Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja ❯ A Hero’s Trial ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
With anyone that’s confused with the last chapter, Tsunade wasn’t turned into a White Zetsu, but I think that’s pretty obvious folks. You see, Kaguya did something similar to a ‘possession’ in which she has taken over Tsunade’s body by using her ‘will’ to take over Tsunade and ‘link’ with her accessing her memories and skills for her own usage. Hopefully, I hope that will clear up that confusion. And you will be seeing that kind of thing in the upcoming chapters, everyone!

Disclaimer: I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, Dragonball/Z/GT, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, and Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible mature adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Ages of characters starting this chapter:
Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: Age 16-17
Sakura Haruno: Age 16
Sasuke Uchiha: Age 16
Kakashi Hatake: Age 31
Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon: Age 16-17
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury: Age 16-17
Raye Hino/Sailor Mars: Age 16-17
Lita Kino/Sailor Jupiter: Age 16-17
Mina Aino/Sailor Venus: Age 16-17
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Age 14-15
Amara Ten’ou/Sailor Uranus: Age 18-19
Michelle Kaiou/Sailor Neptune: Age 18-19
Trista Meiou/Sailor Pluto: Physically, around age 27, but actual age is centuries to around one millennia
Darien Shields/Tuxedo Mask: Age 20-21
Kasumi: Age 19
Ayane: Age 18
Hayate: Age 25
Ryu Hayabusa: Age 25
Tsunade Senju: Physically mid-twenties, but actually 53 years of age.
Hinata Hyuga: Age 16
Shikamaru Nara: Age 16
Kiba Inuzuka: Age 16

Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja

Chapter 4: A Hero’s Trial

Inside of the Hayabusa Village, Jo Hayabusa is looking outside, despite being blind in which the cloth covering his eyes show it, and he using his other senses to ‘see’ in sense in which Momiji is walking towards him.

Momiji asks, “Jo-sama, why did you call for me?”

Jo responds, “I need for you to prepare Namikaze-dono’s return. When he is done resting from his journey, he will need to be prepared for the ‘Ultimate Dragon Trial’.”

Momiji gasps and she yells out, “Jo-sama, you don’t even allow Ryu-sensei, your son, to take it?!”

Jo says, “It is because none of us are worthy to take it, Momiji. I believe that Naruto is that ‘chosen one’ and he will need that power to save both of our worlds.”

Momiji asks, “How can you be so sure?”

Jo says, “An ill wind is in the air, Momiji. The ‘demon rabbit’ made her first attack on Earth.” Momiji’s eyes widen since she also knows the full story of Naruto’s situation since she heard from Naruto with aid from everyone else.

Momiji says, “I see, Jo-sama. I will make the preparations. I just hope that you know what you are doing.”

Jo says, “So do I, Momiji.”

(Elsewhere; on the meanwhile)

Right now, the Sailor Scouts, Darien, two talking felines, Ryu Hayabusa, Kasumi, and finally, Naruto, who is still recovering from the emotional and mental pain from Kaguya’s attack using Tsunade as her ‘puppet’ are entering the temple complex with the statues of the Biju. Inside, the group looks around in which they see murals depicting events in the Elemental Countries, the battle against the Ten-Tails with images of Queen Serenity, Hagoromo, and Hamura together, the images of Asura and Indra, their battle, the birth of the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki clans, the fall of the Silver Millennium, and so many more.

Sailor Jupiter asks, “What are these?”

Sailor Pluto says, “They are depicting events in both Gaea and our solar system. I see the fall of the Silver Millennium.”

Naruto says, looking another mural, “Whoa! That looks like First Hokage-sama and Madara-teme!”

Sailor Pluto says, looking at the same mural, “That’s the first Valley of Ends, Naruto.”

Sailor Moon says, her eyes widening, “Hey! That’s when I became Sailor Moon for the first time!” Everyone then looks to see another mural showing when Sailor Moon met Luna and transformed into Sailor Moon for the first time in her bedroom at her family home.

Kasumi says, “They are depicting events in your history and the history of Naruto’s world.”

Sailor Mars says, “Okay, this is getting weird to me.”

Sailor Moon tells Sailor Mars, “A bit creepy in my opinion.”

Luna says, “It seems like someone here has great knowledge of our past.”

Ryu says, pointing to another mural, “And the history of Naruto’s world especially his own history.” When everyone looks at the mural, they are seeing murals that are depicting the day of Naruto’s birth.

Naruto says, shocked, “This was the day I was born and when Obito, Madara’s pawn at the time, released Kurama from my mom and caused the fox to go on a rampage through the Leaf Village!”

Sailor Venus asks, curiously, “It is?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “I saw it through the memories that my mom showed me.”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Naruto is correct. This is from the memories when I went through his mind to find out who he was when he first arrived here in our world.”

Sailor Jupiter says, looking at more mural, “This place is full of murals that are depicting our battles and the battles in Naruto’s world!”

Sailor Uranus says, with a glare, “Somebody has studying both of us very closely.”

Sailor Neptune says, looking at her Aqua Mirror, “My mirror doesn’t seem to be working here.”

Ryu says, “I’m not surprised, Neptune-san. This place might have powerful charms and seals that negate such things as your talisman.”

Sailor Mars says, “Well, it doesn’t to be messing with my spiritual senses.”

Naruto says, “My sensory abilities from Kurama doesn’t seem to be off.”

Sailor Uranus says, “As well as mine, but I doubt that will help since I’m sensing things all over the place.” They continue on until Naruto and Ryu has everyone stop.

Sailor Venus asks, “What’s wrong?”

Ryu then points to a thin wire on the floor and he says, “That.”

Naruto says, “Step back.” The other step back and Naruto uses a kunai to cut the wire in which multiple arrows and kunai come out of the wall and implant themselves to the other side causing Sailor Moon to yelp.

