fought in many battle together in the Digital World.” Solar Moon thinks in his mind, However, why do I get a gut feeling that there is something wrong?”
Sailor Jupiter tells Elizabeth, “You had better stick close to us, Elizabeth.”
Elizabeth says, pretty surprised, “I can't believe that Serena is Sailor Moon and all of you are actually the Sailor Senshi!”
Sailor Venus tells Elizabeth, “Well, life is full of surprises, Elizabeth.”
Sailor Mercury tells Elizabeth, `adding her two cents', “But you have to remember Elizabeth, you can't tell anyone else back home what we told you.”
Elizabeth tells Sailor Mercury, “You got it, Ami! You have my solemn promise that I won't tell a soul . . . even my own brother.”
Sailor Mars smiles and tells Elizabeth, “Thanks, Elizabeth.” Our heroes and heroines then head after Tai and Agumon while Sailor Vesta, Sailor Mars, Sailor Uranus, and Renamon were keeping a wary eye on Sailor Starfighter.
(Deep within the warehouse; a short time later)
Now, we find our heroes and heroines walking down a barely lit set of stone stairs down some kind of mysterious basement found within the warehouse. The Rookie Digimon that has the ability to fly is flying nearby.
Biyomon says, plainly, “This place gives me the creeps.”
Patamon nods his head and states in reply, “You said it.”
The Mercury siblings and Sailor Aquarius are using their scanners on the area, but they aren't getting anything and Solar Mercury asks his Sailor counterpart, “Do you have anything, Ami?”
Sailor Mercury shakes her head and replies, “No, I can't get any readings around here. If they are using some kind of `jamming field' in this area, it works very well and must be quite complex to block scanners as advanced as ours.”
Izzy opens his laptop computer and asks Sailor Mercury, “Maybe I can help with laptop. With Gennai's help just before we left our world, I've upgraded my laptop with some new features. Maybe I can process the data.”
Sailor Mercury smiles kindly and tells Izzy, “Thank you, Izzy-kun.” Our Digidestined of Knowledge couldn't help himself to blush a slight red from Sailor Mercury's kind smile.
Sailor Aries asks Sailor Mars, “Do you sense anything Rei?”
Sailor Mars shakes her head and replies, “Not a thing, Rei. Carrie and Amara also can't sense a damn thing here as well.”
Renamon says, in a plain tone, “My senses are also getting blocked as well.”
Princess Kakyuu asks Sailor Starhealer, “Do you have anything, Yaten?”
Sailor Starhealer shakes her head and replies, “I'm sorry, princess, but I can't sense anything either.”
Solar Moon states, in a plain tone, “I'm really beginning to smell a trap here.”
Sailor Sun tells Solar Moon, “No joke, bro. But if this is where the heart of Starlight Station is, we don't have a choice.” However, the stairs end at a hallway and our heroes and heroines enter a darkened room.
Sailor Scorpio says, a bit fearfully, “It's a bit dark in here. Wish we had a light.” Just then some light came into the roof enough to light much of the basement area, through leaving a few dark areas. On the basement floor, there lies what is seemly a large map of some sorts.
Joey asks, pointing to the map, “What is that?”
Yami tells Joey, “I'm not sure, Joey. But we had better be careful, this is looking more and more like a trap.” Our heroes and heroines advance towards the map while Sailor Starfighter and Tai, both with serious looks on their faces, take up the rear behind Elizabeth with `darker' and serious looks on their expression, through no one notices expect for Agumon. Our heroes and heroines get in front of the map with many of them in defense stances in case of any sneak attacks for anywhere around them.
Sora One asks, curiously, “What kind of map is this?”
Donald replies, confused, “I don't know.
Goofy states, in his usual manner, “Uh-yuh! Wonder what it is used for?”
King Mickey replies, perplexed, “Wish I knew, Goofy.” However, our heroes and heroines are looking around for any attacks in front of them, they don't notice Tai and Sailor Starfighter were sneaking up to Elizabeth, whose attention was focused on the huge map in front of her.
When they were behind Elizabeth, Sailor Aries notices this and asks, innocently, “Tai, what are you and Seiya doing?”
Tai responds in a plain tone, “I'm sorry, Sora.” Then without warning, Tai grabs Elizabeth from behind and Tai, Agumon, and Sailor Starfighter jump away from the others with Elizabeth in their grip.
Matt exclaims, shocked, “What do you think that you are doing, Tai?!”
Solar Moon tells Tai, in a serious tone, “What's going on here, Tai?!”
Princess Kakyuu asks Sailor Starfighter, “Seiya, what are you doing?”
Sailor Starfighter tells Princess Kakyuu, “I'm sorry, princess, but I have to do to save someone I care about.”
Sailor Uranus asks, seriously, “What are you talking about?” Tai snaps his fingers and the whole room instantly fully lights up causing two capsules to appear. And much to our heroes' and heroines' shock, the capsules contains Hikari Kamiya and Serena Tsukino inside, both seemly in state of deep sleep.
Queen Serenity gasps and yells out, shocked, “Serenity!”
Tuxedo Mask and the Inner Senshi shout out in shock, “Serena!”
The Outer Sailor Senshi calls out, horrified, “Princess!”
Solar Moon and Gatomon calls out, flabbergasted, “Kari!”
Tai says, “We found their bodies, but they are in a deep sleep because their hearts are missing.”
King Mickey exclaims, shocked, “Their hearts are missing?!”
Agumon says, plainly, “That's right. And without them, they will sleep forever.”
Matt then asks, confused, “Then why do you need Elizabeth?”
Sailor Starfighter says, plainly, “We need them to find the hearts. It is said that the combined purity of the eight chosen maidens and eight chosen princes can aid to find any heart that you desire as well as open the gateway to the heart of all worlds. If this girl is one of them, we need her heart.”
Sailor Neptune tells Sailor Starfighter, seriously, “We won't let you take Elizabeth away!”
Sailor Sun calls out, also in a serious tone, “And return Kari and Serena to us!”
Just then a dark voice shouts out, “I don't think so, Princess of the Sun! You already have problems to deal with!”
Our heroes and heroines look around to find the source of the voice and Sailor Jupiter exclaims, “Where did that voice come from?!” Just then the map gives off a bright glow and sucks Sailor Sun, Matt, Yami, Tea, Riku, and Sailor Venus through a gateway into the `map'.
Sora One and Sailor Star exclaims, horrified, “Riku!”
Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, and Elizabeth calls out, in horror, “Mina!”
Joey and Tristan shout out in shock, “Tea! Pharaoh!”
Our Digidestined and their Digimon call out, in shock and horror, “Jun! Matt!”
Sora One exclaims, in a serious tone, “We're coming, Riku!” Sora One then tries to run over to the map, but he slams into a force-field that throws him back to the ground.
Sailor Star exclaims, horrified, “Sora!” Sailor Star goes over to her boyfriend's side and helps him back to his feet. Soon after, the two cloaked figures that were with Tai and Sailor Starfighter earlier appear from a portal of darkness and goes over to the three of them with their prisoner.
One of the cloaked figures says, in a male tone, “Is she the one?”