Sailor Saturn asks, “How do you know?”

Naruto says, “Years in developing a ‘danger sense’.”

Ryu says, “It is what we, ninja, also call a ‘sixth sense’.”

Kasumi says, “However, we don’t rely on it completely to watch out for trouble. We must keep our eyes open.”

Sailor Pluto says, “Agreed, Kasumi-san.”

Sailor Jupiter says, “Murals depicting our lives, history, and battles. Something or should I say, someone has been keeping a close eye on all of us, scouts.”

Sailor Mars asks Sailor Mercury, “How is your scanner?”

Sailor Mercury responds, showing her using her computer and visor, “Not very good. It can detect a strong power in here, but it can’t lock it down.” Sailor Mercury then stops, motions for everyone to stop, and she says, pointing to the floor, “However, it can help detect traps.” The group moves back a bit and Naruto throws a weight where Sailor Mercury pointed causing a huge section of the ceiling to crash down like a piston in front of them.

Sailor Moon says, nervously, “Okay! That will hurt!”

Sailor Mars tells Sailor Moon, “No kidding, Meatball Head. Just don’t touch anything.” Tuxedo Mask then feels something off and he goes over to a nearby wall in which he opens a panel to find a switch.

Sailor Venus asks, “What is that?”

Ryu tells Tuxedo Mask, with a nod, “Pull it.”

Tuxedo Mask responds, “Right.” Tuxedo Mask pulls the switch and a part of the wall sides away.

Sailor Jupiter says, amazed, “A secret passage!”

Ryu says, “Most likely, a safe way to our destination.”

Sailor Moon says, “Nice work, Tuxedo Mask.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “Thank you, Sailor Moon.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Man, you have got the instincts of a ninja in you. But then again, you manage to sneak into all of your girlfriends and her fights without anyone noticing until your rose hits the ground or your target.”

Sailor Venus says, “Yeah, you’re right! Neither us or our enemies ever notice you until you make your big entrance!”

Sailor Jupiter says, “That’s a good point! I don’t know how you do that!”

Luna says, with a smile, “With a lot of practice!”

Artemis asks, “You think that his visit on the final day of the Silver Millennium was the only time that he snuck into the palace?”

Luna says, with a smile, “Prince Endymon was a warrior and it is said that Sage and his youngest actually manage to teach him quite a few ‘tricks’.”

Naruto asks, “Really?’

Artemis says, with a nod, “Like we said, Asura and his family were very good friends of the Lunarian royal family and even the Earth royal family namely Prince Endymon. I think that it was your fault, as Asura, that made Endymon so good at stealth. He always puts the guards in a tizzy when he ran circles around them when he snuck into the palace to see Princess Serenity.”

Sailor Moon says, with a warm smile, “I’m not surprised that my prince is so talented.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “Thank you, Sailor Moon-chan. However, I believe that we are going to more than just plain tricks for fight Kaguya.”

Sailor Pluto says, “It seems like being sealed away hasn’t changed her attitude in one bit and her hatred has grown even stronger.” Soon enough, the group heads into the secret passage which closes right behind them.

(Returning to the Elemental Nations; on the meanwhile)

Within Kaguya’s ‘mysterious lair’, she and Black Zetsu, attached to her left arm, are thinking about the next stage of their plans to find and kill Naruto as well as Sailor Moon for the threat that they pose and revenge against Kaguya’s son, Hagoromo, and Sailor Moon’s mother in her past life, Queen Serenity, two of the people that helped seal her away for a long time.

Kaguya says, “Queen Serenity’s daughter must pay.”

Black Zetsu asks, “Why not take the home that she loves?”

Kaguya asks, “Use my power to bring my will onto the people?”

Black Zetsu says, “Doubtful that it will work, mother. Remember, the Earth’s moon was the home of that wretched Queen Serenity and her family. Even though it was destroyed, it doesn’t mean that the instant that you try to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the wench won’t find a way to use the last of her power to make it backfire on you.”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “Yes, you are right.” Kaguya’s Byakugan eyes activate and she says, with a sneer, “However, we can’t let them go unpunished.”

Black Zetsu responds, “You are right, mother. And if they are going to Hamura for help, it means that they may get their hands on those accursed weapons that they used against you before.”

Kaguya says, with a sneer, “I won’t allow it! I will make them pay for even thinking of trying to destroy me!”

Black Zetsu says, “Yes, those pests will pay for even thinking such a thing! However, we must be careful! That princess’ wretched crystal is as stronger as even if not stronger. We need to find something to turn against Princess Serenity and her wretched guardians as well as her boyfriend.”

Kaguya asks, “But how?”

Black Zetsu responds, with a sly tone, “Let us take a page for the ninja handbook and gather intelligence first, mother.”

Kaguya responds, “Good idea, Zetsu.”

Black Zetsu says, “And I know which is your new ‘thralls’ we should use.”

Kaguya says, “Show me, Zetsu.”

Black Zetsu says, with an evil smile, “Follow me, mother.” Kaguya then allows Black Zetsu to lead the way to find the correct ‘thralls’, those under the control of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, for them to use to gather intelligence to find the weaknesses of the Sailor Scouts to use against them.

(Back with our heroes and heroines; Later on)

Out of the secret passage, Ryu, Kasumi, Naruto, and Tuxedo Mask head off first with the Sailor Scouts and two felines following behind them. All of them are amazed to find themselves in front of what looks like the inside of a Shinto shrine with symbols for the Kaguya, Hyuga, Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki painted all over.

Sailor Saturn says, “This is incredible.”

Sailor Neptune says, “These symbols.”