King Mickey thinks in his mind, “What the? That person sounds very familiar to me.”
Tai shoves Elizabeth into Sailor Starfighter, summons a sword similar a knight's sword expect it has a dark grey hilt with the Crest of Courage in pitch black on the top center portion of the hilt, and he says, darkly, “Give her to those two. The sooner I get my sister's heart back the better.”
Sailor Starfighter says to Tai, darkly, as he takes Elizabeth by the left arm, “The same with odango.”
Princess Kakyuu tells Sailor Starfighter, in a begging tone, “Seiya, please stop this!”
Sailor Starfighter replies, in a serious tone, “I'm sorry, but I will not stop until she is safe.”
TK calls out to Tai, “Tai, this is insane! You can't do this!”
Tai yells out, in a real serious tone, “I will do whatever it takes to save my sister's life! She is my family and I will do whatever it takes to protect her!” Tai brandish his new sword in front of our heroes and heroines and says, threatening tone in his voice, “Now, don't force me to use this. I have new powers to ensure that I will save my sister and I'm not afraid to use them.”
Sailor Starfighter brings Elizabeth in front of the two figures and says, “Well, is this girl one of the princess of heart or not? I want this done as soon as possible.”
The other cloaked figure says, in a female voice, “Allow us to see her.” Sailor Starfighter brings Elizabeth in front of the two cloaked figures, the heads are cloaked within the hoods, and within the hoods, two sets of two glowing eyes with eerie type of glow. Elizabeth groans out in pain as an eerie aura surrounds her.
Sailor Jupiter calls out, “Let her go!” Sailor Jupiter prepares to attack, but Tai creates some kind of force-field barrier that prevents our heroes and heroines from entering and helping Elizabeth.
Sailor Mercury says, worriedly, “Elizabeth!”
Sailor Starfighter says, in a serious and dark tone, “Well, is she one of them?”
The male cloaked figure says, with an interested tone, “We are not sure. She isn't like any ordinary person. She has something `special' with her.”
Tai asks, while keeping an eye on the rest of our heroes and heroines, “What do you mean `special'? I don't want to waste my time, here! I want to find these damn princes and princesses, get my sister's heart back, and you can have your Kingdom Hearts!”
All of our heroes and heroines gasp in shock and Sora One exclaims, “You can't give them, Kingdom Hearts! It would mean the end of all worlds!”
Sailor Starfighter says, in a serious tone, “Doesn't matter to us! As long as we save the people that we care about, it doesn't matter what they do with that power!”
Sailor Uranus exclaims, angrily, “How could you?! I knew that you were a wolf, but I never knew that you were a traitor!”
Sailor Starfighter calls out, in a serious tone, “You are the ones that are traitors! You were supposed to be the protectors of Sailor Moon and you let her heart get stolen by some evil force! Well, I intend to save her. I will not let her sleep forever! I will complete the mission that you, Senshi, failed!”
Tai exclaims, in a serious and dark tone, “And I will save my sister! She means a lot to me and I will not let stay like this!”
Solar Moon roars out, in a serious tone, “And you think that we don't care?”
Tai calls out, in a strong tone, “Well, Kari is still in this comatose state! You are not doing what it takes to get her back! And I'm willing to do what it takes to save her!” Just then a bright light comes from behind them and everyone looks to see that Elizabeth was the source of the glow.
Sailor Saturn asks, curiously, “What's happening to Elizabeth?”
The male cloaked figure yells out, “She is not a Princess of Hearts, but she possesses a great power! But what is this-AAARRRGGHHH!!” Just then a flash of energy from Elizabeth's body blasts the two cloaked figures back and breaks Tai's shield, knocking them forward. Tai and Sailor Starfighter jump away while Elizabeth faints onto the ground and the glow around her fades away. The rest of our heroes and heroines head over to Elizabeth and Sailor Mars puts her into her arms.
Sailor Aries asks, concerned, “Is she all right?”
Sailor Mercury uses her scanner and says, “Yes, she will be fine. I'm not sure what that energy was, but it was very powerful.”
Sailor Scorpio then asks, “What about Kari and Serena?” As they turn their attention to the two capsules, they look in shock to see the two cloaked figures besides them and taking them into a portal of darkness.
Tuxedo Mask shouts out, “Serena!”
Solar Moon calls out, shocked, “Kari!” The two of them race over towards them, but they are sneaked attacks and kicked in the face by Tai and Sailor Starfighter knocking them into the ground, hard, and stunning them for a few moments. On the meanwhile, the two cloaked figures take Serena and Kari or their sleeping bodies at least through the gateway, which closes behind them.
All of our heroes and heroines shout out in horror and in unison, “No!”
Ken goes over to Solar Moon as he and Tuxedo Mask get back on their feet and asks them, “Are you all right?”
Solar Moon ignores Ken, looks at Tai, and asks him, plainly, “Why, Tai? Why?”
Tai tells Solar Moon, “I will do what it takes to protect my sister.”
Solar Moon calls out, “You gave those two what they want and all worlds will suffer! Do you think Kari would approve?”
Tai roars out, angrily, “I don't care!”
Solar Moon summons his Keyblade and says, in a serious tone, “Well, I don't think that I have a choice then. Those two are just using you to get Kingdom Hearts and as much it pains me to fight you, Tai, I won't let you destroy what all of us have worked for. I will save all worlds, Kari, and stop you.”
Tuxedo Mask summons his own Keyblade and says, “I agree. Serena would never approve of this, Seiya.”
Sailor Starfighter replies, darkly, “I know that she wouldn't, but as long as lives and is safe, I don't care what happens to me or anything else.” Sailor Starfighter then summons a similar sword to Tai's, expect it has black star on the top center portion of the hilt.
Veemon asks Agumon, “You, too, Agumon?”
Agumon tells Veemon, “Even if I don't approve, I will help Tai no matter what.”
Tai asks Solar Moon, “Davis, don't force me to fight you. I don't want to hurt, but I won't let you stop what I'm working for.”
Solar Moon tells Tai, “As long as you are threatening all worlds, Tai, I don't have a choice in the matter.”
Sailor Jupiter asks Tuxedo Mask, “Let us help you!”
Tuxedo Mask replies, in a serious tone, “No! This battle is between Seiya, Tai, Davis, and me! Work on how to get Sailor Sun and the others out of there!”
Sailor Mercury tries to say, “You can't . . .!!”
Solar Moon roars out, in a serious tone and sounding more like Prince Daisuke than Daisuke Motomiya, “That's an order, Mercury! Now! This battle is personal, so, unless my mother says otherwise, stay out of this!”
The others were about to protest when Queen Serenity says, plainly, “Please, everyone, stay out of this fight.” Everyone, expect for the two Senshi of Pluto, look at the former Moon Queen with shock.
Sailor Uranus asks Queen Serenity, “Why, Serenity-sama?”
Queen Serenity tells them in a plain tone, “This is because that this fight is not only to stop them and save all realities, but it is a personal fight with their feelings for the ones that they care about on the line. Prince Endymon and Sailor Starfighter for the love of my daughter, Serenity, Tai, for the love of his sister, the Galaxy Princess, and my son, for the love of his soulmate. They are prepared to put everything into this fight and more and for reasons that even I can't explain, something within my soul tells me that we should not interfere.”