Naruto says, “I don’t recognize one of them, but I know that these are the symbols of the Hyuga, Senju, Uchiha, and the red whirlpool one is my clan insignia, the clan of the Uzumaki.”

Sailor Mars says, pointing to something, “Over there!” Everyone looks to where Sailor Mars is pointing and they gasp to see a life sized statue of Queen Serenity in front of them and it is a perfect replica of Queen Serenity, down to the color of her hair, skin, eyes, and clothing.

Luna says, “That’s Queen Serenity!”

Naruto asks, amazed, “That’s her?”

Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “It is. It is a perfect colored statue of her.”

Naruto says, “She is beautiful, Serena.”

Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “She was… She is.”

Sailor Jupiter says, pointing somewhere else, “Take a look at that.” Everyone then looks at where Sailor Jupiter is pointing at and they are stunned to see a perfect life-sized replica of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the Six Path Sage, Hashirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Itachi Uchiha, Jiraiya of the Sannin, Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, and finally, even Sailor Moon herself in all of her forms ranging from her first fuku down to her Eternal Sailor Moon form as well as Princess and Neo-Queen Serenity.

Sailor Moon says, shocked, “That’s me!”

Naruto says, stunned, “And Old Man Hagoromo, First Hokage-sama, Old Man Third, Itachi, Pervy Sage, and even my parents!”

Sailor Neptune says, “And they are so details including princess’ statue.”

Sailor Uranus asks, “Why would someone make these statues?”

Just then a male voice says, in a sage-like tone, “Because they are people to be honored and respected who have fought for the ways of peace for everyone in their worlds.” Everyone whips to the source of the voice to see a humanoid form take shape and they gasp when they can see the humanoid form in detail.

The humanoid figure is a tall man with featureless white eyes and horn-like protrusions on his forehead. He also had no eye brows and long light-colored hair with bangs combed to the left, a single chin-length lock which hung from the right side of his face. He is wearing a light, full-length kimono with a pattern of six black magatama around a high collar and dark pants. He had his sword in its sheath strapped to his left hip and his eyes are the unmistakable Byakugan.

Naruto says, seeing his eyes, “This guy! He… He has the Byakugan! I know those eyes anywhere!”

Kurama shouts out, “Kit, that’s him! That’s Uncle Hamura!”

Naruto gives a gasp of surprise and the man says, “I take it that Kurama told you already, young Naruto.”

Naruto asks, shocked, “So, you are Old Man Hamura-sama, the brother of Old Man Hagoromo!”

The man gives a twitch with his right eye and Kurama yells out, angrily, “You better damn well show respect, kit! Uncle Hamura may have allowed himself to fade away from the history books of his own free will, but he is just as important as our father for saving the world centuries ago!”

The man then says, with a plain tone, “Tell Kurama that it is all right. I can see that you are truly indeed my nephew’s, Asura’s, pure reincarnation. Like Asura, he really has no respect for his elders.” The man, identified as none other than Hamura Otsutsuki, says, “You are the same as always in this life as in your previous one, Asura.”

Sailor Pluto says, “Hamura-dono, it is an honor to meet you, again.”

Hamura responds, “It is an honor to see you, again, Sailor Pluto-dono. The years have been indeed kind. Your physical beauty hasn’t changed one bit in which you may make the soldier of Venus, the guardian of beauty quite jealous.”

Sailor Venus yells out, annoyed, “No way! I’m not jealous of her!”

Sailor Mars asks, drolly, “Really, Venus-chan?”

Ryu tells Hamura, “It is an honor to meet you, Hamura-dono. Forgive us for intruding into your castle.”

Hamura responds, “It is all right, Ryu Hayabusa, heir of the Hayabusa. It is my honor to welcome you. You have honored the ways of your shinobi world and proven to be an honorable and mighty warrior as well as the former heiress of the Mugen Tenshin clan. Despite what the laws of your clan said, you fought with honor and made sure that fiend that used to be your uncle was unable to harm anyone else like your brother.”

Kasumi says, “I thank you for your kind words, Hamura-dono.”

Sailor Pluto tells Hamura, “Hamura-dono, there is a reason that we are here.”

Hamura says, “I already know, Pluto. I have already felt the reemergence of my mother back on my home world.”

Naruto asks, “You do?”

Hamura responds, “I am one with the spirit world like my brother, Naruto. Do you think it not easier to know what’s going on the entire universe?”

Kurama tells Naruto, “He has got you there, kit.”

Naruto retorts, drolly, “Thanks a lot, Kurama.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “Then you know why we are here.”

Hamura says, “To acquire the technique that I had developed in order to free the Shinju from the will and spirit of my mother and send into the afterlife for eternity.”

Naruto yells out, excitedly, “Yeah! That’s right!”

Hamura responds, “This is a forbidden technique that I had developed because you must know that it entails break the core chakra of a being, in short the essence or spirit, shattering it, and sealing it to the far reaches to the universe in which despite that being still existing, they can never be revived because their essence is scattered and sealed away. Because of that, I had made it only my power or my brother’s power could use it. You have half of that power and you need the other half and the Star Saber, the legendary weapon that Queen Serenity gave my brother to weld against the Ten-Tails so long ago. However, I will not give it to you unless you past a test.”

Sailor Uranus asks, “A test?”

Hamura says, “Yes, a test. The proof to show that you are worthy to use this power responsibility. I cannot just give it away. I need to know that it is in the best of hands so that its power will not be abused, which is the case for all of you, or wasted, in which I am not sure for certain reasons.”

Sailor Neptune asks, “Certain reasons?”

Tuxedo Mask responds, “What do we need to do to prove our worth, Hamura-dono?”

Hamura says, “It is not you that needs to prove anything, Prince Endymon. Your beloved princess is already worthy, but this mighty sword needs to be welded by the reincarnation of my nephew and this is his test!”