Solar Pluto says, with a sigh and plain tone, “And knowing my prince, who hasn't changed in millennia from what I can see, he won't allow anyone into `personal fights' to make sure they don't get hurt. He is quite stubborn that way.”
Yolei tells Solar Pluto, “No joke, Chrono.”
As the fight begins and our heroes and heroines prepare to watch on, Sailor Aries thinks, tears streaming out of her eyes and solemn tone in her thoughts, “Oh, Tai . . . why? Why did you betray us . . . and Kari like this?”
Solar Moon calls out, “Digi-Armor Energize!” Soon after, the Digi-Egg of Courage appears out of the screen of his D-3 and on the meanwhile, Tai's digivice begins to glow with a bright light.
Armor Digivolution
“Veemon Armor Digivolve to . . . Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!”
End Armor Digivolution
“Agumon Digivolve to . . . Greymon!”
End Digivolution
In place of Veemon and Agumon, Flamedramon and Greymon, who is able to fit inside of the large basement despite his size, prepare to face off while Solar Moon prepares to fight Tai and Tuxedo Mask prepares his Keyblade for the battle against Sailor Starfighter. Within a few minutes, Solar Moon rushes at Tai and Tuxedo Mask charges at Sailor Starfighter and when they get close to each other, Solar Moon's and Tuxedo Mask's Keyblade slams into Tai's and Sailor Starfighter's swords, causing a strong shockwave between them while Flamedramon leaps into the air as the battle between him and Greymon is about to start.
(In another location; Sometime later)
Within some kind of mysterious woods, we find Jun, able to walk, Matt, Yami, Tea, Riku, and Mina walking through some kind of woods with strange metallic belts around their waists with rings connected to the belts for small containers of some sort and strange golden shooters attached to their lower left arms. Our six friends and allies are walking through the woods looking for any way back to where they were.
Riku asks Mina, “How are you doing, Mina?”
Mina tells Riku, “I'm okay, Riku.”
Matt exclaims, shocked, “I can't believe that Tai betrayed us like that!”
Yami tells Matt, “I'm not sure he did of his own free will.”
Tea asks Yami, “What do you mean Yami?”
Yami tells Tea, “Remember, they showed us Kari's and Serena's bodies and they told us that their hearts are missing. Someone must have influenced them by using their feelings for Serena and Kari to use them for their own purposes.”
Riku says, “That's most likely, Yami. Take it from me. I was influenced to aid Xehanort and Maleficent because of Kairi.”
Mina tells Riku, “It looks like that you were right, Riku.”
Riku tells Mina, “Don't blame yourself, Mina. We were quite fooled. I wasn't sure, but their act fooled us.”
Matt says, with a sigh, “Tai really does care about Kari. Remember, he blames himself for Kari nearly dying when she was just a little kid.”
Riku says, in a plain tone, “And it looks like that someone was able to use those feelings against him and us. What we need to do is to find out who.”
Yami then says, “However, first, we need to get out of this place. Wherever here is.”
Tea asks Yami, “Doesn't this place look familiar, Pharaoh? Like we've been in a similar place?”
Yami nods his head and says, looking at the surrounding, “Yes, it does have that feel of familiarity, Tea.”
Matt asks Jun, concerned, “Are you okay, Jun?”
Jun tells Matt, “I feel kind of weak, Matt. But I will be fine.”
Matt tells Jun, with a smile, “I'm glad.”
Mina asks, curiously, “So, where do we go from here?”
Matt says, in a plain tone, “Straight, I guess.”
Mina states, in a bit of a worried tone, “I just hope that there isn't anything here that can attack us.” However, just then, a loud animal-like roar is heard through the woods.
Tea asks Mina, fearfully, “Did you have to say that, Mina?” Yami gets in front of Tea, Riku gets in front of Tea, and Matt gets in front of Jun and the three young males were preparing to protect the three girls.
Riku tells Mina, “Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you.”
Yami nods his head and says, “We will protect you with our lives.”
Tea says, amazed, “Pharaoh . . .”
Matt nods his head and states, “You got that right. As long as we are around, you, girls will be safe.”
Jun states, stunned, “Yamato-chan . . .” Soon enough, shaking and rustling were coming from the nearby woods and the group took a few steps back. Just then a huge Lava Battleguard comes out of the woods in front of them.
Yami exclaims, shocked, “Hold on! That's Lava Battleguard!”
Mina says, a bit fearfully, “I don't think that's a hologram through!” Soon after, Lava Battleguard swings his large club at young heroes and heroines and the guys leap on the three girls to get them out of the way of the attack in time.
Riku asks Mina, “Are you okay?”
Mina tells Riku, with her usual smile, “I'm fine, Riku! You saved me!”
Matt helps Jun onto her feet and she tells him, after kissing him on the right cheek, “Thanks a lot, Yamato. I'm still too drained to fight back.”
Matt blushes in embarrassment and replies, nervously, “No problem.” However, the roar of Lava Battleguard turns their attention back to the monster as it approaches and preparing for another strike.
Riku tells Mina, getting in front of her, “Mina, stay behind me!”
Mina tells Riku, in a worried tone, “I won't let him murder you, Riku!” Our six heroes and heroines move back until Jun's left foot hits a large cylinder capsule and it glows with a bright light as it cracks apart.
As the light engulfs them, our six heroes and heroines are forced to close their eyes and Matt exclaims, “What's going on?!” When the light dies down, there lies a Cyber Harpie by Jun's left side hovering above the where the capsule has been.
Mina calls out, shocked, “A Cyber Harpie!” Immediately, the Cyber Harpie attacks the Lava Battleguard with the seeming intent to protect them from the wild monster.
Tea says, plainly, “It seems like that monster is trying to protect us.”
Yami thinks in his mind, “Could this be . . . ?!” With one minute, the Cyber Harpie gave the Lava Battleguard one powerful swipe of its claws across its chest and it roars as it is destroyed. The Cyber Harpie floats down to the ground, turns towards Jun, bows in front of her, and starts to glow. The Cyber Harpie then transforms into light that goes into the shooter device of Jun's, the shooter opens up, and a small capsule is ejected out onto the ground. Jun bends down, picks up the capsule, and all of them looks at it in amazement.
Jun asks, perplexed, “Okay, what just happened?”
Yami exclaims, in a serious tone, “Somehow, we are in some kind of real-life version of the Capsule Monsters Board game!”
Mina, Matt, and Jun gasp in shock and Matt calls out, shocked, “No way! We are inside some kind of game?!”
Tea asks Yami, “You mean this is like when we went to India and discovered that temple that Shadi made in it?”
Yami tells Tea, “Exactly, Tea. And that means we are in danger as long as we are in the woods.”
Riku asks, perplexed, “What kind of game is `Capsule Monsters'? Is it one from your world?”
Mina tells Riku, “Allow me to explain.” Mina then explains about the Capsule Monsters board game to Riku and Riku nods in understanding managing to get what Mina is saying.
Riku then asks Yami, “And we are in some kind of real-life version of this game?”
Yami tells Riku, “It seems so, Riku. This means we are in mortal danger since this is a real-life version, the environment and monsters are real and they can really hurt us.”
Tea then says, “Until we find some monsters of our own for protection, we had better find some place for shelter and avoid monsters as much as possible.” However, the sound of a tree falling down breaks their conversation and our heroes and heroines look to see one Hercules Beetle, one Mammoth Graveyard, one Swamp Battleguard, one Dark Jeroid, and one Summoned Skull.
Matt exclaims, worriedly, “Too late for that! Run!” Our heroes and heroines ran as fast as they can to get away from the six monsters that were trying to get them.
Mina states, in a plain tone, “Why should we be running? I can transform and get rid of them.”
Tea tells Mina, “You are only one Sailor Scout, Mina! And how knows how powerful they are or if your powers even work here?”
Riku tells Mina, “You can't take that risk! We need to find a safe place!” For the next three minutes, the group continues to run through the woods until Jun, still weakened by the fight with Eugeal, trips and falls to the ground.
The group stops, they look back, and Matt exclaims, horrified, “Jun!” Jun turns her head to see the monsters coming towards her and she tries to get to her feet, but she is straining to get up and knowing she won't get away, she tries to get her transformation brooch, but those monsters are nearly upon her. Matt then looks to see a good-sized capsule beneath his feet and he quickly goes for it. The instant he touches it, the capsule glows as it starts to crack open, and then it bursts into a huge column of light, surprising the monsters and causing them to stop in their tracks. When the light dies down, the Flame Swordsman appears from the light.
Tea exclaims, happily, “Awesome! Flame Swordsman! One of Joey's favorite monsters!”
Not wasting any time to celebrate, Matt commands his monsters, “Flame Swordsman! Protect Jun now!” Flame Swordsman leaps in front of Jun and uses its flaming sword to destroy the Dark Jeroid into nothing, but ash. Matt goes over to Jun and asks her, “Are you okay?”
Jun tells Matt, with a smile, “Oh, thanks a lot, Yamato-chan. That was too close.” However, Flame Swordsman is attacked by the Hercules Beetle and gets hit in the chest. Matt holds his chest in pain as he feels his monster's attack. Jun asks Matt, worriedly, “What's wrong?”
Matt tells Jun, groaning, “I'm feeling my monster's pain.”
Yami tells Tea, worriedly, “Oh no. It is like last time. This must be a Shadow Game or something similar to it. Whenever Matt's monster is damaged, he takes damage as well.”
Mina exclaims, worriedly, “He could be killed!”
Riku then points to something near the ground and says, plainly, “Look!” When Mina, Yami, and Tea look towards the ground, they see four more capsules on the ground. Soon after, Summoned Skull zaps Flame Swordsman and Matt screams out as more pain surges through his body.
Yami yells out, seriously, “Touch one of those capsules! Right now!” Mina, Riku, Yami, and Tea touch one of the four capsules causing them to crack and then burst into light. After the light dies down, Mina gets a Dark Witch, Riku gets Gearfried the Iron Knight, Yami gets the Dark Magician, and Tea gains a Dark Magician Girl.
The four heroes and heroines point to the enemy monsters and calls out in unison, “Attack!” The four monsters immediately rush to the aid of Flame Swordsman with Gearfried attacking the Hercules Beetle with its blades, slicing it in half, Dark Witch uses her lance to take care of the Mammoth Graveyard, and Dark Magician Girl and Dark Magician used a combined Dark Magic attack to destroy the final two monsters, the Swamp Battleguard and Summoned Skull.
Mina calls out, happily, “We did it!” Mina then immediately hugs Riku, who widely blushes at this, and after one minute, Mina realizing what she is doing, blushes in embarrassment, quickly releases Riku from the hug, and tells him, nervously, “Sorry . . . Sorry about that Riku.”
Riku, still having a wide flush in his cheeks, replies, “It is no problem, Mina.”
Jun asks Matt, who is breathing hard, “Are you okay, Matt?”
Matt tells Jun, “Don't worry, Jun. It will take a lot more than this to stop me.”
Jun tells Matt, smiling, “Thanks, Matt. I'm sorry that I'm such a burden.”
Matt tells Jun, with a smile, “You aren't a burden, Jun. I'm surprised that I'm saving you for once since it has been usually you that's been saving my butt. You are a quite incredible person, Jun.”
Jun blushes in embarrassment and tells Matt, nicely, “Thanks, Matt.”
Riku tells everyone, “We had better not stay here for long. We need to find some shelter.”
Tea says, nodding her head in agreement, “Riku's right. We had better go.”
Yami nods his head and says, “Agreed.” After putting their new monsters into their capsules, our heroes and heroines rush off to find some kind of shelter where they can rest and regain their strength.
(Evening inside of the Capsule Monster's world; Somewhere within the forest)
It is nighttime within the Capsule Monster's world and we find Yami staring up at the stars and the full moon with a serious look on his face and within a minute, he hears footsteps behind him. The Pharaoh turns to see Tea walking up to him and sitting beside him.
Yami asks Tea, “What are doing here, Tea?”
Tea tells Yami, “Same as you, Pharaoh. Couldn't sleep.”
Yami nods his head and says, “Same here.” Yami then looks up towards the stars and gives a big sigh.
Tea asks Yami, “Need someone to talk to, Pharaoh?”
Yami shakes his head and says, with a sigh, “No, I'm fine.”
However, Tea puts her hand on his shoulder and when Yami looks at her, Tea tells Yami, in a caring tone, “Pharaoh, I may not know your ancient past, but I know enough about you to know when you are and aren't okay. I'm your friend, Yami. Tell me what's wrong.”
Yami couldn't help to smile and he tells Tea, “It's just . . . I was thinking about . . .”
Tea tells Yami, finishing his sentence, “About Yugi, isn't it?”
Yami nods his head and replies, “I keep wondering where he is, if he is all right, and how am I supposed to rescue him if I can't rescue myself.”
Tea tells Yami, “We will find away and it isn't your fault that he is gone. Maleficent took him away along with the others.”
Yami says, simply, “Who seems to be a pawn in a greater scheme by whoever has manipulated Jun's and Matt's friend, Tai Kamiya. Even with the powers of the Millennium Puzzle, I seem to be helpless against this threat compared to the Sailor Senshi and the Keyblade warriors.”
Tea tells Yami, “Don't worry, Pharaoh. I know that you will save Yugi with the others. You did it before and you will do it, again. And remember, you have got all of us by your side.”
Yami tells Tea, with a smile on his lips, “Thank you, Tea. That really means a lot to me. You're right. Yugi is alive out there and together, we will get him back.”
Tea tells Yami, with a smile, “That's right. I'm really glad that I could help.” Tea then puts her hand on Yami's hand for a few minutes without noticing and when they realize it, they pull away blushing and Tea says, nervously, “I'm-I'm sorry, Pharaoh.”