Naruto asks, “My test?”

Hamura says, “Right now, there are two ‘saviors’ in this world. The savior of Earth, Sailor Moon, reincarnation of Princess Serenity, and as of this moment, she is already worthy to weld this sword.” Just then images of Sailor Moon’s greatest battles including the Chaos-possessed Galaxia and he says, “This battle shows why. Even when Galaxia herself gave up on herself, you refused to give up on the hope that her life can be saved and Chaos driven from her body.”

Sailor Moon says, “Galaxia was a good person at heart and Chaos was the one really responsible for all of the horrible things. She didn’t deserve to suffer for what Chaos did in her body.”

Hamura nods his head and Hamura tells Naruto, pointing to him, “However, you are the savior of our world, heir to my brother, and you are not ready. Before you scream out why is that so, allow me to ask you a question? Do you think that you have conquered your darkness by overcoming your inner hatred?”

Naruto asks, “Huh?”

Hamura responds, “If that’s so, then you are a fool. The darkness that can destroy a person from within is more than hatred. It is fear, doubt, and despair among others and those form a dark cloud in your heart and spirit. While you have done well to overcome your hatred, you have yet to overcome your darkness and it threatens to destroy you and two worlds from the threat of my mother.”

Naruto’s eyes widen and he thinks about Hamura’s words in which Kurama tells him, “Uncle Hamura is right, kit. And don’t give me any crap about it! He is a Sage after all!”

Hamura tells Naruto, “This is why this is your test and your test alone, Naruto. If you can overcome the darkness, you will have a chance to defeat and destroy my mother once and for all and bring peace to two worlds. Fail and it will be the end of your journey. If you think me extreme, even if I let you go if you don’t pass, you will die anyway at the hands of my mother in one form or another since she will use that darkness in you to destroy you even with the help from the Moon Princess, her prince, and the princess’ guardians who will be destroyed in the attempt.”

There are gasps and Artemis asks, “Are you sure, Hamura-dono?”

Hamura says, with a nod, “Absolutely sure, Artemis.”

Naruto says, “Then I have no choice. Let’s do it!”

Tuxedo Mask asks Naruto, “Are you sure?”

Naruto says, “You heard Old Man Hamura-sama. I’ve got no other choice. In order to kick that old fossil of a mother of his, I’ve got to pass his test. And anyway, I’ve never backed down from a challenge! That’s who I am! Believe it!”

Sailor Uranus says, with a smirk, “Kid has got guts.”

Hamura says, “Yes, he does, but we will see if he can succeed.” Hamura asks Naruto, “Are you certain about this Naruto?”

Naruto retorts, “Do you really need to ask that question if I’m so like your nephew, Old Man Hamura?”

Hamura replies, “I believe the answer is no, my boy. Good luck and you will need it.”

Naruto yells out, “I’m not afraid!”

Hamura responds, with a deep glare, “You will be, my boy. You will be. (A/N: Forgive the Star Wars reference, I couldn’t resist. AND I DON’T OWN STAR WARS!!!)” Naruto is nervous by this glare and his words, but he doesn’t have time to consider either when he vanishes in a bright light.

Sailor Moon says, shocked, “Naruto!”

Sailor Pluto says, “Hamura-dono has sent him to his test, my princess.”

Sailor Moon asks, “Do you think that he will be okay?”

Tuxedo Mask replies, “All we can do is believe in him, Sailor Moon. It is all that we can do.”
Sailor Moon nods her head in agreement and while both Sailor Moon and her beloved both wonder if Naruto will be all right, Sailor Uranus thinks, “Good luck, Naruto. Something tells me that you are going to need all the luck that you can get.”

(Heading to the Mugen Tenshin Village; A short time soon after)

Inside of the Mugen Tenshin Village, Hayate is looking high up into the sky as his father, Shiden, comes into the room.

Shiden asks Hayate, “You sense it too, Hayate?”

Hayate says, with a nod, “Yes, I do. A great darkness is threatening our world.”

Shiden says, “And that young ninja from that ‘other world’ is one of our only hopes.”

Hayate says, “Ryu said that the ancient lore of his clan spoke about that if a person with the power of the ‘aura of a maelstrom’ appears, a time of great disaster by the evil in which only he and the ‘chosen one’ of our world, a warrior princess shielded by the light of the moon, are the only ones that can stop this evil: A fiend that dares to call herself a goddess.”

Shiden says, “I believe that boy is the one, but he is not ready. I believe that this quest is to prepare him for this battle which will decide the fate of two worlds and prepare the Moon Princess as well.”

Hayate says, “One young boy, so pure, yet experiencing the worst that humanity has given him and one young girl, an innocent regular young lady, yet thrust into battles that have the greatest of stakes and into the grandest of destinies yet wanting nothing other than the simple dream of love.”

Shiden says, “Yes, but I fear that terrible tragedy looms ahead.” Hayate looks at his father as he walks away and Hayate can hope and pray that Shiden’s words aren’t true.

(Rejoining Naruto; shortly thereafter)

Naruto opens his eyes to find himself back within Kaguya’s dimension or so to seems.

Naruto asks, “Where am I?”

Just then a familiar sinister voice responds, “Where do you think Uzumaki?” Naruto whips around to the source of the voice to see Kaguya right in front of him.

Naruto transforms into his Six Path Senjutsu Mode/Sage Mode and he yells out, “Kaguya! Zetsu!”

Black Zetsu tells Naruto, “Welcome home, Uzumaki. You are too late.”

Naruto responds, “What do you mean?”

Black Zetsu replies, slyly, “Look in front of you, fool.” Naruto then looks down at Kaguya’s feet and he gasps to see the mangled forms of Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi.

Naruto yells out, “No! Kakashi-sensei! Sakura! Sasuke!”

Black Zetsu responds, “They were such fools. They were fighting so hard and declaring that you would be back to save them all. They continue on foolishly right to the end.”

Sasuke grunts out, weakly, “You… Dobe… what took you… so long…?”

Sakura groans out, “How could you… could you Naruto… we believed in you… now… everything is lost… everyone is lost…”

Kakashi grunts out, “Minato-sensei… believe in you… you are his son… how could you fail… him… fail us… this world… I believed in you… despite having failed you… Naruto…”

Naruto shouts out, horrified, “No!”

Black Zetsu says, slyly, “They are gone and with them, all of your hope.”

Naruto yells out, angrily, “You are going to pay for this!”

Black Zetsu tells Naruto, “Don’t blame me. Blame yourself. You were the ‘chosen one’, meant to save them all from us, and yet, you failed. It’s over. The world belongs to mother now and forever!”

Naruto shouts out, shaking his head, “No, you’re lying!”

Black Zetsu retorts, slyly, “Am I?” Just then the whole scene turns to pitch black and Naruto looks around to figure out what’s happening.

Naruto yells out, “What’s going on?”

Just then a familiar male voice shouts out, “I believed in you, boss.” Naruto whips around only to get nearly cut by Konohamaru Sarutobi, age 13 and the grandson of the Third Hokage who looks up to Naruto in usual circumstances.

Naruto asks, stunned, “Konohamaru?”

Konohamaru says, his not clearly seen by Naruto, “I truly believed in you, boss. But you failed the will of my grandfather and you failed the world! You abandoned us to our fate!”

Naruto yells out, “No, I didn’t!” However, Naruto gasps in horror as he can see Konohamaru’s face and the left half of Konohamaru’s face looks like White Zetsu’s face.

Konohamaru yells out, “I believe in no one but my goddess: Kaguya!”

Naruto shouts out, horrified, “No! No! No, this can’t be!” Naruto then dodges more attacks from Konohamaru and he shouts out, “Konohamaru, stop! Fight her! Fight Kaguya!”

Konohamaru says, “Why would I fight my goddess, boss? She won’t abandon me like you did to the world!”

Naruto yells out, “I didn’t abandon anyone!”

Konohamaru shouts out, “Then why do we belong to our goddess, Naruto?!” Konohamaru charges in for a kill shot in which Naruto uses a Rasengan to stop him in which he rolls to the ground in a slump.

Naruto yells out, shocked, “Konohamaru!” However, Konohamaru then shoots up with an evil smile on his twisted face and Naruto twists to leave only to see Hinata Hyuga right in front of him in which he asks, stunned, “Hinata?”

Hinata, who’s face is in shadows, says, lowly, “I believed in you, Naruto-kun. I loved you so much. I don’t blame you for ignoring me for so long since I never had the courage before to tell you how I truly feel. However, how could you? How could you abandon your team? How could you abandon us? How could you abandon me?” When Hinata’s face can be seen, Naruto gasps to see the Shinju eye on her forehead and her eyes, instead of the typical lavender-white Byakugan, are the cold eyes of Madara’s grey-violet Rinnegan.

Naruto says, horrified beyond belief, “No.” Naruto then yelps as Hinata attacks her and he shouts out, “Please stop, Hinata-chan! You aren’t yourself!”

Hinata responds, “I am who you made me, Naruto-kun. I have no need for you anymore. My goddess Kaguya-sama has provided me with the perfect Naruto for me. I don’t need some ‘real version’ that left me behind to be all alone and who never answered me when I admitted my love for him so many times! My goddess and the dream world that she has given me all that I needed! I don’t need you anymore!”

Naruto yells out, horrified, “No, this can’t be happening!”

Just then Black Zetsu’s voice shouts out, “But it is, Naruto! This is no Genjutsu! You have failed! The world belongs to my mother! We are all one! We don’t need you anymore! We don’t need a failure of a so-called ‘savior’!” Soon enough, everyone that Naruto known in his life that he cares appears in front of him in which they either have half-White Zetsu faces or they have Rinnegan-like eyes and Shinju eye on their forehead like Kaguya.

Kaguya yells out, “Take him!”

All of them say in unison, “Yes, goddess-sama!” All of them then move in on Naruto and he tries to escape, but he can’t move in which he looks to see Shikamaru, with a half-White Zetsu face holding him with his Shadow Possession Jutsu.

Naruto shouts out, “Shikamaru, please.”

Shikamaru responds, “Troublesome, Naruto. There is only the will of our goddess-sama, Kaguya. Nothing else matters. You don’t matter anymore.” Soon enough, Naruto is swarmed by his ‘precious people’ and he screams out as he is covered by them. Next thing that Naruto knows, he is underwater in pitch black darkness and he feels weak as he is falling deeper into the water and out of his Six Path Senjutsu cloak.

Kakashi’s voice rings, “Those that break the rules are trash, but those that abandon friends are worse than trash, Naruto.”

Tenten’s voice yells out, “How could you leave us? We believed in you! Neji believed in you!”

Naruto thinks in his mind, “Kurama? Kurama?! Man, even Kurama has abandoned me! I can’t feel the Biju’s power. Maybe… Maybe they are right. Maybe I have abandoned everyone. Maybe I have failed. I’ve… I’ve lost everyone.”

As Naruto continues to fall deeper into the pitch black water, Neji’s voice screams out, “How dare you?! How dare you give up, Naruto?!” Naruto then looks up to see the form of Neji Hyuga in front of him.

Naruto thinks, weakly, “Neji?!”

Neji’s ‘spirit’ shouts out at Naruto, “Where is the Naruto Uzumaki that said that he would be Hokage?! The Naruto Uzumaki that fought against the worst odds, odds that no one else should have won and yet, he did! Where is that Naruto Uzumaki?! Where is the true Naruto Uzumaki?!”