Yami tells Tea, nervously, “N-No, Tea! It's all right!” The two of them look at each other in the eyes and when they do so, they see each other's caring and feeling for each other. They didn't need to tell each other about how they feel, they can already see it in their eyes. The two of them move their faces closer to each other and when they are really close, they close their eyes and kiss each other passionately on the lips as well as embrace each other in a passionate way. As the night continued on, the two of them continued to have their `make-out' session with their passionate kissing deep into the night.
(Elsewhere; On the meanwhile)
Inside of the cave that our six trapped heroes and heroines had found and turned into their `home' for the night, we find Riku coming up with more firewood for a fire that had Mina sitting cross-legged in front of and Riku puts a few more pieces into the fire.
Riku asks Mina, “How is the fire?”
Mina tells Riku, with her usual smile, “It is very warm. That's good, Riku.” When Riku sits down besides Mina, she gives a slight blush, but quickly regains her composer.
Riku asks Mina, “Mina, can I ask you a question?”
Mina replies, curiously, “Sure. What is it?”
Riku asks Mina, “Well, it is just you are always so cheerful, even in many dire situations. Why is that? How can you be so cheerful?”
Mina tells Riku, in her usual excited tone, “It is just the way that I am, Riku! After experiencing death a couple of times and fighting some of the worst villains in the whole universe, you tend not to let these things get to you. And I play to be a famous pop idol back in my world one day and pop idols can't get themselves all depressed and such. Plus, I'm the Sailor Senshi of Love, which means that making others happy and excited is my business. It just what I do.”
Riku gives his rare smile and replies, “I've got to say, Mina, you are one incredible person.”
Mina tells Riku, “So are you, Riku.”
Riku tells Mina, solemnly, “No, I'm not.”
Mina tells Riku, in her pouting tone, “Don't say such things about yourself!”
Riku tells Mina, “Mina, I betrayed my best friend, let my heart get overcome with darkness, and allowed Xehanort to nearly take over all worlds back in my reality.”
Mina tells Riku, “So, what? My friends, Darien, Rini, and even Hotaru, were used by the forces of evil and brainwashed or possessed, but they overcame the darkness and pulled through for us. And you did the same. You conquered the darkness within yourself and used that power to beat that rotten freak that took over your body. And you even turned that power against the next evil force that you and Sora had to face against. And Hotaru can tell you that using the powers of darkness against evil without losing yourself isn't an easy job. You are one incredible guy, Riku, and you should see that as I do.”
Riku asks Mina, “Do you mean it?”
Mina tells Riku, in her usual excited tone, “On my honor as the Princess and Sailor Senshi of Venus!”
Riku gives his rare warm smile and tells Mina, “Thank you, Mina. I really appreciate that.”
Mina tells Riku, with her usual smile and tone, “My pleasure!”
Riku says, solemnly, “Doesn't look like we will find anything to sleep on.”
Mina sighs and says, “Oh, well. Guess we will have to make do.”
Riku tells Mina, nervously and slightly blushing, “Mina, if you want, you can lie down on . . . on my chest if you want. It might not be nice and soft as a pillow, but . . .”
However, Mina, also blushing, responds, “No . . . No, it is all right.”
Riku asks Mina, still nervous and blushing, “Are you sure?”
Mina replies, also still nervous and blushing, “Well . . . okay.” Riku then gently goes over to lie down next to the wall with his hands on the back of his head for some comfort and Mina goes over and lies down on Riku's chest. Mina thinks in her mind, “Wow. He is so strong. I can feel it in his chest and his vest is so nice and firm, yet, soft.” Mina gives her usual smile, yawns, and then slowly closes her eyes, going to sleep. After Mina starts to give out her sleeping noises, Riku looks down at her for a few minutes and takes his hands away from his head, moving them to Mina's hair.
As he gently blushes Mina's hair, Riku thinks in his mind, “I can't believe that I'm saying this! Mina is so beautiful! She is so pure and strong! She isn't like any girl that I've ever met before!” As Riku thought this, a warm feeling begins to hit his heart and he starts to get a warm feeling with Mina lying on his chest. Smiling, Riku gently wraps his arms around Mina's waist as he goes to sleep with a rare smile on his lips.
(Somewhere else within the Capsule Monster's world; A brief time soon after *WARNING: X-RATED LEMON COMING UP!*)
Elsewhere within the Capsule Monster's world, we find our Digidestined of Friendship walking through the woods looking around in a way like he is looking for something or someone.
Matt says to himself, “Where is she? In her condition, she shouldn't leave camp and she only has one monster! She might be attacked at any time . . .” Just then he hears some splashing and a giggle from a familiar female voice that he knows so well. Matt says to himself, “There she is.” Matt then goes over to where he heard the splash and the female voice that he heard. When he got nearby, he saw an area full of hot springs and a figure in one of them. When Matt cautious goes over to some nearby bushes and peaks out through them, Matt widely blushes when he sees our Digidestined of Destiny within one of the hot springs, totally naked! Her clothes, D-3, tag and crest, sailor transformation brooch, capsule shooter, and belt with one capsule inside of the rings attached to the belt were on a nearby tree.
Jun stood, splashed herself, and says, relieved, “Ah! That's better! I don't know what is in these hot springs, but my energy is almost back up to snuff! This is so awesome!” Jun began to rub her body and Matt tries to look away, but his male hormones get the better of him and he can't seem to look away. Matt can't help, but be nearly hypnotized by Jun's perfect, sexy, and seductive nude form. Her voluptuous breasts are perfectly-shaped, curved, and full as well as the warm water has hardened her nipples, her ivory skin is smooth and seems to shimmer in the light of the moon, her pubic hairs are gone, obviously shaved off, her waist and legs are slender and sexy, and her buttocks and butt cheeks are full, well-shaped, and curved. She does have a hint of tomboy in her look, but mainly, she is a sexy and seductive feminine form.
Matt thinks in his mind, nervously, “Oh, man! Jun will kill me if she knows that I've seen her naked! Got to look away . . . Got to look away . . . But I can't! She is just too . . . too . . . too beautiful!” Matt could feel his hard manhood reaching full erection under his pants and his face gives a slight pained expression when his member pressed on his pants. After several minutes of looking, Matt thinks in his mind, “Okay, I've got to get out of here! If Jun sees me, with her Sailor Senshi powers, I am so dead! I've just got to leave before she sees me or notice me!” Matt then slowly moves to back away, but then he slips on a small piece of very round rock, falls forward, and gives a loud yelp as he is flung from the bushes and into the hot spring that Jun was bathing in, face-first in face. Jun let's out a scream of surprise and quickly covers her breasts with her arms. When Matt gets to his feet, he is dripping wet, clothes and body, and Jun gets a flustered look on her face.
Jun yells out, angrily, “Yamato Ishida, you rotten Hentai! How dare you stare at me while I'm naked!”
Matt tells Jun, nervously, “No! No! I didn't mean to stare at you! I was looking for you! When you disappeared from our temporary shelter, I was concerned.” After Jun hears that, she moves her arms away from her chest and ignored the fact that she was naked for the moment.
Jun asks, perplexed, “You were concerned for me?”