Naruto says, weakly, “Neji…”

Neji’s ‘spirit’ tells Naruto, “Have you forgotten all those that have given their lives believing in you?! Have you forgotten that you have been in the battles that you shouldn’t have won and yet, you did?! Have you shown that not even fate itself has any hold on you?!” Just then Naruto sees his battle against Neji Hyuga back in the Chunin Exams when he was younger and his victory despite all of the odds against him.”

Naruto says, “I remember.”

Just then Gaara’s image appears in front of him and he says, “Have you forgotten yourself, Naruto? Have you forgotten that you have showed me the light?” Soon enough, Naruto then sees his battle with Gaara during the invasion of the Leaf by the Sand and Sound just after his battle with Neji comes into his mind.

Naruto says, “Yeah. It was a hard fight.”

Soon enough, Jiraiya of the Sannin’s ‘spirit’ appeared and he says, “No joke, gaki. It was a hard fight.”

Naruto says, stunned, “Pervy Sage!”

Jiraiya tells Naruto, “You mastered a jutsu that it took your father three years to create and for me to master in a year in no time flat, kid! I don’t think that you are the savior that the Toad Sage predicted, I KNOW that you are the one, gaki. Because no matter what, you never gave up and you continued on ahead. You overcame Kabuto despite everything.” Soon enough, the images of his first use of the full Rasengan against Kabuto appears.

Gaara says, “And you put yourself on the line to save him since you knew my pain.”

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, in his non-Reanimated form, appears and he says, “And you show the Will of Fire when that flame was diminished by the villagers by their wrongful actions including my own when I should have taken care of you better. You rose about their hatred and became a better person than the majority of the Leaf ever hoped to be, my boy.”

Nagato then appears in front of Naruto and he says, “Have you forgotten about our battle? Remember the words that you said to me after you won our fight.” Just then Naruto’s battle against Nagato, as Pain and using his Deva Path, appear in which Naruto prepared his Rasengan for the final blow.

In the battle, Naruto hears himself shout out, “Give up on making give up!” Those words ring true as Naruto remembers his whole life up to this point

Just then his mother, Kushina Uzumaki, appears and she says, “Listen to them, honey.”

Naruto asks, amazed, “Mom?”

Minato Namikaze, in his non-Reanimation form, says, “They are right, son. You never gave up then and you never gave up now. No one made you give in. Not Neji, Gaara, Orochimaru, Sasuke, Pain, Kurama, and even Obito and Madara.”

Jiraiya says, “Despite what I said, you refused to give up on Sasuke since you felt that there was good in him despite how far he had fallen.”

Neji says, “You have always believed in the best in everyone and you refused to give up on anyone including yourself.” Neji asks, “Was I wrong in that statement, Naruto?”

Kushina tells Naruto, “Despite everything, we are all here for you, Sochi. Plenty of us may be gone, Naruto, but we are always here for you. There is always hope. Hope for everyone and hope for a new tomorrow in which you represent. You can’t give up! You are the light to a new future.”

Minato tells Naruto, “I always believe that you were the child of the prophecy, Naruto. I knew that you would outshine me and create a wonderful future for everyone. However, in order to be that light, you need to bring out the light of your star within you. Remember your new friend’s words.”

Just then Tuxedo Mask’s/Prince Endymon’s ring out, “Why do we fall, Naruto-san?”

Naruto gasps and he replies, lowly, “To pick ourselves back up and grow stronger from the fall, dad.”

Minato nods his head and he asks, “Are you ready to pick yourself back up?” With those words, Naruto remembers his whole life, thus far, especially starting with his ninja carrier as well as meeting all of the people that he ‘touched’, Tazuna, Inari, Tsunami, Koyuki, Shizuka, Shion, Tsunade, and so many more and his determination and will start to blaze back in his heart stronger than ever causing him to glow in a golden light.

Naruto thinks in his mind, “They’re right! They are all right! Everything is lost if I give up hope! If I give in to despair and fear, there is no hope for Sasuke, for Sakura, and for our world and all that I love! I won’t give up! I can’t give up! I refuse to ever give up! Not for those that died believing in me! I know that I will save my world! I WILL save both worlds from Kaguya! I will save everyone, believe it!” Just then Naruto ‘erupts’ in golden light causing his Six Path Senjutsu Mode to ‘reactivate’ and the whole ‘underwater realm’ to shatter like glass to reveal himself back in front of Kaguya and Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu shouts out, “What?!”

Naruto tells Black Zetsu, “I refuse to give up, you blob! I told you before that the ninja world and its history is more than just you! It is made up of so many people and their stories along with their lives and dreams! Dream that I refuse to let die! There are so many people counting on me! There are so many people that have died believing in me and believing in the words of Old Man Hagoromo, in one form or another! I will win! I will defeat you and Kaguya! I will destroy you and bring your legacy to a final end! It’s over, Kaguya!” A strange symbol glows on Naruto’s head as he charges in with incredible speed and Kaguya tries to hit him with her All-Killing Ash Bones, but she misses every time and Naruto gets close to her with a lightning chakra powered Rasengan.

Lightning Style: Lightning Blade Rasengan!

Naruto then slams the lightning powered sphere chakra into Kaguya’s forehead, ramming his fist into it, destroying her ‘third eye’, and he yells out, “This is the power of my friends and loved ones! The power that Kakashi-sensei gave me!” Kaguya roars out in pain and agony as she starts to crack before exploding into white light. Back with Hamura, the Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, Ryu, Kasumi, and the two Lunarian felines, they gasp as they see a bright light appear and Naruto, in his Six Path Senjutsu Mode, in which he is glowing a beautiful golden aura is in front of them.

The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask say in unison, “Naruto!”

Naruto says, with his trademark foxy grin, “Sorry I’m late. It was a ‘bumpy road’, believe it!”

Sailor Uranus thinks in her mind, “His aura…”

Sailor Mars thinks in her mind, “I can feel it! Naruto has grown stronger! Way stronger! Not just in body, but in mind and spirit!”

Hamura tells Naruto, with a smile and nod, “Well done, Naruto. You have pasted the test.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Thanks Old Man Hamura.” But then Naruto yells out, angrily, “But if you ever do that to me, again, I will kill you and I don’t care if you are a spirit, I’ll revive you and then I’ll put down your ass for putting me through that kind of ‘test’, believe it!”

Everyone is surprised by his outburst and Hamura says, shaking his head and smiling, “You really are Asura’s purest reincarnation, Naruto. I would expect Asura to say something like that.” Hamura then creates an orb and he says, “And now, for your reward, but not just your reward, Naruto. This is a reward for the Sailor Soldiers as well.”

Sailor Mercury asks, “For us?”

Hamura says, “My mother threatens two worlds, my home and your home, and Naruto will need your help as well as the ‘chosen one’ of Earth, Sailor Moon. To Naruto, I grant him a portion of my chakra and the knowledge on how to use the technique that you see, but to the Sailor Scouts and the Moon Princess, I also grant the portion of my chakra and ancient ninja animal spirits of this world in which I hope that they will guide in the battles ahead.” An orb of energy goes over to Naruto, but ten other orbs come out and take the form of ten animals, real and mythical, a fox, a dragon, a wolf, a unicorn, a phoenix, a bear, an owl, a falcon, a dolphin, and ape. The fox goes into Tuxedo Mask, the dragon goes into Sailor Moon, the wolf goes into Sailor Mercury, the unicorn goes into Sailor Venus, the phoenix goes into Sailor Mars, the bear goes into Sailor Jupiter, the owl goes into Sailor Saturn, the falcon goes into Sailor Uranus, the dolphin goes into Sailor Neptune, and the ape goes into Sailor Pluto and all of them glow as the orb that went to Naruto goes into Naruto causing Ryu and Kasumi to cover their eyes.

Kasumi says, awe-struck, “My eyes!” When the glow stops and Ryu and Kasumi could look, they are amazed to see the Sailor Scouts have brand new forms in which all of them are now Eternal Sailor Scouts in which the Inner and Outer Sailor Scouts have four white wings like Eternal Sailor Moon’s wings coming of their back, colored shoulder pads to match their Sailor Scout colors, and their heart broaches have four white wings coming out of them along with jewels in the shape of the ‘energy animals’ that entered their bodies. However, the Sailor Scouts also have ninja style white masks over their noses and faces, their cloth chokers are now metal chokers in the form of ninja headbands with the center of the choker having the golden crescent moon behind their planetary symbol, their gloves are fingerless exposing colored fingernails, their high-heeled shoes/boots have gained higher heels and they are open-toed to show colored toenails, they have black colored armored elbow and kneepads, and attached to their skirts are pouches for ninja tools with a short samurai style sword attached to the rear of their skirts.

The Inner and Outer Sailor Scouts look at themselves and Sailor Mercury says, amazed, “We’re Eternal Sailor Scouts.”

Sailor Uranus says, “We’re more than Eternal Sailor Scouts now.”

Sailor Venus says, “Yeah, we’re Eternal Kunoichi Sailor Scouts, Mercury!”

Sailor Jupiter says, “This is awesome!” When they look at Sailor Moon, they are awe-struck at her new look in which she, now, has eight huge and fluffy wings coming out her back, a crown of white feathers on the forward portion of her scalp, a silver crown with a rose colored heart-shaped jewel on the top of her scalp, a silver ninja mask over her nose and mouth, her cloth choker is a metal choker in the form of a ninja headband with the golden crescent moon sigil in the center, her broach has eight wings attached to it and a golden dragon jewel surrounding it and the golden crescent moon jewel also attached to the broach, she has the same black armored elbow and kneepads, her gloves are fingerless showing off silver colored fingernails, her high-heeled boots have higher heels and they are open-toed to show silver toenails, she has a sheath for a short samurai-like sword attached to the rear of her skirt, which is now golden, pink, and blue, and pouches for multiple ninja tools especially a medical pouch attached to her skirt as well. In her hands is a pearly white specter with a white staff, the top is a dragon’s head with an open mouth and there is a rainbow jewel in the mouth of the dragon, and there is a golden metal bottom to the specter with all sorts of jewels covering the metal bottom.

Sailor Neptune says, amazed, “Sailor Moon.”

Sailor Pluto says, with a smile, “Perfect for our princess.” Sailor Moon looks at Tuxedo Mask and he has slight changes in which he has lost his cape and top hat, but the top hat has been replaced mask similar to Ryu’s mask, he has pouches for ninja tools attached to his belt, and the cane in his right hand gains a retractable blade. Then Tuxedo Mask notices a rose in his right hand which transforms into a thorn filled whip.

Tuxedo Mask says, amazed, “Incredible.”

Sailor Jupiter says, “Something tells me that’s more than for show.”

Sailor Venus asks, “What about Naruto?” When everyone looks at Naruto, he is looking over his new chakra cloak which looks like a lot like his Six Path Senjutsu Mode, but there are four wings coming out of his back, a Rinnegan-like eye on his forehead, ten Truth Seeker Balls surrounding him, two staffs similar to the ones that the Six Path Sage welds with one in each hand, and there is a short samurai sword attached to the left side of his waist.

Naruto says, “Whoa! What is this? I feel WAY stronger than I did before in this form.”