Matt replies, trying not to stare at Jun's nude body, “Yes, I was. You are a very good friend of mine, an important part of our team, and one incredible person . . . I mean . . .”
Jun blushes and tells Matt, “You think that I'm incredible?”
Matt slightly looks away from Jun and replies, nervous that Jun is still nude before him, “Why do you ask that? You really kicked butt especially as Sailor Sun! You got rid of an enemy that killed you, millennia ago, stopped the Heartless, with our help, conquering countless worlds, and with your brother, fought one of the most dangerous enemies that we faced in the form of Sephiroth. You were a real warrior and you really showed the enemy who was boss! Jun, you are one incredible woman.” Jun gives a wide flush at Matt's comments and then notices Matt is looking away from her slightly. Quickly, Jun remembers that she is still nude and blushes in embarrassment as she covers herself as best that she could with her hands and arms. Matt then says, nervously, “Anyway, you finish your bath and I will head back . . .” However, Jun stops covering herself with her arms and hands and goes over to Matt.
Jun tells Matt, in a serious tone, “No way! This hot water will freeze out there and you will catch your death of cold. You are taking a bath right now. You need it anyway. We haven't had one since we got here!” Jun then starts taking off Matt's shirts and all other clothing covering his hands, arms, and chest.
Matt flushes in embarrassment and tells Jun, “Jun, I don't think that this is . . . this is . . . a good idea . . .”
Jun says, in a serious tone, “And letting you freeze is a worse idea! My brother and his friends would kill me if I let you freeze like that!” Jun tells Matt, with a sly smirk on her lips, “Besides, you already saw me nude, so, what's the point in modesty now?” Matt is unable to come up with an argument and knows Jun is a lot stronger than him since he heard she regained nearly all of her strength, so, he allows her to take all of his clothes on his hands, arms, and chest, along his capsule launcher and belt containing the capsule monster in capsule form, throwing them near her clothes, and exposing Matt's very muscular chest. Jun gives a slight blush and thinks, “Yamato-chan has really worked out!” Jun then orders him, “Sit down by the spring and lift your legs! I need to get to your shoes and socks!” Matt, deciding it is a good idea not to argue with a super-strong reincarnated princess, does as he is told, Jun removes his soaked shoes and socks, and finally, Jun removes Matt's jeans and boxers, exposing his nine inch erection. Jun gives another blush, ever redder than before, and thinks, “By the goddess Selene, Matt is so huge!” Jun quickly regains her composer, throws his pants and boxers with the rest of his clothes under the tree that she has hug her clothes, and Jun orders him, “Into the spring.”
Matt replies, nervously, “Yes, ma'am, your majesty!”
Jun sighs and tells Matt, “Matt, I'm not a princess right now! And like you said, you and I are friends, so, please call me `Jun'.”
Matt goes into the hot spring and states, in a sly taunting tone, “Oh, so the mighty `princess of the sun' has a `humble side'.”
Jun tells Matt, in a serious tone, “Watch that mouth, mister, or you won't be producing children.” Matt swallows deeply because Jun's comment makes him quite nervous along with the fact that he is totally nude. Jun splashes the warm spring water all over his body, uses her hands to scrub his body, and then moves to his back and massages Matt's back. Matt smiles and gives sighs of pleasure as Jun massages his shoulders and back.
Matt tells Jun, “Wow! Oh, Jun, that's great! How did you get so good?”
Jun tells Matt, with a smile, “Dad and his job? You've got to learn how to release tension from your dad to make sure your family doesn't get tense. My mom had to learn the same thing.” Jun thinks in her mind, “My words! Matt is so handsome and is a real hunk!”
Matt thinks in her mind, “Wow! Jun is one awesome person! She kicks butts and her massaging ability is beyond this world!” Matt then turns around to face our Sun Princess, which surprised her slightly, and Matt asks Jun, “Jun, there is something that I've always to ask you. Will you please answer it if you want to?”
Jun replies, a bit nervously, “Okay . . .”
Matt tells Jun, “Jun, when you were in your `fan-girl façade', did you really like me or were you just pretending to like me because it gave you friends?”
Jun blushes in embarrassment and replies, “Actually, I did develop a small crush on you. You had real friends and you didn't need to chance. I made the dumb choice to change just to get friends and which to say, that, with a bit of your looks and talent, get me `interested' in you.”
Matt puts his hands on Jun's shoulder, she looks into Matt's eyes, she is amazed to see a growing lust and desire for her in his eyes, and he says, “Well, I feel the same way about you, now.”
Jun is surprised and asks, perplexed, “Even after what I did with you?”
Matt tells Jun, “That's the past, Jun. When I see you fight and see how you command respect as the temporary leader of Serena's team, I couldn't help myself to be mesmerized by a girl like you. Especially when you showed Amara who was the boss.”
Jun wraps her arms around his neck and asks, with a sly smile on her lips and sly tone in her voice, “Well, how about I show how better a girl I can be, Yamato-chan?” Soon after, the two of them locked lips in a passionate kiss, mating their tongues and tasting each other's mouth. And the more that they got into that kiss, the more a warming feeling inside of their hearts continues to grow and the more they get into the kiss as their skin touches each other, Jun molds her breasts to Matt's muscular chest, and Matt feels smooth skin and slender body with his hands. After a few minutes, however, they release from the kiss and look into each other's eyes. And they see the same thing in each other's eyes: Desire. Desire and passionate for each other. They stay in that position for a minute and not saying a word. Jun then says, lowly and simply, “There is some hot sands nearby similar to what certain spas use.”
Matt smiles and says, “I see.” Soon after, unexpectedly, Matt lifts Jun into his arms and says, with a sly smile on his lips, “And why should a princess walk when a loyal knight is able to take her.” Jun can't help to giggle at this as Matt walks over to the sands and places Jun, still nude, onto of the sands in a sitting position. Matt sits down and place Jun between his legs. Matt then moves his head to Jun's voluptuous and beautiful breasts, puts his right hand on Jun's left breasts and begins to massage it, while he puts the nipple of Jun's right breast into his mouth, sucking, licking, and nibbling at her breast nipple. Jun gives moans and sighs of pleasure as Matt continued to massage, fondle, lick, and suck her breasts. She puts her hands on his scalps and fusses with her hair slightly as Matt continues to `fool around' with her breasts. After five minutes, Matt stops and then Jun uses her Sailor Senshi super-strength to get Matt into a 69 position with her face to Matt's hard manhood and Matt's face staring straight at her pussy.
Jun tells Matt, in a seductive tone, “I thought that we try something interesting for our `first night' of `fun'.” Jun then gives Matt's manhood a slight massage causing Matt to groan as his manhood fully stiffens and points straight into the air. Jun then licks the head of Matt's hard member with her tongue, licks the pre-cum off the tip of Matt's manhood, and then puts much of his manhood into her mouth, sucking it up like some kind of erotic popsicle.
Matt groans out, “Ah . . . Oh, Jun . . . Whoa . . . Ah . . . That's good . . . Oh, man . . . Ah . . . you make me . . . you make want to come . . .!!” Matt then moves his face until he is looking directly into Jun's pussy and lashing out with his tongue at Jun's folds and pussy causing Jun to moan with Matt's manhood still in her mouth. As Jun continues to suck Matt's hard manhood, wrapping her tongue all around it, and covering it in her saliva, Matt continues to lash out at Jun's clit with his tongue, making Jun wetter and wetter with each passing second. Soon enough, Matt separates Jun's pussy lips and begins to suck Jun's inner pussy lips and vagina with his tongue causing Jun to loudly moan out with his hard member in her mouth. After four minutes of this, Jun couldn't take it anymore and with one loud moan, she releases her sexual fluids all over Matt's mouth and face. Around the same time, Jun feels Matt's manhood quiver in her mouth and Matt groans out, loudly, “JUN . . . I CAN'T . . . AH . . . AH . . . I'M COMING . . . I'M COMING . . .!!!” Jun takes Matt's manhood out of her mouth and before Matt releases his cum, Jun puts the head of Matt's manhood back into her mouth and when Matt releases his load, Jun manages to swallow every single drop without gagging at all.
When Matt was done, his manhood is still very hard and Jun asks, in an enticing tone, “You really come a lot, Yamato-chan, but why are you still so hard?” Jun uses her hands to massages Matt's member and balls until she makes Matt's manhood very stiff again. Soon after, Jun turns around, so, that she is facing Matt. However, when she does so, Matt quickly changes position with Jun lying on the sand and Matt's body hovering over her.
Matt tells Jun, with a loving smile, “That felt wonderful, Jun.”
Jun tells Matt, seductively, “I'm glad that you liked it.” Matt then aims his hard manhood at Jun's vagina and using the head of his member to rub Jun's pussy lips causing her to moan as she got wet, again. After one minute, Jun moans out, erotically, “Oh, I can't take it anymore. Yamato, just take me!” Matt then gently inserts his manhood into Jun's vagina and she moans as she feels it strength her vaginal walls. However, Matt stops when his hard member hits her hymen.
Matt looks at Jun and asks her, concerned, “Are you sure?”
Jun nods her head and replies, lowly, “Yes, take me.” Jun closes her eyes, Matt does the same, and with one big thrust, Matt breaks Jun's hymen, taking away their virginity, forever. Jun gives a muffled moan of pain as she tries to hold back the cry of pain from her hymen breaking, a bit of blood comes out of Jun's hymen, and Jun sheds a few tears.
Matt tells Jun, concerned, “Sorry about that, Jun.”
Jun tells Matt, breathing heavily, “It is all right. It is my first time, that's all.”
Matt tells Jun, in a low and loving tone, “Well, I promise it work hurt much longer.” Matt kisses Jun's forehead and then starts to thrust his manhood in and out of Jun's vagina at slow and steady pace so that she would get use to him being inside of her. However, he didn't have to wait long as the pain faded away and Jun began to give moans of pure pleasure.
Jun moans out, “Oh, Matt . . . Ah . . . That starting to feel good . . . Ah . . . But you are going . . . too slow . . . Ah . . . Harder . . . Please, harder, Yamato . . .!!” Matt replies with Jun's request by increasing his pace as he starts to thrust his hard manhood in and out of Jun's wet vagina harder and faster until they got to the pace that they wanted. And soon enough, the two of them were making hot love and the area was starting to fill with their moans and groans of pleasure.
Matt gives a groan of erotic excitement as he feels the tightness of Jun's vagina on his hard member and groans out, “Ah . . . Oh, wow . . . Ah . . . Jun, you are so tight . . . Whoa . . . feels incredible . . . Ah . . . you make me want to come . . .!!” However, Matt restrained his excitement as best he could because he wanted this to last and last.
Jun moans out, in pure erotic pleasure, “ . . . Yes . . . Yes . . . This feels so good . . . Ah . . . Ah . . . Keep going, Yamato . . . Don't stop . . . Don't you dare ever stop . . .!!” Two nice long hours pass by as the two of them continued their lovemaking in this fashion with Jun having her arms around Matt's shoulders and her legs around his muscular waist while Matt hovers over Jun's form, pounding his hot manhood into Jun's wet vagina. After the two hours have pasted, Jun then uses her Senshi super-strength to flip Matt over, making him lie down on the warm sand, and Jun jumping up and down on him, using her hands to support herself, and impaling herself on Matt's hard member. Matt puts his hands on Jun's hips and thrust his hips forward causing his manhood to go deep inside of her vagina, Jun gives out a cry of ecstasy. Jun moans out, erotically, “Your cock . . . Ah . . . It is so deep inside . . . Ah . . . Ah . . . deep inside me . . . Ah . . . I can feel you all the way inside me . . . Ah . . . Ah, yes . . . Feels so good . . . so good . . .!!”
Matt groans out in reply, “. . . I'm glad that . . . Ah . . . you are . . . Ah . . . enjoying yourself . . . Ah . . . Ah, man . . . This . . . This feels awesome . . . Please keep it up . . . keep it up, Jun . . . you are really good at this . . .!!” One hour and forty-five minutes pass into this form of their lovemaking and their moans and groans of pleasure and excitement filled the whole of the area that they were in. Soon after, Matt moves into a sitting position, keeps his hands on her hips, Jun wraps her arms around Matt's shoulder and her legs around his muscular waist, and Matt continues to pound his hot manhood into Jun's wet vagina.
Jun cries out, erotically, “OH, MATT . . . AH . . . AH . . . AH . . . I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED . . . DREAMED OF THIS DAY . . . AH . . . AH . . . I'VE ALWAYS WANTED THE TWO OF US . . . LIKE THIS . . . AH . . . OH, TELL ME THAT I'M NOT DREAMING . . .!!!”
Matt loudly groans out, “You . . . You're not dreaming, Jun . . . Ah . . . Ah . . . This is real . . . Ah . . . Ah, man . . . I never thought it would be this good . . .!!” Jun is surprised by this statement from Matt, knowing of his former relationship with Sora Takenouchi AKA Eternal Sailor Aries before all of this started and our Digidestined of Love `awoke' as a Sailor Senshi. However, the immense amount of erotic pleasure and excitement made Jun unable to think anymore and her erotic cries become louder and louder. Another two hours pass as the two lovemakers continue to make steamy love within the hot springs area, their bodies were covered in a huge amount of sweat by this time from their actions and the heat from the hot springs and sands that they were on. Soon after, the two of them return to their original positions with Jun lying down on the ground with her legs around Matt's waist, her arms around his shoulders, and Matt hovering over Jun, pounding his hot manhood into Jun's vagina causing a bit of fluids to splash out with every thrust.
Jun yells out, in pure erotic bliss, “OH, SELENE . . . AH . . . AH, YES . . . MY BODY . . . IT'S SO HOT . . . AH . . . I'M BURNING UP INSIDE . . . AH . . . I'M BURNING . . . OH . . . AH . . . FEELS SO WONDERFUL . . . OH, YAMATO-CHAN, YOU ARE THE GREATEST . . .!!!” Another hour and forty-five continues to go by, but it seems like time slows down for the two new lovers as they continue to make hot love under the stars and moonlight. Their whole bodies were racked with pleasure and the one hour and forty-five minutes that passes to them seemed over one day for them. However, after this time passes, their bodies start to move around frantically as their climaxes drew ever so closer.