Kurama responds, “That’s because you have both half of my father’s power and a good portion of my Uncle Hamura’s power, brat! Be honored to have the power of both my father and my uncle! This is a great honor and it isn’t to be taken lightly.”

Naruto retorts, “I know, Kurama.”

Hamura tells Naruto, “I take it that you will do well to master your new Six Path GRAND Senjutsu Mode, will you not?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Believe it. And this is ‘grand’ all right.”

Hamura tells Naruto, “The changes might seem slight, but they are beyond that the looks, young Naruto.” Hamura tells Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts, “And now, I have granted you the power of chakra through the power of my chakra and the power of the sacred ninja animal spirits infused in you.”

Tuxedo Mask tells Hamura, “We won’t let your gift go to waste, Hamura-dono.”

Hamura says, “I know that you won’t, Prince Endymon-sama. I beg you to help the reincarnation of my nephew. My brother may be the ‘savior of the world’, but even he needed help and any ‘savior’ needs the help of those that he can trust as we have learned when Queen Serenity aided us to defeat our mother so long ago.”

Naruto tells Hamura, “Hold on, Old Man Hamura-sama! You showed me how to use your technique when you gave me your power, but we don’t know where the Star Saber is! We need it!”

Hamura responds, “You have already been given the ‘key’ to the Star Saber by legendary sword smith.”

Naruto then remembers the first sword given to him by Muramasa and he says, “I knew that this rusted piece of junk had a secret to it!”

Hamura tells Naruto, “When the time is right, the ‘key’ will unlock the Star Saber when you need it.”

Sailor Mars says, “Most likely when we are in the most dire of straight.”

Hamura says, “There is also one more thing.” Just then a golden orb comes out of Hamura’s form and goes into Sailor Moon’s broach.

Sailor Moon asks, confused, “What happened?”

Hamura says, “One final measure of protection. If you need it, this ‘final measure’ will activate, your majesty.”

Sailor Moon says, “I hope that we won’t need it.”

Hamura says, “I hope so too, your majesty. However, my brother was the idealist between the two of us and I was more of the realistic despite me embracing the ideal of ninshu and I still believe in it, Princess Serenity. My brother was the sun and I was the moon. I was the protective shadow that protected his dream and ideal.”

Naruto tells Hamura, “Well, you don’t have to be anymore, Old Man Hamura-sama. I’ll make Old Man Hagoromo’s dream come true and save everyone, believe it!”

Hamura says, “I know so. And this is why I have made this.” Hamura points to an area and everyone looks to see a life-life and colored statue of Naruto, in his regular clothing, Sage Mode with sage cloak on him, Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, and Six Path Senjutsu Mode.

Sailor Venus says, “Oh, wow!”

Hamura says, “You are worthy my brother’s legacy and proven to be his one true heir. I hope that you will continue never to disappoint, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, Second Sage of the Six Path.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Hey, don’t call me that since I haven’t saved our home yet! But I will, believe it!” Hamura nods his head and everyone gives a respectful bow as they head off to leave the temple for Naruto, the Sailor Scouts, and Tuxedo Mask to train in their new powers to prepare for the battles with Kaguya in order to save Naruto’s world and Earth as well.

Hamura thinks in his mind, “Good luck, my brother’s successor. However, the road will be hard and despite what power I am able to give you, great tragedy will strike you and her majesty.”

(Returning to the Elemental Countries; on the meanwhile)

Within Kaguya’s ‘mysterious lair’, Kaguya and Black Zetsu then sense something and this ‘feeling’ causes Kaguya to get an enraged look and his Byakugan eyes activate.

Kaguya yells out, angrily, “Hamura! How dare you, Hamura?!”

Black Zetsu says, “So, Hamura is indeed on Earth and he has given his power to Naruto, the Moon Princess, and her guardians. They will be more of a pain than ever.”

Kaguya says, angrily, “That power is mine! He has no right!”

Black Zetsu responds, “I know, mother. And he will pay for his actions and resistance against your will. However, this means that Asura’s reincarnation is stronger than ever along with the Moon Princess and her guardians. If we go against them in hap-hazard fashion, they may be able to do what those wretched sons of yours did to you before, mother.”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “You are right as usual, Zetsu. I will not give them a chance to seal or destroy me and they will pay for even thinking that!”

Black Zetsu responds, “Agreed mother. Now, let us move onto the next part of the plan.” As Kaguya and Black Zetsu continue with their plans for their next attack on Earth, they weren’t the only ones to sense what happened between Hamura, Naruto, and the Sailor Scouts, we rejoin the Reanimation Hokages and Hagoromo as Hagoromo looks up as he senses what happened.

Hashirama asks, “Sage-sama, what’s wrong?”

When the other Hokage look at him, Hagoromo responds, “It is nothing. We must continue our work.” The other Hokage nod their head and Hagoromo thinks, “So, you have found my son’s reincarnation worthy of your power and now, Naruto is stronger inside and out. Hope still burns, but my mother’s hatred and wrath have grown even stronger. I just hope that Naruto, her majesty, and the people of Earth can survive her wrath.”

And that’s the chapter, everyone! With information about Hagoromo’s brother so little, I knew that I had plenty of ‘flexibility’ in this story and I had figured that there was a reason that even the fact that the Six Path Sage had a brother wasn’t known in the history of Naruto’s world and in my story, he did it on purpose because while Hamura loved his brother and most likely, followed his ideals, at least in my mind, Hamura was more of a realistic while his brother, Hagoromo, more like an idealistic, in which you have to be to come up with the way of ninshu and having such belief in people despite twisting your ideals so much like the people of Naruto’s world did. Anyway, with coupling, there might be some ‘fluff’ between Naruto and the Sailor Scouts, but romance will not be a major part of this story. It will be part of the sequel, so, hold your horse, folks! Please read and review and later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!