Matt groans out, erotically, “Ah . . . Jun, I can't . . . Ah . . . Ah . . . I can't hold it in much longer . . . I'm going to . . . Ah . . . I'm going to come . . .!!”
Jun moans out, in erotic begging tone, “YES . . . COME, MATT . . . AH . . . AH . . . AH, YES . . . COME INSIDE ME . . . I WANT TO FEEL YOU ALL THE WAY INSIDE ME . . . AH . . .!!!” The two of them keep it up for five more minutes, but Jun, pushed over the edge, screams out, in ecstasy, “OH, SELENE . . . I'M COMING . . . MATT, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH . . .!!!” Jun then releases her sexual fluids all over Matt's hot manhood.
Matt is pushed over the edge and roars out, in pure erotic excitement, “JUN, I CAN'T HOLD IT IN . . . I'M COMING . . .!!!” With one loud groan, Matt releases his large load of warm and sticky cum into Jun's waiting womb and when he was done, he slowly removes his soften cock from Jun's wet pussy which causes a bit of their combined sexual fluids to leak out. Matt gently falls on Jun's nude form, her head between her breasts, and the two of them stayed for sometime, trying to catch their breaths and they close their eyes. However, Jun's royal mark begins to glow on her forehead and the ancient symbol of Earth began to glow on Matt's forehead as memories flow into their minds. Memories of the Silver Millennium of another prince with Prince Endymon, that prince getting into arguments with Princess Juniper, Jun's past life, that prince then falling in love with Princess Juniper and likewise for our Sun Princess, and that prince looks very much like our Digidestined of Friendship. After the images and memories fade away from their minds, the symbols on their foreheads fade away, and Matt opens his eyes, making his body hover over Jun's form.
Jun opens her eyes, looks at Matt, and when she looks into his eyes, Jun says, in a low tone and sounding like Princess Juniper, “Yamato, you are . . .”
Matt nods his head and replies, his voice sounding deeper, more `royal', and more mature, “That's right, Juniper.”
Jun's eyes widen and she says, sounding like Princess Juniper still, “Adonis, my love . . .” Jun wraps his arms around Matt's shoulders and the two of them lock lips in a passionate kiss for several minutes, mating their tongues together and tasting each other's mouths and saliva. Jun says, lowly and sounding like Princess Juniper, “Yamato, this is incredible. You are Prince Adonis, younger brother of Endymon, and my soulmate.”
Matt tells Jun, in his more `royal' tone, “Why do you sound so surprised? The way that you `tortured' me is like how we first met.”
Jun tells Matt, giggling and in her `royal' voice, “I guess that you are right. But I need to know something: I know that you and Sora broke up, but you sound like you, two, never engaged in sex.”
Matt tells Jun, in his `royal' voice, “We never beyond kissing and `oral stimulation'. We never felt right about it. Sora loved me, but I think that she loved Tai more.”
Jun says, plainly and in her `royal' voice, “She must be broken up inside.”
Matt says, in a serious tone and in his `royal' voice, “Which is we must get Tai back, Juniper. He is my best friend and I can't leave him manipulated by the enemy!”
Jun kisses Matt on the lips and tells him, “Don't worry, Adonis. In the name of the sun and moon, we will get Tai back and I know that my brother is already on the case. Daisuke will never leave a friend behind.” Jun then says, plainly, “Now, let us get washed and dressed so that we can get back before the Pharaoh and the others get worried about us.”
Matt replies, plainly, “Right.” Matt then realizes something and says, a bit worriedly, “Oh, damn. We didn't use any protection. Your mother will never forgive me if I get you pregnant before you marry.”
Jun tells Matt, with a wide smile, “Don't worry about it, Adonis. Even before my crystal assumed its true form, it still gave my birth control, which meant I only get pregnant when I want to.” Jun asks Matt, seductively, “Unless you want me to become a mother, now . . .”
Matt tells Jun, in a sly tone, “Very funny, Juniper.” The two of them get to their feet and go over to the hot spring to `wash off', but the two of them are making out with passionate kiss and locked in a loving embrace. This is where we leave them as Matt discovers his ancient past and three new relationships are starting . . .
Next time in Chapter 9: Capsule Monsters Adventures, Part Two: As Yami, Tea, Mina, Riku, Matt, and Jun continue their adventures within the Capsule Monsters' world, we find that time in that `world' moves a lot faster than back in Starlight Station. For while minutes and seconds pass in Starlight Station, hours to days pass by for our six heroes and heroines trapped within the Capsule Monsters' world. Back in Starlight Station, Solar Moon goes against Tai, infused with incredible new powers from the darkness, Tuxedo Mask battles against Sailor Starfighter, and Veemon, in all of digivolved forms, fights against Agumon, in all of his digivolved forms, supporting their Digidestined partners. The battle between Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Starfighter is the most intense because they are fighting for the same girl that they love. On the meanwhile, the two mysterious figures summon hordes of Heartless against the rest of our heroes and heroines to keep them from stopping the battle between our three sets of two combatants per fight. During the battle against the Heartless `swarm', the mysterious power that Elizabeth holds fully awakens and it will be a surprise to all of our heroes and heroines, including our four Inner Sailor Senshi of the Moon Kingdom! Back inside of the Capsule Monsters' world, Matt's and Jun's `new relationship continues to `bloom', Mina and Riku gain their own `passionate relationship', and Yami and Tea also tell their feelings for each other. However, romance will have to wait as they continue to advance with the Capsule Monsters' world, gathering more of their own Capsule Monsters, and fighting their way to find their way out of here. Along the way, they meet Shadi and he tells them of a power within the Capsule Monsters' world that could help them fight against the Heartless, but they must past one supreme test in order to get it. Along the way, they must fight through multiple battlefields until they can reach the sight of the `supreme test', which also proves to be their only way home. When they reach the site of their `supreme test', they find that it is all-out Capsule Monsters' war. They must fight against six excellent strategist assembled for this fight as well as their powerful Capsule Monsters and it proves not to be an easy task. And if they lose this `war', they will be trapped within the Capsule Monsters' world, forever! What will be the outcome for this `war'? Can they escape the Capsule Monsters' world? What about the battles between Solar Moon, Tuxedo Mask, and Veemon against Tai, Sailor Starfighter, and Agumon? And what is this mysterious power within Serena's and the Inner Sailor Senshi's friend, Elizabeth? Find out next time on DigiSenshi Hearts!
I know that it took nearly two months to get done, but I hope that the wait was worth it! What do you think of the return of Roxas and Namine? What about the appearance of Elizabeth? Tai's and Seiya's betrayal? Or what happened between Jun and Matt? Before I go, I would like to thank and give credit to V-4-VeNdEtTa and this author's story of `Sailor Moon?' for the idea of the Sailor Senshi known as Sailor Universe. Now, please read and review my story! Those reviews keep inspiring me to keep going and give me good ideas about how I'm doing with my story. I will read your reviews as soon as possible and catch you on the flip-side, Crossover Fans!